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Caroline Glick


Sarah Palin, who is considering a run in the 2012 Republican presidential primaries, is using her public platforms to reassemble the coalition of security hawks, social conservatives and blue collar workers that propelled Ronald Reagan to the White House in 1980. Her support for Israel serves her in building support among both security hawks and social conservatives. Unlike Obama's empty protestations of support for Israel, Palin's support is obviously heartfelt and therefore will not diminish while Obama remains in office. And as Palin becomes stronger, her ability to influence the US debate in a manner that constrains Obama's freedom to intimidate Israel into allowing Iran to become a nuclear power will rise. In spite of Palin's extraordinary support for Israel, the American Jewish community overwhelmingly rejects her. As Jennifer Rubin noted in her article, "Why Jews hate Palin," in Commentary magazine, Jews disapproved of Sen. John McCain's choice of Palin as his running-mate by a 54 to 37 percent majority. The sneering broadsides published against Palin by leading American Jewish writers are legion. In her article, Rubin gives a number of reasons for American Jews' rejection of Palin.



Happy Valentine's Day!  I am far away from my Valentine of almost three decades, as this Sunday the 14th I'll be in Bahrain, but we'll celebrate the love we've shared for all these years as soon as I get back home. For those of you lucky to be home with a loved one, taking the time to celebrate that love is certainly worth devoting this coming Sunday to.  It's also worth devoting a bit of time today reflecting on a common love all us TTPers share - our love of our country, the United States of America. Being outside the US always gives you a special appreciation of our country.  America has put itself through troubling and dangerous times recently, but I am becoming more confident by the day that these times are coming to an end... Now for a personal note of appreciation to all of you who sent me condolences for the passing of my friend, Charlie Wilson.  As many of you know, Charlie was my best man at my wedding with Rebel, and we worked closely together on Reagan Doctrine strategies to terminate the existence of the Soviet Union. For the story regarding this, see Charlie Wilson and Ronald Reagan's War from December 2007.  It will give you insights on what really happened - and what the book and movie Charley Wilson's War got right and what it got very wrong.  Plus there are some great pictures of Charlie.



In a breathtakingly cynical example of playing politics, the White House just accused Republicans of playing politics over its Miranda-rights Christmas gift to the crotch bomber. With fumbling terrorism czar John Brennan walking point, administration spokesmen attacked those who believe that treating would-be suicide-bomber Umar Abdulmutallab the way we handle shoplifters harms our national security.  With its desperate counteroffensive on this issue, the White House is struggling to recover from the PR debacle over the decision to award Abdulmutallab (and other terrorists) rights to which they are in no way entitled. The White House position is a PR blend of lies, half-truths and ignorance. Let's strip out the politics and lay out the facts from an intelligence professional's perspective:



Kuwait.  Surely you didn't think I'm buried under Washington's Super Blizzard this week - especially since Jim DeMint (R-SC) has promised it won't stop snowing until Algore cries uncle? Nope, I'm in sunny Kuwait, where it's 70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.  One reason I'm here is to see how the Obama Justice Department - which we could appropriately term Zero Justice - is making a backdoor attempt here to sabotage America's (so far) successful war in Iraq. First, though, we need to answer the historical question - what has Kuwait got to do with Hanukkah?



While Remember The Alamo tried to be a good synopsis of our memorable Rendezvous in San Antone, I saved the best line of the event for the HFR.

After all the dystopian discussion of how the Dems are driving us into financial ruin, Jack Kelly announced in his presentation:  "There's a lot of talk nowadays about America becoming a banana republic.  Here's the reality, folks - the whole world is becoming a banana republic." Kelly's prophecy came quickly into sharper focus this week.  Big time. After a 853-point drop since Jan. 19, the Dow is plunging over the 10,000-point precipice.  Greece, as the HFR has been predicting, is dragging the Euro into a deep hole.  Next to fall in are Spain and Portugal. And now comes China.



