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Rarely in the history of American politics has a bigot had as much power as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright enjoys today. Support for Sen. Barack Obama has plunged nationally and (more importantly) in North Carolina since Rev. Wright confirmed at his National Press Club appearance Monday (4/28) that he does indeed hold racist, lunatic, anti-American views, and implied that Sen. Obama has been insincere in separating himself from them.  "He had to distance himself, because he's a politician," Rev. Wright said. If you're running as the candidate of hope and change who will "bring us together," it is hard to imagine how things could get worse.  But they can. Jeremiah Wright could destroy his former protégé in a single interview.  Obama is at the mercy of a man who hates the country of which he wants to be president.



Have you ever wondered why so many people see higher taxes and more government as the solution to every problem, despite the empirical evidence that more government reduces economic efficiency and growth, plus diminishes our liberties? As will be shown, the arguments from the big government advocates are usually based on a combination of economic and historical ignorance, envy, and just plain delusional thinking. The New York Times editorial page has long been a bastion of this delusional thinking. On April 24, the paper produced one of its classic inane editorials in favor of higher taxes on labor and capital, which contained this gem of a sentence: "Memo to McCain: 401(k) savers get no benefit from a low capital-gains [tax] rate." Everyone who has ever taken basic economics should know a lower tax rate on an investment (i.e., the capital-gains tax) will lead to a higher rate of return, and hence the investment will be worth more. Though this concept is not difficult for most people to understand, it seems beyond the knowledge and reasoning ability of those who write editorials for the New York Times. Unfortunately, the Times has plenty of global company when it comes to economic ignorance, envy and delusional thinking. We find it among many politicians in almost every government world-wide.



Which of two kinds of fascism do you think are more dangerous - one stemming from a culture's or a people's feeling of inferiority or superiority? If a country possessing a Fascism of Inferiority got into a war with a country possessing a Fascism of Superiority, all else being equal which do you think has a better chance of winning? Russians are xenophobic because they deeply suffer from a lack of cultural self-confidence and an inferiority complex towards the West.  Han Chinese are xenophobic because they feel they are a culturally and racially superior form of humanity.  Westerners, Japanese, Blacks, Tibetans, et al, are all sub-human compared to the Han. Russia is dying - literally.  Life expectancy is lower than that of Bangladesh.  Millions of Russian men drink a gallon of vodka a week.  Millions of Russian women are sterile after having so many abortions.  This is a culture with a death-wish, one that does not want to survive. The conclusion that CIA Director Michael Hayden draws from Russia's demographic collapse, given in a speech at Kansas State yesterday (4/30), is that Russia will have to import millions of foreign workers.  There's only one place that can supply a sufficient number of such workers:  China. The question really is, will Russia surrender peacefully or put up a fight - maybe even a nuclear fight?



We open the HFR this week by asking:  Dare we hope for Hillary? It's a fun debate over who would be easier for McCain to beat, Obambi or the PIAPS, almost as much fun as watching them rip each other's political guts out.  McCain could score a Reagnesque electoral victory over either of these two losers, but I want him to go up against Her Shrillness.  There's suddenly real hope that he will... ... Which brings us to the delightful subject of the North Carolina GOP Anti-Obama ad.  It is fabulous -- And it is really funny to see how many smart conservatives - even Rush Limbaugh who's normally really smart - have been suckered by John McCain's denouncing it... ... Let's raise a more than half-full glass of congratulations to the brave leaders of the North Carolina Republican Party.  We need more Republicans with their courage.  What we need fewer of is the editorial writers of the New York Times, whose op-eds provide the propaganda marching orders for the entire liberal media.  Looks like we get our wish... ... We close the HFR this week with absolutely the most thrilling and uplifting headline of recent times:  Food Crisis Starts Eclipsing Climate Change Worries How great is that?  Nothing like a little mass world-wide starvation to make people doubt in the religious dogma of warm-mongering.  Finally - finally - it just may be that people aren't willing to go back to the Stone Age in order to placate Algore.


