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Matt Ridley


One of the delights of science is its capacity for showing us that the world is not as it seems. A good example is the startling statistic that there are at least 10 times as many bacterial cells (belonging to up to 1,000 species) in your gut as there are human cells in your entire body: that "you" are actually an entire microbial zoo as well as a person. You are 90% microbes by cell count, though not by volume -- a handy reminder of just how small bacteria are. It has been clear for a long time that the microbes in your gut are not just passengers but colleagues that help with the digestion of food: releasing vitamins, breaking down toxins and metabolizing nutrients into more useful forms. What's becoming clear from such experiments is that they are also vital to the immune system's capacity to fight infection. It's as if they train the body's defense forces. For instance, breast-fed babies, whose gut microbes are dominated by creatures called bifidobacteria, are less likely than formula-fed babies to suffer not only from diarrhea but also from allergies later in life.



Persistence pays off.  At last, after my bugging him for so long, Jack Abramoff has joined the TTP family of writers.  It's not just that he's been my buddy for 30 years.  It's that nobody can expose what slimy things crawl around under the rocks of Washington like him.  Now we get to see him expose that slime on a regular basis. There was a lot of acclaim for his first column (7/04), Why Lobbyists Love John Roberts.  And was he on the money: we learned the next day after Jack's column (7/05), federalie lawyers have prepared 13,000 pages of new fascist regs for Zerocare, with Zero marshalling an army of IRS agents to enforce Zerocare punishment and fear. K Street is in heaven. We have another announcement:  The 14-Day Free TTP Trial.  You can tell your friends they can now try out TTP for free for two weeks.  Bring them in to our TTP family! Meanwhile, the blowback against Judas John Roberts ruling on Zerocare continues to mount - so much that it's giving the Pub Congresspussies some fire in their bellies.



As we celebrate our nation's birthday this week, it is important to remember and teach our children the Founding Fathers were declaring our independence, not creating a culture of dependence.This is an especially important lesson, given the Supreme Court's ruling last week on Obamacare. The Readers Digest version of the Supreme Court's decisions last week is this - The Government can require proof of insurance, but not proof of citizenship. Here is the big picture situation in America today. Success used to be measured by how many people we could get off the government dole, but now, under President Obama, we measure success by how many people we can get on government programs. We have it 100 percent backwards in America today. We should celebrate people getting off food stamps, off Medicaid, and off government health care. We are at an inflection point in our nation's history. We have to decide whether we want to revive our economy by growing the private sector or expanding the public sector, to continue our culture of self-reliance versus a culture of dependency, to provide our children with opportunity or a sense of entitlement, and to pursue the American model or give in to the European model. I have vowed not to implement Obamacare in Louisiana, especially creating the exchange and expanding Medicaid, because this November we're going to elect a new President and a new Congress who will repeal and replace the terrible law.



[Last Saturday (6/30), Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders delivered this speech at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado.] Thank you, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, for inviting me to the Western Conservative Summit. It is always a pleasure to come to America. I was here a few weeks ago to meet with my dear friend, congresswoman Michele Bachmann, to talk about Islam and the threat to America and Europe. I feel honored to have been invited to address you today about the situation in Europe and in particular in my own country, the Netherlands. This situation serves as a warning to what might happen in America if you fail to be vigilant. For make no mistake: Islam is also coming for America. Indeed, it has already arrived. Your country, too, is facing a stealth jihad - an Islamic attempt to introduce Sharia law bit by bit. Islam demands separate campus housing for Moslems; Islam demands that women have separate hours in gyms and swimming pools; schools are banning Christmas celebrations and are taking pork off their cafeteria menus to avoid offending Moslem students. And courts - even in America, we have seen an example in Florida - have begun to apply Sharia law. Be aware that this is only the beginning.



"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves."  ---Winston Churchill Happy Fourth of July!  Today we celebrate the founding of America's freedom by commemorating the greatest act of political genius in human history - the writing of The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson.  An excellent way of doing so would be for your family and loved ones to gather together and read it aloud, savoring every extraordinary word. Savor the words well, for it is quite possible that this may be our last happy Fourth, due to the greatest act of political cowardice in recent American history - Judas John Roberts' ruling on Zerocare. Glenn Beck's t-shirt is selling well today: roberts_coward_becktshirt.png



