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April, 2003. On my 21st expedition to 90 North, the geographic North Pole, I took my son Jackson. He was nine, but handled it like a trooper. And no wonder – it was his third time! The first was when he was just six, following his brother Brandon whom I had taken to the Pole back in 1990.

We landed our ski-equipped Twin Otter on the sea ice – and as it’s featureless with the ice slowly moving on the Arctic Ocean surface, nothing stays there for long. So if you want a physical candy-stripe North Pole, you have to bring your own! It is so indescribable to actually be on the very top of our planet that it has to be experienced to be understood. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #95 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



bad-to-the-boneSchadenfreudelicious, folks.  Read and enjoy the NY Post’s cover story: House Oversight Chairman Comer: ‘Ultimate White Privilege Guy’ Hunter Biden Could Be Hit With 10 Criminal Referrals.

Yesterday (7/20), Senator Chuck Grassley released an official declassified FBI Reporting Document (FD-1023) dated June 30, 2020, describing conversations a highly-paid and trusted FBI informant had with Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky who said he was “coerced” into bribing both Hunter and Joe $5 million each to get Ukrainian prosecutor fired for investigating Burisma corruption: Biden $10 Million Bribe FBI File Released.

Check the front pages of the New York Times and WaPo, or the CNN home page today (7/21) and there is a complete absence of this story.  Nary a whisper either on Comer saying on Breitbart Monday (7/17): James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money; nor on Oversight member Andy Biggs on Fox Tuesday (7/18): GOP Rep. Estimates Up To $100M Flowed Through Biden Family Accounts: Views The Biden Family As A 'Massive' Crime Syndicate’.

Yet however much the Dems and their media shills close their eyes in denial, they’ll end up being dragged kicking and screaming and victimizing into recognizing that Joe Has To Go.

Once this happens, the entire energy of the ’24 race shifts – for the Dems, and especially the GOP.  Read on find out how – betcha you’ll be surprised!  Also… find out what reminds me of the bumper sticker I had on my car when I was a UCLA undergrad in the mid-60s:  ComUNism!



dragons-blood-tree This is the Dragon’s Blood Tree, Dracaena cinnabari. It can be found in only one place on earth, a remote island called a Lost World for its uniqueness, the “most alien-looking place on our planet.”

Although it’s known as the most alien, strangest, weirdest, and bizarre place you can go to, it’s also completely safe and incredibly beautiful. Anybody who comes here returns saying, “You have to see it to believe it.” What is this place?

It’s the World Heritage Site of the island of Socotra, the “Galapagos of the Indian Ocean,” 240 miles off the coast of Yemen and now secured by the UAE. It’s hidden, remote, and far away.

We were there in 2014, and it’s been almost impossible to get to ever since. But we’ll be back next year. Let me know if you’d like to be with us. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #34 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 07/20/23

That’s it!  We want fascist scams like a central bank digital currency (CBDC) “on the ash heap of history.” DeSantis, Ramaswamy, and RFK, Jr. all realize that a central bank digital currency would be disastrous for freedom, and DeSantis has already taken legal action in Florida to prevent it:

CBDC "Is A Massive Threat To American Liberty" - DeSantis Vows To Kill FedCoin "On Day One" Of His Presidency

Yet there’s so much else of our fascist deep state that we’d like on that same ash heap.  RDS, as America’s most successful governor, has a very well-thought out answer when Tucker asks him: “How will you deal with an out-of-control Administrative Deep State, with intel agencies and bureaucrats who hate you?”  Watch:

And wait ‘till you get to the absolutely MUST-READ of the Trump Campaign.  Let’s have informative fun on this Skye’s Links!



chin-eco-skidsThe bad economic news from China keeps coming.

Exports fell 12.4% in June. Between 2012 and 2022 China added at least $10 trillion more to its debt load than the U.S. Youth unemployment is at record levels, even as manufacturers report severe labor shortages. The residential property developers at the heart of China’s long boom look increasingly vulnerable, and local governments who have long relied on a red-hot real estate market for revenue are turning to Beijing with their hands out.

Some look at the troubling statistics and predict that China is headed for a catastrophic market bust. Such forecasts, for now, seem premature. The central government still has a lot of money to throw at its problems, and the increasingly totalitarian state that China is becoming has many policy tools at its disposal.

But while China’s economic outlook is as uncertain as its long boom is unprecedented, foreign-policy strategists should prepare for a world in which China’s era of superfast growth has come to an end.



himars-and-taiwan-antiship-missileHow can the U.S. simultaneously arm Ukraine in its fight against Russia and deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan? It’s a false choice.

A critical look at the weapons that Washington has transferred to Kyiv, what is needed in the Pacific, and when new production might become available reveals that the U.S. has enough resources both to arm Ukraine and to bolster deterrence in Asia.  Ukraine and Taiwan don’t need the same things.

There is a large category of U.S. capabilities that are critical in the Pacific and that haven’t been provided to Ukraine. By the same token, many capabilities provided for Ukraine’s ground war aren’t at the top of the list of what Taiwan needs from the U.S., according to numerous unclassified expert analyses.

Aid to Taiwan and Ukraine isn’t zero-sum.  In fact, aid to Ukraine is of direct benefit for Taiwan’s defense.  Here’s why.



belvoir-beach-herm-channel-islands Belvoir Beach, Herm, Channel Islands. Could there be a more idyllic lunch—grilled lobster, fresh garden salad, chilled Chardonnay – here on Herm, the smallest of the five main Channel Islands. There’s Jersey, Guernsey, Sark, Alderney – and tiny Herm. Less than one square mile, but overflowing with charm and hospitality – from the Victorian White House Hotel to the Mermaid Pub to lobsters at Belvoir Beach. Coming here is a true escape from the worries of the world. At Herm they are a long ways away. Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #177 photo ©Jack Wheeler)




RFK, Jr.

Joe Biden is a walking dead man, politically. His approval ratings are in the tank, and a stunning 72 percent of Americans think the country is on the “wrong track,” according to a recent survey.

Biden’s cognitive decline is embarrassingly obvious. He is already 80 years old — the oldest president the country has ever had. He would be 86 at the end of a second term, assuming he lived that long, which troubles even his supporters. On top of all of this, he is surrounded by the stench of corruption.

Biden has become more of a liability than an asset. In such circumstances, a political party would normally search for a different presidential candidate.

But the Democrats are not a normal party, and they simply can’t ditch Biden — not even if running Biden again carries the risk that a third-party candidate might emerge, or that Donald Trump might be elected again. Why is this?



Moms for LibertyMoms for Liberty

For most Americans, “Mom” evokes images of kindness, courage, sympathy and love. Likewise, “liberty” calls up concepts like individual rights, freedom of expression, equality and justice. Yet, the perversity of the current political environment is such that a parental rights group whose name combines these two words has been demonized by Democrats, the corporate media and the reactionary left.

Just recently, a New Hampshire Democrat denounced the group as “***holes with casseroles,” the Hill ran a story titled, “Six reasons why Moms for Liberty is an extremist organization,” and the Southern Poverty Law Center added them to its Hate Map.

Why so much animus for an organization whose goal is merely to give parents a voice in the education of their children? It certainly doesn’t reflect public opinion.

This explains why Moms for Liberty has, in less than three years, expanded from a few chapters in the Sunshine State to nearly 300 chapters in 45 states. Nor have they restricted themselves to protesting at school board meetings. They have endorsed and actively supported parent-friendly candidates for school board seats nationwide.