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chin-dempuppetmasterWhat if American companies simply ignored Chinese copyrights and patents, and stole Chinese ideas, inventions, and intellectual property, as they pleased and with impunity?

How would Beijing respond if American biotech company warehouses were discovered in rural China with unsecured vials of deadly viruses and pathogens?

These “what-ifs” could be expanded endlessly. But they reflect well enough the great asymmetry in the bizarre Chinese-American relationship.

Obviously, China would not tolerate America treating it as it does the Americans.  Why then does the imbalance continue?



buyi-kids-at-luoping-flower-fields The Buyi are the indigenous people of Luoping in northeast Yunnan, having lived here for many thousands of years. A peaceful agricultural people, for some 2,000 years they’ve been growing what we call rapeseed for vegetable oil. (Actually, we call it canola oil as “rapeseed” has unfortunate connotaions.)

Their multilevel terraces of bright yellow rapeseed flowers blooming in early spring (February-March here) – the Luoping Flower Fields – are world wonders of natural art.

They are marvelously friendly and hospitable – watch out for drinking rice wine with them, though, it’s seriously strong! These two Buyi kids exemplify what a joy they are to be with amidst their astounding fields of beauty. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #276 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



indonesia_map[This Monday’s Archive was originally published in TTP on October 26, 2006. Indonesia is an enormous country – it’s as far from the western tip of Sumatra to the border with Papua New Guines as it is from London, England to Kabul, Afghanistan. In addition to being a “Nutshell History,” what it says almost 17 years ago turns out quite prescient.  In this week’s The Economist is Indonesia Wants to Export Moderate Islam, which so leads from this Archive it follows below.  Note that the Indonesian organization that is the focus of both articles, Nahdatul Ulama, has formed an international alliance called the Center for Shared Civilizational Values, in cooperation with its Liberty For All Foundation (

TTP, October 26, 2006

There are 245 million folks in Indonesia.  88% of them, or 215 million, are Moslem, comprising the largest Moslem population on earth.  Just 8% of Indonesians are Christian, 2% are Hindu, and only 1% are Buddhist.

Yet the most famous landmark of Indonesia – the archaeological wonder of Borobudur – is Buddhist.  In fact, it is the world’s largest Buddhist monument.  Indonesia’s most famous tourist destination and most famous culture is the island of Bali.  The people of Bali are not Moslem.  They are Hindu.

Indonesia used to be Buddhist and Hindu, and is a long way from Arabia.  How did this place become Moslem?



June 2002, the Vulture’s Mouth Glacier. In the deepest heart of the Gobi Desert of Mongolia, south of the Flaming Cliffs where Roy Chapman Andrews discovered dinosaur eggs in the 1920s, there is a naked spine of mountains called the Gurvan Saihan. In the Gurvan Saihan there is a deep gorge called Yol Alyn, the Vulture’s Mouth. And in the Vulture’s Mouth, there is a glacier.

It is not a big glacier, the continual ice buildup of a stream that never melts even in the heat of the Gobi summer. Yet it is a glacier nonetheless, thick enough for my son Jackson and I to walk on for more than a mile. The Vulture’s Mouth Glacier is just one of a multitude of extraordinary experiences Mongolia has to offer the explorer. Are you up for exploring it with me this summer of 2024? (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #90 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Brooks & Dunn (Kix Brooks/Ronnie Dunn) released their famous hit song 30 years ago in 1993.  Sure makes you feel good, doesn’t it?  Real American blue collar optimism and joyousness.  Can’t wait to get up in the mornin’ and do it all over again!

Sure is different today, isn’t it?  10 days ago (8/08), an unknown country singer uploaded a song on YouTube that got 5 million views in 3 days, going completely viral and hailed as “the blue collar political anthemcri de coeur of bitterness and hopelessness in America now…

If you read through Skye’s Links yesterday (8/17), you’ll see why the very last thing we need now is resignation and hopelessness in the face of woke fascism.

