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Star Parker


President Barack Hussein Obama has laid out the core message of his re-election campaign. It is a message whose claims are blatantly false and whose point is irrelevant to what is of greatest concern to Americans today. Despite this, there is no evidence so far that his strategy and messaging is not working and won't be successful. In his speech last week (4/10) at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, the president defined what he called "the defining issue of our time." This defining issue, per the president, appears to be that America is not fair. Now excuse me for pointing out the irony of hearing from our nation's first black president a suggestion that America may no longer be a nation where dreams can be realized or where someone can come out of nowhere and make it. Ironically, I would say that if America is unfair today, it is because politicians and government have the power to do exactly what it is that Obama wants to do: Seize control of the wealth of some and redistribute it to whomever they choose. The Bible that I read every day calls this theft.



As I unquestionably make the best piña colada in the known universe, I am compelled to start the HFR with the thrilling medical news released Wednesday (4/11) that Drinking Alcohol May Significantly Enhance Problem Solving Skills.  Researchers at the University of Illinois demonstrated that two pints of beer or two glasses of wine enable guys to think more creatively and solve brain teasers more quickly.  Since my piña colada , in addition to a fully sufficient quantity of rum, contains Durk Pearson's brain nutrition formula, it's got to do better than a couple of brewskis.  Too bad it's so early in the day.  The sun won't be over the yardarm for hours. ************ From Norkland, comes what is surely the week's most hilarious news.  It can be lethal to embarrass and humiliate a god - or someone who believes he should be worshipped as a god.  A 28 year-old kid who's trying to step into his grandfather's and father's megalomaniacal shoes and establish his own godlike personality cult now has the whole world laughing at him. ************ Speaking of embarrassment... the world's biggest scandal is currently engulfing Norkland's giant neighbor, China.  There are hundreds of millions of Chinese, inside China and overseas, transfixed by it, with literally thousands of websites and blogs commenting daily - for the story is like a script from a Hollywood blockbuster movie.



Until now, you would have considered this question to be the most ludicrous you had ever heard in your entire life.  Today, in America Under Zero, it is the most sobering. Until now, the epithet "Fascist America" was exclusively used by moonbat lefties who hate our country for its virtues, not its vices.  Today, the moonbat lefties are fascists running the White House and the Justice Department. Let's face the stark, tragic reality:  if Zero is reelected this November, you can kiss our America goodbye.  It will be an act of eyes-open willful national suicide.  Personally, I cannot make myself believe this will actually happen.  In 2008, the urge to expiate racist-guilt caused brain damage to a majority of voters.  That urge is no longer there.  Thus the odds of Zero winning a second term are greatly diminished.  But they are not 0%.  What would you peg them at - 25%, 35%, 45%?  The higher the peg, the more precautions you need to take.



It's Good Friday, and it sure is good to be back home from Africa.  I cannot thank Jack Kelly enough for writing the HFR while I was gone.  He did such an outstanding job that I'll have a tough time now matching him.  If I don't, I'll blame it on jetlag.  Here goes. This Sunday we celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Christ.  Easter is also a time to celebrate the resurrection and renewal of the human spirit.  It is not a time for pessimism.  It is a time for optimism, for renewing our faith that good can indeed triumph over evil. For evil is what we Americans face today.  We have had lousy presidents before - incompetent wimps like Carter, moral alley cats like Clinton, strange ones like Nixon, sleazy ones like LBJ - but never an evil president.  Until now. After Zero threatened the Supreme Court on Monday (4/02), Rush Limbaugh called him "a thug" - recalling that Bill Clinton labeled him "a Chicago thug" during his 2008 primary campaign against Hillary.  He is, true enough.  He's established a Gangster Government, detailed in David Freddoso's book Gangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington Thugocracy. But he's more than some thuggish Chicago Mafiosi. There is evil in his soul.



"I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."  --Barack Obama, April 2, 2012 I don't think that President Obama believes a word of his remarks about what the Supreme Court can or cannot do about any given piece of legislation.  Attorney General Holder said as much when he agreed that the Supremes are there specifically to protect against laws they consider unconstitutional. Holder's not picking a fight with his boss. It's not about that.  It's about power.  And freedom. Power, because the president and his people think that, since they are smarter and better than the rest of us, anyone who tries to limit their power is bad, and has to be brought into line.  Thus, the tough words of warning to any Justice contemplating voting against Obamacare. Freedom, because the accumulation of power in the hands of the executive branch comes at our expense, bit by bit and law by law, precisely as Alexis de Tocqueville feared.



