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Congressman Ed Royce


The U.N.-backed cease-fire has stopped the killing in Lebanon and Israel. Now a United Nations peacekeeping force, coupled with the fractured Lebanese army, faces the daunting task of disarming Hezbollah. A realistic appraisal of this "A-Team" of terrorist organizations has this cease-fire looking more like a Hezbollah tactical pause, not a lasting commitment to peace with Israel. In Israel last week, the speaker of its Knesset told me "we closed our eyes" to the growing threat of Hezbollah, which started building its military capabilities in southern Lebanon the day Israeli soldiers departed six years ago. The threat continues to grow and Israel is in deep crisis.



Many in the Washington establishment were shocked Aug. 17, when the Congressional Budget Office reported a surge of "unanticipated tax receipts" that will sharply push down this year's deficit. Those who had been proclaiming the Bush tax rate cuts would result in a big reduction in tax revenues tried to hide their disappointment. It was tough being proved wrong again after having said the same thing when Ronald Reagan cut tax rates in the early 1980s. We have now had three major experiments with tax rate reduction in the last half-century, and each time both economic growth and tax revenues have surged, despite the fears and cries of the anti-tax-cut crowd. How much more evidence will they need to understand the difference between tax rates and tax revenues?



We are all aware of the dangerous Middle East conditions the United States faces today after five and a half years of President Bush's leadership. So let's consider what the world might well look like if, in his remaining two and a half years, he were to follow the recommendations of his critics. First: America out of Iraq by the end of 2007.      We warn the Iraqis to get off their duffs and prepare to be in charge by Dec. 31, 2007. We depart (leaving a couple of divisions in a desert base somewhere in Kuwait - per John Murtha's over the horizon strategy). The Iraqi military and police are still not able to manage. Full scale civil war breaks out. The Iranians enter to give help to the Shias. The Egyptians, Saudis and other Sunni states lend a hand to help the Iraqi Sunnis. The Kurds declare an independent Kurdistan. Kuwait demands our two divisions immediately leave, as it is arousing the hostility of its population. Qatar makes the same demand, for same reason, of our naval base. The United States complies.



ireland_map Ronald Reagan's origins are even more humble than Abraham Lincoln's log cabin.  His great-grandfather, Michael O'Regan, was born in a hut of mud and slats in farmland called Doolis near the village of Ballyporeen, County Tipperary, in 1829. The O'Regans, like most of Ireland's rural poor, lived on potatoes.  When a fungus (phytophtora infestans) infected the potato crop in 1845 causing a famine, teen-age Michael fled to London with other folks from Tipperary.  Among them was a young lass, Catherine Mulcahy, whom he married in 1852 after Anglicizing his name to Reagan. They had a son, John, in 1854, and emigrated to America, settling in Fulton, Illinois by 1860.  John's son, Jack, was born in Fulton in 1883.  Jack's son, Ronald Wilson Reagan, was born in nearby Tampico in 1911. Seventy-three years later, in June 1984, Ronald Reagan came to Ballyporeen as President of the United States.  In his speech to the townspeople in the village square, he said, "I can't think of a place on the planet I would rather claim as my roots more than Ballyporeen, County Tipperary." A friend of mine was there as a member of Reagan's staff.  After the speech, the President commented to him, "I really am proud to be from here."  With a wink, he explained:  "You see, I'm from Beyond the Pale."



Here I am in Ireland and the last thing in the world I am looking forward to is flying through London Heathrow to get back home.  British intel was tipped off by some good guys inserted by Parvez Musharaff into ISI (Pakistan intel) about a Moslem terrorist plot to blow up airliners flying out of Heathrow to America.  So the security is a nightmare - for everyone, not just Moslems. Thus I was thrilled to hear about The Heroes of Malaga - British passengers on a Monarch Airlines flight from Malaga, Spain to Manchester, England on August 16 who refused to fly until two Moslems were taken off the plane. The liberal British media was horrified.  The London Daily Mail ran a story entitled Asian students' shock at ejection from jet by passenger mutiny.  It is forbidden, you see, to refer to Moslems as such in the British media.  The accepted code word is "Asian" - as if they were Chinese or Japanese, anything but Moslem. The "Asians" complained bitterly they were "humiliated."  So I have a modest proposal to end their humiliation, and increase airport security as well.



