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Dr. Jack Wheeler


golden-rock Some three hours’ drive east of Rangoon brings you to Mount Kyaiktiyo, at the top of which (3,600ft) is a gigantic granite boulder covered in gold leaf perched on the edge about to fall off. But it never does, held in place, legend says, by a strand of the Buddha’s hair put underneath it 2,500 years ago. Ever since, the Golden Rock has been a sacred pilgrimage site for the Burmese people and Buddhists around the world.

There are very few people here other than pilgrims, who devoutly pray, circumambulate the rock, and reverently place small strips of gold leaf upon it. It’s a marvelous experience to be among them. I plan to be here once again in an expedition soon – you might consider joining me. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #112 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



seal-of-potus[This Monday’s Archive was originally published on July 14, 2011. It was written in the hope that some GOP presidential candidate for 2012 would have the courage to give it. None did, least of all Rino Romney.  It’s more necessary today with the Democrat-caused danger to our country far more dire than twelve years ago.  Who among the current crop has the courage?  DJT? RDS? Vivek? Scott? Or perhaps RFK2? Or tragically, none at all? One thing is for certain: our country cannot survive 2024 being 2012 redux.]

TTP, July 14, 2011

[Note:  No, I have no intention whatever of running for president.  This is the address that Palin or Perry or Bachman or some major candidate needs to give if we want an end to our current political insanity.]

I am running for president because freedom in America is being systematically destroyed by Demagogues in Washington, and I am determined to restore it.

That capital "D" is there because it is the more appropriate label for Democrats.  The Democrat Party should be referred to as the Demagogue Party, and that is what I shall do until the day comes when they abandon their opposition to fundamental American values and their advocacy of Marxist-Fascist ideology.

We are gathered here today to discuss solutions to the economic crisis the Demagogues have created – a crisis to which they claim there is no solution.   Their Treasury Secretary, Mr. Geithner, has stated this publicly, saying that for a lot of Americans, their lives are going to be, quote, "harder than anything they’ve experienced in their lifetime now, for a long time to come."

This is a textbook example of Demagogue Marxist idiotic nonsense.  But it is nonsense with a purpose.  Its purpose is to con people into believing it is true, into getting people so depressed and hopeless that they feel they must depend on government handouts for a living – so they will vote for Demagogues providing the handouts, instead of Republicans who want to provide economic opportunity and freedom.

Folks, restoring prosperity in America is easy. It can be achieved quickly, virtually overnight.  Not automatically.  It will require a lot of energy, a lot of focused and intelligent effort by all of us.  The solution to America’s Malaise is so simple it can be summarized in seven words.

Those seven words are:



napoleons-death-bed Longwood House, Saint Helena Island, Atlantic Ocean. On May 5, 1821, Napolean died in this bed. He was surrounded by some 15 of his companions with their wives and children, doctors, servants, a priest, and a British Officer. There has been much speculation of the cause, but arsenic – either poisoning or in the wallpaper – has now been ruled out, and the original diagnosis of stomach cancer seems now confirmed. He was 51.

After his escape from exile on Elba, an island a few miles off the northwest coast of Italy, Napoleon suffered his final defeat at Waterloo on June 18, 1815 by the British-led army of the Duke of Wellington and the Prussian army of Field Marshal von Blücher. The Brits were taking no chances, exiling him to their outpost of 10-square mile Saint Helena, one of the remotest islands on earth, 1,200 miles west of Africa and 2,500 miles east of Brazil in the South Atlantic.

You can visit the hilltop Longwood House where he spent his last years, immaculately maintained with his elegant furnishings, surrounded by carefully attended flower gardens where he strolled – all under the care of the French Foreign Ministry. Nearby in a landscaped forest glen, the Valley of Willows, is his original burial place – far more idyllic and peaceful than his mammoth sarcophagus of ostentatious pomposity at Les Invalides in Paris. Come here yourself and I think you’ll agree. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #275 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



jw-with-merchant-on-boat Khasab, Musendam, Enclave of Oman, October 2006. The sharp tip of Arabia, known as the Musandam Point, sticks into the Persian Gulf, separating it from the Indian Ocean. The Strait of Hormuz is only 30 miles wide from Musandam Point to the coast of Iran, and through it passes a substantial fraction of the world's crude oil.


