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trumps-vp-assaulted-womenA new wave of controversy erupted as 12 women came forward alleging they had been sexually assaulted by whoever Trump's vice presidential pick would end up being.

The damning allegations began to come in despite the fact that Trump has yet to officially name a running mate or even disclose whether the pick is a man or a woman. Sources confirmed at least a dozen highly credible accusers emerged to demand justice against whoever the VP candidate might be.

"Whoever the VP pick is, I am here to tell my story of how I was inappropriately touched by them," claimed one accuser. "As soon as Trump sees fit to announce who his running mate is, I'm going to positively identify him… or her. Whatever. No matter who he picks, they aren't going to get away with what they did. They must be held accountable!"

Other women quickly joined the ranks of accusers, suggesting Trump's eventual VP selection — no matter who it may end up being — has a long history of serious misconduct. "The person Trump picks as his running mate will not get away with the things we all know they did. Once he announces who it is, we'll know who to blame for what happened to all of us."

At publishing time, the DOJ had announced they would be charging Trump's VP pick with serious federal crimes, once they find out who it is.

- Babylon Bee reporting.



Good Men Still Exist

Good Men Will Continue to Exist


Felix Rodriguez, a Cuban-born anti-communist member of the CIA Special Operations Unit, played a significant role in various covert operations during the second half of the 20th century. In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Rodriguez discussed his involvement in the capture and execution of Che in Bolivia, the Bay of Pigs, positioning American targeting beacons adjacent to Russian missiles in Cuba, the role of a second gunman in the Kennedy assassination, El Salvador, Vietnam, Venezuela, and other topics.

During the past week, several lawfare events have favored Donald Trump. The Florida case has been put on hold indefinitely due to the Feds admitting to tampering with Mar-a-Lago evidence, which could potentially lead to a dismissal. The DC case may also face scrutiny if this occurs. In Georgia, the appellate court is considering removing Fani Willis from the case due to her relationship with a prosecutor, which might cause the case to fall apart. In New York, Trump appears more like a victim after the recent Stormy Daniels trial. It is essential to break down the lawfare into manageable pieces to understand the developments.

Pro-Gaza and anti-Israel protests continue at the nation's universities. Nonetheless, last week, I traversed from northern Maine via Boston to Tampa, Florida, followed by Columbus, Ohio via Atlanta in my trusty Ford.

Based on what I saw on campus and what I saw on the highway, it seems like the whole protest/police raids story is either made for TV or too dramatic to be organic. Yes, some people are assembling for TV news crews. Their goal is attention and validation.

The Boy Scouts of America, established in 1910 by William Dickson Boyce, was inspired by Ernest Thompson Seton's Woodcraft Indian program, which merged with the Boy Scouts movement in the UK as founded by Lord Baden-Powell.

The program faces controversies, including declining membership and lawsuits alleging sexual abuse by some leaders. In response, the organization has implemented changes to leadership requirements and screening processes. The new program, developed under the guidance of Mike Rowe, the Dirty Jobs guy, aims to make the organization more inclusive and teach youth practical skills to become employment-ready. Girls are now allowed to join the program, and the organization has been renamed Scouting America to create a more welcoming environment. Despite media hype surrounding the changes, the program is still the Boy Scouts at its core, even as it turns to address the national crisis of young men and boys growing up in fatherless households in a hostile and woke world.

Come on over, this has been a week to remember.



dark-hedgesYou’ve seen this spooky place called King’s Road in HBO’s The Games of Thrones – but where is it and what is it really? It’s in Country Antrim in Northern Ireland near the town of Armoy. Originally it was the driveway to a mansion built in 1775 by James Stuart, descendant of King James I of England (1566-1625), who lined either side with beech trees. Now almost 250 years old, their branches intertwine eerily, giving rise to its name of “Dark Hedges,” and legends of ghosts haunting it like the “Grey Lady.”

Northern Ireland has had its terrible Troubles as we all know, but that’s history now. It’s a place of stunning scenery and natural wonders like the Devil’s Causeway and Marble Arch Caves, and those man-made in addition to Dark Hedges, such as Dunluce Castle and Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge. Then there’s the Victorian opulence of the Crown Liquor Saloon in Belfast. All in all, Northern Ireland is a marvelous place to visit. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #43 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 05/09/24

2nd-amendment-limitsLots to cover today, folks! The SCOTUS will soon have another chance to play hero with the 2nd Amendment; Trump brings the spotlight to the Libertarian Party Convention; the Swamp shows its slimy underbelly, again; and Victor Davis Hanson holds up a sign saying, The End is Near. There are questions from both sides concerning a possible New Civil War, and enough evidence for The-Inflation-that-must-not-be-Acknowledged to convince anyone…except DC, apparently.

