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Dr. Jack Wheeler


I can't pass this one up.  DNA testing that shows among Anna Nicole Smith's multiple lovers, a fellow named Larry Birkhead is the father of her daughter provides such an exquisitely teachable moment about paternity - well, it's simply impossible for me to resist. This is going to be fun.  We'll start with a discussion of what scientists delightfully call "sperm wars."  Let's first discuss those conducted by chimpanzees.  They give the phrase "flooding the zone" a whole new meaning.



Here are pictures taken this week of two women in the Middle East.  Which woman do you think is a greater advocate of America's most cherished values of liberty and human rights?  Which woman do you think has more courage to fight for those rights, and women's rights in particular? pelosi_hijabnouriya_no_hijab



It was a fitting image of the 14 wimps and a sob sister arriving back in the United Kingdom yesterday: skulking away with pink goody bags in hand. The color was no accident - although yellow would've been more appropriate. The released hostages weren't allowed to make any more statements. Apparently, the Blair government feared they'd repeat their lavish praise of their Iranian captors. Look, we're all glad they're home safe, if not necessarily sound. But why on earth is Britain, the land of the legendary stiff upper lip, celebrating cowards who clambered over one another to shame their country?



If you knew how to make life better for your fellow Americans, would you? The political class in Washington constantly claims it "cares about you," but when it comes to policy many do just the opposite. Most people understand the Republicans messed up by allowing nondefense spending to grow faster than the economy. The Democrats ran against the irresponsible Republicans by claiming they would be "fiscally responsible." So, rather than present a budget that would reduce the growth rate of domestic spending, they have just proposed one that would increase it, even above Republican proposals, and require increases in taxes. You can only wonder if they are even more brain dead than the Republicans.



Last week my former boss, Newt Gingrich, threw a much-needed conceptual bomb into the jejune public dialogue of presidential aspirants. Amid the platitudes, banalities and evasions that constitute pre-presidential debate these days, Newt argued (in a speech last weekend) that bilingual education only encourages students to be linguistically "living in a ghetto." Predictably, the PC riot squad screeched into the media to suppress such clarity of language. Peter Zamora, co-chairman of the Hispanic Education Coalition, intoned: "The tone of his comments were [sic] very hateful." Someone needs to tell Mr. Zamora that it is hateful of ideological "civil-rights" activists to try to intimidate any politician who would dare to liberate kids from the linguistic ghetto that serves to preserve their political power.



A muezzin is calling people to prayer from a minaret nearby as I am writing this.  I am in Hewlar, Iraq - more appropriately Iraqi Kurdistan, or even more appropriately South Kurdistan. That's what Kurds in Iraq call their portion of Kurdistan.  Kurds in Turkey call theirs North Kurdistan. Kurds in Syria call theirs West Kurdistan.  And Kurds in Iran call theirs East Kurdistan.  I am here in Hewlar to participate in a conference of Kurdish leaders and intellectuals from all four regions of Kurdistan because of To The Point's The Kurdish Key to the Middle East (October 2006) being so widely read throughout the Kurdish community worldwide. The speech I gave yesterday (4/4) was broadcast on live satellite television into Iran where, according to reports we received today, it caused an extraordinary reaction upon viewers.  Especially in a region called Mahabad.  It is an unknown bit of history that the Cold War began in Mahabad.  Now it might be where the War on Islamofascism may be won.



Though The Poison That Is Killing The West has only been up for a short while, there's already a discussion thread on the User Forum.  Dennis Turner, for example, is pessimistic regarding war with Iran (he's pessimistic that there won't be war - I'm optimistic there will be!):

Sad to say, but I don't think we'll take them on. I think we'll issue an ultimatum banning Iranian naval forces from the waterway, but won't shoot when they violate the ban. I hate to be so pessimistic but I see this happening in Israel, where the threat is existential, with Rice pushing for final status issues with the PA while they do not recognize Israel, accept previous agreements, agree to collect weapons and dismantle the terrorist infrastructure, renounce violence, etc.
Whether Dennis or I are right on this depends on who emerges victorious in the main power struggle taking place in the White House right now:  between Condi Rice and Dick Cheney. I'm betting on Dick. 



