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bolsonaroThe War for the Future of the World

Bolsonaro Pushes Back Against Election Fraud


Mainstream media is heavily censoring events going on right now in Brazil.

This HFR presents analysis and insight from personal contacts throughout Brazil, Peru, and El Salvador in the aftermath of the election fraud in Brazil. This HFR is a TTP exclusive; many thanks to friends who made it possible.

President Bolsonaro appears to be enacting a well-considered and aggressive plan to take down communist insurgents and Narcotics criminals throughout his country and others. Martial law is expected, and the outcome is no less than a battle for the world.

The same voting machine irregularities, along with late-night vote drops, turned the election from the popular Bolsonaro to the communist Lula in the same way as Americans have come to expect.

Only this time, Brazilians are standing up against corruption. There are still real men in Brazil.

The battle is joined. It's time to save the world.



rh-at-kuelap 10,000 feet high in the Amazon cloud forests of northern Peru is a mysterious lost city built by an unknown people many centuries before the Incas existed. Known as Kuelap by villagers in the lowlands below, the Incas called the people who built it Chachapoyas, “Cloud Warriors.” I led an expedition here in 1994, climbing high up into the Amazon Andes to come upon gigantic stone walls 60 feet high surrounding hundreds of stone structures. Here you see Rebel among them. We’ll be here again in a year or two in another exploration of Peru. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #153, photo ©Jack Wheeler)



potty-pootA Czech activist group is auctioning a sculpture of Russian President Vladimir Putin sitting naked on a golden toilet — with proceeds from the sale set to go toward buying a combat drone for Ukraine.

Although the effigy is named “Naked Killer,” everyone in Prague has nicknamed it – given President George Bush calling Putin “Pooty-Poot” – Potty-Poot. It’s the brainchild of Otakar van Gemund, founder of the Kaputin! movement in Prague, and is designed by Czech artist Barbora Zichová. Bids start at €10,000 with the auction closing on December 20. The winner will be the proud owner of the effigy, and have a combat drone named in his honor used to eliminate a group of Potty-Poot’s cannon fodder.


SKYE’S LINKS 12/08/22

[Note by JW: This cornucopia of links for you is one of Skye’s best. Be sure to absorb what he says on the “existentially decisive crisis of information freedom versus centralized technofascist control.” His closing remarks at the end are an eye-opener. Enjoy what you are about to learn!]


Just out of curiosity… is it my imagination or is there a resemblance between Arnold and Elon? In any regard, the 'Crats believe that they have to destroy Musk:

The Trumpification Of Elon Musk

The Powers That Be need near universal censorship to retain their control.  The Twitter free speech saga is a far broader war then most people realize; this not just about the future of Twitter - it is about the future of our freedom:

The Establishment Is Using An Ideological Monopoly In Big Tech To Maintain Control


Here is a fine rant describing the fake information world of 2022 and what is at stake if we are unable to escape it:

Quinn: We Are Trapped In 'A Truman Show' Directed By Psychopaths



sabratha-bathroom While exploring the Roman ruins of Sabratha on the Mediterranean coast of Libya in 2014, I came upon the men’s bathroom in the Gymnasium. “Now here’s a loo with a view!” I exclaimed, and noticed it was designed to have water flowing through the trough below the series of toilets.

Founded as a trading post by the Phoenicians in the 6th century BC, it was settled and rebuilt by the Romans some 500 years later, flourishing for centuries as a main supplier of olive oil for the Empire. Monumental temples and theatres were constructed, along with sumptuous villas adorned with gorgeous mosaic floors. All of this has been excavated for the visitor to explore as a preserved UNESCO World Heritage Site.

It’s a shame Libya has collapsed into chaos now, for Sabratha and nearby Leptis Magna are among the most magnificent Roman ruins anywhere. One day the chaos will be over. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #246 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



ukr-person-of-the-yearToday (12/07), TIME Magazine declared: “This year’s choice was the most clear-cut in memory… For proving that courage can be as contagious as fear, for stirring people and nations to come together in defense of freedom, for reminding the world of the fragility of democracy—and of peace—Volodymyr Zelensky and the spirit of Ukraine are TIME’s 2022 Person of the Year.”