As the administration fiddles and fumbles with its soft- on-terror policies at home, one Obama-blessed campaign abroad is hitting al Qaeda and its franchises hard: the drone war. Drones work. They kill terrorists. Important terrorists. And we don't have to squabble about where to put their shredded bodies on trial. For all the billions poured into Afghan pockets, the continuing giveaways to well-connected contractors, the abuse of our military as glorified aid workers and terrorist targets, and the general strategic incoherence in Washington, we're getting this one thing right. On Tuesday (2/02), an up-the-ante wave of attacks fired 18 missiles from Unmanned Aerial Systems. (UAS is our term of the week for drones.) The strike hit a terrorist stronghold, killing another dozen or more militants.  Cool.  Very cool.



One of the key objectives of the Tea Party people is the strict enforcement of the 10th   Amendment :  "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." As an early 1960s vintage member of the then-new conservative movement, I remember us focusing on the 10th amendment during the 1964 Goldwater campaign. It has been a staple of conservative thought, and the continued dormancy of 10th  amendment enforcement has been one of the failures of our now half-century-old movement. As the Tea Party movement in so many ways seems to represent the 2.0 version of our movement, I am thinking about the 10th  amendment anew. It strikes me that the best way to revive the 10th  Amendment is to repeal the 17th Amendment -- which changes the first paragraph of Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution to provide that each state's senators are to be "elected by the people thereof" rather than being "chosen by the Legislature thereof."



There were 140 of us, and I think we all agree - the Remember The Alamo Rendezvous in San Antonio last weekend (1/29-1/31) was one to remember.

Speaking of memory, I didn't take notes - I was a little busy - so we'll see how good my recall is as I recount it for you.  Feel quite free to add or correct what I say on the Forum.  There's already a lively discussion going.

We started right off Friday evening with a discussion of the Double-D strategy.  That quickly brought our attention to TTPer Mitch Rapp, who with the help of Bill Gregory, Jim Snape, and other TTPers, has created the Defund and Disobey website: - to which there is now a direct link in the left side bar of the TTP home page.

Mitch envisions his site to be the clearing house for Tea Party efforts to deligitimize the Democrats' plan to extend government control of our lives.  I encourage you to participate in it, tell all your friends in the Tea Party movement about it, and support it with a small contribution.

We all owe Mitch a debt of gratitude for what he has chosen to do.  And the Rendezvous was just getting started.



Amidst all the catcalls and raspberries directed at Zero's SOTU speech this week - Fred Barnes called it the "least fresh" and most cliché-ridden such speech in over 30 years - I must admit I thought it was great.  Perfect, in fact.  We couldn't have asked for anything better. As Forrest Gump observed, "Stupid is as stupid does."  It doesn't get much stupider than to ignore the First Rule of Holes - when you're in a hole, stop digging - except to insist that the way to get out of the hole is to keep digging ever more feverishly, and to blame everyone but yourself for the hole you're in. The SOTU speech confirmed that we have a narcissistic fool for a president - all ego and no brains.   He is, with stupidly obdurate stubbornness, going to keep doing exactly what has caused his agenda to fail and his approval ratings to sink ever lower. This almost guarantees that he will keep his party on the path to electoral disaster in November.  How could we ask for more?  Well, here's how.



Dear President Obama, My name is Harold Estes, I turned 95 on December 13 of last year. I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1934 and served proudly before, during, and after WW II retiring as a Master Chief Bos'n Mate. Now I live in a "rest home" located on the western end of Pearl Harbor, allowing me to keep alive the memories of 23 years of service to my country. One of the benefits of my age, perhaps the only one, is to speak my mind, blunt and direct even to the head man. So here goes. I can't figure out what country you are the president of. You fly around the world telling our friends and enemies despicable lies like: " We're no longer a Christian nation," and "America is arrogant." Your wife even announced to the world, "America is mean-spirited." I'd say shame on the both of you, but I don't think you like America, nor do I see an ounce of gratefulness in anything you do, for the obvious gifts this country has given you. To be without shame or gratefulness is a dangerous thing for a man sitting in the White House.  So take a little advice from a very old geezer, young man.  Shape up and start acting like an American.



What a ridiculous situation "women's rights" groups are getting themselves into now with their protest of CBS airing a pro-life ad during the upcoming Super Bowl game. The ad will feature Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow and his mom, and they'll speak to the sanctity of life and the beautiful potential within every innocent child as Mrs. Tebow acknowledges her choice to give Tim life, despite less than ideal circumstances. Messages like this empower women! This speaks to the strength and commitment and nurturing spirit within women. The message says everything positive and nothing negative about the power of women - and life. Evidently, some women's rights groups like NOW do not like that message.



