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SKYE’S LINKS 12/15/22

washington-fallsThe Truth is Emerging

Let Freedom Ring!

So far, Elon Musk has dropped five tweets exposing the massive corruption and collusion between Twitter, government agencies, and big finance.

We knew it was terrible, but it was horrible.

Every government agency had its finger in the pot while the founder, Jack Dorsey, retreated to smoke pot and found himself in a yurt.

He put a staff of the most radical, most transvestite, most anti-reality people possible in charge with the intent of changing reality from objective truth into whatever the government required.

They did this by tailoring the Twitter experience to the individual user by keeping track of past comments and reading cookies left behind from other web activity.

They made a big mistake as they boiled the frog too hard and fast, and now Musk is in control of their entire work product.

Elon Musk lost his child to the wokesters. He has an axe to grind, a dog in the fight. The consequences for the central planners look to be pretty bad.

Alberta is reasserting its rights under federalism, and North Carolina is at the Supreme Court, asserting the rights of its legislature to organize elections per the US Constitution.

Stagflation is the economic order of the day, and it will be here for a while. Over sixty percent of living Americans were not yet born during the last period of stagnation, and it was scrubbed from their school curriculum. The young will need guidance.

All in all, the news is very good for Freedom.

Join us over at Skye’s links.


WHO’S ‘WE’? “WE OWE US!” 2022

reparation-demandsThis morning’s (12/15) Daily Mail has this story:

'We're Not Asking, We're Telling You:' Activist Demands Black People Receive $350,000 EACH In Reparations Since 'We Worked For Free' During Slavery - At Public Hearing Of California Reparations Committee.

Of course, no one on the committee asked – because they’re all ridiculous Lefties – the obvious question: “Who’s ‘we’?”

The people who worked for free as slaves lived over 160 years ago. The cammie coat guy sure doesn’t look that old, so who’s he talking about? Oh, he’s a descendant, the great-great-great-great-great-grandson (counting 25 years per generation) of someone who worked for free, so he gets to be a paid now. Right.

So here we go again.  The Reparations Scam has been around so long that I wrote it up in TTP not quite 19 years ago, February 2004: We Owe Us! The Real Case for Reparations.  Time to revisit and revise it.  Feel quite free to send this to anyone you know who could benefit from it.



bideinmate"Committee Republicans have spoken with multiple whistleblowers from numerous schemes involving the Biden family, reviewed Hunter Biden's laptop, and received documents of previously unknown transactions," House Oversight Committee Chairman-to-be Rep. James Comer told a news conference on Nov. 17.

"What we found are business plans aimed at targets around the world based on influence peddling, including with people closely tied to foreign governments like China and Russia." The Bidens, Comer said, "flourished and became millionaires by simply offering access to 'The Family.'"

Press coverage of the investigation will likely fall into two categories. The first will focus on traditional coverage of what the committee discovers, what witnesses tell investigators, what documents are involved, etc. The second will ignore those developments or attack the investigation itself.

After all, it’s clearly possible that what these investigations reveal could put the Big Guy in an orange jumpsuit.



maoistcultureBari Weiss has just published the fifth installment in Elon Musk’s exposé about the rampant corruption in Twitter, clearly showing Twitter employees were Maoists waging a cultural revolution against President Trump and anyone who voted for him.

I’ll load Weiss’s tweets below, but here’s the quick summary:  On January 8, Trump loaded two tweets, with Twitter employees in charge of analyzing tweets concluded that Trump’s tweets had not violated any policy.

The zealots on Twitter’s bloated payroll (most of whom had graduated from America’s hard-left colleges), were adamant that Trump had violated the policy against incitement. As one employee stated in the company’s Slack channel, it was “pretty obvious he’s going to try to thread the needle of incitement without violating the rules.”

In other words, these proud products of America’s academic system firmly believed that they had to violate their own rules in order to prevent Trump from continuing not to violate their rules.




North of Scotland are the Orkney Islands. On a windswept bluff above the North Atlantic, archaeologists have unearthed an intact Neolithic village of farmers and cattle herders that’s 5,000 years old (3200 BC) – centuries older than the Pyramids of Egypt. Their homes had beds, chairs, cupboards, flush toilets, running water, cozy, warm, and comfortable.

What you see here is just one section of the village. What I found particularly interesting was this sign at the entrance to the site.


These villagers enjoyed a warmer climate than today, more fertile land. Skara Brae is a 5,000 year-old refutation of the Global Warming Hoax. If you ever get to Scotland, be sure the Orkneys are on your itinerary. Skara Brae is only one of the places you’ll find fascinating. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #210 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



The Vandals Sack of Rome 455 AD

The Vandals Sack of Rome 455 AD

Are we sure that there is all that much ruin left in the United States?

