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Dr. Jack Wheeler


Here's one key in unlocking the mystery of Putin and Russia continuing to pick fights with the West instead of accepting the invitation to join it in a post Cold War world. Pope John Paul II traveled to dozens of countries around the world, yet never Russia.  After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Vatican made numerous attempts to persuade the revived Russian Orthodox Church to invite him.  The attempts were always rebuffed. Yes, you have a gangster-KGB elite running the country and the economy.  Yeltsin's biggest mistake was not breaking the KGB's power when he had the chance in the early/mid 90s.  So it took over with a KGB colonel (Putin) in charge. That's how we have the richest mafiacracy in history, with Putin The World's Richest and Most Dangerous Gangster having amassed a personal fortune in excess of $20 billion. Yet the KGB-ification of the Russian government doesn't fully explain the more fundamental cultural disparity between Russia and the West.  That lies in the Russians being Mongols from Byzantium.



This was written the day of the passing of President Ronald Reagan on June 5, 2004.  We run it every year in honor of the greatest American of the 20th century. In October of 1965, Ronald Reagan came to speak at UCLA. I was a senior, and it was a depressing time to be a College Republican. Barry Goldwater had been thrashed the previous year, and my professors were so left-wing that I took one to court because of her biased grading. The UCLA Student Union was packed, SRO. There was a buzz that Reagan was considering running for governor against the entrenched Democrat, Pat Brown. My buddy and fellow CR Bill Anthony and I sat expectantly in the audience. As Reagan began to speak, he filled the room with an energy that was both exciting and soothing, and the thousand-plus students were entranced. Then he caught us by surprise.



On June 5th the world will commemorate the fortieth anniversary of Israel's victory in the Six Day War. This was one of the most convincing conventional military accomplishments of the twentieth century, one which removed the threat of annihilation from the Jewish State for the following four decades. During May 1967, Egypt's dictator Gamal Abdel Nasser and the leaders of Syria, apparently misled by carefully fed Soviet disinformation, mobilized their armies, and kicked out UN peacekeepers from Sinai. Nasser proclaimed that "the Jews would be thrown into the Mediterranean." "Our basic objective will be to destroy Israel," he vowed on May 26. Against all odds, tiny Israel triumphed over the combined armed forces of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. The key to Israel's victory was recognition that the survival of the nation was at stake.  This led to full mobilization of the state and the people; and creation of a government of national unity. Both the people and its leaders had no choice but to become heroes overnight. Israel's continued existence depends on its leaders remembering and not forgetting the lessons of the Six Day War.



Fall, winter, spring, we at To The Point endeavor to have the TTP Weekly Report issued like clockwork - every Friday by noon.  (So it's always pretty crazy Thursdays and Friday mornings!)  Summers are different, this summer especially.  By the time you get this, I'll be off to run a safari in the Serengeti, then to various remote islands in the Indian Ocean. The good news about this is that you'll learn all kinds of fascinating things about some of the world's weirder places.  The not-so-good news is that many of these places don't have an internet connection.  Which means there's no way to have a regular Weekly Report schedule. So here's what we'll do:  post articles and columns whenever and as soon as we can throughout each week.  I normally edit every single item posted on TTP - but in my absence, our back-up editors will step up to the plate. I'll also launch a new feature for To The Point called The Potpourri.



Everyone says they "support our troops" fighting in Iraq.  Liberals just pretend they do - while conservatives are sincere but may not know how to for real.  The first step in really supporting our soldiers is to understand they believe in what they are doing.  Hundreds of thousands of the finest young Americans our country possesses have served in Iraq or are there right now.  All but the tiniest fraction not only believe in the morality of this war but that it can be won. How can you directly support them?  Let me introduce you to Major Eric England, an Air Force intelligence officer who has been deployed in Saudi Arabia (where he was on 9/11), Bosnia, Colombia, Afghanistan, and in Iraq for eight months of combat duty. Maj. England is developing a very interesting way for regular folks to give soldiers in Iraq what they actually need.  He calls it Online Troop Sponsorship Registries.  Here's how it works.



