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Dr. Jack Wheeler


Thanks to TTP general manager Miko, and TTPers like Mitch Tyree, the dates and the deal for the TTP Summer Rendezvous are set. One of the most distinguished hotels in Colonial Williamsburg, the Williamsburg Hospitality House, will host the Winning the Revolution Rendezvous from Friday, September 11 to Sunday, September 13. Colonial Williamsburg  recreates the America of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.  Nearby Jamestown is where the settlement of America began in 1607.  And close by is Yorktown, where America achieved victory in its War of Independence in 1781. It is an incredibly emotional experience to be at Surrender Field, where the British troops under Lord Cornwallis gave up their arms and surrendered to George Washington while the British band played "The World Turned Upside Down."  This is where free America was born, this was where our Revolution was won. What more appropriate place could there be - and what more appropriate date than September 11 weekend - for TTPers to join together and commit to winning our American liberty once again?



Last week, 4,000 US Marines launched a major operation in Helmand, the poppy-queen province in southern Afghanistan. The Marines performed magnificently, reaching their objectives with minimal casualties -- mostly from the 110-degree heat. But something important was missing: Afghans in uniform.  A few hundred Afghan players showed up in the backfield. But the village elders saw only American guns. The Marine mission is to provide security for villagers, build trust and instill confidence in the Kabul government. This would all be far easier if the Afghan military and police were competent, trustworthy and present. They're not. What's the problem? Why haven't years of effort and billions of dollars, coupled with our training expertise, forged fully reliable military units and constabularies? The answer lies in...



I love negative numbers.  They're so much fun - especially this one:  minus 8. The HFR of just over a month ago - 06/05/09 - celebrated Zero finally hitting zero on Scott Rasmussen's Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, when for the first time those who strongly disapprove of him equaled those who strongly approve for a rating of 0. "It won't be long now until they go in the minus column for the Fascist-in-chief and keep heading south. You can follow them daily on Rasmussen's Approval Index History," advised the HFR.  For the past two weeks, they've been falling off a cliff so dramatically that yesterday (7/09), Rasmussen's -8 rating was the lead story on Drudge.  This morning (7/10) it's -7.  No surprise to TTPers. Also no surprise are the explosive riots that started Sunday (7/05) in the Chicoms' colony of East Turkestan, or Xinjiang (zin-john) as they call it. 



Obama went to Moscow desperate for the appearance of a foreign-policy success. He got that illusion -- at a substantial cost to America's security. The series of signing ceremonies in a grand Kremlin hall and the litany of agreements, accords and frameworks implied that the United States benefited from all the fuss. We didn't. We got nothing of real importance. But the government of puppet-master Vladimir Putin (nominally just prime minister) got virtually all it wanted. In Moscow, this was Christmas in July. That's because we just agreed to the disarmament position of the American Communist Party of the 1950s.



I'm embarrassed to admit it, but the instant I heard Sarah Palin announcing her resignation from the Alaska governorship, I thought of Richard Nixon. In 1960, he was cheated out of the presidency when Chicago Mayor Richard Daley stuffed enough ballot boxes to give Illinois to Kennedy, and Kennedy's running mate Lyndon Johnson did the same in Texas.  In 1962, Nixon ran for governor of California and lost to Democrat Pat Brown by 300,000 votes. His career was finished, and there wasn't a politician nor a pundit in the country who didn't say so.  He was washed-up, held no political office, and was under constant attack by a media that reviled him.  Yet six years later he was elected president in 1968.  How did he do this? The same way Sarah Palin can be elected president in 2012.



On the eve of July 4th, I've discovered I can't do what I've done for the past five years:  provide a cheery update for Freedom's Birthday. Yes, the 4th is a time to feel good about America.  But our country is in such extraordinary danger - more than any time since the Civil War - that just feeling good and proud doesn't cut it.  Especially when the danger is internal, not foreign. This example just appeared in Israeli papers today (7/03):  That Zero intends to block any new sanctions on Iran at the upcoming G8 summit next week. Never before in our nation's history have we ever had a president who hated his country, who by his every action sought to weaken its national security, destroy its prosperity, and expand government control over our lives to literally the level of Orwell's 1984. Thus the phrase you'll hear at many a Tea Party tomorrow: "To avoid 1984, you have to go back to 1776."