I came here to see the Persian smugglers. Go down to the wharves in Khasab and you will see them piled high with waterproof-wrapped bales of clothes, cases of soft drinks and juice, cartons of children's toys and electronic goods, an entire shopping mall of stuff, all ready to be crammed and tied down into 20 ft. long open speedboats with powerful outboard motors capable of outrunning Iranian Navy patrols.

There are dozens, scores, of waiting speedboats. The run from Khasab harbor to coves on the Iranian coast or the Iranian island of Qeshm takes about three hours. An average night will see dozens of speedboats racing across the Strait of Hormuz smuggling goods into Iran. The smugglers couldn’t have been more friendly to me. They hate the mullahs and are proud they are helping poor people in Iran. I had a great time with them. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #169 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



joe-for-saleThat’s the way to best describe it, isn’t it? That Hunter is Joe’s pimp, Joe is the political whore for sale.

Here’s the NY Post cover story Wednesday (8/09): Hunter Biden’s Staggering $20M Haul From Kazhaks, Chinese, Russians, Romanians And Ukrainians Revealed In New Bank Records: Comer.

While what TTP predicted about PDJT’s indictments is coming true. As historian Joseph Campbell described in his famous The Hero with a Thousand Faces, the journey of the archetypal hero always involves battle against seemingly insurmountable obstacles only to triumph over them.  Think Odysseus or Hercules.  Now it is Trump’s turn.  Meaning:  if he collapses this house of junk indictment cards, with the nomination and the White House, he’s In Like Flynn.

All aboard for another great entertainingly informative HFR!




The Wodaabe are cattle-herding nomads in Niger, West Africa. Their Gerewol festival features Yaake dances by the men to impress marriageable ladies with how ideally handsome they are. Those ideals include being tall and athletic, having white eyes and white teeth, decorating themselves colorfully, and having a winning smile.

The Wodaabe are a fun-loving, friendly, and hospitable people. You’ll meet them on our Trans-Sahara Expedition when we’re next able to operate one. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #57 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)




The oldest part of the Silk Road was originally called the Jade Road along the string of oases watered by runoff from the Kunlun mountains of northern Tibet on the southern edge of the Takla Makan desert in Chinese Turkestan. This is where the finest jade was to be found, washed down from Tibet. This is the route that Marco Polo took with his father and uncle in 1272 to reach the court of the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan.

This is what the Jade Road looks like today, near the fabled oasis of Khotan. Save for the road being asphalted and the farmer’s cart being towed by a small tractor instead of a donkey, Polo would recognize it. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #179 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



anglican-christ-church-cathedral This is the Anglican Christ Church Cathedral in Stanley, capital of the Falkland Islands, consecrated in 1892. In front is its famous Whale Bone Arch, made from the jaw bones of two blue whales (the largest creature to have ever lived, bigger than any dinosaur, and still swimming in our oceans today).

The Falklands are in far southern Atlantic some 300 miles east of the tip of South America. Claimed by Britain in 1782, an ongoing dispute first with Spain then Argentine resulted in Britain declaring it a Crown Colony and establishing a settlement, Stanley, in 1840. In 1982, after constantly claiming the islands were theirs, Argentina militarily invaded. The Falklands War was won by Margaret Thatcher ordering the British Navy, Army, and Royal Marines to take the islands back at gunpoint.

Today, Falklanders are the most patriotic people of all British possessions. They are wonderfully cheerful and friendly. There’s no more British place on earth. Don’t ever pass a chance to come here. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #167 photo ©Jack Wheeler)




The colossal red-orange dunes of Sossusvlei in Namibia are the world’s highest, largest, and oldest sand dunes. The one you see here is nicknamed Big Daddy at over 1,000 feet high. You climb it barefoot in early morning – and take plenty of water! The sand of Big Daddy is five million years old, filled with iron oxide giving its color.

