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We're going to talk today about getting rid of an annoyance with Windows Updates. Every user should have it turned to Automatic.  But whether it is automatic or not, almost all the time after the update, your computer must be rebooted for the updates to take effect. The annoyance is that if you click no to the message box that asks you if you want to reboot now, the message box pops up every several minutes and asks the same fool question.  Worse, if you leave the room for several minutes when the message box pops up, it'll reboot automatically - losing whatever websites you were on or data you hadn't saved. This was really annoying me, and probably many of you.  After Jack sent me an email asking me how to prevent it, I finally decided to find out how to get rid of it.



Their efforts to politicize science are at once the most amusing and most alarming trait of liberals. On June 6, the National Academy of Sciences issued a report on climate change.  It "represented a unanimous decision that global warming is real, is getting worse, and is due to man," said CNN reporter Michelle Mitchell.  "There is no wiggle room." Dr. Richard Lindzen of MIT, one of the 11 scientists who prepared the report and considered by many to be America's leading climatologist, said this wasn't true: 



[This was originally in To The Point for July 4, 2004. It needed only a slight updating for 2006.  We at To The Point wish all of you an exceedingly happy Fourth of July.] July 4th is Freedom's Birthday. My suggestion is, amidst the fireworks and barbeques and flag-waving fun - all of which are great - that you take the time to feel good about America. Put aside your worries and concerns, your frustrations and fears about what's wrong with America. For one day, forget the negative - put it all in a zip-lock bag, hide it in the back of the freezer, and pretend it doesn't exist. One reason is that, for all your worries about America's culture and morality, you and all your fellow conservatives can feel good about your country. Liberals can't. One of the defining characteristics of leftie-liberals is an inability to feel truly proud of their country - proud to the bone. You cannot be a liberal without feeling apologetic and embarrassed over being an American. You cannot be a conservative without lacking any such embarrassment or compulsion to apologize at all. Being an American is simply the coolest thing on earth.



Women know all about last straws.  It will thus take a woman to explain to the puzzled men of the New York Times, the Hamas Palestinians, and the Al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq why the events of this past week were last straws. "Men are essentially clueless," most any gal will be happy to tell you.  "We keep giving them hints that things are bugging us, they keep right on ignoring the hints, until one day when we finally can't take it any more, we snap - and they are hurt and bewildered." So it is that Editor-in-Chief Bill Keller and his fellow traitors at the New York Times are playing the besieged victim in the face of the torrent of outrage over their treasonous exposure of Bush's tracking of terrorist financing. Just as are the terrorists of Hamas, the poor little victims of Zionist oppression who can't understand why this one last provocation, kidnapping an Israeli soldier, could prompt the threat of all-out war against them. As for Al Qaeda in Iraq, they have had a collective senior moment, a memory lapse that could prove fatal.  Here's the story they forgot:



Since we launched To The Point at the end of March, 2003, we have issued the TTP Weekly Report every single week for the last three+ years.  I'm really proud of that and have every intention of continuing this record. It's going to be challenging to do so this summer, so here we go with an experiment.  I haven't been stuck in DC for these past three years straight, but wherever I wandered off to in the world during that time, it's been for a short while, like a couple of weeks or so here and there. This summer is different, for I'll be out of the country for all of July and August.  Sometimes I'll be in places where there will be an Internet connection, and sometimes not.  Wherever I'm in the former, you'll hear from me - but there may be a gap or two when I'm in the latter. The TTP staff will make sure that the Weekly Report gets out in time, and with our brilliant regulars like Joel Wade, Michael Ledeen, Jack Kelly, Neal Asbury, Dagny D'Anconia, and Dennis Turner.  As for me, I'll be providing at least a "sitrep" (situation report) on each country I'm in.  As of now, that will be:  Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Israel, Croatia, Montenegro, Austria, Switzerland, France, and Spain.  Plus a surprise or two.



We spend tens of billions of dollars each year on (often not very good) intelligence.  But all al Qaeda needs to buy is a subscription to the New York Times. The administration has sound legal grounds for prosecuting the Times under the Espionage Act, Gabriel Schoenfeld argued in a lengthy essay in Commentary in March.  Newsday columnist James Pinkerton thinks the Times should be prosecuted, but that the Bush administration lacks the political courage to do so. For the sake of the nation's security, the Times must be prosecuted, most especially its Editor, Bill Keller. (Google "Bill Keller" + "treason" and you'll get close to 40,000 hits.)



Last month we discussed in Bad News for Hugo how the ugliest man in Mexico right now is Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.  By getting voters to think that Lopez Obrador would be a Mexican Chavez if elected president this Sunday (July 2), Felipe Calderon has a chance of beating him. It's a given in most every conservative mind that an Obrador victory would be a disaster for the US, and a Calderon one vastly preferable.  That's because Obrador is an anti-American Marxist and Calderon is a pro-American free market advocate.  It seems a no-brainer to root for Calderon. I, too, will be rooting for Felipe this Sunday.  Regrettably, the odds favor Obrador.  We can hope he loses, but if he wins, we'd better start thinking fast how to turn the danger of his victory into an opportunity. Let's start now.



It was back in October 2004, in Porter At The Pass, that we first discussed the true nature of the CIA:

Most folks think the CIA is a right-wing outfit. It is not. The CIA has been dominated by incompetent left-wing hyper-liberals for years.
These CIA lefties - known as "Rogue Weasels" by their more competent counterparts - were conducting a covert war against the Bush Administration by leaking damaging classified information to leftwing journalists in the press. When George Bush finally got rid of George Tenet and installed Porter Goss as CIA Director, the weasels began a covert war against their own agency - as discussed in The Rogue Weasels Club last December.  That's because Porter was trying to root them out. One of the chief weasels Porter was able to dump was Deputy Director of Operations Stephen Kappes, who had been a principal conduit of classified information leaked to Washington Post reporters Dana Priest and Walter Pincus.   How the weasels struck back and got their revenge on Porter was explained in Porter and Casey last month.  Now this week, we have final confirmation of the weasels' triumph. 



Some day we will be forced to deal fully with the war we are in, and when that happens we're going to discover a lot of very nasty problems about the future of America. One of them has to do with, of all things, the First Amendment. Consider this story from Wednesday's (June 21) London Times about British jihadis coming to Queens to recruit Americans.  And where did they recruit them?  In a mosque, of course. Because there's always a mosque, as my Italian friend Magdi Allam has been repeating for several years. Not all mosques are jihadi, but all jihadis come from a mosque.



We call To The Point "The Oasis for Rational Conservatives."  We've gotten a flood of emails this week asking if articles on certain websites claiming that George Bush has "a secret plan to abolish American sovereignty" are being pushed by Irrational Conservatives. The answer is yes.  We all focus so much on the moonbats of the left - barking mad hairshirts like Algore, folks driven treasonously insane by Bush Derangement Syndrome - that it's important to recognize there are moonbats of the right. For some weird reason which has to do with psychology rather than reality, a small but loud subset of conservatives easily falls prey to conspiracy theories about cabals of powerful people meeting in secret to take over the world:  the Bilderbergers, the Trilaterialists, the Council on Foreign Relations, or some such. The world headquarters of this subset of conservatives is on a grassy knoll in downtown Dallas.