There is a marvelous painting by Russian artist Ilya Repin (1844-1930) entitled Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks (click on the link for the image).  It is a large oil on canvas (6.5 ft. high by 8.5 ft. wide), and it made an unforgettable impression on me when I saw it some years ago at the Alexander III Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. It is a historical tableau set in 1676, depicting a group of Christian Cossacks from what is now southern Ukraine called the Zaporozhian Host (who lived "above the rapids," za porohamy, of the lower Dnieper River).  They are in a good mood, for they had recently demolished in battle an army of Ottoman Sultan Mehmet IV's (1642-1693).  This was a prelude to the Moslem Sultan's historic defeat at the Battle of Vienna (September 12, 1683) that you read about at the close of Asia Minor (Part One). Yet the Sultan had the gall to demand that the victorious Cossacks, as Christian infidels, submit to his Moslem rule and be his subjects.  They decided to write him a letter, and you can see they had fun doing it.  While I had seen the painting, I never read the letter, copies of which have been preserved.  We owe thanks to TTP member Julius Wroblewski who sent me the text, so I can share it (albeit bowdlerized) with you. As you read it, while thinking about our present White House which won't effect regime change in Iran or protect our borders, you may feel the temptation to yell out loud about the Cossack leader who wrote the letter, "Yes, this is the guy I want in the Oval Office!" The Cossack leader's name, you see, was Ivan Sirko.



[This commencement address was originally published two years ago. We will rerun it annually at college graduation time. Feel quite free to send this to any recent college graduate you may know.] Mr. Chancellor, Members of the Board of Regents, Members of the Faculty, Honored Graduates, Families and Friends: It's funny that they call this ceremony a Commencement, for you've all reached the finish line:  college, goodbye, we're outta here.  Yet of course, "commencement" means a beginning, not an end. But one is supposed to at least start - commence - a talk such as this by saying funny things.  So I'll start by talking about Clark Gable movies.  If you've heard of Clark Gable at all, you know he was the biggest movie star in Hollywood a long time ago.  His most famous movie was of course Gone With The Wind. He made a movie in 1955 called The Tall Men with Jane Russell as his girlfriend and Robert Ryan as the heavy.  It's a pretty ordinary Western flick with outlaws and cowboys and Indians - and at the end, Ryan, the bad guy, and his henchmen get the drop on Gable, the good guy, and all seems lost.  Suddenly, surprise, Gable outfoxes Ryan and triumphs.  Gable makes his exit, and after he does, Ryan delivers a line that I want you to never forget. Serendipity is funny, a very funny thing, finding something where you least expect it.  Out of the blue, out of a movie awash with pedestrian dialogue, comes a line so profound it detonates inside your brain. Ryan turns to his men and says:



To tell this joke properly requires a physical demonstration.  I'll describe it, then hopefully, you'll know how to act it out. This really was the Duke's all-time favorite on himself.  It takes place in what was his favorite restaurant, Ambrosia, on Balboa Island, Newport Beach, California where he lived. As he was having dinner, a distinguished gentleman approached, introducing himself as Dr. William Thompson.  "Mr. Wayne," said the doctor, "you have been a hero to me for so many years.  It is such a privilege to shake your hand." "Thanks, Doc," Wayne responded with his famous grin. The doctor then bent over and said quietly into Wayne's ear...



Are you ready for the greatest one week adventure in the world? So here it is:  a Helicopter Expedition to the base of K2, the second highest mountain in the world, in an inaccessible (except by high-altitude helicopter!) region where Pakistan, China, and India come together. At the base of K2, there is a confluence of gigantic glaciers known to mountaineers as Concordia.  It is considered to be the single spot of the most magnificent scenery on earth.  You are surrounded by dozens of peaks over 22,000 feet, five over 26,000, one (K2) over 28,000.  Our planet doesn't get more spectacular than this. Last summer, as you may recall, I led the first ever helicopter expedition to Concordia.  This September I can take you.  All the details are at Please let me know if you'd like to stand at Concordia with me.  Here's what that (and K2) looks like: k2-jw I hope you can join me.  And remember, only Conservatives are allowed on a Wheeler Expedition!