Sossusvlei is in the middle of the Namib Sand Sea, which is the oldest desert on Earth, over 60 million years old. Plants, small animals and insects live here on the water from fog than often blankets the desert near the Atlantic Ocean. The Namib coastline is known as the Skeleton Coast for all the shipwrecks along it due to the impenetrable fog. Along it you’ll also find vast breeding colonies of fur seals numbering in the thousands. This is one of our planet’s most fascinating yet little known places waiting for you to explore. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #274 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



sao-tome-and-principe[This Monday’s Archive was published in TTP on May 21, 2014.  It is even more relevant today as the eco-fascisti are in more power than ever to ruin science and ruin America’s economy with their “climate change” warmism hoax. Plus, it’s one of the more fascinating stories in the history of science – real science that is. Oh, and there was a very personal reason why I was here too.]

TTP, May 21, 2014

Ilheu do Bom-Bom, Principe Island, São Tomé & Principe, Africa.  I have come here, one of the remotest and least known countries in Africa, for two reasons.

First is to make a scientific pilgrimage. There’s a profound relevance to what happened here almost a century ago, and how science is perverted in America today. So we’ll begin there. We’ll get to the second reason later. (OK, here’s a hint — you won’t believe how magical this place is.  And yes, there are pictures.)

“Africa” and “science” are two words you don’t often see in combination.  Yet it was here that one of the most momentous experiments in the history of science took place.  Here is where the most famous scientist of modern times – Albert Einstein – became famous.  If it hadn’t been for what happened here, he’d have remained unknown.  Here’s the story.



naked-aucas-tribe-and-jwJuly, 1972. That’s what these people were known as back in 1972 who lived in the Amazon forests south of the Napo River in Ecuador killing anyone foolish enough to enter their territory. The Quechuas living along the north bank of the Napo were terrified of them, calling them “Aucas” – naked savages. I found them, as you can see, naked but not savage.

This was a true first contact. A helicopter pilot friend, Tony Stuart, and I chanced upon them, landing in their clearing. We were literally space aliens in a space ship from outer space, for all they knew was the jungle. They had nothing from the outside world. I gave them a box of matches which was the most exciting thing they had ever seen. Despite their fearsome reputation for killing outsiders including missionaries, they smiled and laughed like anyone else.

They also understood trade and exchanging gifts. Beside the matches, we gave them some rope and a small machete (first metal they had ever seen). They gave (without our asking) Tony a hand stone axe, and me a blowgun. After a few hours it was time to go. Our goodbyes to each other were with huge smiles. I will never ever forget them. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #113 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



wokeleft-barbieYesterday (8/03) in Skye’s Links you saw 12th-Grade Boys Becoming More Conservative As Girls Trend Overwhelmingly Liberal.  Little wonder, then, why 12-grade guys ask themselves, “Why bother to go to college? Who needs classrooms full of Woke Barbie Shrews egged on by their woke misandrous professors?”

So it is that misandry – hatred of men (as misogyny is hatred of women) -- is on a par with white auto-racism as the worst social problems in America.  As I wrote seven years ago, August 5, 2016, in White Trash and Black Gimmidats.

I have to say, I am really earning my keep in this HFR.  There is a lot here to think about. Plus, there’s a lot of good news and fun news.  Let’s go!



castle-of-st-hilarionThis is the ruins of the Castle of St. Hilarion in Northern Cyprus. In 1191, the Byzantine ruler of Cyprus made the mistake of capturing a ship carrying Princess Berengaria of Navarre and held her hostage. She was the fiancée of England’s King Richard the Lion-Heart. You don’t do that to a guy nicknamed Lion-Heart.

Richard proceeded to conquer the whole island and turned it over to a group of French Catholic knights led by Guy de Lusignan. The knights built a series of fortified castles around the island to ward off the Moslem "Saracens." The most spectacular was atop a vertiginous crag high above the port of Kyrenia named after a crazy hermit who lived near there whom the knights dubbed St. Hilarion.

When Walt Disney was making his classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937, he chanced upon pictures of St. Hilarion’s Castle, which his imagination transformed into the fairy tale castle of the movie. Can you see how he got the idea?

In the castle museum, there’s an explanation with some of Disney’s original sketches based on St. Hilarion’s. Disney was an imaginative genius. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #139 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



mystery-lakes-of-gobi The southernmost portion of the Gobi Desert is called the Alashan in Inner Mongolia. Traversed by Marco Polo in 1273 on his way to meet the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan, he said it contained a “mystery.”

