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Dr. Jack Wheeler


I just got this email from an attendee at Rendezvous X at the Platinum Hotel in Las Vegas last weekend:

"The weekend was really over the top -  but it was almost impossible to pick only one favorite speaker.  The range of topics was so varied and we found every one thoroughly engrossing.  Of major importance for us right now was Hank Brock.  But Ralph Peters was amazing, Dave Janda was amazing, as was Alex and Joel and Skye and Mike Kelly and Congressman McCotter and... well, even you were amazing, Jack! :-) :-)... ...anyway, I just wanted to let you know that both my husband and I were so glad we came.  Keep this up and I'm afraid we just might have to make every one of them from now on....."
This is a sample of how overwhelming has been the response we've received from the attendees.  I frankly am still in a state of overwhelm over the experience itself - from the camaraderie and seeing TTP friends to the deluge of insightful information imparted by our speakers. Here are a few of the highlights of that deluge.  



Pakistan - the Land of Spies, Lies, and Terrorists in (not much) Disguise - has done the impossible: It's bumped Saudi Arabia from the top slot as America's number-one enemy.  Al Qaeda is, at most, sixth or seventh on the list, a symptom, not a cause. Without Saudi money and Pakistani protection, al Qaeda would be about as relevant as VHS cassettes.  Pakistan's intelligence service (ISI) and its military leadership have managed to hide Osama bin Laden since he fled Tora Bora; continue to harbor and support the leadership of the Afghan Taliban; collude with the savage Haqqani terror network; and nurture a range of anti-Indian terror organizations the ISI created.  Iran plays in the terrorist bush leagues compared to our Pakistani "ally." Meanwhile, Washington continues to do the implausible: Kid itself that Pakistan, the world's leading terror sponsor and haven, will ultimately reform and give up its vast investments in terrorism if only we send more money to Islamabad. So here's the one word solution to dealing with Pakistan.



The Main Enemy:  Islamism Chapter V: Radical Islam Resurgent When did Radical Islam or Islamism first come into being as a significant phenomenon internationally? It is well-known that several strands of Moslem radicalism have existed independently in a number of geographic areas since the early decades of the twentieth century. These include: *the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood (Ikhwan al Moslemin) founded in 1928 as a reaction to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's abolishment of the Caliphate in 1924. *the Deobandi Islamic school in India and its proselytizing arm, the Islamic missionary movement of Tablighi Jamaat. *the preservation and growth of the Wahhabi extremist creed under the protection of the Saudi Kingdom in Arabia in the 1930s and beyond.  This chapter will focus primarily on Wahhabism as the primary driver of present-day Islamism, made possible by Saudi oil money.



First, an apology for the fake "OBL Dead" photo.  You'd think, having been taught by the master himself, I'd follow Ronald Reagan's advice to "trust but verify."  But I didn't this time, being caught up in the excitement of getting what I thought was a pic of OBL shot in the head in the arms of a Navy SEAL. If you knew who my source was and his bona fides, you'd be blown away.  But even he got suckered - the pic was photoshopped from the movie Blackhawk Down - and forgot RR's advice as well.  So I screwed up and am really sheepish. Sorry about this.  I'll never forget Reagan's words ever again. *  *  *  *  *  * One good way to recover from too much cheap tequila celebrating Cinco de Mayo last night is to read Cinco de Reality (May 2010).  It will sober you up for sure.  (Plus it's a great nutshell history of the creation of Mexico.) *  *  *  *  *  * Back to the Obama-Osama Saga.  What Jack Kelly calls a "botch" is getting more farcical and fun by the hour.  Through his sheer incompetent perversity in refusing to release the OBL death photos, Zero has manufactured this ridiculous "deather" controversy that's taken off like wildfire. The quote of the week:  "Obama killed Osama and we got 72 versions."



The Main Enemy: Islamism Chapter IV: The Limited Scope of Sharia in Past Moslem Empires Perhaps the greatest failure of the American (and Western) approach to radical Islam is our unwillingness to identify and expose it as an essentially totalitarian political ideology under the guise of religion, rather than a religion as such. This despite the fact that the Islamists themselves claim that what they believe in and promote is not just a religion but the perfect fusion between a faith and a political system (din wa dawla). This is an absolutely fundamental part of the Islamist ideology and the main justification for what they see as a religious obligation to impose by violence if need be a political system in the form of a Caliphate, i.e., worldwide Moslem rule. Therefore, an understanding of what sharia is and what it is not is essential not only for a better grasp of the Islamist mindset, but more importantly it is of vital importance for a critical assessment of Islamism's bogus claims and poor grounding in traditional Islamic teaching.