How many countries - sovereign, independent nations - are there in the world?  206, according to the List of Sovereign States. This includes all 193 member states of the United Nations, plus 13 others of various status: non-member sovereignties like Taiwan and the Vatican, de facto states like Somaliland, a fictional state (Sahrawi), and four pretend states which are actually conquered colonies (Abkhazia and South Ossetia stolen from Georgia by Russia, Transnistria stolen from Moldova by Russia, Nagorno-Karabagh stolen from Azerbaijan by Armenia). Deducting the five fictional and pretend places leaves 201 countries - of which I have traveled to and had personal experience in 185. As the Democrat Media and Democrat Moonbat Left play the Race Card with mounting hysteria, it behooves us to take a look at racism around the world and see where America ranks.  It is jejune to compare racial reality in America solely with some Platonic Ideal of pure racial harmony, which has never existed in any society in the history of mankind. We have to start with defining just what "racism" is - for the left has divested the term of any meaning.  It has no more current meaning than gibberish, like "schlacism" or "bltspilzh." It only signifies dislike by the speaker, like yelling "boo!" or a crude expletive.



What are the ramifications if the Supreme Court finds the individual mandate provision of the healthcare reform law unconstitutional? This provision requires individuals to purchase government-defined health insurance or pay a fine. I hope it will serve as a wakeup call to a nation that I believe is still sleeping through a crisis. Liberal and open-ended interpretation of the Constitution has rendered it practically meaningless, opening the door to steady growth of the federal government and its inexorable encroachment in our lives over the last half century. The problems we are having today all originate here. Our growing burden of taxes and government debt -- what now is breaking European countries and is about to break us -- stems from the growth of government programs, enabled by open-ended interpretation of the Constitution. Our private economy, in which freedom and the creative spirit are still allowed to operate, is going great. A miracle is taking place in energy, with new domestic production of oil and gas made possible by new drilling technologies.  New technologies abound, with more and more gadgets appearing all the time at lower and lower prices. So why are we turning over more and more of our lives to the most unproductive, least efficient part of our country: government?



Next to the Nobel, the richest and most prestigious economic award is the £250,000 ($400,000) Wolfson Economics Prize, awarded by the Wolfson Foundation, founded by British entrepreneur and philanthropist Sir Isaac Wolfson in 1955.  It currently has an endowment of $1.2 billion. Unlike the Nobel, the final contenders for the Wolfson are known in advance.  This year, out of 425 entrants, five were chosen as finalists - and they all have a shared nightmare on how to "manage" a full or partial disintegration of monetary union. They agree on little else. "The consequences of a completely unplanned 'Exit' are likely to be catastrophic," said Neil Record from Record Currency Management, one of the five qualifiers. Catherine Dobbs, a former algorithms expert at Gartmore, said the global shock could be five to 10 times worse than the Lehman earthquake in 2008, given the scale of contracts and counter-party exposure. The Lehman lesson is that authorities must have contingency plans in place to stop a seizure of the global credit system. The crucial point is exactly how a break-up occurs, not whether it does so.



Monrovia, Liberia.  This is a horror story - far grimmer than anything Joseph Conrad ever imagined, much less experienced when he captained a steamboat on the Congo River in the Belgian Congo in 1889.  Conrad's famous novel, Heart of Darkness, was fiction and only very loosely based on fact.  This story is true - and it's not from the 19th century, it's contemporary. Steel yourself, because we're in for a stomach-turning rough ride.  How human beings can be capable of such evil seems inexplicable.  It is not true that all of us are so capable - Conrad was wrong about that.  Very wrong.  Yet enough people are to make this a cautionary tale, as the odds of a maelstrom in our land mount along with those of Zero's reelection.  It was such a maelstrom that recently engulfed West Africa. The country of Liberia is unique in Africa, founded in the 1820s by American freed slaves, with a constitution and government structure based on America's, and the capital named in honor of President Monroe - Monrovia. The colonists called themselves Americo-Liberians, immensely proud of their American heritage, with an Antebellum South lifestyle that included wearing top hats and morning coats, and living in homes with columned porches.  Their party, the True Whig Party, ruled Liberia for over 130 years.  Then, in 1980, the descent into madness began.



A few weeks ago the Obama administration put out a video extolling Obama's record on Israel. They took excerpts from speeches by Israeli leaders praising Obama and used them as proof that Israelis view Obama is a great friend of the Jewish state.  On the whole it was an obscene production. What can Benjamin Netanyahu or any other Israeli official say other than that Obama is a great friend of Israel? We have to face the dismal fact that Obama may remain in the White House until 2017. No Israeli official can afford to say openly what they think of this man.  While Israel's leaders cannot say the truth about Obama, American Jewish groups can say the truth. Unfortunately, since the majority of American Jewish leaders are more concerned about maintaining their liberal bonafides than defending Israel, the voices opposing Obama's hateful treatment of the US's most vital ally in the Middle East have emanated mainly from the underfunded margins of the American Jewish community. Here's one voice that tells the truth.



