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Dearborn, Michigan is the Muslim capital of America. When Rep. Rashida Tlaib won her election to the House, she didn’t celebrate America. She celebrated “Palestine,” her true country.

That was subtle compared to her constituents this weekend, who took to the streets screaming “Death to America. Death to Israel.” By allowing the non-assimilation of people whose values are antithetical to the Constitution and our nation, the viper we have nurtured to our bosom will kill us as surely as the asp that killed Cleopatra…and Biden is already sacrificing Israel on its altar.

To appreciate fully what took place in Dearborn, you need to know that Al-Quds is the Muslim word for “Jerusalem,” the ancient Jewish capital that King David founded (circa 1,000 B.C.), and that Mohamed never visited but nevertheless claimed for his own. (Mohamed and his Muslims subscribe to the toddler’s creed.)

Al-Quds Day, which Ayatollah Khomenei started in 1979, is the day on which Muslims gather to demand the slaughter of Jews and a Muslim takeover of Jerusalem.

Muslims really, really, genocidally, deeply, in a sadistic torture-them-before-you-kill-them” way, hate the Jews. But they also hate America.




No, this isn’t the Serengeti. The Etosha Pan is a huge 2,000 square mile salt pan in northern Namibia that has an amazing abundance of African wildlife that flourishes in a desert – lots of elephants as you see, giant eland, huge oryx, kudu with the males sporting their glorious spiral horns, wildebeest, zebra, all kinds of antelope, plus lions and leopards galore hunting them.

They all thrive on the available river and springs water amidst the surrounding mopane balsam woodlands. It’s one of Africa’s least known yet most astounding wildlife spectacles. Come during the dry winter months of July-September when the animals gather around the waterholes. You’ll never forget it. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #291, photo ©Jack Wheeler)



killer-kick-ostrich Yes, an ostrich. Ostriches are the world’s largest, heaviest, and fastest running birds on earth today. A full-grown adult male can weigh over 300 pounds, and it’s kick is so strong it can kill a lion. A pride of lions led by lionesses, or a coalition of adult males, can become skilled at taking down young ostriches, but they know to stay away from the adult big boys, for they are truly lethal. This fellow is still growing so he has to be careful on the plains of the Ngorongoro Crater Floor. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #290, photo ©Jack Wheeler)



masai-warriors-campfire [This Monday’s Archive was first published on July 1, 2005. It has particular relevance today, as America is under assault from predators from within our borders, with the Woke Biden-Soros Left unleashing a horde of criminal rapist murdering illegal aliens, and a genocidal tsunami of Chinese Communist fentanyl mass slaughter, in all-out psychopathic effort to destroy our country.  As you know, I just returned from a month in the Serengeti.  So I was taken aback on how what was written on safari in Africa 19 years ago applies to America right now.]

TTP, July 1, 2005

MORU ROCKS, SERENGETI PLAINS, TANZANIA, AFRICA. It is at night that Africa becomes most alive – especially when there’s a full moon.

The most restful night’s sleep one can have, it seems, is when you are lulled by the cackling whine of hyenas, the incessant barking of zebras, the coughing of lions, the grunting of hippos, the bellowing of Cape buffalo, the stomach rumblings of elephants, the flutter of Guinea fowl roosting in the trees, and the soft chirp of the tiny Scopes owl. The Moonlight Symphony of the Serengeti.

It is so soothing, perhaps, because these sounds accompanied our emergence upon this earth. The plains of East Africa are where such proto-hominids as Australopithicus and Homo habilis became us, human beings. It is where we came out of the trees, onto the plains, and became predators.

The dominant life form on these plains is mammals, and as you witness their vast numbers divided into a myriad of different species, you see there are two kinds: predators and prey. One way to distinguish between the two is the eyes.



jw-w-guerillas-in-cambodiaJuly, 1984. The KPNLF – Khmer People’s National Liberation Front – was the Anti-Communist guerrilla movement fighting the Soviet-backed Vietnamese Communists in Cambodia. When I was first there in 1961, Cambodia was then a land of serenity, with a gentle and tranquil people who were at peace with themselves and the world. Now it was a land of indescribable Communist horror.

It was such a privilege to be with these brave men willing to wage war against that horror and bring freedom to their country. I told their tale in Turning Back the Terror, the February 1985 cover story for Reason magazine. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #20 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



transition-your-kidsWASHINGTON, D.C. — On the heels of a new study regarding young people with gender dysphoria, Democrats issued a warning to parents to transition their kids quickly before they grow out of it.