The contrived controversy over the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys is largely an exercise in imaginary indignation. Congressional Democrats suggest that some of the firings may have been improper and demand to know the reasons for each of them. By what authority they make such demand is not clear, since the Supreme Court has ruled that, with limited exceptions, Congress has no voice in the dismissal of federal officers. Neither the statute providing for the appointment of U.S. attorneys nor the Supreme Court opinion makes any attempt to define what would constitute proper or improper reasons for dismissal. In fact, nowhere is there any suggestion that the president would need any reason to dismiss a federal officer who is not covered by the Civil Service Act.   If Congress can have no voice in the removal of U.S. attorneys and no reason is required to dismiss them, then by what authority do members of Congress demand to know why the attorneys were fired?



The media photo that best explains the Iranian seizure of 15 British sailors and marines last Friday (3/23) is not one that shows them eating and "being well cared for," nor of female sailor Faye Turney wearing a Moslem headscarf. It is this one of a "Walk of Witness" parade in London the day after the hostage seizure (Saturday 3/24) that had nothing to do with it: so_sorry 3,000 people wearing color-of-mourning black T-shirts saying "So Sorry" paraded in front of Big Ben and the Parliament Building to mark the 200th anniversary of the law abolishing the slave trade throughout the British Empire.  What were these people so sorry about?  You would think that this would be a joyous occasion, the bicentennial celebration of a historically heroic British achievement - the abolishment of the slave trade. But no, these self-flagellants were in deep mortification over the previous existence of what was abolished - an institution as old as history, accepted by every civilization for thousands of years.  They perverted something morally noble into an excuse for feeling morally guilty.  This is the poison that is killing the West, the poison that empowers the evil of the West's enemies such as the mullahs of Iran.



Are you absolutely sure you paid the exact amount of income tax you owed last year -- not too much and not too little? I am willing to bet the vast majority of those reading this paid either too much or too little -- not because they intended to but because the tax code is so complex it is almost impossible to know precisely the right number. As Americans sit down to file their taxes before the infamous April 15 deadline, most will feel some anxiety and many will feel trapped - trapped in a system they cannot understand, nor can they obtain the help that will fairly represent them against the government or protect them against having their hard earned monies misspent. At this moment, some in Congress are on a rant about the unsupported claim that more than $300 billion in taxes due last year were not collected, and demanding even more coercive measures. Why is there not equal outrage in Congress about all the Americans who pay too much each year because they cannot understand, or the IRS has made it too costly to obtain, the deductions to which they are legally entitled?



I have just sent the following letter to a friend in the White House who asked for informed suggestions regarding Tony Snow's recurrence of cancer.  Many TTPers have expressed their concern for Tony and are praying for him.  Here is an initial series of suggestions for him.   Dear Tim, A close friend of mine for many years is a medical researcher whose IQ was unable to be measured by MIT as it was so far above 200.  Here is what he suggests for Tony, as supplementing the treatment from his physicians. Go to this website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information and the National Institutes of Health:   In the PubMed search box, enter in the specific medical name of the type of cancer Tony has as determined by the pathology report, plus "treatment," plus "immune" or "immunity," plus "experimental" or "adjuvant."



The Jade Steps Chapter Thirty-One:  The Spanish Phoenix By nightfall, the expedition reached the town of Xaltepec on the far side of the valley.  It was deserted, and everyone had to forage for food.  Malinali tried to clean the bloody gashes on Cortez's head and the deep wound in his left hand, but Cortez shook his head.  "To a man, all of us are wounded, exhausted, and hungry," he told her.  "Organize help for them, tend to them... then you may have all night to tend to me." When Malinali returned, she found Cortez fast asleep.  At dawn the next morning, she tried to clean and bandage him as best she could, but he was anxious to get underway.  "Our only hope of safety lies in those mountains of Tlaxcala," he said, as he gazed at them looming above Xaltepec.  Slowly, slowly, the expedition trudged up into the mountains to the Tlaxcalan frontier fortress town of Hueyotlipan (way-oat-lee-pahn). There to greet them were King Xicotencatl, Chief Maxixcatzin, and Commander Chichimecatecle. "Malinche!  Malinche!" they cried out when they saw Cortez.  Chief Maxixcatzin threw his arms around him.  "How grieved we are at your misfortunes, and the number of our own people who have been killed with yours," he told Cortez through Malinali.  "We warned you not to trust the Mesheeka, but you went to their city and did not believe us.  Now all we can do is help with your wounds and give you rest and food.  Here you are home."



