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napoleons-death-bed Longwood House, Saint Helena Island, Atlantic Ocean. On May 5, 1821, Napolean died in this bed. He was surrounded by some 15 of his companions with their wives and children, doctors, servants, a priest, and a British Officer. There has been much speculation of the cause, but arsenic – either poisoning or in the wallpaper – has now been ruled out, and the original diagnosis of stomach cancer seems now confirmed. He was 51.

After his escape from exile on Elba, an island a few miles off the northwest coast of Italy, Napoleon suffered his final defeat at Waterloo on June 18, 1815 by the British-led army of the Duke of Wellington and the Prussian army of Field Marshal von Blücher. The Brits were taking no chances, exiling him to their outpost of 10-square mile Saint Helena, one of the remotest islands on earth, 1,200 miles west of Africa and 2,500 miles east of Brazil in the South Atlantic.

You can visit the hilltop Longwood House where he spent his last years, immaculately maintained with his elegant furnishings, surrounded by carefully attended flower gardens where he strolled – all under the care of the French Foreign Ministry. Nearby in a landscaped forest glen, the Valley of Willows, is his original burial place – far more idyllic and peaceful than his mammoth sarcophagus of ostentatious pomposity at Les Invalides in Paris. Come here yourself and I think you’ll agree. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #275 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



jw-with-merchant-on-boat Khasab, Musendam, Enclave of Oman, October 2006. The sharp tip of Arabia, known as the Musandam Point, sticks into the Persian Gulf, separating it from the Indian Ocean. The Strait of Hormuz is only 30 miles wide from Musandam Point to the coast of Iran, and through it passes a substantial fraction of the world's crude oil.


I came here to see the Persian smugglers. Go down to the wharves in Khasab and you will see them piled high with waterproof-wrapped bales of clothes, cases of soft drinks and juice, cartons of children's toys and electronic goods, an entire shopping mall of stuff, all ready to be crammed and tied down into 20 ft. long open speedboats with powerful outboard motors capable of outrunning Iranian Navy patrols.

There are dozens, scores, of waiting speedboats. The run from Khasab harbor to coves on the Iranian coast or the Iranian island of Qeshm takes about three hours. An average night will see dozens of speedboats racing across the Strait of Hormuz smuggling goods into Iran. The smugglers couldn’t have been more friendly to me. They hate the mullahs and are proud they are helping poor people in Iran. I had a great time with them. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #169 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



mike-pence-smileU.S. — In a bold new attempt to win the 2024 election against Biden, candidate Mike Pence has decided to alienate all 80 million voters who voted for Donald Trump.

"It's about time someone had the courage to say it, so today I will say it: Trump is bad," said Pence to a raucous crowd of 12 seniors in the activity center of Shady Oaks Retirement Home. "If that hurts my chances with the tens of millions of people who voted for him, so be it. I am a stalwart man of integrity. Just look at my kind eyes and serious face."

Pence then looked directly into the camera with a look of integrity.

Sources within the Pence campaign confirmed Pence plans to make up the loss in support by courting Biden voters and convincing them he is not a bigoted Nazi fascist homophobe. "We have faith in the virtuous Americans who voted for Biden," said a campaign spokesman. "They will certainly see things our way once Pence has had the chance to talk to them in his comforting evangelical Dad voice and make them see reason."

Pence also expressed confidence that he would be able to make inroads with the 150 million people who didn't vote in the previous elections, such as babies, illegal immigrants, and Chinese spies posing as university professors.

"Trump is an existential threat to democracy and an evil person," continued Pence. "I know this from my 4 years of loyally and unquestioningly serving him. Vote for me!"

At publishing time approximately 100% of Biden voters polled still thought Pence was a bigoted Nazi fascist homophobe.

- Babylon Bee reporting



joe-for-saleThat’s the way to best describe it, isn’t it? That Hunter is Joe’s pimp, Joe is the political whore for sale.

Here’s the NY Post cover story Wednesday (8/09): Hunter Biden’s Staggering $20M Haul From Kazhaks, Chinese, Russians, Romanians And Ukrainians Revealed In New Bank Records: Comer.

While what TTP predicted about PDJT’s indictments is coming true. As historian Joseph Campbell described in his famous The Hero with a Thousand Faces, the journey of the archetypal hero always involves battle against seemingly insurmountable obstacles only to triumph over them.  Think Odysseus or Hercules.  Now it is Trump’s turn.  Meaning:  if he collapses this house of junk indictment cards, with the nomination and the White House, he’s In Like Flynn.