Do you think the Republicans or the Democrats are winning the race to prove they are the dumbest and most incompetent political party? The Republicans were clearly winning the race until January 2007. They threw away their majorities in both houses of Congress, by not only failing to have a realistic postwar strategy in Iraq but by such things as greatly expanding government spending when they had promised the voters the opposite. The Democrats won the congressional elections by promising they would have a clear and coherent plan to end the stalemate in Iraq and to be "fiscally responsible" by holding down the growth in government spending and not increasing taxes. So, what have they done since they have been in power? Having fulfilled virtually none of their campaign pledges, the Democrats' obvious incompetence and incoherence have managed to give the Congress an approval rate of only 29 percent, even lower than the president's.  That's quite an achievement.



A guest on Neil Cavuto's Fox News TV program this week, claiming that every illegal immigrant will eventually impose a $2.2 million burden on US taxpayers, said that it is "immoral to make American taxpayers shoulder this burden."  True or not, it is important to understand that the immorality here is not putting illegal immigrants on the welfare rolls or transferring to them costly services at the expense of American citizens. The immorality lies in the welfare state itself, in the government's policy of coercive wealth redistribution. In fact, if there were any moral justification to such wealth redistribution, having the wealth go to illegal immigrants could be considered far more morally defensible than having it go to American citizens or legal immigrants. 



Many believe that illegal immigration is reaching such levels that it threatens our national security, and perhaps even our national survival.  Others believe that we should give legal status to those who already illegally in our country.  We have already done this once, in 1986, and the result was that millions more, seeing that there was hope for eventual legal status, came here illegally, hoping for amnesty.  We now have two and one half times more illegals in the country than we did in 1986.  If we continue to do this eventually we will reach a point, if we haven't already, where there are so many aliens in the country that they will not adopt our culture, they will not learn our customs, and they will never become Americans.  It has happened before.  Just ask the Romans.



Comfortable?  Frosty mug of Midas Touch Golden Elixir at hand?  (After all, you've had a week to find where you can get it.)  Okay, here we go, off again to the "Crossroads of history" that is Asia Minor and has become modern-day Turkey. We left off at the Ottoman Turks' defeat at the Battle of Vienna in 1683.  That year saw the greatest extent of the Ottoman Empire.  Let's recapitulate its expansion since 1300 and gasp at its enormity: [See map in the main article] The first thing that startles Westerners is the giant piece of Europe the Ottomans seized and Moslemized, all of the present-day countries of: Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Hungary, and parts of southern Ukraine and Russia. What a tribute it is to the peoples of these countries that, with the exception of Albania, the majority of all of them refused to submit and retained their Christianity.  The same applies to Armenia and Georgia (south of the Caucasus, they are in Asia.) Look again at the map and you see how much of the entire Arab world of the time was ruled by the Ottoman Turks:  present day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, eastern and western Saudi Arabia, western Yemen, Egypt, northern Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria. Recall that the Arabs had lost their capital of Baghdad to the Seljuks in 1055, and their Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina to the Ottomans in 1500.  The inventors of Islam had been treated as subservient üntermenschen by the Turks for centuries and would continue to be for centuries more. Store that away, for we'll return to these folks later in our story.  Now let's get back to Europe and the aftermath of 1683. 



White House spokesman Tony Snow and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff both were at a meeting I attended this week, attempting to allay fear and anger over the immigration reform bill.  I have to tell you they were very persuasive.  I am convinced they are both honest, that they are genuinely trying to solve a seemingly intractable problem with good patriotic intentions, that they believe this bill is an unprecedented ("Underline that word three times," said Tony) commitment to secure our southern border, to effect employer enforcement, and replace chain migration with a merit system. Chertoff and Snow are two decent men arguing from principle and integrity.  Both are smart - Chertoff is very smart.  And both are, with innocent naiveté, being taken to the Destruction of America Cleaners by Teddy Kennedy. You can't make a deal with the devil.  You'll always get screwed, no matter how many amendments and marvelous provisions you stick into the deal. 