Frankly, the last thing in the world I'd like to talk with you about this week is the latest antics of Zero and the Zerocrats.  They're like some group of high school kids practicing to be a rock band in their parents' garage.  They don't know how to play but insist they do, and they only know one song which they play endlessly - a pathetically boring threnody featuring the leader singing the word "I" over and over and over again. So, can we please talk about something else - like, the rest of the world?  It's  a big place.  Lots of cool - and uncool - things are happening in it.  As a matter of fact, it's what I'll be talking about at the Remember The Alamo Rendezvous in San Antonio this weekend in my The Map of the Future presentation.  Since most of you are unable to be there, I thought I'd give you a trio of the highlights.



What do Haiti and Afghanistan have in common, other than the presence of our military? They're both profoundly failed states that we pretend just need the right encouragement. We told ourselves that in Somalia, too. And we soon may be telling ourselves whopping fibs about Yemen. Or Pakistan. Failed, failing and outright fake states come in different flavors, from societies in which tribes remain more powerful than struggling governments to those that are gang-plagued and anarchic. There's no single solution to the problem. But we and other successful states typically stand in the way of any solutions. We -- and the locals in failed or failing states -- would be far better off if competent powers engaged in a form of triage, categorizing them into:



A Special Announcement from To The Point With the victory of Scott Brown in Massachusetts this week, the Democrats have abandoned their maniacal attempt to pass ObamaCare "health reform" legislation. Yet it is little known that a significant part of the ObamaCare program has secretly already been voted into law as part of the stimulus bill Congress passed in February, 2009.  This is $20 billion for "death panel" health rationing boards. The mortal threat that ObamaCare poses to the health and freedom of all Americans cannot be eliminated until the sections of the stimulus bill authorizing funding for the health rationing boards is repealed. Today (1/22), Congressman Thad McCotter (R-MI) introduced legislation to do just that:  The Freedom from Rationed Health Care Act.  The Bill number is HR 4500.



The obvious news headline for the week is: DEMOCRATS GET TEABAGGED Yes, I know just what this means and how vulgar it is.  Nevertheless, it is the irresistibly appropriate response to the deluge of disgusting vileness we have been subjected to by the Democrat Party, the OPM Obama Propaganda Media, and the Moonbat Hate America Left. Democrat Chuck Schumer - a United States Senator - publicly calls Scott Brown a "far-right teabagger."  MSNBC loudmouth Ed Schultz announces on his national radio show (1/16) that "I'd cheat to keep these bastards (Scott Brown and other conservatives) out" of power.  Radical lunatic talk show host Mike Malloy denounces the voters of Massachusetts for electing "a theocratic madman as senator," and tells his audience that Hannity, Limbaugh & O'Reilly were the ones who really "bombed your goddamn country" on 9/11. Ultimate moonbat Keith Olbermann proclaims on MSNBC national television that Scott Brown is an "irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees."   Well, sorry, schmucks.  You all just got teabagged by America.



The rising cases of home-grown Islamist Radicalism in the US and the several terror plots that were discovered in 2009 in the US are alarming. The five Moslem students who went to Pakistan to wage Jihad against their own country, the Fort Hood Massacre, and the latest Christmas airline terror attempt are just a few examples of many.  In trying to understand this trend in the first year of the current Administration, one should question whether some actions of President Obama are perceived in a way that is encouraging the Jihadists to intensify their attacks on the US. Firstly, from a cultural perspective, the Arab world resonates with appearances of strength and weakness.  Some of the actions of President Obama that could have been perceived as weakness by the Jihadists include:



[I have been asked by a Republican Senator's office to suggest a GOP health reform package that would be in stark contrast to the now-failed attempt of the Democrats.  Here it is.  Please consider faxing or emailing this to Republican politicians in your state.] Health care in America has become exorbitantly unaffordable because of government interference in the medical market place.  All the Democrats can offer is further government controls, mandates, and trillion-dollar increases in taxpayer-paid costs. Yet health care costs can only be radically reduced by a radical reduction of regulations that stifle competition and subsidies to special interests.  Only genuine free market reforms can substantially increase both the availability and quality of health care. What the Republicans can offer is Health Freedom as an alternative to the Health Fascism of Democrat ObamaCare. Ten Specific Means By Which Health Freedom Can Be Achieved



Congratulations to the new Senator-elect from Massachusetts! Scott Brown's victory proves that the desire for real solutions transcends notions of "blue state" and "red state". Americans agree that we need to hold our politicians accountable and bring common sense to D.C. Recent elections have taught us that when a party in power loses its way, the American people will hold them accountable at the ballot box. Today under the Democrats, government spending is up nearly 23 percent and unemployment is higher than it's been in a quarter of a century. For the past year they've built a record of broken promises, fat cat bailouts, closed-door meetings with lobbyists, sweetheart deals for corporate cronies, and midnight votes on weekends for major legislation that wasn't even read. The good citizens of Massachusetts reminded Democrats not to take them for granted.



Listen my children to a feat of renown-- The midnight ride of Scott P. Brown. On the nineteenth of January, in Twenty-Ten, Hardly a man will forget just when Obamacare came crashing down. Scott said to his friend, "If Senator Kennedy dies, I'll fight for his seat--for the people's seat. I'll ask my fellow Bay Staters to rise And the liberal establishment to defeat. Martha Coakley will try her luck; But I will turn to my trusty truck, Ready to ride and spread the alarm Through every Middlesex village and farm, For the country folk to be up and to arm."



Sure enough, it didn't take long for the moonbats to figure out how to blame Bush for the Haiti earthquake.  Note their arguments in the Puffington Host.  It's all Bush's fault because he supposedly engineered the 2004 rebellion that overthrew Haiti's fantastically corrupt Marxist dictator Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and that Bush had all US aid to Haiti channeled through private aid organizations and not through bottomlessly corrupt government officials.  They actually claim this. This was quickly followed by media moonbat Keith Olbermann of MSNBC arguing that the disaster in Haiti is why the US needs ObamaCare.  You can trust the Left to never let a crisis go to political waste. Here's something to focus on during the Haitian horror:  the humanity of Judeo-Christian values.  Look down the full list of countries, companies, and organizations (current as of today 1/15/10) providing aid to Haiti or an abbreviated summary of the list here.  First, note that with the exception of miniscule aid from Turkey (an emergency management expert and a psychologist), not one single Moslem country is providing a dime.  It is one of Mohammed's five requirements to be a Moslem that you contribute to charity - for other Moslems.  People who aren't Moslem aren't really people at all, they are sub-human infidels, kafrs, not deserving of charity.



Google may have the backbone Congress lacks: The Internet giant is standing up to the Chicom bandits in Beijing. Why would a for-profit company threaten to pull out of what the investment gurus (who brought you the housing bubble) insist is the greatest market in the universe? There are three reasons, though only two have been recognized:



I didn't grow up with all the advantages in life. My mom was on welfare for a time, but I had the support of a loving family and good friends and neighbors. I don't have all the advantages in this race either, and that's fine by me. Being the underdog has taught me to work harder, and to appreciate the opportunities of our state and our country. I'm running to represent Massachusetts in the United States Senate because more of our people are unemployed today than ever before. Public debt has reached $12 trillion and counting, and Washington politicians want to borrow trillions more. Terrorists want to strike our country again, and they will do so if we let down our guard. We have fighting forces in two theaters of war, and those men and women need our support. My plan for the economy is simple: an across-the-board tax cut - in the tradition of John F. Kennedy - for families and businesses that will increase investment and lead to immediate new job growth.  My opponent will raise taxes. Amid all our domestic challenges, our nation is still at war with radical Islamic terrorists determined to destroy our way of life. My opponent would accord such terrorists all the rights our Constitution grants to citizens. I will treat them as enemy combatants who should face military justice.