We are $31 trillion in collective debt. The new normal is $1.5 trillion budget deficits. The military is politicized and short of recruits. We trade lethal terrorists for woke celebrity athletes as if to confirm our enemies’ cynical stereotypes.

Our FBI is corrupt and discredited, collaborating with Silicon Valley contractors to suppress free speech and warp elections.

The decrepitude of major blue state cities recalls the weedy forums and choked fountains of Vandal-era Roman cities, which is what happens when a later parasitic generation mocks but still consumes what it inherits but cannot create.



Bush and Gorbachev shake hands in Moscow on July 31, 1991

Bush and Gorbachev shake hands in Moscow on July 31, 1991

In August 1991, then-U.S. President George H.W. Bush was in Kyiv to counsel Ukrainians against statehood. Only weeks before Ukraine declared independence and only months before the Soviet Union was dissolved, Bush worried about the collapse of Soviet authority.

These leaders, for all their achievements managing the end of the Cold War, were on the wrong side of history on this fundamental question of self-determination for Moscow’s captive peoples. Luckily, Ukraine and the other former Soviet republics that are now independent did not listen.

Today, we are witnessing similar fears in Western capitals. With Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime in a downward spiral due to the Kremlin’s disastrous war against Ukraine, the Russian regime’s collapse and even Russia’s possible disintegration have become a major cause of concern. Here’s why it shouldn’t be.



waitangi-bay-chatham-island Waitangi Bay, Chatham Island. 530 miles east of New Zealand lies an isolated island of windswept rugged beauty that few people have ever heard of. Yet Chatham Island may be an ultimate Christian example of how to prevail over monstrous evil.

In the early 1400s, a Polynesian people calling themselves Moriori sailed from New Zealand across an unknown empty sea to reach an island they named Rekohu, meaning “misty sky.” For 400 years they lived in peace among themselves – and in utter isolation from the world.

But in 1835, another people arrived, and brought Hell with them. They were a group of 500 Maori cannibals from New Zealand determined to take Rekohu for themselves. The Maori killed them like sheep, men, women, children, and babies, and ate them.

The British Governor of New Zealand ignored the Maori Genocide. There were about 2,000 Moriori on Rekohu (renamed Chatham) when the Maoris arrived in 1835. Only 101 Moriori were still alive by 1862. It was Western Christian missionaries who put an end to Maori killing, eating, and enslaving Moriori. Today on Chatham Island there is a Moriori resurgence – but without rancor. The past is past, they say, what counts is the future. Like few other peoples on earth, the Moriori understand the Christian power of abandoning resentment and grievance.

Come to Chatham to experience a unique place in our world, and a people with their souls at peace. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #176 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



creativity-anxietyWorry is essentially a response to things that are outside of our control. We worry about our kids, we worry about world events, we worry about the economy… and we worry about certain money troubles.

Shifting our focus from worry to facing the specific obstacles in our path can move us from worry to genuine peace of mind.

Think about something that you do well. Do you ever worry about it? Sure, you think about it, you prepare for it, you act on it.

But do you worry? Do you sit helplessly thinking about all the things that could go wrong, and how awful it would be if they did go wrong?  I doubt it. You probably just get to work.



scanderbeg In the city of Lezhë overlooking the Adriatic Sea, there is a memorial to Albania’s national hero, Scanderbeg (1405-1468). Born Giorgi Kastrioti in this city of northern Albania, he earned the title of “Lord Alexander” – Scanderbeg in Albanian – for his military genius in leading his Christian army against the Moslem armies of the Ottoman Empire. For 25 years (1443-1468), his 10,000 Christian Knights consistently inflicted defeat after defeat upon always much larger Moslem forces.

His victory in the Battle of Albulena in 1457, where he destroyed an Ottoman army of 70,000, killing 15,000 and taking 15,000 prisoners, so astounded all of Christendom that Pope Calixtus III appointed him Captain-General of the Holy See, and gave him the title of Athleta Christi, Champion of Christ.

By the 1500s with Skanderbeg but a memory, the Ottomans conquered Albania and Islamized it for almost 400 years. With the rise of Albanian nationalism in the late 19th century, Scanderbeg’s memory was revived. Today he is revered by Albanians who only ostensibly remain Islamic yet idolize a Christian King who devoted his life to defeating their country’s Moslem oppressors. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #247 photo ©Jack Wheeler)