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MICROSOFT ONENOTE: The Best Personal Organizer

Many programs have been written over the years to help computer users organize their contacts, to-do lists, notes and progress, to link Web sites to certain topics, and to offer a variety of other activities. These programs include Microsoft Outlook itself. In recent years, however, the demands on such programs have become increasingly severe, including video, audio, sharing content and allowing others to revise content with all the revision capabilities of Microsoft Word. It is unusual for Microsoft to get something right the first time, but the program I use very successfully is Microsoft OneNote, an add-on to Microsoft Office.  If you aren't a Premium Subscriber to Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Downloads, as I am, you can buy it separately at $99. It is well worth the money.  Here's why.



Why is the Moqtada al Sadr - nicknamed "Mookie" by our troops - still alive? That this question can still be asked illustrates why things are going south for the U.S. in Iraq. The Moqtada al Sadr is a creature of Iran, which funds his militia.  Twice before (in April and August of 2004) he ordered uprisings against U.S. troops.  At the time, there was a warrant out for his arrest for the murder of (the genuinely moderate) Shia cleric Ayatollah Abdul Majid al Khoei, who was gunned down by Mahdi army members in April, 2003. "Mookie" al Sadr has the blood of dozens of Americans, and thousands of Iraqis, on his hands.  There is evidence he has been coordinating with al Qaeda.  Yet al Sadr is not dead.  He is not in prison.  He is in the government.  And people wonder why U.S. policy in Iraq is failing.



There are 245 million folks in Indonesia.  88% of them, or 215 million, are Moslem, comprising the largest Moslem population on earth.  Just 8% of Indonesians are Christian, 2% are Hindu, and only 1% are Buddhist. Yet the most famous landmark of Indonesia - the archaeological wonder of Borobudur - is Buddhist.  In fact, it is the world's largest Buddhist monument.  Indonesia's most famous tourist destination and most famous culture is the island of Bali.  The people of Bali are not Moslem.  They are Hindu. Indonesia used to be Buddhist and Hindu, and is a long ways from Arabia.  How did this place become Moslem? Answering that question may lead us to a surprising conclusion: Our focus in the War on Islamic Terrorism has been the Middle East, then secondarily with fears that Europe is becoming Eurabia.  But it may well turn out that this war will be won or lost in Indonesia.



Will the saga of the world's most famous fellatrice return to haunt Hillary in 2008?  There's this fascinating whisper making the Washington rounds that says yes. While convoluted and circumstantial, a number of plugged-in Washingtonians believe it.  The story starts with Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin was President of Russia from its emergence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 to 1999.  In October of 2000, part three of his autobiography was published, Midnight Diaries.  In it, there was an astounding revelation: That in "late 1996," after Bill Clinton's re-election in November, he (Yeltsin) received a highly classified report from his Foreign Intelligence Service (Russian acronym SVR, formerly a branch of the KGB).  Russian intel had learned that the President of the United States was having an affair with an intern named Monica Lewinsky. This was over a full year before the world learned of the scandal via the Drudge Report internet website on January 19, 1998.  The President of the United States was about to be blackmailed.



2008.  That's the number that dooms North Korea's lunatic tyrant Kim Jong-il.  If there's one thing the Chicoms in Beijing are not going to let anyone screw up, it's their coming-out party to the world, the 2008 Olympics.  They are not about to tolerate some nuclear fruitcake causing a million-death war on their doorstep.  That's why they are studying Romanian history, circa 1989. That was the year that communist generals in the Securitatae (secret police) staged a putsch and seized power after executing Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena.  Their death by machine-gun was videotaped.  Baby Kim has a copy, and is requiring all his subordinates to view it.  It's to teach them a lesson, but you'd think that it would give them ideas instead. It's a good bet that the Chicoms will soon be instigating a Romanian-type overthrow of Baby Kim and installing a new regime in Pyongyang.  It won't be a pro-West democracy promising disarmament and union with South Korea - but it will be far less belligerent and far more peaceful. Such a regime will be a colony of China and will resist demands for genuine democratic elections.  What it won't be able to resist is its being rapidly Christianized.



