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harvard-out_palestine[Another excellent piece by VDH – with one major flaw.  Of all his suggested solutions, the most necessary is missing: the complete total abolishment of the unconstitutional federal Department of Education.]

It took the widely reported, repellent, and exempt wave of anti-Semitism and violent pro-Hamas protestors harassing Jewsfinally to convince Americans that their own hallmark universities are illiberal centers of mediocrity and intolerance—and increasingly unsafe.

Of course, Americans had long known that something had gone wrong at their colleges. They had increasingly encountered college graduates who were poorly educated in basic skills and lacked general knowledge—and yet highly politicized, and intolerant of different views and opinions. Ignorant but arrogant is a sad way to start an adult life.

How can we fix this?



luangwa-lagoon-sunsetIt’s hard to find a better example of the glory of nature than here – a lagoon off the Luangwa River in Africa’s Zambia. It’s also hard to believe I took this picture just a few days ago – and now I’m back home, and Africa so far away.

It was so fulfilling, so rewarding for me, over the past weeks, to provide a life-memorable experience of real Africa to eight TTPers – they’ll never forget it ever. I plan to be here again soon – perhaps you’ll be with me. There’s a primordial magic in Africa that grips your soul like nowhere else. The wisdom of those most familiar with the world is: “If you can visit only two continents in your life, go to Africa – twice.” (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #145 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



temple-of-concordiaThe Ancient Greeks began settling in the Mediterranean’s largest island around 750 BC. They called it Sikelia, after the Sikani and Sicel tribes that lived there. They flourished, building numerous cities, all with temples to their Olympian gods. The city of Akragas – now called Agrigento on the south coast – grew to a population of 200,000 by the 500s. It was here that the Greeks built the most outstanding examples of monumental Greek architecture that still exist today.

Along a ridge outside the city, they erected temples to Zeus, Hera, Heracles (Hercules) and many others. The one you see here the Romans called the Temple of Concordia (harmony), for by the time they showed up in the 200s, the Greek name was lost. In the foreground lies a remnant of a bronze statue to one of the Greek gods – perhaps Apollo. The glory that was Greece has been gone with winds of millennia. It can be a very emotional experience to be here.(Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #248 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



worry-about-iran[This Monday’s Archive was first published on December 8, 2005. In response to last week’s HFR (11/17), TTPer Brant asked on the Forum: “What is Israel’s future when one nuclear bomb could destroy the heart of the country in what would be the Jews second Holocaust? This is being morally set up by the general rise in anti-Semitism especially in the United States.”  This essay of 18 years ago may help to provide an answer.]

TTP, December 8, 2005

With Mullah Iran seemingly on the verge of getting a nuke or two, it is a very good time to point out to Palestinians that there is no way to make a nuclear bomb that just kills Jews. There is no way to “wipe Israel off the map” in a Nuclear Armageddon without wiping out the Palestinians as well.

A nuclear fireball detonated over Jerusalem would kill a substantial fraction of the city’s half-million Jews – and the city’s quarter-million Palestinians. But not only lives would be destroyed. Next to the Kaaba in Mecca, the most sacred site to Sunni Moslems in the world is the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, which comprise the Haram esh-Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary on top of Temple Mount.

A nuke would turn the Noble Sanctuary into radioactive dust. This is what Iran’s terrorist leaders are threatening to do. So all you Palestinians, all you Moslems out there, wherever you are , get the picture: Wiping Israel off the map means wiping your sacred Noble Sanctuary[2] off the map as well. It’s an inescapable package deal. Still think Iran is on your side?



“KEEP THE CLEANUP!” is the outcry.  On Monday (11/13), the Daily Mail ran an extensive before/after photo essay entitled: Outrage As San Francisco Boots Vagrants Off Streets Ahead Of Xi Jinping Visit - As California Governor Gavin Newsom Admits Woke City Was Only Given Polish To Impress World Leaders.

Outrage not over have vagrants were booted out by police, but that the filthy fecal mess SFO has become wasn’t cleaned up much sooner, that it never should been allowed to begin with, that it will quickly be allowed to return.  The irony is that Gavin Newsom, the worst governor in America, may see this as his ticket to the White House.

