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If a Republican wins in 2012, and if the economy doesn't markedly improve by 2016, a Democrat (quite possibly Hillary) will almost certainly win in 2016. What would it take for the economy to markedly improve by 2016? To understand that, one needs to understand elementary classical (Austrian) economics. The fundamental problem is that governments, both in the US and around the world, have politically misallocated tens of trillions of dollars of capital to economically lower valued uses because these uses were of higher political value. Wasting so much seed corn year after year, decade after decade, has inevitably resulted in progressively leaner harvests. Unfortunately, this extensive capital misallocation is being done by many different methods and the misallocated capital is going to many politically favored groups, so there is no one silver bullet that will fix the mess. A partial list:



With a fledgling economy the focus of the 2012 presidential campaign, there has been one glaring omission from the debate so far: the failure of our current trade policy, particularly with China. Trade policy affects national security by putting the safety of our people and their jobs at risk. Between 2000 and 2010, the United States ran an aggregate trade deficit in goods of $6.8 trillion. This is one measure of how much money went to support production and job creation overseas rather than here at home. Last year, the trade deficit in goods was $635 billion. The import share of the domestic economy has grown very rapidly in textiles, machinery, computers, electrical equipment and motor vehicles. We buy a third to a half of these products from overseas, leaving American factories idle and American people jobless. One-third of the trade deficit in goods over the past decade was with communist China. Our 2011 trade deficit with Beijing is on track to hit a record $300 billion. In their new book, "Death by China," University of California at Irvine economists Peter Navarro and Greg Autry calculate that this deficit has cost America 10 million jobs over the past decade.



Rendezvous XI begins tomorrow evening (10/07), and quite frankly, if you're not there you'll really wish you were. In addition to the extraordinary camaraderie you get with your fellow TTPers, you'll hear from billionaire investor Robert Agostinelli on The Future of the World Economy and You, New Tang Dynasty satellite television manager Dong Xiang on What's Really Going On In China, the next United States Senator from Texas (and incredibly inspiring conservative speaker) Ted Cruz on Texas, the Senate, and 2012, Jack Abramoff on It's All Bribery Now in Washington, plus... We are so honored to have a great American hero, on the battlefield and now on Capitol Hill, Lt.Col. and Congressman Allen West speak to us in a special presentation. There's so much more (e.g., what you'll learn from one of our speakers Saturday night will totally blow you away), so if you don't want to miss out, call Miko now - immediamente - at 703-992-4529 to see how he can squeeze you in. A Rendezvous is an opportunity to just relax and be with our own kind, rational conservatives.  There will be no zombies.  It was Bob Hope who first explained the connection between zombies and Democrats in his 1940 movie, The Ghost Breakers:



Since Governor Scott Walker signed the Budget Reform Bill, limiting collective bargaining for state employees to wages only on March 11, Wisconsin school districts and cities have been rescuing their budgets.  No longer, for example, were the districts forced to purchase health insurance from the teachers' union insurance company (WEA Trust Insurance) at exorbitant rates.  The savings have been substantial (all figures and quotes compiled from local news reports): Ashland  School District - saved $378,000 on health insurance. Kimberly School District - saved $821,000 by dropping WEA Trust Insurance. Edgerton School District - dropping WEA Trust, expecting to save at least $500,000. Pittsville - will see a 9%  decrease in the school portion of their property tax levy. "This is the first  year we have not needed to short-term borrow," stated Board President  Strenn. Appleton School District - will save $3.1 million just in health  insurance costs due to being able to bid out the coverage and being able to  drop WEA Trust.



The product of a long -term relentless indoctrination in the progressive radical school, President Obama has never varied from his life mission. Yes, a portion of Americans absorbed the staccato of the "One" , the chant of "change we can believe in" and the seduction of the healer. Many simply "wanted" to believe in something that never existed. It was a mirage. An imagery and technique right out the text book of tyrants from across the ages. However the truth was always there for all to see. The only surprise is they didn't. Now as the Obama Presidency is in free fall, the gesture and notions of accommodation are being fully discarded. Now the creation of imagined enemies and emasculation of the virtues that made this country great be it free enterprise, individual rights, or capitalism are laid out as evil in the quest for that fool's gold of the left:  "fairness". This twisted logic is at the fraudulent core of the soul of socialism. It is a primary mover of their mania and a mantra which overshadows each act.



