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portugal-rivieraWhat would be an ideal place to escape from all the lunacy washing over our country – for a few days to a second home?

Let’s see… it would have to be a First World country with all the civilized amenities of modern life, and a cultured, educated, and welcoming people many, many of whom speak English.

A First World country that brushes aside all Woke nuttiness engulfing the US as silly rubbish to be ignored, and traditional Christian family values revered instead. That is not much farther away than a US cross-country flight. That has Goldilocks weather, not too hot, not too cold. That has sunsets in the ocean, fabulous food and wine, incredible castles in the sky, history that’s thousands of years old yet so hip and current it’s the cultural capital of its continent.

We’ve had Glimpses of this place before: The Europe That’s Still There, and The Portuguese Riviera. Yes, the Ideal Escape Hatch for us is Portugal – a quick overnight flight getting there, a morning flight return.

For 10 days in mid-October, Rebel and I are conducting a Portugal Exploration for TTPers. Please consider joining us – Rebel and I and your fellow TTPers will love to have you. Just click on Portugal Exploration – Oct 12-21, 2022 -- you owe it to yourself to be entranced by the photos, for a glimpse of this ideal place. (Glimpses of our Breathtaking World #157 ©photo Jack Wheeler)




The real title of Gates’ How To Prevent the Next Pandemic

There’s a joke being told in my house this week: Jeffrey Epstein’s best friend, a little-known and slightly autistic high school dropout named Bill Gates has a new book out this month. Perhaps you’ve heard of him?

Unfortunately, of course, we have all heard of him.

From Borneo to Boston, the entire world is only too familiar with the man who wants to inject you into the future. Bill Gates is the front man — the public face — of Big Pharma’s global COVID tyranny.

Who else would be dumb enough to evangelize that all of the world’s problems could be solved with the tip of a syringe?

That’s an idiotic message because it’s so obviously untrue. Gates doesn’t have any interest in people shaping their own future — he wants to shape your future, and he would really appreciate it if you’d get out of the way.



“Sanctions on Russia have no connection to the unfolding global food crisis. The sole reason for shortages, rising prices, and threat of hunger is the Russian military physically blocking 22 million tons of Ukrainian food exports in our seaports. Demand Moscow to end its blockade.”  –Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine Minister of Foreign Affairs, May 28, 2022


We are on the precipice. 10% of the global population may be facing mass starvation. You’re looking at a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented proportions, probably the worst since the Black Death of the 14th century.” – James Rickards, international economist and investment banker, May 26, 2022

From the beginning of the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian war, the Russian Black Sea Fleet moved in to block or occupy all of Ukraine’s ports on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Russia’s blockade of Ukrainian ports is contributing to a growing human calamity that extends far beyond the immediate region.

Around 70 merchant vessels loaded with grain and other critical cargo have been unable to leave Ukrainian ports for the past three months due to the high danger of armed attack from Russian forces (, May 9). 22 million tons of food products, including grain, barley, sunflower seeds and more, remain stuck in port (Ukrinform, May 21).



waitangi-bay-chatham-islandWaitangi Bay, Chatham Island. 530 miles east of New Zealand lies an isolated island of windswept rugged beauty that few people have ever heard of. Yet Chatham Island may be an ultimate Christian example of how to prevail over monstrous evil.

In the early 1400s, a Polynesian people calling themselves Moriori sailed from New Zealand across an unknown empty sea to reach an island they named Rekohu, meaning “misty sky.” For 400 years they lived in peace among themselves – and in utter isolation from the world.

But in 1835, another people arrived, and brought Hell with them. They were a group of 500 Maori cannibals from New Zealand determined to take Rekohu for themselves. The Maori killed them like sheep, men, women, children, and babies, and ate them.

The British Governor of New Zealand ignored the Maori Genocide. There were about 2,000 Moriori on Rekohu (renamed Chatham) when the Maoris arrived in 1835. Only 101 Moriori were still alive by 1862. It was Western Christian missionaries who put an end to Maori killing, eating, and enslaving Moriori. Today on Chatham Island there is a Moriori resurgence – but without rancor. The past is past, they say, what counts is the future. Like few other peoples on earth, the Moriori understand the Christian power of abandoning resentment and grievance.

Come to Chatham to experience a unique place in our world, and a people with their souls at peace. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #176 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



“Disturbing new video obtained by The Post shows demented Robb Elementary School shooter Salvador Ramos grinning as he holds up a bag of blood-soaked dead cats.”  New York Post, May 30, 2022
As some have argued in response to the relentless push to disarm law-abiding Americans after the mass shooting in Uvalde, TX, things are so much more complicated than just the gun used.

That’s become clear after an unearthed video of the shooter raised every red flag imaginable, showing Salvador Ramos holding a bag of dead cats. If this video was otherwise seen by authorities prior, it’s inexcusable that it wasn’t acted on.

Why wasn’t it?



non-dumb-free-zoneIn the aftermath of the massacre of 19 children and two adults at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, all the usual suspects are pushing for more gun control laws. None of their proposed laws will reflect any lessons learned from what went wrong and which cost so many innocent lives.

One reason is that none of them address the vulnerability created for schools and churches by the misguided policy of “gun-free zones.”  We need to get rid them, and here’s how.



tigers-of-samarkandThe magnificent Sher-Dor Madrassa, built in the early 1600s, is part of the Registan public square complex of the ancient Silk Road oasis of Samarkand. “Sher-Dor” means “Adorned with Tigers” in Persian – flaunting Islamic blasphemy of living beings in art. Here is the mosaic depiction of a tiger chasing a deer and on its back a rising sun deity with a human face. This is honoring the pre-Islamic history of Samarkand that goes back almost 3,000 years.

It was centuries old when Alexander conquered it in 329 BC. For a thousand years as Central Asia’s great entrepot on the Silk Road between China and the Mediterranean, it was a cosmopolitan center for Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Nestorian Christianity. Incorporated into the Islamic world in the 700s, sacked by Genghiz Khan in 1220, rebuilt by the time Marco Polo in 1272 described it as “a large and splendid city,” Tamerlane made it his capital in 1370.

Colonized by Czar Alexander II in the 1860s within the Russian Imperial Empire, and by the Soviets in the 1920s within the Uzbek SSR, Samarkand is flourishing today in independent Uzbekistan. Come with me to explore Samarkand and so many other wonders of The Heart of Central Asia this September. It will be like a dream come true. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #208 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Air Jordan

Air Jordan

What makes the difference between a Mozart or a Beethoven and somebody who can play quite well? What makes the difference between a Michael Jordan and a good overall basketball player?

There is a role for raw talent, of course. You have to be capable of accomplishing such feats as these incredible masters to begin with. There is a role for genius and natural ability. There is also the role played by parents and mentors from an early age, which is usually significant.

But there are plenty of people with loads of talent and ability who never, ever come near their potential. There are a lot of people with very high IQs who never really challenge their mental capacities.  Here’s what makes the difference.