It was the summer of 1992.  Our youngest son, Jackson, had been born in May, and I was staying put, not traveling anywhere to remain at home to help take care of him.  A friend of mine named Ray Kline called.  Ray was a legendary intel guy in Washington, having been the Deputy Director of the CIA under John Kennedy, and later Director of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon). It was Ray Kline who, in the fall of 1962, drove down the George Washington Parkway from Langley CIA headquarters to the White House, entered the Oval Office, and placed the satellite photos of the Soviet missile emplacements in Cuba on Kennedy's desk to personally explain them to the President of the United States. That's how the Cuban Missile Crisis began. Ray was calling to tell me about a 30th anniversary conference of the veterans of the Crisis he had just come back from.  The conference was in Havana, Cuba. "You went to Cuba, Ray?" I asked, amazed.  "Jack, the Soviet Union has vanished off the map [December 1991] and a lot of Castro's people are nervous" he replied.  "They are trying to convince him to make his peace with the US.  They even asked me if I knew of a conservative organization that would send a delegation to Havana and talk to them." Ray paused for effect.  "I suggested you and your Freedom Research Foundation." "You've got to be kidding, Ray," was all I could say. "Jack, Cuban intel knows all about how you instigated the Reagan Doctrine, which is why they no longer have their Soviet patron.  Who better than you to go and see if they are for real?" I told him I would think about it.  I decided to go and told my wife, Rebel, my reason:  "I want to look Fidel Castro in the eye and tell him that someday the Cuban people will urinate on his grave."  She decided to go with me - in order to prevent me from doing any such thing.



One of the more spectacular drives in the world is traversing the Pyrenees mountains, which separates Spain and France, from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. Jackson and I started in Barcelona and ended in Bilbao, but we went up through Andorra and stayed mostly on the French side, taking La Route des Cols over a succession of high passes such as the Col de Tourmalet, the toughest challenge in the Tour de France bike race. Can you imagine pedaling a bicycle up this? pyrenees_col_tourmalet But it sure was fun to drive.  And hike to places like this amazing foot bridge flung across the Gorge d' Holcarte: gorge_dholcarte It was also educational.  For while Barcelona and Bilbao are both in Spain, the difference between them is stark. Barcelona is the capital of Spanish Catalonia, while Bilbao is the capital of Euskal Herria, the Land of the Basques.  Both regions have struggled for freedom from the control of Madrid and the Spanish government.  One has been smart in doing so, and the other really stupid.



Perhaps the most difficult problem of immigration policy is how to cope with the 11-20 million illegal aliens already within this country. This number includes not just unattached working age males, but also millions of spouses, children and aged relatives. Some of them have been here illegally for decades, either on false documentation or simply in the shadows beyond the reach of the law. Deporting illegals apprehended within the country is difficult. The courts have held that apprehended aliens have due process rights, and legal aid organizations are ready to provide assistance. Since apprehended illegals not wanted for a crime (other than illegal entry) cannot in practice be detained until the legal process plays out, they are commonly released on their own recognizance, quickly to disappear from view. What the debate so far lacks is a proposal that will expeditiously reduce the illegal alien population at modest expense to American taxpayers. For instance, why not require illegals who want to remain as guest workers to pay for other illegals to depart? Think in terms of the Civil War practice of draftees paying for a substitute.