[After reading Professor Stott, I could not encourage you more to view  The Great Global Warming Swindle, a brilliant UK documentary not shown on US television but available on the Internet.  It's long but absolutely worth watching. ---JW] Global warming represents the latest doom-laden "crisis," one demanding sacrifice to Gaia for our wicked fossil-fuel-driven ways.  But neither history nor science bolsters such an apocalyptic faith. Our so-called "crisis" is neither a product of current observations nor of projections. But does it matter if global warming is a "crisis" or not? Aren't we threatened by a serious temperature rise? Shouldn't we act anyway, because we are stewards of the environment? Herein lies the moral danger behind global warming hysteria. Each day, 20,000 people in the world die of waterborne diseases. Half a billion people go hungry. A child is orphaned by AIDS every seven seconds. This does not have to happen. We allow it while fretting about "saving the planet." What is wrong with us that we downplay this human misery before our eyes and focus on events that will probably not happen even a hundred years hence?



Yes, corn cobs, not corn, meaning the rip-off scam of ethanol perpetrated upon us by Archer Daniels Midland and the corn farmer lobby. The latest exposé of the ethanol scam is that in the current (3/19/07) issue of Business Week, Ethanol's Growing List of Enemies. Energy independence is the key to solving one of our gravest economic problems, the trade deficit - of which oil imports account for over 40% -- and the key to defeating Islamofascism.  What if we just didn't care anymore about Saudi oil? And corn cobs - corn cobs - may be the key to energy independence.  Thanks to scientists in Missouri.



Why do non-Americans so dislike Americans or, at least, the American government?  Could part of the reason be because the U.S. State Department appears to think its mission is to be rude, insulting and condescending? This month, the State Department has set a new record by managing to insult the citizens of 123 different lands at one time in the International Narcotics Control Strategy Report: Volume II, Money Laundering and Financial Crimes. The 450-page report discusses what other countries are doing to reduce money laundering and financial crimes, which is fine. But then the authors go on gratuitously lecturing each of the countries by name about how they could do things "better." The Report, produced by the global nannies and nags at State, is filled with endless demands that other countries do a better job enforcing their laws, pass more laws, sign more international treaties and engage in some practices that would be illegal and unconstitutional in the U.S.    Some examples:



As an early and continuing strong supporter of President Bush's war effort, I nonetheless regularly have criticized his administration's inept communications and war-fighting strategies -- particularly in the years from 2004 to 2006. Along with many others, I was both exasperated and puzzled by the gap between the magnitude of the president's bold enterprise and the stingy assignment of material resources (men and material), and diplomatic energy with which he provisioned it. Even so, for all their mismanagement of a still vital and noble struggle, the Bush team has better served our cause than has the Democrat Party served its interests in its near-unanimous opposition to the war recently. Theirs has been the most blatantly unprincipled war opposition short of treason in living memory -- and the Democrat Party is likely to pay a fearsome price at the polls for a generation.



Oodles of media ink have been spent discussing conservative frustration over the current "top tier" of Republican presidential candidates.  Giuliani, Romney, McCain - none of them ring conservatives' bells.  Thus the latest tingling of excitement over Fred Thompson. The son of a used-car salesman in Alabama, Thompson is both fully conservative and fully presidential.  The Dems don't have anyone like him. Thus the frustration among the Dems regarding their "top tier" - only two, Hillary and Gumby - is far greater and far more frightening to them than any distress among the GOP. It is dawning on the Dems that Hillary is just too plain unlikeable to be electable.  And it is beginning to dawn on them that The Obamarama's 15 minutes of frenzied fame is about over.  It's all smile and phony personal story.  He's got nothing interesting or substantive to say. So as he flames out, Dems are desperate for an alternative.  And I'm getting excited about their desperation, for all the buzz here on Capitol Hill is that they are getting excited about Algore. Could we be lucky enough to face Al in '08?



The Democrat Party is in thrall, we're told, of the mighty power of the Moonbat Left, with its millions of passionate adherents all ruthlessly organized via to bring doom to any politician who dares oppose them. Their strength would literally be on parade, they boasted, in the nation's capital in a glorious resurrection of the left's finest moment of anti-war protest forty years ago.   More than a hundred thousand of them would march on the Pentagon, humbling their arrogant warmongering government over Iraq as their parents and grandparents once did over Vietnam. Why they chose March 17, 2007 as the "40th Anniversary" of the legendary-to-them March on the Pentagon is mysterious, as the latter took place on October 21, 1967. On that October day 40 years ago, well over 100,000 lefties, cheered on by Jane Fonda, Noam Chomsky, and Abbie Hoffman, marched from the Lincoln Memorial over Memorial Bridge and down to the Pentagon, where they were met by 2,500 armed Army soldiers. Lefty author Norman Mailer wrote a book about it, The Armies of the Night, which however poorly and egomaniacally written, won a Pulitzer Prize.  No one, not even as awful a writer as Mailer, is going to write a book about the pathetic fizzle of this last Saturday.  What a bust.