The great physicist Niels Bohr (1885-1962), who pioneered the study of sub-atomic or quantum physics, was fond of saying, "If someone says that he can think about quantum physics without becoming dizzy, that shows only that he has not understood anything whatever about it." The Alice-in-Wonderland quality of sub-atomic physics is called quantum weirdness.  It was in response to such weirdness that Bohr's contemporary scientist J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964) claimed "the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose." Today, however, the concept of quantum weirdness seems also to apply to politics in America. Clearly, we are no longer living in a world of normal reality.  For the first time in US history, we have a president who hates his own country.  A president who is on the side of America's enemies, not on the side of America.



Our effort in Iraq passed a major milestone this week: Our troops are leaving the cities. Advisers remain in place. Joint patrols will still occur. And our forces will wait nearby to respond to Iraqi calls for support. But the last of the bases and US-only outposts within Iraq's urban centers will be vacated. Terrorists have already begun testing the new security arrangements. Iraqi forces won't always pass with flying colors. Yet this situation seemed a pipe dream not so long ago: Iraq's security forces, serving an elected government, assume primary responsibility for the good order of their own country.  It is an extraordinary achievement, the credit for which goes to President George W. Bush.



Naked evil.  That's what was on display this week in much of the world - what could be half-full about it? The world's scum are all in support of Ahmadinejad's "election."  The Red Chinese, Chavez, Putin, et al, are congratulating the thugs who run Iran on their "exercise of democracy." The world's actual democracies are all a-flutter, trying to decide how to condemn the butchery and kow-tow to the Chicoms and the Kremlin at the same time.  Zero doesn't have the guts to take the side of the protestors getting butchered and beat up. What's half-full is that the mullah regime has lost all legitimacy in the eyes of a majority of the Iranian people. This is a regime with no future.  It's worth recalling that the revolution replacing the Shah with the Ayatollahs did not occur overnight. The protests started in January of 1978, and succeeded with the Shah fleeing the country in January of 1979.  During that year, there were many periods of quiescence, when the protests seemed to vanish and the Shah's rule was deemed secure.  Then they would crank up again, and up a notch. So this is a marathon, not a sprint.  There is very serious dissention within the mullahs themselves, there is no longer a center of the regime that can hold.  The protestors are young, determined, and smart.  This is far from over, it has only just begun.



The Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead announced in Annapolis recently that "diversity is the number one priority" at the Naval Academy, where I have been a Professor of English for 22 years. The Naval Academy superintendent, Vice Adm. Jeffrey Fowler, echoed him. Everyone understands that "diversity" here means nonwhite skins. Fowler insisted recently that we needed to have Annapolis graduates who "looked like" the Fleet, where enlisted people are about 42 percent nonwhite, largely African American and Hispanic. The stunning revelation last week was that the Naval Academy had an incoming class that was "more diverse" than ever before: 35 percent minority. Sounds good, only this comes with a huge price tag. It's taxpayers who bankroll the military. Yet nobody has asked us if we're willing to pay this price. Instead we're being told there is no price to pay at all. If you believe that, you probably also believe in the Tooth Fairy.



To understand how TTP's Jack Kelly used precisely the right word to describe Zero's policy towards Iran, and indeed the entire Zero Presidency - obscene-you should read this horrific eyewitness description of the mullah regime butchery that took place yesterday (6/24). The vice-president of my bank here in DC is Iranian.  We have had a running debate about Zero for at least a year because he's a total Zero-worshipper - but he's my friend so we keep it polite. I paid him a visit today to notarize some papers, and we discussed what was happening in Iran.  He looked me in the eye and said, "Jack, I have to admit - your were right about Obama.  He is an enemy of freedom." There are millions upon millions of Americans, native born and naturalized, that are coming to the same conclusion - and their numbers are growing by the day.  The time has come to issue the Zero Resignation Challenge.



[An extraordinarily poignant and vividly powerful eyewitness account of the protests for freedom in Tehran yesterday, June 20, by a philosophy professor at Tehran University.] We gather up with my students on Saturdays for a private class. We cook and eat together, then talk of philosophy. This time there was no class. We only tried to keep up our morale. We were very determined but scared. That is how I can describe the most people who came out to attend the demonstration today. After the fierce speech [by Ayatollah Khomenei] at the Friday prayers, we knew that today we would be treated differently. We felt so vulnerable, more than ever, but at the same time were aware of our power, which, no matter how influential it is collectively, would have done little to protect us today. We could only take our bones and flesh to the streets and expose them to batons and bullets. Two different feelings fight inside you without mixing with one another. To live or to just be alive, that's the question.