Accra, Ghana.  When Britain granted Ghana full independence (the first African colony to gain it) in March of 1957, it was the richest tropical country in the world, with huge foreign currency reserves from massive sales of cocoa, coffee, gold, timber, and bauxite.  The Brits had provided the new nation with an efficient civil service, an impartial judiciary, a fair electoral system with competent elected politicians, and a prosperous middle class. Yet they allowed a man to lead Ghana who was a charismatic charlatan, an intellectual lightweight, a self-proclaimed Marxist who hated capitalism, a self-worshipping narcissist of the highest order, and a black racist who hated whites and the West.  To the surprise of no one with unblinkered vision, but to the shocked surprise and denial of every fawning liberal on the planet, he proceeded to run Ghana straight into the ground. The parallels with Zero are obvious.  That white liberal guilt is responsible for Zero is fairly well-recognized among those who are intellectually honest.  What is little understood, however, is that it is also responsible for what inevitably happens as a consequence of African Big Man government: the Africanization of that government.



It was only a matter of time before one of our men broke down. On Sunday, March 11, just before dawn, an American staff sergeant walked away from his post in the badlands of Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, went into a nearby village, and methodically murdered sixteen civilians, including women and children. This didn't happen in the confusion of a firefight amidst the "fog of war." It was the brutal act of a veteran who cracked. The deed cannot be excused. But I believe it can be explained. That staff sergeant-who turned himself in after the killings-is guilty of murder in a degree yet to be determined, but the amazing thing is how disciplined, patient and tenacious our troops have been. Given the outrageous stresses of serving repeated tours in an environment a brand-new private could recognize as hopeless (while his generals fly back and forth congratulating themselves), it's remarkable that we have not seen more and even uglier incidents.  The problem in Afghanistan isn't our troops - although craven generals routinely insist that everything is the fault of "disrespectful" soldiers - it's a leadership in and out of uniform that is bankrupt of ideas, bankrupt of ethics, bankrupt of moral courage, and rich only in self-interest and ambition.



chad_cameroon_149.jpg Famboun, Cameroon.  This is a Ndiki Drum.  It is used by the Sultan of Bamoun to call his subjects to their end-of the-year Nguon festival over which he presides.  It can be heard for miles. The carved wooden forearms and hands propped up at the drum's end are not the drumsticks.  They are symbolic for what the real drumsticks used to be.  Until the British and French put an end to the custom in the 1920s, the Ndiki drumsticks were human arms, amputated at the elbow off captured slaves.  Four drummers were needed to properly pound the drum, each requiring two drumsticks: eight amputated human arms in total. The Bamoun Sultanate was a Moslem Slave State.  It derived its power from enslaving neighboring peoples.  Amputating slaves' arms for drumsticks was one of the many ways the Sultan broke their will to resist and keep them in bondage.  It was founded by this guy:



The blistering asset rally of 2012 has run ahead of economic realities in Europe, America and China. It is exhibiting symptoms of a schizophrenic market, with technical indicators flashing signs of exhaustion. Graham Secker from Morgan Stanley said it is rare for global stocks, oil prices and government bonds to rise in lockstep, and such exuberance becomes a "very reliable sell signal for stocks" once speculators join the party. Equity long positions on NASDAQ have reached 1.5 standard deviations and long bets on oil are at an extreme of 1.9, according to data from the Commodity Futures Exchange Commission. This is occurring at a time when yields on 10-year US Treasuries are still at 1.96%, signaling depression, deflation, or both. The historical relationship between bonds and equities has completely broken down over the past six months. "You can't have a sustained period where equities are going up, while bond yields are flat or trending down," said Mr Secker. One or the other must give, and bears have no doubt which it will be.



Sangha River, Central African Rain Forest.  No one knows how many gorillas there are in this vast untracked jungle.  Researchers estimate as many as 100 to 200,000.  There could be a lot more - no one knows.  To see a family of gorillas up close in the wild, which is what I brought a group of intrepid TTPers here to do, is profoundly memorable.  What had the most impact on me personally was how peaceful and benign the gorillas' lives are.  They eat leaves.  Babies ride on the backs of their mommies.  Kids wrestle and play.  Dad - the giant bull silverback - watches over them protectively.  They have no predators.  The contrast between gorilla life and human life in Africa is overpowering.  For several of the folks with me, this was their first experience of Africa.  They had, of course, heard of poverty here, but to confront it in your face - whether on the streets of a big city or a village in the bush - was inexpressibly shocking.       Our jungle lodge had a deck overlooking the Sangha River, where we would watch the sunset and enjoy a cold beer or gin and tonic.  When our conversation turned to African poverty and hardship, I was asked what I thought as I'd seen so much of it.  I said it made me think of Chicago pizza.