In response to the media frenzy, initiated by the Washington Post, regarding the treatment of our soldiers at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, I wish to give my perspective. Please understand that I am speaking for myself and I am responsible for my thoughts alone.  The news media and politicians are making it sound like Walter Reed is a terrible place and the staff here has been abusing our brave wounded soldiers.  They are lying. I am completing my 24th year of service in the Army next month.  I am currently the senior clinical chaplain at Walter Reed and have been so for the last four years. I will leave to go back to the infantry this summer.  Here is the truth of what has happened.



I can't adequately express how appreciative I am for all the prayers by TTP members for me and my family in response to What's Dhimmitude in Russian?  There were even a number of offers to bodyguard my family or provide us with safe houses!  It was so very touching I don't have the words.  A number of the messages brought tears to my eyes.  Thank you all so much. I also must tell you how much your prayers for Paul Joyal have meant to his family.  Paul's wife Liz sends you her deepest thanks. As of today (Thursday 3/15), Paul is still in intensive care.  He has begun to talk, but only physically, not lucidly - he can make sounds but not any sense.  To be in this state after two weeks shows how horrible the attack on him was by the Kremlin-hired gunmen. And now, two weeks later, I know why the Bush White House has been quiet about it.



In the last week, two news items caught my attention. News item No. 1: Dateline Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - The Louvre Museum is selling the use of its name for a museum in Abu Dhabi for $520 million, and will rent out some of its art exhibits and provide technical museum management services for another $747 million. News item No. 2: Dateline Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The Halliburton Corp. is moving its worldwide corporate headquarters to Dubai. It will keep most of its staff in Houston, will maintain its legal incorporation in the United States, will remain listed on the New York Stock Exchange, but will list its shares on a Middle East exchange also. Twenty years ago, even 10 years ago, these items would have given rise to Third World screeching about Western cultural and economic imperialism. But today it is French and American whining that greets these moves.



A news item today, New species of leopard discovered in Borneo, brought up a lot of thoughts and memories.  Like the times I've spent in Borneo, especially of climbing Mount Kinabalu. The animal discovered is a new species of Cloudy Leopard, the rarest big game cat in the world.  So before any thoughts or memories came to mind, I looked up from my desk to the mantel above my office fireplace.  On it is a mounted cloudy leopard, perched on a branch, fangs bared, ready to pounce.  I shot it in South Viet Nam in 1961.  I was 17 years old. I mentioned hunting tigers back then in Tigers and Treason (Sept. 2004) - but it was less about tigers than John Kerry's betrayal of his fellow soldiers and of the wonderful people with whom I hunted, the Montagnard tribesmen of South Viet Nam.  So I skipped any mention of leopards.  It was more important to talk about the Democrat presidential candidate's treason towards America and her friends. I'll tell you about the leopard - but first let me tell you about another act of treason and what you can do about it.



Ann Coulter's famously calling Democrat presidential candidate John Edwards a "faggot" at the CPAC conference here in Washington earlier this month has scandalized a great many conservatives and every single Republican candidate. It was brilliant. That's a description, not approval.  I winced when I heard the forbidden word, not because it's forbidden but because it's so hurtful.  It's purposefully demeaning to homosexuals, especially to those who really can't help what they are. Yet Ann's use of the term was diabolically clever, for with it she accomplished her goal:  demolishing Edwards' candidacy.  With this one single word, she made sure John Edwards will never be elected President of the United States. She knew exactly what she was doing. 