For in the hidden center of the Alashan is an area known as Badain Jaran, “Mystery Lakes” in Mongolian. There are some 140 of these small lakes surrounded by enormous sand dunes. The photo you see is of one of these lakes, taken in late afternoon on a windless day, with the giant dunes above reflected on the water.

We explored the Badain Jaran on our 2017 Inner Mongolia Expedition.  It is just as magically and mysteriously entrancing now as it was for Polo.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #32 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



lakshadweep Bangaram Atoll, Laccadive Islands, India. The “Lacquered” islands or Laccadives are legendary for the glossiness of the Indian Ocean surrounding them. There are three dozen of these coral atolls over 150 miles off the coast of southwest India – but moorkh Indian bureaucrats insist on calling them “Lakshadweep,” Sanskrit for “100,000. Go figure.

Paintings of the French Impressionists of the 19th century merged dreams and reality. Here that is for real. The beauty in the Laccadives can be so astonishing that it seems surreal – like when the ocean and sky merge into one in a palette of pastels straight from the brush of Monet. Come to Bangaram and you’ll find yourself living inside a painting. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #172 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



no-burka[This Monday’s Archive was originally published on September 23, 2003.  I’ll be quite interested in knowing how you think it applies to today.  For it could be reinterpreted as “Trannies and Tiny Zibbs.”  What kind of man gets his jollies winning awards by easily defeating women in sports, afraid to compete against other actual men?  In 2003, we knew that women’s rights in the Islamic world were the key to ending Islamic terrorism.  Now that this terrorism is on the upsurge again, is it just a coincidence that women’s rights in our woke culture are being trashed by tranny-worship?  Your thoughts?]

TTP, September 24, 2003

This extraordinary photo is of the two Finance Coordinators of the 2003 meeting of the governing boards for the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, held this week in Dubai.

Geetha Ezhuvath is on the left. She is not a Moslem. Sara Al Kaabi on the right, most obviously is.

Ms. Ezhuvath is also not from the West. She is from India. Sara Al Kaabi is from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), generally considered to be one of the least repressive Moslem states. Yet she remains sequestered in the 7th Century.

What this picture so clearly says is that men in India are much less afraid of women than in traditional Moslem countries. It is fear that forces women to hide themselves. Which raises the question Moslems are afraid to ask: Why are Moslem men so afraid of women?



hani-rice-terraces The Hani people in the mountains of Yunnan have been carving out rice terraces on dozens of steep mountainsides for over a dozen centuries. After the late fall harvest, in winter they flood the terraces in preparation for spring planting. At sunrise and sunset, the light reflecting off them creates a scene of phantasmagorical surrealism. Unknowingly, the Hani have created one of humanity’s most magnificent works of natural art the world has ever seen. What you see here is only one of hundreds of terraced areas. It is a sight beyond belief. Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #156 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)




August, 1971. Here is where the Ancient Greeks believed their 12 Olympian Gods lived, on the summit of the highest peak of Olympus – Mytikas at 9,571ft/2,918m. There are 52 jagged prominences of Olympus, but if you want to commune with Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite, Athena and the rest, this is where you go.

It takes just two days: morning drive from Athens (4 hrs) to Litochoro, then the roadhead at Priona (2,500ft). Afternoon hike of some 3 hours through pretty pine forests to the comfortable Spilios Agapitos refuge (6,700ft) for dinner and a bunk bed overnight. You’re up at dawn for a strenuous but not technical climb up to Skala peak at 9,400ft. In my photo, you’re looking at Mytikas from Skala. It’s a Class B rock scramble – no ropes or gear, but this shouldn’t be your first mountain rodeo. Be careful!

I was by myself at the Mytikas summit and no selfies in those days, so I said my greetings to the gods, and I was back down at the refuge by lunchtime. You’ll be back at the Plaka below the Acropolis in Athens for ouzo and dinner. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #45 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



ye-olde-inquisitionYou’ve seen this morning’s (7/28) headline: Special Counsel Jack Smith Adds New Charges Against Donald Trump, which includes indicting his Mar-a-Lago janitor with “destroying classified documents” – which PDJT had the fully legal right to do.

This is getting 100% lunatic ridiculous – obviously spun up as a Look, a squirrel! attention-diversion away from Hunter Plea Collapse-Biden Crime Family headlines.