Whenever an old alliance comes apart, our foreign-policy establishment behaves like the spouse who pretends away a partner's ever-more-flagrant infidelities-hoping that patience and indulgence will somehow bring the straying party around. But real life doesn't work that way for lovers or for states. When we look away from shameless betrayals, it only encourages further bad behavior. And sometimes the situation requires a divorce. With no more support payments. The worst current case of a supposed ally gone wildly, viciously wrong is, of course, Pakistan, which our government refers to as a "friend" even as the real rulers in Islamabad-the military and the security services-shield the world's most wanted terrorists; support, supply and train insurgents who kill and maim our troops; and cut off our main supply route to Afghanistan (presumably, in thanks for the billions of dollars we send the Pakistanis year after year). But another, potentially graver case goes largely unremarked, when not willfully misinterpreted: Turkey, a NATO member and long-time ally (at least, on paper), is suffering from increased repression, the step-by-step subversion of its democratic system, and creeping, clawing Islamism.



As you read this, a federal judge, Richard Voorhees, is deciding whether or not to sentence a 68 year-old man to, in effect, a life sentence in federal prison (15 or more years) for being a domestic terrorist. Almost a year ago (3/18/11), Bernard von NotHaus was convicted by a federal jury for the crime of counterfeiting - of "making, possessing, and selling his own coins" in competition with US federal currency. NotHaus' company, Liberty Services -also known as NORFED, the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Code - produced Liberty Dollars, which contained a specified amount of gold or silver (such as one troy ounce). It is, of course, absurd to claim Liberty Dollars were "counterfeit" US Federal Reserve Notes - for how can something be counterfeit when it contains something of actual value (silver or gold), compared to something that is simply a piece of paper? But that is not the issue here.  For the purpose of this discussion, we are going to agree with the federales that NotHaus is guilty as charged.



Today, February 22, is the 280th anniversary of America's founder, the equal in nobility, heroism, and virtue of any human being who ever lived - George Washington. What today is not, nor is any day such as last Monday (2/20), is the phony holiday called "Presidents Day."  Let's be quite clear on this.  There is no such holiday.  It exists only in the minds of furniture dealers, car salesmen, and Hate-America leftists. It wasn't until 1870 that there were any national holidays at all, recognized by the federal government and granting federal workers a day off, although four were recognized by most states:  the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.  In 1870, Congress declared them national. In 1879, Congress added Washington's birthday to the national list, which had been unofficially celebrated by most Americans for many decades.  In 1894....



Violent fanatical movements burn out. Some take longer to fade than others, but none endure. Inevitably, their ever-increasing excesses take the gravest toll among their own kind, alienating the population from which they demand support.  If "revolutions devour their own," religion-driven insurgencies are the ultimate cannibals: Witness Al Qaeda's wanton butchery of its fellow Moslems, a blood-lust that, along with our successful anti-terrorist strikes, have pushed the last decade's great bogeymen to the far margins of events (al Qaeda's recent announcement of its-unwanted-support of the anti-Assad rebellion in Syria is another desperate attempt to remain relevant). My point? It's time to shift our focus to more-serious Islamist enemies of civilization, freedom and elementary decency: the Saudis. Al Qaeda carried within it the formula for self-destruction, but the Saudis are the kind of threat that lasts: pernicious, perverted and patient.



The two most intriguing words of the week:  "I'm game."  It's was Sarah Palin's answer to Eric Bolling on Fox's Follow The Money show on Wednesday (2/15).  She agreed with Bolling that we could end up with a brokered GOP convention, and that while she respected "all four" remaining candidates in the race (Romney, Santorum, Gingrich & Paul), "all bets are off" if it comes to that.  "If it does," asked Bolling, "then, Governor, would you be interested?" Sarah's answer:  "I would be willing to help any way that I can."  And: "If that means running for office at some point in the future, I'm game." No wonder everyone wants a brokered convention.  As Jenny Beth Martin and Mark Meckler, founders of Tea Party Patriots, told Neil Cavuto on Fox News on Wednesday (2/15), "Nobody is satisfied with the (four) candidates out there. They're all losers." Jenny and Mark could have done a mea culpa at this point, for after going ga-ga over Herman Cain, they pouted in a corner when he cratered.  If Tea Party Patriots had gone all-up/all-in for Rick Perry, we wouldn't be in this loser-mess now. But we are.  So, what would it take for an "all bets are off" convention?  The short answer is...



