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st-lucia-islandQuick – name the only country in the world named after a woman.  It’s the island nation in the Caribbean of St. Lucia, named after the patron saint of virgins, 4th century Saint Lucia.

The charm, beauty, and serenity of St. Lucia are unequaled in the Caribbean.  Here you can have your own private retreat overlooking the twin peaks of The Pitons.  The St. Lucian people take great pride in the immaculate spotlessness of their island and in their matchless reputation for personal warmth and hospitality.

While an English-speaking country and member of the British Commonwealth, there is a French tradition here as well, reflected in the fine cuisine and wines in restaurants.  Yet I became fond of the local Piton beer as well.  St. Lucia is the easiest island in the Caribbean to fall in love with – so it is no wonder that couples come from all over the world to get married or honeymoon here.

If you want to spend a few days of bliss away from all the cares of the world, you can’t do better than this place of heaven in the Caribbean. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #190 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



clapping-trumpIt is “Trump Will Destroy Democracy” season again. And predictably the Left has gone hysterical, after experiencing a trifecta of frightening 2024 news.

One, current polls in the primaries and in a general election for now show that Trump would win.

Two, unequivocal evidence is mounting that the Bidens are one of the most corrupt political families in American presidential history.

Three, Joe Biden’s cognitive decline and feebleness have reached a point where he is one fall, one bad cold, or one long brain-freeze away from incapacity. He clearly is not running the country.

Truth is, the Left has shown itself to be grotesquely dictatorial for years now – let’s itemize what they’ve done.



regions-of-n-caucasus[The Caucasus Mountains run east to west from the Caspian to Black Seas.  The peoples of the North Caucasus (north of the east-west watershed) have been fighting for the freedom from Russian imperial conquest since 1800.  For historical background, please consider reading about the great warrior leader of the Caucasus’ struggle in the 19th century, Shamil.  He remains a legendary hero to this day. The Caucasus soldiers fighting in Ukraine against Russia’s occupation call themselves the Imam Shamil Battalion.]

Russia’s war against Ukraine has significantly altered the geopolitical terrain of Eastern Europe, and its repercussions have extended into the North Caucasus.

One of the most notable consequences has been the reawakening of aspirations for independence among the dozens of ethnic groups that populate the region. On November 7 and 8, a major milestone was reached when the Congress of the Peoples of the North Caucasus convened in the European Parliament (, November 9; YouTube, December 7).

Circassian, Chechen, Dagestani, and Ingush pro-independence representatives gathered to discuss their shared goal of independence from Russia. With most of Moscow’s attention fixated on the war, these movements have gained traction in recent months and will likely build on that momentum as the fighting in Ukraine rages on.



trulliAt the top of Italy’s boot heel, there’s an ancient village named Alberobello that’s become a World Heritage Site.

This is because the villagers have preserved a prehistoric building technique with the conical roofs of their homes built up of corbelled limestone slabs with no mortar. The homes are collectively called trulli (true-lee) as each home individually is a called a trullo (true-low). Some trulli are centuries old albeit regularly rebuilt in the traditional way and maintained immaculately.

It’s a fascinating look into unique millennia-old living. Yet it is only one example of this little-visited part of far southern Italy that’s worth exploring. There’s so much more to Italy than Rome, Florence, Venice and such tourist magnets, as worthwhile visiting them may be. You’ll learn that very quickly when you start exploring Italy’s remoter regions.

(Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #255 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



evolutionary-argument[This Monday’s Archive was originally published on November 10, 2004. It still applies to today even more so.  Perhaps Trump or RDS could start promoting it, for the current version via recognizes it won’t work with the repeal of the 16th Amendment.]

TTP, November 10, 2004

A number of people in Congress have suddenly become very interested in an obscure scholarly article in the October 1, 2004 issue of Science magazine, America’s premier scientific journal. Written by UCLA paleobiologist Blaire Van Valenburgh and her colleagues, it’s entitled “Cope’s Rule, Hypercarnivory, and Extinction in North American Canids”.