For all their power-grabbing fascist arrogance, the Democrats in Washington are coming to resemble Mack Sennett's bumbling-fumbling Keystone Kops more with each passing day. Republicans in Washington are in a certain kind of awe over the Dems' performance.  Walk around the halls of Capitol Hill.  You don't need name tags to identify the Pubs from the Dems.  The former are walking with zest and smiling cheerfully - except when they cast a glance of astonished puzzlement at the latter shuffling dejectedly along and refusing to look at their cheerier colleagues in the eye. How could everything go to hell so quickly?  That's the question both are asking themselves.  It is a mystery to both.    "I guess we really are in a state of shock and awe over what they have done to themselves," says a buddy of mine who's chief of staff to a principal GOP Senator.  "I just hope we learn the right lesson from it." "You think the TeaParty folks are mad at the Pelosi-Reid-Obama Gang?" he asked me rhetorically.  That's just anger in a teapot compared to the cauldron of hate boiling the Left.  One by one, he listed the Dem constituencies that are in a state of disgusted rage.



The revelation of Senator Harry Reid's comments referencing "negro talk" is just indicative of the true sentiment elitist liberals, and indeed the Democrat party, have toward black Americans. The history of the Democrat party is one of slavery, secession, segregation, and now socialism. One can only imagine the insanity and media outrage if Reid's quote had come from a member of the Republican party. If President Obama had any courage he would demand Reid step down as Senate Majority Leader, and discontinue any support for his Senate reelection... notice I said "if". I am quite sure the Soros money which elevated Obama to the position of President has bought his servitude. I am running to represent Florida's 22nd Congressional District.  Why am I running for US Congress as a Republican? Simple. I would rather stand proudly and be called "an Uncle Tom and a sellout" than lose my self-esteem and be considered an inferior by liberals. I am not just some articulate, clean, well spoken negro. I am an American warrior, Congressional candidate, and shall never submit to the collective progressive ideal of inferiority.



OK, folks, time to get serious - The Remember the Alamo Rendezvous in San Antonio is three weeks away.  You really really do not want to be square and not be there.  This is your opportunity to help launch the Defund & Disobey Revolution of 2010.  Your opportunity to revel in fellowship with other members of the TTP family.  You owe it to yourself, you owe it to America.  I'm counting on seeing you there. *** They sure know how to party in Louisiana, don't they?  The party of the year is shaping up there - a Recall Party!  Turns out Louisiana law allows for a recall election to throw an elected official - including a federal one (except for judges) - out of office.  This most specifically means Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu. The effort is being organized by  They need volunteers, they need money.  Mary Landrieu stole the election from Woody Jenkins back in 1996 and was bribed with "the Louisiana Purchase" to vote for ZeroCare.  She was re-elected in 2008, which means Louisiana (and America) is stuck with her until 2014 - but now there's a chance to throw her out on her tush this year.  We should all pitch in.  Let's party!



[Many TTPers have expressed concern over the recent (12/17/09) Amending of Executive Order 12425 granting certain "privileges, exemptions, and immunities" to the International Criminal Police Organization or Interpol. We are pleased to have TTPer Brent Moody, former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement at the Treasury Department address these concerns.] Mr. Obama's EO12425 has created considerable paranoia within the conservative blogosphere.  Email alerts and warnings entitled U.S. placed under Interpol authority and jurisdiction by Presidential Fiat and suchlike have become widespread.  I believe the brouhaha over revoking certain exceptions from exemptions for Interpol and its officials from the International Organizations Immunities Act (IOIA) - exceptions instituted by President Reagan - is based upon misperceptions of what Interpol is and by whom it is staffed here in the US. [See Addendum for texts of both]



First the anti-historical context.  Talk to the average teen-ager to learn about it.  A couple of our 17 year-old son's friends were over at our home the other day, and due to pictures in our home of Ronald Reagan, they asked me about him.  I related a few tidbits, then explained that presidents are remembered for one or two famous quotes.  Ronald Reagan's was, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."  Blank stares.  Wall?  What wall?  they asked. These kids are not dumb.  They are nice, polite, and bright.  But what happened in the world before they were born is really, really not in sharp focus for them. Maybe, though, we should cut them some slack.  They, and all of us, are trying to remain afloat amidst a deluge of information that none of us can keep up with.  It's hard enough to make sense of what happened last week, so what happened decades or a century ago seems to lose any relevance. The problem, of course, is that you cannot understand what is happening now if you're in a historical vacuum, if there is no knowledgeably historical perspective with which to make any sense of it. So - has the world always been as crazy as now?  How common or rare are episodes of lunacy sweeping through America?  How does the ObamaLunacy we are currently enduring compare?