As our president arrived in Brazil last week, our media made it sound as if Latin America had erupted in flames. TV news featured flying tear-gas canisters; a typical newspaper headline read, "Angry Crowds Rally Against President in Brazil." Message: Bush is hated. He's ruined our relations with the hemisphere. Nobody loves us anymore - and it's all his fault. If you bothered to read the reports below the headlines, you learned that 6,000 Brazilians had gathered in Sao Paulo to protest Bush's arrival in their country. Wait a minute - wasn't that 600,000? Or at least 60,000? Nope. Just 6,000 outraged citizens.   In one of the world's largest cities, with a population close to 20 million. But no way were you going to see a headline that admits, "Anti-Bush Demonstrations Fizzle, Numbers Just Aren't There."



Last week (2/28), JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, published a hit piece on antioxidant vitamins.  JAMA's Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E concluded that taking supplements of them increases one's chances of death by 5%. The lamestream media gleefully ran stories on the study, with headlines like "Vitamins Can Kill You." It's the whores of JAMA and their media shills who can kill you, not vitamins. Note the "Meta" in the study's title.  That means it's an analysis of other studies, not research itself.  What these folks did is, out of the close to a thousand clinical antioxidant studies, they cherry picked 68 that showed what JAMA wanted.   And they had to lie about many of those in order to force the data to fit their pre-ordained conclusion.



Imagine the reaction if Western agents slaughtered a hundred Sunni pilgrims on their way to Mecca. The outrage would spark incendiary rhetoric, riots and revenge killings from Peshawar to Paris. But when Sunni suicide bombers murdered 118 Shia pilgrims (and wounded almost 200 more) on Tuesday (3/6), Sunnis around the globe looked away: Shias only count as Moslems when America can be blamed for their suffering. Human-rights groups were too busy applauding European requests for the extradition of CIA operatives (the real enemies of Western civilization, of course). Since this butchery wasn't the fault of Americans or Brits, the Europeans themselves took no interest. American leftists, who raved that Abu Ghraib was another Auschwitz, didn't offer a single word of pity for the Moslem victims of Moslems. All to be expected.  But shouldn't Moslems have denounced the attacks on the pilgrims?  How do you say "fugedaboutit" in Arabic?



I propose we take a break today from the current crop of absurdities. Liberals destroy respect for the rule of law by gloating over Scooter Libby's lunatic conviction.  Conservatives anguish over Ann Coulter using an unacceptable equivalent of "girlieman" to describe John "Breck Boy" Edwards.  Liberals see her comment far more immoral than Bill Maher's expressing his regret that the assassination attempt on Dick Cheney in Afghanistan wasn't successful. I could go on and on, for we seem surrounded by absurdities on every side and they are closing in.  We need a break.  Let's do so by discussing one of the deepest, most profound questions ever asked: Where is everybody? In other words, let's discuss the Fermi Paradox.



As I am writing this, a friend of mine for many years is fighting for his life in a hospital nearby, having been gunned down in his driveway for criticizing the leader of the world's most powerful mafia, Vladimir Putin. On nationally televised "Dateline NBC" February 25, intelligence expert Paul Joyal accused Putin's secret police of poisoning former KGB agent Aleksander Litvinenko with radioactive pollonium in London last November.  Putin's message in so doing, Joyal explained, was a warning: "To anyone who wants to speak out against the Kremlin: If you do, no matter who you are, where you are, we will find you, and we will silence you - in the most horrible way possible." Four days later on March 1st, Putin's thugs - right here in Washington - did just that.  They silenced Paul Joyal in the most horrible way possible.  They blew his balls off.



Is there something inherent in Islam that has resulted in most Moslems living in poor countries, with the exception of the relatively few who live in the oil rich states? This was just one of the questions a group of American and Islamic scholars and experts were trying to answer in Doha, Qatar, last week. Qatar has the world's second largest gas reserves (after Russia) along with considerable oil, yet it only has about 200,000 citizens (and 600,000 foreign workers). The city of Doha, where roughly half of the population lives, gives the appearance of being the world's largest and most modern and luxurious conference center. The reality for most Moslems is radically different. There about 1.3 billion Moslems (21 percent of the world's population), contrasted with 2.1 billion Christians (about 33 percent of the world's population). While Christians are disproportionately rich, Moslems are disproportionately poor.



