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Matt Ridley


Coral reefs around the world are suffering badly from overfishing and various forms of pollution. Yet many experts argue that the greatest threat to them is the acidification of the oceans from the dissolving of man-made carbon dioxide emissions. The effect of acidification, according to J.E.N. Veron, an Australian coral scientist, will be "nothing less than catastrophic.... What were once thriving coral gardens that supported the greatest biodiversity of the marine realm will become red-black bacterial slime, and they will stay that way." This is a common view. The Natural Resources Defense Council has called ocean acidification "the scariest environmental problem you've never heard of." Sigourney Weaver, who narrated a film about the issue, said that "the scientists are freaked out." The head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration calls it global warming's "equally evil twin." But do the scientific data support such alarm?



As Jackie Gleason always said at the start of his show, "And awaaaaay we go!" with the first HFR of 2012. The first week of the year got shot out of the fascist cannon with Zero declaring war on Congress by making four presidential appointments that are egregiously unconstitutional.  Ed Meese, President Reagan's Attorney General, explains why. The fury of Boehner Congressfolk means nothing to Zero.  As an example of how hopelessly feckless the Pubtards are, Republican Senator Scott Brown (remember how excited we were about him a year ago?) announced his support for Zero's fascism. Michael Savage is no doubt correct in predicting that Zero's reelection will result in a Hugo Chavez-type banana republic dictatorship, for we are well on our way towards it right now.  The fascist unconstitutional lawlessness of our federal government has built up a monumental amount of inertia, which won't be halted or slowed down merely by Zero's defeat.  It will take an equally monumental effort to reverse its direction. Which brings us to the pointlessness of Mitt Romney.  Why is he running for president other than to be president?  That's really what's going on, you know.  He wants to live up to his dad.



Earlier this week (1/04), the Chicago Tribune ran a little noted editorial on the insider trading scandal plaguing Congress, calling out phony efforts to reform the rules and demanding that we finally put a stop to this outrageous and unethical behavior. It's not enough members of Congress make $174,000 a year, some -- from both parties -- are trading on inside information to use their public service to enrich themselves. This has to stop.  And more. In addition to calling for tough measures to outlaw insider trading by Members of Congress, I've called for making Congress part-time like the Texas legislature, cutting congressional pay in half, and amending FOIA to apply to Congress and the White House.



Gobsmacked.  It's the word Brits use when they are stunned by something ridiculously astounding.  Late Tuesday night (1/03), I was beyond gobsmacked when I heard the results of the Iowa Caucuses.  Now it is Thursday (1/05), and I remain profoundly shaken by the stupefying stupidity of the Iowa caucus voters. It tells me that Zero's election in 2008 was no fluke, no spasm of temporary masochistic insanity.  That voters are into reality-denial up to their ears.  That whatever part of their brain they are using to vote with, it is most assuredly not their ratiocinative part. Iowans have no idea what they did to their country Tuesday: they substantially increased the odds that Zero will win re-election in November.  It wasn't Romney or Santorum who won in Iowa.  It was Zero who won, hands down. So let me tell you about a meeting that could change the world.



I'm trying to think of good reasons why Rick Santorum did so well in the Iowa caucus, only losing to Romney by 8 votes. So far all I can come up with is: 1. He's not Mitt Romney. 2. He's not Newt Gingrich. 3. Iowans feel more intellectual voting for the only candidate with a surname which sounds like a Latin genitive plural. What this doesn't mean, though, is that we're going to end up with President Santorum. Or, if we do, it will be a disaster. Santorum is the very opposite of what the US wants or needs right now. He's a big government conservative.



Happy New Year!  You may be wondering how to cheerfully greet the coming darkness of 2012.  Sounds like the folks getting crucified by the Romans singing Always Look On The Bright Side of Life in Monty Python's Life of Brian. Well, screw the darkness.  Screw Obama and his fascist minions, his fascist regulations, and his fascist enemedia lapdogs.  Life is about rising to the challenge, and that's what we're going to do in 2012. Other people are.  Like in Syria, where Bashar al-Assad has had his goons gun down Syrians by the thousands, yet the Syrians keep fighting for their freedom.  They are not giving up.  Each day Assad gets weaker and they get stronger.  Next year, they will win, with Assad ending up in a coffin or exile. Let the Syrians be an inspiration to us.