The evidence that the presidential ship, the USS Zero, is sinking like that boat Leo DiCaprio was on continued to pile up this week.  When Euroweenies publicly call the President of the United States pitiful, sad, arrogant, and absurd, plus stupid; when he can't even beat Ron Paul in a national poll; when predictions mount that he will pull a 1968 LBJ and not run; when libtards like Newsweek Editor Tina Brown abandon him, it's pretty clear his presidency will end up sleeping with the fishes. He totally clinched it yesterday (9/29) with a pathetic replay of Jimmy Carter's 1979 Malaise Speech, blaming the disaster of his presidency on Americans being "soft." Like Carter, Zero does not possess the moral intelligence to grasp the irony of his claim. Americans were sunk into a deep malaise after the debacle of Watergate and defeat in Vietnam - and Carter was elected as an expression of it.  If it weren't for the "crisis of confidence" he complained about, Americans would never have placed a nebbishy schlemiel like him in the White House. And if Americans hadn't gone soft accepting liberal welfare and liberal guilt for decades, they never ever would have elected an affirmative action president, a Marxist Alinskyite attending a Hate America church whose only qualification for office was the color of his skin.



Warsaw, Poland. We killed it once, when it was disguised as the Soviet Union.  But vampires have this way of not staying dead, and it has risen again to suck the life blood out of any country it can sink its teeth into.  So it looks like we're going to have to kill this creature all over again.  This time, let's drive a wooden stake through its heart and end it for good.  Looks like the stake will be made in Poland. Poland's history is one of tragedies and triumphs. It starts in 966, when the chief of the Polan people, Mieszko (930-992), rejected the entreaties of other Slavic tribes to accept what was becoming the Russian Orthodox Church, and chose to be baptized as a Roman Catholic instead.  It was a momentous decision that turned his people towards the West, rather than the East.  Miesko's son Bronislaw created Poland as a Christian nation, with Pope John XIX declaring him the first King of Poland in 1025, and the Poles starting to participate in Western culture.  The greatest Polish King, Jan Sobieski (1629-1696), is also one of the greatest heroes in the history of Western Civilization.  In a word, he saved it. 



The presidential debates are looking more like symptoms of our problems than they do like part of the solution. Maximum style, minimum substance. Focus on sizzle, forget about the steak. These events are supposed to be about quality information, raising the bar, and producing a thoughtful, informed electorate. But they are being produced to provide entertainment, and we are barely getting that. Technology doesn't take the place of substance. YouTube and real-time polling are not substitutes for thoughtful, provocative questioning. Can it really be, after all the heat he has taken on Social Security, that Rick Perry was not pushed on how specifically how he would reform it?  Can it be, as expert after expert has laid out the long list of failures of Romneycare in Massachusetts and its unquestionable similarities to Obamacare, that Mitt Romney was not called out on his sidestepping and denials? Can it be that, on a day (9/20) where the stock market in our country dropped 3.5 percent and in China by 5 percent, that candidates were not asked what they think is wrong with the global economy?



Between now and Election Day, President Obama will have to create 8 million jobs just to tie for last place with the previous worst recovery since the Great Depression. Meanwhile, Americans are rightly demanding dramatic overhauls to get this country back on its feet. What does the president do? He doubles down on his philosophy of continuing the beatings until morale improves. My fellow presidential candidates, to varying degrees, have been tinkering around the edges. With all due respect, you don't prune weeds - you pull them out at the roots. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's 160-page, 59-point plan has "faculty lounge" written all over it. It protects most of the current tax code. Looking for an executive summary, I flipped to the appendix. Frankly, Mr. Romney lost me after his first two points: "Maintain current tax rates ..." and "Maintain current tax rates. ..." Are those rates really worth maintaining? Leave it to a politician to start with the current tax code and then move a step or two in the right direction. Leave it to a real businessman to start with what is right and get there immediately.



