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Back to the Principality of Muscovy?

Back to the Principality of Muscovy?

[Note by JW:  The author, Jacob Fraden, is a very interesting fellow.  Born and raised in Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg) in Russia’s western Siberia 77 years ago, he earned his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at Ural Polytechnic there, and was able to escape the Soviet Union to America in the mid-70s. He has dozens of patents for medical inventions such as the Thermoscan Instant Thermometer, and has authored major textbooks plus autobiographies (one in Russian, the other in English).  This is a brilliant Renaissance man, and I encourage you to regard what he writes very seriously.]

Russia's bloody and senseless war against Ukraine has been going on for almost six months. Instead of the original goal of quickly seizing Ukraine and turning it into a puppet state or a province (the name "Ukraine" is derived from the Russian word for “outskirts"), Russia has suddenly encountered an impenetrable wall of resistance.

Two questions logically arise: 1) why did Russia attack Ukraine? and 2) how and when will the war end?




Built 1,000 years ago on the edge of a cliff hundreds of feet above the sea on the island of Bali, the sacred temple of Ulu Watu is one of the holiest places of worship for the Balinese people. They have retained their unique form of Balinese Hinduism for millennia that incorporates their original animism, ancestor worship, and reverence for Buddhist saints or Bodhisattva. This has resulted in a spiritual warmth and gentle friendliness matched by few other places on earth. It is little wonder so many who come here consider Bali to be a worldly paradise. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #108 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)




Before we begin, I must express my deep appreciation to TTPer Joe Katzman for his unsolicited thoughtfulness in posting this on the TTP Forum.  Thank you so much, Joe!

“We’re using Mastering Emotions, Moods and Reactions in our homeschool. At $189, it was an excellent investment that I would recommend to every parent and grandparent.


Joel goes to the underlying basis of our moods, and what they’re supposed to do for us. Our moods and emotions have jobs. That’s why it’s a bad idea to suppress them.


If you understand the jobs they’re supposed to be doing, you can recognize them and work with them. Joel gives concrete helpful tips for that.


At $99, it falls into the ‘if you have a teenager in the family, buy this and use it’ category.”


Now – here we go.  There are times in a life, or in a world, where a single idea, conceived, committed to, and followed through, can bring about the most breathtaking change.




Yes, these are the actual legendary walls of Troy that Homer immortalized in the Iliad. Or what remains of them 3,200 years later. You see here the East Gate of Troy VIIa, the layer demolished in ashes archaeologists believe where the historical basis of the Trojan War occurred in 1180 BC.

This was Troia or Ilium for the ancient Greeks, after the city’s founder Tros and his son Ilus. They firmly believed what Homer described was real history, and the heroes portrayed – Achilles, Hector, Odysseus, Ajax, Patrocles, Paris and Priam – really lived. They knew just where it was – in the northwest corner of what is now Turkey they called the Troad where there were ruins with the tomb of Achilles.

Alexander the Great so firmly believed it was all true that when he crossed the Hellespont in 334 BC to destroy the Persian threat to Greece, he devoutly worshipped at Achilles’ tomb. 2,200 years later everyone thought Troy was a pure myth – all historians certainly did – except for a self-made German businessman named Heinrich Schliemann. He spent his fortune excavating a mound called Hissarlik in 1871 – and found Troy.

Today, you can explore these ruins of history yourself. Go there alone at night with a full moon above. Will the shade of Achilles come forth out of the moonlit shadows to greet you? (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #217 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



jw-swims-the-hellespont July, 1973. The Hellespont is the famous strait separating Europe from Asia, where the Black Sea after flowing through the Bosphorus at Istanbul and a widening called Marmara empties into the Aegean Sea of the Mediterranean. One of the great stories of Greek Mythology is Leander swimming the Hellespont to tryst with Hero, the woman he loved but was forbidden to see.

Thus he swam at night, and she lit a torch for him to swim to. One night a storm blew out the torch and the strong currents swept Leander onto the rocks to drown. So I first swam the Hellespont at night in 1960 and almost drowned myself (LIFE Magazine, Dec. 12, 1960, pp 91-94).

