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Ufda.  That's Wow! in Swedish.  The reaction to the concept of a Radio Free Mexico has been amazing.  Yesterday (4/19), for example, I was interviewed on the Roger Hedgecock talk show in San Diego, and he was so excited about RFM he barraged me with questions:  Have you got your funding yet?  When will it be launched?  Do you have your programming lined up?

I had to explain to him:  "Roger - we only came up with this idea six days ago."  So let me give you an update.



The Jade Steps

Chapter Twenty-Five:  Prisoner In His Palace 

As they were returning to their quarters in the Palace of Axayacatl, Cortez announced, "If we cannot yet say Mass and have a chapel upon that temple, then at least for now we must be able to do so where we are housed.  Doña Marina, please send a request to Montezuma asking that we be allowed to build this chapel in his father's palace."

When word came quickly back that the request was granted, Cortez assigned his best carpenter, Alonso Yañez, to the task.  Early the next morning, Yañez, escorted by Juan Velasquez de Leon and Francisco de Lugo, interrupted the morning meal of Cortez and Malinali.  "Captain, we have found something you should see," he said.

Yañez brought them into a small room.  "We thought that this room would be appropriate for our chapel," he explained.  He walked over to one of the room's walls.  "Then I noticed something strange.  You can see that there is fresh plaster and paint here, most likely covering up a door.  A door to what we think is a hidden room."

Without hesitation, Cortez responded, "Señor Yañez, you are to be congratulated for your sharp eyes.  Let us open this hidden door."

Cortez called for torches.  Bernal appeared with lit torches for all just as Yañez and his assistant broke through the plastered doorway.  Cortez was the first to step into the black entrance of the sealed room, followed by de Leon, de Lugo, Malinali, Yañez, and Bernal. 

"Madre de Dios, Mother of God," exclaimed de Leon, as they all held their torches aloft.  "The Treasure of Montezuma."



The single greatest achievement of George W. Bush's presidency, which makes up for all its defects, is that there has not been one repeat - much less several - of the Moslem terrorist attack on America of September 11, 2001.

If you had bet $1000 on September 12, 2001 that four and a half years later there would not have been another such act of Moslem terrorism in America, with the odds the Vegas bookmakers would have given you you'd be a millionaire today.

This is not only the greatest achievement of the Bush presidency, it is the greatest mystery.  Why there hasn't been a 9-11 repeat seems inexplicable. How has GW done it?  The best explanation seems to be that he is holding Mecca as a nuclear hostage, revealed over a year ago in George Bush and the Sword of Damocles.

There may be an additional explanation.



The Pentagon takes the military and terrorist threat of Iran extremely seriously.  Yet the brass in Rummy's inner circle could not keep their faces straight with all the recent announcements from Tehran.

A week ago on April 7, the air force chief of Pasdaran, Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Hossein Salami, announced the successful firing of a stealth missile impossible to detect by radar, hailing the Fajr (Dawn) 3 as a "remarkable" achievement.

Turns out it was a primitive Shahab-2 copy of an unsophisticated Russian Scud-C.

Sunday April 9, the deputy naval commander of Pasdaran, Gen. Ali Fadavi announced the launching of "the world's fastest underwater missile," a torpedo so fast it was undetectable.

Turns out it's a poor copy of a Soviet-era rocket-powered torpedo, the Shkval.  It's range is less than four miles, has no target designation devices and is not self-homing.  It's huge wake makes it easy to spot and destroy.



A To The Point Editorial

Why is it that the left always denounces people on the right for ‘wrapping themselves in the American flag,' and is so fond of saying ‘patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels' - and then celebrates this same behavior when performed by illegal aliens?

The giant pro-illegal immigration rallies of Monday April 10 in many US cities have got to be the greatest exercises of phony flag waving in the history of America.  And newspapers like the Washington Post promoted it to the hilt, with front page pictures of demonstrators waving a sea of American flags and carrying signs saying ‘We are all Americans'.