Science works by means of prediction on the basis of testing a hypothesis.  Once data is collected and evaluated, and a hypothesis formed, scientific method requires that certain predictions be made to act as tests of the overall theory. If the predictions work out, we can regard the hypothesis as proven. If not, we vow to do better next time. How, then, can the hypothesis of man-made ("anthropogenic") global warming be tested?  Wouldn't one way be to have access to some natural example comparable to what's occurring now, so that we could analyze it and get some idea of what we're facing? It so happens that we have exactly that. This isn't the first time warming has occurred on earth - it's a commonplace and recurring phenomenon.  One such episode took place in relatively recent historic time - the Medieval Warm Period. During the MWP, worldwide temperatures rose by 1 to 3 degrees centigrade for a roughly three-hundred-year period beginning in the 10th century and ending late in the 13th century. Warming advocates have made a series of predictions concerning climatic effects over the coming century. Do they pass the MWP test?



I've written often, such as in Rejecting The Evil Eye, about liberals' fear of envy.  This fear is what makes them liberals.  Thus the key insight:

Liberalism is not a political ideology or set of beliefs. It is an envy-deflection device, a psychological strategy to avoid being envied. It is the politicalization of envy-appeasement.
Nothing more epitomizes liberals' fear of envy than their compulsion to apologize.  Apologize to the world for the existence of  exploitative America.  Apologize to the Earth for the existence of polluting humanity.  Last Sunday (2/25), the Democrat-controlled legislature of Virginia voted to "apologize" for the state's role in slavery. When you apologize for something that your great-great-great-great grandfather, at the latest, might have done (and most likely not, for the overwhelming majority of Virginia residents are not the descendants of slave owners), you require psychiatric counseling. Another example of how liberalism is a psychological affliction - a particularly dangerous one when it's the basis of foreign policy. Which brings us today to a Democrat Congressman from California, "Moonbat Mike" Honda.



When the DOW tanked on Tuesday (2/27), losing over 400 points, the comparison du jour was to the Black Monday crash of October 19, 1987 - which was of course silly, as the former was only a 3.3% loss in value, while the latter was 22.6%. Nonetheless, it prompts me to tell you a story, which starts in the Chang Tang Plateau of northern Tibet.  That's where I was at the time of '87 crash, leading an overland expedition from Beijing to Kathmandu across Tibet north to south.  We heard about the crash from BBC broadcasts on my short wave radio.  One expedition member, Big John Perrott, had a panic attack.  Having no way to reach his broker - northern Tibet is about as remote as you get - he thought he was bankrupt. By the time we got to Lhasa by the end of the month, and John could call his broker, the market - and his portfolio - were well into recovery.  He said he'll be forever grateful for being in the Chang Tang on Black Monday. But while I was in Tibet on Black Monday, a good friend of mine was in a meeting at the White House.



Thanks to some "butterfly effects" caused by my local cable television operators here in Jerusalem, I've had to reevaluate my options for international phone calls.  I make a lot of them from here. I came up with some interesting solutions - all of them cheaper than $30 a month I've been paying (which, based on the package I had, came out to 6 cents per minute prepaid - i.e. whether I used all the allotted time or not). If you signed up for VoIP package a few years ago and haven't checked out the arena recently, you're in for a pleasant - and money-saving - surprise.  International calls have become a lot cheaper and easier to make.



Last month, Sen. Barack Obama called for our troops to leave Iraq by March 2008. Last weekend, Sen. Hillary Clinton called for our troops to start leaving within 90 days. In this Demented Demagogic Democrat Destruction Derby (military status: 5F) of American national-security interests, I suppose former Sen. John Edwards, in an effort to hold on to his title of supremo anti-war candidate, will have to designate it a crime against humanity that the troops weren't pulled out a week ago last Friday. Mrs. Clinton's husband had a campaign war room in the election of 1992. Now she seems to have put up a quick prefabricated anti-war room for her campaign 2008. It seems almost pointless to engage in a serious policy debate with a party whose leading contenders for the presidency are willing to simply make up any preposterous national security policy in a contest of one-upmanship targeted at winning the hearts and minds (if that is the word for it) of their party's ready-for-institutionalizing edge of their lunatic fringe voters.



A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear.  Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) spoke those words in the Roman Senate over two thousand years ago.  But his words could be addressed to Traitor John Murtha and the leadership of the Democrat Party today. They have bet on America's defeat in Iraq.  Somehow they believe that their country's defeat will bring them personal victory in 2008 - retaining and expanding their control of Congress and regaining the White House. It's not going to work out that way. It's going to turn out that the Democrat strategy will achieve defeat - theirs.  Root for defeat and you'll get it - yours.