To borrow historian Niall Ferguson's metaphor, if finance is an evolutionary process, then regulation is its intelligent design - which, I would add, is a cognate of faith, not science. Or, to take the observation of former Federal Reserve Governor Frederic Mishkin, if "the financial system (is) the brain of the economy," then, I would suggest, heavy regulation is its lobotomy; while it removes the emotional highs and lows, it also dulls the perception, facility and adroitness. A century ago, medical science had faith in lobotomies. Today, it seems, Washington political science has faith in lobotomizing financial regulation.



Tomorrow's the day, folks.  Crunch time in Tehran.  You know what happened today:  head mullah Ali Khamenei delivered the Friday sermon everyone was waiting for, and he didn't give a fig for freedom. He insisted the June 12 elections were fair and not fraudulent, ordered the protestors to stop demonstrating in any way, and obey their master Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  Any opposition rallies are banned, he said, and any attempt to hold one will be put down with armed force.  His speech was as hard-line as it could possibly have been. It is 10pm Friday evening in Tehran as I am writing this, and protestors have begun shouting Allahu akbar - their cry of protest - from the rooftops.  Their cell calls, emails, and twitters give every indication that they plan to hold enormous rallies tomorrow in straight defiance of Khamenei and the mullah regime. There will be blood tomorrow.  But whose?



Massive electoral fraud to re-elect a president, massive public protests against the fraud, massive repression by the regime of the protestors - including beatings and killings. That's what's happening in Iran in June 2009.  It could also be what will happen in America in November 2012. One of the dots connecting the two is a 74 year-old guy named Gerald Walpin. That's Walpin as in WalpinGate, the emerging scandal over Zero's illegally firing him as Inspector General for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its AmeriCorps program. Don't be fooled into thinking the scandal is Zero's firing Walpin because he had exposed the fraud of Zero's friend, Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson.  Johnson is a red herring.  Zero, as a master of misdirection, is hoping folks will think he's just trying to protect a friend.  The stakes are astronomically higher than that.  We no longer live in normal times.  We are soon going to be living in revolutionary times, as the people of Iran are now.  



Thirty years ago in Iran, hate-America terrorist-sponsoring Moslem radicals organized a series of protests against the pro-American Shah - and the President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, did and said nothing.  Thus they succeeded, and we have been suffering the consequences of that cowardly silence and inaction to this day. Twenty years ago in China, protestors for democracy, so pro-American they made a replica of the Statue of Liberty, gathered in Tiananmen Square to demand an end to Communist tyranny - and the President of the United States, George H. W. Bush, did and said nothing. The Chicoms interpreted Bush's cowardly silence as a green light to crush the protestors, and proceeded to slaughter thousands of them in cold blood, then washed that blood off the stones of Tiananmen, denying to the world that anyone was killed. Thanks to that cowardice, the Chicoms today pose the single gravest military threat in the world to America. Now President Zero is choosing to follow the cowardly footsteps of Jimmy Carter and Bush the Elder, rather than those of Ronald Reagan who got rid of the Soviet Union, and Bush the Younger who got rid of Saddam Hussein. By voting "present" as he has all his life, by not having the courage to publicly and clearly support democracy and freedom for the people of Iran, he has made it blindingly clear that he's not black - he's yellow.



David Letterman certainly settled one thing this week:  that the terms  "no-class pervert scumbag" and "liberal" are synonymous.   Sarah Palin wrote a classy yet scathing response to his depraved jokes about her 14 year-old daughter, but she shouldn't have restrained her husband Todd from responding how he wanted.  Like any father, he wanted to punch Letterman out. Todd wanted to issue a public statement saying something like: 

"Mr. Letterman, you have insulted my daughter in the most grossly perverted way.  I am on my way to New York as you read this to see you.  We shall settle this man-to-man, with our fists.  Prepare to defend yourself.  If you choose not to fight, you will have declared to the world that you are the yellow-bellied coward I know you to be."
Letterman would have soiled his metrosexual pink underwear. *** Yet liberals are not the only folks scared to death of Sarah Palin.  So are the old bulls of the Republican Party Establishment - which is why they replaced her with Newt Gingrich at their annual Senate-House fundraising dinner Monday night (6/08).