Shark food.  "As he was hiding behind a woman he was using as a shield, we blew his skull apart, then handled the body according to Islamic practice and tradition."  Right.  Then stuffed some bacon in his mouth and fed him to the sharks.  What an appropriate fate for the Great Moslem Scumbag. Goodnight, Osama.  Next?  Goodnight, Pakistan.  Which could mean, goodnight, Obama. First, though, let's take a brief moment to say goodnight to moral relativism. When the current President of the United States, the most left-wing president in history, says killing a Moslem revered over the world by millions of other Moslems is "a good day for America," and millions of Americans joyously celebrate the killing - you know liberal politically correct multi-culti moral relativism has suffered a career-threatening injury.



This was the week Zero changed his middle name from Hussein to Pandora.  And it wasn't due to Trump, as the Cajun Clown James Carville is claiming, but to my buddy Jerry Corsi. In fact, Jerry was set to write my biography - How We Won The Cold War:  The Greatest Adventure of Modern Times - when Joseph Farah prevailed upon him to write Where's The Birth Certificate? instead.  Go for it, I told Jerry - helping to save America is infinitely more important than telling my story. Jerry's book zooming to best-seller status the instant its publication was announced on Drudge last week (4/20) is what prompted Zero to release - finally! -  his long form BC exactly one week later (4/27) and becoming Pandora Obama thereby. Yet here is the real issue with Zero.  It's not where he was born or who his parents were or whether he was adopted in Indonesia, etc.  It's that he's not an American in his soul.  There are millions upon millions of naturalized U.S. citizens far more genuinely American than him. Zero is Anti-American in a fundamental way, far more deeply than the superficiality of where he was born.  He means us harm, he has already done grave damage to our culture, our economy, our military and national security, our future as a nation. Thus anything that delegitimizes his presidency in the eyes of voters is a move in the right direction.  He may well be a fraud in the circumstances of his birth, his school accomplishments, his entire curriculum vitae.  Much more importantly, he is a fraud as an American.  That's why he is Not My President, nor is he truly America's.



Santiago, Chile.  I am here on a business trip and I am really embarrassed. As you know,  TTP's Jack Kelly is the national security editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.  We always run his column earlier than his paper so TTPers get the first crack at it.  But I goofed this week - big time. I got so bollixed with my travel schedule that I missed his latest opus - and it was a masterpiece.  So TTPers didn't see it.  But Rush Limbaugh did.  Rush was so blown away he lauded it to the moon earlier this week, while I'm feeling like a schmuck for not getting it to TTPers first - and then Rush would be citing To The Point instead of the PP-G! Better late than never.  Here's Jack Kelly's original, followed by Rush's comments.  Congratulations, Jack! UNIONS ON THE ROPES Jack Kelly Labor unions fight on in Wisconsin, as the Germans did during the bitter winter of 1944-45.  But the war is lost.



The Main Enemy:  Islamism Chapter III: The Ideology of Radical Islam How did all the recent advances of Islamism, which we summarized in Chapter II, come to pass with little notice in the space of just a few decades? It is, of course, true that dogmatic orthodoxy and extremism, including its most violent forms, is nothing new in Islam and that Moslem history is replete with movements and individuals who have tried to impose their version of Islamic orthodoxy on fellow Moslems. Yet the actual practice of Islamic societies, as shall be shown in the next chapter, has been considerably different, in that sharia law, despite being paid lip service to on a regular basis, was seldom applied to governance except as family law. Contemporary Radical Islam, on the other hand, though seeking religious legitimization in sharia and age-old Islamic dogma, is a modern phenomenon that has more in common with totalitarian revolutionary movements than with any kind of transitory "Islamic revival" as many have argued. Understanding its Nazi/Communist totalitarian ideological nature and its modus operandi as a highly organized revolutionary movement is essential for comprehending the nature of the threat it poses and designing a strategy to defeat it.



The Western world is rapidly devolving into an electronic police state.  There was a time when it was commonly accepted that people had a right to privacy and a right to their property.  Today, laws routinely allow the surveillance state to violate your rights, sold to an uninformed public under the guise of "security."  From cameras watching you walk down the street to global tracking of your finances to eavesdropping on your calls, illegal wiretapping, tracking and surveillance have become commonplace.  No longer are you presumed innocent until proven guilty - in practice you are assumed guilty and monitored to determine how guilty you may be.  In a software-based communications infrastructure, tracking you no longer requires the phone company to physically place a bug on your phone line.  There is no need for Big Brother to view you from the television.  Almost all of your transactions, your money, and your communications are electronic and leverage the same fundamental IP-based infrastructure.  The most valuable business commodity today is personal data.  Your daily electronic communications are under attack from a variety of sources ranging from governments to businesses to malicious hackers.  How in the world can you protect yourself against this onslaught?