Question of the week:  How do we reconcile Perry's incredible President Zero ad - the most powerful political ad of modern times - {youtube}8EL5Atp_vF0{/youtube}  with his botched debate performances, which keep getting worse, as we saw last night?  Isn't he supposed to be a kick-em-in-the-groin take-no-prisoners Texas Aggie?  And what's up with the you-have-no-heart schmaltz if you deny in-state tuition to illegals?  Perhaps, however, you think the question should be:  What about Sarah?  When Perry announced and she refrained, it was clear she was waiting to see how Rick would do.  She was never worried about Bachmann, knowing that MB would flame out and she has.  Now that Perry might also, will she jump in? The HFR has learned there is another reason for her hesitation beyond the patience of a huntress.



o_blind.png It looks like a Photoshop gag, but it's real.  At 13 minutes and 50 seconds into the CNN video of Zero's risible Jobs Speech to Congress (9/08), Slo-Jo flicked his tongue out for a moment to lubricate his dry lips at the exact time Zero closed his eyes to blink - so in a freeze-frame capture, one looks like the doofus he is, the other blind like he is. The WaPo's lib columnist Dana Milbank noted that Zero's speech had the GOP Senators and Congressmen in hysterics, treating it as a "big fat joke."  Can you recall a time when a Joint Session Congressional audience actually laughed at the President of the United States?  An angry outburst, like Joe Wilson's "You Lie!" at Zero, or audible grumbles of disagreement by Dems at George Bush, yes - but out loud laughter and ridicule to the president's face?   A fascist becoming a joke whom nobody respects is a very good thing.  It's hard to be afraid of an object of ridicule.  Losing our fear of the fascists continuing to tighten their chokehold around our lives is a vitally necessary condition for starting to fight back against them.



[This the text of Gov. Perry's speech at the Israel-Palestine Conference held in New York City yesterday, 9/20.] Thank you. Let me begin by thanking Dr. Solomon Frager and Aron Hirtz for helping us organize this press conference today. I am joined today by a diverse group of Jewish leaders from here and abroad who share my concern that the United Nations could take action this week to legitimize the Palestinian gambit to establish statehood in violation of the spirit of the 1993 Oslo Accords. We are indignant that certain Middle Eastern leaders have discarded the principle of direct negotiations between the sovereign nation of Israel and the Palestinian leadership, and we are equally indignant that the Obama Administration's Middle East policy of appeasement has encouraged such an ominous act of bad faith. Simply put, we would not be here today at the precipice of such a dangerous move if the Obama Policy in the Middle East wasn't naïve, arrogant, misguided and dangerous.



In her Pulitzer Prize-winning book, "The Guns of August," Barbara Tuchman chronicles how a cascading series of seemingly minor developments led inexorably to World War I and the worst carnage known to man up to that time. In the future, historians may point to the present "Diplomacy of September" as the catalyst for the next horrific conflict now in the offing in the Middle East, and potentially beyond. Specifically, this means three agenda items slated to take place in the United Nations or on the margins of its meetings in coming days.  Combined, their synergy could lead to a horrific war.



Little doubt who the HFR Hero of the Week is, right?  No one else but a 70 year-old retired cable guy from Queens named Bob Turner. Let's put his victory on Tuesday (9/13) into real historical perspective.  It's not just that New York's 9th Congressional District has been held by the Dems since the election of 1922.  It's that Dems have held it for all but nine years since 1857[1].  So Turner's win is about as historic as congressional turnovers get. The effects are immediate, in no way confined to being a Dem panic signal for 2012.  First, NY9 drives a stake through the heart of Zero's "Jobs Bill" (what Jack Kelly calls Son of Porkulus).  It is now officially DOA. Second, Zero is now forced to take specific pro-Israel actions at a critically dangerous time for Israel.  He will now order his hate-Israel UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, to veto the upcoming Security Council vote on granting full statehood for the Palestinian Arabs.  He's got to flip the bird to the Saudis and their impossibly arrogant (then again, when aren't they?) threat that the veto would end the "special relationship" between them and the US.  Well, hallelujah.



The Amalfi Coast on the Sorrentine Peninsula south of Naples, Italy, is considered to be the most beautiful coastline in the world (click on Read More for pictures).  It is riddled with crumbling stone buildings known as "Saracen Towers." They were built over a thousand years ago to protect the region from invasions and attacks from "Saracens" - the term Medieval Europe used for Moslems, from the ancient Greek Sarakenoi, the nomad bandit tribes of Arabia.  In the centuries before the invention of Islam when all of the Middle East was predominantly Christian, the Sarakenoi developed a fearsome reputation for their raids on monasteries and murdering monks. This became vastly worse when they acquired a religious rationale for their banditry.  They called their new religion Islam, the Arabic word for "submission," claiming it meant submission to their deity Allah - but what it really meant was "unbelievers" submitting to them.  And what that meant was they had a religious right to enslave Christians. Last Sunday, we commemorated the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 Moslem attack on America.  The 19 terrorists, most with Saudi visas, murdered 2,977 innocent people in a more grotesque way than any horror movie.  It was an unforgivable act of unmitigated evil that traumatized us all. We continue to deal with the trauma today - and what may help is to place it in a historical context.  The examples of Islamic barbarity history provides are legion - so let's focus on that of the Saracen towers.