At dinner at the Cosmos Club here in DC last night, a dear friend of mine who is one of the finest men - and sharpest businessmen - I've ever known, held up a butter knife. "To make this - to make a bottle cap or the side panels of your washing machine, to make any product that requires metal stamping - you need the machine tools my company makes," he explained.  "Thousands of businesses of all different kinds all over America are our customers.  I'm in touch with all of them, and know how their companies are doing." He sighed.  "Jack, that's why I know that our economy is in much, much worse shape than the media is letting on." I gave him a quizzical look.  "It's so funny you would say that - because I'll be writing about just that this week.  I'll call it Potemkin America." Grigori Alexandrovich Potemkin (1739-1791) was a dashing 23 year-old officer in the Czar's Horse Guards, the elite cavalry unit of the Russian Army, when the Czar's wife donned a Horse Guard uniform and led them in a coup to seize the throne of Russia.



Last weekend's European Parliament and British local county council elections (6/04-07) were not only a victory for the right over the left. More significantly, they were indications of the growing rejection of the last 60 years of denationalized European history. They were, particularly, a sharp assertion by many indigenous Europeans that they will not put up with losing their culture to overly assertive Islamic immigrants in Europe. The latter point was made emphatically by the voters of Holland, Hungary, Finland, Britain, Austria, Denmark and Italy.  But the loudest vox populi was heard in Britain.



During his White House years, William Jefferson Clinton -- someone Judge Sonia Sotomayor might call a "white male" -- was dubbed "America's first black president" by a black admirer. Applying the standard of identity politics and pandering to a special interest that earned Mr. Clinton that distinction, Barack Hussein Obama would have to be considered America's first Moslem president. This is not to say, necessarily, that Mr. Obama actually is a Moslem any more than Mr. Clinton actually is black. However - after his five months in office, and most especially after his just-concluded visit to Saudi Arabia and Egypt, a stunning conclusion seems increasingly plausible:



St. Petersburg, Russia. The economic glitterati have descended on Russia's "second capital." President Dmitry Medvedev, vice premiers and ministers, CEOs of Intel, Nissan, Coca-Cola and other Forbes 500 companies, and oligarchs are rubbing shoulders with superstar pundits such as Thomas Friedman and Nuriel Rubini. All have flocked to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Russians are all smiles after the purchase of 2 percent of Facebook, and state-owned Sberbank's participation in acquisition of the General Motors Corp.'s German subsidiary Opel. The public discourse is all about diversification, innovation and coping with the global crisis. Mr. Medvedev says he wants innovation-based growth. But privately, many sotto voce discussions turn to the question: What is Russia's global strategy?



Dear President Obama, You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me. You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you. You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support. You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth growing up in America and culturally you are not an American. You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail.



From an Israeli perspective, Mr. Obama's speech yesterday (6/04) in Cairo was deeply disturbing. Both rhetorically and programmatically, Obama's speech was a renunciation of America's strategic alliance with Israel. Rhetorically, Obama's sugar coated the pathologies of the Islamic world - from the tyranny that characterizes its regimes, to the misogyny, xenophobia, Jew hatred, and general intolerance that characterizes its societies. In so doing he made clear that his idea of pressing the restart button with the Islamic world involves erasing the moral distinctions between the Islamic world and the free world. In contrast, Obama's perverse characterization of Israel - of the sources of its legitimacy and of its behavior - made clear that he shares the Arab world's view that there is something basically illegitimate about the Jewish state.  



Here's a thought-experiment for pro-abortionists.  It's the 1850s and there is a raging debate all over the country regarding the morality of slavery, slavers defending it, abolitionists condemning it as an ultimate evil. Someplace in the South there is a flamboyant slave owner who vehemently supports his right to own fellow human beings as his personal property and is infamous for treating them as sub-human.  An abolitionist is so angry at this slaver's evil that he kills him, blows him away with a 12 gauge - both barrels. Pro-slavers everywhere and dozens of newspapers in the South condemn the killing as a "vigilante outrage."  Some even declare the murdered slaver as a "saint" who defended the freedom of "real people" to own things that aren't fully human. As their rage builds, the pro-slavers accuse all those abolitionists who protested against and condemned the murdered slaver as accomplices of the murderer. The question to ask a pro-abortionist is:  would you side with the pro-slavers or not?



