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right-or-wrongChanging Metaethics

Trump was indicted over boxes of files again this week. The announcement came at just the right moment to tilt the media narrative away from an FBI informant notifying Congress of two $5 Million bribes paid to Joe and Hunter Biden.

The bribes were quid pro quo in exchange for firing a Ukrainian prosecutor and securing $1 Billion in foreign aid to Ukraine.

Trump supporters already knew this happened, as Trump was impeached for discrediting this truth.

The plot thickens as a deal was struck between the House of Representatives and the FBI; the FBI would deliver the bribery documentation in exchange for the House dropping contempt of Congress charges against Christopher Wray.

Ukraine launched its counteroffensive and immediately ran into a significant problem. Russia blew up the dam over which much of the counterattack would roll across. Humanitarian damage is terrible.

It seems that the world is experiencing a crisis of metaethics.

Metaethics, or the branch of philosophy concerned with the rightness of decisions, became utterly inconsistent this week. It seems that the great powers are pulling metaethics in different directions. Objectivists seek truth and reason, while Relativists descend into the schizophrenia of tribal affiliations. Semantics must decide whether truth comes from Divine Command, the desk of Vlad Putin…, or the source code contained within an A.I. system.



jw-at-everest-base-camp I’m at 17,500 feet with the Khumbu Ice Fall behind me.  To the left in the photo is the West Shoulder of Everest, to the right is a flank of Nuptse.  Climbers begin from where I am to ascend the Icefall, thousands of gigantic ice blocks all shifting and moving, reaching Camp I at the top, up a steep glacier-filled valley called the Western Cwm to Camp II, up the even steeper face of Lhotse that adjoins Everest to Camp III, then on to the saddle between Lhotse and Everest called the South Col at Camp IV.  To summit, they start at night up the Southeast Ridge hoping to beat the crowd standing in line at the summit ridge.

The irony of being at “EBC” where I am is that you never see Everest itself – it’s hidden behind the West Shoulder.  Unless you’re a climber doing all the above, the only way to see the world’s highest mountain is on one our Himalaya Helicopter Expeditions (HHE). We fly over the Khumbu Ice Fall and into the Western Cwm where we see the entire Southwest Face of Everest from summit (29,028 feet) to base and the entire face of Lhotse as well.  There are no words adequate to describe the experience.

To have this experience yourself, you can join us this October.  We will operate two HHEs, with one already sold out – but there’s still room for the other: Himalaya Helicopter Expedition Oct 21-28. This is beyond doubt the greatest one-week adventure on earth.  Carpe diem! (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #267 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 06/08/23

On Monday (6/05), several Russian TV channels and radio stations broadcast a message from what seemed like President Vladimir Putin. In the address, Putin was heard declaring martial law and ordering citizens living in the border areas near Ukraine to evacuate and seek safety deeper inside Russia.  It sure looked and sounded like Putin – and it’s true that whole towns have been evacuated in the past week or so.

Yet it’s been declared an AI fake.  Most Russians don’t know what to believe with many panic-stricken.  The lesson to us is that AI-created video fraud spread by skilled hackers is just beginning:

‘Deepfake' Putin Declares Martial Law Orders Evacuation After Russian TV and Radio Broadcasters Hacked

There’s good news, inspiring news, heads-up watch out news, weird news – and even weirder news (yes, flying saucers are real, and I explain the physics of why).  I suggest making a first pass scroll through the images to see what catches your eye, and go from there.  Welcome to a full plate of Skye’s Links!




You’re looking at something historically and scientifically astonishing.  It is what remains of an astronomical observatory built 600 years ago – in 1420 – by a Sultan in Central Asia who loved science and mathematics more than war and conquest.

It was in Samarkand, the most fabled oasis of the Silk Road, that Sultan Ulugh Beg built his circular observatory, three stories high of white marble.  All that’s left today is part of the underground sextant that you see in the photo.

For the full story of what he achieved, with many more photos, click on The Sultan Astronomer in TTP I wrote in 2020.

This Glimpse is to whet your appetite to learn about this amazing Sultan and his scientific achievements.

It’s also to whet your appetite for joining your fellow TTPers on our Heart of Central Asia expedition this September. The story of The Sultan Astronomer is but one example of what awaits you in exploring Central Asia, an enrichment of your life beyond description. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #212 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



The embattled, confused, and doomed far-left CNN is about to lose another Chairman/CEO. According to numerous reports, after just a little over a year at the dying network, Chris Licht is out,  he’s toast… Chris Licht is moving to Donesville.


Trump broke CNN.

The walls really started closing in (if you’ll pardon the expression) on Licht after former President Trump’s CNN town hall triumph last month.