The new study, which revealed a large percentage of young people with gender dysphoria eventually come to accept their actual gender, has created a new sense of urgency within the Biden administration to make sure parents take action now so that as many children can be transitioned as possible before it's too late.

"Chop ‘em up now, folks," Biden said in a statement to American parents. "Let me be clear. There is no time to waste. If you don't transition your kids now, you run the risk of having them grow out of their gender dysphoria and maturing into healthy, mentally stable adults who aren't confused about their gender. Don't wait. Get them to one of those weird doctors. Swap out their privates. Get it done. End of speech. Walk away."

"It's important to keep hitting our numbers," Senator Chuck Schumer said. "If we want to stay on track to wipe out an entire generation of Americans, we need parents to stay on top of having their kids irreversibly butchered."

At publishing time, the Biden administration was preparing to launch a special Trans Child Task Force that would go door-to-door across the country transitioning kids at their homes.



j-k-rowlingAt long last, we are reinstituting a TTP tradition.  And who better could the awardee be but the world’s most successful and richest female author, J. K. Rowling, as the HFR Heroine of the Week.

Appropriately on April Fools Day, Monday April 1, Scotland’s fascist Hate Crime and Public Order Act came into force, making it a “hate crime” punishable by years in prison and high fines to purposefully “misgender” men pretending to be women.

Immediately, Rowling posted on @JK Rowling a series of 11 sardonic tweets condemning women-abusing tranny criminals, ending with:

“It is impossible to accurately describe or tackle the reality of violence and sexual violence committed against women and girls, or address the current assault on women’s and girls’ rights, unless we are allowed to call a man a man. Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal. I'm currently out of the country, but if what I've written here qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment.”

In encourage you to read (2 minutes max) her full post linked above.  In less than 24 hours (4.02), the Scottish government caved:  Bluff Called: Police Scotland Won’t Charge J.K. Rowling over Trans Comments, Author Vows to Stand With Any Woman Who Calls ‘A Man a Man’.

And here’s the karmic irony…



dades-gorgeThis astounding road is how you traverse the Dades Gorge on the Road of a Thousand Kasbahs in Morocco. Kasbahs are fortified villages of the Berbers, who have lived here since the end of the Ice Ages 12,000 years ago (related to the Lapps of the Scandinavian Arctic, both descending from Cro-Magnon hunters in Cantabria of northern Spain).

The road is rated as one of the most scenic drives in the world. It is in the High Atlas Mountains (once higher than the Himalayas and joined to the Appalachians in the northeast US before splitting apart to form the Atlantic Ocean 200 million years ago). Here you go from the sand dunes of the Sahara to the fabulous kasbahs of Skoura, Ouarzazate, and Ait Benhaddou. The drive is one of the many life-memorable experiences we have in our exploration of Moroccan Magic. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #110 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 04/04/24

fed-hmwrkToday we’ve got good news and bad news.  The good news is sales of guns are up, and a judge has ruled against the ATF about the Pistol Brace Rule. A nuclear power plant is coming back online in SW Michigan, and Pennsylvania has ruled for signature verification of mail-in ballots. A talking head from CNN seems to be wandering off the official narrative and even Bill Maher is making some sense. The economy is the fly in our ointment, but facts are facts and must be faced. Information can help us to prepare. Welcome to Skye’s Links!



vintgar-gorgeIn a hidden corner of Europe, the Radovna River pours off the Julian Alps to carve out the Vintgar Gorge with crystal clear water. A mile-long walkway with towering limestone cliffs on either side is your access.

Nearby is the gorgeous Lake Bled, with Bled Castle suspended atop a shoreline cliff. The medieval village of Piran, built on a spit of land projecting into the Adriatic Sea and encircled by a white sand beach is a short drive away. Ljubljana is one of Europe’s most utterly charming capital cities.

Most people have only heard of Slovenia as the birthplace of First Lady Melania Trump, but those who have been here understand it is one of the most entrancing countries on the European continent – pristine beauty, spotless environment, friendly and hospitable people, safe and very well-run. Whenever your next visit to Europe may be, try to include a few days or week or so here. You’ll never run out of fascinating things to do. A stroll through the Vintgar Gorge is an example out of so many. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #19 photo ©Jack Wheeler)