Week after week for two or three months now, it's been a no-good lousy week for Zero.  We couldn't expect this to last, so this week we got kicked in the teeth. The bitter irony is that it was done by someone we were sure was one of our own:  John "Judas" Roberts. I don't buy for a New York second the too-cute-by-half tortured rationalizations of Roberts' defenders like Charles Krauthammer or George Will - just as tortured as Roberts' desperate reasoning.  The proof that Roberts is a Conservative Judas goes beyond his ruling on ZeroCare. Why are Roberts' defenders failing to mention his other over-the-top-disgusting ruling yesterday (6/28) invalidating the Stolen Valor Act?  Every pathetic scumbag in America now has the Constitutional right to claim he won the Medal of Honor or wear a Purple Heart pin on his lapel.  It's hard to imagine a more revolting insult to American soldiers and veterans. Why are Roberts' defenders failing to connect the dots between these two rulings and a third this week, when on Monday (6/25) he provided the deciding vote to substantially invalidate Arizona's immigration law? These are all of a pattern.  Judas John Roberts has joined Breyer, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan.  He's now on the Dark Side of the Force. There are only three constitutionalists on the court now, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito.  Roberts is not brilliant, nor a genius.  He's a coward afraid to stand up to the bullying of Zero.



It's hard to fathom why John Roberts would murder the Constitution today, but his mental contortions don't matter.  The reality is that America no longer has a Constitution, thanks to his vote and that of the four other loony-left libs on the No Longer Supreme Court. Without a Constitution providing a coherent rule of law, America is now a thoroughly lawless nation.  There are many consequences to this, and among them is that no one is obligated to obey the law because the law no longer exists.  What exists now in place of law are threats - hundreds of thousands of threats issued by federal bureaucrats who call them "regulations," and enforced by gun-toting federal goons. The threats of a federal agent are not morally different now than those of a mugger in an alley.  When either one sticks a gun in your face and yells, "Your money or your life!", it is a purely pragmatic decision to give the thief your wallet - but you are under no moral obligation whatsoever to do so. What happened today in the No Longer Supreme Court's 5-4 upholding of ZeroCare is an ultimate expression of Airhead America. 



We're going to go global before we get to the ever-unfolding disaster of Zero - and we'll start with a headline this morning that split my face in half with a smile:  Gazprom Biggest Loser As Shale Gas Upends World Markets. The Russians are fracked. The news has been full of Putin the Punk pushing his dinky weight around - trying to send combat helicopters to Syria (only to be cleverly blocked by Britain), backing Iran getting nukes (as long as the nukes are "peaceful"), extorting Europe with sky-high gas prices. Gazprom, the Russkie oil monopoly, is Putin's cash cow.  Yet while its sales are collapsing due to US and Chinese fracking, Gazprom continues "to take a ‘head in the sands' position on shale gas," the story above reports.  Russia doesn't have the technology, the expertise, nor legal protection for investors to frack in Siberia at anywhere near a competitive extraction cost. Goodnight, Gazprom.  That's good news for the world.  And good news for the US is Zero's desperation this week. Yesterday (6/21), John Boehner gave a press conference in which he denounced Zero's invoking Executive Privilege to prevent Congress from access to Fast & Furious documents as "an admission that White House officials were involved in decisions that misled the Congress and have covered up the truth." "What," he asked, "is the Obama Administration hiding in Fast & Furious?" Boehner knows just what they are hiding.  So does everybody else in town.



It's not just that the Dems are going to lose the White House in November.  Control of the Oval Office regularly flips back and forth between them and the Pubs over the years. It's not just that the Dems are going to lose big ("rrreally big, rrreally big" as Ed Sullivan would say) in November.  Zero will be lucky to carry 10 states in a Romney Landslide, while the Pubs will take the Senate and gain seats in the House.  Yet the Reagan Landslides of 1980/1984 were far greater than anything Romney can hope for - and the Dems were back in the White House saddle four years after the Gipper. No, what is going on is much - as in much - bigger than mere electoral loss.  What the Dems are going to lose in November is about as big as it gets.  They are going to lose their raison d'être - their "reason to be," the basic justification for their existence. This is why they are panicking, why most everything they do now is doltish, for panic makes you stupid.  This is why Zero is making moves of ever-increasing desperation - Amnesty EO's, Executive Privilege merely to protect his corrupt AG.  This is why the Moonbat Media is in a state of foaming hysteria.  For all of them, their fear and fury is existential.



