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abandoned-armored-fight-vehiclesThe photo you see is captioned “Armoured fighting vehicles abandoned by Russian soldiers who changed into civilian clothing” from the London Telegraph story this morning (9/12): Russian Soldiers 'Literally Running' For Their Lives As Chain Of Command Collapses.

Reuters this morning: Ukraine Troops Sweep Ahead After Russian Collapse In Northeast.  In the last six days, Russia has abandoned at least 500 tanks and APCs, countless amounts of ammo and war materiel. The entire Kharkiv Oblast has been retaken to the Russian border.  By late this afternoon, half of northern Luhansk has as well.

This news may come as a surprise to a lot of TTPers and conservatives in general, as it’s being ignored or briefly mentioned in passing by Fox, Breitbart, Gateway, Zero Hedge or other news sources conservatives use.  The one glaring exception is right here at TTP – where you are most likely getting this news first.

So what happens now?




Let’s flashback 2.2 million Fridays to 4,000 BC, six thousand years ago, when the original inhabitants of post-Ice Age Ireland erected this megalithic “dolmen” or portal tomb. It consists of three standing portal stones suspending a massive horizontal capstone, the limestone entrance to a tomb originally covered with an earthen mound.

Eventually the mound weathered away revealing the stone “skeleton” which was a sacred shrine for the Megalithic Irish all the way to the medieval Celts even though in a remote barren rocky region of far western Ireland found now in County Clare.

When it was finally excavated in 1986, the remains of 33 humans were found in the burial chamber below who lived between 3,800 and 3,200 BC. Thus it became known as “The Hole of Sorrows.”

When you come to gaze upon The Hole of Sorrows, you realize that this massive stone structure, one thousand four hundred years older than Egypt’s Great Pyramid, has stood here for all of recorded human history and beyond. All the kings and empires of all history have come and gone, while it still stands. It’s megalithic creators of millennia ago would be proud. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #219 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Welcome to the 9/11 HFR.

royal-flashbackA lot has changed since 9/11, especially the world’s faith in institutions.

As the world mourns the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, it brings to light her efforts to maintain the institution of the Monarchy against the modern decentralizing forces. She worked tirelessly for seven decades, but as time passed, the very efforts to expand the Commonwealth set the stage for the unraveling of British culture.

But was this the Queen’s fault, or is the same effect happening all over, to institutions big and small?

They lied to us during Covid about renewable energy and the environment. They lied about education.

The lies have a pattern in the shift from the centralized to the dispersed.

Join the HFR; your insight and comments are crucial and welcome on the Forum.

For readers in California, join us when the electricity is restored.



congo-church There are two Congos in Africa. The better known is the former Belgian Congo, once known as Zaire, now DR Congo (for Democratic Republic), also called Kinshasa Congo after its capital.

The lesser known is the former French Congo, now Republic of Congo, or Brazzaville Congo after its capital. Brazzaville is on the north side of a widening of the Congo River known as the Stanley Pool, while right across from it on the south side is Kinshasa.

It is in Brazzaville that you will find this magnificent monument to Christianity, the Cathedral of Sainte-Anne, with its roof covered in gleaming green-turquoise tiles, huge copper doors, and soaring arched interior bathed in sunlight. The people of Brazzaville are joyously Christian, attending 5pm Mass dressed in their most colorful finery. You’ll see Christianity truly come to life here. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #174 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 09/08/22

devil-speechXiden goes full Leni Riefenstahl for the Fourth Reich...

'Crat propaganda; Xiden looks so extreme that even the MSM can't stomach it...

As Mike Ryan pointed out in the latest Half-Full Report, propaganda stops working when people realize that it is propaganda.  A critical mass now understands that Biden is using propaganda, not leadership competency. #PedoHitler jumped the shark...

Voters are actually most concerned about inflation and the economy:
Bank of America has a new "anti-racist" mortgage program with a negative down payment.  How well is that likely to work for both the suckered minority purchasers and American taxpayers with home prices dropping for the next couple of years?
In addition to irreversibly cheating by mail in 2020, the 'Crat's have irreversibly cheated by Census for the next decade:
All this and much more in this week's edition on Skye's Links!




St. Finnbarr’s Oratory, Gougane Barra, County Cork. St. Finnbarr (550-623) is the patron saint of the city of Cork, now Ireland’s second largest city, on the south coast of the Emerald Isle. He established this tiny church in the late 500s, and has been built and rebuilt on a small island on Lake Gougane, with the one you see finished some 150 years ago.

Gougane Barra is a remote valley distant from Cork, almost uninhabited, of legendary beauty. The oratory or chapel has been a holy place of pilgrimage for Christians for fifteen centuries, revered for its complete serenity and peacefulness. Rarely visited due to its remoteness, you may have this holy place all to yourself. Here is where you come to rest and reinvigorate your soul. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #218 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



green-energy-vision-chartLiberals tell us that we are in the midst of a transition from fossil fuels to wind and solar energy. The reality is that no such transition is taking place, nor will it. This video by Professor Simon Michaux, who doesn’t take issue with global warming hype, explains one of several reasons why this is true: the mineral requirements of a wind- and solar-based energy system can’t possibly be met.

This description accompanies the YouTube video:

The quantity of metal required to make just one generation of renewable tech units to replace fossil fuels, is much larger than first thought. Current mining production of these metals is not even close to meeting demand. Current reported mineral reserves are also not enough in size. Most concerning is copper as one of the flagged shortfalls.



kh-and-oil-sands-signThrough deliberate and easily reversed policies, the cost-of-living in America is being elevated to empower the wealthy and impoverish everyone else in the name of equity and fighting climate change.

It’s getting harder and harder not to abandon faith in the institutions we once regarded as respectable and relied on to keep the country moving. It is harder still to avoid rejecting unequivocally what has become their core governing premises, which seem to be entirely different from what we once believed them to be.

So here goes: the entire “climate crisis” is an opportunistic hoax; the entire “equity” (along with “diversity” and “inclusion”) movement is a corrupt fraud. This hoax and this fraud have permeated and overwhelmed every formerly respectable sector of American life, with disastrous consequences we’ve only just begun to feel.



king-alfonso-vi-of-leon-and-castileToledo, Spain. As you drive up the hill upon which this ancient city sits, at the city’s entrance you are greeted by this statue. It is of King Alfonso VI of León and Castile (1040-1109) holding his sword as the Christian cross symbolizing his liberating Toledo from Moslem rule.

The sword has been the symbol of Toledo for over two millennia. In 193 BC, Romans founded the city as Toletum, where their blacksmiths developed a process of making swords of layered steel with different carbon contents, known to history as “Toledo steel,” the finest in the world for millennia until the hi-tech methods of today.

With Fall of Rome, Christian Visigoths ruled Spain from their capital here at Toledo – known as “Holy Toledo,” the center of a flourishing Christian civilization for 300 years until it was overrun by Moslems spreading Islam from Africa in the early 700s.

It was Alfonso VI who liberated Toledo from the Moslems in 1085. It was his great-grandson, Alfonso VIII (1155-1214) who led 30,000 knights in a surprise attack on 200,000 Moslems at the Plains of Tolosa in 1212 to destroy Moslem rule in Spain.

Today, Toledo is a small town of some 50,000, charming, historic, and peaceful. It’s one of the special places we hope to visit soon in one of our expeditions. Hope you’ll be with us. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #170 photo ©Jack Wheeler)