Treason Has Become a Fashion Statement... The only crime our government has committed against PFC Bradley Manning, the pudgy little arch-traitor adored by America's left, is that the taxpayer is still paying to house, feed and medically treat him.  After brazenly committing the worst security breach since the Rosenbergs passed our atomic bomb secrets to Stalin sixty-odd years ago-then bragging about it-Manning should have been tried by military tribunal, convicted based on the impregnable evidence he himself provided, sentenced to death and hanged promptly. Manning should no longer be an issue. But our politically correct military, sunk in ethical mediocrity, declared months ago that it would not seek the death penalty against this poisonous worm. No real surprise: The military's obsession with tolerance protected not just Major Nidal Hasan, the Islamist-terrorist who staged the Ft. Hood massacre, but delayed booting Manning out of the Army because commanders and lawyers were just as conflicted about his sexuality as Manning was himself. Of course, Manning's just a symptom of how far off the moral rails doctrinaire leftists have plunged in the country that protects their right to be idiots. The real problem is that, for the American left, treason is no more than a minor social misstep, like breaking wind at a wine tasting.



It's Good Friday!  My wife and I always personally celebrate Good Friday, because that was the day we met almost three decades ago.  It sure was a good day for us! Sunday, of course, is Easter, a celebration of renewal, rebirth, and resurrection.  The Resurrection itself was 1,978 years ago (33 AD).  Today, America is being crucified on a Cross of Debt, and Congress will soon be faced with a choice to resurrect her or let her die. By the time the House returns from "Spring Recess" on May 2nd, federal spending will have exceeded the debt ceiling.  Expect to see a tsunami of enemedia scare stories predicting an apocalypse if the House doesn't cave and vote to raise it - such as this one in Politico. The article encapsulates all the outright lies of the parasite class:  "the full faith and credit of the United States" hangs in the balance, the House GOP will "plunge the nation into default" if it doesn't cave, blah blah. This is willful lying.  The federal government will continue to have plenty of tax revenue to service its old debt, to pay the military, but not for, say, Planned Parenthood or the EPA.  What really will "send global markets into a tailspin" is if the debt ceiling is raised and Uncle Sam continues his fiscal insanity. So here we are, the moment has arrived, and it's ironic that it comes at Eastertime.



Earlier this week, TTPer "deighv" asked: "I have always wondered something regarding the dire economic predictions for our country.  When the dollar does crash and/or the economy totally collapses, the ‘powers that be' will continue to want to make exorbitant amounts of money, using methods such as taxes, profits, extortion, etc.   "How will they achieve this money making during and after such a crash?  I am positive that they will not allow this crash without having a plan to make money.  Any thoughts?" That is a very good question! Here's my answer.



My talk at the TTP Rendezvous is always entitled The Map of the Future.  With the invaluable help of Google Earth wizard Dan Barak, we travel across the globe in search of those countries whose future is in doubt, and discuss how the map of the world may look very different tomorrow than it does today. Thus the same title but ever-changing content.  That is especially true at this moment, as global change is accelerating so quickly.  It's coming at a pace that can be disorienting, that can be either frightening or exhilarating depending on your perspective. We all know that history doesn't stand still, but now it's pedal to the metal.    So here's a preview of the ride around the world we'll be taking at Rendezvous X in Vegas.  Let's start with a country run by a guy whose real name, believe it or not, is Goodluck.  That's President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria.



The Main Enemy: Islamism Chapter II:  The Nature of the Threat Whether it is called radical Islam, Islamism, Salafism, or Islamo-fascism, the adversary we face, even as we often refuse to identify it for what it is, is clearly on the march. The reason we fail to see that is because its objective is not terrorism, but the imposition of an uncompromising totalitarian interpretation of Islam worldwide by means of proselytism, subjugation, and violent jihad as need be. Purely terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, which rely on terrorism as a first and only resort, however murderous, are a rather marginal factor in this essentially ideological struggle, and the fact that we have bestowed on them the status of principal enemy has prevented us from really understanding the nature of this war. So let's be clear on the real nature of the threat.



If you can't wait for May 6th, you're not alone.  This will be TTP's 10th Rendezvous - Rendezvous X - and we plan to make it our best yet.  Miko has the full hour-by-hour schedule - from opening at 6pm Friday May 6 to closing at 12:30pm Sunday May 8 - below.  Let me fill in the details.  We have a program I think is a real mind-blow.  Here we go.