Last week in Part 1 of this series, The Dynamics of Crude, we discussed refineries and products.  Now we move to Logistics of Crude Oil and Refinery Products. Although Ayn Rand's 1957 novel "Atlas Shrugged" portrayed rail as important, especially for Wyatt's Refinery, rail was on its way out by the end of WWII.  Today's major transportation methods are via pipeline and water (barge & ship).  The reason is quite simple: loading and receiving infrastructure. Here is a great description of both crude oil and refined product pipelines from 2001:  How Pipelines Make the Oil Market Work. I have read lots of supposedly learned pundits wailing away how Warren Buffett and BNSF Railroad are going transport all that Canadian crude oil when Obama announced that he was blocking the Keystone XL's construction.  This is impossibly dumb -so dumb that Jack Wheeler is convinced it isn't dumb at all, that it's a crony capitalist payoff to Buffett for his supporting Zero.  Buffett bought BNSF for $34 billion in 2009, counting on graft from Zero to provide his ROI.



It was yet another lousy week for Zero, but to tell the truth, it's getting reeeeaaallly boring talking about this guy.  I am so excruciatingly bored with him and his grimacing wife and his moonbat supporters and his groveling media sycophants and his union thugs and his crony business-shysters and his airhead celebrities. So let's get outta here and go somewhere else.  How about France?  That should be fun - for it's simply awesome to witness the French immolate themselves. When I was growing up, there were two Frances.  One was that embodied by Maurice Chevalier (1888-1972) - completely captivating, oozing French charm and savoir-faire, impossible not to like. Here's a link to him singing Thank Heaven For Little Girls in Gigi (1958). The other France was embodied by Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) - completely pompous, oozing arrogance and pretentiousness, utterly ungrateful to America for saving his country in World Wars I and II, yearning for the days of French gloire (glory) centuries ago and pretending they still existed.        De Gaulle's France is the only one left now, still pompous, still the arrogant beggar, with a hopelessly incompetent champagne socialist running the place.



If you want to trace back all America's woes caused by the pathologies of liberalism to their original source, you'd focus on the inception of the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932. True, Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism places the blame earlier, on "America's first fascist presidency," that of Woodrow Wilson.  But much of Wilson's assault on our Constitutional freedoms didn't last, and was reversed by his successors, Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge chose not to run in 1928, resulting in the debacle of Herbert Hoover, the Dems gaining the House in 1930 (first time since 1916), and the complete entrenchment of the Dems at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue in 1932.  FDR became America's first president-for-life (he finally died in office in 1945), while the Dems held a monopoly of power in the House for the next 62 years (with two irrelevant interregnums, 1946-48 and 1952-54; the Pubs finally got the House back, 1994-2006). Yet the FDR/Dem victory of 1932 was far, far more than an electoral victory of one political party over the other. It was transformational, so deeply altering the fundamental relationship of Americans to their government and to their Constitution that the alteration lasts to this day - and is now, in fact deeper than ever. For conservatives, FDR's transformation was and remains disastrous for America's freedom, America's culture, and the integrity of America's Constitution.  Today, as we reach the final economic consequences of FDR's transformation, it has proved to be equally disastrous for America's prosperity. What we need is a president who can not only reverse FDR, but who can generate a transformation of his own, altering the relationship of Americans to their government that restores their freedom, their culture, their prosperity, and their Constitution.  We need our own FDR.  The question is: will Mitt Romney be that president?



After celebrating her 60th year on the throne in style this past week, Britain's Queen Elizabeth II can now look forward to breaking some more records. She is already, at 86, Britain's oldest monarch (were she to die now, her son would immediately be the 12th oldest). On Sept. 10, 2015, she would pass Queen Victoria to become the longest-reigning monarch in British history. To beat Louis XIV (who succeeded to the throne at the age of 4) for the longest reign in European history, she would have to live to 98. Elizabeth II is still going strong, but the maximum human lifespan isn't rising at anything like the rate of average life expectancy, which is rushing upward globally at the rate of about three months a year, mainly because of progress against premature mortality. Indeed, we may already have hit some kind of limit for maximum lifespan-perhaps because natural selection, with its strict focus on reproductive success, has no particular need to preserve genes that would keep us going to 150.



This is Part I of a series on the changing dynamics of the single most important energy source for our economy, and will be for the foreseeable future - crude oil.  First, we all must know and agree that not all crude oil is the same.  Each source of crude oil has a different chemical and physical make up, and how it is refined into all its various products (just for gasoline and diesel would make all but the most remote refineries a black hole for investors). Further, types of crude oil being utilized in refineries have changed over the years. The days of the simple refinery consisting of a crude unit to heat and fractionate crude into say gasoline, diesel, kerosene (jet fuel) and fuel oil is long gone. 



