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larry-potterCAMBRIDGE, MA — Harvard President Claudine Gay is facing new plagiarism allegations, following accusations earlier this week that she had plagiarized portions of her 1997 Ph.D. dissertation and three other published works. Investigators now suspect Gay's novel Larry Potter and the Sorcerer's Rock may have also been plagiarized.

"To the layperson's eye, Larry Potter may just seem like an original book about a boy with a scar on his cheek who is whisked away to Dogwarts School for Warlocks," said lead investigator Pam Smithers, "But subtle clues suggest she may have taken some ideas from another, yet-to-be-disclosed author."

In response to allegations of plagiarism, President Gay issued the following statement, "The beloved characters Larry Potter, Donald Measley, and Hermanette Goonger came from my own, brilliant, black, and gay mind. Additionally, ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

At publishing time, investigators had stumbled upon a new discovery during a routine search of Gay's home: a copy of the Bible having the cover inscribed with "by Claudine Gay."



sheynnis-palaciosWelcome to the Christmas HFR!  Sorry for the clickbait photo to start but for three reasons.  First she is real, not a figment of AI.  She’s Sheynnis Palacios, Miss Universe 2023, having won the crown last month.   Read on and I think you’ll understand, as she may play a catalytic role in ridding her country of an evil Communist dictator.

Now let’s turn the best and happiest news of the week: Colorado Supreme Court Votes to Remove Trump from Primary Ballot.

WHAT???  This abomination on Tuesday (12/19) is good news??  Yes, absolutely, couldn’t be better – for El Donaldo especially and the entire GOP, indeed all America in general.  Let’s count the ways.

Here we go with another great HFR to engage, entice, and entertain your brain!



At the Temple of the Peacock Angel in the Yezidi holy city of Lalish, you find this entrance to a Sacred Spring with a carved black snake, revered by Yezidis as they believe a black snake stuck itself into a hole in Noah’s Ark and saved humanity.

The Yezidis are among the most ancient of all peoples in the Middle East. Their heartland is in what is now Northern Iraq, or Iraqi Kurdistan. You may know of them through the horrific butchery perpetrated upon them by the medieval terrorists of ISIS which gained worldwide notoriety.

They are a fascinating people whose syncretic beliefs are a mélange of Zoroastrianism, Syriac Christianity, Sufi Islam spiced with their own interpretation of all three. In other words, they are their own people, no one else like them – peaceful, at ease with themselves, and immensely likeable.

Their protectors are the Kurds – an extraordinary people in their own right. We’ll be visiting Iraqi Kurdistan and the Yezidis once more soon. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #89 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 12/21/23

chevron-deferenceThis could lead to the most important Supreme Court win in the past century - no kidding.  The case is Loper Bright v Raimondo. SCOTUS arguments start Jan 17 for why at least 5 Justices should overthrow a 1984 Court monstrosity called “Chevron Deference” allowing administrative agencies like ATF to act as lawmakers. They create "rules" and "regulations" based on existing law, then use Chevron to affirm their rule change as "reasonable."  This is a Very Big Deal!

Could This Supreme Court Case End Government Overreach By Three-Letter Agencies?

Are you ready to LOL?  The FBI agent who started the Trump-Russia conspiracy investigation just got sentenced to 50 months in Federal prison for.... conspiring with Russia!

Ex-FBI Intel Chief Who 'Investigated' Trump-Russia Collusion Gets 4 Years In Prison For Colluding With Russia

Let’s roll!



city-of-almatyThis is Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan with over two million people. Originally named Alma Ata or Father of Apples, as here in the western foothills of the Tien Shan mountains is where apples were first domesticated and cultivated.

Almaty is a thriving prosperous city as the financial/economic- but not political- capital of independent Kazakhstan. And but a stone’s throw away from the magnificent snow-clad Tien Shan, a trekker’s paradise in the spring, summer, and fall, a skier’s in the winter. It’s a modern, spotlessly clean city with gorgeous parks and flower gardens- and there’s a terrific Irish Pub flowing with Guinness. What more could you want? (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #220 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



beyond-hypocrisyThe abject narcissism of the insular Left is startling. They apparently believe the American public is amnesiac enough to forget what leftists once did, now that they’re doing the utter opposite.

And they assume we are to discount their hypocrisy and self-absorption simply because they self-identify as erudite and moral and assume their opponents are irredeemable and deplorable.

