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Among American conservative and hawkish political circles, it's an article of faith that much of Western Europe is anti-American. Whether it be dislike for President Bush, opposition to the U.S.-led war in Iraq, the American refusal to be governed by international institutions, the growing Eurabian alliance or simple resentment of U.S. military and economic superiority, many of our Western European allies seem often to be more like enemies.  None more so than France, with whom our country has developed  shared hostility in the post-9/11 world. So it was with great surprise that I found myself in the company last weekend of French people who are fervently pro-American. It was a dinner party held in the San Francisco Bay Area and given in honor of Philippe Manteau, the French founder and president of a think tank called the Euro-American Liberty Institute (EALI).



I panned the puerile recommendations of the Iraq Study Group in an earlier column, and will not re-plow that ground here.  But the mere existence of the ISG tells us some unpleasant things about ourselves that we ought to know, but evidently don't. First, there is the speed with which Congress palmed off its responsibility to conduct oversight of Executive  Branch policies to a private panel of has-beens.  It's time our lawmakers paid more attention to their responsibilities, and less to their privileges. Then there is the glee with which many in the Washington establishment -- particularly in journalism -- greeted the (glaringly obvious) finding that things are not going well in Iraq suggests an elite so insulated and out of touch that it sees no ill consequences flowing to themselves from a defeat being inflicted upon their country.  The appropriate response of serious people would have been concern, perhaps anger.  But an elite that sees a big setback in the war against Islamofascism chiefly in terms of its impact on domestic politics is not comprised of serious people.



One of the most all-time famous songs of the Beatles is Get Back.  It was first performed publicly on the rooftop of their Apple Studios in London on January 30, 1969.  Not until that April was it released as a single recording.  It's solid fun golden rock n' roll, which you can enjoy by watching the rooftop performance of Get Back. As you do, listen carefully to the melody and the words of the first verse.  For it seems that British Prime Minister Tony Blair performed what musicians call a "cover" of the Beatles' song, when he delivered a speech last Friday (12/08) to an invited audience at Downing Street (the British White House). Blair declared he expected Moslem immigrants to conform to the common values of British culture:  "Conform to it, or don't come here. We don't want the hate-mongers."  He was in effect singing Get Back with these revised lyrics: Momo was a Moose-limb and a true believer Thought he'd kill some infidel scum Momo left his home in Quetta, Pakistana For a Lon-donistan slum Get back, get back. Get back to where you once belonged Get back, get back. Get back to where you once belonged. Get back, Momo. Go home. Get on home, Mohammed. Your momma's waiting for you....


Chapter Twenty-Nine: THE NIGHT OF TEARS

The Jade Steps Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Night of Tears Malinali looked at each of the men standing silently around her.  Several of them were weeping.  She caught Bernal's eye.  "We mourn for him, Doña Marina," he said quietly to her, "and not just those of us who were unable to protect him from his own people today.  All of us are in sorrow, for he showed such kindness to us." That she would be holding the hand of an Aztec Emperor as he died, that the Aztecs themselves would murder their King, that these mysterious men from another world who had come to conquer his kingdom would weep openly over his death - these were thoughts she found overwhelming.  She crossed herself and prayed silently to the Virgin Mary for comfort and understanding. It was Cortez who broke the silence.  "Doña Marina, please select a noble from Montezuma's entourage and have him deliver a message to the people of this city:  He is to tell them that their Lord is dead at their hands, that they have killed their king.  They must now give him the funeral and burial rites he deserves, and after that they must allow us to leave the city in peace."



If you've seen the story all over the media about incoming Democrat Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Silvestre Reyes botching basic questions about Middle East politics, you've probably asked yourself - are these guys really that dumb? Here's one way to answer the question.  Until he was tapped by President Bush to run the Security & Exchange Commission, Chris Cox (R-CA 1989-2005) was acknowledged for years to possess the most formidable brains on Capitol Hill.  There is absolutely no doubt - he is breathtakingly bright. But when I tweaked him once about his reputation (I've known Chris since 1986 when he joined the legal counsel's office in the Reagan White House), he gave me a bemused smile and said, "Jack, being the smartest man in Congress is like being the tallest building in Topeka."