The way I write may surprise you as much as it surprises me.  I get an idea of something I think is interesting, compile sources and references for it along with a few minimal notes, start writing with no clear picture of how this is going to turn out, then keep writing with no major edits or re-writes until I get to the end - which most often says something I had no idea I was going to say when I started. So let's see how this what's-coming-for-the-new-year effort turns out - because I have to tell you I wish I could be Rip Van Winkle now.  Just go to sleep and wake up in 10 or 20 years when the awfulness of 2012 and the decade or two it took to recover from it is gone. I want to shed light on the darkness descending upon us, but as an example of how hard this is, consider that...



Several new polls come as a jolt as they reflect the dismal state of mind of the American people. As USA Today's Susan Page sums up the latest USA Today/Gallup poll: the nation is "more downbeat, more dissatisfied with its political leadership and more concerned about the country's direction than at almost any point in modern times." New Pew Research Center polling shows a whopping 67 percent saying that most members of Congress should not be re-elected. This compared to 51 percent saying this in October 2010 before the last congressional election. From what I see, there are serious reasons why Republicans should be worried.  Some conclude this all means that Republicans must water down the conservative message and nominate a moderate. But Americans crave answers, clarity and leadership. This call will not be answered by ambiguity. Obama is no moderate. If Democrats can nominate a hard core liberal, why can't Republicans offer a clear conservative alternative?



First things first.  Merry Christmas!!  As Jack Kelly observes, "There is no happier day." It is the day to honor the true meaning and origin of Christmas.  It is the day, as Joel Wade notes, to honor our loved ones with gratitude.  It is the day of squealing delight of little children when we give them presents from Santa.  And it is a day that expresses one of humanity's most profoundly admirable abilities. Christmas originated in the Northern Hemisphere where it is winter in late December.  It is dark, the hours of sunlight are few.  It is freezing cold, the skies are gray and gloomy, there can be blizzards and snow and ice. All the leaves are gone, nature is hibernating.  It is the lousiest time of year.  Yet we humans choose to make this a time of glorious joy, a magical time of love and celebration. How extraordinary.  How extraordinarily admirable that we have this capacity to do such a thing.  Christmas is, then, a most appropriate time to reflect upon and be grateful for the goodness that Providence has bestowed upon the human soul.



You've all seen the news clips of North Koreans in a state of religious lamentation, grieving their guts out over the death of their dictator Kim Jong-il.  Cynics who have never been there claim the tears are fake. Nope, the tears are real.  And what's more, all those Norks in mourning believe the entire world mourns with them. They would be stunned literally beyond belief to hear that their Dear Leader was regarded as a little fat nebbish laughingstock for all normal people on the rest of the planet.  This was epitomized by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone in the funniest movie of modern times, Team America (TTP October 2004). After Kim throws UN nuclear negotiator Hans Blix ("Hans Brix") into a shark tank where he is ripped to shreds, Kim launches into a song:  "I'm so ronery... so sadry and ronery arone..."  It's the classic portrayal of Kim Jong-il as a joke - yet Kim Jong-il in reality was a hideously evil ogre, not a joke.  He caused the deaths by famine of millions of his countrymen, and forced those left to live in impoverishment and the most brutal tyranny.  Why, then, was he worshipped?  The answer explains his worship in North Korea, and the electoral strategy of the Democrat Party in America.



The anti-capitalist of the "Occupy" movement have a point: capitalism is proving unfair. But I would like to try to persuade them that the reason is because it is not free-market enough. The market, when allowed to flourish, tears apart monopoly and generates freedom and fairness better than any other human institution. Today's private sector, by contrast, is increasingly dominated by companies that are privileged by government through cozy contract, soft subsidy, convenient regulation, and crony conversation. That is why it is producing such unfair outcomes. For example, the finance industry upon which the Occupiers focus their fury, are protected from upstart competition by high regulatory barriers to entry, and handles the supply and demand of a good - money - that is priced by government fiat. For doing so, it pockets big bonuses even when arranging the issuance of bonds to pay for the bailing out of itself. It may be called capitalism, but it's not a free market, capitalism for real.