This is in recognition of Zelensky being the world’s most admired man and justly so – standing in such sharp contrast to his foe, Putin, as the world’s most despised human being and justly so.

When Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24, he along with most of the world thought it would take Russians three days to take Kyiv and thus the country. Russian officers a few days before booked reservations at Kyiv’s best restaurants for victory dinners.  As the invasion commenced, Biden called Zelensky to personally offer US assistance for him and his family to escape Ukraine.

Zelensky’s response to Biden was the most electrifying of modern history: “The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride!”  With those words, he saved his country from extinction.  He would stand and fight, and thus so did his country.



illegal-procedureFor two years, the constant shouting of childish epithets at anyone who would dare question Joe Biden’s legitimacy has suppressed a necessary reckoning with an election that was, in every sense, a complete aberration.

It is disingenuous to dismiss the role of fraud in such an unprecedented scenario: an election with historic turnout that, thanks to the widespread adoption of an unconventional voting method prone to cheating, was not decided until an unusually dilated, shadowy tabulating process had run its course in a handful of heavily partisan jurisdictions.

The Right must not simply forget it and move on. Why? Because the Left’s Big Lie about the 2020 election legitimizes a lawless, counterfeit system. If the system is not unrigged, if the 2020 election’s legitimacy is not repudiated, then we can kiss any chance of free and fair elections goodbye. Every election going forward will be just like 2020 and 2022. Are you ready for that?



toraja-gravesiteEast of Borneo in Indonesia is a large starfish-shaped Island called Sulawesi, where in the south-central mountains the Toraja people have created one of the most exotic cultures on earth. They bury their dead in caves carved out of vertical cliffs, with balconies at the entrances lined with clothed wooden effigies called a Tau Tau as guardians for the departed.

The Toraja live in villages composed of family long houses with enormous peaked roofs of wood and thatch, decorated with exquisite painted art and scores of buffalo horns. While Indonesia is predominantly Moslem, the Toraja are a blend of Christian-animist. They are a gentle, peaceful people, marvelously welcoming and friendly. It is a priceless privilege to spend time with them, as I was able to during the summer of 2016. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #49 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



bide-destroyerFirst, you would surrender our prior energy independence.

Reduce new gas and oil leases on federal lands to the lowest levels of any president in history. Cut back production at precisely the time the world is emerging from a two-year lockdown with pent-up consumer demand.

Make war on coal and nuclear power. Drain the strategic petroleum reserve to make the pain for consumers more bearable for midterm election advantage.

Cancel the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil and gas field. Block pipelines like the Keystone oil pipeline and the Constitution natural gas line.

Second, print trillions of dollars in new currency as the lockdowns end, demand rises, and consumers are already saturated with COVID-19 subsidies.

Keep interest rates low, well below the rate of inflation, as you print more money. Ensure that passbook holders earn no interest at the very time prices skyrocket to the highest per annum level in 40 years.




Russians too frozen to move in a trench as a drone bomb explodes among them

Russians too frozen to move in a trench as a drone bomb explodes among them

The Ukrainian army has deployed some of its best brigades to eastern Ukraine, including the 92nd and 93rd Mechanized Brigades and the 1st Presidential Brigade.

But these elite Ukrainian formations might not be the biggest killer of Russian troops in the east. Under-trained, under-supplied and ambivalently led, Russians in the region are freezing to death by the dozen.

Shocking videos that have circulated online in recent weeks tell a tragic story. The videos, shot by the Ukrainian brigades’ hovering drones, depict Russians in the late stages of hypothermia, so cold and sick that they barely react when the drones drop lethal improvised bombs on them.

Thomas Theiner, an ex-soldier who currently is a filmmaker in Kyiv, predicted winter “would kill more Russian soldiers than Ukraine ever could.” He may have been right.