There are a lot of contenders for the worst movie ever made in Hollywood.  On the short list has to be a 1987 cinematic debacle entitled Surf Nazis Must Die! There is only one contender, however, for the worst government ever made in America.  It's the one Americans have inflicted upon themselves and are suffering under right now.  A perfect example emerged this week, the news story of a government agent's school lunch thuggery in North Carolina.  The nanny-state outrageousness prompted Investors Business Daily to label the bureaucrats involved School Lunch Nazis. As of today (2/16), Zero is polling an average of 48.8% approval, 46.4% disapproval.  More Americans approve of the worst president in anybody's memory than not.  They love Big Brother.  Call it Moocher's America. It's tempting to also call it Whitney's America.  Whitney Houston had so much talent and made so much money - a $100 million fortune - and she ruined her life with cocaine and booze, ending up flat broke, drowning in a bathtub wasted on sedatives and champagne.  It is a ghastly tragedy - and America is following in her footsteps. No nation in human history has more talent and made more money than America -  yet she is ruining her life with the drug of Moocherism, headed towards dying flat broke in a bathtub of fascism.  What do we do?



Let's get one thing clear: Obama unquestionably ranks among the bottom five presidents in US history. In terms of sublime awfulness he's right up there with Britain's late and extremely unlamented ex-PM Gordon Brown - which is quite some doing, given that Brown singlehandedly wrought more destruction on his country than the Luftwaffe, Dutch Elm Disease, the South Sea Bubble, the Fire of London and the Black Death combined. Agreed: the damage President Obama has done to the US economy with everything from Ben Bernanke's insane money-printing program, to his cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, to his ban on deep-water drilling to his crony capitalism hand-outs to disaster zones like Solyndra to his persecution of companies like Gibson is incalculable. And, of course, if he gets a second term the damage he and his rag-bag of Marxist cronies at organizations like the Environmental Protection Agency manage to inflict on the US small businessman trying to make an honest buck will make his first term look like Calvin Coolidge on steroids. So why do I think this would be preferable to a presidency under Mitt Romney? Simple. Because I've seen what happens, America, when you elect yet another spineless, yet ruthless, principle-free blow-with-the-wind, big government, crony-capitalist RINO squish. His name is current British PM Dave Cameron - and trust me, the cure is far worse than the disease.



Here are the top two speeches at CPAC.  Daniel Hannan represents Britain in the EU Parliament.  He exemplifies the extraordinary skill and eloquence of the classic British orator - combined with a passion for the principles of freedom that few American politicians can match, much less European. One American who does is the Magnificent Sarah.  She is here at the top of her form, receiving over a dozen standing ovations.  We should all be praying for a brokered convention that would finally select her as the GOP nominee.  Palin-Perry 2012!  {youtube}6U6v0pZ9f6k{/youtube} {youtube}tXsrajvFGk8{/youtube}



Thanks to Herculean efforts by Miko and Joel Wade, we have finally reached closure on RXII - the Plan B Rendezvous. First is when.  Memorial Day weekend turned out to be booked up everywhere and impossibly expensive to boot.  After much scrambling, the dates that work are for the following weekend, Friday June 1st to Sunday June 3rd.  Second is where.  It's really hard to come up with a fabulous place in a fabulous location at an affordable price - but after endless hardball negotiating, Miko & Joel did it.  So here we go.  RXII will be at the Seascape Beach Resort on Monterrey Bay in Santa Cruz, California.  All the info and details will be up early next week.  For now, plan to join us for the 12th TTP Rendezvous - RXII - the Plan B Rendezvous, Friday June 1st to Sunday June 3rd at the Seascape Report in Santa Cruz.  Maybe we should call this the Beach Party Rendezvous! ************ The big CPAC convention is going now in DC, and yesterday there was a extraordinary speech - it was exhilarating and depressing, uplifting and infuriating, so galvanizing you stood up and cheered, so immensely sad you sat down and cried.



We start the identification process with those enemies of America who are not the most dangerous and powerful threats to her. Ralph Peters vividly explains this week how this includes the Arabs.  Adding to Ralph's incisiveness, we should also focus on what is being called "The closing of the Moslem Womb."  According to UN population researchers, the Moslem world is currently undergoing "the fastest population decline in recorded history."   Demographic collapse among Arabs, Persians, Turks, and even Malays is now surpassing that of Western Europeans.  "The world's most rapid fertility decline" of all is in Iran.  Islam is collapsing before our very eyes, within a generation. What about China?  Surely the Chicoms are a real threat to America, far more than a bunch of robots chanting the Koran, yes? No doubt about it.  Red China has to be taken very seriously.  Big time.  It is the only country on the planet that has a ghost of a chance of taking on America - and the leaders of its government and military really do hate us.   However...



