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Dr. Jack Wheeler


[Note:  this is a Free Access article to enable it to go viral.  Every Republican on Capitol Hill, every talk show host like Limbaugh and Levin, every conservative organization needs to be aware of it.  There is a federal law that can remove the President from office and put him in prison without impeachment.  Here it is.] Neither the Senate, nor the President, nor the Supreme Court, nor any federal agency secretary or bureaucrat, has the constitutional authority to spend one single dime by themselves, without a majority of the House giving it to them.  This is the "power of the purse."     There is, however, a problem - a legal problem, not just a psychological one, such as Congressistas being spendaholics or too cowardly to refuse the begging of various constituencies for handouts. This problem is epitomized by the Senate Republicans' inability to force Harry Reid to pass an annual budget, even though there is a law requiring the Senate to do so.  Thanks to Reid's blocking all attempts, the Senate hasn't passed a budget since April, 2009, which clearly violates federal law - the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. So how come Reid can't be prosecuted?  Why can't the Senate Pubs take legal action against him?  As Byron York explains, "the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 doesn't have an enforcement mechanism.  Lawmakers are required by law to pass a budget each year by April 15, but there's no provision to punish them, or even slightly inconvenience them, if they don't."  So we arrive at what may well be the single most important question to ask in America today. Given that the current President of the United States seems determined to bypass the House's appropriation authority and spend gigantic sums on whatever programs he wants or enforcing whatever Executive Orders he issues, is there an enforcement mechanism for his violating the power of the purse clauses in the Constitution? The answer is yes.



Princeling Jiang Mianheng, son of former leader Jiang Zemin, is spearheading a project for China's National Academy of Sciences with a start-up budget of $350m. He has already recruited 140 PhD scientists, working full-time on thorium power at the Shanghai Institute of Nuclear and Applied Physics. He will have 750 staff by 2015. The aim is to break free of the archaic pressurized-water reactors fueled by uranium -- originally designed for US submarines in the 1950s -- opting instead for new generation of thorium reactors that produce far less toxic waste and cannot blow their top like Fukushima. "China is the country to watch," said Baroness Bryony Worthington, head of the All-Parliamentary Group on Thorium Energy, who visited the Shanghai operations recently with a team from Britain's National Nuclear Laboratory.  "They are really going for it, and have talented researchers. This could lead to a massive break-through." The thorium story is by now well-known. It could do for nuclear power what shale fracking has done for natural gas -- but on a bigger scale.



A "rational optimist" like me thinks the world will go on getting better for most people at a record rate, not because I have a temperamental or ideological bent to good cheer but because of the data. Poverty, hunger, population growth rates, inequality, and mortality from violence, disease and weather -- all continue to plummet on a global scale. But a global optimist can still be a regional pessimist. When asked what I am pessimistic about, I usually reply: bureaucracy and superstition. Using those two tools, we Europeans seem intent on making our future as bad as we can. Like mandarins at the court of the Ming emperors or viziers at the court of Abbasid caliphs, our masters seem determined to turn relative into absolute decline. It is entirely possible that ten years from now the world as a whole will be 50 per cent richer, but Europeans will be 50 per cent poorer. As the Ming empire found out, the more government you buy, the less economic activity you get. A Fujian travelling salesman in 1400 was enmeshed in such a tangled bureaucracy that he could neither travel nor sell without bribes and permits, and he had to submit a monthly inventory of his stocks to the emperor. Sound familiar?



Peace, stability, and freedom of navigation in the Pacific Ocean are inseparable from peace, stability, and freedom of navigation in the Indian Ocean. Developments affecting each are more closely connected than ever. Japan, as one of the oldest sea-faring democracies in Asia, should play a greater role in preserving the common good in both regions. Yet, increasingly, the South China Sea seems set to become a "Beijing Lake," which analysts say will be to China what the Sea of Okhotsk was to Soviet Russia: a sea deep enough for the People's Liberation Army's navy to base their nuclear-powered attack submarines, capable of launching missiles with nuclear warheads. Soon, the PLA Navy's newly built aircraft carrier will be a common sight - more than sufficient to scare China's neighbors. That is why Japan must not yield to the Chinese government's daily exercises in coercion around the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.  The ongoing disputes in the East China Sea and the South China Sea mean that Japan's top foreign-policy priority must be to expand the country's strategic horizons. Japan is a mature maritime democracy, and its choice of close partners should reflect that fact. I envisage a strategy whereby Australia, India, Japan, and the US form a diamond to safeguard the maritime commons stretching from the Indian Ocean region to the western Pacific. I am prepared to invest, to the greatest possible extent, Japan's capabilities in this security diamond.