For the past year, there has been a pest on the To The Point User Forums named Miriam Brownlee.  She enjoys driving To The Point members around the bend with her Buchananite anti-Bush anti-Israel conspiracy theories. I have tolerated  her until last week when she lost it and called TTP contributor Jack Kelly a Nazi for revealing the staged Hezbollah photos of the phony Qana "massacre." I am happy to report that Miriam's annual subscription expires this Saturday, August 12 and will not be renewed.  Due to the complete inappropriateness of her comments last week, she will not be allowed to post to the User Forum this week. So Miriam will have to find some other site to pester.  TTP Members can now enjoy the User Forums without having to be subjected to her any longer.  Adios, Miriam!



In 1974, I took a year off from my doctoral studies and teaching philosophy at the University of Southern California at the suggestion of the Chairman of the USC School of Philosophy, John Hospers. John had been the 1972 Presidential Candidate of the Libertarian Party and was involved in the New Country Project.  Financed by wealthy libertarians such as Mike Oliver from Nevada, this was an effort to locate some viable piece of real estate in the world that could be transformed into an actual sovereign nation founded on libertarian principles of minimal government. Such a country was to have total free trade with no customs or tariffs on any imported goods; no corporate, income, or sales taxes; and a government restricted to a police force, a small professional military, and courts.  Government expenses were to be paid from contract fees - for the courts to recognize any sort of contractual relationship, the parties would pay a fee for the contract to be legally binding. John Hospers and Mike Oliver sent me out into the world to locate where such a new country could be established.  I spent a year going to some very weird places.



Miami. The skyline appears to have more cranes than buildings, as if the city were just one vast construction site, and that has been the good news. The bad news here in Miami, as well as most major U.S. cities, is that the real estate boom of the last few years is coming to an end. The villain in this drama is the U.S. Federal Reserve (the Fed), which fueled the boom and now is destroying it. The Fed, by its own admission, has been failing to keep inflation within its own targets. Yet, the Fed's main responsibility is to provide the U.S. with a sound currency; one that neither loses value (inflation), nor gains value (deflation). The Fed has a long history of reacting too late, then overreacting, to the inflation or deflation it causes. One reason the Fed keeps failing is its overreliance on lagging indicators of inflation, such as the well-known consumer price index (CPI).



On Monday, July 31, less than two weeks before his 80th birthday, Fidel Castro temporarily relinquished power to his brother, Defense Minister Raul Castro, the official successor as head of state, the armed forces, and the Communist Party. Whether or not Fidel, who seized power on January 1, 1959 and has not relinquished it for a single day until now, recovers from this particular infirmity - officially described as an "intestinal crisis with sustained bleeding" - it is clear that his rule is at an end. Less clear is what will happen to his regime.



dubrovnik1 This is the medieval walled city of Dubrovnik on the Dalmatian Coast of the Adriatic Sea, an arm of the Mediterranean across from Italy.  The English playwright George Bernard Shaw declared on a visit here in 1929, "If you want to see heaven on earth, come to Dubrovnik." Over a million visitors a year from all over the world agree with Shaw, marveling at its huge fortress walls, swimming in the sparkling clear Adriatic, choosing which hidden restaurant in a myriad of tiny alleys to enjoy marvelous food and wine, and partying all night at the Troubador Jazz Café owned by my friend Marko Breskovic. Only the smallest fraction of them pay any attention to this sign affixed to the stones at the city's entrance:



If you knew the U.S. government was going bankrupt primarily because of spending on Social Security and Medicare, and the only solutions were the following, which one would you pick? (1) Doubling individual and corporate income tax rates. (2) Immediately cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits by two-thirds. (3) Immediately cutting all federal discretionary spending (including defense) by 143 percent. (4) Reforming Social Security and Medicare by moving from the current defined benefit plans to a program of individual investment accounts, like the current 401(k) and Medical Savings Account (MSA) plans. Many leading economists of the political right and left have concluded the U.S. government will not be able to pay its creditors, including its current and future retirees, the full value of promised benefits, unless current policies are radically changed. So we must choose.