Here's free advice for Mitt Romney. Before bringing up the poor again, read my book, "Uncle Sam's Plantation:  How Big Government Enslaves the Poor and What We Can Do About It." Romney has been taking a drubbing about his remarks in a CNN interview that he is "not worried about the very poor ... we have a safety net there ... If it needs a repair, I will fix it." And then going on to say it is "middle-income Americans ... that are really struggling" that are his concern. What the Republican presidential front-runner missed in his off-the-cuff economic analysis of American class is that the cause driving the struggle among both low- and middle-income Americans is the same -- economic stagnation and social breakdown caused by welfare-state socialism. As I explain in "Uncle Sam's Plantation," America's inner cities offer laboratory results that can be extrapolated to what is wrong today with the whole country.  If you want to know why America is failing, look at why our inner cities are failing. If America is going to get back on track, we must appreciate that Democrats are doing to our whole country what they did to America's poor.



My image of a true conservative is of a bold, honorable, responsible citizen, with just a touch of the swashbuckler. But that image is fading as so many conservatives insist on seeing bogeymen under every bed, cot, sleeping bag and beach chair.  And of all the subjects that excite exaggerated fears, terror of Islam takes the moldy cake. Let me be clear: I agree with the anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss (no conservative, that boy) who characterized Islam as "a barracks religion" that stymied cultural growth. Nor do I have the least sympathy with Islam's apologists, subversives or litigious jerks. But let's get a grip, folks.  Far from taking over the world and making obese Americans stop drooling over internet porn, Islam is pathetically weak, plagued by myriad failures and, especially in the case of Arab Islam, unable to compete successfully in any sphere of organized human endeavor.  How can American conservatives impute overpowering strength to a religion-crippled civilization that, in the 21st century, not only cannot build a competitive automobile, but can't even produce a competitive bicycle?



Before we discuss who should be the HFR Hero of the Week, today we're initiating its antipode:  designating the HFR Scum of the Week. The hands-down winner this week is an evil, racist, corrupt, lying, treasonous accomplice to murder who belongs in jail.  Instead he's the most powerful law enforcement official in the country as head of the Zero Justice Department:  Eric "I'm the Attorney General of the United States, OK?" Holder.  He testified at a Congressional hearing yesterday (2/02), once again refusing to accept any responsibility or knowledge of his department's Fast & Furious gun-running scandal that, had it been conducted by a Republican Attorney General would have gotten him impeached and imprisoned long before now. Holder's testimony was so disgustingly outrageous it prompted the mother of murdered border patrol agent Brian Terry - murdered with a Fast & Furious gun - to publicly label Holder a joke and a coward.  He is certainly that and so much worse.



I've been talking to a lot of folks here in Washington after Romney's Florida romp over Gingrich on Tuesday (1/31).  The consensus is that Mittens has sewn it up.  As Jack Kelly says, either Romney killed Gingrich or Gingrich committed suicide, but either way Newton's candidacy is a dead man walking.  Romney is the last man standing. This is obnoxious.  The Gravy Train Party has triumphed over the Tea Party.  Gravy Train Republicans pay lip service to "limited government" as long as nothing actually threatens to derail the flow of government gravy to their lobbyists and their perks of power.  Romney is their guy.  So what do we do?  Are there any ponies in this giant pile of horse manure? Let's see, proceeding on the assumption that Mittens wins.  The two biggest ponies in his pile are Marco Rubio, who will be his Vice-President, and John Bolton, who will be his Secretary of State. Bolton would be our #1 SecState choice whomever would be the Pub president.  We would have the most pro-American foreign policy of our lifetimes - and that certainly includes Reagan's, for his SecState George Schultz fought the Reagan Doctrine every step of the way. Rubio would be our #1 VP choice whomever would be the Pub president as well.  It's the reverse of Reagan-Bush.  Romney-Rubio would be a squish president and conservative vice-president.  Rubio could do to the Romney Administration what Bush did to Reagan's.  With Rubio, Tea Party Conservatives have the opportunity to make a deal with Romney.  It would go something like this:



Here's a quartet of choices for who should be the HFR Hero of the Week.  When the week started out, the choice seemed obvious:  an extraordinary athlete with the initials of TT.  Not Tim Tebow, however admirable he is.  It's the greatest hockey goalie on earth, who enabled the Boston Bruins to win the 2011 Stanley Cup (he was named MVP), Tim Thomas. Then on Wednesday (1/25), two Republican governors came into Hero contention.  First is Arizona's with a name all tipplers admire, Jan Drinkwine Brewer (yes, Drinkwine is her maiden name and she married a fellow named Brewer:  how can you beat that?).  You've all seen the picture of her telling off Zero on the Phoenix tarmac regarding his attack on Arizona's attempts to protect its border from illegal invasion. The night before his tarmac scolding (1/24), Zero delivered his pathetic SOTU speech to a bored Congress.  The GOP response was delivered by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels.  This is worth reading entire. So who could give TT and these two governors competition this week?  We don't know their names and never will, just that they are Navy SEALs.



