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phoksundoWest of the Himalayan giants of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri in Nepal lies a roadless high wilderness inhabited only by Tibetan nomads called Dolpa. The region is named after them, Dolpo. The Dolpa practice the ancient pre-Buddhist animist religion of Tibet called Bön. They worship sites of nature they consider holy. And holiest of all is the Sacred Lake of Phoksundo.

The Dolpa consider the blue of Phoksundo an act of magic by the gods. Once you see it, you can only agree. This picture is not photoshopped – it is real. We visit it in late October when it is ice free on our Himalaya Helicopter Expeditions. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #41 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



What May Day should be, happy and joyous

What May Day should be, happy and joyous

What Commies and the Fascist Left have done to May Day

What Commies and the Fascist Left have done to May Day

[Welcome to this Monday’s edition of TTP Archives, to reprise a TTP article of years ago and to ask what you think how it applies to today on the Forum.  It’s May 1st, May Day, so it’s appropriate that we revisit “Commie Day,” first published on May 4, 2018.  It provides an epic, albeit revolting, example of how the American Left has always been immorally deranged, from 137 years ago (at least) to today.  It couldn’t be more timely to discuss the derangement, past and present, today. The TTP Team is looking forward to your thoughts on the Forum!] 

TTP, May 4, 2018

Berlin, Germany.  For millennia, especially here in Europe, the First of May was a happy, joyful celebration of life after winter, with dancing around a Maypole and crowning a pretty girl with flowers as Queen of May.

I grew up in California. When we were kids, my sisters would always get up early to pick flowers, and leave them in a basket at the front door for Mom, our family’s Queen of May.

Today is a national holiday in Germany, as it is in over 30 other countries in Europe and dozens of other countries around the world.  But not as May Day.

Instead, it’s called International Workers Day.  Since it was the invention of Communists in 1889, it should be called Commie Day.  Only Communists could take an innocent celebration of springtime and turn it into celebration of murder, terrorism, hate, and envy.

Here’s the story.  It begins not in Europe but in America.



citadelle-laferriereCap Haitien, Haiti.  On a steep mountain top three thousand feet high above the north coast of Haiti, stands this staggeringly gigantic fortress.

It is the Citadelle Laferrière, revered by professional distortionists of history as "the greatest monument to black freedom in the Americas."  What it really is instead is a monument to totalitarian insanity.

In 1807, the leader of a victorious slave army against the French named Henri Christophe (1767-1820) seized Haiti and proceeded to re-enslave his people.  With their slave labor, he built La Citadelle – 20,000 slaves died under the lash or from utter exhaustion building it, hauling hundreds of cannons, tens of thousands of cannon balls, and millions of bricks and rocks 3,000 feet up the steep slopes to the site.

Finally, in 1820, Christophe’s slaves rebelled, his body dissolved in a huge vat of liquid lime, the mortar for the fortress’ bricks. The Citadelle has been a deserted ruins ever since.  I was the only visitor there. So much for "the monument to black freedom."  Haiti has never experienced a single day of freedom in its entire existence to this very day.

Haiti, in other words, is not only a failed state – for over 200 years, it has always been a failed state. Tragically, the odds are high it always will be.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #265 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



jw-at-shackleton You likely read the new story this week of the extraordinary discovery of Antarctic legendary explorer Ernest Shackleton’s ship The Endurance 10,000 feet deep at the bottom of the Weddell Sea: Ernest Shackleton’s Sunken Ship Endurance Found 107 Years Later (3/09/22).

Perhaps you read my account of his incredible exploits in Endurance (April 2013).  I thought to commemorate the ship’s discovery with this photo of me at Shackleton’s gravesite at the abandoned whaling station of Grytviken on the Antarctic island of South Georgia.

Shackleton was the most heroic arctic explorer of them all.  The famous eulogy at his funeral says it all:

For scientific discovery, give me Scott

For speed and efficiency of travel, give me Amundsen

But when disaster strikes and all hope is gone

Get down on your knees and pray for Shackleton

 (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #192 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Shifting Fortunes Lithium in the West Sudan Erupts in the East

The Old Order continues to crumble as a new one emerges. This week we will look at a power play by China for global lithium dominance at the same time as the Biden Administration announces plans to convert the entire U.S. Military to China-sourced lithium battery power.