[Sarah Palin's incredible blockbuster speech in Madison, Wisconsin yesterday (4/16) in the cold and sleet with a union thug rent-a-crowd trying and failing to disrupt her.  Here is the full video, then the full text.] {youtube}C5cZWRx_AMs{/youtube} Hello, Madison, Wisconsin! You look good. I feel like I'm at home. This is beautiful. Madison, I am proud to get to be with you today. Madison, these are the frontlines in the battle for the future of our country. This is where the line has been drawn in the sand. And I am proud to stand with you today in solidarity.



"I missed lunch for this?" That's how Texas Republican Congressman Jeb Hensarling dismissed with disgust Zero's fiscal policy speech on Wednesday (4/13). This was, by general consensus, the worst speech in modern presidential memory.  "A new standard for class warfare rhetoric," Hensarling described it.  Arizona's Jeff Flake simply said it was "weird." The best observation of all was that of Illinois Republican Joe Walsh:  Zero "is irrelevant right now.  It's like the train has passed him by." Walsh is not dumb, he knows how much juice the Oval Office has.  He means that no one is paying any attention to Zero's policy proposals because he hasn't got any - that Zero's only power is to block Republican objectives, maintain the status quo, and thus continuing to bankrupt America while enriching his cronies and supporters. In other words, all Zero is, like the Corruptocrat Party in general, is in the way.  They are nothing but obstacles, objects to be gotten around.  Let's hope the Pubs remember this when it comes time to raise the debt ceiling next month. *  *  *  *  *  * The utterly asinine budget deal that Boehner said was the best he could get does not inspire the slightest confidence, however, in Republican courage.  Pathetic enough at $38 billion in phony cuts, the CBO then revealed it was actually a microscopic $352 million cutback. Yet this turkey sailed through the House yesterday (4/14), 260-167.  How could this happen?



Tax Day, April 15, Washington DC. As the government edged closer and closer to a shutdown last week, administrators in congressional offices and federal agencies were tasked with determining whether they and their employees provided "essential" or "nonessential" services. Those employees deemed to be essential are allowed to continue working during a shutdown; those deemed to be nonessential are sent home. This determination of essential versus nonessential probably sent a ripple of fear through employees of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). In my opinion, the IRS is one of the least essential agencies in the federal government. If I had my way, we would shut down the non-essential IRS forever. This is why I am an advocate for (and co-sponsor of) legislation that does just that. The FairTax Act (H.R. 25/S.13) seeks to reform the tax structure of the United States by replacing the inefficient income tax with a pro-growth consumption tax and would eliminate the need for the IRS.



Ever wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat of anxiety over something?  Something you feel such dread over you can't shut your brain off and stop fretting so there's no way you can go back to sleep? That was me last night.   No matter how much I tried not to, I couldn't stop thinking about suicide.  Not mine.  America's. I am scared out of my mind for my country.  I never felt this way before, I've always looked upon America's glass as half-full all through this nightmare presidency of the last 27 months.  No longer - for there was an act of evil perpetrated by that presidency a few days ago that has caused my hope for America to falter. The Nov. 2nd election last year of Republican control of the House gave us - pro-Americans who want their country to survive - an ace in the hole.   Only the House has the constitutional authority to spend federal government money.  If the House refuses to spend money on any given federal program or agency, it is "defunded" and they cease to exist. And that's all we needed to save America.  All we need is to get the government out of the way by defunding its fascist regulations and agencies, by refusing to let the fascists borrow more money, and America could once again be solvent and free. Then came last night, when I woke up seeing the face of the Grinning Monster who currently occupies the Oval Office, and listening to his contemptuous laugh at any House threat to defund or shutdown his fascist government.  Then the Grinning Monster looked at me and said, "Don't you realize I have an ace in the hole of my own?"



[This is the Introductory Chapter of Alex Alexiev's masterful study on Radical Islam's Threat to the West and the Moslem World to be published later this year by The Hudson Institute.  Subsequent chapters or chapter sections will be a weekly feature in TTP for the next several weeks.] The Main Enemy:  Islamism Introduction It is the starting premise of this study that the United States government's focus on what came to be known as the "war on terror" after 9/11 has been fundamentally wrong. The main enemy is not "terror." Nor is it al-Qaeda, despite President Obama's assertion in January 2010 after the failed Christmas Day bombing attempt that "we are at war against al-Qaeda, a far-reaching network of violence and hatred." No, the main enemy is radical Islamist ideology or Islamism. A change of emphasis would allow us to see clearly that defeating this enemy cannot be accomplished by counterterror strategies and kinetic means alone, but requires a sophisticated strategy to defeat the ideology of Islamism by delegitimizing it in the eyes of its current and potential supporters in the Moslem community. The essential prerequisite to achieving this objective is to understand the nature of the threat presented by radical Islam, its ideological underpinnings, and its strengths and weaknesses.  Here is an outline of what we'll be discussing in the coming weeks.



