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So is this a man, or a maggot?

He "needs..."

What a needy [expletive deleted].

Normal nations ... and men ... will fight and sacrifice themselves for their women and children. That's the textbook definition of masculinity. That's what Israel is doing as it seeks to defend itself against the monstrous terrorists who laid waste to the land and tortured and murdered 1,400 innocent women, children, elders and many others.

Now this creep wants to sacrifice his fiefdom's women and children, presumably because he can't motivate his minions to fight for his repellent cause otherwise.



marx-mohammed [This week’s Archive was first published on September 1, 2005. The current wave of genocidal fanaticism of Hamas and Mullah Iran, together with their Islamic and woke-left supporters in the US shows all too clearly the relevance of this analysis written 18 years ago. Today, however, the burden for being responsible for the death knell of Jihadism has shifted from Iraqis in 2005 to Palestinians.]

TTP, September 1, 2005

I was recently asked what might be the common ground between the Radical Left and Radical Islam. Let’s expand on that and discuss with you the extraordinary extent to which Marx and Mohammed are ideological brothers.

In fact, they are much more than that. Marx and Mohammed are metaphysical brothers. They share the same view on the nature of reality. Their fundamental bond is a denial of the Law of Non-Contradiction.

Far more than a rule of logic, this is a basic statement of the way reality works. Contradictions exist only between thoughts, not in the world. This is also known as “common sense.” Both Marx and Mohammed disagree.

Thus both Marx and Mohammed are advocates of apocalyptic totalitarianism.



mouth-of-hellOn the south coast of Australia’s island state of Tasmania, there is a huge sea cave the aboriginal Tasmanians called The Mouth of Hell for the shrieking and moaning the waves and wind made emitting from it. Boatsmen prefer to enter it to this day protected by a cross on their fishing boat’s bow.

The wild beauty and mystery of Tasmania is absolutely extraordinary. At 35,000 square miles, it is the size of Maine with a population of less than half a million. Towns like Hobart and Launceston are charming, but the magic is in the uninhabited wilderness that makes up much of the island as a hiker’s paradise. That and a momentous coastline almost beyond belief.

If you’re ever in Oz, especially Melbourne, don’t miss the chance to explore Tasmania. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #150 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



amazon-initiation August, 2002. In the remotest Amazon jungle of Brazil, along a tributary of the Upper Xingu River, live the Xicrin-Kayapo people. They live traditionally as they have for centuries, isolated in their forests from the world. Here the young boys, painted and adorned, apprehensively await their initiation ceremonies into becoming young men. They are to be tested to show they have what it takes for the village to be proud of them.

In some of their eyes, there is confidence. In others less so. This is an ancient Rite of Passage, an enthralling experience to witness. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #229 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



MAGA is in the House

Holy Bananas, Batman!

Many conceptualizations of the world and how it works fell during October. Reality is settling in.

The leaders of both parties in the House of Representatives felt so smug in their belief that the people's will could be ignored forever, three weeks of backstabbing and double-dealing failed to return Kevin McCarthy and the Uniparty to the speakership.

Instead, out of nowhere, a Northern Louisiana MAGA Republican assumed control. No! No! No! The RINOs cried out, but the deed was done.

The war between Hamas and Israel is growing hotter at the same time that the Israel-Saudi economic treaty collapsed. The war has profound global financial implications. Empires are on the line.

Russia has stopped firing cruise missiles. Are they out? Their precision strike capability is falling just as their former pals in Armenia are under threat once again by Azerbaijan. This time, however, Iran and Turkey might become directly involved.

And what of all the hostile migrants flooding Western nations? They were supposed to become homosexual-loving, Democrat-voting, dues-paying union members. Instead, they are bringing Jihad to Main Street.

Big labor is showing its muscle, and the economy feels a pinch. However, the re-industrialization of America will be a non-union, deskilled economic miracle. Who needs 1,000 workers in an engine plant when the government is hell-bent on eliminating internal combustion engines? The media says the unions are about to break the auto industry; The opposite is about to happen.