As are many TTPers who attended, I'm still coming down from the high of the Seascape Rendezvous last weekend.  A Rendezvous is a TTP Family Reunion, and it was simply wonderful to see old friends (Don Parker, Dan Barak, and Ken Glass have been to all 12!) and meet new ones (Feebie at last!).  It was information overload, as the brain power of our speakers - Alex Alexiev, Jack Kelly, David Evry, Will Block, Joe Katzman, Paul Rosenberg, Joel Wade and Bruno Conzelmann - was stunning.  Then there was Dana -- Congressman Rohrabacher -- who gave a talk from the heart and told us about having dinner with Mitt Romney the night before. Many TTPers have expressed doubts on the Forum regarding Romney.  I have them myself.  After the Rendezvous, Rebel and I stopped by to see friends of ours on our drive down the coast.  One of them is a man of astounding achievement in the highest echelons of American and international business.  He has known and worked closely with Bill Bain (the founder of Bain Capital who appointed Mitt Romney as its CEO) for decades, and Romney for his entire business career. My friend's assessment:



Repeatedly, TTPers at the Seascape Rendezvous last weekend raved about how ravishing the setting was, on a flower-filled bluff overlooking the Pacific with gentle waves rolling onto a beach that went on for miles. It was captivating, as was the sunny, blue-sky weather.  After the Rendezvous, Rebel and I drove down the California coast through the Big Sur - one of the world's most breathtaking coastlines - past towns and farms, cities and countryside on the way to see her folks in San Diego.  The beauty and bounty of California was simply overwhelming.  It's called the Golden State for good reason. Not just for the 1849 Gold Rush, but for how the sunlight magically transforms the landscape into a Renaissance painting of ethereal light.  Yesterday (6/06), flying back to the East Coast, I was transfixed looking out the window at America The Beautiful as it passed in boundless variety beneath me.  And again, it hit me.  No place on earth has been more blessed by Providence, in both natural resources and in the moral values and political principles that make freedom and prosperity possible.  How could it be that so many Americans would choose to trash both their freedom and their prosperity?



  New Gallup polling shows that bringing abortion back into the national debate may not be a bad political call for Republicans. Whereas public opinion has moved in recent years against the conservative position opposing same-sex marriage, the opposite is true on abortion. On abortion, Americans have become decidedly more pro-life, moving in the direction of conservatives. A just released Gallup poll shows that 50 percent now identify as "pro-life" compared to 41 percent as "pro-choice." This is a complete reversal from 16 years ago in the mid-90s when 56 percent were "pro-choice" and 38 percent "pro-life." In fact, the Gallup headline for the poll results is:  "Pro-Choice Americans At Record Low."



Santa Cruz, California.  This HFR will be a bit truncated, as the Seascape Rendezvous begins in just a few hours.  There's a lot of fun stuff this week, so let's get started. The best international news is the impending death of a monster.  It's from a surprising source - who knew Dan Rather was still functioning?  He's 80 now and has a news show on a small cable channel called HDNet.  On Wednesday (5/30), he reported that Hugo Chavez was in "the end stage" of metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma. This is an especially virulent cancer that once it metastasizes (spreads throughout the body) is quickly fatal.  Chavez's government has been quite secretive about what type of cancer he has, refusing to disclose any details.  If Rather's source is accurate, Chavez may indeed be dead within a month or two.  And then there will be blood.  Castro will see to that.... More enjoyable int'l news:  Iran has been Flamed.  On Monday (5/28), the discovery of a massive new computer virus dubbed Flame was announced.  Like Stuxnet only 100 times bigger (20GB vs. 200KB), it targets computers in Iran - and Palestinian Arab computers in Israel's so-called West Bank.  Flame is not just copying massive amounts of Iranian data, it's wiping out entire hard drives. Wonder who could have designed it... that its unidentified programmers did no coding from sundown Fridays to sundown Saturdays in Israel's time zone might be a clue.



How many gas stations do you pass by on an average day?  For most folks it's several.  Dozens every week, a couple of hundred or more every month.  Every one of them throughout America is loudly displaying a campaign ad against President Zero.  Look at the next gas station you drive by and you'll see the campaign ad shouting at you - wordlessly, for the ad consists only of numbers.  It's the price per gallon. This is the best campaign ad ever - a daily infuriating reminder of what a ruinous loser Zero has been as a president, and what his presidency is costing you in real money.  Plus it's free - neither the Romney campaign nor the GOP Super-Pacs have to spend a dime on them.  All they have to do is turn the negative ad against Zero into a positive ad for Romney. The question is:  Can they do it?  Can Romney do it himself, and persuasively?