In my recent speech in Iowa, some eyebrows were raised when I took on our government's enormous economic problems caused by crony capitalism. As if on cue, just days later President Obama selected someone who exemplifies a major crony capitalism problem to sit next to the First Lady when he delivered his "jobs plan" speech before Congress. He selected General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt as his honored guest.  Having grown up with great respect for GE thanks to stories my grandfather shared with us about his days working for the company and even meeting GE spokesman-at-the-time Ronald Reagan during a company event, I am saddened at GE's leadership evolution. This corporation is now the poster child of corporate welfare and crony capitalism. Joining GE in the pantheon on crony capitalism is another Obama favorite that has been in the news of late: Solyndra.



Why have conservatives become such captives of fear? Before 9/11, conservatism stood for stalwart courage and confidence in the United States of America. Across the past decade, however, we succumbed to a weird mania that wildly exaggerates threats and revels in our purported strategic vulnerability to furtive religious perverts sinking along with their doomed civilization. The enthusiasm with which many of my fellow conservatives paint militant Islam as a mighty movement capable of a takeover of Europe and America is a grotesque wallow in political masochism. Islam is on the ropes of history, battered, bleeding and disfigured. And it's never going to be a contender again. Yet, many Americans appear determined to cower in our corner of the ring. It's baffling:  We're winning in every possible respect, but tell ourselves we're losing.



o-zero.jpg Well, it took folks like Fred Barnes and Charles Krauthammer a while, but they've got it.  President Zero is now our current POTUS's official nickname.  Google the term today (9/09) and you'll get 400,000 hits (earlier this week it was 80,000 - it'll be fun to see that number increase).  The New York Times can't stand it. TTP, as you know, originated the appellation in June, 2008, in O=Zero - which went so viral that Snopes had to verify it was written by me.  We've been selling O=Zero T-shirts ever since. I was in Dunhuang, China on election day, November 4, 2008, whereupon I wrote The End of the Silk Road and forswore using the name of "the Marxist Hate-America Gangster who was just elected by a majority of American voters to lead them to their doom."



As acolytes of Saul Alinsky who preached the politics of personal destruction, liberals consistently demonize their opponents as either stupid or evil.  Since nobody can honestly oppose their worldview, those are the only two alternatives.  It's one or the other, sometimes both, but never neither. The libs couldn't claim Nixon was stupid, so he had to be evil.  They couldn't make the sale that Reagan was evil, so he had to be stupid.  Infected with BDS, they raged at Bush 42 for being both. Last week (8/29), we saw the con applied to Rick Perry.  Some hack named Jonathan Martin wrote a piece in the widely-read Politico site entitled, Is Rick Perry Dumb?  The Perry-is-stupid meme instantly flooded the liberal blogosphere.  Google "Perry" + "dumb" and you'll get 22 million hits. All conservatives are driven crazy by the gargantuan bias and hypocrisy of the liberal media.  It's been that way all our lives.  It's time to put an end to it.  Let's talk about how.



US election season is clearly upon us as President Barack Obama has moved into full campaign mode. Part and parcel of that mode is a new bid to woo Jewish voters and donors upset by Obama's hostility to Israel back in the Democrat Party's fold. Trying to portray Obama as pro-Israel is not a simple task.  From the outset of his tenure in office, Obama has distinguished himself as the most anti-Israel president ever. It is an open question whether American Jews will be willing to buy the bill of goods the administration is trying to sell them through their media proxies in next year's presidential elections. But if next Tuesday's (8/13) special election for New York's Ninth Congressional District is any indication - remember Weinergate with Anthony Weiner resigning his seat? - the answer is apparently that an unprecedented number of American Jews are unwilling to ignore reality and continue supporting this anti-Israel president.



