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SKYE’S LINKS 02/09/23

spyballoons_chinGroupthink Means that No One is Thinking

China's Power Flex in the American Sky

From the Chinese spy balloon through the jabs and on to the media, from the loss of faith in institutions and the increasingly violent tribalism of the left, the world is suffering from Groupthink.

Universities and community colleges everywhere decided their noble mission is to teach people how to think. However, except in rare cases, they define thinking as logical induction. It is a form of pattern recognition logic that meshes well with computer databases.

The numbers are in, and the demographic most jabbed have master's degrees. This is the group most heavily indoctrinated in the university thought paradigm.

Least likely? People that work directly with the physical world and understand deductive thinking. Scott Adams laments that he, the brilliant pattern decoder, was fooled by the vaxx propaganda. Yet the project managers and superintendents running multimillion-dollar job sites, the electricians, auto mechanics, and others tied to the physical world avoided it.

Labor productivity is collapsing due to ESG mandates, and we have a coal shortage.

This means that the cement shortage will get worse.

Come over to Skye's Links and see how the Fourth Turning is progressing.



joe-lie-denThe Biden State of the Union last night (2/07) is the latest phase of the long leftist war on America.

Biden has clawed his way to the highest office in the land by selling out everything he ever claimed to have believed. And now he’s so far gone that he may not even know what he believes.

His pathetic rant, breathy, rushed, angry, was the belligerent tirade of a puppet who takes pride in being seen over the podium even if there’s a hand up his nether regions.

“Covid had shut down our businesses, closed our schools, and robbed us of so much,” Biden bemoaned. Covid didn’t do that. Democrats did. And, given a chance, they’ll do it again.

This is the criminally treasonous legacy of the Democrats and their corrupt figurehead.



I have never paid too much attention to Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Not for any particular reason, other than the fact that she was overshadowed by the looming presence of her boss Donald Trump.

So it was a revelation to me when she gave the first watchable response to the State of the Union address that I have ever seen. I have no idea how many people watched it, but I am pretty sure that clips from the speech will run for days in the media and on Twitter.

There’s no other way to put it: she killed it.  Watch the video to see for yourself, but here are the highlights first.



agios-lazarosWe’re all familiar with the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead four days after his entombment in John 11:1-44. But what happened to Lazarus afterwards – what did he do with the rest of his (second) life?

He left Judea to live on the island of Cyprus. There he met Paul the Apostle and his evangelizing partner Barnabas who was a Cypriot. They appointed him the first Bishop of Kition (present day Lanarca), where he lived for another 30 years, then upon his second death was buried for the last time.

A church was built over his marble sarcophagus which has undergone many resurrections itself over the last two millennia. But here it stands today after all those ravages of time, Agios Lazaros, the Church of St. Lazarus, over his still-preserved sarcophagus. On every Lazarus Saturday (eight says before Easter), an icon of St. Lazarus is taken in procession through the streets of Lanarca. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #165 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



House Oversight Chair James Comer

House Oversight Chair James Comer

When they hear James Comer speak with his lilting south-central Kentucky accent and courteous style, it would be an easy mistake for Democrats and targets of his newly fanged House Oversight Committee to underestimate the former Monroe County cattle farmer.

But Comer is a killer — and corruption is his prey.

Everything has changed in Washington since the Republicans won back the House, and Comer, as Chairman of the Oversight Committee, is champing at the bit to hold the Biden administration accountable. That includes getting to the bottom of the Biden family corruption as revealed in Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, and elsewhere, using the awesome power of Congress.

“This is not about Hunter Biden,” Comer said last week in a broad-ranging interview with The Post. “It’s about Joe Biden.” He aims to “prove Joe benefited financially and prove he made decisions against the best interests of the United States.”



the-bidesThe Biden Crime Family’s legal problems are beginning to converge in an interesting way.  It may be the formation of a perfect political storm.

Objective observers (which excludes the MSM) recognize that the Biden clan has had some shady financial dealings.  With recent events, the evidence is becoming undeniable.  As criminals often do, one of the co-conspirators may need to turn on the other to cover his tail.