Then there is more news that cannot be called good about productivity and the economy – an indictment of the US Government – then we end with the Twilight Zone of AI flying Air Force Jets – and a Science Fiction magazine closing its submissions desk because AI-generated stories are crap.


SCOTUS may again be coming to the rescue of the Second Amendment:

U.S. Supreme Court Taking Gun Ban Challenges to Conference



tantric-bhutanThe most fabulously exotic country on earth is the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan.  The Bhutanese religion of Tantric Buddhism is here exemplified by a prayer hall wall painting of Yab-Yum – the physical union of Compassion and Wisdom.  Male compassion is personified as the deity Samvara with a blue body, multiple faces and arms.  He embraces his consort of female wisdom Vajra-varahi.

It is important to understand that Yab-Yum is considered a sacred act as a path to Enlightenment.  It is just one example of how Bhutan may stretch our comfort zone to learn ancient ways and practices, giving us a broader perspective on our humanity.  For an in-depth understanding of Bhutan’s extraordinary culture, consider joining our Wheeler-Windsor Expedition to the Land of the Thunder Dragon on our next trip there soon. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #16 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



deuces-wild-lawEurope and America are littered with courts and lawyers.  There are civil courts, criminal courts, international courts, and other courts of first and last resort.

The term “lawyer” is synonymous with wealth, influence, and the ability to be a power broker.  Millions of pages of laws exist, no one can know them all.

At the same time, the world is excruciatingly dangerous.  Wars and atrocities rage, with the main streets of major cities being the front lines as often as the deserts and jungles.

Even in “civilized society” the line between peace and violence is thin, and it is often open season on the normal man, woman, and child.  In the United States, people are buying up guns and ammunition, and it is a dark joke to suggest that the plethora of courts and laws will truly keep society stable and the citizens safe. No one buys it – even liberals are arming.



religionofpeacesAmerican colleges, known for fostering social movements, have witnessed a curious alliance in recent decades — the Leftist-Islamist coalition, an uneasy and yet significant force. This essay delves into this collaboration, raising questions about its ideological compatibility and financial transparency.

The political leanings of American faculty have been a topic of discussion since the 1930s.

Studies like those by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education and the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) consistently show a higher concentration of liberals, particularly in humanities and social sciences.



rock-of-gibraltarWe’re all familiar with the famed Rock of Gibraltar, huge and imposing from the outside – but inside the Rock itself is the enormous St. Michael’s Cave with fantastical formations colorfully illuminated.

For millions of years, rainwater created fissures in the Rock’s limestone widening into huge caves with the steady drip of mineralized water creating massive stalactites hanging from cave ceilings and stalagmites rising up from cave floors. A phantasmagorical experience.

Gibraltar has been a British territory since 1713 when Spain ceded it in the Treaty of Utrecht. Thus also high up inside the Rock are the Great Siege Tunnels the British dug then lined with cannon emplacements to defeat Spain’s attempt to seize Gibraltar in the 1780s.

Walking through the tunnels, you peer below looking down where the Spaniards and their French allies were vainly dug in – and where there is now an airplane runway stretching across the isthmus.

That’s just a glimpse of what to discover visiting Gibraltar, as there’s so much more! (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #12, photo ©Jack Wheeler)



words-and-actionsThe Hamas apologists who now infest Ivy League and other campuses either do not know, or willfully choose to ignore, the fact that war is not a law enforcement activity whose purpose is to punish the guilty and spare the innocent.

If we look at the history of warfare, their complaints about civilian losses in Gaza are disinformation and dissimulation, with no other identifiable purpose than to protect Hamas from the consequences of its actions.

The same goes for the bleating from António Guterres, UNRWA, and the International Court of Justice. They are nothing more than our era’s counterparts of Axis Sally, Tokyo Rose, and Lord Haw-Haw.

This does not mean that it is ever acceptable to target genuine noncombatants, and Israel bends over backward to avoid hitting them. Even enemy combatants in most wars, however, are guilty of nothing more than wearing the wrong color uniform.



false-flag-seasonThe definition of a false flag is a hostile or harmful action (such as an attack) that is designed to look like it was perpetrated by someone other than the person or group responsible for it.

It was first done by pirates who would fly flags of friendly nations to allow themselves to get close enough to attack merchant ships.

The historical use of a flag isn’t the key -- it’s the deception.