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There were no elections in Iran last Friday (3/14), whatever you may have heard. The "turnout" was shockingly low, even by past standards, as is demonstrated by the obvious panic in Tehran, where the mullahs kept the polls open an extra five hours. This was not, as they said, to make sure the patriotic citizens of the capital could drop their ballots in the box, but because they had to bus the reluctant faithful and the subservient government employees to the election offices, so as to be able to claim a large, voluntary participation. Even so, the official figure of 60 percent has no relationship to the actual event, in which perhaps 10 or 15 percent actually "voted." The fraud was so obvious that even the European Union denounced the "elections" as neither free nor fair, despite their wish to pass off the Islamic Republic (as former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and current McCain-campaign advisor once famously put it) as "a democracy."



Nearly 4,000 American service members and about 100,000 Iraqis (most of them in the suicide bombings for which al Qaeda has become infamous) have been killed since March 19, 2003.  Has it been worth it? Iraqis apparently think so.  Last week ABC and the BBC released results of a poll conducted in Iraq last month.  In it 55 percent of Iraqis said their lives were going well, up from 39 percent last August.  Forty nine percent of Iraqis think the U.S. invasion was justified, up from 37 percent in August.  The Iraqis have been freed from an oppressive tyrant, and are the recipients of billions of dollars of economic aid.  But has it been worth it for us? The Bush administration had both short and long term strategic goals for invading Iraq; some publicly stated, some not.  All are on the verge of being met.



potala2 I took this picture of the Potala on my first expedition across Tibet in 1986. Even though I've since logged over 10,000 kilometers criss-crossing Tibet, seeing the Potala is always a fantastic thrill, one of man's great architectural masterpieces built centuries ago in Tibet's capital of Lhasa. It is no thrill, however, for Tibetans. For them, the Potala is "dead," for the Dalai Lama no longer lives there. The Potala is instead a bitter reminder to Tibetans that their country has been stolen, that they are slaves to their masters, the Chinese. COA (Chinese Occupational Army) garrisons are littered throughout Tibet. The Tibetans call them Tibu Baptu, Monkey Stations. Tibetans look upon Chinese soldiers as tibu, monkeys; Chinese Communist Party officials as pakba, pigs; and the swarms of Chinese immigrants sent to colonize Tibet as chusin, crocodiles devouring Tibet's culture. After slaughtering two million Tibetans in the Chicom seizure of Tibet since 1951, destroying its sacred monasteries, exiling and demonizing the beloved Dalai Lama, and colonizing it with imperial tyranny, the Chinese Pakba have the audacity to elaborately celebrate each year the "Liberation" of Tibet. This year, wonderfully and finally, the Tibetans fought back.  And even more wonderfully, it made world-wide headlines, exposing the brutality and horror of Chinese imperialism to the entire world. For the latest developments on the ground in Tibet, see SaveTibet and FreeTibet.  The latter in particular will explain how you can personally participate in the liberation of Tibet and in ruining China's Genocide Olympics. What I want to discuss here are three aspects of the situation you may not otherwise hear about.



That didn't take long, did it?  That's the way it is with frenzies, whether they're dotcom bubbles or phony messiahs.  A few moments of "the madness of crowds," then it's down the rabbit hole of history. So there goes another Great Black Hope, the Great Liberal Dream of absolution from America's racist sins dashed yet again.  Better luck in 2012 or 2112, O ye liberal sinners, because it's over in 2008.  Obama is toast. You know he's toast when Chris Matthews, who poses as a tough-guy bully but is really just a liberal pussy wallowing in white guilt, goes apoplectically over the top proclaiming Obama's speech in Philly today to be "one of the great speeches in American history," surpassing Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream and "worthy of Abraham Lincoln." To see the total absurdity of this, try imagining Martin Luther King's reaction to a Jeremiah Wright sermon.  You can be quite confident he would publicly denounce it as the most vile racism and walk out of the church.  Obambi and his not-proud-of-her-country wife stayed for 20 years. This smooth-talking charismatic con man is lying through his teeth when he said he wasn't really aware of his pastor sermonizing "God Damn America."  God Damn America?  No, God Damn Barack Obama. 