Everyone by now knows that Dementia Joe will not be the Dem nominee in ’24.  Including Joe, who at the APEC Summit SanFran was cleaned up for, said in praise of Newsom, “He’s been a helluva governor, matter of fact he can be anything he wants – he could have the job I’m lookin’ for.”

Right, let Gruesome do to all of America what he’s done to California.



hajjar-qimThe megalithic temple of Hajjar Qim (hah-jar seem) on the island of Malta in the center of the Mediterranean, was built a thousand years before the pyramids in Egypt. The Stone Age people there made their temples of enormous stones weighing several tons cut from the limestone bedrock with tools of stone and antler horn for they had no metal, and moved them using small round-cut rocks as ball bearings for they had no wheels.

The massive stone I’m in front of weighs over 20 tons. These folks figured out all by themselves how to build these extraordinary temples to their gods and goddesses close to six thousand years ago. Nobody taught them. They were the first.

These ancient temples are only one of the so many things that entrance the visitor to Malta. Medieval walled cities, sea caves of day-glo blue water, sunset dining in fabulous restaurants with great food, great beer, and great wine, luxury hotels made from palaces or palazzos – all at reasonable cost.

90% of Maltese are devoutly Christian, having been so since converted by St. Paul himself in 60 AD. They are warm and welcoming, eager to have you join in the fun of their village festivals. I had such a wonderful time with them when I was first here in 2009 (when the photo you see was taken). I’ve been back twice now and can’t wait to be there again. So much so I’ll be leading an exploration of Malta over next Memorial Day (May 25-June 2). Let me know on the Forum if you’d like to join me. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #241 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



scanderbegIn the city of Lezhë overlooking the Adriatic Sea, there is a memorial to Albania’s national hero, Scanderbeg (1405-1468). Born Giorgi Kastrioti in this city of northern Albania, he earned the title of “Lord Alexander” – Scanderbeg in Albanian – for his military genius in leading his Christian army against the Moslem armies of the Ottoman Empire.  For 25 years (1443-1468), his 10,000 Christian Knights consistently inflicted defeat after defeat upon always much larger Moslem forces.

His victory in the Battle of Albulena in 1457, where he destroyed an Ottoman army of 70,000, killing 15,000 and taking 15,000 prisoners, so astounded all of Christendom that Pope Calixtus III appointed him Captain-General of the Holy See, and gave him the title of Athleta Christi, Champion of Christ.

By the 1500s with Scanderbeg but a memory, the Ottomans conquered Albania and Islamized it for almost 400 years. With the rise of Albanian nationalism in the late 19th century, Scanderbeg’s memory was revived. Today he is revered by Albanians who only ostensibly remain Islamic yet idolize a Christian King who devoted his life to defeating their country’s Moslem oppressors. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #247 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 11/16/23

lawful-search-warrantGood news!  This is a real step in the right direction!!  A strong bipartisan bill protecting the 4th Amendment rights of Americans is coming out of Congress.  This bill goes far beyond reforming Section 702,  it prohibits any government agency from buying information on Americans from a data broker without a search warrant signed by a judge based on sworn probable cayuse.

It gets even better!  It prohibits government from demanding business records (such as your phone and bank records) with a mere administrative demand or subpoena; a real search warrant will be required.  The bill also contains audit provisions and penalties for violations.  The Xiden administration has said that they will veto it, even without having read it:

Biden White House Shoots Down Massive Bipartisan Surveillance Reform Bill They Have Not Read Yet

This edition of Skye’s Links is chock full of good, even wonderful news, plus cautionary and useful news as well. And we end with what Trump’s plans are for a second term – now we know!  So come on in…



speaker-wimp-of-the-houseWhen Louisiana’s Mike Johnson was pulled from obscurity and elected House speaker last month, many conservatives were cautiously optimistic that the man with the self-professed biblical “worldview” and somewhat solid voting record would be the fighter they’ve needed to halt Democrats’ Marxist takeover of society.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long to discover that Johnson is just as weak-kneed as his Republican predecessors.

On Tuesday afternoon, Johnson and House Republicans surrendered to Democrats yet again on a major government spending fight. Rather than stand strong and fight for conservative priorities, Johnson agreed to another continuing resolution, or CR, to keep the federal government funded through the beginning of next year.

Unsurprisingly, the proposal does nothing to address key issues plaguing the nation, such as the Biden-manufactured crisis at the U.S. southern border, and maintains already-high spending levels.