It was such an incredibly obvious act of mass political cynicism.  The first mass pro-illegal alien demonstrations a couple of weeks before displayed the demonstrators' true loyalties by waving the Mexican flag.  Now they all turn on a dime and there's hardly a Mexican flag to be seen.  It's all we-love-America-red-white-and-blue.  Yet the chant is still the same:  Si se puede in Spanish, not ‘Yes we can' in English.

But ‘yes we can' what?



I am not a Mac user, although I have several friends who are.  I must admit the Mac interface is sleeker, the box more beautiful, and the software that comes with the Mac better integrated.

However third party software is in short supply, and Apple development environments are simply not up to Microsoft standards.

Mac's vaunted security, in my opinion, stems from its 4% of the market. Hackers don't get the ‘bang for the buck' in creating nasties for it as they do with Windows.  Furthermore, businesses rarely use Macs, and for professional identity thieves, Windows attacks are much more profitable.

For years, Mac users were the right-brainers, the creative types - as opposed to the left-brain, draw inside the line, corporate toady Windows users. Thus it was forever, it seems, until - in a Frankenstein-like mixing of body parts- Apple came up with the Intel processor-based Macintoshes described last week.



Next week Thursday, April 20, four days after what many Christians consider their holiest day, Easter, and celebrate the resurrection of Christ, President Bush will meet with Hu Jintao, President of Communist China, in the White House.

The purpose of the meeting is being billed as an attempt to settle "trade differences" between the US and China.  Bush may very well wheedle some minor trade concessions out of Hu, which will be piddling in terms of coming remotely close to correcting the gargantuan trade deficit we have with China.

Bush may also attempt to extract a concession from Hu regarding less Chinese oppression of Tibet - given that Hu was for some years the Chicom governor of Tibet and had a horrible record of tyranny over the Tibetan people. 

Bush will talk to Hu about nuclear proliferation, North Korea, Moslem terrorism, Iran, devaluing the Yuan, and other weighty matters.  Yet the topic Bush will be most interested in discussing with Hu is Christianity.



There's a cheap and easy way for anyone protecting the US-Mexico border from the alien invasion - such as the Minutemen - to spot an illegal a mile away.  So if you know any Minutemen, feel free to forward this to them.For here's how they can make their own Illegal Alien Detector.



If we had Ronald Reagan here with us today, he would be puzzled over the entire debate on "illegal immigration."  He would recognize that just like the Cold War, the liberals are arguing for appeasement and the conservatives for containment.  He would be asking conservatives, "Don't you fellows realize that just playing defense doesn't work?"

Of course, defense is critical.  You've got to prevent the other team from scoring touchdowns.  So you've got to build the fence authorized by the Sensenbrenner bill in the House.  You've got to shut the border down regarding the illegal flood.  You've got to disallow illegals (and, yes, their children) from access to government benefits.

There are many other things you can do to defend America from this invasion - but, the crucial but for Ronald Reagan, would be we can't just play defense. We've got to go on the offense.

Which means an offense against Mexico.  Not with guns and soldiers, but with ideas and information.  "To explain the truth and go on an ideological offensive against the Soviet Union," Reagan would say, "we had Radio Free Europe beamed to the Soviet colonies of Eastern Europe, and Radio Liberty beamed to people within the Soviet Union itself."

"So, obviously," Reagan would conclude, "now you need a Radio Free Mexico beamed to the people of Mexico for the purpose of liberating them from the socialism, poverty, and corruption in their country that drives them to leave it."



In Sunday's Washington Post Dafna Linzer and Barton Gellman provide their gullible readers with a reprise of one of the great myths of the runup to the Iraq war: that President Bush used blatantly false information to justify the war.

The story revolves around various claims by several intelligence services that Saddam's agents were trying to buy uranium in Africa. At least three European services - the French, the Italian, and the British - told Washington about the reported Iraqi efforts.

Linzer and Gellman are wrong, indeed so clearly wrong that it takes one's breath away. The British government did indeed have information about Iraqi efforts to purchase uranium in Africa.  The definitive British parliamentary inquiry - the Butler Commission Report of July, 2004 - totally endorsed the position of British intelligence.

Nonetheless, the conventional media spin is that "Bush lied."  How can that be?  Part of the answer - the other part being the malevolence of the press - is that the White House made a total hash of the whole thing, as is their wont.