Come on over to this week's HFR. Everything is changing.


SKYE’S LINKS 10/26/23

Loss of Confidence

A loss of confidence is blowing through the land. Universities, as the Great Rush Limbaugh used to say, produce skulls filled with mush. The academia's response to the Hamas attack on Israel portrays the conflict as the oppressors vs. the oppressed instead of right vs. wrong, murder and rape vs. peace. Do universities add value to society or drain resources? This is a serious question.

The SCOTUS gave the big okey-dokey to unlimited government censorship and propaganda within the United States. Citizens are returning the favor by disbelieving just about every government narrative online.

TTP is technically part of the dark web because our content is not searchable by Google. TTP is "dark" to the censors. This is good.

The lawfare against Trump continues. Overall, Trump still defeats his enemies, but the globalists intend to destroy him. We look at the Levant Bronze Age and several globalist empires' end-states in relation to modern times. Hint: History rhymes, and a Dark Age follows.

Economic conditions continue to deteriorate even though official government GDP figures say otherwise. The number of transactions is collapsing, yet the inflation-fueled aggregate price of transactions is increasing. So far, in 2023, 13 large pulp and paper plants have closed and announced closure in the USA and Canada because the corrugated box industry is in a severe recession. The large mills will be gone forever, as will their forest stewardship. There will be more forest fires. The big issue is the tremendous decline in e-commerce. Collapsing Amazon orders are reflected in the collapsing corrugated box market.

Come on over to Skye's links. We cover culture, politics, war, and economics this week.



tiji-ceremonyOnce a year in the capital of the Tibetan Kingdom of Lo, the medieval walled city of Lo Manthang, the Lo-pa Tibetans hold a ceremony called Tiji (tee-gee), meaning casting out of demons.  It’s meant to prevent any demons or malicious spirits from destroying their barley and buckwheat harvests.

Tiji is colorfully spectacular and dramatic, but this is no tourist show – Tiji is a deeply serious religious ritual.  The Kingdom of Lo is in a very remote and roadless region of the Himalayas known as Mustang, lying north of the Himalayan giants of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri in Nepal on the border with Chinese-occupied Tibet.

We were privileged to witness it on a Himalaya Helicopter Expedition.  We hope to be so privileged again next year. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #238 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



campus-crazies-for-hamsThe sheer madness that has gripped many elite universities since October 7 and the butchery, rape, torture, and mutilation of some 1,000 Israeli civilians by Hamas murderers have shocked the public at large.

Campus craziness is, of course, nothing new. But quite novel for campuses was the sudden jettisoning of prior campus pretenses. Universities have brazenly dropped their careful two-faced gymnastics to reveal at last–unapologetically, proudly, and defiantly–the moral decay that now characterizes American higher education.

Recent news stories have exposed this rot to the world, and will have grave repercussions for higher education in the next few years.

The Nazis once desecrated the tombstones of dead Jews. Our campuses have updated that hatred. Students now tear down pictures of Jewish captives kidnapped or murdered by Hamas. University presidents do not condemn the hate-filled rallies supporting the killing of Jews in Israel.  Here’s the cure for it all.



Drilling ice cores on the Greenland ice cap

Drilling ice cores on the Greenland ice cap

Statistics Norway, the government agency that produces official statistics for that country, released a report last month titled “To What Extent Are Temperature Levels Changing Due To Greenhouse Gas Emissions?” The report concludes:

“[T]he results imply that the effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be sufficiently strong to cause systematic changes in the pattern of the temperature fluctuations. In other words, our analysis indicates that with the current level of knowledge, it seems impossible to determine how much of the temperature increase is due to emissions of CO2.”

The Norwegians’ defection is important because climate alarmism can survive only if it is deemed an official “consensus,” so that people who point out inconsistent facts can be censored. Once the purported consensus is punctured, it rapidly becomes clear that the Climate Emperor is unclothed.