Standing in front of an array of photovoltaic solar panels at Nellis Air Force Base last week (5/29), Mr. Obama claimed that his vision for an America powered by clean, renewable energy and awash in green jobs is becoming a reality faster than anyone could have imagined. Nellis, near Las Vegas, is the home of the largest solar-energy plant in the Western Hemisphere and, in the president's words, a "shining example" of what renewable energy can do to put our economy on a "firmer foundation for economic growth." Beyond these words, uncritically reported by the mainstream media, is the reality of a make-believe industry touted by environmental zealots, corporate freeloaders parading as entrepreneurs, and a president capable of staggering disingenuousness (that's a fancy word for dishonesty).



The question of the week:  who is stupider, the Norks or all those intimidated by them? Lot's of fun stuff happened this week.  Tombstone Burris dug his political grave deeper with a tape of his offering a bribe to Hot Rod Blogojevich.  Zero's Chicago gangsterism towards Republican Chrysler dealers - spotted by sharp-eyed TTPers on the Forum (see the thread for A Letter to America from a Dodge Dealer) - is being exposed for all to see.   Drudge is carrying both Rick Moran's article and that of the Washington Examiner.  My old friend Joe Farah is running solid exposés on WorldNetDaily.  Zero is running a straightforward Political Mafia. And Zero further solidified his racism by nominating a racist shrew for the Supreme Court who is so IQ-challenged she'll be steamrollered by Roberts, Alito, and Scalia in conference - as pointed out by Jack Kelly. But we'll focus on the Norks, who can't seem to make a real bomb yet somehow sucker the world into thinking they have.



Earlier this month, I was honored to give the keynote speech at the Ronald Reagan Annual Dinner in northern Virginia. I told stories about the Gipper, reminisced about my experiences with him, and talked about what it was like to help get rid of the Soviet Union.  Then we discussed the consequences of America's electing his moral and political opposite. The speech was recorded, sans the intro, and I'd like to share it with you.  I hope you enjoy it.  God Bless Ronald Reagan. {mp3}DRJWSpeechApril2009{/mp3}



In April of 1994,  in response to Bill & Hillary Clinton's attempt to seize control of the entire health care system of the United States, I wrote a report to Congress under the auspices of the Freedom Research Foundation entitled "Health Freedom vs. Health Fascism." It outlined ten specific means by which health care can be better provided to more Americans at greatly reduced cost.  Fifteen years later, none of these means have been implemented, we still have the same "health crisis," and we have another Dem president determined to use this "crisis" to further his fascist agenda. So here are the report's ten means to achieve health freedom rather than health fascism.  This is verbatim from 15 years ago.  Any updates are in brackets. The basic propositions of the Health Freedom proposal are: 1. Health Care is so incredibly expensive in America because of government intervention into the medical marketplace. 2. Health care costs can only be radically reduced by an equally radical reduction of government regulations and subsidies. 3. Both the availability and the quality of health care will be substantially increased by such a reduction of government intervention. [Note:  due to TTP Member requests, this is now a Free Access article.]



Grab a seat, folks - a ringside seat to the Greatest Show on Earth.  What more exciting fun could there be than watching Zero's Washington caught in a vise between California and England, struggling vainly as it gets squeezed to death? From California comes what America needs more than anything else, a Tax Revolt.  California voters didn't buy the extortionist threats from its girlie-man governor and the Dem crooks who run the Legislature.  They prefer state bankruptcy to more thieving taxes. Such bankruptcy would be the solution to its woes, for e.g., all contracts with public employee unions would be voided.  What fun... That the federal government is also headed towards Bankruptcy City can be seen by this observation in Bloomberg:  The Dollar Is Dirt, Treasuries Are Toast, AAA Is Gone. As the dollar disintegrates, unemployment and inflation explode into deep double digits, and taxpayers decide to spend what money they have on food, clothing, and shelter instead of government thieves, the fury of what's happening now in England is going to be replicated here.



Our immediate human ancestor, Homo Ergaster, emerged 1.7 million years ago.  The males of Ergaster's ancestors, Australopithicus and Habilis, were twice as large as the females - meaning they were polygamous.  In species where males have a lot of competition for access to mates, the bigger the male is the greater his selective advantage.  The more sex he has with as many females as he can, the more his genes get replicated. This changes with Ergaster.  The males became 50% bigger than their ancestors, while the females became 70% bigger.  This reduction of dimorphism signals that the greatest revolution in human society was occurring:  pair-bonding.  One man mating with one woman, the nuclear family as the foundation of a human community. "Pair-bonding" is what paleontologists call it.  We call it marriage.  Marriage - monogamous pair-bonding for mutual support and to raise children (human infants are far more helpless than those of other primates - this again starts with Ergaster) - is what made us human.  Marriage is the missing link.