Suppose there's a Mafia Don.  Not a benign and pro-American Marlon Brando Godfather, but a ruthless brutal gangster who hates America and holds a bottomless grudge against her. Let's suppose this Mafioso has amassed an enormous personal fortune of ill-gotten gains.  Stashed away in hidden bank accounts and assets all over the world, his net worth exceeds 20 billion dollars - billion with a ‘b'. But say that's just his personal stash.  Say the total amount of money his gang has accumulated is 300 billion - almost a third of a trillion dollars in cash.  Say he controls it. Let's finally suppose that this centibillionaire anti-American gangster has an arsenal of several thousand nuclear bombs, most of them in the nose cones of intercontinental missiles aimed at us. If there were such a man, shouldn't we be a bit more worried about him than a bankrupt midget in Persia without a single real nuke to his name? For there is indeed such a man.  His name is Vladimir Putin, President of Russia.



The only TV news I watch is Fox.  CBS has that blonde airhead, ABC/NBC have nonentities, and CNN is the English translation of Al Jazeera.  But lately I can't even watch Fox, for the only news it seems to cover is the ersatz drama about a bimbo with giant mariachis. No doubt that giant mariachis are among the most wondrous creations in the known universe - but endless discussion of the deceased possessor of two of them is not news.  At least, not any longer.  Shouting, "Enough already!", I either click the off button on the remote, or go in search of a CSI rerun or John Wayne movie. Pretty soon, of course, viewers will get bored with the Anna Nicole story and move on to some other silliness.  So let's do a thought experiment.  Suppose, just suppose, that Fox doesn't let up, keeps featuring the story, dissecting every detail, comes up with new revelations, month after month after month after month. Now suppose all other news outlets do the same.  For months, stretching on into the interminable future.  Would you go (a) out of your mind, or (b) no longer pay attention to nor have any interest in the news altogether? Welcome to the Anna Nicole Presidential Campaign - with no giant mariachis.



The streets are frozen solid here in Washington, its dangerous to even walk to the Metro much less drive around, and I am having so much fun.  It's a tossup over what's more hilarious, the global warming freaks in Congress having to cancel a hearing about how we're all going to fry because of snow blizzards and freezing rain, or the talking news heads endlessly blathering about Anna Nicole. Most fun of all though is how GW is leading Pelosi Galore right down Primrose Lane - right this way, Nancy. First he gets her to waste enormous amounts of time in full public view trying to get an impossibly stupid "non-binding" resolution devoid of meaning that has outraged her radical left hate-America base - because they want her to spend her time on defunding the war. Now that she's making an empty fool of herself to normal voters and infuriating her most fervent supporters at the same time, Bush gets her into a frothing tizzy over Iran.  "The President has no authority to go into Iran," she hyperventilates, thinking that GW is about to land the Marines at Bandar Abbas, seize the Iranian oil fields, bomb the nuke facilities into radioactive rubble, and plunge the world into genocidal chaos. The lady is being played like a Stradivarius, and she doesn't even know it.  She's oblivious!  This is a thing of sheer beauty.  It can snow and freeze all it wants.  I'm enjoying the view.



As we discussed in The Fragility of Islamofascism a couple of weeks ago, in order to destabilize the frenzy of Islamofascism it is necessary to instill doubt into fragile Islamofascist minds.  One way to do so is in regards to the Koran's Satanic Verses, discussed last week in The Skeleton in Islam's Closet.  Now were going to discuss another way - the embarrassment of Allah's advocacy of slavery. Slavery is no embarrassment to Allah, nor had it been to Moslems who practiced it for 13 centuries.  Now it is and we need to take advantage of the opportunity.  Instilling doubt can be done with a simple request: Since Allah sanctions slavery in the Koran, either slavery is right or Allah is wrong.  Choose.



Do we have to look to China to see the future of digital rights - regarding, say, music and movies?  A lot of Internet users hope so, but the businessmen who provide these products that users want for free sure hope not. In the US, EMI, which, among other properties, has in its copyrighted music the Beatles catalog - has signed licensing deals with several P2P (peer-to-peer) music downloading services, including Mashboxx  and Qtrax. Qtrax will be supported by ads and allow at least some free, unrestricted downloads. Both these services are pending, while EMI prepares its electronic catalog for distribution. Meanwhile, in China, you don't have to wait for either of these services to begin operating. A Chinese site called Baidu has all the commercially released music you could possibly want, from all the major labels, freely available for download - and it's all legal.  Of course, you do have to read Chinese.