k2 This is K2, the highest mountain in the world next to Everest, at 28,250 feet.  It is so inaccessibly remote in the Karakorum mountains behind the Himalayas on the border between Pakistan and China, that very few human beings have ever seen it. Last week I was privileged to take a small group of Americans to the base of K2 by helicopter.  It was the first helicopter expedition ever to K2, which otherwise takes 10 days of very high-altitude trekking to reach. An enormous glacier flows from the south face of K2 called the Godwen-Austen glacier, which meets another huge glacier flowing from a mountain called Baltoro Tengri.  The confluence of these glaciers is known to mountaineers as "Concordia." It is the consensus of the world's professional mountaineering community that at Concordia is the single spot of greatest scenery on planet earth. But Concordia could stand for so much more.



The border between Pakistan and India is one thousand eight hundred miles long, running from the Karakorum-Himalaya mountains next to China all the way to the Indian Ocean.  Along its entire length, there is one land crossing for foreigners, between Lahore, Pakistan and Amritsar, India, called Wagha. To make the crossing, you take a taxi to the Pak side of Wagha, where porters are waiting to carry your bags.  After going through passport and customs control, you walk a thousand yards over bare ground to the Indian side, where your Pak porters turn over your bags to a swarm of Indian porters who fight amongst themselves to carry them. When the porters start grabbing your bags from each other, you have to physically intervene to keep your bags from being torn apart.  It is over 100 degrees in the shade.



If I ask you to think of India, the image that most likely appears in your mind's eye would be the Taj Mahal. Arguably the most famous building in the world and considered by many to be the most beautiful structure mankind has ever created, it was completed in 1648 by the ruler of India, Shah Jehan, to immortally entomb his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. There is a painful problem with this image, however, for the great majority of folks in India: the Taj Mahal isn't an Indian building. It's Moslem, and thus for Indians a symbol of Islamic imperialism. The Moslem invasion of India had begun with Mahmud of Ghazni (now in present-day Afghanistan) in 1001. Historian Will Durant observed:

The Mohammedan Conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precarious thing, whose delicate complex of order and liberty, culture and peace may at any time be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within.
The Taj Mahal is in Agra, about 120 miles south of New Delhi - and it was on the road to Agra that I reflected on the extraordinary complexity of Indian history.



Bangkok. Western tradition associates royalty with the color purple.  Not in Siam, or as it's called today, Thailand.  The royal color here is yellow - and the whole country right now is wearing yellow, yellow shirts, hats, sashes, or ribbons, in celebration of their beloved King Bhumibol's 60th anniversary of his reign.  The King's picture is everywhere, and not because of a personality cult.  He is genuinely revered as the embodiment and father-figure of the Thai nation.  And at the same time, the streets of Bangkok are clogged with protestors in yellow shirts waving yellow banners, demanding their democratically elected government be overthrown. The Siamese are an interesting people.



THE British military defines experience as the ability to recognize a mistake the second time you make it. By that standard, we should be very experienced in dealing with captured terrorists, since we've made the same mistake again and again. Violent Islamist extremists must be killed on the battlefield. Only in the rarest cases should they be taken prisoner. Few have serious intelligence value. And, once captured, there's no way to dispose of them. Killing terrorists during a conflict isn't barbaric or immoral - or even illegal. We've imposed rules upon ourselves that have no historical or judicial precedent. We haven't been stymied by others, but by ourselves.



You couldn't imagine a more peaceful place than Cambodia in 1961.  Sure, the Vietnamese to the east had split into a Communist North and Free South after the French defeat at Dienbienphu - but that was a problem of despised Cham (the ancient name for ‘Nam). A flight on Royal Air Cambodia from Phnom Penh (the capital) to Siem Reap (near the ruins of Angkor) provided an unforgettable example of just how laid back the place was.  It was a DC-3, and the stewardess served us a small cup of orange juice, then strapped herself in the jump seat near the exit door and fell fast asleep. The plane landed, taxied to the tiny terminal, the ground crew opened the door, and we all walked past her to deplane - she was still out cold in Z-land.  Must have been a long night in Phnom Penh. I stayed in this small hotel, Auberge de Temples, run by a French lady, right across from Angkor Wat.  There were a handful a visitors and I was the only American.  As I explored the magnificent ruined cities and temple complexes of Angkor Thom, Ta Prom, Ta Keo, Angkor Wat and others, they were like deserted lost cities that I had all to myself. Wow, is it different today.