Because Trump was allowed to state his beliefs and come off as charming and in command, the Woke Nazis in the media, including at CNNLOL, freaked out. Licht tried to trip Trump up. Of course, he did. He’s a leftist.

His mistake was having a lightweight like Kaitlan “Nurse Ratched” Collins moderate. She tried her worst, Trump did his best, and the Woke Gestapo never forgives.

The real joy in all of this is that CNN is so discredited and irrelevant now that all this backstabbing and corporate maneuvering is like watching ants go to war in a jar.



2024-gop-candidates There is one fundamental question that any candidate vying for the Republican nomination for president of the United States in 2024 must answer — but that as of yet has gone largely unaddressed, at least publicly, as the field spars over significant but ultimately subordinate issues.

The question is this: How will you win the general election under the present voting system?

An inability to answer this question clearly, compellingly, and convincingly imperils Republican odds of retaking the White House, no matter how favorable their prospects might look come next November. It is incumbent on anyone who wants to earn the Republican presidential nomination to answer this question at the outset, and to operate accordingly.

Here’s a summary analysis of the daunting problems any GOP candidate faces, and a path to a possible solution.




Famboun, Cameroon. This is a Ndiki Drum. It is used by the Sultan of Bamoun to call his subjects to their end-of the-year Nguon festival over which he presides. It can be heard for miles.

The carved wooden forearms and hands propped up at the drum’s end are not the original drumsticks. They are symbolic for what the real drumsticks used to be. Until the British and French put an end to the custom in the 1920s, the Ndiki drumsticks were human arms, amputated at the elbow off captured slaves. Four drummers were needed to properly pound the drum, each requiring two drumsticks: eight amputated human arms in total.

The horror of slavery in Africa was ended by Western colonialists. In its place they introduced roads, railroads, electricity, an impartial rule of law instead of law favoring one tribe over another, and other benefits of civilization. They did a lot of stupid damage to African cultures, true.

But that is vastly outweighed by getting rid of slavery – exemplified by how this drum was pounded until less than 100 years ago. If you have a child or grandchild in school with woke teachers, you might have them bring this picture to class, and explain how the benefits of Western Civilization so greatly outweighs its liabilities. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #124 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



TTP’s favorite t-shirt – wear it with Pride

TTP’s favorite t-shirt – wear it with Pride

[VDH has done it again – here are excerpts to whet your appetite!]

Like the mysterious omnipresence of transgenderism in popular culture, all of a sudden, the obsession with whites as a Satanic collective has become a national fad—a pet-rock or hula-hoop-like collective madness…

Class apparently now means nothing. Do Barack Obama’s “clingers,” Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” and Joe Biden’s “semi-fascist Ultra-MAGAs,” all share the same values as those embraced by Hunter Biden, Jane Fonda, and Adam Schiff, by virtue of some mystical bonds of whiteness?...

For the racialist careerist, the less racism there is to find, all the more essential it is to root it out somehow, somewhere. So, here arrives a new genre of manufactured hate crimes, whose logic is “even if it did not happen, it reminds us that it could have happened.”…

The dearth of actual racism also demands a new set of adjectives that serve as something like sophisticated detectors to discover otherwise invisible natural gas fumes. The adjective “systemic” means only the select can now spot racism. Like air, it is everywhere but invisible and thus requires battalions of diversity, equity, and inclusion inspectors to use their training to expose it in the common atmosphere….

Where does this all lead?

We are wasting trillions of dollars in capital, labor, and time in tribal cannibalism as our friends abroad watch in horror, and our enemies savor our decline into collective suicide—while we sink into debt, our cities turn medieval, our border disappears, our criminal justice system collapses, and our military chases its tail.



People take shelter from Russian missile attack in a subway station in Kyiv

People take shelter from Russian missile attack in a subway station in Kyiv

American policy conversations about Ukraine often assume that Ukraine is a problem. For some, it represents a distraction from China. Others fear Russian escalation and retaliation. Still others worry about the financial cost of supporting Ukraine’s army and propping up its war-blighted economy.

These concerns are real and have their place, but they miss the main point. Vladimir Putin’s ill-judged, ill-planned and ill-prosecuted war has ignited a national awakening in Ukraine. The country emerging from Putin’s War will be a formidable new force in Europe whose interests and outlook place it firmly in alignment with the U.S.

The Ukraine that emerges from this baptism by fire will be a formidable country with a battle-tested army, and it is going to transform the strategic landscape. It will join Poland, the Baltic republics and the Scandinavian countries in a defense-minded bloc against Russian expansion.

Further, any end to the war widely perceived as a defeat for Mr. Putin will do more than create a powerful new ally for the U.S.  Here’s why.