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deuces-wild[This is to introduce a new feature on TTP -- a column by TTPer of many years who often posts insightfully on the Forum:  Mark Deuce. After serving America as an Army paratrooper, Mark’s career has been in community law enforcement.  He brings life-long street experience to the reality of today.  His column is entitled – what else? – Deuces Wild.  Welcome, Mark!]

One lesson I have learned in law enforcement is to be attentive to the behavior of humans you encounter.  A cop’s job is dealing with people—often at their worst.  Most other cop skills can be taught; but an inability to assess and react appropriately to human behavior will guarantee your ineffectiveness.

For cops, a common sign of trouble with a person you contact is them not obeying your lawful verbal instructions that you give them in order for you to do your job.  For officer safety, you need to mentally switch gears when you see this in an encounter and regardless of what they are saying, notice: (1) you gave them a command and (2) they haven’t obeyed it.

Let’s apply this thinking to how we deal with most Democrats, RINOs and liberals.  We have given them numerous commands—to keep our streets safe, to secure our border, not to steal from us, leave our freedom alone – and they keep refusing to obey. What’s to be done?



bob-and-maryJanuary 2, 2024 — Hamas is reeling after losing two of their most cherished leaders on the same day, military commander Saleh al-Arouri, and Harvard President Claudine Gay.

"This is a devastating loss for our organization and the world," said Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh while throwing a dart at a dartboard with a picture of a Jew on it. "Al-Arouri helped mastermind our glorious murder/rape party of October 7th, 2023. Claudine Gay presided over the preaching of our message of Jew-hatred in America's Ivy League. This is an incalculable loss."

Ismail Haniyeh then went back to his game of darts while sitting in a jacuzzi and having his shoulders massaged by a high-priced escort from Dubai.

Eyewitnesses confirmed that al-Arouri was blown up by a rocket while innocently meeting with other innocent Hamas officials planning totally innocent and harmless military operations in the West Bank. Sources also verified that Claudine Gay was forced to step down. Both attacks are being blamed on the Jews.

At publishing time, Hamas had put two “help wanted" ads in the New York Times to help them fill both positions.

 - Babylon Bee reporting



alexander-hamilton-houseOn January 11, 1755, Alexander Hamilton was born in this home on the island of Nevis, part of the British Leeward Islands Colony in the Caribbean. It was his mother Rachel’s home inherited from her father – she and Alexander’s father, James Hamilton from Scotland, were never married.  It was a scandal back then to be “born out of wedlock,” over which young Alexander triumphed.

His birthplace is hallowed as a museum with displays and photos describing his extraordinary path from a penniless orphan (James abandoned him, then Rachel died) to being one of America’s principal Founding Fathers.  It leaves quite an impact on you, being in the very place where the history described actually began.

Nevis (nee-viss) is an especially beautiful Caribbean island yet less visited than it’s well-known neighbor, St. Kitts.  Together, they form the sovereign nation of St. Kitts & Nevis.  If it’s ever your good fortune to get to St. Kitts – make sure to take the short ferry ride over to Nevis.  It has a history, beauty and charm all its own. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #283 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



year-of-the-dragonEvery year on December 31st, a glimpse is revealed of an impenetrable world. On Chinese state television, Xi Jinping delivers his new-year address to the nation.

China’s netizens pore over the footage: on no other occasion do they get to see their leader sitting at what purports to be his desk. They swap analysis of Mr.. Xi’s collection of photographs displayed on bookshelves behind him. And they parse his ponderously delivered words.

“Along the way, we are bound to encounter headwinds,” he said this year. Many will see that as an understatement of China’s current woes.

The economy failed to gather momentum. Youth unemployment soared and the property market continued to slump. Foreign investors in China grew more nervous. The headwinds were fierce.

That was 2023. 2024 looks hardly less troubled.



biden-app-dreamsThere have been more than 8 million illegal entries into the United States since Joe Biden was elected president. He appointed Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of Homeland Security, whose apparent prime directive was to destroy the southern border.

That task is precisely what Mayorkas has now accomplished. The result is that the border is neither “porous” nor “problematic,” but nonexistent, kaput, vanished—and by design.

In one of the most surreal experiences in the history of the United States, each night Americans see video clips of thousands of foreign nationals crossing the border en masse with complete impunity—as if the entire corpus of federal immigration law has been dynamited.