My friend and Marine ‘Nam vet Bill Gregory is just blown away by the User Forum comments regarding Thompson Bummer.  "What an intelligent, insightful group of people you have as subscribers!" he effuses, and I can only agree.  He was especially impressed with a new commentator with the wonderful forum name of "melliefluous," and those of such regulars as John Nehring (johnwss), Chris Baldi (cephran), Marco, "gary," and "prosenberg,"  among many others.   "Great thought-provoking exchanges," notes Bill. Our TTP Salon is turning out to be a terrific place to discuss the pros and cons of the 2008 presidential candidates (mostly the Republicans, for what, really, is there to say about the goofy folks the Dems are serving up?).  I have to say my disappointment with Fred Thompson at his speech last Saturday (5/12) was tempered a bit with his devastating quick put-down of Michael Moore on YouTube.  I would still love to see him declare and participate in the GOP candidate debates. The debate last Tuesday (5/15) in South Carolina (here is the transcript) was intensely revealing.  Folks saw that Duncan Hunter would be A President to Watch America's Six, and that Ron Paul, like all libertarians, is not. But what the debate most clearly exposed is John McCain as the Perfect Liberal.



What was the motive behind 23-year-old Cho Seung-Hui's killing of 32 students and teachers at Virginia Tech? Why was he consumed with hate, resentment, and bitterness? Cho was an English Department major and senior. As a frequent lecturer on college campuses, I have discovered that the English Departments are often the weirdest and/or the most leftwing. A look at the websites of Virginia Tech's English Department and of its professors reveals their mindset. We don't yet know which courses Cho took, but it could have been any of these. Did Cho get evil egotistical notions from Professor Shoshana Milgram Knapp's senior seminar called "The Self-Justifying Criminal in Literature?" Indeed, that could serve as his own self-portrait. Did Cho take a course from Professor Paul Heilker, author of another peculiar piece called "Textual Androgyny, the Rhetoric of the Essay, and the Politics of Identity in Composition (or The Struggle to Be a Girly-Man in a World of Gladiator Pumpitude)?" Or maybe Cho preferred the undiluted Marxism espoused by English instructor Allen Brizee, who wrote: "Everyday, the capitalist system exploits millions of people. ... Our role in the capitalist system makes us guilty of oppression!"



A nosy, hectoring, busy-body, anti-smoking, anti-trans fat, social engineering, lifestyle blue-nosing, freedom-crushing, nanny-state enthusiast announced this week he's ready to spend a billion dollars of his vast wealth to run for president of our country. Currently Michael Bloomberg is Mayor of New York. The leading Democrat contender is Hillary Milhous Clinton, an anti-military radical feminist Euro-Socialist-cum-Trotskyite who is masquerading as a pro-military, pro-free-market, religious centrist. But should Sen. Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. surprisingly get the Democratic nomination, then we would substitute for the secret leftist/publicly centrist Hillary Milhous a completely inexperienced African-American possibly former Moslem, partially Indonesian-raised, Harvard-trained ersatz Kennedyesque candidate. This is turning into a freak show.  And I haven't even started with the Republicans.



The appropriate way to read this article is print it out, then take it in hand and relax in your favorite reading chair with your feet up on the settee.  Most important, be sure you have a glass of your favorite fermented beverage at hand. Now, if you really want to do this right, make it a glass of Midas Touch Golden Elixir produced by the Dogfish Head Brewery in Milton, Delaware.  You'll be drinking history while you read it. You remember from Greek mythology the legend of King Midas, to whom the god Dionysius mischievously granted his wish that everything he touched turn to gold?  Well, he really lived.  His tomb has been discovered, his bones excavated, together with the residues of the funerary feast held by his mourners. It turns out they drank a lot of booze.  The residue was enough for molecular archaeologist Patrick McGovern (author of Ancient Wine) to figure out the formula, a combination of honey mead, wine, and beer.  After a bottle of Golden Elixir, you'll agree.  2,700 years ago, they knew how to make really good stuff. I'm enjoying a glass of it as I write this, and I can assure you that's true.  Let me warn you, though - at 9%, it packs a marvelous wallop. Midas was King of Phrygia, venerated as the founder of the city of Ankyra (Greek for anchor) in 700 BC.  But the place was already old by his time, for the Bronze Age Hittites in 1400 BC knew it as Ankuwash.  Today, it's called Ankara - the capital of Turkey.



