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The Antarctic island of South Georgia is home to a million King penguins, plus countless fur seals, gigantic elephant seals, staggering numbers of seabirds such as albatrosses, amidst a backdrop of towering mountains with massive glaciers spilling off them.

Nothing can prepare you for the incomprehensible size of the penguin rookeries here, densely packed as far as the eye can see (all those white dots on the hills behind are penguins). Nor for the size of bull elephant seals weighing up to 8,000 pounds, especially when they rise up and crash their chests against each other in mating challenges emitting deafening bellows. Nor being surrounded by a thousand fur seals unafraid of you. The density of wildlife combined with the magnificent beauty of the island is completely overwhelming.

Here also is the abandoned whaling station of Grytviken where the heroic explorer Ernest Shackleton is buried. You can only get here by expedition cruise ship. South Georgia is one of the great experiences on our planet. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #96 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



mauritanias-fish-market-at-sea Go down to the Atlantic coast beach of Mauritania’s capital Nouakchott at sunset, and you’ll see a very unusual fish market. A fishing boat laden with the day’s catch is ready to come ashore, but the crew is afraid the wind and surf may capsize the boat as they do, losing their catch in the process.

So they float just outside the surf line so buyers with boxes and baskets can wade out to buy the fish right off the boat, and wade back. Only when the boat is empty will the crew attempt to beach it. Just one of this West African country’s intriguing sights.

.(Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #249 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



death-by-fearMoney troubles can tap into the most primitive emotions, including intense fear, and even reactions of flight and panic. But there are ways of using these signals, so we don’t get lost in them.

Matt wakes up in the middle of the night, anxious and troubled. Breathing shallow and high in his chest, thoughts racing… The severity of his financial troubles has just hit him. His investments have dropped significantly, and his spending has been putting him deeply into debt surprisingly quickly.

He’s in trouble, big trouble. Yet the panic is Matt’s friend; his own awareness trying to break through his defenses so he can face the real problems. And there are ways of solving these problems. But nothing happens until he’s willing to acknowledge the reality first.

Why is this panic around money so severe?  And how can you use the panic to find solutions? Let’s talk about it….



tiger-leaping-gorge Many centuries ago, a tiger was plaguing the Naxi people who live in the mountains where the Yangtse River cascades off the plateau of Tibet. He was eating the goats the Naxi needed to feed themselves. So Naxi hunters chased the tiger into a deep narrow gorge of the Yangtse where they were sure they had him trapped. Suddenly, the tiger sprang onto a large rock in the center of the raging river and from there leapt to the other side and escaped, never to be seen again.

Ever since, where this took place has been known as Tiger Leaping Gorge. Here you see Tiger Leaping Rock. I was first here in July 2002 on our overland expedition across eastern Tibet. Last time 2015. Maybe again? (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #141 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)




Ukrainians call Putin a huilo. In England, the term is bellend. The townspeople of Rowley Regis in the West Midlands went one step further. Every year they give The Bellend of the Year Award to the biggest jerk, schmuck, putz, or d-head they can think of.

This year they made a Putin effigy as a bellend, and nearby, free eggs to throw at it. You can read about it here. One resident said, “There was one person who has universally been a bellend this year – and that’s Vladimir Putin," adding "You could just throw eggs at the statue, which people did so willingly and quite happily."



xmas-billWelcome to the Christmas HFR!

Sorry to open with a bummer, but it’s unavoidable.  For the whole year of 2022 has been one obscene bummer after another, and this is just the last ludicrous straw.

Note what’s carrying the insane $1.7 trillion 4,000-page Omnifarce – the GOP elephant that’s responsible for it. 21 GOP senators voted for it (3 by not voting).  And in doing so, by locking in federal spending through next September, they prevented themselves by having any control over spending when the House take spending over 11 days from now.

That’s suicidally stupid, especially when considering the thousands of goodies for lobbyists and woke causes.