My name is George C. Joseph.  I am the sole owner of Sunshine Dodge-Isuzu, a family owned and operated business in Melbourne, Florida. My family bought and paid for this automobile franchise 35 years ago in 1974. I am the second generation to manage this business. We currently employ 50+ people and before the economic slowdown we employed over 70 local people.  We are active in the community and the local chamber of commerce. We deal with several dozen local vendors on a day to day basis and many more during a month.  All depend on our business for part of their livelihood.  On Thursday, May 14, 2009 I was notified that my Dodge franchise, that we purchased, will be taken away from my family on June 9, 2009 without compensation and given to another dealer at no cost to them. HOW IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CAN THIS HAPPEN? 



[This commencement address was originally published four years ago. We  rerun it annually at college graduation time. Feel quite free to send this to any recent college graduate you may know.] Mr. Chancellor, Members of the Board of Regents, Members of the Faculty, Honored Graduates, Families and Friends: It's funny that they call this ceremony a Commencement, for you've all reached the finish line:  college, goodbye, we're outta here.  Yet of course, "commencement" means a beginning, not an end. But one is supposed to at least start - commence - a talk such as this by saying funny things.  So I'll start by talking about Clark Gable movies.  If you've heard of Clark Gable at all, you know he was the biggest movie star in Hollywood a long time ago.  His most famous movie was Gone With The Wind. He made a movie in 1955 called The Tall Men with Jane Russell as his girlfriend and Robert Ryan as the heavy.  It's a pretty ordinary Western flick with outlaws and cowboys and Indians - and at the end, Ryan, the bad guy, and his henchmen get the drop on Gable, the good guy, and all seems lost.  Suddenly, surprise, Gable outfoxes Ryan and triumphs.  Gable makes his exit, and after he does, Ryan delivers a line that I want you to never forget.



Got to be careful today.  So much to celebrate this week that it's too easy to say "The sun is over the yardarm someplace" and reach for a bottle of Wasmund's American Scotch (more about that later), rather than soberly wait for the sun to dip below the yardarm here in DC. For this is the week the Dems have started eating their own - beginning with, glory of glories, the quintessentially most vile, vicious, venal, corrupt, dishonest, hate-filled, anti-American House Democrat of them all, Speaker Pelosi Galore. After becoming such an object of ridicule that hyper-lib comedian Jon Stewart is making fun of her, she "rented a steam shovel," as TTP's Jack Kelly says, to dig her political grave at a press conference yesterday (5/14). Stick a fork in her, folks, she's done.  Under the Dem bus.  Roadkill.  So when she resigns, which could come within days, you might recall that conversation I had with my friend in Paris two weeks ago.



That the US markets are experiencing a Sucker's Rally is obvious to many experienced investors.  That China's markets are experiencing the same may not be so obvious.  Both economies are chugging down parallel tracks towards the same fate, a derailed train wreck, and for much the same reasons. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index has shot up over 50% since its low of November 4, and gained almost 6% in the last week alone.  There has been a world-wide deluge of news stories about how China is recovering from recession with miraculous rapidity, and is back on track towards 8% GDP growth this year. Who knew how many folks believe in Chinese Easter Bunnies?  Evidently, even more than those who claim to see Easter Bunnies frolicking on the White House lawn portending an end to our recession and 3.5% growth by year's end. There's almost no way to describe the magnitude of the train wreck Engineer Zero is heading us towards.   China's is going to be nightmarish.  Ours is going to be cataclysmic.



You can not win a war if you don't know who the enemy is," teaches master strategist Sun Tzu - a commonsense maxim that needs repeating as the Obama administration seeks a way out of the newly designated AfPak (Afghanistan/Pakistan) imbroglio. As the Pakistani army battles Taliban insurgents in Swat and elsewhere, the answer to the question of who exactly the Taliban is, and what is the nature of its relationship with al-Qaeda, is of key importance in judging the chances of success for the emerging Obama strategy. For even as Washington pushes Islamabad to keep the Taliban from expanding its territorial sway in the North-West Frontier Province, the administration seems to think the real solution to the Taliban problem, on both sides of the border, lies in striking an "acceptable compromise" deal with the militants. Such thinking is a dangerous combination of ignorance and naïveté.