President Obama's meeting with his top national security advisers does nothing to change the fact that his fundamental approach to terrorism is fatally flawed. We are at war with radical Islamic extremists and treating this threat as a law enforcement issue is dangerous for our nation's security. That's what happened in the 1990s and we saw the result on September 11, 2001. This is a war on terror not an "overseas contingency operation." Acts of terrorism are just that, not "man caused disasters." The system did not work. Abdulmutallab was a child of privilege radicalized and trained by organized jihadists, not an "isolated extremist" who traveled to a land of "crushing poverty." He is an enemy of the United States, not just another criminal defendant.



[Letter to the Wall Street Journal] This is in response to "Our Incompetent Civilization" by Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens. Mr. Stephens ascribes failures to profile Moslems at airport security, think rationally about climate change, or eliminate Somali pirates to "civilizational incompetence."  Such failures are not due to a lack of ability but to a lack of will.  It is not civilizational competence that we lack but civilizational confidence. On the same day as Mr. Stephens' article (01/04/10), Der Spiegel ran an editorial bemoaning the lack of Western outrage at recent Moslem attacks on Danish cartoonists who caricatured Mohammed.  It was entitled, "The West Is Choked by Fear."  But fear of what? Whatever that fear is of, it is the cause of our collapse of civilizational confidence.  Please allow me to identify it.  It is the fear of envy.



We are pleased to announce a new special feature of To The Point available to all TTP members:  The To The Point Business Network. There is already the TTP Social Network where TTPers can share their opinions and plan social activities with each other.  But what about sharing business expertise and opportunities with each other? There is so much business experience, knowledge, and creativity possessed by TTPers.  So we have decided to synergize it.  These are troubling economic times.  But synergized TTPers can help each other overcome them - and even flourish during them. Whatever your business talents and abilities are, whatever your economic situation, you'll find fellow TTPers willing to share their thoughts and ideas with you, willing to help - just as you can help them.  The link to the To The Point Business Network is in the left side bar of the TTP home page, just below the Main Menu categories.  So join and sign up now, and start making 2010 a business success story for you and your family.  Many thanks to TTP general manager Miko, and Marco "The Wizard" Gilligan, for making this possible!



Happy New Year!  Doesn't it feel great to be rid of 2009?  To be rid of the entire furshlugginer decade of the Aughts?  And what is to be our battle cry as we enter 2010? Fired up and ready to go! The battle cry is ours now.  It no longer belongs to that failed schmuck who used it in the long past days of yesteryear to con his way into the White House.  Besides, his supporters are so dejected and demoralized that if he tried to fire them up he would be pushing on a string. So - what can we expect to accomplish, what can we expect the world to accomplish, in 2010? First, we can expect it to be chaotic - and the definition of a chaotic system is that small differences in the initial conditions result in really big differences in the outcomes, making the outcomes unpredictable at the start.  In other words, expect the out-of-the-blue unexpected. Second, realize that America is not the center of the Universe.  Not any longer.  More and more countries will behave as if America and its president are irrelevant - like tiny Honduras not reinstating Zelaya or giant China snubbing Zero in Copenhagen.  Events in other countries will be more world-changing than events in America. The best current example is Iran.



On Christmas Day, an Islamist fanatic tried to blow up an airplane whose passengers were mostly Christians. And we helped. Our government gets no thanks for preventing a tragedy. Only the bomber's ineptitude preserved the lives of nearly 300 innocents. How did we help Umar Abdulmutallab, a wealthy Moslem university graduate who decided that Allah wanted him to slaughter Christians on their most joyous holiday? By continuing to lie to ourselves. Although willing -- at last -- to briefly use the word "terror," yesterday President Obama still refused to make a connection between the action, the date, and Islam.   You and I know there is a connection.  But our government refuses to know it. Despite vast databases crammed with evidence, our leaders -- of both parties -- still refuse to connect Islamist terrorism with Islam.