Yesterday (4/07), the House passed H.R. 1363, which funds our Department of Defense and our military for the rest of the year at their current levels.  It allows for the continuation of current military operations, which is pretty important when you're fighting three wars. It also funds the government for another week and cuts $12 billion in wasteful spending. So why would the Commander in Chief declare that he will veto this? Why would he play politics at the expense of our troops who are putting everything on the line to protect us? Memo to the President: I doubt the insurgents will stop and wait for a government shutdown to end before resuming actions. You need to fund our troops, sir. Our troops who are putting themselves in harm's way deserve a Commander in Chief who is not AWOL.



Aren't Prelims just so exciting?  Every boxing fan knows the preliminary bouts are where the real action is - who cares about the Main Event, right? So - the entire gaggle of DC elite and pinkostream enemedia punditry is going ga-ga-goo-goo over The Shutdown looming over them at midnight tonight - and while this is going to be really exciting to watch, baby, they ain't seen nothin' yet. As we discussed last month in A Tsunami of Insanity, the only chance we have to divert the insanity from sweeping the US economy away is for Congress next month to refuse to raise the debt ceiling.  As we saw in last week's HFR, one Senator who realizes this is Marco Rubio. This week, Reuters/CNBC revealed the numbers.  Brace yourselves, hold on tight.  For the federal government to continue spending at current levels for the rest of FY2011 - i.e., for just the next six months -  Congress will have to increase the federal debt ceiling by over one trillion dollars. Yes, it will take a trillion dollars of more debt just to keep the federales going to the end of September.  To keep them going through November 2012 will take well over two trillion. Gasping for breath?  Feel you need three fingers of Famous Grouse?  Better keep the bottle handy because this is coming fast. 



I'm resisting the temptation to engage in black humor and entitle this How To Profit From The Coming World Starvation.  While we don't need to go apocalyptic, it's obvious to anyone who goes grocery shopping that food prices are skyrocketing.  And while we may complain about this here in the US, it's getting worse around the world - in many places a lot worse. This is more serious than the price of oil, and that's bad enough.  Gas in the US is headed to $5 a gallon, while in many European countries such as Portugal it's already close to $9.  It's easier to cut down on driving than eating.  We can scrimp and save on food as this report shows, but no one wants to starve. That's why food riots are taking place across the globe.  From December 2008 to February 2010, global food prices have risen more than 60% -- and research by IMF economists is showing that with every 10% increase in food prices comes a 100% increase in antigovernment protests. This is particularly true in low-income countries - such as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen, which is why antigovernment revolutions there started with food riots. The IMF researchers found much less of a correlation between food prices and political unrest in high-income countries - but that's going to change, certainly in the US. 



A particularly disturbing aspect of the accelerating rush to a very possible near-future fiscal collapse of government at all levels - bankruptcy, default, the destruction of the dollar as a currency, the increasing dysfunction of  markets under increasing  loads  of regulations and taxes - is that none of  the potential  Republican  candidates for President in 2012  have provided  a vision that impacts the emotions of this destructive scenario. People see what things look  like now  -- not so bad, even for the worst off if nobody in the U.S. is  starving to death, people still get  their Social  Security checks, etc. -- but they are not being warned of what their lives will be like under rapidly approaching desperate conditions that will be very different from now.  All Republicans give you is numbers, like the x fund (Social Security, Medicare, etc.) will run out of money in y years, the amount of the GDP going to pay just the interest on the national debt will be x in only y years.  People are unlikely to be frightened by dry numbers because they can't imagine what the end results will look  like, so there's no emotional impact.  Unless the emotional brain is involved, nobody is going to care enough to seriously consider what needs to be done to avoid disaster.   What is needed for any possibility of change or at least to help people prepare for the (coming soon) unimaginably bad years is for the general public to have a vision that impacts the emotions of what the world of Americans is going to look like in a collapsed America. 