Does the language you speak or use help influence how wealthy you are? When trying to determine why some countries are wealthier than others, economists rarely, if at all, consider language. However, if you look at the list of wealthiest countries on a per capita income basis, you will notice all but three of the top 20 are English-speaking, or use some other Germanic language.   Is there something about the English language itself that helps make one wealthier, and is there something about the Arabic language itself that inhibits economic development?



It was an interesting way to spend the 4th of July.  And instructive.  I climbed Fujiyama - Fuji-san, as the Japanese reverently call it - once before when I was 17.  That was in 1961, and I still have the climbing stick I used with the year burned into the wood. It's funny that I have no recollection of the climb being hard.  It requires starting from 7,900 feet at 4 in the morning, and trudging steeply up through volcanic scree to reach the rim at 12,200 feet some five hours later.  No problem when I was 17.  I guess 45 years does make a difference after all. Actually, the big difference is in coming back down.  Going up it's your lungs that take a beating, going down it's your legs - and I'll take the former any time.  My lungs still work OK, but the endless, endless steep pitch down, down, down, hour after hour made it achingly clear I don't have teen-age legs any more. But my 14 year-old son Jackson does - and standing on top of Fuji with him made all the effort easily worthwhile. For the rest of his life, Jackson will remember the 4th of July in 2006.  Fujiyama, one of the world's most famous mountains, is now a part of his life.  Hopefully, it will inspire him to learn more about the country of which Fujiyama is the symbol:  Japan.



Senator Rick Santorum's announcement last week of over 500 weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq went largely ignored by the mainstream media. The National Ground Intelligence Center's newly-declassified report proves conclusively that Saddam Hussein lied -- and George Bush and Bill Clinton told the truth -- about Iraq's WMDs. This doesn't square, of course, with the media's mantra that "Bush lied, kids died", so they gave it short shrift. But 500 hidden sarin, nerve and VX weapons is no small thing: it's one of the world's major chemical weapons arsenals. Its presence completely vindicates George Bush and Tony Blair. Though unreported, it's obviously major news. Yet there's an even bigger story. And you probably haven't heard it either.



[This was originally in To The Point for July 4, 2004. It needed only a slight updating for 2006.  We at To The Point wish all of you an exceedingly happy Fourth of July.] July 4th is Freedom's Birthday. My suggestion is, amidst the fireworks and barbeques and flag-waving fun - all of which are great - that you take the time to feel good about America. Put aside your worries and concerns, your frustrations and fears about what's wrong with America. For one day, forget the negative - put it all in a zip-lock bag, hide it in the back of the freezer, and pretend it doesn't exist. One reason is that, for all your worries about America's culture and morality, you and all your fellow conservatives can feel good about your country. Liberals can't. One of the defining characteristics of leftie-liberals is an inability to feel truly proud of their country - proud to the bone. You cannot be a liberal without feeling apologetic and embarrassed over being an American. You cannot be a conservative without lacking any such embarrassment or compulsion to apologize at all. Being an American is simply the coolest thing on earth.