The latest news from the EU Crisis Front:  Southern Europe's debtor states must pledge their gold reserves and national treasure as collateral under a €2.3 trillion stabilization plan gaining momentum in Germany.  The German scheme -- known as the European Redemption Pact -- offers a form of "Eurobonds Lite" that can be squared with the German constitution and breaks the political logjam. It is a highly creative way out of the debt crisis, but is not a soft option for Italy, Spain, Portugal, and other states in trouble. The plan is drafted by the German Council of Economic Experts and inspired by Alexander Hamilton's Sinking Fund in the United States -- created in 1790 to clean up the morass of debts left by the Revolutionary War. Flourishing Virginia was comparable to Germany today. Germany would have a lockhold over the fund, able to enforce discipline. Each state would have to pledge 20% of their debt as collateral. "The assets could be taken from the country's currency and gold reserves. The collateral nominated would only be used in the event that a country does not meet its payment obligations," said the proposal. This demand could enflame opinion in Italy and Portugal. Both states have kept their bullion, resisting the rush to sell by Britain and others. Italy has 2,451 tons of gold, valued at €98bn in March.



For the first time ever, the HFR Hero of the Week is a dyed-in-the-wool Dem. A bio summary:

Played varsity football at and graduated from Stanford, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, Yale Law School J.D.  Home town controlled by corrupt Dem crooks, ran against the machine, elected mayor in 2006, had previous crook mayor prosecuted who was sent to federal prison.  City one of the most crime-infested in America, as mayor he reduces murder rate to lowest since 1941.  Saves a woman's life whose home was on fire, suffering second-degree burns.  Reelected to second term in 2010, numerous awards for city's progress on economic revival and reducing drugs, crime and unemployment.
On Sunday, May 20, he appeared on NBC's Meet The Press, denouncing on national television Zero's Romney-is-a-vampire campaign ad as "nauseating": "We're getting to a ridiculous point in America. I live in a state where pension funds, unions and other people invest in companies like Bain Capital. If you look at the totality of Bain Capital's record, they've done a lot to support businesses, to grow businesses.  This kind of stuff is nauseating to me." Yes, he's the Mayor of Newark, New Jersey, Cory Booker.  Another disaster week for President Cowpie.



Cap Haitien, Haiti.  On a steep mountain top three thousand feet high above the north coast of Haiti, stands this staggeringly gigantic fortress: haiti_citiadelle1.jpg It is the Citadelle Laferrière, revered by the left's professional distortionists of history as "the greatest monument to black freedom in the Americas."  What it really is instead is a monument to totalitarian insanity, and what makes such insanity possible-a culture's memetic defects. To better understand what this means in general (and thus how it applies to the USA), let's take a quick look at the horrific history of Haiti.



Today (5/220, Fitch Ratings has downgraded Japan two notches to A+ -- just above Spain and Italy -- citing a surge in public debt since the Lehman crisis and the lack of any plan to restore fiscal probity. Key indicators are deteriorating on almost every front, raising concerns that the world's third largest economy is running aground after two "Lost Decades". Japan's debt has jumped by 61 percentage points of GDP since 2008, compared to eight points for the AAA bloc. Public debt is expected to reach 239% of GDP this year, uncharted levels for a major economy in peace-time. `Net debt' - subtracting Japan's vast holdings of foreign bonds - is nearer 137% but this is rising at an even steeper trajectory. "Japan's addiction to public sector spending is way beyond the boundaries or remedial `austerity'," said Dylan Grice from Societe Generale. "Political pressure on the Bank of Japan to crank the printing presses into top gear will become irresistible. We see no alternative."



All of us since we were young have heard the story of The Mutiny on the Bounty - of how, on April 28, 1789, Fletcher Christian, first mate of HMS (His Majesty's Ship of the British Royal Navy) Bounty led a mutiny of the crew against the tyrannical Captain William Bligh, set Bligh and crew members loyal to him in a longboat, and took the Bounty to sail into history. Clark Gable was Fletcher Christian in Mutiny on the Bounty, which won the Oscar for Best Picture in 1935.  Marlon Brando played him in 1962, as did Mel Gibson in 1984.  Everyone knows the story, for it is epically famous.  Yet so very, very few have ever experienced being where it took place, because it was in remotest Polynesia.  Next January, I am going to take a small group of TTPers to do just that.

IN THE WAKE OF THE BOUNTY:  Pitcairn Island and Remote Polynesia   Monday, January 14 - Wednesday January 30, 2013
  First, the background and history.