But before we discuss this, I’d to make an announcement.  Tomorrow, Saturday August 19, is Skye’s 80th birthday.  Every week, he works his considerable brains out letting you know what recent events are useful to learn about.  You might consider, then, telling him on the Forum how much you appreciate this, and wish him a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SKYE!!

To Skye!

To Skye!



flat-dog-croc Here in Zambia and elsewhere in Africa, crocodiles are nicknamed “Flatdogs.” You can see why. They spend much of their lives lying flat on the mud bank of a pond or river. Yet when on the hunt they can attack with astounding speed and surprise, leaping unseen from muddy water upon an unsuspecting target twenty feet away in an instant. This happened to a young boy fishing along the Luangwa River near our encampment just days ago. Africa is unforgiving of the unwary. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #142 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 08/17/23

civil-war_chargeThe Fourth Turning becomes ever more dangerous. Jonathan Turley discusses the UChicago Project on Security & Threats survey finding many Americans are embracing violence as an option for political change. 30 million Americans say that violence is justified to prevent Trump from being re-elected, and 18 million say that violence is justified to help Trump be re-elected.  The biggest difference between them?  The former don’t believe in having guns, while the latter most certainly do.

Age Of Rage: UChicago Report Finds 30 Million American View Violence As Justified To Keep Trump From Power

To the 'Crats, everything that Trump did after the 2020 election is a criminal conspiracy.  It’s truly mind-boggling what they accuse him of as criminal. This is TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, on stilts and steroids.  Read these quotes from the GA indictment to see:

Georgia Indictment: Reserving A Room, Asking for Phone Number Are ‘Overt Act[s] in Furtherance of the Conspiracy’


To the 'Crats, everything that Trump did after the 2020 election is a criminal conspiracy.  It’s truly mind-boggling what they accuse him of as criminal. This is TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, on stilts and steroids.  Read these quotes from the GA indictment to see:

Georgia Indictment: Reserving A Room, Asking for Phone Number Are ‘Overt Act[s] in Furtherance of the Conspiracy’




Yes, these are the actual legendary walls of Troy that Homer immortalized in the Iliad. Or what remains of them 3,200 years later. You see here the East Gate of Troy VIIa, the layer demolished in ashes archaeologists believe where the historical basis of the Trojan War occurred in 1180 BC.

This was Troia or Ilium for the ancient Greeks, after the city’s founder Tros and his son Ilus. They firmly believed what Homer described was real history, and the heroes portrayed – Achilles, Hector, Odysseus, Ajax, Patrocles, Paris and Priam – really lived. They knew just where it was – in the northwest corner of what is now Turkey they called the Troad where there were ruins with the tomb of Achilles.

Alexander the Great so firmly believed it was all true that when he crossed the Hellespont in 334 BC to destroy the Persian threat to Greece, he devoutly worshipped at Achilles’ tomb. 2,200 years later everyone thought Troy was a pure myth – all historians certainly did – except for a self-made German businessman named Heinrich Schliemann. He spent his fortune excavating a mound called Hissarlik in 1871 – and found Troy.

Today, you can explore these ruins of history yourself. Go there alone at night with a full moon above. Will the shade of Achilles come forth out of the moonlit shadows to greet you? (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #217 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



The Queen of Mean telling her husband off in public

The Queen of Mean telling her husband off in public

If Joe Biden is not the Democrat presidential candidate in 2024, will former first lady Michelle Obama take his place?

Some are betting that if the president is driven out of the race next year by corruption allegations, increasing signs of mental impairment and terrible approval ratings, only the former first lady has the name recognition and popularity to step in as a last-minute replacement.

Would, then, Mrs. Obama, allegedly one of the most admired people in the nation, have an excellent chance of winning?

For revelations about Hunter Biden’s influence-peddling and his father’s alleged complicity do not only taint Joe Biden’s presidency – they also cast a shadow on the Obama White House. To be sure, Michelle Obama was not the president, but it is her husband’s reputation and accomplishments that she would run on.

Quite soon, people will ask: what did President Obama know about Joe Biden’s evident corruption and when did he know it?