When someone asks, "Do you want the good news or the bad news?", which do you choose to hear first?  I always choose the bad to get it over with, so that's what the HFR is doing today. Bearer of the bad news is economist David Malpass, whose nail-on-the-head analysis of the economic/political mess we're in - And The Crisis Winner Is?  Government - appeared in this morning's (12/16) Wall Street Journal.  Malpass is making it unavoidably obvious:  The 2010 Republican House Majority under John Boehner has been worthless.  He is also making it painfully obvious that the Tea Parties are as worthless as the Boehner Republicans.  They have accomplished exactly nothing in Washington.  Nothing. Nada, zilch, zero.  What a flame-out.  Evil always triumphs when good people do nothing, and they are doing nothing.  So brace yourselves for the longest year of your lives: 2012.  More joblessness, more economic decline, more deficit spending, more government intrusion into everyone's life and business, more anger and parasite demands from the Moocher Class, more demonization of the Producer Class, with the Grin of Evil that inhabits the White House laughing in our faces 24/7.  Okay, okay, okay, okay, thanks for the downer, Jack, just what I needed at the end of the week - so what's the good news?



These days, we're constantly being subjected to news reports of Moslem antics in various parts of the world.  This steady drizzle increased to a downpour over the past week, a global deluge of Islamic weirdness.  Here's a sample of examples: Gujranwala, Pakistan. (Gujranwala is Pakistan's sixth largest city with 2.5 million.)  On December 12, the Pakistan Express Tribune reported that a local villager, Asif Ali Babar murdered his mother for refusing to force her 12 year-old daughter (and thus his sister) to marry his brother-in-law in a "vani" settlement.  Vani is the Islamic practice of selling a daughter in a child marriage as a means of settling a dispute between two families. Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.   Over a million British tourists come to this Red Sea resort a year (and more from other Western countries).  Tourism is the only hope for recovery of the Egyptian economy devastated by the chaotic overthrow of Hosni Mubarak last February.  Nonetheless, Islamic fundamentalists who are winning political power in the current elections announced today (12/15) that they intend to ban bikinis and booze at Sharm el-Sheikh and other Western tourist watering-holes. Oh, and the beaches must be separated into men and women only areas.  This way, the fundies say, Westerners can "enjoy a vacation without sins."  What fun.



President Obama deserves credit for authorizing the execution of Osama bin Laden and for significantly intensifying the drone campaign against terrorists. He's largely stopped romanticizing the Palestinians; has recognized that Putin made an ass of him; and has even hinted that he might stand up to China on some issues.  But even if he turns into a combination of Ike, Reagan and Carl von Clausewitz in the coming months, his administration's foreign-policy record will forever be defined by his disastrous rush to leave Iraq - then brag about it. Does anybody at the White House look at a map? I realize that, thanks to the left's death-grip on our education system, we've stopped teaching trivial subjects like geography in favor of gender studies, but you don't have to be able to name all 17,000 islands belonging to Indonesia to recognize that simply quitting Iraq opens a terrorist superhighway straight from Iran, through Iraq and Syria, to Lebanon, Hezbollah, northern Israel and the eastern Mediterranean.



Why didn't I ever think to call Russian dictator Vladimir Putin The Gremlin In The Kremlin?  It took the London Telegraph to come up with the cleverest headline of the week.  At last, Russians are realizing what a punk Putin is, who tries so achingly hard to be a macho-man.  (You know I have personal experience over what a lightweight he is.) ** Meanwhile, the hammering of Newt continues.  What's really gone viral - particularly in Iowa - is this video hit comparing Newt's values to those of Kim Kardashian.  Ouch! ** It's a contest as to who should be the HFR Hero of the Week.  We report, you decide.  ** Now for the HFR Word of the Week.  Rehypothecation.  It's literally a trillion-dollar word.  To understand why, we need to talk about Cameron and Corzine.