It’s about time any presidential candidate of moral decency – not just of GOP but also RFK, Jr. -- to promise on Day One of his/her presidency to issue a presidential pardon for any and all corrupt Biden DOJ charges against DJT, request a bill from Congress on the Resolute Desk to sign expunging his two impeachments, release all J6 political prisoners from jail (note they’re in cages above), and appoint a special prosecutor to examine the high crimes and treason of the Biden family.

First one out of the gate on this gets a huge bump in the polls.  A return to a one-tier system of judicial integrity starts here, and an end to the two-tier totally corrupt system the Dems enjoy now.

Okay, here we go. Hang on to your hats for a great HFR ride!




You’re looking face on Everest’s West Ridge, the border of Tibet and Nepal. On the right is the Southwest Face in Nepal, on the left is the North Face in Tibet. Called Scoundrel’s View because this is a better view than trekkers to Everest Base Camp see (a viewpoint called Kala Patthar).

You have to make another trek up the Ngozumpa glacier (longest in the Himalayas) in the Gokyo valley, where above the fifth Gokyo lake at 16,400 feet you get to call yourself a “scoundrel” for seeing what Everest trekkers don’t.

High on the Northeast Ridge on the left horizon is the last place Mallory and Irvine were seen heading for the summit in 1924, and then disappeared. Hillary and Tenzing summited in 1953 via the Southeast Ridge over the right horizon. Everest Base Camp in Nepal is at the foot of the big snowy buttress below the West Ridge. Called the West Shoulder, it blocks any view of Everest from Base Camp.

On our Himalaya Helicopter Expeditions, we get an abundance of spectacular views of Everest, up close and personal – Scoundrel’s View is only one of many. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #29 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



kuang-si In the jungles of Laos less than 20 miles from the Laotian Royal Capital of Luang Prabang, you will find the entrancing waterfalls of Kuang Si. Multi-layered cascades of emerald green pure water pour into a series of pools ideal for swimming. The warm sun filters through the dark green jungle canopy. The laughter of Laotian children combined with that of the rushing waters adds to a unique serenity. Here is a place that will wash away all your woes. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #185 photo ©Jack Wheeler)




St. Finnbarr’s Oratory, Gougane Barra, County Cork.  St. Finnbarr (550-623) is the patron saint of the city of Cork, now Ireland’s second largest city, on the south coast of the Emerald Isle.  He established this tiny church in the late 500s, and has been built and rebuilt on a small island on Lake Gougane, with the one you see finished some 150 years ago.

Gougane Barra is a remote valley distant from Cork, almost uninhabited, of legendary beauty.  The oratory or chapel has been a holy place of summer pilgrimage for Christians for fifteen centuries, revered for its complete serenity and peacefulness.  Rarely visited outside of summer due to its remoteness, you may have this holy place all to yourself. Here is where you come to rest and reinvigorate your soul. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #218 photo ©Jack Wheeler)




March 30, 1964 issue

[This Monday’s Archive was originally published on March 29, 2006.  It is a personal story meant to be fun and entertaining, but like all good stories, has an important moral to the story at the end.  I hope you enjoy it and take the moral to heart.]

TTP, March 29, 2006

I don’t know when the term "March Madness" regarding the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship came into usage, but it was well after my UCLA college days in the 1960s.  This year’s madness is focused on the sympathetic favorite, George Mason, and the nostalgic favorite, UCLA.  It certainly has caused me to recall a March Madness of my very own.

It was 10am Thursday, March 19, 1964.  The Bruins were in the Final Four.  UCLA was to play Kansas State in the semi-finals at Kansas City, Missouri tomorrow, Friday, March 20.

And I was bummed.  My friend John Peterson and I groused about how what a stupid shame it was that we weren’t going to see UCLA make history.  "Do you think we could do it?" I asked John.  "With our thumbs?  Hitchhike to Kansas City?  Why not?" came his reply.  John got his girlfriend to drop him off at the Sigma Nu house, and with $50 between us in our pockets, we were off.