Should we start with Headline of the Year?  "Hillary ‘I dodged sniper fire' Clinton Near Death after Supersecret Crash Landing in Iran," brought to you by the überwackos at Lyndon Larouche's EU Times nutball website. It's astonishing that Drudge would carry this drivel as if it were a real news story.  The EU Times is an Internet hoax site that dreams up the most goofball conspiracy theories out of thin air for the fun of it or to gain attention to their pathetically fragile egos.  They are maxed-out looney tunes. So welcome to 2013.  The craziness this year has in store for us has only just begun.  Yet the real craziness - lethally dangerous craziness - comes not from Internet weirdos but from Washington DC.  So lethal that the HFR is now a staunch advocate of gun-control. Do you have any idea how many federal departments and agencies have agents that carry guns?  Even the Post Office has these armed fascist thugs called OIG (Office of the Inspector General) Special Agents breaking and entering people's homes tracking down "mail fraud" - which could be any email you've ever sent. Gun control for federal agents is what's needed, not gun control for law-abiding citizens.  The literally crazy problem is, there's no such thing as a law-abiding citizen anymore. The purpose of 98% of the Federal Register is for there to be some law or rule the Federalies can criminalize you with if they want.  We're all criminals now, which is by Washington's design.



TTPers are readers and thinkers.  A number of you have asked what I've been reading lately.  I thought that now would be a good time, as we start a new year, to answer.  It's also a chance to take a break from the general insanity of current events. What follows is not advice for you.  Your interests are specifically yours, and none of these books may ring your bell.  But they all rang mine to various degrees.  There are too many to provide reviews.  The link for each is to the listing on Amazon containing a multitude of comments and quotes. The list here is the books I read in 2012.  Most of them, I bought the Kindle version and read them on my iPad.  I really recommend this. Yet I also re-read favorites ensconced in my library - such as Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (the link is to the Kindle edition, at $4.27). Also on Kindle now is Ludwig von Mises' compact classic, The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality.  This should be required reading for every conservative. About once a decade I complete Will Durant's entire The Story of Civilization.  This takes some time, as it's eleven volumes, 10,000 pages, and four million words.  I've had the set in my library for 40 years, and last year I finished it once again.  Amazon has The Story of Civilization (11 Volume Set) in hardcover for $439 - but the Kindle edition is only $12.74 per volume. OK, so here we go - one year's reading.  I think you'll find at least some things here that will intrigue you.  And now, please tell us what your favorite books are on the Forum!



Are you ready to start 2013 with a great adventure? I'd like you to come with me to the countries that don't exist: one that does exist but the world says it doesn't - and the other that doesn't exist but the world says it does.  Imagine a Moslem country that is a real democracy, pro-America, pro-free market, despises Islamist ideology and terrorism, and lies athwart one of the world's most critical chokepoints in global shipping and trade. The US State Department would leap at the chance to support such a country, right?  You are probably cynically shaking your head no - but it's much worse than that.  Our government refuses to recognize the country's existence.  In fact, no government or international organization in the world does - yet it has been sovereign and independent since 1991. With no help or recognition from anyone, this country has managed to survive - and survive as a capitalist Moslem terrorist-free democracy - for over 20 years.  This is a heroic achievement - and unknown to most everyone on the planet. We are talking about Somaliland - the country that does exist but the world says it doesn't.  The other country that doesn't exist but the world insists that it does?  Somalia.  Yes, we are going to both.  More precisely, Somaliland and the one part of Somalia that remains:  the capital of Mogadishu. Yet it would be foolish in the extreme to travel to Mogadishu without professional security protection.  Thus our "movement security" guarding our every move in Mogadishu will be conducted by teams of ex-US and British Special Forces, the same experienced soldiers who protect UN, diplomatic, and international agency personnel.  While Somaliland is peaceful and far safer than Mogadishu, we will nonetheless have Somaliland military protection while there. We'll find Somaliland to be a peaceful, safe, and bustlingly busy place, with friendly people overjoyed to see us.  In Mogadishu, we'll see people heroically struggling to triumph over unimaginable adversity.  We'll have an unmatched memorable experience, and have an indelible understanding of a part of the world so much is heard about and so little is known. Here's the itinerary.  Enjoy the pictures...