[This is the full text of Sarah Palin's speech in Indianola, Iowa, on Saturday, September 3. I consider this to be one of the greatest political speeches of modern times.  The video follows after the text. ---JW] The reality is that we in America today are governed by a permanent political class, who derive power and wealth from their access to our money - to taxpayer dollars.  They use it to bail out their friends on Wall Street and their corporate cronies, to reward campaign contributors, and to buy votes via earmarks. There is a name for this: It's called corporate crony capitalism. This is not the capitalism of free men and free markets, of innovation and hard work and ethics, of sacrifice and of risk. No, this is the capitalism of connections and government bailouts and handouts, of waste and influence peddling and corporate welfare. I believe in the free market, and that is why I detest crony capitalism. And Barack Obama has shown us cronyism on steroids.  It will lead to our downfall if we don't stop it now. We will not solve our economic problems until we confront the cronyism of our President and our permanent political class. Between bailouts for Wall Street cronies and stimulus projects for union bosses' security and "green energy" giveaways, he took care of his friends. And now they're on course to raise a billion dollars for his re-election bid so that they can do it all over again. Are you going to let them do it all over again? Are you willing to unite to do all we can to not let them do it again so we can save our country?



Rick Perry has never lost an election; I've never won one. Maybe that's what's wrong with the world. On the other hand, I've long been friends with Bill Clinton and George W., and Rick Perry and I, though at times bitter adversaries, have remained friends as well. It's not always easy to maintain friendships with politicians. To paraphrase Charles Lamb, you have to work at it like some men toil after virtue. Yet, simply put, Rick Perry and I are incapable of resisting each other's charm. He is not only a good sport, he is a good, kindhearted man, and he once sat in on drums with ZZ Top. A guy like that can't be all bad. These days, of course, I would support Charlie Sheen over Obama. Obama has done for the economy what pantyhose did for foreplay.



Many in Washington care little or nothing for the well being of Americans, other than themselves and their cronies. The widespread continued lying about the soundness of Social Security and Medicare isn't due to ignorance -- it is due to politicians aggrandizing  power regardless of the cost to others. Either their careers will have to be terminated by a better informed electorate - not impossible, as demonstrated by Canada and Sweden - or the US central government and the scores of millions who depend upon it will crash and burn.  The US central government is on the road to either radical reform or self destruction. Continued kicking the can down the road would soon send it over the economic cliff where the USA would join the USSR on the ash heap of history. Radical reform could be as simple as refusing to increase the debt ceiling, auctioning the Ponzi scheme operator's assets off for the benefit of the Social inSecurity and MediScam victims, allowing unlimited expensing for all business capital investments, requiring that all regulations be voted on by Congress before becoming laws, and legalizing competing precious metal currencies.



These are the Dog Days of the Democrats.  From the time of the Ancient Greeks, the end of summer has been known as the "dog days," when the heat and humidity caused "the seas to boil, wine to turn sour, dogs to go mad, and men subject to burning fevers, hysterics, and frenzies." (The origin of the term:  The Greeks called the brightest star in the sky Seiros - the searing, the scorcher - Latinized now to Sirius.  2,500 years ago, it rose at sunrise in late summer - which it no longer does due to the earth's axial wobble causing equinox/zodiacal precession.  (Sirius is the main star in a constellation the Greeks called Kyon and the Romans Canis, the Dog, named after the magical dog Laelaps that Zeus gave to Europa.  Laelaps would always catch its quarry, so Europa had it hunt the magic fox of Teumessa which could never be caught.  Zeus then placed Laelaps in Canis Major, big dog, and the Teumessan fox in Canis Minor, little dog, so the chase would continue unresolved for eternity.) The lectionary (calendar of when certain scriptures are to be read) of the 1611 King James Bible states that the Dog Days begin on July 6 and end on September 5.  But for the Dems, their Dog Days have just begun and won't be over for a long, long time to come.



One word is the single most important word in our government's founding document to understand - for the entire edifice of the modern liberal administrative state is built on the willfully perverse misinterpretation of it. The meaning of this word is the hill on which to make our stand for recovering our American birthright of freedom.  The good news is that the cavalry is on its way to rescue us from the forces of fascism - and it's led not by John Wayne but by a 63 year-old black man. Don't you love Providence's sense of humor?