The news is getting so unrelentingly good it's making me nervous.  Might as well revel in the good stuff before we talk about why. Tuesday (5/15) was Sarah Palin Day in Nebraska.  Actually, it was Deb Fischer's day, thanks to Sarah who had endorsed her US Senate candidacy just a week before.  She was an unknown underfinanced state senator given no chance to beat two prominent statewide officials, one of whom was the darling of the GOP establishment. Then Mama Grizzly showed up... The news is even more enjoyable in Wisconsin, where the public unionistas and local Dems are spitting mad over the DNC (Dem national committee) refusing to waste a dime on the Walker recall.... For a really good time, though, we go to North Carolina, where an incredible litany of woes for President Evolve is erupting.... Then there's President Amateur, President Born In Kenya, and, oh, yes, President PW....



Britain's former Chancellor of the Exchequer (like our Treasury Secretary), Alastair Darling, has gotten a lot of UK press recently for claiming that if Greece doesn't get its bailout money and its economy collapses, countless billions will have to be sent there anyway in order to "save starving Greeks." We think that America is in deep debt kimchee because we're $15 trillion in the hole.  Since there's some 300 million of us, that's a per-person debt of $50K.  The total debt hole of Greece owed to foreign banks and governments is $550 billion - and there's little more than 11 million Greeks.  Same as us, $50K per Greek.  And dolts like Darling see the only solution is to keep pouring increasingly worthless euros into the bottomless Greek abyss. The typical Greek attitude regarding this is epitomized by a retiree in Athens being interviewed by German television.  "How old are you?" he was asked. "56."  "And what does your pension pay you?" "I'm guaranteed 80% of my final salary for life." When told that most Germans would object to this, he exploded in indignation. "What?! Do you expect us Greeks to live like Germans??" Reminds me of folks in California.



If they did not put our troops, our citizens and our country at risk, the Left's fantastic lies about terror and terrorists would be hilarious.  The problem, of course, is that many of our national leaders have been brainwashed with the same slogans.  The Left has mastered another technique dictators forged long ago: Repeat a lie often enough and it will be taken as truth.    And, of course, our media play along. So let's give the slogan-hucksters a brief time-out and dissect just seven of their favorite lines: One:  Killing terrorists only turns them into martyrs.  Nope.  Killing terrorists turns them into dead terrorists. 



How many lawyer jokes are there? Only three. The rest are true stories. I used to think this was just another lawyer joke. But now we are watching the classics of this genre come to life in the spectacular meltdown of New York law firm Dewey & Leboeuf.  For this is a true story. "Size, in and of itself, gives you greater flexibility in key markets," Dewey & LeBoeuf's former chairman Steve Davis boasted in 2008. "You're taken more seriously when you have 500, 600 attorneys in New York." Yes, and what do lawyers and bullfrogs have in common? Both have a big head that consists mainly of mouth. Mr. Davis had just completed a merger, creating a financial mess of 1,300 overpaid attorneys in a dozen countries. He did this just before one of the worst financial downturns in history. What can you say about 1,300 lawyers buried up to their necks in cement? Not enough cement.



It's early morning, but I know it's going to be a long day - and a fun one.  How so much cool stuff can get crammed into a single week, and how I can concisely fit it all into this HFR, is bewildering.  Sit back and enjoy.  Off we go. This was a baaaaaaad-to-the-bone week for Zero and the Dems.  May 8th was Black Tuesday for them, simply disastrous.  In Wisconsin, the desperate last gasp of the public unions to keep their gravy train rolling went right off the rails.  Gov. Scott Walker, whom they are rabidly trying to recall, got more votes in his primary than the two main Dems got in theirs combined.  In West Virginia, Zero lost 42% of the vote in the Democrat Presidential Primary to a fellow named Keith Judd.  Keith is not from West Virginia.  He currently lives in Texas, where he resides at the Texarkana Federal Prison as Inmate 11593-051. In Judd's bio on VoteSmart, he lists his religion as "Rastafarian-Christian," and his mother as actress Lillian Russell, who died in 1922.  He was born in 1958.  Obviously, no West Virginian voted for this weirdo, they voted against Zero.  Why?  Because they hate his guts.  Zero is destroying their state with his religious war against coal. Something this absurd is more than a humiliating joke upon President Gutsy Call.  It's a portent. Tens of millions of Americans in every state are West Virginians now.  They hate Zero's guts for what he has done to their country and what he has done to their lives and livelihoods.  They would vote for Keith Judd, Mickey Mouse, or a Yellow Dog before voting for him. 