Happy New Year!  As 2012 staggers off today's stage and into history as the most bewildering year of modern times, and 2013 will be fascism on steroids for America, how is it possible for conservatives to wish their friends a happy new year? It's not going to be easy, but this final HFR of 2012 will show you how. The first step in solving problems is not to sugarcoat the problems.  We can play the Glad Game of Pollyanna Whittier, and look for something to be happy about in any situation - but that runs the risk of ending up like the guys in Monty Python's Life Of Brian singing, "Always look on the bright side of life" while being crucified. It's little wonder there's a headline story this week (12/26), Public Turns Gloomy, Fearful As 2013 Approaches.  That part of "the public" who were idiots enough to vote for Zero will stay gloomy and fearful, as they won't own up to their responsibility of being the cause of what they are gloomy and fearful about. But we don't have to be gloomy and fearful, and that gives us a distinct advantage over those who are.  Being gloomy and fearful doesn't solve anything.  Most often, it makes things far worse.  The last thing we should fall for is fear-mongering - and be especially wary of it when it comes from our side.  Take, for example, this article from yesterday's Canada Free Press, December 27, 2012: The Day Freedom Died in America.  This is seriously dumb.  Because some ditzy Dem senator says she's going to drop a bill that has no chance of going anywhere in either the Senate or the House, it's The End?  Nonsense. DiFi's bill will be strangled in its crib by Red State Dems like Joe Manchin (WV).  It'll never reach the House.  It's an act of grandstanding desperation, made clear by Kurt Schlichter (12/26) in Liberals Panic As They Lose The Gun Narrative. Additional evidence is the enormous backlash against the Brit anti-gun nut Piers Morgan, and the Journal News in White Plains NY that published the names and location (with Google Maps) of 44,000 gun owners in its area. Those backlashes are harbingers of 2013.  They are the opportunity 2013 gives us to have a happy new year.  2013 is going to be The Year of the Backlash.



It's a brave scientist who dares to announce the turning point of a trend, the top of a graph. A paper published this week does just that, persuasively arguing that a centuries long trend is about to reverse: the use of land for farming. The authors write: "We are confident that we stand on the peak of cropland use, gazing at a wide expanse of land that will be spared for Nature." Jesse Ausubel and Iddo Wernick of Rockefeller University, and Paul Waggoner of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, have reached this conclusion by documenting the gradual "dematerialization" of agriculture. Globally, the production of a given quantity of crop requires 65% less land than it did in 1961, thanks to fertilizers, tractors, pesticides, better varieties and other factors. Even corrected for different kinds of crops, the acreage required is falling at 2% a year.  "Peak Oil" turned out to be 180 degrees wrong.  But Peak Farmland is now very real.



[This was originally written in December 2009 as Revolution and the Barber of Seville. It is the story of an extraordinary French genius who helped unleash revolution in both America and France - and came to understand why one resulted in liberation and the other in the guillotine.  As the need for a revolution to regain our freedom increases today, it is critical we know the difference.] Paris.  Christmas in Paris - what an extraordinary time to be in the City of Light.  My wife Rebel and I attended Christmas Eve Mass at the Basilica of the Sacré Coeur in Montmartre and Christmas Mass at the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Each was a moving experience yet in a different way.  In Montmartre (the Mons Martis or Mount of Mars for the Romans), the Basilica was overflowing with an ethnic mélange of worshippers - Christians from India, Africa, China, and all over Europe.  The Great Cathedral in the city's center, by contrast, was filled with French of all ages. Each was confirmation of Christianity as a balm on humanity's soul - the reason why people in Europe have begun returning to it.  The sophisticates of Europe have long thought Christianity obsolete.  It was easy to think this way while Europe got a free ride from America which provided protection from the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and Europeans got a free ride from their welfare state governments. Now the free rides are over, while Europe faces the ancient and now renewed threat of Islam from outside and within.  What Europe must also face now, and France in particular, are the consequences of its recent, and its revolutionary, past.  And so must America.



Welcome to the shortest day of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere - or, as it's also known this year, Moron Day.  Today, anyone with a three-digit IQ gets to make fun of morons and retards - in particular, all the morons who panicked over Mayan Calendar Idiocy, and all the morons to whom TIME Magazine credits for re-electing Zero. Actually, though, the End of the World didn't happen today because that already happened on November 6th.  At least for America.... Yet there are some House Pubs who aren't whimpering.  Yesterday, 13 of them pushed Speaker Boehner's Plan B off a cliff.  This turned even the folks at Fox into Nervous Nellies, blaring Fiscal Crisis Nears As Plan B Fails.  This is a real two-fer.  First, the quicker we go over this dreaded "fiscal cliff" thing, the better. Second, this vote damages Boehner's speakership hopefully beyond repair.  All it takes is 17 of the 234 House Pubs to Just Say No to Boehner on January 3rd, and he's out.  John Boehner is a nice, amicable, and competent guy.  But he's the wrong guy now to be in charge of the only chance we have for fiscal sanity and reigning in Emperor Zero.  There's a scene in Godfather I that every House Pub should be thinking of now.