Like nature, Israel's strategic relations abhor a vacuum. In the wake of the Obama administration's decision to drastically curtail the US's strategic alliance with Israel in the interest of American rapprochement with Iran and Syria, the Netanyahu government has been moving swiftly to fill the void. On Monday (5/11), with Pope Benedict XVI's arrival and with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's visit with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak at Sharm e-Sheikh, two potential strategic alliances came into view. Rather than viewing with alarm Mr. Obama's clear antipathy towards Israel, Mr. Netanyahu views it as an opportunity to pursue alliances in Israel's interest without regard to the wishes of the American president.



First up this week is something I should entitle Blown Away By Who You Are.  We have been deluged by TTPers who wish to participate in the Achilles Heel Project (AHP) and are simply in awe of their bios. The talent pool of TTP - the variety and depth of accomplishments, experience, knowledge, and credentials in so many fields - is astounding.   We're marshalling it for AHP, but I want to synergize it for TTP as a whole.  So we have formed a "social networking" site for this purpose: Here is where TTPers can go to meet, chat, and collaborate with each other.  There are so many wonderful folks on TTP - here's how you can all get to know yourselves.  Have fun and synergize! *** Next is an announcement:  the TTP Summer Rendezvous -  the Winning the Revolution Rendezvous - will be in Williamsburg, Virginia from Friday, September 11 to Monday, September 14. Colonial Williamsburg  recreates the America of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.  Nearby Jamestown is where the settlement of America began in 1607.  And close by is Yorktown, where America achieved victory in its War of Independence in 1781. What more appropriate place could there be - and what more appropriate date than September 11 weekend - for TTPers to join together and commit to winning our American liberty once again?



Mr. Obama sat down yesterday (5/06) with the presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan to seek a way out of the existential crisis now facing those two nations. As reported by the press, Obama secured commitments from them for greater cooperation in the struggle against the "common threat," as well as assurances that Pakistan's nuclear weapons would be secure - in other words, the same promises and commitments that every White House meeting with Pakistan's leaders since 9/11 has invariably delivered. Put simply, the Taliban, murderous as it is, is not the problem. The problem is the Pakistani military and the stubborn refusal of Washington to comprehend this basic reality.



Let's cut to the chase.  The answer is no.  Pakistan should never have existed in the first place.  There is no reason for it to continue to exist now. The place to start here is with The Lunacy of a British Legacy from July 2006, which gives you the background on Pakistan's creation, and that of the Taliban. You could follow that up with Moslem Terrorist Drug Lords With Nukes from November 2007, which explains the Afghan heroin production as a joint operation between the Taliban and the ISI - the Pakistan military's InterServices Intelligence Agency - and how Afghan president Hamid Karzai and his family are in on the heroin take. Mr. Karzai met with Mr. Zero in the White House yesterday (5/06), along with the leader of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari.  All three men privately despise each other, and publicly professed mutual admiration and support. Ostensibly, they were meeting because the Taliban are now destabilizing Pakistan as well as Afghanistan.  You can be sure Zero did not insist on solving the heart of the Taliban problem, any more than did his predecessor.  Mr. Bush refused to order Afghanistan's poppy fields be wiped out via high-altitude spraying of a micro-herbicide developed by DARPA.  And so has Zero.



[Introductory note by Jack Wheeler: Last week in Protecting Yourself From Mexican Swine Flu, Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw suggested a series of prophylactic measures to take in case of pandemic.  At the time, they were racing to develop a nutrient formula to provide effective prophylactic protection from the human swine flu virus. They have now done so.  It is called V-Shield, and is available through their licensee Life Enhancement Products.  It is designed to protect people from infectious viruses - but as they emphasize, while it can be taken in addition to any drugs prescribed by one's physician (such as Tamiflu or Relenza), it is not a substitute for them. The article below describes the scientific basis and references for the inclusion of each ingredient in V-Shield.  With one exception, I have been taking them all for many years in amounts equal to or exceeding those in the formula.  (The exception is quercetin, of which I'll now increase my intake!)]  We decided to evaluate the peer-reviewed scientific literature indexed by the National Library of Medicine on natural products for those that have useful antiviral effects at safe dosages. The evidence led us to a protective combination that consists of the flavonoid quercetin, green tea extract, resveratrol, n-acetylcysteine, vitamin D, and vitamin C.  These ingredients have been reported to have significant anti-viral effects in cell culture and animal studies, and in a few human clinical trials.