Is there a road so long that, no matter how many times you kick a can down it, you will never reach the end? The answer is yes, there is - because the operative word in the question is not "road" or "long," but "you."  The game is to keep kicking your can down the road until you're able to force others to make it their can, like taxpayers or your children when you die.  Another proven successful alternative is to blame the existence of the can on a scapegoat, like "the 1%" or "capitalism." Most successful of all is to deny there is a can at all, and demonize anyone who says there really is one.  All of these strategies work - until they don't.  Reality exists, no matter how much people engage in reality-denial.  Thus the time always comes when reality bites.  So the question we all need to face is, how much time do we have until it does?  For reality is getting ready to bite us all in our backsides big time.  When almost everyone engages in reality-denial, the kicked can really does reach the end of the road, and that's just about where we are right now. Here are two screamingly unpalatable facts.  The first is, the odds are growing now that Zero will be reelected.  The second is, it may not make much difference if Zero is defeated.



I live in California. If you were wondering what living in Obama's second term would be like, wonder no longer. We in California are living there now. California is a one-party state dominated by a virulent Democrat Left enabled by a complicit media where every agency of local, county, and state government is run by and for the public employee unions. The unemployment rate is 12%. California has more folks on food stamps than any other state, and seven income tax brackets.  In California, we hate the evil, greedy rich (except the rich in Hollywood, in sports, and in drug dealing). But we love people who have broken into California to eat the bounty created by the productive rich. California is also near fulfilling the environmentalist dream of deindustrialization.  All of this is Obama's dream.



Absolutely no doubt who the HFR Hero of the Week is:  Rick Perry, who took a bullet for the team.  He was all set to give an adaptation of a suggested closing statement I wrote for him (appended below) at the South Carolina debate last night (1/19), when he decided that if he continued, the Not Romney vote would remain so split Romney would win. Now he won't.  Gingrich will win the SC primary tomorrow (1/21) - despite the Obamamedia trying to take him out with his coyote ugly shrew ex-wife from Hell - thanks to Perry. That said, there is also absolutely no doubt who the HFR Jerk of the Week is - the schmuck, the phony "social conservative," the corrupt horse's derriere of the year - who singlehandedly caused Perry to lose the nomination because Perry told him to shove it for soliciting a bribe while Santorum said, "Let's talk." We're talking about...



"It does little good to summon those very citizens who have been made so dependent on the central power to choose from time to time the representatives of that power.  However important, this brief and occasional exercise of their free choice will not prevent them from gradually losing the faculties of thinking, feeling, and acting for themselves, and thus slowly falling below the level of humanity."   -- Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy In America, 1835 De Tocqueville wrote at a time when large numbers of Americans not only were alive during the Revolution but had fought in it.  Yet his astounding prescience accurately depicts exactly the unique form of tyranny enveloping and strangling us right now.  He had no name for it, as "the type of oppression which threatens democracies is different from anything there has ever been in the world before." It is an oppression that its subjects willingly submit to.  It is a voluntary surrender of freedom.  It achieves an "immense protective power" through keeping people in "perpetual childhood." Under such an "administrative despotism," he concluded that "It really is difficult to imagine how people who have entirely given up managing their own affairs could make a wise choice of those who are to do that for them." Today, that "administrative despotism" in America has in fact finally been achieved.  We're there.  De Tocqueville's future is now.  So - what do we do about it?



In the Republican candidate debate in South Carolina last Monday night (1/16, link is to debate transcript), moderator Bret Bair of Fox News asked Governor Rick Perry: "Governor Perry, since the Islamist-oriented party took over in Turkey, the murder rate of women has increased 1,400 percent there. Press freedom has declined to the level of Russia. The prime minister of Turkey has embraced Hamas and Turkey has threatened military force against both Israel and Cypress. Given Turkey's turn, do you believe Turkey still belongs in NATO?" And Gov. Perry replied: "Well, obviously when you have a country that is being ruled by, what many would perceive to be Islamic terrorists, when you start seeing that type of activity against their own citizens, then yes. Not only is it time for us to have a conversation about whether or not they belong to be in NATO, but it's time for the United States, when we look at their foreign aid, to go to zero with it." This prompted outrage by Ankara, condemnation by the liberal media, and a strong defense by Perry of his claim. So is Perry right?  Let's take a look at what is actually going on in Turkey today.