In a story that attracted international attention, the Associated Press reported Nov. 24 that:

Shia militiamen grabbed six Sunnis as they left Friday worship services, doused them with kerosene and burned them alive near Iraqi soldiers who did not intervene, Iraqi Police Capt. Jamil Hussein said. The savage revenge attack for Thursday's slaying of 215 people in the Shiite Sadr City slum occurred as members of the Mahdi Army militia burned four mosques and several homes while killing an unknown number of Sunni residents in the once-mixed Hurriyah neighborhood of Baghdad.
MSNBC's Contessa Brewer said this sensational story was a trigger for the network's decision to refer to the conflict in Iraq as a civil war.  But two difficulties have emerged with the it: First, both the U.S. military and the Iraqi government say they can find no evidence the incident reported by Capt. Hussein ever occurred. Second, Jamil Hussein may not even exist.  He may be an invention of the Associated Press.  The Iraqi Ministry of the Interior says it has no police captain named Jamil Hussein.



Have you ever heard of a religious visa petitioner?  Any recognized religious organization may file a R-1 visa request for a foreign national to come to the US and work for them. Since September 11, 2001, more than 5,000 petitioners have applied to sponsor foreign religious workers.  The majority of them are Moslems.  The majority were granted visas and immigration benefits without proper background checks. Is the US Citizenship and Immigration Service pro-terrorist, trying to get Moslem terrorists into our country?  No - but it might as well be.



It takes a brave politician to stand up alone against a tidal wave of religious hysteria.  Such a man is Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma.  He has publicly denounced man-made global warming as a "hoax" and held a hearing in Congress yesterday (12/06) to expose it as such. Jim Inhofe is waging a valiant struggle, and it would have been helped had he someone to testify about how "global warming" is an issue of religious fanaticism, rather than just misguided science. "Global warming" (or more specifically man-made or "anthropogenic" global warming) is a secular religion believed in by people who have abandoned Christianity. The vast majority of global warming fanatics are from Western cultures.  Not a lot of Chinese or Hindus or Moslems are in a tizzy about it. These fanatics are almost all ex-Christians, born and raised in a Christian culture which they grew up to reject.



President Kennedy once hosted a dinner for Nobel Prize winners.  At the dinner he reportedly said: "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined here alone." After reviewing the report of the Iraq Study Group, released Wednesday, New York Post editorial page editor John Podhoretz declared: "The nation's capital hasn't seen such concentrated wisdom in one place since Paris Hilton dined alone at the Hooters on Connecticut Avenue." T. F. Boggs, an Army sergeant recently returned from his second tour in Iraq, said the recommendations were a "joke" that "could only have come from a group of old people who have been stuck in Washington for too long."



[This is the text of a speech I just gave at the Leadership Institute in Washington DC.  Founded in 1979 by Morton Blackwell, the LI has trained tens of thousands of conservatives for leadership in politics, media, and academia.  I encourage you to consider participating in and supporting its efforts. ---JW] A CONSERVATIVE HAT TRICK: Achieving Limited Government, Energy Independence, and Victory Over Islamofascism Leadership Institute - December 6, 2006 I've been a conservative all my life - even in high school and college.  I never went through some juvenile left-wing trip, I always thought Che Guevara was a commie thug, always admired Barry Goldwater and of course, Ronald Reagan. Yes, I'm an Ayn Rand Objectivist, Ludwig Von Mises laissez faire capitalist type of conservative, yet I've always thought that the conservative political movement held the best actual hope in reality for solving many of America's most basic problems. In truth, though, I don't care about problems.  I care about solutions.  Problems are not important.  Only solutions to them are.  So this morning, we are not going to talk about problems - however easy and tempting it would be to do so in our post-November 7, Speaker Pelosi world.  Instead we are going to talk about solutions, solutions to three of the largest problems we face today.  How do we achieve genuinely limited government, end our dependence on foreign oil that subsidizes our enemies, and defeat a threat to our liberties greater than even Soviet Communism, that of Islamofascism?