Well, he had to crack under the pressure sooner or later, and thank heavens it's sooner.  Everyone on Capitol Hill this morning can't stop talking about it.  Boehner and Reid have just been told to expect a momentous announcement from the White House.  At 9pm EDT this evening, the President will announce on national television that, due to the overwhelming difficulties the nation faces which have proven impossible for him to solve because Republicans refuse to cooperate, he is resigning the presidency effective immediately.  Good luck, America, he will say, you'll have to solve your problems without me. And yes, today is April Fool's Day. *  *  *  *  *  *  So let's talk about fools - and their luck.  Zero just might pull Libya off.  He'll have David Cameron to thank for it, and MI6, which is disintegrating Gaddafi's regime via defections. Conservative contempt for Zero is so bottomless that many don't want him to succeed even when it's in our clear interests that he do so.  He was right in saying the US could not stand by while Gaddafi perpetrated genocidal slaughter upon his own people, and wrong in not solving the problem immediately by an assassination strike on Gaddafi. So now he owns this war which has to be won - for if Gaddafi stays in power he will "return to international terrorism and resume his nuclear weapons program," warns John Bolton who is nobody's fool.  When asked about the rebels fighting Gaddafi and if they might be radical Islamists, John responded, "Yes, there is uncertainty about them - but when there is Muammar Gaddafi on one side and uncertainty on the other, you pick uncertainty."



In 1930, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy made a film entitled Another Fine Mess... another_fine_mess.jpg ... in which Hardy famously informs Laurel, "Well, here's another fine mess you've gotten me into!"  (Actually, he says "nice," but everyone remembers him saying "fine" due to the movie title.) It's pretty easy to imagine him, speaking for America, saying that to Zero today, isn't it? Or would he say, this is a fine mess we've gotten ourselves into?  After all, Zero didn't get us into this all by himself.  So let's talk about Libya in America.  That's a place called Wisconsin and all the Wisconsins to come - but we'll talk about Libya first.



Fellow Americans, I have sent this letter, in my capacity as Unites States Senator from Florida, to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.  You are welcome to call my Washington office at 202-224-3041 to let me know what you think.   ****** Dear Senators Reid and McConnell: I am writing to seek your support for bringing a bi-partisan resolution to the Senate floor authorizing the President's decision to participate in allied military action in Libya. Furthermore, this resolution should also state that removing Muammar Qaddafi from power is in our national interest and therefore should authorize the President to accomplish this goal. To that end, the resolution should urge the President to immediately recognize the Interim Transitional National Council as the legitimate government in Libya.



It's unbelievable (literally) the rhetoric on "America's Energy Security" coming from President Obama this week. This is coming from he who is manipulating the U.S. energy supply. President Obama is once again giving lip service to a "new energy proposal"; but let's remember the last time he trotted out a "new energy proposal" - nearly a year ago to the day. The main difference is today we have $4 a gallon gas in some places in the country. This is no accident. This administration is not a passive observer to the trends that have inflated oil prices to dangerous levels. His war on domestic oil and gas exploration and production has caused us pain at the pump, endangered our already sluggish economic recovery, and threatened our national security. The reality behind the president's rhetoric is that instead of "drill, baby, drill," it's "stall, baby, stall."



Amidst the many dangers posed by the political conflagration now engulfing the Arab world, we are presented with a unique opportunity in Syria. Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, like his father from whom he inherited the regime, is an unadulterated rogue.  He is an illicit nuclear proliferator, has a large stockpile of chemical weapons including Sarin gas and blister agents, and is a major sponsor of terrorism. If the Assad regime is overthrown, it will constitute a major blow to both the Iranian regime and Hezbollah. In turn, Lebanon's March 14 Democracy Movement and the Iranian Green Movement will be empowered by the defeat.  This is an opportunity we dare not squander.



Week after week after week - when will this torrential deluge of news stop or at least slack off?  It hasn't let up for a couple of months now.  Well, let's jump in and go with the flow. We'll start with a follow-up to Islam in Libya, since everyone's so focused on what Zero is doing there.  What's confusing us all is Zero's state of confusion regarding no clearly stated end-game.  As Sarah Palin told Greta Van Sustern on Fox Wednesday (3/23), "Be in it to win it, or if there's doubt we get out." Palin sees the purpose of the mission in Libya is for Gaddafi "to end up dead," or the mission is a failure.  That would be the best outcome (see Roger Simon make the case), but there better be a Plan B.  Here it is. From the history discussed in Islam in Libya, we saw that Libya has from its inception 2,600 years ago been divided in two:  Greek Cyrenaica and Punic Tripolitania.  The two were unified by King Idris only in 1951 - and even then there were two capitals:  the parliamentary one of Tripoli and the royal one of Benghazi. This bifurcation has emerged once again today, with the Libyan Opposition controlling Eastern Libya or the old Cyrenaica, and Gaddafi controlling Western Libya or Tripolitania.  So obviously, Plan B is to split the country in two, with "reunification" a la East/West Germany a goal of the future.   Who gets the oil?  Here's the map:



In response to Jack's article last week, A Tsunami of Insanity, in which he described the Financial Armageddon bearing down upon us, I was asked on the TTP Forum: "OK, Skye, do you have a list of things you are doing to prepare for the storm?" Yes, I do. I'll be discussing this in detail at the Las Vegas Rendezvous, but here are a few of the high points: *Don't live in a city. A small town in a small county will be much safer - so long as the town and county aren't populated with a lot of Progressives. Check the voting data for both the town and the county. A small conservative/libertarian town in a low population gold mining county will do relatively well as the dollar depreciates. A town where 40% of the income is dependent on the continuation of corn ethanol subsidies would be a very risky location, no matter how rural.



Remember this scene in many a John Wayne movie?  He's walking down the street of a Wild West town when he sees a gang of bad guy thugs beating up a young kid and molesting his mother.  He walks right on by, saying to himself with a shrug, "That's none of my business."  In another version of the scene, he rushes off to get approval of the town council before he dares intervene. Don't remember?  That's because there never was such a scene.  We know exactly what Wayne would have done - gone to the victims' rescue without hesitation.  That's what makes him a hero. Any comparison between John Wayne and President Zero is obscene.  Nonetheless, imagining this faux movie scene should give conservatives pause regarding Zero and Libya. After all, when the world's scum - like Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan, and Michael Moore - denounce Zero as a "warmonger," and moonbat fruitcakes like Dennis Kucinch and Ralph Nader are demanding his impeachment, it has to mean that Zero for once is doing something right.



It's great to be back in the HFR saddle again - yet I'm so grateful to Jack Kelly for doing such a marvelous job in my absence.  Thanks, Jack! And we have an additional reason for gratitude to Mr. Kelly this week - for he was able to prevail upon his friend, LtCol. Ralph Peters, to fly all the way from Washington to speak to us at the Vegas Rendezvous! You all know what a fantastic, pull-no-punches LtCol. Peters is as a writer.  Wait ‘tll you hear him in person explain the jeopardy our national security is in.  It will be memorable. Also memorable - particularly for your pocketbook - will be famed  wealth preservation expert Hank Brock.  Hank conducts seminars all over the world costing thousands of dollars per person on how survive the coming Financial Armageddon we're facing (see A Tsunami of Insanity this week).  Rebel and I have gotten to know Hank as a friend, and are so appreciative of his graciousness in coming to speak to us.  There's no one better to learn from regarding how to come out of this mess financially alive than him. You also really don't want to miss Dr. Dave Janda explain what happens to our healthcare system as ObamaCare is dismantled, Alex Alexiev brief us on how these Arab revolts are going to turn out - or TTP's resident genius Skye hold forth on any issue of science and technology in the world. Yes, there'll be Jack Kelly, Joel Wade, yours truly, and a surprise or two - plus, best of all, your fellow TTPers!  So be sure and call or email Miko - 703-992-4529, [email protected] - to sign up right now for The Platinum Vegas Rendezvous May 6-8. *  *  *  *  *  * Is Hillary making her move, as the HFR has been predicting since December 2009?  Is it a coincidence that all of a sudden the pinkostream enemedia is chock full of stories targeting Zero's ineptness, just as HRC announces she won't serve in his putative second term? Her run for the White House roses may have begun, folks. 



Is it really any surprise that oil and gas prices are surging toward the record highs we saw in 2008 just prior to the economic collapse? Despite the President's strange assertions in his press conference last week (3/11), his Administration is not a passive observer to the trends that have inflated oil prices to dangerous levels. His war on domestic oil and gas exploration and production has caused us pain at the pump, endangered our already sluggish economic recovery, and threatened our national security.  The evidence of the President's anti-drilling mentality and his culpability in the high gas prices hurting Americans is there for all to see. The following is not even an exhaustive list:



Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.  Sitting with friends here, we are stupefied and silent as we watch video news footage such as this of the truly unbelievable destruction of the Japan Tsunami: {youtube}w3AdFjklR50{/youtube} Until I break the silence.  Watching the gargantuan mud and debris-filled wave sweep into oblivion everything in its path, I mutter, "That's just what Barack Obama is doing to America." An Emirati fellow asked, "Jack, what do you mean by a tsunami hitting America like what we just saw in Japan?" "It's a tsunami of insanity, caused by an earthquake of insanity.  Countries can go crazy just like people.  It was clinically deranged of the American people to elect a man with absolutely no qualifications or experience whatever, and who they knew attended a church for 20 years listening to a preacher praying for God to damn America. "Yet they did it anyway.  A majority of American voters placed their livelihoods and security in the hands of this man - so now a tsunami of economic and national security destruction is bearing down upon us." He absorbed this, stroked his beard, then asked, "So... is this Obama's tsunami or America's tsunami upon itself?"