The two most anti-capitalist groups in America today are university professors and big businessmen. --- Milton Friedman, Nobel Laureate in Economics Our nation is at a genuine crossroads. Even if we could scale back the trillions in new spending that Obama has larded into our federal budget, we would still be in trouble.  Government has taken over major parts of American life and to regain our vitality, significant reforms must be made. Reforms of major areas of American life where Americans have grown accustomed to the heavy hand of government will be impossible if a large percentage of our population is mistrustful of free markets and business.  To get this kind of change, leadership that inspires trust in free enterprise is essential. There's good reason for skepticism when former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney showcases his business background as the reason he will inspire this kind of trust.



At least it was cordial.  But the 150 or so "movement conservatives" gathered at Paul Pressler's this weekend (1/13-14) were a fractured lot.  Maybe 10% were for Perry.  Almost all of them were against Romney.  Well, sort of.  Caveat below. When the case was made that Perry was the only candidate who actually understood the Constitution and the power of the 10th Amendment, the only one who was not a big government guy, the most successful governor in the country who has a rock solid record of job creation and conservative judicial appointments - they just didn't care.  I want that to sink in.  These conservative leaders really do not care about jobs, people hurting like the Great Depression, America's economy falling into an abyss.  All they care about is "the family as the fabric of society," and other Rick Santorum social conservative platitudes.  So a majority of them voted for Santorum.  They could care less that Santorum would not do anything to reduce metastasizing government, much less castrate it (like Perry would), or has not the slightest trace of executive experience of any kind, government or private. When asked one-on-one why they were going for Santorum when they knew he had no money, no organization, and stood not a ghost of a chance to win the nomination, the truth came out: 



We begin with the announcement many of you have been patiently waiting for:  The 12th TTP Rendezvous (RXII) will be in California on Memorial Day weekend, Friday May 25 to Sunday May 26.  Monday the 28th is Memorial Day, which gives everyone a day to either relax or return home at a leisurely pace. RXII will be The Plan B Rendezvous.  We'll have a few sessions where a speaker talks and folks listen.  But the main focus is for this to be a working rendezvous, discussing what strategies you can avail yourself of to best protect and prepare yourself for an increasingly probable fascist maelstrom. We all hope for an end to the Zero Presidency this November (actually next January).  Yet we can't bet our farms on this, nor that there won't be extremely severe economic, social, and political problems in the aftermath of its desired demise, due to the inertia of fascism it has built up. How you and your loved ones surmount those problems is quite likely to depend on how good your Plan B is.  The purpose of The Plan B Rendezvous is to enable you get a Plan B that really works for you.  A number of TTPers have already done this, and they'll be there to teach you how. I'll see you there.   Now here's a  question of the week:  What is Rick Perry's Plan B?  He does have one, you know.



It's starting to look like 1948 all over again. Mark Twain observed that while history doesn't repeat itself, it often rhymes.  The 2012 presidential campaign is now rhyming with that of 1948 in iambic trimeter - the poetic form tragedians of Ancient Greece such as Aeschylus and Sophocles used to best express portending doom. So let's revisit that extraordinary yesteryear of 1948, resulting in the most famous upset in American politics - Democrat Harry Truman defeating Republican Tom Dewey - and see how we can avoid a similar outcome by using it to our advantage. How to do so is an opportunity being handed to Rick Perry on a platter.  The opportunity is to agree with Zero...



This election -- including the Republican primary contest -- is about a fundamental question in American politics: We have an opportunity to decisively turn away from big government in Washington. Do we want to take it? Conservatives across the country are fed up with President Obama's Washington approach to governance. Massive, budget-busting, deficit spending (except on defense, where he proposes cuts that are downright dangerous). Bailouts. An ever-mounting national debt. A federal government that has reached its tentacles further into Americans' lives, by virtue of Obamacare with its noxious individual mandate to purchase health insurance. Excessive, bureaucratically dictated, job-killing environmental regulation. Dodd-Frank. Yet there are "big government conservatives" who argue that a big intrusive government is fine, desirable even, so long as it pursues "conservative" goals, which frequently when scrutinized are neither conservative nor worthy. Big government conservatives will never truly overhaul Washington because they need the status quo in place to accomplish their objectives. They don't want to rebuild the machine; they simply want to change the people pulling the levers. But that is not what the American people want. There is such deep and widespread discontent that nothing short of a complete overhaul will satisfy their justifiable demands.