There is a genre of historical fiction writing called Alternate or What-If History.  Its purpose is to focus on one of history's critical forks in the road, and by speculating on what might have happened had a different fork been taken (e.g., if Lee had won at Gettysburg or if Booth had missed) it can advance our understanding of what did happen. It can only be useful in that regard if it is to be anything other than pure entertainment and idle speculation - for history cannot be changed.  What did happen, happened, and not something else.  History is stochastic, a series of uniquely unrepeatable events. Nonetheless, what-if alternate histories do help us realize that some events are more important than others, suddenly determining an outcome affecting the fate of very large numbers of people for generations to come.  Ideally, they could be forward-looking, helping us distinguish between inconsequential forks we're facing and those we need to pay attention to - most especially enabling us to see when we're headed for a major Fork of History, one that future historians will be writing about. Like right now.  A Fork that will determine the fate of the world, how the lives of billions of people will turn out.  A Fork that will be endless fodder for future what-if histories.  A Fork of History down one path of which lies doom, down the other lies liberation.  We're there, folks.  It's time to choose.  There's only one thing that can extricate the world from the calamity descending upon it.



[This is the text of Gov. Rick Perry's address to the Republican Jewish Coalition in Washington DC yesterday, December 7] It is an honor to be with you today and to share my thoughts on faith, foreign policy and the free State of Israel. As we gather today, I am struck by the coincidence that two of the American citizens being unlawfully detained abroad today are Jewish: Alan Gross in Cuba, and Warren Weinstein by al Qaida in Pakistan.  In both cases their offense was spreading political and economic freedom to better the lives of less advantaged people around the globe. The repressive Castro regime should not be rewarded with increased tourism while Mr. Gross languishes in prison, and Pakistani authorities should clearly understand the significance of rescuing Mr. Weinstein from terrorist elements within their borders if they value the foreign aid they seem to take for granted.  We have an Administration in Washington today whose foreign policy is an incoherent mess. They embolden our adversaries while isolating our allies.



GORILLAS & PYGMIES EXPEDITION   led by Jack Wheeler Sunday, February 26 to Sunday, March 04, 2012
This is real African adventure, an expedition to the most uninhabited jungle in Africa where gorillas outnumber people by 100-1.  And most of the people are Ba'Aka Pygmies. There is an extraordinary profusion of wildlife.  When you think of elephants in Africa, you think of the bush elephant like in the Serengeti - but there is another subspecies called the forest elephant that you can see hundreds of at a time, if you know just where to go.  There are chimps, hippos, crocs, at least eight different kinds of monkeys like putty-nosed monkeys and crowned guenons, baboons, leopards, forest buffalo, an incredible array of birdlife, rare antelopes like the sitatunga and the trophy hunter's dream, the bongo. The region is called Dzanga-Ndoki, where Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, and the Central African Republic (CAR) come together.  This is an opportunity to experience some of the rarest wildlife on earth in the remotest part of Africa, easily, in comfort and safety. I hope you will join me.



Do you hear him?  It's Al Jolson laughing about political events this week, and warning us that we ain't seen nothin' yet.  We're living in Volatility City now, the presidential campaign is just beginning, and it is very silly to claim this candidate is toast or that candidate has it in the bag.  The only outcome you can be confident of is that most Intraders betting their money on their favorite Pub nominee will lose it. Yes, the campaign already seems interminable, but it's all prologue.  The Fat Lady hasn't even cleared her throat.  This is so not over. Just to give you an idea, here's how it is possible - albeit not probable - for Sarah Palin to be the nominee, and without even running in the primaries. ** There's lot's more this week.  Such as: it's really going to surprise you who is behind the series of unfortunate events that have been mysteriously bedeviling Iran.



After days of vehement denials and indignant claims that NATO's recent attack on Pakistani outposts was unprovoked and deliberate, a "senior Pakistani defense official" has admitted that it was the Pakistanis who started the firefight with "mortar and machine gun fire." His words come a bit too late to stop the firestorm of anti-Americanism and the damage to the Afghan war effort, but may prove useful if they prompt Washington to take a sober look at our "alliance" with Pakistan. The stark reality is that ten years after we forced Islamabad into a shotgun wedding in the aftermath of 9/11, Pakistan is no more of an ally (let alone a "strategic" ally) than before, but an adversary with interests often diametrically opposed to our own. A survey of the Pakistani press in the days since the border incident reveals a society that is in serious trouble. Hysterical anti-Americanism aside, stories included:



Up until election day in 2008, I could not make myself believe that a majority of American voters were suicidally stupid enough to elect a Hate America Empty Suit (O=Zero, June 2008) as their president. The choice between him and an obnoxious Rino jerk like McCain was ridiculous. It was nonetheless a no-brainer, as McCain was for all his flaws a patriotic American with no intention to harm and impoverish his country on purpose. Ever since, I chalked up their choice three long years ago to a spasm of temporary insanity. Until now. Surely, the American people will come to their senses, I was convinced. Now I am wondering, what if they no longer have any senses to come back to? Did they shoot their bolt of rationality with the congressional and state elections in 2010, then lapse into political derangement as before? I am, of course, talking about...