Women know all about last straws.  It will thus take a woman to explain to the puzzled men of the New York Times, the Hamas Palestinians, and the Al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq why the events of this past week were last straws. "Men are essentially clueless," most any gal will be happy to tell you.  "We keep giving them hints that things are bugging us, they keep right on ignoring the hints, until one day when we finally can't take it any more, we snap - and they are hurt and bewildered." So it is that Editor-in-Chief Bill Keller and his fellow traitors at the New York Times are playing the besieged victim in the face of the torrent of outrage over their treasonous exposure of Bush's tracking of terrorist financing. Just as are the terrorists of Hamas, the poor little victims of Zionist oppression who can't understand why this one last provocation, kidnapping an Israeli soldier, could prompt the threat of all-out war against them. As for Al Qaeda in Iraq, they have had a collective senior moment, a memory lapse that could prove fatal.  Here's the story they forgot:



Since we launched To The Point at the end of March, 2003, we have issued the TTP Weekly Report every single week for the last three+ years.  I'm really proud of that and have every intention of continuing this record. It's going to be challenging to do so this summer, so here we go with an experiment.  I haven't been stuck in DC for these past three years straight, but wherever I wandered off to in the world during that time, it's been for a short while, like a couple of weeks or so here and there. This summer is different, for I'll be out of the country for all of July and August.  Sometimes I'll be in places where there will be an Internet connection, and sometimes not.  Wherever I'm in the former, you'll hear from me - but there may be a gap or two when I'm in the latter. The TTP staff will make sure that the Weekly Report gets out in time, and with our brilliant regulars like Joel Wade, Michael Ledeen, Jack Kelly, Neal Asbury, Dagny D'Anconia, and Dennis Turner.  As for me, I'll be providing at least a "sitrep" (situation report) on each country I'm in.  As of now, that will be:  Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Israel, Croatia, Montenegro, Austria, Switzerland, France, and Spain.  Plus a surprise or two.



Last month we discussed in Bad News for Hugo how the ugliest man in Mexico right now is Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.  By getting voters to think that Lopez Obrador would be a Mexican Chavez if elected president this Sunday (July 2), Felipe Calderon has a chance of beating him. It's a given in most every conservative mind that an Obrador victory would be a disaster for the US, and a Calderon one vastly preferable.  That's because Obrador is an anti-American Marxist and Calderon is a pro-American free market advocate.  It seems a no-brainer to root for Calderon. I, too, will be rooting for Felipe this Sunday.  Regrettably, the odds favor Obrador.  We can hope he loses, but if he wins, we'd better start thinking fast how to turn the danger of his victory into an opportunity. Let's start now.



It was back in October 2004, in Porter At The Pass, that we first discussed the true nature of the CIA:

Most folks think the CIA is a right-wing outfit. It is not. The CIA has been dominated by incompetent left-wing hyper-liberals for years.
These CIA lefties - known as "Rogue Weasels" by their more competent counterparts - were conducting a covert war against the Bush Administration by leaking damaging classified information to leftwing journalists in the press. When George Bush finally got rid of George Tenet and installed Porter Goss as CIA Director, the weasels began a covert war against their own agency - as discussed in The Rogue Weasels Club last December.  That's because Porter was trying to root them out. One of the chief weasels Porter was able to dump was Deputy Director of Operations Stephen Kappes, who had been a principal conduit of classified information leaked to Washington Post reporters Dana Priest and Walter Pincus.   How the weasels struck back and got their revenge on Porter was explained in Porter and Casey last month.  Now this week, we have final confirmation of the weasels' triumph. 



We call To The Point "The Oasis for Rational Conservatives."  We've gotten a flood of emails this week asking if articles on certain websites claiming that George Bush has "a secret plan to abolish American sovereignty" are being pushed by Irrational Conservatives. The answer is yes.  We all focus so much on the moonbats of the left - barking mad hairshirts like Algore, folks driven treasonously insane by Bush Derangement Syndrome - that it's important to recognize there are moonbats of the right. For some weird reason which has to do with psychology rather than reality, a small but loud subset of conservatives easily falls prey to conspiracy theories about cabals of powerful people meeting in secret to take over the world:  the Bilderbergers, the Trilaterialists, the Council on Foreign Relations, or some such. The world headquarters of this subset of conservatives is on a grassy knoll in downtown Dallas. 