Cutting spending in Congress is so difficult because every area of the budget is defended by an army of special interests and perverse alliances that often defy reason and common sense. Nowhere is this more evident than with the federal government's ludicrous $6 billion subsidy of ethanol, which I and Sen. Ben Cardin, D-MD, have proposed to eliminate.  This week on March 09, we introduced in the Senate a Bill To Repeal the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit. Within hours on that very day, the senior political columnist for a conservative newspaper, The Washington Examiner, condemned our bill as "Tom Coburn's Tax Hike."  This illustrates why the ethanol subsidy endures despite widespread opposition from the Left and the Right. On one hand, the Examiner columnist declares, "government support for ethanol is among the most destructive and wasteful giveaways to special interests today."  Yet, on the other hand, he says doing away with the subsidy is a "tax-hike" that would leave money in appropriators' pockets, at which point many Republicans run for the hills. This analysis is inaccurate and destructive on several levels.



Hotel Mille des Collines, Kigali, Rwanda.  Ever see the movie Hotel Rwanda?  It's about the manager of a hotel in Africa who did his best to provide a refuge from one of the greatest atrocities in history - the slaughter of over 800,000 innocent people in 100 days.  I'm writing this from that hotel. This is a story of grotesque horror and magnificent inspiration.  Let's start with a question:  Which one is the murderous savage? r-gorilla1.jpg r-savage.jpg Hint:  gorillas are vegetarians.  I took the bull silverback gorilla's picture two days ago on the slopes of the Gahinga volcano in the Virunga mountains of Rwanda.  He paid almost no attention to me at all. The picture of the guy with the "panga" knife was taken in 1994 by a journalist who was lucky he wasn't hacked to death - like hundreds of thousands of others butchered by this guy and his buddies.  Sure enough, he's the savage. Yet the savages of Rwanda are not all natives, for this is a story of Belgian and French savages as well, with one of the latter being the president of his country at the time.



It was a tough job, but somebody had to do it - somebody from TTP had to spend a week in Vegas figuring out among the myriad of choices the best hotel deal for the May Rendezvous. And only SuperMiko could resist being plied with all sort of exotic libations and amenities to come up with what's truly #1 for TTPers.  So he did it.  The Vegas Rendezvous, Friday May 6 to Sunday May 8, will be at The Platinum at the Strip. Just a block away from the Strip itself right behind Bally's & Paris, and a half-block from the monorail that takes you along the entire Strip, The Platinum is a no-smoking, all-suite, casino-less boutique hotel that has gone all out to welcome TTP. The room rate for TTPers is $119 a night.  This is for a suite with a king size bed and pillow top mattress, living room and sofa, full gourmet kitchen, 42-inch plasma tv, double-size whirlpool tub and walkout balcony. Of course, The Platinum has a great bar where TTPers can gather, and we have our own dining and meeting rooms.  The food is great too - Miko can attest to that. All of you who attended a Rendezvous before well know what an extraordinary experience they are.  If you've never been - now's your chance.  TTPers are a community of rational pro-Americans and we love each other's company.  You simply have to be there! 



Juba, South Sudan.  The first thing you see upon arriving here are huge billboards declaring, "Welcome to Africa's Newest Nation."  Yes, the giant country of Sudan - the size of the entire USA east of the Mississippi - is splitting in two, between the Arab Moslem north and the Black Christian/Animist south.  It's a teachable moment in the lunatic history of African geopolitics. There are make-believe countries, colonial constructs that have no unifying or historical basis for legitimate nationhood - such as Pakistan.  Africa is a make-believe continent. Few people grasp the enormity, the sheer size of Africa. Take a look at a world map. It is as far from Casablanca, Morocco to Mombassa, Kenya as it is from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok in Russia (4,000 miles). You could fit the largest country in the world, Russia (6.6 million square miles or msqm), the second largest country in the world, Canada (3.85 msqm), and the largest island in the world, Greenland (840,000 sqm) all into Africa (11.7 msqm) with room left over. Yet until around 150 years ago, it was called the Dark Continent not just for the skin color of its inhabitants but because, save for a handful of ports and coastal enclaves, it was unknown, terra incognita to the West.  Then, in 1859...