"We should do what we can to wake people up, but reality is far more eloquent than we can ever be." -- Dagny on the TTP Forum I'm afraid Dagny is right. America probably won't wake up until the OPM (Other Peoples' Money) suddenly runs out, quite possibly with the dollar blowing up and all the drastic consequences (how do we then import oil?) thereof. Although we don't know yet which candidate will win the Republican nomination or whether that candidate will replace BO, we already know enough to foresee some near future consequences that will occur whoever wins. Whether BO wins another term or one of the plausible Republicans wins, the five most important existentially threatening problems and their outcomes will be the same.  These are the shapes of things to come.



Perhaps the best characterization of this Thanksgiving week's events would be droll, which means curiously amusing. We'll resist the temptation to name Tatyana Limanova, a well-known news anchor on Russian television, the HFR Hero of the Week for flipping the bird to Zero.  Who among us has not done the same when confronted with his repulsive presence on our TV screens?  Tatyana, however, did so with 120 million Russians watching.  You know a lot of them applauded, and so do we. ** You're not going to get a better example of Joel Wade's Democrats Are In A Cult, Republicans Are In A Trance than the Supercommittee fiasco which so predictably ended in failure on Monday (11/21). From start to finish, this was a charade engineered by Dems to sucker hapless Pubs into keeping their perpetual spending machine running as usual. ** Perhaps the best news of the week is the double-whammy Warmism took... And the Word of the Weeke is Eurogeddon... ** As you know, I was in Africa for the past while.  Last weekend, Pope Benedict XVI was in Africa as well, in a country called Benin, which borders Nigeria.  As it turned out, I was in Benin at the same time...



On Thanksgiving Day, Americans gather with their family and friends to celebrate the blessings that Providence has bestowed on their beloved country. A deep appreciation of these blessings involves understanding that they were earned.  It is to understand the awesome truth of how "God helps those who help themselves" applies to the Mayflower Pilgrims and their First Thanksgiving at America's birth. This is an appreciation and understanding of which those on the Left are incapable - for it would mean celebrating the capitalist freedom that made that original Thanksgiving possible.  This no liberal, no Democrat, no leftie can do.  Thus they must distort history instead. The distortion starts in Kindergarten, with the childish make-believe of your kid's school play portraying the noble Squanto teaching the helpless Pilgrims how to feed themselves. So let's drop the curtain on the distortion and watch the real thing. Here it is.



Oshogbo, Nigeria.  nigeria_osun3.jpg We are here in the Osun Sacred Grove, dedicated to the Yoruba goddess of fertility, Osun (pronounced like ocean), and designated as a World Heritage Site.  We are alone and have the place to ourselves.  Nigeria is devoid of visitors.  The only foreigners are diplomats, international bureaucrats, and oil or oil-related businessmen.   They consider it so dangerous to be here that they require a police escort to take them from their hyper-expensive hotel in Lagos (where all business is done) to the airport.  The thought that a lone American would get a plain car and driver to take him 300 kilometers north of Lagos strikes them as lunacy.  Yet that's just what I've done - with no problems in the slightest. It is a revelation being here.  I've been a lot of places in Africa, but Nigeria is Africa on steroids.  More relevantly, Nigeria is where Christianity is on steroids.  If you want to see where Christianity, every variant of it, is alive, muscular and flourishing like nowhere else on earth, here is where you come.  Here is where you find the front lines between Christianity and Islam.  Here is where Sharia Islam is going to lose.



Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.  It took coming here, to the darkest pit of hellhole Africa, for it to finally dawn on me who Zero really is, to what total extent he isn't American at all, but African. Freedom House, in its 2011 Worst of the Worst report, highlights Equatorial Guinea as "one of the world's most repressive societies."  Its dictator, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo,has ruled since 1979, declared himself to be his country's God who "can decide to kill without anyone calling him to account and without going to hell" in 2003, and last January was elected by leaders of the 54 member-states of the African Union (AU) to be its Chairman.  Obiang uses his country's oil revenue as his personal piggy bank, enriching his friends and family while the average citizen of his country lives on $1 a day.  But there is nothing at all exceptional about him.  He is merely yet another example of what in Africa are called Big Men - narcissistic charismatic sociopaths who gain power however they can, never let go of it, look upon themselves as demi-gods for whom ordinary morality does not apply, utterly convinced they deserve to be worshipped with total obedience, and to live in complete extravagance while being completely indifferent to the poverty of others. Remind you of anyone in America?



I'm writing this after attending an event that turned out to be one of the most moving evenings I've ever had. I had the honor and privilege last Saturday night (11/12) of attending The Basic School Instructor Battalion 236th Marine Corps Birthday Ball at the Greater Richmond Convention Center with Corporal Kelsey DeSantis. I knew I would have an evening that I wouldn't forget. Something I could tell my friends about. What I didn't know was how moved I would be by the whole experience. I've always been very vocal about my support of our Armed Forces. I've always felt like they offered us the opportunity to live our lives freely without the fear that so many other nations have to endure still to this day. And, they do it without asking for anything in return. I had this very feeling walking into this dinner. So, to say I was stoked to be there would be more than accurate.



During a workout last weekend, I watched and listened as Secretary of Education Arne Duncan bemoaned our "crumbling schools." Sorry, but it's not our schools that are crumbling, Mr. Secretary: It's our values.  But we can't even discuss the problem honestly and have to trim the conversation to keep it within politically correct patterns. Well, when yet another survey trumpets that the U.S. has fallen to sixth place in teaching math or science, or that we're fifteenth in education overall, my reaction is "Okay, break those scores out by specific school locations."  Generally, our suburban and many small-town schools still deliver competitive (if less than optimal) educations. Our statistics skew sharply downward because of the appalling conditions in the inner-city and barrio holding pens and teacher's-union bunkers we pretend are real schools. The left, for political advantage, has written off poor blacks and browns educationally-confining them in schools that are now about the unionized teachers, not the students.  And let's be honest: Conservatives have made no serious attempts to reform those schools, either.



Bangui, Central African Republic. Pygmies are the original Africans. Africa was populated almost exclusively by them for millennia.  Then came larger folks like the Bantu who exterminated them, pushed them deep into the rain forests of Central Africa, and enslaved them.  There are now only a few groups of Pygmies left, scattered in pockets of the densest jungles, still practicing the original human way of life, hunting and gathering. There are three kinds of gorillas.  The giant hairy kind you see in zoos, and the thuggish human kind who rule over other people as "Big Men."  Africa has plenty of both.  Then there's the French colonial gorilla, which still has control over Francophone Africa. The poster child for the French gorilla is the CAR.  Of all of Africa's capital cities, this one is at the bottom of the Dark Continent's barrel.  Most of the city's streets are dirt with more potholes than road, what few streets are paved are more of an asphalt quilt riddled with bumpy pothole patches, most buildings are decrepit, there isn't one new modern building or establishment of any kind. So why am I here?  To arrange an astoundingly awesome expedition.  There is a hidden pocket of the southwest CAR where it, Cameroon, and Congo-Brazzaville come together.  This three-country region is the most uninhabited area in all Sub-Saharan Africa.  Save for two small villages of a few hundred, no one lives there except for pygmies and gorillas - tens of thousands of gorillas, outnumbering humans at least 100-1. This only hints at the extraordinary profusion of wildlife.  No one knows about it.  And now I know how to take you there.



Until recently, most politicians, pundits and others among the "smart people" insisted that Election 2012 was all about jobs, jobs, jobs. The more broad-minded contended that the related issues of the lousy economy and the imperatives of deficit reduction also might feature. But that was all that mattered, especially in the presidential contest. Then, GOP candidate Herman Cain, a successful businessman who has risen in the polls in no small measure on the strength of his claim to have actually created jobs, gave an interview in which he seemed unaware that Communist China has the bomb. Without skipping a beat, the intelligentsia denounced him as unfit to serve on the grounds that a man who was not proficient in national security and foreign policy matters could never become president. The jobs-jobs-jobs leitmotif gave way, at least for a time, to a new theme: The White House is no place for on-the-job-training about the nation's defense. How quickly they forget. What Barack Hussein Obama knew about U.S. security policy before he became president amounted to little more than the anti-colonialist sentiments of his father and the virulently anti-American agitation of Palestine Liberation Organization flak Rashid Khalidi, terrorist William Ayers, revolutionary Saul Alinsky and radical pastor Jeremiah Wright.