By 8pm we were stranded in the California desert on Route 66 between Barstow and Needles.



akodessawa-fetish-market The Akodessawa Fetish Market in Lomé, Togo has to be seen to be believed.  Here on display is a vast array of animal parts -- heads, skulls, bones, horns, skins et al – for sale to the adherents of Togo’s official religion of Voodoo.  They are used to communicate with and pray to the huge variety of spirits and deities they believe in.

What you see here is a very small fraction of the market – there are thousands of animal parts here from entire elephant skulls to small mummified rodents.  Behind the displays are stalls where voodoo priests cater to devotees for healing potions or being an interlocutor to the spirits.  This is not sticking pins in dolls of enemies. The people of Togo and neighboring Benin believe deeply in their religion.  Togo in West Africa is the size of New Jersey and has over 130 fetish markets in the country, with the largest here.  This is an experience you never forget.

(Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #273 photo ©Jack Wheeler)




April, 2003. On my 21st expedition to 90 North, the geographic North Pole, I took my son Jackson. He was nine, but handled it like a trooper. And no wonder – it was his third time! The first was when he was just six, following his brother Brandon whom I had taken to the Pole back in 1990.

We landed our ski-equipped Twin Otter on the sea ice – and as it’s featureless with the ice slowly moving on the Arctic Ocean surface, nothing stays there for long. So if you want a physical candy-stripe North Pole, you have to bring your own! It is so indescribable to actually be on the very top of our planet that it has to be experienced to be understood. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #95 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



bad-to-the-boneSchadenfreudelicious, folks.  Read and enjoy the NY Post’s cover story: House Oversight Chairman Comer: ‘Ultimate White Privilege Guy’ Hunter Biden Could Be Hit With 10 Criminal Referrals.

Yesterday (7/20), Senator Chuck Grassley released an official declassified FBI Reporting Document (FD-1023) dated June 30, 2020, describing conversations a highly-paid and trusted FBI informant had with Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky who said he was “coerced” into bribing both Hunter and Joe $5 million each to get Ukrainian prosecutor fired for investigating Burisma corruption: Biden $10 Million Bribe FBI File Released.

Check the front pages of the New York Times and WaPo, or the CNN home page today (7/21) and there is a complete absence of this story.  Nary a whisper either on Comer saying on Breitbart Monday (7/17): James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money; nor on Oversight member Andy Biggs on Fox Tuesday (7/18): GOP Rep. Estimates Up To $100M Flowed Through Biden Family Accounts: Views The Biden Family As A 'Massive' Crime Syndicate’.

Yet however much the Dems and their media shills close their eyes in denial, they’ll end up being dragged kicking and screaming and victimizing into recognizing that Joe Has To Go.

Once this happens, the entire energy of the ’24 race shifts – for the Dems, and especially the GOP.  Read on find out how – betcha you’ll be surprised!  Also… find out what reminds me of the bumper sticker I had on my car when I was a UCLA undergrad in the mid-60s:  ComUNism!



dragons-blood-tree This is the Dragon’s Blood Tree, Dracaena cinnabari. It can be found in only one place on earth, a remote island called a Lost World for its uniqueness, the “most alien-looking place on our planet.”

Although it’s known as the most alien, strangest, weirdest, and bizarre place you can go to, it’s also completely safe and incredibly beautiful. Anybody who comes here returns saying, “You have to see it to believe it.” What is this place?

It’s the World Heritage Site of the island of Socotra, the “Galapagos of the Indian Ocean,” 240 miles off the coast of Yemen and now secured by the UAE. It’s hidden, remote, and far away.

We were there in 2014, and it’s been almost impossible to get to ever since. But we’ll be back next year. Let me know if you’d like to be with us. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #34 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



belvoir-beach-herm-channel-islands Belvoir Beach, Herm, Channel Islands. Could there be a more idyllic lunch—grilled lobster, fresh garden salad, chilled Chardonnay – here on Herm, the smallest of the five main Channel Islands. There’s Jersey, Guernsey, Sark, Alderney – and tiny Herm. Less than one square mile, but overflowing with charm and hospitality – from the Victorian White House Hotel to the Mermaid Pub to lobsters at Belvoir Beach. Coming here is a true escape from the worries of the world. At Herm they are a long ways away. Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #177 photo ©Jack Wheeler)




There are places in our world so staggeringly beautiful to have to see them to believe they exist.  Yet those people walking along the foot bridge can’t see what you’re looking at.  That has to be in the air, hovering from high above in a helicopter.  We live in a world of such beauty it really does take your breath away. And best of all, the beauty of the Grand Prismatic Spring  of Yellowstone is right here in America.