[Note: this is a collaboration between me and Dagny D'Anconia.  I am indebted to her for much of this -- JW] On February 9, 2012, in Washington DC, Andrew Breitbart told Sinclair News, "Wait ‘til they see what happens on March 1st." Yet, instead of the release of what he predicted would be "damning" evidence of Obama perfidy, what happened on March 1st was a horribly unexpected tragedy:  Andrew Breitbart suddenly died.  He was 43.  The Coroner of Los Angeles County states he died of natural causes, specifically heart failure.  Did he? A lot of people don't think so - especially when a coroner who participated in Mr. Breitbart's autopsy, Michael Cormier, died of arsenic poisoning on the very day the Coroner's Report was released (April 20). Conspiracy theorists had a field day - but it was all suspicion with no specifics.  Until now.  What you are about to read is going to completely blow you away.  Here is how Andrew Breitbart could have been easily murdered, and who could have murdered him.



Yesterday in Jerusalem (5/09), a new unity Israeli government was created by a deal between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, leader of the Likud Party, and Kadima leader Shaul Mofaz.  Together they have 94 out of 120 seats in the Knesset. Bibi has made a very smart move.  Netanyahu was presented with an offer he'd be an idiot to refuse. In return for essentially nothing, he built himself the strongest and largest coalition Israel has ever seen. Here's how it works.



The most destructive, dishonest, and criminally hypocritical people in America today are not Democrat politicians, black race hustlers, Ivy League Marxist professors, or crony/shyster capitalists. They are the publishers, editors, journalists, and commentators of the Liberal Media:  Associated Press-New York Times-WaPo-ABC-NBC-CBS-CNN-MSNBC et al. We'll abbreviate Big Liberal Media to simply "BM" - appropriately enough for their product is the same as what those initials usually stand for.  One of the more astounding things about BM is that its slavish boot-licking of American Commiecrats is indistinguishable from that of Pravda's or Izvestiya's over Soviet rulers during the Cold War - yet with no gun at their heads nor threat of the Gulag. Winston Smith, in George Orwell's 1984, ended up genuinely loving Big Brother after his will was broken through torture.  BM loves Big Brother of their own free will.  This is so perverse it's almost anti-human, for it is normally against human nature to willingly be a slave. A stunningly perfect example of BM perfidy appeared in headlines in newspapers all over the country this past weekend.



This has been yet another week in the unfolding saga of The Weirdness of Zero.  We'll start with what the Washington Times calls his Midnight Madness: "Americans witnessed a bizarre made-for-TV event Tuesday night (5/01). President Obama travelled 14,000 miles to Afghanistan to engage in a midnight marathon of election-year photo-ops. Never has U.S. national security been so twisted to fit a personal political agenda." This, right on the heels of Zero's I Shot Bin Laden ad which the London Telegraph (5/01) describes as turning "a military triumph into a political disaster."  The ad has Zero looking "so politically tone deaf he makes Joe Biden look like Machiavelli." And on top of this, we have Zero's Composite New York Girlfriend flap this week (5/02).  The white girlfriend described in Dreams was made up, it turns out - but that's okay by the lib media since the book's preface warned of this.  But it's not okay - for the real story is that she was no pretend composite at all.  She really existed - but she never knew Zero.



As Barack continues to bray about how he made the "gutsy call" to kill Bin Laden, it's been pointed out that the call wasn't his at all - it was Admiral William McRaven's - whom President Gutsy Call would have been able to scapegoat if the op had gone sideways.  We know this because of a memo from CIA Director Leon Panetta, recently obtained by Time magazine. Yet Zero's campaign film, The Road We've Traveled, maintains the fiction, with Joe Biden saying: "We sat down in the Situation Room, the entire national security apparatus was in that room, and the President turns to every principal in the room, every secretary, ‘What do you recommend I do?' And they say, ‘Well, forty-nine percent chance he's there, fifty-one ... it's a close call, Mr. President.' As he walked out the room, it dawned on me, he's all alone. This is his decision. If he was wrong, his Presidency was done. Over." Now we know it wasn't his decision, it was a CYA move - thus, the hero of the story is McRaven, not Zero.  This is a good point - but there is a much bigger one - and it has been missed by all the media, including those on our side.  Which means there's a real story here no one in public knows, which demonstrates how dangerously stupid Zero is.