This week's HFR is way, way more than half-full - it's overflowing.  The delicious destruction of a Democrat fascist is so orgasmic it can't be confined to an HFR blurb, but deserved its own article:  The Real Spitzer Scandal. The Hillary-Obambi Destruction Derby keeps getting better.  But as we enjoy Obambi having to fire his Israel-hating/Palestinian terrorist-loving advisor Samantha Power for calling Hillary a "monster" (you mean she isn't?  who knew?), and the PIAPS having to fire her advisor Geraldine Ferraro for pointing out that people pay attention to Obambi only because he's black (when everyone knows he's only half-black) - let's focus on the real cause of the mud fight: There's no substantive difference between these two moonbats in terms of political principles or ideology or Big Brother/Big Government programs they both advocate.  Thus the only way to create a difference between them is through personal invective, attack, insult, and smear. So far, even though Her Thighness had to grovel yesterday (3/13) to blacks in apology for Ms. Ferraro's telling the truth, Obambi has definitely been more damaged in the fight so far than she.



Yes, we're all swimming in glee over the glorious sight of a self-righteous governor's complete humiliation.  The indignation we feel over the scumbag's dragging his wife along to stand by him and publicly humiliate her in the process confirms we have a right to gloat. Eliot Spitzer is a fascist thug.  What has happened to him is not "sad," a "waste," a "tragedy," or any other liberal sob-sister characterization.  What has happened to him is called karmic justice.  He is getting, and let us hope he continues to get, exactly what he deserves. The real Spitzer scandal, however, has nothing to do with cheating on his wife with hookers.  This happens every day in every city in America with guys whose wives aren't bright enough to provide them with fantasy sex - albeit not as extravagantly and brazenly as Spitzer. The real scandal is that Spitzer was for years cheered as a hero for being a fascist thug.  The real scandal is that a fascist thug was elected Governor of New York by 70% of the vote.  The real scandal is a legal system in America run by fascist thugs calling themselves "Prosecutors." 



Barack Hussein Obama's recent ridicule and rejection of Hillary Rodham Clinton's suggestion that he be her VP running-mate squashes the "dream-team" fantasy of many Democrats. It also means the racial division within the Democrat Party between Blacks and Latinos will continue to widen into a disastrously unbridgeable abyss.  What's happening in my home town of Los Angeles is instructive. The Los Angeles Times has been documenting with Pulitzer quality reporting, the racial gang wars in the L.A. basin. The largest and oldest Latino gang,  the Mexican Mafia, has ordered ethnic cleansing of formerly all-black neighborhoods. This has led to an increase in black vs Latino violence. Close to my home, the Gateway Harbor area, several blacks have been murdered by Latino gangs in this expressed racial hate crime wave. A six year old black boy was shot in the head and is fighting for his life at Harbor UCLA Medical center -- two Latino gang members were arrested for the "random" shooting. Hate crime charges may be filed. These hate crimes help explain the growing division in the national Democrat Party. 



When Nicolas Sarkozy was running for president of France last May, I proclaimed him to be "Europe's best hope." Mr. Sarkozy won the votes of 53 percent of the record 85 percent of the French electorate that came out to vote in the presidential elections. The French approved of his tough rhetoric against the Islamist "thugs" (his word, voyous) who control many no-go neighborhoods in the country, where more than 10 percent of the population already adheres to the Moslem faith. During the presidential campaign his Socialist opponent, Ségolène Royal, warned that a Sarkozy victory would lead to violence in the Moslem neighborhoods. The French refused to be intimidated into appeasement and rose to the occasion. French men and women who normally do not vote because they distrust politics turned out en masse to elect "Sarko." The "thugs" have since begun to ambush police and no longer refrain from shooting at officers, but the Sarkozy government had not clamped down on them.  Yet that is only the beginning of the coming Sarkozy nightmare.



The Not Ready for Prime Time Players are hilarious on Saturday Night Live, but not so funny in a presidential campaign, as Sen. Barack Obama has learned to his sorrow. Sen. Obama has the thinnest resume of any major presidential candidate in modern times.  He has not bolstered it with his selection of key advisors, most of whom share his inexperience on the national scene. That inexperience has bitten the Obama campaign hard recently.  The gaffes and exposures of four of his main advisors in just the last few days have people asking: How can the freshman Illinois senator be any more ready for prime time than his clearly not-ready advisors?



There is still time to avoid a recession - a recession being technically defined as two quarters of negative economic growth.   What needs to be done, and can be done in the next 60 days, follows. First, it is important to realize the present economic slowdown was caused by a series of mistakes by the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the administration, and Congress. Many of our government policymakers and politicians still insist it was the other guy's fault and pretend that taking money from one group of taxpayers and giving it to another (a k a, a "stimulus package") will somehow miraculously revive the economy. The administration is guilty of having both proposed and acquiesced to spending that resulted in more costs than benefits to the economy, which has slowed growth. Even though those in the administration cannot suddenly reverse much of the wasteful spending on their own, they can do several things by presidential directive - Executive Orders issued by President Bush -- to make things better immediately.