Apparently, for example, we have never appreciated the supposedly unnecessary and cruel encumbrance on a president when his son is indicted.  So, we are told that a son’s legal exposure is an unfair weight on a president.

Have we again forgotten the subpoenaed Trump children, much less the four weaponized indictments of Trump himself? Does anyone wish to compare the drug-addicted, prostitute-hiring, gun-losing, pornographic-photo-taking, shake-down grifting of Hunter with the conduct of the five Trump children?



how-schadenfreudeliciousAt the COP28 climate summit in Dubai this December, the climate change world was waiting with bated breath for a final document that would declare war on fossil fuels.

The 70,000 delegates at the United Nations-sponsored event in the oil-rich nation of the United Arab Emirates hoped for a radical turning point where countries might agree to the “phase-out” of the production and consumption of oil, gas, and coal by mid-century.

For much of the conference, the debate was centered on whether to use the term “phase-out” or “phase-down” to describe the pace of the process to keep world temperature increase frozen at 1.5 degrees Celsius. Either term would put energy companies on notice that their days are numbered.

The climate-change movement has been waiting for this strong commitment since 1995. However, delegates were horrified to learn that the final draft document consisted of a watered-down agreement that did not mention fossil fuels and recommended actions that “could” be taken to reduce carbon footprints. There was no sense of urgency, drastic action plans, or concrete timelines.

Yep, it happened again:



waitangi-bay-chatham-islandWaitangi Bay, Chatham Island. 530 miles east of New Zealand lies an isolated island of windswept rugged beauty that few people have ever heard of. Yet Chatham Island may be an ultimate Christian example of how to prevail over monstrous evil.

In the early 1400s, a Polynesian people calling themselves Moriori sailed from New Zealand across an unknown empty sea to reach an island they named Rekohu, meaning “misty sky.” For 400 years they lived in peace among themselves – and in utter isolation from the world.

But in 1835, another people arrived, and brought Hell with them. They were a group of 500 Maori cannibals from New Zealand determined to take Rekohu for themselves. The Maori killed them like sheep, men, women, children, and babies, and ate them.

The British Governor of New Zealand ignored the Maori Genocide. There were about 2,000 Moriori on Rekohu (renamed Chatham) when the Maoris arrived in 1835. Only 101 Moriori were still alive by 1862. It was Western Christian missionaries who put an end to Maori killing, eating, and enslaving Moriori. Today on Chatham Island there is a Moriori resurgence – but without rancor. The past is past, they say, what counts is the future. Like few other peoples on earth, the Moriori understand the Christian power of abandoning resentment and grievance.

Come to Chatham to experience a unique place in our world, and a people with their souls at peace. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #176 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



fallacy-bookFearnside & Holther’s Fallacy: The Counterfeit of Argument is the book that launched my interest in philosophy.  I got a copy shortly after it was first published in 1959 when I was still in High School.  It’s pretty beat up by now but remains in a pride-of-place in my library.

It’s still being published – last edition in 2020 – and as you can see from the Amazon reviews, continues to get high praise.  I want to start this iteration of What to Read by suggesting you get a copy for any young person you know whom you value – son, grandson/daughter, cousin, child of a friend.  At least by the time they’re 12 or even late grade school.

It’s critically important for anyone to learn how to reason and think properly, the earlier they learn to do so the better.  More so today, obviously, with our culture and educational system awash in woketard fallaciousness.  Order today and Amazon will get it to whomever you want in time for Christmas – could be the most valuable Christmas present you’ve ever given.

Before we continue, I just went over the last issue, What to Read 2021, and there are a lot of books still very relevant and worth your while.  Take a look!  Okay, then, let’s proceed.



thumbs-up-and-grin-trumpWhy is Donald Trump so resilient?  Here’s a clue – its source goes back centuries.

As 2023 draws to a close, the ex-president is on track to win the Republican nomination and beat Joe Biden come November.

If the election were today, Trump would get his second term.

Yet he’s charged with crimes that run a gamut from election interference to mishandling classified information.  He’s under gag orders and lost a $5 million civil suit this year.

Why don’t voters care — or if they do, why are they rewarding Trump, not punishing him?

A hint can be found in the work of a great historian who died last week at age 99, J.G.A. Pocock.