You probably have seen the ads about the "net neutrality" bills before Congress, concerning who gets to manage and set fees for access to the Internet. The House of Representatives has just done the right thing by defeating the so-called net neutrality proposals, and the issue is now before the Senate. The "net neutrality" advocates are a strange coalition of leftist political groups hostile to property rights, self-appointed consumer groups totally ignorant of good economics, and a few large business users of the Internet (such as Google) who want the telecom companies to provide them a free ride for their demands for a more robust network. To understand the fight, you need to be aware of the economic interests of the various players.



A year and a half ago, just after GW’s second inauguration, in Cheney and Condi, you first learned of the Bush-Cheney plan to have Condi Rice replace Dick Cheney as Vice-President.

Then, in 44, you learned that Bush’s private nickname for Condi is “44” – meaning that as his dad and he are known in the White House as “41” and “43,” he intends for her to be the 44th President of the United States.

But in Cooling on Condi, we let the other shoe drop and discussed Condi’s inability to control her State Department’s compulsion for appeasement regarding Iran.

Nonetheless, all indications have continued that the Cheney-Condi Switch was still on track, scheduled to be implemented this fall as an ultimate October Surprise to lock in GOP House/Senate victories in November. 

Until now.  Earlier this month, Condi insultingly and gratuitously dissed Cheney, and threw her lot in completely with the spineless pinstripes infesting Foggy Bottom.  And over no small matter, but the most critical foreign policy issue of the moment.



There are 435 Congresscritters, and choosing who is the biggest jerk among them is not easy, for there is a multitude of choices. Many would opt for John Murtha (D-PA), but he's just the most senile.  That's not a joke - he's age 74 and actually going senile.  In a recent interview with Tim Russert, he thought Okinawa was close to Iraq, so our troops could be "redeployed" there.  Okinawa is 6,000 miles from Iraq. He's reached that stage of senility called second-childhood, where the patient acts increasingly juvenile - like saying the most outrageous things possible in order to get attention, even if they are treasonous and spits on his own military record. Some, of course, would choose anti-American racist screwballs like Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), or Maxine Waters (D-CA).  But they're just bit-player kooks. If you took a vote among the Congress members themselves for the biggest jerk among them, the most likely winner would be James Sensenbrenner (R-WI).



Al Gore says the world's glaciers are melting because humanity has emitted too much CO2. However, a new peer-reviewed study shows that in South America‘s Andes Mountains the glaciers' advances and retreats have not been governed by CO2, but by small variations in the sun's intensity.

The study, led by P.J. Polissar of the University of Massachusetts, found that Andean glaciers expanded only four times during the 600 years of the Little Ice Age, which lasted from 1250 AD to 1850.

Each of those glacier advances occurred during a solar minimum, when the sun's lowered activity apparently dropped the mountain-top temperatures by 2-4 degrees C and increased precipitation by about 20 percent.



  "Scientists have an independent obligation to respect and present the truth as they see it," Al Gore sensibly asserts in his film An Inconvenient Truth.  With that outlook in mind, what do world climate experts actually think about the science of his movie?

Professor Bob Carter of the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James Cook University in Australia gives this assessment: "Gore's circumstantial arguments are so weak that they are pathetic. It is simply incredible that they, and his film, are commanding public attention."

But surely Carter is merely part of what most people regard as a tiny cadre of "climate change skeptics" who disagree with the "vast majority of scientists" Gore cites? No.  Carter is one of hundreds of highly qualified non-governmental, non-industry, non-lobby group climate experts who contest the hypothesis that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are causing significant global climate change.



No doubt he is a genius when it comes to software and innumerable gadgets and such; I am really pleased he got into computers big time. I certainly got a lot from that in my own line of work.

But Bill Gates really needs to shut about some other things he is confused about. Like his claim the other day, when he announced his impending retirement and turn to full time philanthropy, that he "needs to give back to the community."