In this case, Hunter Biden may be the one protecting himself at his partner's expense — with Joe Biden being the partner left holding the bag.

Hunter Biden's attempted scorched earth strategy may or may not help him legally.  It will definitely burn his father, Joe.



dead-vleiMany consider this the most surrealistic place on earth. The clarity of the air turns the sky deep cobalt blue, the dunes are so old they’ve rusted red, combining with the white clay floor to give the skeletal trees a scene out of a Dali painting or a science fiction movie. But it’s real.

A thousand years ago the river watering these trees dried up, leaving a white clay pan amidst red sand dunes almost as tall as the Empire State Building. It’s so dry here these acacia trees can’t decompose, their skeletons standing scorched in the sun for ten centuries.

Dead Vlei is in a region of enormous dunes called Sossusvlei. It’s a mind-boggling experience to float over Sossusvlei in a hot air balloon. Namibia, in fact, is full of such experiences – the largest fur seal colony anywhere at Cape Cross, the marvelous abundance of African wildlife at the Etosha Pan, the dramatic shipwrecks dotting the Skeleton Coast, traditional people living untouched by the modern world like the Himbas.

Plus it’s one of the safest and best-run countries in all Africa – certainly worth consideration for your bucket list. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #47 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



How do I remember what?

How do I remember what?

We each have, in effect, two selves: an experiencing self and a remembering self. Understanding the difference can help us make the most of our best times, and minimize the memory of our unpleasant ones.

Imagine that you’re asked to hold your hand in ice water for sixty seconds. It’s unpleasant, painful, and not something most of us would choose to do for fun.

Now, imagine that you’re asked to do the same thing, same temperature, but then once that 60 seconds is up, continue holding your hand in the ice water for another 30 seconds. The only difference is that the additional 30 seconds will be one degree warmer than the first 60 seconds.

Which would you choose?

The shorter one, of course! After all, the initial 60 seconds will be identical in both cases, and then you’re adding another 30 seconds more pain to that for the longer one…

Well, strange as it sounds, you’re likely to choose the longer one.  Here’s why, and here’s how not to.



winter-wildflowersWe’re in Portugal preparing for our WWX Portugal Exploration 2023 (May 12-21) where it’s sunny, clear, 64 degrees, and wildflowers are everywhere. This as an Ice Storm was sweeping across the US from Texas to New York the last few days. Lisbon, by the way, is just about the same latitude as Washington DC. (Not many know how far north Europe is – Rome, Italy for example, at 41°39’ North latitude, is north of New York City, at 40°44’N.)

The weather here is as benign as the culture. Portugal is consistently in the top five of the safest, most peaceful and crime-free countries on the planet. There is a total absence of divisiveness, anger, and woke insanity in this country. It is normal in the way America used to be but tragically is no more.

We all, of course, hope and pray that our country will be normal once again and in the not-distant future. But if you’d like to experience normality right now, with extraordinary history, spectacular beauty, and fabulous food and wine thrown in, join Rebel and me on our WWX Portugal Exploration 2023. You’ll have so much fun with your fellow TTPers!

(Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #256 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



break-it-upPfizer's Disaster

What it Means ______________________________________

Pfizer has unleashed its lawyers and lobbyists, bought and owned Congressmen, judges, and every unsavory propaganda house to counter the disastrous videos of their Jordan Trishton Walker. Billions of dollars are on the line, and the company has already lost $64 Billion in capitalization.

Pfizer's problems are widespread, which means many others face a financial catastrophe.

The modern philosophical basis of the New World Order, the Great Reset, and everything from the Frankfurt School to the current White House is fully displayed.

In this Week's HFR, we will discuss what this means. What does this mean to the Utilitarian and Hedonistic philosophies that underlie our power elites?

The last time the world saw such a divergence of cultures and ethical systems was during the 1930s in Germany. Pfizer has a severe problem; the vaxxed have serious issues, and the political leadership and educational systems have problems.

Let's talk ethics over at the HFR.