"The sun does not rise in the east.  That cannot happen.  We can't allow it.  If the sun were to rise in the east - just for the sake of argument for it is impossible - then Greece will default, the euro will collapse, the European Union will disintegrate, and all of civilization will face a doom worse than the catastrophe of Global Warming, which by the way, is real." Don't you find this awesome denial of reality by all the leaders of Europe absolutely hilarious?  Yet this only scratches the surface of mirth regarding what is happening in our world now.  Speaking of our world, I'm writing this 35,000 feet above it, flying to Africa on a wing and a prayer.  The wing is an Airbus 380-300's, the prayer is that I'll have an internet connection in Bangui in the Central African Republic once I get there so I can post this on TTP. Where I am and where I'm headed is perhaps an apt metaphor.  I'm over the Sahara now, with its sandy uninhabited wastes reminding me of Zero's desertification of America's economy and culture.  I'm going into the unknown, the deepest jungle abyss of the Dark Continent, similar to the chaotic unknown future facing America. Yet this non-stop Air France flight from Paris is packed, full of folks with no sense of foreboding whatever.  Nor should we, facing the future we are bound for.  It's about time we began looking forward to it.



There's no resisting starting this week's HFR with the funniest headline of the year:  Man Beats Woman With Frozen Armadillo.  Only in Texas. I also have to tell you about Steven Pinker's book that just came out:  The Better Angels of Our Nature:  Why Violence Has Declined.  Both Joel Wade and I are fans of Pinker, professor of evolutionary psychology and cognitive science at Harvard.  (See Joel's The Blank Slate, April 2006.) Pinker takes a gargantuan amount of evidence  to amass an irrefutable case that we today are living in the most peaceful era of human history - by far.  Really far.  But is it the freest?  That's another question.  Euroweenies are way less violent than they used to be, but are also way less free, having relinquished their freedom to Leviathan.  This, of course, is Zero's plan for us. Nonetheless, Pinker provides cause for optimism.  The trajectory of declining violence is one of centuries now.  We are on the cusp of staying on it while expanding our freedom, which we have the opportunity to do little more than 12 months from today.  All we have to do is carpe diem. Speaking of Euroweenies...



This is a serious question, by no means rhetorical.  Conservatives may be full of sound and fury against Zero, but it signifies nothing without actual evidence, of which there is little. Tea Partyers can wave the American flag and proclaim their passion for reclaiming America, but you can't beat something with nothing.  If this isn't true, then why is a Total Rino way ahead in the polls? The difference between Establishment Republicans and Conservatives is that the former care more about winning than principles, which is why they constantly compromise them.  Thus their mantra of ABO - which they morph into the con that only Rino Romney can beat Zero. When conservatives - such as Ann Coulter - make the same argument, then they have ceased being conservatives and have become the very establishment Rinos they claim to despise.



[This is the text of Gov. Rick Perry's speech at the ISO Poly Films plant in Gray Court, South Carolina yesterday, October 25] Thank you. It is great to be in the stomping grounds of a great conservative senator, Jim DeMint. I want to thank ISO Poly Films CEO John McClure for opening his business as we discuss my plan to get America working again. Today I lay before the American People my cut, balance and grow plan. It cuts taxes and spending. It balances the budget by 2020. And it grows jobs and the economy. It neither reshuffles the status quo, nor does it expand the ways Washington can reach into our pocketbooks. It reorders the way they do business in Washington by reinventing the tax code and restoring our nation to fiscal health through balanced budgets and entitlement reform. In other words, it's the kind of economic stimulus President Obama could have achieved if he wasn't hell-bent on passing big government schemes that have failed American workers. We are on the road to ruin paved by state serfdom.