Why? Did he steal something from people? Did they lend him something he needs to return? What on earth was he talking about?



The most beautiful women in Europe are not in Paris.  They are in a country, as Joel Wade and I discovered to our delight, called Moldova.  On every street corner in the capital of Chisinau, Joel and I stood transfixed, watching one spectacularly gorgeous woman after another walk by.  Back then, in 1989, the place was stilled called the Soviet Republic of Moldavia.  The Principality of Moldova had emerged independent out of the Middle Ages, only to be colonized by the Russian Empire in 1812.  During the Russian Revolution in 1917, it broke free and joined Romania for safety.  Stalin had his troops seize it in 1944, incorporating it within the Soviet Union as Moldavia. It was an exciting time to be there in 1989, as Moldovans saw the USSR disintegrating and their liberty finally around the corner.  By mid-1991, they had declared their independence and Moldova was once again free. But there was a little problem. 



Here's the hottest question being asked this week by Republicans in Washington:  Would you trade the Hispanic vote for the Black vote? It's not being asked too loudly, of course, but that it's being asked at all shows some smart guys in the GOP have figured it out:  Bush's desperate attempts to retain and expand the Hispanic vote (40% for him in ‘04) by refusing to protect our border with Mexico and demands for amnesty for Mexican illegals is a loser. Sure, there are muchas Mexicano-Americans who understand that a border fence shutting down the illegal invasion would be the best thing that could happen to Mexico.  If folks have to stay there rather than escape, the pressure for real reform could build irresistibly. Nonetheless, when the question is met with scoffs and denial that blacks will ever vote Republican, the smart guys ask:  What do readers of Esquire Magazine and Southern Baptist evangelicals have in common?



The hit on Zarqawi has been described, quoting Churchill, as "the end of the beginning" towards winning the war in Iraq.  What it and so much else also portends is the beginning of the end for the Democrat Party's dream of regaining power in Congress this November.  Week before last, the Dems were riding high.  Bush's poll numbers were so disastrous Time Magazine ran a cover asking "How low can he go?"  The liberal rag followed this with a cover story on the "massacre" of Haditha.  Nancy Pelosi went on a speaking tour describing what she'll do as House Speaker next January.  Harry Reid told his staff to start planning for when he becomes Senate Majority Leader.  Yep, the Dems had the Republicans on the ropes, and were gleefully acknowledging their impending victory to the cheering crowd - when without warning and out of nowhere, the Pubbies unleash a series of such punishing blows the Dems find themselves stunned, dazed, and on the canvas.



[Nothing could better illustrate the Left's depression over George Bush's military killing Zarqawi than this morning's headline in the Washington Post: After Zarqawi, No Clear Path For A Weary Iraq. The media's relentless pessimism has infected America in general.  It is about time conservatives stop being suckered by liberal pessimism, and start celebrating what's right with America. Peter Wehner, Deputy Assistant to President Bush at the White House, here provides grounds for doing so. ---JW] Americans hear a great deal about the problems they face. We hear hardly anything about the encouraging developments.  So here is an empirical assessment of where we are. Social Indicators: We are witnessing a remarkable cultural renewal in America.



 The Marine incident, and its aftermath, at Haditha last November tells us much more about the media than it does about the Marines. And what it tells us ought to outrage us to the core.   

On every radio and television show I appeared on last week (and all I observed) in which this topic came up, without exception at least one of the media people immediately attempted to implicate not just the still-presumed-innocent Marines, but the American military's leadership and methods in general.     

The "Drive By Media" (Rush Limbaugh's scientifically accurate description) has already started to report this story in a manner that is likely do vast damage that may last for several years to the morale (and possibly recruitment) of our military. It will create a propaganda catastrophe of strategic proportions in our mortal struggle with radical Islam and their terrorist spear point.     

And all this is being done by journalists who should be considered enemy propagandists.