Here we are at Yellowstone in Wyoming, a wonderland by itself.  Just to the south are the Grand Tetons. To the west is the Sawtooth Range and the Middle Fork of the Salmon River – one of the best whitewater runs on the planet.  It goes endlessly on and on.  America the Beautiful is not just a song – it’s glorious reality. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World 135, photo ©Jack Wheeler)



trump-thumbs-up[This Monday’s Archive was originally published on December 1, 2017.  It rings true more than ever today. Your thoughts?]

TTP, December 1, 2017

Nothing exemplifies Donald Trump’s political genius better than his campaign and now presidential slogan MAGA – Make America Great Again.

Just compare it to his opponent’s pathetically stupid and empty, I’m With Her.  A campaign about nothing but Her, focused entirely on Her, devoted completely and totally to the egomania of Her.

By contrast, Trump’s campaign was about America – the America that every normal voter knew used to be great until Obama opened the gates of the Left’s insane asylum creating a mayhem of cultural lunacy, the America that every normal voter wanted once more.

Trump’s question to the voters – “Do you want more lunacy with Her or do you want to make America great again instead?” turned out to be rhetorical.

But just what is it that made America great in the first place?  And whatever that is, why does it drive Lefties insane?




Built 1,000 years ago on the edge of a cliff hundreds of feet above the sea on the island of Bali, the sacred temple of Ulu Watu is one of the holiest places of worship for the Balinese people. They have retained their unique form of Balinese Hinduism for millennia that incorporates their original animism, ancestor worship, and reverence for Buddhist saints or Bodhisattva. This has resulted in a spiritual warmth and gentle friendliness matched by few other places on earth. It is little wonder so many who come here consider Bali to be a worldly paradise. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #108 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



young-brandon-at-n-poleApril 22, 1990. This is my son Brandon, age six, happily atop a small pressure ridge of sea-ice at 90 North Latitude, the geographic North Pole. I started leading expeditions to 90N in 1978. This was my 12th, and the best weather there we’d ever had. A glorious day at the very top of our planet, and a glorious memory for both father and son.

If fortune favors you with the opportunity, have grand adventures with your children or grandchildren when they are young. They will treasure the memories so much they will someday tell their grandchildren about them. Life is short, carpe diem. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #104 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



ww3This is dystopian science fiction, the poster of a B-grade we’re-all-gonna-die horror flick.  I am totally sick and tired of all the fearmongering about this, and you should be too.  This is not going to happen.  There are three basic reasons why.

Read them and you’ll understand how DJT’s rant on Tuesday (7/11) is as unthoughtful as his claim he’ll end Russia’s war in Ukraine “in 24 hours”.  Donald Trump Blasts More Ukraine Aid: ‘Joe Biden Should Not Be Dragging Us Further Toward World War III’ is Pro-Putin Breitbart's fearmonger headline – when it is Putin’s Russia using nuclear blackmail, not us or Ukraine nor anyone else.

He had the gall to condemn “Biden’s policy of endless war in Ukraine,” when it is Putin’s policy, to demand that Biden, not Putin “immediately end the bloodshed in Ukraine”.  It grieves me deeply to condemn this because I admire him in so many ways – but once again as happened so very often during his presidency, he has surrounded himself with advisors who are as misinformed as he is.  Which means he may well keep doing or saying foolish things as 47 that he did as 45.

And it shocks and saddens me so deeply that there are TTPers who insist on being on Putin’s side of evil rather than Ukraine’s side of freedom, who will continue to parrot Kremlin agitprop lies on the Forum.  To them I must implore: please, please stop corroding your soul with evil, and please do not pollute the Forum with it any more.  That’s where I stand, let’s agree to disagree, and leave it at that.

So – on to those three reasons why we’re not going to have WWIII.  Plus a lot more in this HFR.