The coming years will make you more vulnerable than ever What are the dangers of storing ever more e-mail, documents, photos and financial account information online? I first read interviews with experts and then designed several scenarios that depict what could happen in the next few years if technological innovation and public policy trends in three categories - online storage, location tracking and biometrics - remain on their current course. Tracking Your Location The scenario: The police are at your house on official business, your inbox is flooded with pornographic ads - and all you did was drive to the mall to buy an anniversary gift. Welcome to wireless location tracking in the year 2020. On Saturday morning, you jumped into your car and plugged in your new high-speed Internet phone. The phone downloaded data to the car's real-time holographic traffic map and guided you to the mall along the route with the least traffic. To find the jewelry store, you downloaded a map of the mall to your phone. The turn-by-turn directions took you past a new lingerie shop, so you wandered inside for a few seconds. Then you proceeded to the jewelry store, and in 15 minutes your shopping was done. A little later, you started receiving raunchy multimedia messages hawking sex toys. While you were inside the lingerie shop, the store's data reader pinged your phone via Bluetooth and then automatically bought your contact information from commercial data brokers. Now its affiliate, which sells novelty adult items, can legally market to you via e-mail, claiming an ongoing business relationship.



One year ago, in September 2005, you learned what is actually causing whatever global warming the earth is experiencing.  Solar Warming explained the specific mechanism involved:  the sun's increased magnetic activity deflecting the rain of cosmic rays upon the atmosphere, resulting in fewer clouds reflecting sunlight back into space and thus a warmer earth. This month, scientists at the Center for Sun-Climate Research at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen released the results of very well-designed and controlled experiments demonstrating the chemical mechanism of cosmic ray action upon cloud formation.  Folks, this a big deal.  These are the results of a controlled experiment by serious scientists, not some GIGO (garbage-in/garbage-out) computer climate modeling.  They experimentally demonstrate how the cause of global warming or "climate change" is the sun, not us. The argument for man-made global warming is dead.



Freeman Dyson, who is a famous physicist and Professor Emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton University, argues in the current issue of  The New York Review of Books that the 9/11 Moslem terrorists are deserving of “respect” : "Yes, I wrote that we should respect our enemies as human beings in order to understand them. I do not retract or apologize for this statement. I would like only to add a more general statement, that our lack of respect for our enemies made it harder for us to deal with them effectively."  Yet it needs to asked:  Why should one respect someone as a human being? Does the mere fact of membership in the human species amount to some worthwhile achievement? No. Why then respect one merely for being human?  Hitler was human, child molesters are human and it is pretty preposterous to consider them worthy of any sort of respect.  So, that part of Professor Dyson's claim is arguably false.  Let's take the other part. Why would lack of respect imply lack of understanding? Much of the world around us deserves no respect at all, yet we can understand it pretty well. As a physicist, while he understands them, does Professor Dyson respect the electron or the quark?



As the U.S. takes the lead in formulating the international response to North Korea's (apparently fizzled) nuclear test, there is a question which ought to be asked: Why is this our problem? In 1950, this was easy to answer.  The fledgling democracy in South Korea was too weak to protect itself.  North Korea was then an agent of an international Communist conspiracy.  But that was more than half a century ago.  The Soviet Union has collapsed.  North Korea remains Stalinist, has a formidable military, and still dreams of conquering the South.  But its objectives are peninsular, not global, and it has little likelihood of obtaining them, even without American intervention. That's because South Korea now  has a formidable military, which could be made much more formidable if the South Koreans chose to do so.  South Korea today has more than twice the population of North Korea, 24 times the national wealth. So why can't the South Koreans take care of the problem themselves?



Have Americans lost the will to win wars? Not just in Iraq, but anywhere? Do we really believe that being nice is more important than victory? It's hard enough to bear the timidity of our civilian leaders - anxious to start wars but without the guts to finish them - but now our military leaders have fallen prey to political correctness.  Unwilling to accept that war is, by its nature, a savage act and that defeat is immoral, influential officers are arguing for a kinder, gentler approach to our enemies. They're going to lead us into failure, sacrificing our soldiers and Marines for nothing: Political correctness kills.  It's all in the Army's new counterinsurgency doctrine laid out in Field Manual 3-24.  The doctrine is so dishonest and cowardly that it's message is: Let our troops die, just don't hurt anyone's feelings