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Rebel and I, along with our friends with us, always have a great time in Albania.  Here’s a pic she took of me with a stein of delicious Birra Tirana lager.  You’re sure to have so much fun yourself by joining us and your fellow TTPers on our Albania Wonderland experience this April.  See you in Tirana.  The beer’s on me! (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #284 photo ©Jack Wheeler)




Well, my, my, my… what kind of explosive Black Swan do we have here?  So many patriots fear there will be a Civil War II between them and the Deep State.  Who would guess that a civil war has now broken out within the Deep State, two factions warring against each other like rival mafia gangs over turf control. Trés cool, n’est ce pas?

You won’t believe what informative fun this HFR is, and just riddled with great cartoons and memes. Get ready to enjoy!



himba-womanThe Himbas are a tribe of nomadic cattle herders in far northern Namibia. Himba women make a paste of butter fat and red ochre clay called “otjize,” to protect their skin from the burning African sun and braid their hair for beautification.

The Himbas’ exotic practices are not for tourists. This is the way they live as one of Africa’s most genuinely traditional peoples. Living on the move in remote roadless regions, it takes an effort to find them. But when you do, coming with an attitude of respect, you will be welcomed with smiles and hospitality in return. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #66 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 02/08/24

obey-eliteLet’s get a better understanding of the minority that is actively working to destroy America as we know it, their opinions, and some of their tactics. It’s not pretty.

Then we’ll look at a marvelous work of fiction called the Jobs Report, some Gen-Z voter insight, and a quick explanation of Econ101.

This is the elite 1% that is destroying America.  Here is the most amazing and important poll that I have ever read:

The Elite 1 Percent Behind the Cultural Civil War



polynesia-paradiseHave you ever seen the ocean turn day-glo pink? It does here naturally during a sunset (this is not photoshopped). Between Samoa and Tonga in the South Pacific is a raised coral atoll, 100 square miles of old limestone between 60 and 200 feet high: the island of Niue (new-way), and it’s is uniquely fabulous.

With no silty river runoff, the water is incredibly clear – visibility can reach over 200 feet. There are a multitude of chasms through which you clamber to these out-of-a-movie tidal pools perfect for snorkeling surrounded by colorful reef fish. The limestone cliffs encircling the coast are riddled with caves with multi-colored stalactites and stalagmites.

You can snorkel or dive with spinner dolphins and humpback whales. The big game fishing is world class – within a few hundred yards off shore. The Niueans are unfailingly friendly and welcoming, the beautiful Matavai Resort is the best bargain in the Pacific, the food and beer is inexpensive, the weather is balmy. It’s a Polynesian paradise you never heard of. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #48 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



trump-cabinet-meeting-2017DeSantis is gone. Christie, Bergum, Scott, and Hutchinson are all gone.  And if current polling is indicative of the primary voter preferences, Haley will be out before a catastrophically embarrassing loss in her own state of South Carolina.

Therefore, President Trump is the de facto GOP candidate, and given the latest head-to-head polls, he would beat Joe Biden if the election were today.

So if Jack Smith, Judges Engoron and Chutkan, Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis, and the rest of the Deep State Bureaucracy fail to neutralize President Trump and he wins, what then?

What will a new administration, with President Trump as the 47th Chief Executive, look like, and who will man it? Here is one version of what we can expect. Here are the names of those who have demonstrated their unswerving commitment to AMERICA First and who are the top-tier choices for MAGA 2.0 to Make America Great Again. Again.

(And yes, I know I have left out the VP slot. That’s because I am privy to the president’s choice for that position but not at liberty to reveal it just yet. But don’t worry, it’s an excellent choice!)



how-to-steal-electionA country cannot survive, let alone thrive, when the voting process itself has been tainted, thereby driving a significant portion of the citizenry to no longer trust in the electoral system. In the United States, we have generally been immune from this nightmare scenario, at least for the most part.

Yes, we have had our share of highly contested elections, most recently in 2000. But these situations have been much more the exception than the norm in the United States over the past two centuries.

Unfortunately, it has become clear that the 2020 presidential election did not reach this historically high bar due to the sheer level of fraud mail-in voters admitted to committing in the 2020 election.

Our story begins in the months leading up to the 2020 election, when several states, including all the critical swing states, changed their voting rules under the pretext that traditional in-person voting was dangerous due to the pandemic.  We cannot let this happen again.



scanderbegIn the city of Lezhë overlooking the Adriatic Sea, there is a memorial to Albania’s national hero, Scanderbeg (1405-1468). Born Giorgi Kastrioti in this city of northern Albania, he earned the title of “Lord Alexander” – Scanderbeg in Albanian – for his military genius in leading his Christian army against the Moslem armies of the Ottoman Empire.  For 25 years (1443-1468), his 10,000 Christian Knights consistently inflicted defeat after defeat upon always much larger Moslem forces.

His victory in the Battle of Albulena in 1457, where he destroyed an Ottoman army of 70,000, killing 15,000 and taking 15,000 prisoners, so astounded all of Christendom that Pope Calixtus III appointed him Captain-General of the Holy See, and gave him the title of Athleta Christi, Champion of Christ.

By the 1500s with Scanderbeg but a memory, the Ottomans conquered Albania and Islamized it for almost 400 years. With the rise of Albanian nationalism in the late 19th century, Scanderbeg’s memory was revived. Today he is revered by Albanians who only ostensibly remain Islamic yet idolize a Christian King who devoted his life to defeating their country’s Moslem oppressors. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #247 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



french-farmers-protestSomething rather amazing is happening across Western Europe, although American media outlets really would like to pretend that nothing is happening at all.

The sea change is that ordinary people are pushing back against green policies that will destroy farming (and also destroy the food supply) and against the endless immigration that’s intended to wipe out Europe’s ancient populations in favor of entirely new populations from the Muslim world and Africa (both Muslim and non-Muslim regions).

The farmer protests began last year in the Netherlands when the government announced that it intended to cut livestock farming by 30% to prevent “greenhouse gases.” It was a pure “you vill eat ze bugs” moment, and the farmers protested vehemently.

Because those policies are not limited to the Netherlands but have spread across Europe (where post-WWII socialism provided a ready landing pad for environmental madness), the same farmer protests are now in other European nations. Here’s a snapshot of what’s happening, in France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, and Ireland.



vjosa-stone-bridgeThis is a photo essay of what a wonderland Albania is, nestled in the heart of Europe yet so little known. We’ll be exploring it at the end of this coming April.  If you can join us, as a TTPer you’ll get a $500 discount – and it’s very reasonably priced to begin with.  At the least, you’ll enjoy the pictures of a fascinating country.  Here we go…

Everyone knows about the appeal of Albania’s next-door neighbors Greece and Italy, but very few know about Albania.  The Ancient Greeks and Romans certainly did, who built cities, villas, and resorts still there today.  These days, only the most experienced world travelers know what a wonderland of magic beauty and great adventure Albania is.  I invite you, as a TTPer, to become one of them.

This is to experience thrilling adventure combined with magnificent World Heritage Site history, charming hotels, great food, marvelous wine, and wonderfully hospitable people so easy to make friends with.  Oh, did I mention gorgeous beaches on the unknown Albanian Riviera?