Who is the more demented - the witch doctor with his nonsense incantations or those who believe him? The witch doctor's acolytes are worshipfully eulogizing his eloquence - "pitch-perfect," declared Vanity Fair - in Newton, Connecticut last Sunday (12/16). Yes, the speech - the official text is here - would have been pitch-perfect if it had been delivered by Ronald Reagan, George Bush, or Mitt Romney, for their words would have been deeply sincere.  For them to be spoken by a fanatical advocate of unrestricted abortion and infanticide, and of ruining every American child's future with trillions of debt, is to take hypocrisy into The Twilight Zone. The quote from Christ is the final straw.  This speech is disgustingly, sickeningly, unctuously deceitful. And it's being hailed by Zero's Amen chorus in the CommieMedia.  Of course.  What better way to advance your political agenda than by using children shot to death by a madman?



Many in the American Jewish community are aghast to discover that President Obama is planning to appoint former Senator Chuck Hagel to serve as Defense Secretary. If you want the skinny on how Hagel has come to be known as one of the few ferociously anti-Israel senators in the past generation, Carl from Jerusalem at Israel Matzav provides it. Meantime, all I can say is I don't understand how anyone can possibly be surprised. Shortly after word came out that Hagel is the frontrunner for the nomination, I read a quaint little blog post written by a conservative leaning commentator voicing her belief that Obama wouldn't want to risk his relations with Israel's supporters by appointing Hagel. But as Powerline pointed out yesterday (12/17), this is the entire point of the nomination. Obama wants to hurt Israel. He does not like Israel. He is appointing anti-Israel advisors and cabinet members not despite their anti-Israel positions, but because of them.



Watching the nightmare in Syria unfold, you have to ask yourself: Could the Obama administration have made a worse hash out of the situation if it had tried? Short of an outright Iranian victory that saw the Assad regime's power fully restored, it's hard to imagine a more dire set of circumstances for U.S. interests. The Syrian state is well on its way to imploding. A multiplicity of increasingly well-armed militias are rushing to fill the vacuum. At the forefront of the fight are a growing number of radical Islamist groups, including some affiliated with al Qaeda. The prospect that Assad' s demise will be accompanied by the use (and/or proliferation) of chemical weapons and massive communal bloodletting gets higher by the day. Libya on steroids is what we're looking at, only this time not on the distant periphery of the Middle East but in its heartland, a gaping strategic wound that is likely to threaten the stability and wellbeing of Syria's five neighbors -- critical American partners all -- for years to come. Does it require saying that it need not have been this way? Evidently yes.



We'll get to the grim stuff later.  Let's start out with great hat trick the sports world scored this week. First, the happiest TTPer this week has got to be Ella -- because Texas A&M's Johnny Football won the Heisman (12/08). Here's why they call Jonathan Paul Manziel "Johnny Football." The best is saved for last, when - against #1 Alabama - he runs straight into one of his linemen knocking the ball loose, spins backwards to catch his fumble in mid-air, scampers evading tacklers, and rifles the ball across his body to a receiver in the end zone for a touchdown.  Gig ‘em, Aggies! {youtube}QozDlif_2Gk{/youtube} Second, what Michael Jordan is to basketball and Joe DiMaggio to baseball, Leo Messi is to soccer.  Many of the sport's devotees consider Messi to be the best there's ever been - and he proved it this week (12/09), when he scored his 86th goal of the year, breaking a record held for 40 years.  Messi is only five-foot-seven, but there's never been a ball magician on the field like him. Third, the best boxer on the planet, Manny Pacquiao - world champion in six divisions from flyweight (112 lbs) to light middleweight (154 lbs) - got cold-cocked with one of the most devastating knockout punches in the history of pugilism.