JOHN NEHRING 1942-2008

One of the most beloved members of our To The Point family has passed on. Anyone who knew him could assure you that you'll never meet a kinder, more decent man than John Nehring.  There was a sweetness, a gentleness to him, combined with a profound love of liberty and a core of pro-American steel. An Eagle Scout and National Merit Scholar from Columbus, Ohio, John graduated near the top of his class at the Air Force Academy.  He was an F-4 Phantom fighter pilot in Vietnam, got a Masters degree in economics at Georgetown, taught business & economics at the Air Force Academy, served in the Air Force for 30 years and retired as a full bird colonel. For the past several years, John taught economics at Embry-Riddle University in Colorado Springs, opening his students' eyes to the great advocates of economic freedom, such as  Ludwig von Mises, Frederic Bastiat, and Milton Friedman.



While Beijing was sending in troops to crack down on protesters in Tibet, they also made sure to boot out the foreign journalists, jam the short wave radios, and lock down the Internet.  So, how did the Tibetans get the news out?  By using DynaWeb and UltraReach - tiny software tools that seek out cracks in the Chinese Great Firewall and connect users' computers to the biggest anti-censorship network in the world. These tools scramble the users' communications and shuttle the data back and forth along an underground cyber network in a way that cannot be detected by high-tech monitoring and jamming equipment. At this point, the censors' firewalls virtually disappear to the users.  They can now access blocked websites and also freely communicate with the rest of the world.  The group that built this special network and tools like DynaWeb and UltraReach and recent additions, GPass and FirePhoenix, is the Global Internet Freedom Consortium or GIF.  You may have never heard of GIF, but it is easily the largest and most mature anti-censorship operation in the world -- loved by users, loathed and attacked by censors. 



Speaking last February of the man she knows better than anyone else, Michelle Obama said that her husband, Illinois Senator and Democrat Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., is the only candidate for president who understands that before America can solve its problems, Americans have to fix their "broken souls." She also said that her husband's unique understanding of the state of souls of the American people makes him uniquely qualified to be President. But then, saving souls is hard work, and Mrs. Obama won't place the whole burden on her husband. He'll make the Americans work for him. As she put it, "Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed." At base, Mrs. Obama's statement is nothing less than a renunciation of democracy and an embrace of fascism. The basic idea of liberty is that people have a natural right to live their lives as usual and to be uninvolved and uninformed. And they certainly have a right to expect that their government will butt out of their souls.



Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is hiding from a girl.  That's the Clinton spin on his decision to back out of a debate before the primaries in Indiana and North Carolina.  As a matter of political tactics, his decision is sound.  Sen. Obama is the front runner.  He's got nothing to gain from another debate.  And potentially much to lose -- though it's unlikely he'll ever again be as awful as he was in Philadelphia April 16.  He doesn't want to answer any more questions about his relationship with his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, or with former Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayres (and most in journalism don't want to ask them).  But his refusal to debate supports Sen. Clinton's insinuation he doesn't have what it takes to be president. It's something his hagiographers in the liberal media refuse to see.  Like the Wizard of Oz, they don't want you to peer behind the curtain, lest you be unimpressed by what you see.  The longer the contest goes on, the higher the curtain is raised.



The single greatest threat to peace in the world, the one with the most potential to escalate into all-out and even nuclear war between China and the United States, lies in the Formosa Straits, the 100 miles of ocean separating mainland China and the island of Taiwan. At this moment, the Communist Chinese have 1,400 CSS-6 and CSS-7 short-range ballistic missiles aimed at Taiwan.  The handful of Tien Kung-3 (Sky-Bow-3) air defense missile batteries (based on our Patriot II system) the Taiwanese have is wholly inadequate against this massive threat. What Taiwan needs is a missile defense system that can blanket its west coast facing the mainland as well as its cities, that is cheap to build, quick to build, easy to operate, and very effective.  A system that would allow few if any Chinese missiles to get through, that would blow any Chinese attacking warplanes out of Taiwan's skies, and against which any Chinese landing craft in an amphibious invasion would be dead ducks. This system could be put in place within 24 months.  Once it is, China's threat to Taiwan is essentially gone.  Here's how Taiwan can do it.



The HFR can stand only so much good news.  How can it report on things half-full when the glass is overflowing?  So this week we'll have to use one of those huge beer steins from which Bavarians imbibe at the Munich Hofbraühaus: hofbrauhaus We begin, of course with Obama The Infantilizomaniac.  snobama-lg_copy