If you don't read the TTP Forum, then you may not have heard the announcement of the Obama Administration's that the US Geological Survey has identified the source of the earthquake that shook Washington DC last Tuesday (8/23). The USGS is saying that it occurred on an obscure fault line that runs directly under the White House known as "Bush's Fault." ************ Speaking of Zero... the HFR Word of the Week is palilalia.  It's a speech disorder, the involuntary or obsessive repetition of the same words or phrases - such as "millionaires and billionaires," "corporate jets," "redistribute the wealth," or "Bush's fault." Clearly, we have a palilaliatic president, who is incapable of saying anything creative or new, but endlessly repeats the same moronic liberalisms over and over.  What was Einstein's term for doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? ************ The most uplifting news of the week comes from Wisconsin.  On Monday (8/22), the Washington Examiner reported: Union Cash Cutoff Has National Implications.



Warren Buffett is a world class investor. He is also entitled to his opinion even when it demonstrates larceny with the truth. His grand and magnanimous genuflection to "fairness" is fraught with dishonesty and does no service to the debate on the nation's economic future.  "We have abundance but we don't have as much fairness as we might have in the system," he announced at a fund-raiser he held for Mr. Obama in Omaha last week (8/16). "Fairness" is a code word of the left which has its origins in the class hatred so beloved by Marx . It is meant to arouse the "masses" (another term of haughty illiberal insult to citizens ) to demand their illusory "rightful" share from the rich . It fabricates an enemy out of capitalism and implies some form of theft that must be redressed. This is the essence of Barrack Huessein Obama's indoctrination and Mr. Buffett is simply feeding the beast.



We are witnessing in Tripoli today what it takes to get rid of a brutal dictatorship determined to keep power at all costs, and how the dictator's thugs will continue to desperately fight on as they face inevitable doom. We will witness the same struggle here in the US in 2012.  The Demagogue Party and its moocher minions will put up a ferocious struggle to maintain their power and paychecks - and they will lose as surely as has Muamar Gadaffi.  For they fight with lies, deceit, and thuggery, while we have unstoppable technology and no-longer-deniable truth. The key to it all is energy.



Election of our nation's first black president is delivering an unexpected message to our black population. Blacks are discovering that what a man or woman does -- their actions -- is what matters, not the color of their skin. It is not hard to understand why black Americans were happy that a black man was elected president of the United States. It was kind of final and most grand announcement that racism has finally been purged from America. But for the highly politicized parts of black America this was certainly not the only message. Because for the highly politicized parts of black America, the point has always been to keep race in American politics. For black political culture that dominated after the civil rights movements, the point was not just equal treatment under the law, but special treatment under the law. Plus the assumption that more black political power -- defined by more blacks holding office -- would mean that blacks would be better off. Now blacks have a dilemma. We have a black president and blacks are worse off. Not just a little, but a lot worse off.



Who would have thought just 18 months ago that a member of the eurozone, the most elite club of economies in Europe, could have a worse credit rating than Pakistan? And yet this is the case for Greece today, perched on the verge of a debt restructuring; two other eurozone countries (Ireland and Portugal), meanwhile, are already in Europe's intensive care unit, receiving large bailouts. And who would have thought that a rating agency would dare question the sacred AAA credit rating of the United States, the sole supplier of global public goods such as the international reserve currency (the dollar) and a financial system that serves as the nexus of international capital flow? There are, of course, several custom-made reasons for these developments. But together, they speak to major realignments that are fundamentally changing the character of the global economy and how it functions. Three things in particular have had a significant influence, and they will continue to shape the world we live in for years to come.



Let's start with a trio of quotes. On Monday (8/15) in Decorah, Iowa, President Zero explained why he has been a total economic failure: "We had reversed the recession, avoided a depression, gotten the economy moving again.  But over the last six months we've had a run of bad luck." Which recalls the observation of Lazarus Long in Robert Heinlein's 1973 sci-fi classic Time Enough For Love: "Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded -- here and there, now and then -- are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. "Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty. This is known as ‘bad luck'." And on Wednesday (8/17) in Bedford, New Hampshire, Texas Gov. Rick Perry explained: "America's crisis is not bad luck, it's bad policies from Washington DC...  Our economic plan shouldn't depend on luck, it should depend on sound economic fundamentals."



