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no-burka[This Monday’s Archive was originally published on September 23, 2003.  I’ll be quite interested in knowing how you think it applies to today.  For it could be reinterpreted as “Trannies and Tiny Zibbs.”  What kind of man gets his jollies winning awards by easily defeating women in sports, afraid to compete against other actual men?  In 2003, we knew that women’s rights in the Islamic world were the key to ending Islamic terrorism.  Now that this terrorism is on the upsurge again, is it just a coincidence that women’s rights in our woke culture are being trashed by tranny-worship?  Your thoughts?]

TTP, September 24, 2003

This extraordinary photo is of the two Finance Coordinators of the 2003 meeting of the governing boards for the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, held this week in Dubai.

Geetha Ezhuvath is on the left. She is not a Moslem. Sara Al Kaabi on the right, most obviously is.

Ms. Ezhuvath is also not from the West. She is from India. Sara Al Kaabi is from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), generally considered to be one of the least repressive Moslem states. Yet she remains sequestered in the 7th Century.

What this picture so clearly says is that men in India are much less afraid of women than in traditional Moslem countries. It is fear that forces women to hide themselves. Which raises the question Moslems are afraid to ask: Why are Moslem men so afraid of women?



hani-rice-terraces The Hani people in the mountains of Yunnan have been carving out rice terraces on dozens of steep mountainsides for over a dozen centuries. After the late fall harvest, in winter they flood the terraces in preparation for spring planting. At sunrise and sunset, the light reflecting off them creates a scene of phantasmagorical surrealism. Unknowingly, the Hani have created one of humanity’s most magnificent works of natural art the world has ever seen. What you see here is only one of hundreds of terraced areas. It is a sight beyond belief. Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #156 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)




August, 1971. Here is where the Ancient Greeks believed their 12 Olympian Gods lived, on the summit of the highest peak of Olympus – Mytikas at 9,571ft/2,918m. There are 52 jagged prominences of Olympus, but if you want to commune with Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite, Athena and the rest, this is where you go.

It takes just two days: morning drive from Athens (4 hrs) to Litochoro, then the roadhead at Priona (2,500ft). Afternoon hike of some 3 hours through pretty pine forests to the comfortable Spilios Agapitos refuge (6,700ft) for dinner and a bunk bed overnight. You’re up at dawn for a strenuous but not technical climb up to Skala peak at 9,400ft. In my photo, you’re looking at Mytikas from Skala. It’s a Class B rock scramble – no ropes or gear, but this shouldn’t be your first mountain rodeo. Be careful!

I was by myself at the Mytikas summit and no selfies in those days, so I said my greetings to the gods, and I was back down at the refuge by lunchtime. You’ll be back at the Plaka below the Acropolis in Athens for ouzo and dinner. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #45 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



ye-olde-inquisitionYou’ve seen this morning’s (7/28) headline: Special Counsel Jack Smith Adds New Charges Against Donald Trump, which includes indicting his Mar-a-Lago janitor with “destroying classified documents” – which PDJT had the fully legal right to do.

This is getting 100% lunatic ridiculous – obviously spun up as a Look, a squirrel! attention-diversion away from Hunter Plea Collapse-Biden Crime Family headlines.

It’s about time any presidential candidate of moral decency – not just of GOP but also RFK, Jr. -- to promise on Day One of his/her presidency to issue a presidential pardon for any and all corrupt Biden DOJ charges against DJT, request a bill from Congress on the Resolute Desk to sign expunging his two impeachments, release all J6 political prisoners from jail (note they’re in cages above), and appoint a special prosecutor to examine the high crimes and treason of the Biden family.

First one out of the gate on this gets a huge bump in the polls.  A return to a one-tier system of judicial integrity starts here, and an end to the two-tier totally corrupt system the Dems enjoy now.

Okay, here we go. Hang on to your hats for a great HFR ride!


SKYE’S LINKS 07/27/23

sorry-no-it-isnt-joeAnother Second Amendment victory! The Fifth Circuit has refused to lift their nationwide injunction against the enforcement of Xiden's anti-do-it-yourself Ghost Gun rule:

Biden's Gun Control Backfires After Fifth Circuit Ruling: Ghost Guns Legal Once More


How Big Tech messes with hundreds of million minds, and what is being done about it.  This is an illuminating must-read by a very serious professor of behavioral psychology:

'The Perfect Crime': Tech Companies Are Manipulating Our Elections And Indoctrinating Our Children — How We Can Stop Them


We need someone in the White House whom we can trust to do what this guy wants. Ramaswamy describes how he will disassemble the administrative state:

Ramaswamy Unveils Plans To Eradicate FBI, Department Of Education, Nuclear Regulatory Commission


There’s plenty more, with memes galore that you’ll love. Jump on in!




You’re looking face on Everest’s West Ridge, the border of Tibet and Nepal. On the right is the Southwest Face in Nepal, on the left is the North Face in Tibet. Called Scoundrel’s View because this is a better view than trekkers to Everest Base Camp see (a viewpoint called Kala Patthar).

You have to make another trek up the Ngozumpa glacier (longest in the Himalayas) in the Gokyo valley, where above the fifth Gokyo lake at 16,400 feet you get to call yourself a “scoundrel” for seeing what Everest trekkers don’t.

High on the Northeast Ridge on the left horizon is the last place Mallory and Irvine were seen heading for the summit in 1924, and then disappeared. Hillary and Tenzing summited in 1953 via the Southeast Ridge over the right horizon. Everest Base Camp in Nepal is at the foot of the big snowy buttress below the West Ridge. Called the West Shoulder, it blocks any view of Everest from Base Camp.

On our Himalaya Helicopter Expeditions, we get an abundance of spectacular views of Everest, up close and personal – Scoundrel’s View is only one of many. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #29 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika

Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika

This morning (7/26), Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika refused to accept the Hunter Biden sweetheart plea deal that the Department of Justice was prepared to sign off on with no prison time and only misdemeanor charges.

So, now the parties have two weeks to satisfy the judge with a new plea agreement. No doubt, Hunter desperately wants to avoid any prison time. I don’t know if he has actually beaten his drug addiction, and with his prominence and mouth full of false teeth, he would be a target for prison brutality of the worst sort.

But the DOJ prosecutors must fear rejection of a new deal that does not include prison time and which immunizes Hunter from further prosecution, so coming to an agreement in two weeks may be difficult.



boycotting-lessonsOn July 13, 2023, a country western artist little known outside his genre stepped into the national spotlight when he released a video of a song that channeled the feelings of more than 100 million Americans.  Maybe a lot more.

In less than a week it was ranked #1 on iTunes and as of July 25 it is the #1 trending music video on YouTube. But you won’t see it on Country Music Television, because it’s been banned.

By now the story line is well established. Jason Aldean, 46 years old, who already had 24 number 1 hits on the US country charts, has released a music video where against a backdrop of protests and rioting, he sings “don’t try that in a small town, see how far you make it down the road…”

Reaction to Aldean’s alleged endorsement of vigilantism and allegedly coded racist undertones has been swift and unrelenting. Which is why what Aldean’s song represents, and the reason for its popularity, is much bigger than the song itself, or the artist who sings it.



kuang-si In the jungles of Laos less than 20 miles from the Laotian Royal Capital of Luang Prabang, you will find the entrancing waterfalls of Kuang Si. Multi-layered cascades of emerald green pure water pour into a series of pools ideal for swimming. The warm sun filters through the dark green jungle canopy. The laughter of Laotian children combined with that of the rushing waters adds to a unique serenity. Here is a place that will wash away all your woes. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #185 photo ©Jack Wheeler)