Last Friday (5/11), I had dinner with a friend.  Ever hear of the expression, "Watch your six"?  It's a fighter-jock term, meaning watch for enemies behind your back (directionally "six o'clock").  If there is anyone I would trust to watch America's Six, it would be my friend. Good grief, I wish Duncan Hunter could get elected President of the United States. I've known him for over 20 years.  We still talk about the time we went quail hunting back in the 80s - he even remembers the location (near Mount Palomar north of San Diego).  He was in his second term as a Congressman then.  Now he's into his 14th, and last.  In 2008, expect his son, Duncan D., a US Marine now on his third tour of active duty in Iraq, to succeed him. Duncan is the real McCoy, a true man's man.  He's the antithesis of the left's cartoon caricature of masculinity, as afraid of masculinity as the feminized left is. Talking with Duncan is always fun because he's quick and bright, street-smart shrewd, and never pulls a punch - he says what he thinks.



Say goodnight, Fred.  Last night, Saturday (5/12), in a huge ballroom at a hotel in Washington I can't name at a meeting of a group I can't mention, Fred Thompson was the dinner speaker to 500 of conservatism's crème de la crème. The energy in the room was crackling.  Here's the guy, everyone was either thinking or hoping - the big man who could fill Reagan's shoes, a true conservative who could electrify Republicans and sweep them to victory in 2008. There were cheers and yells when he was introduced, as everyone stood in sustained applause, then sat down in quiet excited anticipation. I'm not at liberty to reveal what he said, as this was a closed meeting, a private off the record address.  But I can tell you my reaction and that of the several dozen folks I talked to afterwards. What a bummer.



Well, I asked for it.  I'm the guy who chided the Chinese last week for ignoring the proverb about being careful what you wish for - then promptly proceeded to ask what you wanted the next TTP Nutshell History to be. You folks gave me enough assignments to keep me busy until there's peace in the Middle East. It's exciting, frankly, for it shows just how interested in the world TTPers are.  Yet where do I begin?  Here's a compendium of your requests, in no particular order:



Ayaan Hirsi Ali is arguably the bravest and most remarkable woman of our times. To understand why this 37-year-old woman is extraordinary, she must be assessed in the context of the forces pitted against her in her twin struggles: To force the Western world to take note of Islam's divinely ordained enslavement of women, And to force the Islamic world to account for it. A series of incidents this week placed the forces she battles in stark relief.



We're going for a wild ride here, starting on a log floating down a river, then go on a fling through the galaxy. On the way, we'll examine the extinction of the dinosaurs. We'll end up applying aikido to astrophysics as a way to de-subsidize the glowarmers. Glowarmers - those who believe in the religion of Man-Made ("Anthropogenic") Global warming - are so willfully ignorant of basic science that it cannot be attributed to stupidity.  Indeed, a great many glowarmers are highly intelligent.  It must be attributed to an ego-trip of absolutely monumental magnitude, of genuinely pathological proportions. This egomania is about to be demolished by two guys from Kansas - real scientists who have figured out what causes such massive climate change that it results in mass extinctions wiping out most life on earth on a regular basis.



From his years of psychological counseling, Dr. Joel Wade can tell you all about what horrific consequences a temper tantrum can have.  A temper tantrum can cause the loss of friends, a career, a marriage, even a life. Nations can have temper tantrums too, and the consequences can be equally disastrous. Last November, American voters had a collective temper tantrum.  They lost their temper at Republicans and voted against them.  They didn't vote for any positive reasons, they went strictly negative. The voters lost their temper at George Bush, at the war in Iraq, at bridges to nowhere in Alaska and no fences along our southern border, at... it was a long, long list of complaints. What voters did not do last November is vote for surrender and defeat in Iraq, higher taxes, more government spending, and national security imperiled.  Yet that's what they got with the Democrats. And our country is in grave risk because of it.  The risk is growing by the day. 



I am so appreciative of the warm response to Sarkozy and History.  These "nutshell histories," as TTPers have dubbed them, are such a hit that I have a request.  I'd really like to hear from you as to what country or period of history should be the next nutshell. TTPer "Leebailey," for example, in our User Forum recently made an astute observation on the consequences of the fall of the Ottoman Empire on the entire Middle East.  Given that the Ottoman remnant of Turkey is so prominent in the news right now - a predominantly Moslem country engaged in a huge tug-of-war between secularists and Islamists - wouldn't that be a good candidate? But the world is so large, so much of import is going on within it, and history so long, that there is a plethora of such good candidates.  So I'd like to know what you guys n' gals consider your favorites. There's a lot to choose from.  I am really intrigued by what your choices might be.  Let me know.  Thanks...



