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Ever see the 1980 movie Popeye starring Robin Williams? It takes place in the seaside town of Sweethaven – and you’re looking at it. The film set was built in a cove on the northern end of the island of Malta in the Mediterranean just for the movie.

It’s now been transformed into a Disney-type fun park for kids and families. Not what you expect to find in an island famous for ancient temples older than the pyramids, massive medieval fortresses that were scenes of battles that saved Western Civilization, magnificently ornate Renaissance cathedrals, gorgeous beaches and breathtaking scenery. But here it is, with shows, rides, and play houses filled with children laughing and exploring. One more reason to love Malta. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #147 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



the-suprme-courtThe Sun is Rising at the Supreme Court

blackrock-pride-monthLast Friday, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects a Christian web designer's right not to produce work for same-sex weddings. Speech cannot be compelled. It is this simple.

The ruling reaches deeply into the boardroom of BlackRock and far beyond the small marketing and website developer that brought the suit.

Pride month ended with a whimper.

Affirmative Action, the LBJ era plan to compensate blacks for slavery, is over. This and the other recent SCOTUS decisions show Trump's true legacy through his Supreme Court Justice appointments. Clarence Thomas finally has the band back together.

France is burning. There is no political solution on the horizon. Many say it is time for a new republic; forty years of liberalism have failed.

Renewable energy is hitting some big snags. The giant engineering firm, Siemens Energy, has confirmed major problems with their wind turbines. They have reserved $1 Billion to begin repairs, but this appears to be a lowball. The mean time to wind turbine failure is much lower than forecasted.

Setians are a global group of Satan worshipers that believe the Egyptian god Set and Lucifer are one and the same. They believe that Set compels them to break taboos, engage in the most abominable sex, and rape children. A new movie describes the child sex slave trade and the Setian impulse behind the demand. There are a lot more of these creeps than people realize, and the child sex slave trade is now larger than global arms trafficking.

China is restricting strategic minerals to the United States. They say it is because of American trade belligerence. It could be because China can no longer produce the materials in sufficient quantity. But guess what? The USA has capacity already built but idle that can be spooled up in short order.



brandon-at-taj-mahal August 1993, Taj Mahal, Agra, India. I took my son Brandon here for his 10th birthday. Here is one supremely happy boy. One of the greatest gifts you can give your children or grandchildren is to take them on a great adventure, to explore the world with them. And it is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. It is a bonding experience that will last all of your life and theirs. Never pass up the opportunity, search for the opportunity instead. This is life-enrichment at its best. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #272 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 07/06/23

bide-whitehouseAmerica’s “White House” took on a whole new meaning this week.  What a timely reminder that its current occupant has a coke-head son of whom he is very proud and can do no wrong.  The Secret Service is investigating how cocaine got into the White House.  Who could possibly have done something like that?  The jokes are just getting started: “Have you heard? To pay for Hunter's crack addition, Joe had to sell even the Resolute Desk to Beijing.  It’s why where Joe lives is now called the China White House."  Lots more fun to come:

Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Was Found In West Wing Phone Cubby Hours After Hunter Biden Visit

Ready for some delightful news about Federalie Censorship?  Here is a real judicial blow against the Empire. You’re gonna love this!

"Orwellian Ministry Of Truth" Busted - Judge Bars Biden Officials, Agencies From Contacting Social Media Companies

Lots here… and wait till you see “Putin Described In One Picture…”  Let’s go!



lakes-of-plitvice The Lakes of Plitvice (plit-vit-see) in central Croatia south of Zagreb are a World Heritage Site, a wonderland of sixteen crystal clear turquoise lakes interconnected by dozens of waterfalls over travertine limestone natural dams built up over thousands of years. There are wooden walkways along them all, over which you can spend the most relaxing day strolling by them.

Croatia is a country filled with history, charm, and beauty, but here is where that beauty is unsurpassed. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #271 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



declaration-of-independenceOur national Fourth of July holiday—currently the nation’s 247th since the first in 1776—marks the birth of the United States.

The iconic Declaration of Independence was published on the 4th and largely written by Thomas Jefferson. Its core sentence would become among the most famous words in American history:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Those aspirations at the outset pledged the new American nation to hold to its promises “that all men are created equal.”

But note what the Declaration was not.



michelle-oLast week, Michelle Obama, the politician, issued a formal position statement on Twitter regarding the Supreme Court decision to eliminate affirmative action in higher education.

In doing so, Michelle not only revealed her political ambition, which I believe includes the Democrat nomination for president in 2024, but also the likelihood that she herself was an affirmative action student at Princeton University in 1981.

In my film and book of the same name, Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power, I do a deep dive into Michelle’s Princeton University experience. What I discovered is an obvious beneficiary of racial preferences who feels obliged to deny her privilege and to denounce the very system that bestowed those privileges as racist.

What I also discovered is, during her time at Princeton, Michelle had unconsciously acquired a race-based bag of tricks from which she could draw in her quest for political power one day. Like today.



la-coupeeThere are five Channel Islands in the English Channel. Best known are Guernsey and Jersey. Least visited is Alderney, along with tiny Herm. Most fascinating is Sark, Europe’s only remaining feudal fiefdom. No motor vehicles are allowed, excepting a few farmers’ small tractors. The governor and chief constable is called the Seneschal. He rides to his office on his bicycle.

It’s an ancient office with a tradition of many centuries. When I was there in 2010, it was held by Reginald Guille, a very friendly fellow as all Sarkese are. We rode our bikes around the island, even along La Coupée, the connecting path along the razor sharp high isthmus connecting two parts of the island – it’s pictured above.

There are gorgeous pocket beaches here, and beautiful natural swimming pools. Flower gardens are everywhere, the island could not be safer, cleaner, calmer, and more exquisitely charming. A few days here will do wonders for you. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #131 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



founding-fathers On this July Fourth, it is only appropriate to pay homage to America’s most revered and beloved founders, George Washington, the Father of our country, and Thomas Jefferson, the Author of our Declaration of Independence. It may seem a puzzle to some that Washington’s signature is not on it. That’s because, as Commander of the Continental Army, he was defending New York City from British attack. A copy of the DI was sent to him by express rider on order by John Hancock, which Washington read to his troops on July 9.

It’s best not to think of their reaction to seeing America right now, as that’s too depressing. Instead, we need to summon within ourselves what we can of their courage, genius, and integrity to place America on a path of which they would be proud. May they inspire us all. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #270 photo ©Jack Wheeler)