On June 12, 1964, at Big Reggie's Danceland Ballroom in Excelsior, Minnesota (on Lake Minnetonka west of Minneapolis), The Rolling Stones gave a performance during their first American tour.  They were little-known back then (everyone was into Beatlemania), they were drunk, played poorly, and got booed off the stage by the audience of 300. The next morning, Mick Jagger went into Bacon's Drug Store to fill a prescription.  Standing in front of him was a local character named Jimmy Hutmaker, Excelsior's retarded town mascot whom everyone befriended.  Jimmy wanted his usual morning pick-me-up, a cherry coke - but the fellow who manned the soda fountain said they were out of cherry syrup, so he gave Jimmy a regular coke. Whereupon Jimmy turned to Mick, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "You can't always get what you want." Jagger never forgot what "Mr. Jimmy" said, and used it to create an achingly extraordinary rock and roll masterpiece.  The song has been haunting me for the last several days.  I have listened to it a score of times during breaks reading a particular book. And thus I have arrived at a conclusion:  However much we want Sarah Palin, what we need is Rick Perry.



This is the full text of Texas Governor Rick Perry's presidential announcement speech in Charleston, South Carolina on Saturday, August 13. The video of the speech is at the end.] Howdy...  It's sure good to be back in the Palmetto State, in South Carolina. I enjoy coming to places where people elect folks like Nikki Haley, true conservatives. And also where they love the greatest fighting force on the face of the earth... the United States Military. And I want to take a moment and ask you to just take a silence, think about those young Navy SEALs and the other special operators who gave it all in the service of their country. Just take a moment to say ‘Thank you, Lord, that we have those kind of selfless, sacrificial men and women. Their sacrifice was immeasurable, their dedication profound, and we will never, ever forget them.' I stand before you today as the governor of Texas. But... I am also the product of a place called Paint Creek. Doesn't have a zip code. It's too small to be called a town along the rolling plains of Texas. We grew dryland cotton and wheat, and... what I learned growing up on the farm was a way of life that was centered on hard work, and on faith and on thrift. Those values have stuck with me my whole life. But it wasn't until I graduated from Texas A&M University and joined the United States Air Force, flying C-130's all around the globe, that I truly appreciated the blessings of freedom. To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, I realized that the United States of America really is the last great hope of mankind. What I saw was systems of government that elevated rulers at the expense of the people. Socialist systems cloaked maybe in good intentions but were delivering misery and stagnation. And I learned that not everyone values life like we do in America, or the rights that are endowed to every human being by a loving God.  You see, as Americans we're not defined by class, and we will never be told our place.



As Keith Jackson, the legendary sports broadcaster might say, it's been a Whoa, Nellie! week. Before we get started, first an announcement:  Jack Abramoff will be a featured speaker at Rendezvous XI!  We'll be getting an exclusive sneak preview of his book (it won't be released until November 15th) - "Capitol Punishment: The Hard Truth About Washington from America's Most Notorious Lobbyist" - and he'll tell us where the movie about him, Casino Jack, went right and went wrong.  (He's got some great stories about Kevin Spacey.) So one more reason to be at Rendezvous XI... ************ We already (8/11) discussed the barbarian children of  liberalism's welfare state burning down Britain in The Wages of Envy.  The moral collapse of the entire edifice of the ruling Brit lib-elite is so instantly and nightmarishly obvious that millions of normal Brits are waking up from it.   Maybe they'll even stay awake. There's a parallel to this in the US, where the S&P downgrade and economic collapse are awakening millions of Americans to the nightmare of Zero they voted for in 2008.



It isn't a pleasant sight to see England burning itself down, but it sure is instructive.     We complain the extent of the welfare/moocher society in the US, but it is dwarfed by Britain's.  Over 20% of all British households live in council (public) housing and live off government welfare, with no one in the household having  job.  Anyone with any kind of claimed "disability" is given a monthly welfare check - for as long as they are "disabled," which can be and often is for the rest of their lives.  Millions of Brits receive Incapacity Benefits because - and they list this in the application - their addiction to alcohol and/or drugs makes them incapable of working. That the council-housed-and-violent feral children, and feral parents, should be capable of mass looting should come as no surprise, because looting British taxpayers is their way of life. The search is on, though, to identify the "root cause(s)" of all of this.  Rush Limbaugh says "Socialism created the UK rioters," citing Brit conservative Max Hastings, who says "Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare-dependent, brutalized youngsters." Yet socialism or liberal dogma is only a proximate cause.  We need to ask, what is the cause of socialism, of liberal dogma? Those of you familiar with my writings know the answer:  the ancient primitive fear of the evil eye of envy.