What knocked off all the “megafauna” that flourished since yet exist no longer? Giant ground sloths, woolly mammoths, cave bears, saber-toothed tigers, giant Irish elks, dire wolves, and bone-crushing dogs?

Well, the larger a carnivore becomes, the more dependent it is on very large prey. You can see how this applies to the entire tax structure of the federal government. The US Government is a hypercarnivore, dependent upon the tiniest fraction of its subjects for tax-food.



jw-at-the-pyramidFifty two years ago – August 1971 – I was able to climb the Great Pyramid of Cheops all the way to the top. 450 feet high, 4,000 years old, the only one of the original Seven Wonders of the World to still exist, it was my first time in Egypt and I had to give it a go.

Of course, this is illegal. So I waited near sunset and all the tourists had gone, walked around to the northwest corner hidden from most views where there was one lonely guard. I gave him 20 Egyptian pounds which made him very happy, and up I went. Each block at the bottom is about five feet tall and gets smaller as you climb, with over 200 stone layers or “courses” base to apex. The top is flat, about 10-foot square – the limestone casing reaching a point gone long ago.

I was a philosophy doctoral student back then, so I sat down, took out from my daypack Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, and read my idol’s wisdom in the light of the setting sun. It was a sunset I’ll never forget, too mesmerized by the moment to take a picture. The photo is of me taken recently where I began my climb of decades ago. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #126 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



hunter-briber-waivesU.S. — Hunter Biden is being charged on 9 counts of evading taxes on his international bribery schemes, according to an indictment filed in Los Angeles on Thursday.

"The President's son made millions on foreign bribes and used the money for illegal drugs and underage sex trafficking. That's all well and good, but then he failed to pay his taxes," said a spokesperson for the DOJ. "Keeping money that is due to the government is the most heinous of all crimes and should be dealt with swiftly and without mercy."

Official sources confirmed that Hunter became wealthy by exchanging national secrets and special favors to America's enemies in exchange for crack and underage sex-slave money, in addition to wiring money to President Joe Biden. Unfortunately, he did this without keeping perfect tax records, making him the lowest of criminals.

"Rest assured, this horrific act will not go without a slight fine and scolding from the judge," said Attorney General Merrick Garland. "This man must be brought to justice."

At publishing time, President Biden had claimed to have no knowledge of the case or of this man named "Hunter."



Speakers blasting – no better way to start this HFR with Brooks & Dunn celebrating American masculinity that terrifies Woketards everywhere! If this B&D performance doesn’t put you in a great mood then nothing will.  So here we go…

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) has to be the HFR Hero of the Week for straight nuking the woketard presidents of MIT, Harvard, and Penn Universities:  “All three of you should resign!”

And how beautiful is this?  NY Post this morning (12/08):

Get ready for the best HFR I have ever written. That’s what I’m thinking now. You decide. Let’s roll…



curonian-spitThe Curonian Spit is a 60 mile-long and skinny stretch of sand separating the 625 square-mile Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. It is jointly shared by Lithuania and Kaliningrad. The trees of one section of the pine forests covering the spit are weirdly twisted and distorted by some unknown force of nature. Their bizarre undulations have earned it the sobriquet, “The Dancing Forest.” It’s one of the as-yet unexplained mysteries of life on our planet, and a wondrous one to see. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #200 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 12/07/23

texit-2024TEXIT!!  Some people are getting really fed up with the central government's shenanigans. Heard of the Texas Nationalist Movement? It has over 600,000 supporters and growing.  Until SCOTUS starts giving 10th Amendment rights for real back to the states, more states are going down this path:

TEXIT Progress: Secession Question Expected To Appear on March 2024 Texas Primary Ballot

Shenanigans like this.  Nothing to see here folks, so just move along… right.  It’s the folks on the Jan 6 Committee who should be rotting in the Capitol Police Gulag, not the patriots there now with no justice whatever.

Jan. 6 Committee Tapes Have Disappeared, Says House Republican

OK, here we go! A lot here, and cool memes too. Jump on in!