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Do you care about the fall of dollar against the euro? Here's why you should care and what might be done about it. The exchange rate movement implies that the whole physical stock of Europe (land, buildings, machines, art, etc.) is suddenly worth 40 percent more in dollar terms than it was six years ago - and this of course is nonsense, given there has been no drastic difference in the performance of the relative economies in the last six years. Many economic commentators argue that the dollar has fallen relative to the euro largely because of the U.S. trade deficit, and must fall further to rectify it, even though the United States has been running a trade deficit for years. In fact, it has been the desire of foreign governments, companies and individuals to buy dollar assets, such as U.S. government bonds, which has caused the trade deficit. For them to obtain dollars to invest in the U.S., they must sell us goods and services.



The New Republic is one of the founding bastions of American liberalism, founded in 1914.  For months now, its youthful editors have been standing by a story of their "Baghdad Diarist" alleging revolting behavior by our soldiers in Iraq. The allegations were shown to be false, no witnesses were found, still the editors stood their ground.  Then they had a telephone conversation with their Diarist, one Pvt. Beauchamp, who refused in the conversation to confirm his story. The phone conversation took place on Sept. 6 and was taped.  When it was leaked this week, New Republic readers discovered that the editors, having never told them about the conversation, had been lying to them all along.  There goes the credibility of yet another liberal bastion.



If you were Vladimir Putin, what would you think of Iran? You'd worry a lot about it, that's what. Your own Russia is losing Russians, due to the usual grim demography that characterizes most of Europe. And, like the others, you've got a Moslem problem, with surging birthrates both within Russia and all along its borders, from Chechnya to the ‘Stans. Lots of those Moslems are under Iranian sway. The Iranians want to build on that foundation to extend their power deeper into your domain. You therefore want to see this regime destroyed. The last thing in the world that you want is a gigantic Chechnya, armed with nuclear weapons, launching waves of fanatical terrorists against infidels like you. But you don't have much of an army any more, and anyway you don't want a war with the mullahs. Direct attack is not your way; you prefer cunning. You'd rather have someone else do your dirty work for you. Someone like Israel, or better yet, the United States. And best of all would be to get the Americans to do it in such a way that the whole world condemns them for it. So what you'd do is...



Last Thursday (10/18), a group of 80 people from 15 European countries, plus Israel, Canada and the United States, convened in a conference room on the seventh floor of the European Parliament building in Brussels for a "Counterjihad" meeting. They listened to speakers such as the Egyptian-born scholar Bat Ye'or, author of the book Eurabia, who explained how the European Union (EU) has become a vehicle for the Islamization of Europe: "The EU has promoted massive Moslem immigration... hoping that the Euro-Arab symbiosis through economic development, soft diplomacy and multiculturalism would guarantee [Europe] peace, markets and oil." Fortunately, there is some good news as well.  With the elections of October 21, a political Counterjihad may have begun in Switzerland.



House Speaker Pelosi Galore has suffered a bombardment of criticism for pushing a vote for the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H. Res. 106.  Note its date of introduction to the relevant committee with a registered bill number:  January 30, 2007.  Over eight months later, she starts flogging this dead historical horse.  Why now? The criticism has all been for Pelosi's "ignorance" of Turkish sensitivities in the matter and her "incompetence" for her embroiling the House in a pointless debacle.  As Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) said in the Orlando GOP presidential candidate debate (10/22):   "Nancy Pelosi is not a very good Speaker and is a lousy Secretary of State."   But what if she's much worse than that?  What if she is pushing the Armenian resolution for the conscious purpose of damaging America's increasingly successful war in Iraq?  And there is an even more frightening question.



One of the more depressing aspects of our current cultural morass is the overwhelming dominance of the Marxist Moonbat Left on our college campuses.  The massive support and sympathy for Islamofascism and what I call Fabian Sharia-ism (constant demands for special consideration for Moslems in accordance with their phony "Sharia" Islamic "law") is seen at universities everywhere. That's why what's happening at the University of Toronto is interesting.  Canada for the most apart is even more wimp-out appeasing to Moslem demands than the US.  So it's not surprising that the popular campus restaurant, Bluff's, caved to the Moslem Student Association (MSA) and changed its menu for all chicken and beef dishes to be certified "halal," the Moslem equivalent of kosher. That of course wasn't good enough for the Moslems, who see, just like the Communists, any offer of accommodation as weakness, thus an invitation to make further demands.  They claimed Bluff's changing its menu according to their wishes was actually "offensive" to them, for Bluff's continued to serve them food in an "unsuitable" environment.  That is, Bluff's continues to serve beer and play dance music.



It's getting harder to write negative stories about the situation in Iraq, but Jay Price and Qasim Zein of the McClatchy Newspapers did their best: "A drop in violence around Iraq has cut burials in the huge Wadi al Salam cemetery (in Najaf) by at least one third in the past six months, and that's cut the pay of thousands of workers who make their living digging graves, washing corpses or selling burial shrouds," they wrote Oct. 16. Nostalgia for the bad old days was also evident in the decision of the Washington Post to publish Tuesday (10/16) an op-ed signed by 12 former U.S. Army captains deploring the situation in Iraq.  The Post neglected to mention that none of them have been in Iraq since Gen. Petraeus took command and we started winning this war. Perhaps the Post chose veterans whose information is old and stale because those serving in Iraq now might not say what the editors of the Washington Post would like to have you hear.



Every move the Putin administration makes today is dictated by the desire to shape Russia's future internal power structure and to set the course for the country's foreign and security affairs in general, and its relationship with the United States in particular for years to come. Keeping the relationship with Washington on the verge of a crisis and inventing an imaginary "American enemy" is creating much needed legitimacy for the current Russian leadership, which now has only Mr. Putin's personal popularity as its political base. The image of Russia surrounded by enemies is absolutely necessary for today's Russian ruling class of senior secret police officers, as it positions them in the eyes of the people as the saviors and defenders of Mother Russia. Russia is being Re-Sovietized.



One of the nicest and sharpest guys in the Senate is John Ensign of Nevada.  As the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, he's in a good position to handicap the Senate races for 2008. He did just that at a small briefing on Capitol Hill this week, promising to do so without any Pollyannic varnish.  Judge for yourself.  Currently, of 100 Senate seats, 51 are Democrat (counting Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman), 49 are Republican.  The odds seem slim that the GOP could gain the majority, but less slim that the Dems will expand theirs.  Thirteen months is an eternity on an election clock.  There will be surprises on both sides, count on it. There are 22 Republican seats up, including five retirements, while the Dems have only 12.  Many GOP seats are vulnerable, but the Dems' main targets are:



A fellow I know, Dave Marlett, answered yes to this question and has come up with a real way to do so.  A real way any individual American can. It happened when he wanted to get his house painted last spring.  He couldn't find, out of all the house painting businesses that he called, one that could guarantee it didn't employ illegal alien workers. There have to be companies who follow the law and refuse to hire illegals, he told himself.  But how would he or anyone find them?  What if there was a way to find them, a sort of clearinghouse enabling customers all over the country to locate companies that have pledged to hire only legal workers? That's how Dave conceived of ProAmericaCompanies.    rebel holiday