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charming-trumpRon DeSantis is scaring the hell out of the Left. This makes me very very happy. As a huge fan of DeSantis I get shivers of delight every time the Leftists attack him.

How scared are they? Scared enough that they are developing a new appreciation for famed Devil, Russian mole, and confederate insurrectionist Donald Trump.

Suddenly Trump is a charming eccentric with soft edges, unlike the meaner and more competent Florida governor. It’s almost as if all those mean things said about Trump weren’t entirely warranted.



boru_harp The Boru Harp, attributed to the one and only High King of the entire island of Ireland, Brian Boru (941-1014), is the only musical instrument that is the national symbol of a country - the Republic of Ireland. It is also on the label of Guinness beer. Beautifully and exquisitely made, the Boru Harp is on display in the famous Long Room of the Trinity College Library in Dublin. You’ll experience a sense of awe when you see it for yourself. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #219 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



trade-innovtion_1When we focus too much on money as stacks of paper bills, or numbers on a ledger - or, God help us, trillions (!) of dollars in government spending bills - we can miss the powerful forces that we interact with every day that make those bills and those numbers meaningful.

Wealth is created through innovative ideas that save time and energy, and/or that increase the quality of life for enough people. The less time and energy it takes to do something, the more time and energy is freed up to do something else.

It's the freedom and respect given to regular people with new ideas – with which they could give a try toward making a lot of money - that has led to the greatest expansion of prosperity in history, and the greatest improvement in nearly every facet of life, for nearly all of humanity.



yak-riding-at-rangdum Rangdum Gompa, Zanskar, August 1993. Ever ridden a yak? Brandon did when was 10 at the Rangdum Tibetan Monastery or Gompa atop a small hill at 13,225 feet high in an extremely remote region of the Himalayas in India called Zanskar. It was part of our Indian Tibet expedition which will be repeating soon – and this time Brandon will be leading the expedition. I’ll just be along for the ride. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #161 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

This week we ask the critical question; is the glass half full or half empty? The administration is desperate to control the narrative and remain in power, but they cannot. Success is slipping through their fingers from every direction while a technical revolution is poised to make Big Tech obsolete.

Cornered animals are dangerous, and their narratives are failing.

Kyiv Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Kyiv Caves) Jack Wheeler Update:  Earlier this month, Jack led a group of TTPers on an exploration of Ireland. Now for the rest of the month, he's doing the same with TTPers exploring Central Asia. He tells me an extraordinary opportunity is now possible thanks to his Marine combat veteran son Brandon: a safe and illuminating exploration of Ukraine.

Brandon has been to Ukraine over a half dozen times in the last few months, inspired by the heroism of the Ukrainian people. Thus, Jack is calling this experience The Inspiration of Ukraine – for eight days in early November to personally witness how Ukrainians are surviving and rebuilding their lives and the country as they win their war with Russia. And very safely, nowhere near any front lines. For details, contact him at [email protected] or [email protected].

Come on in,.and don't forget to add your brilliant insight on the forum. Is the glass half full or half empty?



Do an internet search for “25 Most Mysterious Places on Earth” or similar listing, and almost always the Regaleira Initiation Well in Sintra, Portugal will be there. Since the photo is almost always looking from the top down, I thought you might like to see one from the bottom up, which is just as dramatic.

The Regaleira is a spectacular Gothic mansion with acres of gorgeous gardens built by a 19th century Portuguese-Brazilian millionaire, Carvalho Monteiro (1848-1920). I love it that his exotic eccentric extravaganza, his Regaleira Palace, was built by private capitalist with his own money – not some feudal king with money extracted from the peasantry.

I took this picture in 2021 with fellow TTPers on our Portugal Exploration. Portugal really is a land of wonders, which I hope you’ll someday experience yourself. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #167 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 09/15/22

global-recessionWelcome to Skye's Links

World food production is slowing down rapidly, and governments know what happens when people become hungry. Xiden abandoned over $80 billion worth of weapons and ammunition in the eye of the storm of food insufficiency. China reports record harvests, but who knows? Commies always lie. India stopped exporting rice, and California lacks the water to grow it. The fields around Stuttgart, Arkansas, are owned by farmers that cannot afford the diesel to harvest the crop while Louisianna has transport snags.

TTPers know the value of some liquidity on hand. Well, friends, make sure you have a food reserve. Yes, things are tipping this poorly.

What is Xiden doing? He is driving credit card companies to create a defacto gun ownership registry. Never forget that a government is a group of insiders that fleece outsiders, the Constitution be darned.

Join us at Skyes’s links and contribute your insights on the forum. Where do you see the economy headed, both short and long-term?



nasr_ol_molkWhat many consider the world’s most beautiful mosque is in Persia’s most captivating city, Shiraz. Over four millennia older than Islam, over two millennia older than Persia, Shiraz was "Shirrazish," a city of ancient Elam at the birth of civilization in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago. Even then, Shiraz was famous for wine. A thousand years ago, it was considered the best in the world. Marco Polo praised it. No more. Prior to the Islamic Revolution in 1979, there were over 300 Persian wineries. Now there are none.

Shiraz is still a city of gardens and flowers. At the garden tomb of Persia’s most revered poet Hafez (1315-1390), young couples gather for discrete romance as they have for centuries. The beauty of Nasr ol-Molk – with the sun shining through its stained glass windows covering the floor carpets in color, and the interior a dazzling display of pink tile ornamentation – can be overwhelming. The same for the friendliness of the people – always welcoming with a smile for you.

Especially if you are American. All the people we met love America and despise their rulers. The Land of Persia is still here in today’s Iran, and someday it will be free, America’s ally again. The wine will flow here once more. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #83 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



goebbels-bidenVoters, whatever their political views, should rise up against politicians who want to dilute the Bill of Rights to perpetuate their tenure in office. Ted Olson, former Solicitor General

When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.  Thomas Jefferson

War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself. Benjamin Franklin

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” – James Madison, Federalist 47, 1788

Mark Twain tells us, “The only difference between reality and fiction is that fiction needs to be credible.”  Had an author written what has happened to America just over the last six years, no one would believe it.  The yarn would be just too far out to have any credence whatsoever.  But we’re living it!