[This is an address I am delivering at the Conservative Leadership Summit conference here in Washington tomorrow, Saturday May 5.] I am not going to begin this discussion with a litany of examples of how we don't have a pro-American foreign policy, but rather an anti-American foreign policy, examples that would go back for so many decades. We're not going to waste our time demonstrating the obvious and focus on the past.  We'll focus on the future instead and how we can affect it for the betterment of our country. But I will tell you just one story.



Since September 11, 2001, many of us have wondered: Where are the moderate Moslems? If they are out there, why are we not hearing more, and getting more help, from them in the fight against our common foe -- the totalitarian Islamists? My effort to answer this question took the form of a 52-minute documentary I helped produce for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's "America at a Crossroads" series. The film, entitled Islam vs. Islamists, features compelling stories of anti-Islamist Moslems who have had the courage to stand up to co-religionists who are using faith to accomplish political ends. Yet PBS has decided to refuse to air the film.  It's a frighening possibility that our taxpayer funded television network is on the side of Radical Islam.



anti-whorehouse_t-shirt Want to send a powerful - yet discrete - message to Islamofascists?  Or a message of encouragement to moderate Moslems who oppose them?  Wear our Anti-Islamofascist T-Shirt.  Although we don't label it as such - it's officially called The Anti-Whorehouse T-Shirt. The greatest insanity of Radical Islam is its adherents blowing themselves up to slaughter "infidels" as a ticket to Moslem heaven, where they believe, six dozen eternally virginal whores await to satisfy their every desire. Yet you'll note that our t-shirt says nothing - nothing - about Islam or Moslems.  Who could object to its message?  Someone who thinks heaven is a whorehouse?  Someone who condemns it as "anti-Islam"?  But how can it be anti-Islam when there's no mention of Islam at all? So here it is.  There's an order link in the right side bar.  Order one today and wear it proudly - get one for your friends.  The belief that heaven is a whorehouse for murderers is what sustains Islamofascism.  Do your part in denouncing this evil conviction.



You'd think the Chicoms would pay attention to their culture's repository of proverbial wisdom.  Specifically to the ancient Chinese proverb:  Be careful what you wish for - because you just might get it. More than anything else in the world, the Chicoms wanted to host the Olympic Games in their capital of Beijing.  It was to be their great coming-out party to the world, the ultimate showcase of Chicom success on the global stage, proof of their moral acceptance as members of the entire international community. So they are getting what they wished for.  But now it's looking like their dreams of prestige and glory may become a nightmare.  It's not just that the Beijing Olympics of 2008 has started being compared to Hitler's Berlin Olympics of 1936.  It's that the candidate best able to skillfully exploit Chicom vulnerabilities during next summer may be the one who gets elected president next November.



One of the basic contributions of France to civilization was the salon, where the most intelligent and literate of Parisian society would gather in elegant relaxation to courteously discuss any matter of interest. The founder of the French salon was Catherine de Vivonne (1588-1665), known as the Marquise (for she was married to a French noble or Marquis) de Rambouillet.  In 1618, she began receiving guests in her salon bleu of the family home, the Hôtel de Rambouillet on the Rue St. Thomas-du-Louvre in Paris. There were nobles like La Rochefoucauld, cardinals like Richelieu, generals, scholars, poets, artists, wits, and the most cultured ladies of French aristocracy.  There was good cheer, good manners, discussion flourished, and erudite conversation became an art. I am in no way going to compare myself to the Marquise (or TTPers to Richelieu!), yet we may be witnessing the emergence of a salon that she might appreciate on To The Point.  I am referring to the massive response - 70 posts - to Beatles in Baghdad in our User Forum.