Late today (12/23) the House passed with 9 Rinos voting for it. Speaker-to-be McCarthy denounced the vote as “a monstrosity.” Chip Roy of Texas noted that 226 absentee proxy votes were cast, meaning the House lacked a physical quorum as required by the Constitution.

Can we have a lawsuit demanding SCOTUS declare the vote void?

There’s lots, lots more to come in this Christmas HFR….



pantellerias Between Sicily and Tunisia in the Mediterranean lies a secret hideaway of Europe’s rich and famous – the small Italian island of Pantelleria. Peaceful and quiet, the opposite of glitzy places like Ibiza, wealthy elite retreat here in luxurious yet very understated villas to get away from it all. It helps that the shoreline is all volcanic rock cliffs, which dissuades hordes of African “migrants” attempted to claim “asylum” in the EU welfare state by landing here.

The most beautiful spot on Pantelleria is this volcano crater lake known as “The Mirror of Venus” – of such magic color that, the legend goes, the goddess Venus would admire herself in its reflection. Come here for a tranquil escape of your own. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #164 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


SKYE’S LINKS 12/22/22

security-cameraAutomating the Narrative

Bad Ideas, But Faster


The Machine That Controls the World


Over the past decade, a vast capability was built to manipulate and control the global narrative using computer networks between government, social media, and contractors.

Elon Musk exposed the incredible depth and breadth of the government’s effort to weaponize narrative control. The system appears to be under the direction of the intelligence community, especially the FBI.

Narrative control emerged in its modern form during Occupy Wall Street; it demonstrated greatly improved capability in 2016 after the election. It grew again and lit the nation on fire with George Floyd.

By those early days of Covid-19, the system was competent as it replaced reasoned science with political dogma. Millions died due to faulty advice, while real scientists with deep credentials were marginalized and arrested.

We saw the real purpose behind the machine as government insiders chose the president for the nation, President Dunsel. A dunsel is part of a ship or vessel that serves no purpose.

By the time Russia invaded Ukraine, the system had so overgrown itself that it lacked any form of a speed brake; it had driven public policy according to its wishes while creating deep confusion worldwide.

Please join us at Skye’s links as we explore the consequences of global narrative control on health, science, and investments. We are witnessing the unraveling of something as vast as the Manhattan Project, and so far, the results have been a global disaster.



save-americaMost Americans know something has gone terribly wrong—and very abruptly—with the United States. They are certain that our wounds are almost all self-inflicted. The current pathologies are not a result of a natural disaster, an exhaustion of natural resources, plagues, or an existential war.

Crushing national debt and annual deficits, spiraling food and fuel costs amid “normal” seven-percent-plus annual inflation, bread-and-circuses entitlements, a nonexistent border, a resurgence of racial tribalism, pandemic violent criminality, and humiliation abroad—all these pathologies are easily cited as symptoms of a sick patient.

So, what are the therapies and prognoses for America?

In the spirit of constructive rather than blanket criticism, here is a partial, 10-point plan of national recovery.



katie-hobbs-votesFresh from a court victory granting her the right to examine a random sample of Arizona's ballots from its skeezy midterm election, Kari Lake has managed to notch another advance in her quest to halt the obviously fraudulent election of her Democrat rival, Katie Hobbs.

According to Just The News, citing the results of a public records request from America First Legal Foundation:

“Recently disclosed internal communications between top election officials in Arizona's Maricopa County in the immediate aftermath of Election Day reveal that they struggled to reconcile a discrepancy of almost 16,000 in outstanding ballot totals… 

‘Unable to currently reconcile SOS listing with our estimates from yesterday,’ state elections recorder Stephen Richer wrote, showing that Maricopa County estimated having 392,000 ballots left to be counted, while the secretary of state's website said there were 407,664 ballots left. ‘So there's a 15,000 difference somewhere’.”

Let us first note just where the extra 15,664 supposed votes came from: the Arizona secretary of state, who just happens to be Katie Hobbs, who claims she defeated Kari Lake by 17,116 votes (1,287,890 to 1,270,774).