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magafascfrombideAfter nearly two years of lies related to the events of January 6, 2021, the regime finally has admitted the truth: The widening legal dragnet to scoop up Donald Trump, his associates, and his voters has nothing to do with the four-hour disturbance on Capitol Hill that afternoon. It is, rather, a thus-far successful crusade to criminalize wrong thinking about the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

A barrage of subpoenas issued recently by the Department of Justice—U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves’ office specifically—against Trump aides is not seeking  information about the Capitol protest but personal communications discussing what happened with the election and plans to fight the results.



tavurvur-volcano The small black mountain in front of you is a volcano called Tavurvur on the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea. In 1994, Tavurvur erupted, covering New Britain’s beautiful capital Rabaul in ash. The entire area is volcanic, including the hot springs where I’m standing to take this picture. Tavurvur is very much alive and smoking today – starkly beautiful and dangerous.

History can be like this – beautiful and peaceful, then without warning it explodes in violent destruction. The lesson then is how to overcome, rebuild, and avert its repetition.

It’s an obvious lesson to learn right now, with the destruction of our economy by the Chinese Communists unleashing their virus, and the current attempted theft of the presidency and our entire electoral system by the Democrats. We must overcome these twin evils, and we must make extremely sure that we never allow such travesties to threaten our country ever again.

You can climb to the rocky rim of Tavurvur to stare down into its smoking caldera. There’s fabulous scuba-diving along the coral reefs offshore of Rabaul, and upon sunken Japanese battleships from World War II. It’s a worthwhile experience to come here as you learn the Lesson of Rabaul. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #97 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



shemale-freezoneIn the history of American social movements, September 11 may take on new significance. September 11, 2022, is the day the powers that be allowed LGBWithoutTheT to trend on Twitter.

In broad daylight, lesbians and gays disassociated themselves from the transgender movement, and Twitter gave them a platform. This is a major turnaround. Just a month earlier Twitter had banned “Gays Against Groomers” for “hateful conduct.”

If Twitter chose to let #LGBWithoutTheT trend for me, it trended for everyone. I suspect someone above the Twitter brass encouraged them to do just that. With the elections just two months away, the increasingly noisy and oppressive trans movement was becoming too much of a political liability.

The resistance among LGBs to the Ts has been brewing for some time. Sunday, it percolated to the surface.



As you can hear, I sure can’t sing so well, but last week being in Pat Cohan’s Pub in the County Mayo village of Cong where the beloved John Wayne-Maureen O’Hara move The Quiet Man was filmed… well, after a pint or two of Guinness, I was persuaded by your fellow TTPers with me to give the movie’s theme song a try.

The Wild Colonial Boy is a ballad of an Irish lad from Castlemaine in County Kerry who sailed off to colonial Australia in the 1820s to become a “bushranger” or outlaw fighting the oppressive local authorities.  It’s been sung by famous artists from Burl Ives to Mick Jagger because it’s the same romantic-heroic saga as Robin Hood and Jesse James.

It’s particularly poignant now, for now we Americans are being called upon to fight against tyranny and oppression.

For all our lives, the tyranny we had to fight hot or cold was foreign, from Nazi Germany to Communist Russia.  Today is different – the enemy is domestic, inside our gates.



self-assessIf you know that who you are, what you do, and how you think about things are all changeable and accessible to your own intervention and effort—What Carol Dweck, author of Mindset calls a “growth” mindset—your assessment of yourself will also tend to be very accurate.

In order to make accurate assessments, we have to have accurate data. If we are faced with a poor assessment, and our belief is that we are powerless to change, then the only way to salvage any emotional hope is to skew the data, to trick ourselves into discounting it.

In this case, the necessary self-reflection will feel threatening to us, containing blows to our self-concept, rather than feeling like useful information. This can lead to incredible suffering and bad results, and can lead us to avoid challenges or difficult feedback—the very things we need in order to grow.

Here’s the challenge:



abandoned-armored-fight-vehiclesThe photo you see is captioned “Armoured fighting vehicles abandoned by Russian soldiers who changed into civilian clothing” from the London Telegraph story this morning (9/12): Russian Soldiers 'Literally Running' For Their Lives As Chain Of Command Collapses.

Reuters this morning: Ukraine Troops Sweep Ahead After Russian Collapse In Northeast.  In the last six days, Russia has abandoned at least 500 tanks and APCs, countless amounts of ammo and war materiel. The entire Kharkiv Oblast has been retaken to the Russian border.  By late this afternoon, half of northern Luhansk has as well.

This news may come as a surprise to a lot of TTPers and conservatives in general, as it’s being ignored or briefly mentioned in passing by Fox, Breitbart, Gateway, Zero Hedge or other news sources conservatives use.  The one glaring exception is right here at TTP – where you are most likely getting this news first.

So what happens now?




Let’s flashback 2.2 million Fridays to 4,000 BC, six thousand years ago, when the original inhabitants of post-Ice Age Ireland erected this megalithic “dolmen” or portal tomb. It consists of three standing portal stones suspending a massive horizontal capstone, the limestone entrance to a tomb originally covered with an earthen mound.

Eventually the mound weathered away revealing the stone “skeleton” which was a sacred shrine for the Megalithic Irish all the way to the medieval Celts even though in a remote barren rocky region of far western Ireland found now in County Clare.

When it was finally excavated in 1986, the remains of 33 humans were found in the burial chamber below who lived between 3,800 and 3,200 BC. Thus it became known as “The Hole of Sorrows.”

When you come to gaze upon The Hole of Sorrows, you realize that this massive stone structure, one thousand four hundred years older than Egypt’s Great Pyramid, has stood here for all of recorded human history and beyond. All the kings and empires of all history have come and gone, while it still stands. It’s megalithic creators of millennia ago would be proud. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #219 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Welcome to the 9/11 HFR.

royal-flashbackA lot has changed since 9/11, especially the world’s faith in institutions.

As the world mourns the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, it brings to light her efforts to maintain the institution of the Monarchy against the modern decentralizing forces. She worked tirelessly for seven decades, but as time passed, the very efforts to expand the Commonwealth set the stage for the unraveling of British culture.

But was this the Queen’s fault, or is the same effect happening all over, to institutions big and small?

They lied to us during Covid about renewable energy and the environment. They lied about education.

The lies have a pattern in the shift from the centralized to the dispersed.

Join the HFR; your insight and comments are crucial and welcome on the Forum.

For readers in California, join us when the electricity is restored.



congo-church There are two Congos in Africa. The better known is the former Belgian Congo, once known as Zaire, now DR Congo (for Democratic Republic), also called Kinshasa Congo after its capital.

The lesser known is the former French Congo, now Republic of Congo, or Brazzaville Congo after its capital. Brazzaville is on the north side of a widening of the Congo River known as the Stanley Pool, while right across from it on the south side is Kinshasa.

It is in Brazzaville that you will find this magnificent monument to Christianity, the Cathedral of Sainte-Anne, with its roof covered in gleaming green-turquoise tiles, huge copper doors, and soaring arched interior bathed in sunlight. The people of Brazzaville are joyously Christian, attending 5pm Mass dressed in their most colorful finery. You’ll see Christianity truly come to life here. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #174 photo ©Jack Wheeler)