Okay, it's time for a fun story.  It is, of course, not fun when someone passes, as Kitty Carlisle did last week (4/17) at age 96.  But it prompts me to reveal how I met her, as it was pretty hilarious. She was a Broadway and Hollywood actress, but she became a household name as a panelist on the TV show To Tell The Truth, which first aired in 1956.  It was three years later, at age 15, that I was a guest on the show. You know the setup.  Three contestants, each claiming to be the same person;  four panelists interrogating them and guessing who's real.  Each wrong guess was worth $250.  When I met my two impostors before the show, I asked them: "Isn't the object of this game to fool the panel, fool all the panelists so we can win the most money, which is $250 times four or $1000?" I asked.  "So what would be the best way to do this?  I think it would be by my pretending to be dumb.  I have to tell the truth, the rules are that I can't lie, but I can pretend to stumble and be unsure.  You guys act confidant. If all the panelists fall for it, we get all the dough." They both thought this was a great idea.



Everyone "knows" that DDT -  Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane - is a terrible poison.  It isn't, of course (see, for example, the Harvard Nurses Health Study).  Yet because everyone is so sure it is, some folks on the Republican National Committee figure it might as well be used to poison the Democrats. So don't be surprised if you hear the party of Lost Harry Reid and Pelosi Galore, of Shrillary and Barack Hussein being called The DDT Party - the party of Defeat, Death, and Taxes. Defeat - as in surrender, wanting America to lose, waving a white flag at America's enemies. Death - as in promoting a culture of death, of the murder of millions of unborn children, of hysterically opposing any attempt to prevent their murder. Taxes - as in always advocating more and higher taxes as the answer to any problem.



France has been at many turning points in its history.  There have been times before when its future seemed doomed.  I have many friends here in DC who have taken a close and knowledgeable look at the present condition of France and see no hope.  Not even if Nicolas Sarkozy is elected president on May 6. Me, I'm with Yogi Berra - it's never over until it's over.  I have high hopes for M. Sarko. Let's see how he might measure up along with that handful of great men who have repeatedly rescued France from the ash heap of history over the last 15 centuries. Our story begins with Julius Caesar, who brought the land of the Gauls (a confederation of Celtic tribes) into the Roman Empire with his defeat of their chieftain, Vercingetorix, in 52 BC.  But by the 300's of our era, Roman rule had weakened, and Gaul was overrun by a Germanic people from across the Rhine River called the Franks. The Franks were a welter of pagan tribes who fought each other as well as rival tribes like the Visigoths.  Then came a king who united them all in a common Frank, or French, identity, Clovis (466-511).  He did this not only militarily, but more important, culturally, by marrying a Burgundian princess, Clothilde. This marriage created France, for she was a Roman Catholic, and Clovis abandoned his paganism and converted for her.  Clovis created France as a Christian nation, setting the entire continent of Europe on a Christian future.



The news story headlined Canadian Military Reinforces Arctic Claim had a dramatic lede: "Battling high winds, 25-foot ice walls, mechanical breakdowns and whiteout conditions, a Canadian military team, including Eskimo reservists, last week completed a 17-day trek [across Ellesmere Island] designed to sustain Canada's claim to sovereignty over the high Arctic." Of course, the reporter then had to include a ridiculous global warming spin in a story on Canadian national security: "[Expedition leader Maj. Chris Bergeron] said old-timers among the Eskimos, who call themselves Inuit, told him they had never seen open water and bare rocks so close to the North Pole." Being quite familiar with Ellesmere, Canada's northernmost island, I can assure you the reporter, Barry Brown has never been there and is laughingly ignorant - like most glowarmers. Just as ignorant as the Eskimos - who live over 400 miles away from Ellesmere's northern shore on the Arctic Ocean (which is itself 550 miles "close" to the North Pole).  The only Inuit or Eskimo community on all of Ellesmere's 76,000 square miles is Grise Fiord on the far away south shore.  They have no knowledge at all of the Arctic Ocean. Which brings me to Mars... 



During dinner with a Kurdish businessman in Dubai last week, I suddenly began hearing a Beatles song in my head.  Written in 1967 by John Lennon and Paul McCartney for the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album, the song is Getting Better: I've got to admit it's getting better a little better all the time I have to admit it's getting better... ...getting so much better all the time His goods and products are shipped into Dubai from India, China, and elsewhere, where they are transshipped to Basra, Iraq's port, then put into containers and trucked across Iraq south to north into Iraqi Kurdistan.  On average he is trucking three container loads across Iraq a day. I asked him what difference Bush's "surge" has made in the past couple of months. "A very dramatic improvement," was his answer.  As I am writing this (Thursday afternoon 4/19), I just saw on Drudge that Harry Reid, the Dems' Senate leader, has proclaimed the war in Iraq is "lost."  But it's the Democrats who are losing now, not America.



