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Imagine the election this fall as a gigantic Democratic primary in which independents and Republicans can cross over.  I suspect this is how John McCain is looking at it. Sen. McCain is running for president de facto as an independent.  This gives conservatives heartburn, but considering the parlous state of the Republican brand these days, it's probably wise. The more swing voters view Sen. McCain as independent, the more likely they are to choose between him and Sen. Obama on the basis of the major differences between them on issues, or on their characters, or on their  experience, all of which work to Sen. McCain's advantage. And by stressing his independence, Sen. McCain undermines one of Sen. Obama's  campaign themes.  Sen. Obama has presented himself as a reformer who would reach across party lines.  But he's never actually done it.  Sen. McCain has.  In a "where's the beef?" contest, Sen. Obama is tofu.



If you run Windows OS software on your computer I kindly ask you to read the article linked below for your personal protection. My "Wizard" predecessor Dennis Turner and I have mentioned some of the items listed below, however this is a pretty complete documentation on how to be safe in a dangerous world. How to Secure Your Windows Computer and Protect Your Privacy Last week, Microsoft released Service Pack 1 (SP1) for its Macintosh 2008 Office suite. It has a variety of fixes and changes that have promised to improve performance and security to the suite of apps that closely parallels the Office Suite for Windows users. You can read about it here ... Description of Office 2008 for Mac Service Pack 1 (12.1.0) And download it here... Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Service Pack 1 (12.1.0) If you work in an organization, you may be surprised to find out that the most important factor in attaining organizational security is you. Do you know what your local IT policies or where your IT policies can be found?  You can find out, and learn how to be part of the solution rather than any problem by reading:  Attaining Organizational Security.



Do we still have troops in Iraq? Is there still a conflict over there? If you rely on the so-called mainstream media, you may have difficulty answering those questions these days. As Iraqi and Coalition forces pile up one success after another, Iraq has magically vanished from the headlines. Want a real "inconvenient truth?" Progress in Iraq is powerful and accelerating. But that fact isn't helpful to elite media commissars and cadres determined to decide the presidential race over our heads. How dare our troops win? Even worse, Iraqi troops are winning. Daily. You won't see that above the fold in The New York Times. And forget the Obama-intoxicated news networks - they've adopted his story line that the clock stopped back in 2003.



What do you think was the most costly intelligence failure of all time?  No, was is not the world's leading intelligence agencies' failure to notice that Saddam had few, if any, weapons of mass destruction. It was the failure of many leading climate model builders to be modest enough about their predictions, and the politicians' and media's failure to ask the tough questions of these climate experts. As a consequence of what we now know was an overblown global-warming scare, everyone on the planet is paying substantially more for food and fuel than is necessary.  And Democrats in Congress are doing everything they can to keep it that way.



The number of extraordinary gaffes committed by Obambi has been proliferating of late.  Among those just this month are not knowing Afghans don't speak Arabic and that his own state of Illinois doesn't border Kentucky.  Most incredible of all is his telling an audience, "I have now been to 57 states with one left to go," then says that one is "Alaska and Hawaii." No matter how exhausted from campaigning you are, you don't make a mistake like that under any normal circumstances.  Saying there are 57 states - actually 58, or is it 59? - is such an egregiously stupid error that it is evidence of brain malfunction. A neuroscientist with years of research into drug abuse and brain chemistry tells To The Point that the behavior exhibited by Obama is consistent with the use of either amphetamines or cocaine.  In his book, Dreams From My Father, Obambi admitted his drug use when young:  "Pot (marijuana) had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow (cocaine) when you could afford it. Not smack (heroin), though." Teen-age drug use isn't, of course, evidence for its use in one's 40s.  But when someone who may be elected President of the United States starts behaving suspiciously, then it's justified to ask that those suspicions be allayed. Thus, To The Point calls for Barack Hussein Obama to be drug tested.



Few foreign leaders have received as favorable news coverage in the United States as has the Moqtada al Sadr, with less factual basis for it. Mookie, as our troops call him, is the nominal head of the Mahdi Army, a radical Shia militia, and of the Sadrist political movement, which holds 30 seats (of 275) in the Iraqi parliament.   His patron is Iran, which provides him with money, arms and military training. The last couple of months have been dreadful for Mookie everywhere except on the pages of American newspapers and magazines.



Wasn't it just a couple of weeks ago that the HFR's glass was overflowing?  This week the HFR is staring at a glass that's just about empty.    What with the eco-fascists' victory of fraud over science regarding polar bears, the homo-fascists' victory of cultural insanity in the California courts, the Republicans in Congress in full yellow-belly retreat from any conservative principles (e.g., over half of House Pubs voted for $300 billion of pork in the Farm Bill on Wednesday, 5/14), John McCain proving on Monday (5/12) he remains a clueless ignoramus on "global warming," and other such dregs of the week, the HFR has to search hard for a few drops of good cheer. Should we start with the tabloids?  Perhaps you've seen, as have millions of others as they stood in the check-out line at the market, tabloid front pages blaring: o-globe o-globe2   Trashy tabloids like the Globe are not to be taken seriously, of course.  Is Obambi bisexual?  The HFR has no idea.  But what is clear is that...



Berlin, Germany. If you were asked to name one person who has enabled more people to gain wealth and security than any other person on the globe, who would you name? In 1881, here in Berlin, Otto von Bismarck started the world's first modern pay-as-you-go social security system which served as the model for the U.S. Social Security system and that of many other countries, including setting the retirement age at 65. No, Bismarck is not the answer to the opening question.   The answer is a fellow named José Piñera , for he has made life more secure and prosperous for millions, and with luck it will soon be billions of people. Here is how.



A message from Mississippi has interrupted the leisurely cruise Republicans in Congress have been taking up the river De Nile.  Democrat Travis Childers soundly defeated Republican Greg Davis in a special election in a House district that President Bush carried by 25 percentage points in 2004.   Mr. Childers' victory completes a trifecta for Democrats in once heavily Republican districts. You don't need a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing.  The Republican brand today is as popular as Tylenol's was during the cyanide poison scare. The bitter wind from Mississippi has replaced complacency with panic, but many Republicans don't know what to do about it.  Many blame President Bush, with good reason.  But the larger reason for the troubles of congressional Republicans is that they are viewed (alas, correctly) as being motivated by little else than self enrichment.



When President Bush condemned the "false comfort of appeasement" in his speech to the Israeli Knesset, Barack Hussein Obama and the Pelosicrats promptly went bananas with phony outrage over Bush's statement, thinking it was comparing their Dem Messiah to Neville Chamberlain.  But the compulsive appeasers Bush was really talking about were his Secretary of State Condi Rice, his National Security Advisor Steven Hadley - and, indeed, himself. If Hussein Obama wasn't such an effeminate metrosexual pantywaist, he would have brushed off the defensive chip on his padded shoulder and condemned Bush for embodying such a "false comfort." Instead, he doesn't have the brains - nor do his Pelosicrat hysterical defenders - to grasp that his "protest too much" claim of not being an appeaser only serves to highlight in voters' brains that he is - that he would be vastly more of a coward in the White House than GW.