Rough justice.  You've all seen the phone camera pics and videos.  They are horrific, but you can't have much sympathy for a murderous monster like Gaddafi.  He got what he deserved - especially since he was given a plethora of opportunities to safely leave Libya and live out his days in comfortable exile.  The choice to end like this was his. So Bush got Saddam and Zero will claim he got Gaddafi - even though Marco Rubio was right in observing that it was the Brits and French.  The contrast in how they were "gotten" is, however, instructive in the extreme.  That contrast is between the humane calm professionalism of American soldiers pulling Saddam Hussein out of his spider hole, and the bloody frenzy of ragtag Libyan rebels pulling Moammar Gaddafi out of his drain pipe.  This is the difference between civilization and barbarism, between democracy and mobocracy.  It is tempting to say the difference is reflected in that between the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street.



The most ridiculous part of the GOP candidate debate last Tuesday night (10/17) in Vegas has been the hilariously irrelevant commentary on it by much of punditry left and right. So while everyone else is focusing on silliness like claiming Perry is finished because he was a bully for interrupting Romney too much, you and I are going to focus on the real debate that took place and draw some substantive lessons from it. First, load the full debate transcript in another browser window so you can refer to any part of it as we go along.  We'll start with this question:  would you go to Vegas and put your entire wad on one spin of the roulette wheel coming up red?



The next GOP presidential candidate debate is four days from now, Tuesday, October 18, in Vegas on CNN.  It will focus primarily albeit not exclusively on foreign policy. I've been asked by friends of a particular candidate to provide him with a private briefing on the most critical foreign policy issues America faces.  What follows is not the usual HFR but a condensed summary of that briefing, which contains much of my Map of the Future talk at Rendezvous XI last weekend. Russia.  Putin is an ersatz macho-man, all hat and no karovi.  Russia's navy is made of rust.  Russia's ill-trained army of drunkards couldn't conquer Romania.  Russian male life expectancy is lower than that of Bangladesh.  Russia is a mafiacracy with a doomed economy dependent on oil & gas exports that fracking in Europe & the US will make uncompetitive.  Do svidanya. China.  No wives, no water, no banks - and a hyper-dangerous military.  Much of China is uninhabited - deserts, mountains, and wastelands.  Habitable China is about the size of the US east of the Mississippi, with over a billion people squeezed into it. Northern China is turning into a waterless dust bowl.  Scores of millions of Chinese men will never get married due to the Chicom's idiotic one-child policy and resultant mass female infanticide.



Last Sunday (10/09) in Cairo, some two dozen Coptic Christians were murdered by the Egyptian military egged on by a Moslem street mob. It is but the latest atrocity perpetrated upon Christians in Moslem countries, where they have been systematically persecuted for decades.  Sadly for the Christians of the Islamic world, their cause is not being championed either by Western governments or by Western Christians. Aside from Evangelical Protestants, most Western churches are uninterested in defending the rights of their co-religionists in the East. Instead, these churches and their related international bodies make repeated efforts to attack the only country in the Middle East in which the Christian population has increased in the past 60 years -- Israel.



I wouldn't think it would be worthwhile to draw attention to the Occupy Wall Street "movement," or its list of demands that wouldn't pass muster in an average kindergarten class. But President Obama sees these demonstrations against corporate America as reasonable protest toward "the same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to crack down on abusive practices that got us into this situation to begin with." This should provide perspective to what our most fundamental problem is today. We have an endangered species in America whose loss threatens our future. That species is...



So we're down to three this week.  Christie out to no one's dismay - except for his die-hard fans known as "girthers" - and so is Palin to the serious dismay of many.  It's too late for late entries - say goodnight Donald and Rudy - while the other candidates are there just for stubbornness or ego.  Rick, Mitt, or Herman, those are the only choices now. The next debate is this coming Tuesday, 10/11.  It could be make or break for Perry.  The Forum's resident Perryista, Ella - she's a Texas gal - assures us that, while he wasn't prepared for the first three debates due to his laser focus on raising $17 million in 49 days, he's primed and pumped for this one.  Let's hope so.  I for one am rootin' for Rick to come out with guns blazing.  It's show time. Will it be show time for Cain?  Will one of his competitors ask him about the fatal flaw in his 9-9-9 tax reform plan?