From the 900s to the 1200s, the Pagan Empire built over 10,000 Buddhist temples. 2,200 remain on the plains of Pagan today, one of the world’s most wondrous sights – especially if you see them from above in a hot air balloon. It is truly astounding how much there is to explore and experience in Burma. We’ll be there once more for it all next February. I hope you will be one of your fellow TTPers to join us. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #33 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



grott-of-pan At the foot of Mount Hermon in northern Israel you find the Grotto of Pan, the Greek God of Nature, where pilgrims came from all over the ancient world to worship. Remnants of the huge Temple of Pan are here, together with the cave grotto where he lived when not at Olympus. The spring that gushes forth from the grotto is one of the sources of the Jordan River.

If Pan was ever disturbed, he would groan so loudly it would cause anyone who heard it to “panic” (panikos in Greek) – the origin of the term. Loudest of all was his last. The legend is that with the advent of Christianity replacing belief in the Olympian Gods, Pan died for lack of worshippers, emitting a death groan of agony from the mouth of the cave you see here so loud and terrifying it was heard throughout the Mediterranean. It’s a beautiful and peaceful place today. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #51 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



nakhal-castle Nakhal Castle, Oman. If you want to see an ultra-rich Arab sheikdom with exotically designed skyscrapers, you go to Qatar or Dubai. But if you want a more genuine Arabia of Sultan’s palaces, of forts and castles perched on rocky crags, of traditional villages tucked away in mountain fastnesses, of rock pools and grottoes gushing with spring water hidden in secret valleys, a place out of Arabian Nights rather than one of garish ostentatiousness – then you come here to the Sultanate of Oman.

Omanis are a polyglot people from all over Arabia, Persia, and India who’ve lived here for millennia, creating a cosmopolitan trading society that adheres to its traditional culture. There are fabulous hotels with great bars, concerts by the Omani Philharmonic Orchestra, and once outside the capital of Muscat, an Arabian wonderland so exotic it seems out of a movie. We'll be here again. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #119 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)




Lucien Wheeler, Chief of the Secret Service Presidential Bodyguard, guarding TR

[This Monday’s Archive was originally published on May 19, 2006.  Seventeen years later, it seems more relevant than ever.]

We’re going to get deep and serious here, and I’m going to ask you to reflect on a number of previous articles.

We’re not going to fulminate against George Bush, illegal immigrant-hiring businesses and the whores in the Senate they pay off, Democrats who see every illegal alien as a potential welfare recipient who will vote for them, or even Reconquista Mexicans attempting to recapture the American Southwest.

No, we’re going to get to the heart of the matter and figure out the fundamental cause of the problem.   The problem that lies at the heart not just of the immigration crisis, but of so much else, from the destruction of American education and culture to the war with Islamic terrorism.

Let’s begin with an experience I had in a small country restaurant in France.




Ever see the 1980 movie Popeye starring Robin Williams? It takes place in the seaside town of Sweethaven – and you’re looking at it. The film set was built in a cove on the northern end of the island of Malta in the Mediterranean just for the movie.

It’s now been transformed into a Disney-type fun park for kids and families. Not what you expect to find in an island famous for ancient temples older than the pyramids, massive medieval fortresses that were scenes of battles that saved Western Civilization, magnificently ornate Renaissance cathedrals, gorgeous beaches and breathtaking scenery. But here it is, with shows, rides, and play houses filled with children laughing and exploring. One more reason to love Malta. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #147 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



brandon-at-taj-mahal August 1993, Taj Mahal, Agra, India. I took my son Brandon here for his 10th birthday. Here is one supremely happy boy. One of the greatest gifts you can give your children or grandchildren is to take them on a great adventure, to explore the world with them. And it is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. It is a bonding experience that will last all of your life and theirs. Never pass up the opportunity, search for the opportunity instead. This is life-enrichment at its best. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #272 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



lakes-of-plitvice The Lakes of Plitvice (plit-vit-see) in central Croatia south of Zagreb are a World Heritage Site, a wonderland of sixteen crystal clear turquoise lakes interconnected by dozens of waterfalls over travertine limestone natural dams built up over thousands of years. There are wooden walkways along them all, over which you can spend the most relaxing day strolling by them.

Croatia is a country filled with history, charm, and beauty, but here is where that beauty is unsurpassed. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #271 photo ©Jack Wheeler)