For years our military has been in search of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) in Iraq and Afghanistan, and our intelligence agencies have also been scouring the world to unearth these threats. Good idea.. wrong location. The single greatest WMD, which will adversely affect every American, was not developed on foreign soil: it is The Obama-Pelosi-Reid Health Care Legislation.  WMHD for short. The heart and core of their plan is based on the most inhumane and unethical means of cutting costs:  the rationing and denying of care. Even worse, the death panels that will ration and deny care, according to the Obama-Pelosi-Reid plan, will be unelected and unaccountable Federal bureaucrats. On Sunday, November 22, Fox News Sunday interviewed Senator Arlen Specter, who was a Democrat before he was Republican before he was a Democrat.  Senator Specter let the "secret agenda" of Obama-Pelosi-Reid slip.



Paris.  Christmas in Paris - what an extraordinary time to be in the City of Light.  My wife Rebel and I attended Christmas Eve Mass at the Basilica of the Sacré Coeur in Montmartre and Christmas Mass at the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Notre Dame is on an island, the Île de la Cité, in the Seine River.  If you cross over the Pont d'Arcole to Paris' Right Bank and walk for a short block, you will come to one of the city's most famous streets, the Rue de Rivoli.  Walk along it to the left and you will reach the Louvre.  Turn right, and it eventually becomes the Rue Saint-Antoine which ends at the Place de la Bastille. There's just a traffic circle there now, with cars racing around a tall (154') column of green bronze topped by a golden statue of a winged Mercury.  220 years ago, there was a huge brooding fortress here, built in the 1370s during the Hundred Years War with England.  Louis XIII (1601-1643) turned it into a state prison, which housed but seven prisoners and a handful of guards when it was stormed by a mob on July 14, 1789. The French Revolution began with a chaotic frenzy of a crazed mob - and no one could see it, nor understand its absurdity, better than a man who lived in a resplendent mansion overlooking the Bastille.  No one was better placed than he to grasp the difference between a revolution based on a Christian love for freedom and one based on anti-Christian hate and revenge. No one - for as he gazed down upon the murderous mob storming the Bastille, he knew the critical role he had personally played in bringing about both the American and French Revolutions.  How strange, he thought, that the uneducated son of a poor clockmaker would come to play a pivotal role in history - twice. So curl up by the fire in a comfy chair with your favorite adult beverage, and let me tell you his incredible story - a story of revolution and the Barber of Seville.



Wow - look at that vast array of gorgeously wrapped Christmas presents under the tree.  There are so many - which one should we open first? I'm glad you all liked TTP's Christmas present to our country:  The Double-D Strategy for Rescuing America.  Up only since yesterday afternoon, it's already going wildly viral.  I'm especially appreciative of your comments on the Forum, such as this by Mitch Rapp:

Jack, This is like bringing down the Soviet Union. This is the kind of realistic, practical plan that can work. TTPers: heed this call. Spread this message far and wide. This is a free article, so send the link to everyone for whom you have an email address. Troll every bulletin board website you know and post the link. Go to your Congresscritter's homepage and send them the Defund Pledge. Print out a copy and snail-mail it to their office. If they refuse to sign it, they will be run out of office. Go to their local office and hand deliver a copy. This will work. We must spread the word.
*** Before we start opening presents, here's a question:  Who knew Copenhagen was in Mongolia?  For the Danish capital is this week the site of one of history's more gigantic Mongolian Cluster, ah, Foulups... So - our first present is from Hillary Clinton, who...



[This is the full text of the address given by US Senator James Inhofe, R-OK, delivered to the delegates attending the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen on Thursday, December 17.] Copenhagen attendees, I want to turn back the clock to December 2003, when the United Nations convened the "9th Conference of the Parties" in Milan, Italy, to discuss implementation of the Kyoto Protocol.  At the time, I was leading the Senate delegation to Milan as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works [Mr. Inhofe is now Ranking Member of the committee].  Fast forward to December 2009: the UN is holding its 15th global warming conference-and the delegates are haggling over the same issues that were before them in 2003.   I know this because I was there.  Recently, with the Copenhagen talks underway, I reread the speech I delivered in Milan.  I found that the issues at stake in 2003 are nearly the same as those in 2009.  In short, nothing has changed and nothing has been done. So the Copenhagen talks are stalemated.  It's clear to all that developing countries don't want burdensome regulations to stifle their economies.  I don't blame them.  Well, that's the way we feel right here in America.  That's why no global warming treaty that causes serious harm to the US economy, or that doesn't include equal commitments from the likes of China and India, will ever be ratified by the US Senate. Further, I want to be sure the 191 countries represented here understand this:  an economy-wide cap-and-trade bill stands no chance of passing.