This was the second time, swimming from Leander’s village site of Abydos on the Asia side to Sestos, Hero’s village site on Europe’s. Here I am having reached the Sestos shore.

The Hellespont is where the Trojan War was fought, where the Persians crossed to lose against the Greeks at Marathon and Salamis, where Alexander crossed to conquer the Persian Empire. Lord Byron swam the Hellespont in 1803 to make all the legends and history a part of his life. I was determined to do the same, twice to make sure. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #100 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



notingoodhandsCharlie’s warning is spot-on.  His calling Tuesday’s (8/09) FBI Gestapo Raid on Mar-a-Lago “Operation Melania’s Closet” is satirical perfection.  What in the world were Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray, the idiots who thought this up and ordered it, thinking?

The answer is, they weren’t – thinking, that is.  They were afflicted with hubris, the crazed arrogance that caused the downfall of the central character of many a Greek tragedy.  Drunk with believing they have a moral right to their fascist power, and enraged by fear it will be taken from them, they have literally lost their minds, their capacity to think straight.

And inspiringly so for the whole world to see.  As The Babylon Bee reported: Trump Thanks FBI For Kicking Off His 2024 Reelection Campaign.  And for ensuring his reelection.

“Sources close to Trump say his first act as President will be to fire his own appointed FBI Director Christopher Wray and replace him with a used dust mop from the Capitol janitor's closet before razing the Hoover building and banishing all FBI agents to Gitmo.”


SKYE’S LINKS 08/11/22


Attorney General Garland's New American Gestapo, the FBI, raided Trump's home Mar-A-Largo.  The 'Crat’s are very very desperate:

FBI Raids Former President Donald Trump’s Home


Now for the fun! The Deep State is throwing Wray and his FBI under the bus due to unexpected intensity of blowback over raid:

Deep State Infighting: DOJ Fingers FBI for Mar-a-Lago Raid Disaster

And… Here is a cogent that the panicked authoritarian response to the pandemic heralded  peak woke:

Why Wokeness Is Doomed

With several more darn good reasons for hope…




We all know the story of Noah and the Ark told in Genesis (chapters 6-9). But do you know where Noah’s grave is? You’re looking at it. There is a tradition thousands of years old that he died and is buried here in the Land of Noah – Nakhchivan.

Known to the ancient Greeks and Romans as “Nakhsuana,” today Nakhchivan is an isolated enclave of Azerbaijan, cut off from the rest of the country by a strip of Armenia reaching Iran. You never heard of it because it’s unknown with a strange name – but the name literally means the Land of Noah. “Noah” is the Anglicization of Hebrew Noakh, or “Nakh” (“van” means “land,” “chi” means “of”).


Noah’s tomb has been built, destroyed, rebuilt, and destroyed again repeatedly over the millennia. It’s now been built yet again on the original site. Looming near is Haça Dag, the Notched Mountain – where Noah’s Ark they say ran aground as the Flood waters receded, carving a notch on the summit before coming to rest on Mount Ararat about 50 miles to the north (in present-day Turkey).

The people here are wonderfully friendly. I was always told “welcome” everywhere. I was even spontaneously invited to a wedding party in a remote village. You’ll find it easy to make friends here too. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #3, photo ©Jack Wheeler)



woke-n-brokeThe chickens of wokeness are coming home to roost on the heads of the business leaders who have done so much to unleash this plague upon us.

Perhaps most trenchantly, Bloomberg of all places recently reported that many ESG funds have been forced to close for poor performance and rapidly eroding investor interest.

Look at Starbucks and the NCAA. Both of these businesses have eaten the whole woke sandwich, now suffering serious nausea.

Consider how much Warner Bros. Discovery is paying for its and DC Comics’ embrace of woke: see the Daily Mail’s delightful story, Holy Wokery, Batgirl!  Wokegirl is so ghastly that, despite having spent at least $90 million on it already, Warner’s new boss David Zaslav is sending it to a cave in the desert southwest somewhere to lie forever unseen.