Let's start the week with two inspiring antidotes to black racism.  You are likely as sick and tired of black racist guilt-mongering, grievance, threats, and violence as I am.  All the Twitter threats of riots if George Zimmerman is acquitted.  The "Justice for Trayvon!" beating of Matthew Owens in Mobile.  The "Empty your pockets, white boy" beating in Chicago.  The  group "Trayvon!" beating that will "permanently disfigure" the victim's face, and the mob "Trayvon!" stomping of a man stopping a robbery, both in Gainsville. Is there a solution?  Here's one: wishing_star.png Actually, a real one emerged this week.  Maybe two.



Just like the Saudis, the KGB has journalists all over the world on their payroll.  There's hardly a major newspaper or newsmagazine in Europe, for example, that doesn't have one or more of their prominent writers and editors being paid on the sly by the Saudis to say nice things about them and nothing critical.  It's not quite as extensive throughout the US media, but you'd be surprised what US pundits and media stars are on the Saudi take.  The Saudis particularly like to see if they can rope in one of them on the right.  Well-known conservative columnist and television commentator Robert Novak (1931-2009) was one of their prize catches.  For years they paid him a fortune to be pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel. The KGB - since 1991, it was supposedly renamed and divided up into the FSB (Federal Security Service internal to Russia) and the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service), but it's still the same outfit of Russian thugs - does the same, and a lot more.



On April 1 and May 27 of last year, two tiny tremors were detected by seismographs with magnitudes of 2.3 and 1.5 in England's Blackpool region of Lancashire.  They are being blamed on fracking.  The same claim is being made in Ohio. It is now official: drilling for shale gas by fracturing rock with water may rattle the odd teacup. But is highly unlikely to cause damaging earthquakes. That much has been obvious to anybody who has followed the development of the shale gas industry in America over the past ten years. More than 25,000 wells drilled have caused a handful of micro-seismic events that can barely be felt. To call a two-magnitude tremor an earthquake is a bit like calling a hazelnut lunch. Such tremors happen naturally more than 15 times a year in Blackpool but go unnoticed and they are a common consequence of many other forms of underground work such as coalmining and geothermal drilling. So can we now get on with fracking and get over fear of it? The economic and environmental benefits are vast.



While I was in the deepest bowels of Africa recently - an apt metaphor, by the way, as days after I was in Guinea-Bissau there was a violent military coup - Jack Kelly reported in the HFR of March 30 that Zero was having his worst week ever.   Then the following week, in the HFR of April 06, I had to conclude was even worse for Zero than the previous. And last week, in the HFR of April 13, we reveled in the "no-good, lousy, really bad week Zero and the Dems had" - enjoyably worse than the last two. This run of three straight worst-weeks-ever for Zero sure isn't going to be broken this week.  This just keeps getting better and better.  We're going to have so much fun with this HFR you may not be able to stand it.  We'll start with Mrs. Zero's latest dietary advice:  "Dog:  It's what's for dinner!" Hitler was devastated over this:



"A conservative," the old cliché goes, "is a liberal who has been mugged." But some liberals who are mugged refuse to admit that it happened. Observe the rough treatment to which the new American ambassador in Moscow, Michael McFaul, has been subjected since his appointment last January. Since his arrival, the ambassador has been constantly accused in the media of stirring up anti-government protests, and lately he has been ambushed by Russian state-TV crews at his meetings, official and unofficial, suggesting that his phone was tapped. This comes on top of numerous other strong indications that the Obama administration's attempts to "reset" relations with Russia - a policy spearheaded by Mr. McFaul - have failed. But while McFaul has complained loudly about his recent treatment, he does not seem to realize that he, along with his boss Hillary Clinton, have been mugged in a much broader sense.



Democrats have perfected Saul Alinsky's Rule for Radicals:  "Pick the target.  Freeze it.  Personalize it. Polarize it."  It's called the politics of personal destruction - and today, it's all the Dems and their media lapdogs have left.  As they can't argue from principles, policies, or track records, all they can do is engage in personal attacks on their opponents.  Now they are so desperate to destroy Mitt Romney, they are dredging up the ancient tale of the family dog, Seamus, riding on the roof of the family car in 1983. Turns out, though, that while Romney's dog ended up on the roof of his car, Zero's dog ended up on the roof of his mouth.  There's even a new campaign sign: Romney 2012 -- At Least I Didn't Eat My Dog! The signs continue to mount that Romney is headed for the presidency by a landslide.  Zero will be lucky to carry ten states (e.g., California, New York, and Leftie New England - one of them won't be Pennsylvania).  One of the main reasons will be dogs - yellow dogs. A new breed of yellow dogs.