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There is no more horrific tax than inflation.  It can wipe out a lifetime of savings with ease.  It's also the easiest way for politicians to escape fiscal jams of their creation. Medicare, for example, goes cash-negative within 24 months from now.  Its cost to taxpayers will mount almost exponentially in the years to come.  There are only three ways to deal with the cost:  raise taxes monumentally, cut benefits drastically, or inflate the value of the dollar to cover the ballooning cost. Which one do you think Congress will choose? There is a three-word solution to this, and TTP's favorite Paulista, economics professor John Nehring, had better be prepared or else his head will explode with excitement. The three words are: 



What would you think if members of Congress voted to require the U.S. military to forgo purchases of most of Canada's oil and thus be forced to increase their dependency on Saudi Arabian produced oil? As bizarre as it may seem, this is not a hypothetical question.  It is precisely what Congress did in passing the falsely named Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Chairman Henry Waxman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee wrote a letter to Chairman Jeff Bingaman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on March 17 of this year, detailing the "proper interpretation" of the Act. Mr. Waxman's interpretation makes one wonder if his purpose is to cause as much damage to the US economy as possible.



This week we shall explore some of the research that is being undertaken for a variety of maladies. Also research that includes further understanding of the human genome and physiology generally. First is the new research of malaria taking place. With the help of x-ray microscopy at Berkeley's Advanced Light Source lab, one of the world's oldest diseases has a map of how the plasmodium parasite infects the body.  The brilliant detective work being done by these researchers is so remarkable it may finally "tame the ancient beast" of malaria that still kills millions of people every year. Then there's my friend who works at Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA. Some of the current research taking place here is taking a deeper look at diabetes.  Broad's scientists have discovered the genes linked to height.  And, in a step towards personalized prevention, Broad has a panel of genetic variants found to predict both cholesterol and heart disease risk.



If Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. read Karl Marx less and Arthur Brooks more, he might not be in such hot water. Barack's now-infamous comments in San Francisco reek of the watered down Marxism that passes for thought on college campuses these days.  "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, and the soul of a soulless condition.  It is the opium of the people," Marx wrote in 1843. Barack and his apologists in the news media focused on his description of rural Pennsylvanians as "bitter" because that was the least offensive element of what he had said.  Most of those who were upset by his remarks were upset by his notion they "cling to" religion out of economic frustration.  Arthur Brooks could have told Barack the people he described as "bitter" likely are a good deal happier than most of his supporters are, or his wife seems to be.  Dr. Brooks, a professor of business & government policy at Syracuse University, demonstrates, through the wealth of statistics in his new book, Gross National Happiness, that conservatives are much happier than liberals.  It's urban liberals who are bitter, not small town folks.



"Modern art" is typified by meaningless blobs of paint splattered on a canvas, with "post-modern art" equally mindless and unintelligible.  TTP is therefore pleased to salute a real artist Chris Hopkins and his magnificent painting Saluting Reagan: saluting_reagan The price of the original oil on canvas is $50,000.  A poster, however, is only 24 bucks.  At that price, we can all afford to salute the 20th century's greatest American president.



Senator Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. wants to talk to our Middle Eastern enemies, notably Iran. He can't imagine a happy resolution of the war without such talks. And he seems to think this desire is something new, maybe even revolutionary. He apparently does not know that it is not at all new, and certainly not revolutionary. It is instead the fully tested "policy" of the United States for the past thirty years, ever since the seizure of power by the mullahs in 1979. We have had high-level and low-level talks, public and private talks, talks conducted by diplomats, by spooks, and by a colorful array of intermediaries. All failed.  We tried everything. The Iranians were not interested. It reminds me of that great scene from Goldfinger, with Sean Connery as James Bond spread-eagled on a sheet of gold, and a laser beam slicing through it, headed for his private parts.   "Do you expect me talk, Goldfinger?" he asks. "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die." That's Iran. The mullahs want us to die.  Mr. Obama won't allow himself to understand this.  Perhaps his book should have been entitled The Audacity of Naïveté.



As the Obama rocket flames out and plummets back to earth, it is useful to recall how extraordinary it has been. Before the Iowa caucuses,  almost everyone thought Hillary Clinton would win the nomination easily.  She had the support of blue collar workers and most party insiders, and an enormous war chest.  If ever there were a prohibitive favorite, it was she. But until "Bittergate" erupted last weekend, she was  losing the nomination to a tyro senator whose most important resumé tic was that back in school he'd been president of the Harvard Law Review.  It took many missteps by the Clinton campaign to make this possible.  But for Barack to have been on the verge of besting Hillary is nothing short of phenomenal. What fueled the Obama rocket was that he was able to bring together two rarely united factions within the Democratic party: blacks and latte liberals.



The HFR this week salutes Absolut Vodka for its absolute stupidity in running an ad depicting pre-1836 Mexico as a map of  "an ideal Absolut world." These Swedish marketing geniuses were inundated with emails like the one I sent, informing them that I shall never, ever, buy a bottle of Absolut for the rest of my life.  I encourage you to make the same vow... ... The good news continues in South Korea.  The triumph this week of newly-elected president Lee Myung-bak's Grand National Party in parliamentary elections cementing Lee's majority control of the government means his plans for overthrowing Kim Jong-il's communist regime and unifying Korea can proceed... ... The HFR raises a glass of no-pity to the terrorist-loving Palestinians of Gaza... ...and a glass of schadenfreude to Oprah Winfrey, who has seen her popularity and tv-show ratings take a nose dive since she came out in support of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr... ...while celebrating the unfolding exposure of Obambi as a crook and a lightweight.  The more one looks past Obambi's smooth rhetoric, the uglier it gets.  And the squishier.  For it's his ballbreaker wife, Michelle, who has the cojones in the family, not him.  More and more now, it's becoming clear:  Obama is a pussy.



I have recently returned to the United States from Egypt where I was on a fact-finding mission to see what life is like for non-Moslems who live under Islam. What I saw was a dire situation of oppression and discrimination that many in America and the West have all but ignored. A place with rampant police brutality and corruption, where non-Moslems are second-class citizens at best, who are brutally victimized on a daily basis. All this in a nation which is a popular U.S. tourist spot, and has been the recipient of American aid in excess of $28 billion in the last three decades. I wanted to learn what life would be like if our enemies and their allies got their way. What I saw was an example of the harsh life in store for future American generations in Islamic-dominated regions of the U.S. if we do not work to bring attention to the issue of Islamic oppression now at this critical time in American history.



It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. - Mark Twain (1897) Twain's humorous quip, unfortunately, is all too close to the current reality. "Willful misconduct," a criminal offense, is legally defined as "intentionally doing that which should not be done or intentionally failing to do that which should be done, when knowing that injury to a person will probably result, or recklessly disregarding the possibility that injury to a person may result." Congress, by failing to act in the case of a clear and present danger to parts of the American financial system, could reasonably be considered engaging in "willful misconduct." And here is why.