All aboard for another great entertainingly informative HFR!




The Wodaabe are cattle-herding nomads in Niger, West Africa. Their Gerewol festival features Yaake dances by the men to impress marriageable ladies with how ideally handsome they are. Those ideals include being tall and athletic, having white eyes and white teeth, decorating themselves colorfully, and having a winning smile.

The Wodaabe are a fun-loving, friendly, and hospitable people. You’ll meet them on our Trans-Sahara Expedition when we’re next able to operate one. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #57 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 08/10/23

cow-farts-expldeAre cow farts going to destroy the planet’s environment like the Global Methane Hub seems to believe?  Turns out that’s just a Pysop. “Issues like the cow fart threat are absurdly extreme for a reason. The objective is not the achievement of the issues themselves. It is the alteration of the psyche of the populace… The goal is not the elimination of cows; it’s the elimination of thinking and dissent.”

Why Flatulent Cows Matter


CA Gov Gavin Newsom by street artist Sabo

They call him Gruesome Newsom for good reason.  That secret illegal ChiCom biolab in Fresno (Fresno??) filled with infectious agents, medical waster, and a thousand dead Covid-infected mice you’ve heard about?  California’s Psycho Governor funded it and Biden’s Federal Death Agency knew all about it.  It was accidentally discovered by a city business inspector.  Thank Sabo for portraying Newsom accurately.

Newsom Funded Chinese COVID Lab Known To Biden’s FDA

Here we go on another great ride with Skye’s Links!



It's a familiar story: a well-known person disagrees with leftist dogma, gets attacked by the mob, and backs down.  Of course, because leftism is a religion without room for repentance, the person is never forgiven, but he's at least averted the worst of the mob's anger.

That seemed to be what happened with Ne-Yo, a multi-talented musician and singer: he said he does not believe that transgenderism is real, and then, when the mob came for him, he apologized.  Except that this story has a different ending:  In a video on his Instagram page, Ne-Yo completely disavowed the apology, saying that it came from his publicist and not from him.

He reiterated that it's up to him to be the daddy and not to yield to his kids' fantasies. He’s fighting back against the woke fascist mob – watch.



gov-reagan-proven-winnerCalifornia – where Ronald Reagan was easily elected governor twice – is today the epicenter of Democrat power in the United States.

The ultra-blue state backs up its progressive agenda with a state legislature that commands a Democrat “mega” majority in both the State Assembly (62-18) and the State Senate (32-8). Every higher office in the state, from Governor down to State Superintendent of Public Instruction, is occupied by Democrat politicians.

By now every American who values their political and financial freedom should know that what happens in California does not stay in California. The key to winning back California, along with saving the nation, is to recognize the foundation of Democrat power is also its ultimate weakness.

California will turn purple, and then red, if and only if the Republicans still standing in that state decide to espouse a message, and policies, that attack the heart of the Democrat agenda. Here’s how.




The oldest part of the Silk Road was originally called the Jade Road along the string of oases watered by runoff from the Kunlun mountains of northern Tibet on the southern edge of the Takla Makan desert in Chinese Turkestan. This is where the finest jade was to be found, washed down from Tibet. This is the route that Marco Polo took with his father and uncle in 1272 to reach the court of the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan.

This is what the Jade Road looks like today, near the fabled oasis of Khotan. Save for the road being asphalted and the farmer’s cart being towed by a small tractor instead of a donkey, Polo would recognize it. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #179 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



anglican-christ-church-cathedral This is the Anglican Christ Church Cathedral in Stanley, capital of the Falkland Islands, consecrated in 1892. In front is its famous Whale Bone Arch, made from the jaw bones of two blue whales (the largest creature to have ever lived, bigger than any dinosaur, and still swimming in our oceans today).

The Falklands are in far southern Atlantic some 300 miles east of the tip of South America. Claimed by Britain in 1782, an ongoing dispute first with Spain then Argentine resulted in Britain declaring it a Crown Colony and establishing a settlement, Stanley, in 1840. In 1982, after constantly claiming the islands were theirs, Argentina militarily invaded. The Falklands War was won by Margaret Thatcher ordering the British Navy, Army, and Royal Marines to take the islands back at gunpoint.

Today, Falklanders are the most patriotic people of all British possessions. They are wonderfully cheerful and friendly. There’s no more British place on earth. Don’t ever pass a chance to come here. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #167 photo ©Jack Wheeler)