When I saw the news bulletin that Moslem terrorists had decapitated six hostages on the southern Philippine island of Jolo, I thought of the 1939 movie, The Real Glory, where Gary Cooper plays a US Army doctor trying to protect Christian villagers in the Philippines from a cholera epidemic and Moslem suicide killers - set in 1906!

The leader of the Moslem fanatics is named Alipang.  Cooper breaks Alipang's will by threatening to kill him and bury him wrapped in a bloody pigskin.  Afraid such defilement will result in his not going to heaven but Jahannam, Islamic Hell, Alipang commands his men to surrender.

I thought it ironic in the extreme that this news report about Jolo should appear three days after an obscure item in the business section of USA Today, Squeezing Diesel Out Of Animal Fat.

The story announced: "Oil company ConocoPhillips and meat producer Tyson Foods said Monday they're joining forces to produce diesel fuel for U.S. vehicles using beef, pork and poultry fat."

Biofuel from pig fat.  Does that ring a bell from say, a year ago (April 2006) when you read about Project Jahannam?



With the current spectacle of the corrupt World Bank trying to rid itself of its president who is trying to de-corrupt the place, based on politicized corruption charges against him, it is time to ask: Should the World Bank (WB), and indeed, its sister organization the International Monetary Fund (IMF), be abolished? Both organizations had their annual spring meetings in Washington this past weekend. It is obvious to everyone that both are in deep trouble. 



The current media freak-out in the US is about the silly mouth of radio buffoon Don Imus.  Multiply the frenzy by, say, 100 times, and it might give you an idea of the media hysteria right now in Turkey about the serious mouth of Massoud Barzani, President of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq. Sick and tired of Turkish threats to his government, Barzani, in an interview on Dubai-based Al-Arabiya satellite television, unloaded on Turkey:  "If Ankara allows itself to interfere in our affairs, we will then interfere for the 30 million Kurds in Turkey." The interview was broadcast while I was in Arbil (Hawler), capital of Iraqi Kurdistan last Saturday (4/7), and the Kurds there were in a state of ecstatic glee over Barzani's daring to identify Turkey's deepest fear.  It's hard for us here in America to grasp what sort of rhetorical nuclear bomb Barzani dropped with these words. For, you see, one third of Turkey's land and population isn't Turkish -- it's Kurdish.



With evil day of April 15 nigh, it is time to demand of the various presidential candidates to show how they propose to lift the unconscionable burden of the IRS off our oppressed shoulders. As is well known, the current U.S. income tax system and the Internal Revenue Service are a huge and unnecessary drag on both the economy and individual liberty. The IRS code and regulations have become hopelessly complex and grown to about 7 million words. No one can possibly understand the present code, including even those at the IRS. Thus no matter how well-meaning, the taxpayer is always at risk for noncompliance -- such laws are characteristics of totalitarian, not free, societies. Such laws need to be abolished.  There are two serious proposals for doing so:  the "Flat Tax" and the national sales tax, better known as the "Fair Tax." (See Flat Tax Revolution by Steve Forbes, and  The Fair Tax Book by Neil Boortz and Congressman John Linder.)



I've never understood why people listen to smart-aleck jerks on trash radio like Don Imus and Howard Stern who get paid a lot of money to say nothing of substance but say it in a pseudo-clever, hyper-cynical, juvenilely outrageous way. But I sure am enjoying watching him squirm.  This is great karma.  His public persona, with the phony cowboy hat, the gravel voice, the wrinkled glower, was of a super tough guy, as tough as say, the British Royal Marines.  Turns out he's as much of a surrender pussy as they are. Imus should exchange his cowboy hat for a dhimmi head scarf like that worn by Pelosi Galore or Limey sailorwoman Faye Turney to best signify his submission to the gods of political correctness. Now, if that's all this teapot tempest is, yet another example of bottomless PC hypocrisy and Al Sharpton's unceasing effort to prey on white guilt, it'll soon be replaced by the next media frenzy.  The real question is whether the Imus scandal will wreck the presidential candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.