According to Biden's latest executive order, Environmental Justice Commissars will now flood Executive Branch departments. Can't fool us; we know that these highly paid make-work jobs are Democrat Party influences. The Executive is now politicized, above and beyond the Diversity Tsar concept.

Fox News's history of abruptly firing talent exposes their place in the Grand Narrative. Remember Lou Dobbs? He was so happy to join Fox after CNN, but they sacked him. Dobbs was first, many followed, and now Tucker Carlson.

Elon Musk is learning that these former anchors have real drawing power, eclipsing all cabal news viewership while requiring minimal overhead or production time lag. Twitter offers faster, fresher news.

Might we see the Tusk News Service, Tucker Carlson, and friends on Elon Musk's Twitter?

We might, and it will change everything…


SKYES LINKS 04/27/23

tucker-free-speechAt 1am this morning (4/27), Tucker released a video on his Twitter feed.  Overall, his message is one TTP has been banging the drum on for many moons now:  that the media refuses to discuss issues of real importance in a desperate attempt to misdirect their audiences with attention-getting irrelevant issues.

So true – yet puzzlingly, he named no specific issues, real or irrelevant, at all.  Just “emerging science” or “demographic issues,” instead of say, “climate change – fact or fraud?” or “deficit spending and inflation.”  Maybe that’s because he’s neither a scientist or economist, or maybe this is just a broad-brush intro to what he’ll be talking about in detail later.

In any regard, feel free to judge for yourself in his video below.  One thing’s for sure – we’ll be hearing a LOT more from Tucker from now on.

There’s also a LOT more in this issue of Skye’s Links – good news, fun news, news important for you to know, and really intriguing news, like how interest rate repression and inflation are time warpers.  Come on in!




Near the town of Ubud on Indonesia’s paradise island of Bali there is a sanctuary of spectacularly luxuriant rain forest providing a haven for over 1,000 Balinese long-tailed monkeys. Here’s one communing with a group of moss-covered monkey statues that dot the sanctuary.

This is a sacred place for the Balinese people, as it contains three temples over 600 years old, and is devoted to the Hindu principle of Tri Hata Karana – “three ways to reach spiritual and physical well-being” -- harmony between people, harmony between people and nature, harmony between people and God.

There is perhaps no place on earth in which to better experience the blissful harmony of Tri Hata Karana than Bali. It is a marvelous privilege to be here and experience it for yourself. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #106 photo ©Jack Wheeler)




NYPost this morning (4/26)

One of Donald Trump’s gifts is that he drives his enemies so crazy that they do really weird things.  The latest evidence came yesterday morning (4/25) when Joe Biden released a three-minute video announcing he is seeking re-election.

The world’s a mess, America is spiraling downward at a rapid rate and Biden would be older than dirt at the end of a second term, but he wants to “finish the job.”

Finish the job?? Apparently not satisfied with merely damaging America, he aims to destroy it.  He’s so despised that even most of Biden’s fellow Democrats ­believe it’s time for him to say goodbye.  Yesterday – the day of his announcement, NBC reported polling showing 70% of Americans don’t want Biden to run again – while a majority of 51% of Democrats don’t want him.

So why is he running?  I believe there is hidden reason why the president is compelled to run again.  Here it is.



Alex Berenson on Tucker Carlson Tonight January 22, 2022

Alex Berenson on Tucker Carlson Tonight January 22, 2022

I wouldn’t exactly call Tucker Carlson a friend – even though I appeared on his show at least 50 times.

I’ve never had a beer or a coffee off-set with Tucker. We have very similar views on some issues, like the dangers of cannabis and mRNA jabs, but very different on others like Ukraine.

On the other hand, I wouldn’t exactly say Tucker is just an acquaintance, just another news anchor who interviewed me, either.  For two years of Covid and vaccine madness, we had a certain ride or die relationship.

I don’t know why Tucker and Fox parted ways so abruptly.  What I do know: The glee on the left about Tucker’s departure is misplaced. Tucker isn’t going anywhere. He has said he won’t run for President. Make no mistake, he would instantly be a serious threat for the Republican nomination if he did.

But if he chooses to stay in media, he will be in line for a payday from a streaming service far, far larger than what he currently makes at Fox.  Here’s why.