But by whom? And why?



portugal-canoeIt’s found here – the fishing port of the ancient village of Sesimbra in Portugal.  3,000 years ago it was called Sempsibriga – high place or briga of the Sempsi Celts.  So much of Europe is gone now, steamrollered by modernity.  Not here, where Portuguese fishermen sail out in their tiny boats for their daily catch as they have for countless generations.  The best fish you’ve ever had is in Sesimbra’s local restaurants – wow, is the swordfish good.

While Portugal is a First World country with all the modernity you could ask for, it is unique not only for the charm of its history, preservation of its culture, and post-card picturesqueness, but the sweetness of its people.  They are simply nice in a way that’s so captivating.  Their traditional family values are part of their nature.  The country resonates with peacefulness, an at ease serenity.  It’s the Europe that’s still there.

You can be captivated yourself by joining our WWX Exploration of Portugal this coming May.   (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #284, Photo ©Jack Wheeler)




jack-map[This Monday’s Archive was originally published on October 23, 2013 – so yes, the map of my travels above needs updating. It’s appropriate that we begin 2024 with the message here. For almost a half-century now I’ve made a living enabling people to respond to the Call of the World. In 2024, that response will be in Africa’s Serengeti, Albania, Scotland, Mongolia, Central Asia, the Himalayas, Bhutan, the South Pole, and Atlantic Paradise Islands. I hope to see you on (at least!) one of them, like Adventure Albania which is seriously cool. But the message here goes well beyond that.  Happy New Year!]

TTP, October 23, 2013

As you may know, I’ve had memorable experiences in every country in the world. Ever since I was a young teen, the world has been calling me to explore it – and I’ve been responding deeply to that call for sixty years now.

And yet… and yet… I must confess to you that I’ve barely begun, barely scratched the surface of the wondrousness of our Earth.

There is a literal endlessness to what there is to learn, witness and infuse your soul about the history, culture, people, and sheer magical beauty that surrounds our planet. To seek, to know, to experience, to explore is a very deep part of what it is to be a human being.



glimpse252_picIn Bukhara, Uzbekistan, I didn’t speak Uzbek and she didn’t speak English, yet laughter is the true universal language.

She gave me a broad smile to display her gold-plated teeth.  You don’t often see someone with teeth of gold, but she says what better way to protect your teeth when you’re getting old?  The Uzbek people of Central Asia have a wonderful sense of humor.  Come with me to Central Asia this September to laugh with these Silk Road people yourself. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #252 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



demsdisprove_cheatlieAUGUSTA, ME — In a move designed to push back against criticism that they have a track record of rigging elections in secret, Democrats have now adopted a policy of rigging elections in broad daylight so everyone in the country can see it.

"We are being entirely transparent about our election interference," said Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows after announcing former President Donald Trump will not be allowed on the 2024 primary ballot. "Any wild allegations of covert efforts to rig elections are simply preposterous. As anyone can clearly see, the steps we are taking to interfere with and rig the outcome of our elections are being done in plain sight. This is a win for democracy."

Bellows's decision to rule Trump ineligible to be included on the state's ballot came on the heels of a hotly debated ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court that also attempted to keep Trump's name off the ballot in that state. Though serious questions have been raised regarding the legitimacy of elections, Democrats deny any secret plots. "We aren't hiding anything," Bellows said. "Everyone can see what the FBI and DOJ are doing. All these baseless indictments aren't being made in secret. Heck, I made a public announcement about taking him off the ballot. I don't know where these accusations of us covertly rigging the election are coming from."

At publishing time, top Democrat powerbrokers were reportedly also preparing to begin operations in every state to rule all Republican voters ineligible to vote in any elections in order to save democracy. Babylon Bee reporting



silver-swanWelcome to the Happy New Year HFR!  We’re going to welcome 2024 by celebrating silver swans coming our way next year, rather than worrying over what black swan catastrophes the fear-mongers want to scare us with.

Not to be Pollyannish, we’ll discuss what dangers lurk ahead for there are plenty – but that’s worry-wart useless unless you couple solutions to them.  For silver swan is more than a metaphor.  We’re talking about remonetizing silver and even gold, what could save us all from the horrific inflation of everyday prices (like for food and household supplies) inescapable next year.

And… How about creating your own silver swans in 2024?  That sure is what Rebel and I are doing.  We’d like to invite you to join us on our Adventure Albania exploration on this spectacularly fascinating part of Europe in April (see what’s new on the TTP left side bar).

So here we go with a running start towards a Silver Swan 2024.