A few months ago, I gave a talk to the U.S. Naval War College. This venerable institution is home to a student body of the future leaders of the world's navies, who preserve our freedom through strength on the seas. Toward the end of a spirited question-and-answer session, a young officer stood and asked the final question: "What keeps you up at night?" The simplicity of the question struck an emotive cord. In a flash, I thought of my boyhood growing up in an America where every morning I could get on my bike, and as far as the eye could see, there was President Reagan's "shining city on the hill," standing bright and tall on the horizon. The majesty, bounty and exceptionalism of America provided opportunity for all to climb that summit and share in the glow. Yet now, for the first time since the Civil War, this God-blessed experiment is in real jeopardy of not being preserved for our children and the "huddled masses" seeking to embrace the American way. I saw the concern in that lieutenant's eyes -- a soldier-citizen, seeking an answer. Mine was clear: "Debt out of control, entitlement spending out of control, and the loss of economic freedom and opportunity." Why and from where had this malady come, and, most important, how can we restore our God-given national birthright?



I'm surprised that so many people seem surprised by S&P's downgrade of our credit rating. Weren't people paying attention over the last year or so when we were getting warning after warning from various credit rating agencies that this was coming? So, how shamelessly cynical and dishonest must one be to blame this inevitable downgrade on the very people who have been shouting all along "stop spending"?  Blaming the Tea Party for our credit downgrade is akin to Nero blaming the Christians for burning Rome. We have to face this storm head on. It won't be easy, but there are real solutions to grow our economy and reduce our debt.  We need to stop this deficit spending, balance our budget, repeal Obamacare, cancel all unused stimulus funds, and reform our entitlement programs. We will have entitlement reform and a balanced budget; it's just a matter of how. We can do it ourselves in a calm, methodical, and responsible manner, or we can wait for the world's capital markets to ram it down on us. Let's be responsible and do it ourselves.



rila1.jpg This is the Rila Monastery, one of the several World Heritage Sites in Bulgaria.  Over a thousand years old, its breathtaking frescoes have been immaculately maintained. rila3.jpg Rebel, Joel Wade, Alex Alexiev, and I had such a wonderful time with our fellow TTPers here last June that we're going there again at the end of September. We discovered so many lucrative opportunities that we called this place The Bulgarian Escape Hatch.  As our economy is being destroyed by Zero, assisted by a wimp-out Congress, Bulgaria's is booming.  It's as business-friendly as Zero has made America business-impossible.  I'd like you to consider joining us.



Bagnoli, Naples, Italy.  Who knew Hell could be so beautiful? I'm sitting in a flower garden overlooking the Mediterranean.  In front of me is the islet of Nisida, where at his villa, Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC) and his conspirators planned the assassination of Julius Caesar.  Off to the left looms Mount Vesuvius, and in the distance is the Isle of Capri. On the other side of the hill behind me lies The Solfatara, a volcanic crater filled with boiling mud pools and vents hissing and steaming with sulfuric gasses.  For the Romans, it was feared as the home of Vulcan, the god of fire. Next to Solfatara lies a crater lake called Avernus, Lake Averno.  For thousands of years, from Homer in The Odyssey, to Virgil in The Aeneid, to Dante in The Divine Comedy, it was revered as the entrance to Hell. My wife and I are not here to go to hell, but to visit our son who, as a USMC Captain, is stationed at the NATO Command nearby that is running the war in Libya.  Nonetheless, this seems a uniquely appropriate place from which to write this HFR as America is descending into economic and political purgatory.


RENDEZVOUS XI – “October 7-9” Washington DC

Here we go, guys n' gals, diving into the heart of the beast, Washington DC, for our eleventh TTP Rendezvous. Miko has once again scored us a great deal at the Key Bridge Marriott, with its fabulous location overlooking the Potomac River right at Key Bridge (named after Francis Scott Key who penned the Star-Spangled Banner).  A short walk across it and you're into the shops and watering holes of Georgetown. We'll be there at the most beautiful time of year, when the weather is at its best and the fall colors are in full array. Our focus will be on solutions - how our country and us personally can get out of the mess Zero has dug us into. Which is why financial guru Hank Brock, author of  Your Complete Guide to Money Happiness, will be speaking to us again on Protecting your assets and lifestyle from the coming crisis  -- and even profiting from it. Hank blew us away in Vegas with his detailed practical advice on what really to do - and nobody knows more about it worldwide than Hank.  It'll be worth attending RXI just to talk to him. For the gun-lovers - and who among TTPers isn't? - we have a special surprise:  my friend Larry Pratt, founder and president of Gun Owners of America, will be joining us.  (Edd Forke is jumping up and down now...)