Perhaps when the history of our times is written, ours will be called The Era of Narcissistic Catechisms. To understand why this is the case it is enough to consider the fortunes of two green movements. 2,800 miles away from the one in Copenhagen, another green movement took to the streets this week. In Iran tens of thousands of anti-regime protesters from the green (the color for Islam) movement for democracy again risked their lives to demand freedom. Unlike global warming, there is no doubt that the specter of a nuclear-armed Iran constitutes a grave threat to international peace and security. There is also no doubt that the most effective way to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons is to replace the current genocidal jihadist regime with a peaceful, liberal and democratic government. As unlikely as it may seem, at the very moment that freedom in Iran has become most urgent requirement for the world as a whole, the Iranian people have taken to the streets to demand it and are willing to pay with their lives to achieve it. In the face of this miraculous turn of events, the international community has nothing to say. Whereas the West's celebrity icons line up to get their pictures taken next to posters of polar bears, no one stands with the Iranian people.



A friend of mine lives in Kona on the Big Island in Hawaii.  He has a fishing boat which he proudly named the 44-DD after a spectacular feature of his wife's anatomy.  This is not about that sort of Double-D. While it may be difficult to keep your mind off what that spectacular feature might look like - just as it's hard to comply with the demand that you not think of a pink elephant - let's try and focus on a Double-D that can rescue our country from the clutches of the Fascist Democrat Party and the destruction being wrought upon it by President Zero. So - what does this Double-D stand for? It's a strategy for any Republican wanting to get elected or re-elected to Congress in 2010, and for any Tea Partyer wanting to take individual action now against a government that ignores the Constitution.   Double-D stands for...



Certainly the best news of the week is that Copenhagen is imploding.  The "Climate Change Conference" is where the world's Fascist Left intended to cement its control of a global bureaucracy.  But then China and India balked, demanding they be paid oodles of Western money to reduce their "carbon footprints."  Whereupon every hick country from Tuvalu to Sudan demanded they be bribed as well, calling the bribes "climate reparations" from America and the West. Knowing there is utterly no way to extract hundreds of billions in such bribes from Congress, the chief US negotiator at Copenhagen, Todd Stern, publicly told all those demanding bribes to forget it.  The US rejects "any notion of debt," he said. "Any sense of guilt or culpability or reparations" are "categorically rejected." Stern is no conservative.  Take a look at his bio.  Yet this guy - under orders from his boss, Hillary Clinton, which is intensely interesting - has done the quintessential thing most necessary to protect America:  reject envy, tell the envious their guilt-mongering has no power.  There's still a week to go (the conference ends next Friday 12/18), but this is high drama unfolding.  The US has finally told the world to take its envy and shove it.  This is Hillary at work, folks, doing a number on Zero who would never do such a thing.  Lots of drama on several levels.  Enjoy the show.



[This is my talk at the Financial Plan B Workshop in St. Louis yesterday, December 9th.]  With our country under assault from the Fascist Left and a president who hates America, many of you are considering locating an "escape hatch" somewhere in the world until we regain our freedom.  What guidelines are there in determining what places are right for you? One place to start researching places to live overseas is the Index of Economic Freedom (IEF) compiled by the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation.  The web address is:  One place to be careful of is the "Quality of Life" index put out by International Living.  Any such index that lists France at the top, Number 1 on its list of 194 countries, is not to be trusted.  It even claims France's climate is better than Tahiti's! That said, let's take a quick world tour of a number of promising candidates for a second home, a retirement haven, a bolthole until Hurricane Obama passes by and America becomes safe to live in again under a President Palin.