"The fact is, we live according to Lenin's formula:  Kto-Kovo?" explained Joseph Stalin in a speech to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in April 1929.  And indeed, President Zero lives by it as well.  Which is why there can't be peace with him - not for Republicans in Congress nor for any non-mooching American. For Lenin, the only question that mattered in human affairs was Kto-Kovo? - Who-Whom?, who defeats whom, who wins and who loses. (For some perverse reason, you often see the phrase transliterated from the Russian Cyrillic as "Kto-Kogo."  I insist on transliterating it as pronounced in Russian.) It is the only question that matters for Zero.  It is not just a stance, an intellectual assumption of faculty lounge Marxism.  It defines his basic outlook on the world and makes him who he is - profoundly anti-capitalist, anti-freedom, and anti-American.  It makes him, as was Lenin and as the Left has always been, metaphysically fascist. Only by understanding this can Republicans on Capitol Hill prevent their being hopelessly steamrollered by him.  Kto-Kovo? is far more than a political strategy for power.  It is a statement about how the world works, about the nature of reality.



The collapse has begun. Nihilism thrives in Europe. A new book written by Alejandro Macarrón Larumbe, El Suicidio Demográfico de España" (The Demographic Suicide of Spain - although in Spanish, here is a Power Point summary in English) delivers a death sentence for Europe. The German giant is also ditching.  The weekly Der Spiegel has a long article titled "A Land without Children."  The European Union, which offers its citizens every comfort, with first-rate health care, long holidays and sit-down lunches, protected jobs and generous welfare, has the world's lowest fertility rate (1.47 children per woman) and the highest percentage of a population that is over 65 years old (16.4 per cent of the population in the EU). Meanwhile, nearly one in three pregnancies in Europe is terminated by abortion, according to the Gutmacher Institute in the US, and all over Europe gay marriage is advancing (France and UK will soon approve it). The model is Spain, where you have no more "father" and "mother", but Parent (progenitor) A, and Parent (progenitor) B. In the Netherlands, you can order a mobile euthanasia van to your house. It's the first experiment in the world of door-to-door euthanasia and the insurance covers the cost of the operation.



Is John Galt Chinese? wang_shi_star_alliance.png Star Alliance is the world's largest airline confederation.  This full page ad appears in every current in-flight magazine of all its 26 member carriers worldwide.  It is an explicit up yours/bird flip/thumb nose to Zero and his infamous "You didn't build/earn that" Marxism. The ad's endorser, Wang Shi, is a very interesting man.  In his palm is an image of one of the many giant skyscrapers he's built as chairman of China Vanke, China's largest property developer.  He's climbed Mount Everest, and all the other "Seven Summits" (the highest peak in all seven continents).  "Life is one adventure after another," he says.  My sentiments exactly. He's not only an entrepreneurial capitalist, he's proud of it and has nothing but contempt for anyone who thinks he should apologize for his success.  That most certainly includes the fraudulently elected President of the United States. You know we live in an upside-down universe when John Galt is Chinese who exults in insulting the American president for being a virtual Communist.



There is a famous scene (at least famous for every Trekkie) in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (the 1989 movie, not a TV series episode) that Ben Franklin would have loved.  Every American today needs to watch it.  Spock, Bones, and Captain Kirk have beamed down to a planet at the center of the universe, led by a Vulcan named Sybok who convinces them that here they will meet God Himself. They are overwhelmed with God's presence, Who, upon being told the Starship Enterprise was able to get through the Impenetrable Barrier to reach the planet, asks that it be brought to Him. Everyone eagerly agrees - except for Kirk (William Shatner), who impertinently interrupts God to ask,  "Excuse me... but what does God need with a Starship?"  Bones explodes at him:  "Jim, what are you doing!?"  Kirk looks at Bones quizzically and answers simply, "I'm asking a question." Kirk's question and God's attacking him instead of answering it exposes "God" as an evil alien pretending to be God - the alien is not God at all. Today, America is ruled by an evil Alien with a God-complex.  He is worshipped as such by a Witch Doctor Media, and millions of Americans lacking the courage to question their ruler's authority for fear that this may halt the various bribes he dispenses to them. Millions of other Americans, however, do possess this courage and despise both The Alien for pretending he is a god, and those who worship him.  Thus we have Two Americas - and they are going to go their separate ways unless we find some rational way to keep them together.  There's one number that can do it.



In the wilds of Louisiana's St. James Parish, amid the alligators and sugar plantations, Lester Hart is building the $750 million steel plant of his dreams. Over the past decade, Hart has constructed plants for steel producer Nucor everywhere from Trinidad to North Carolina. Today, he says, Nucor sees its big opportunities here, along the banks of the Mississippi River, roughly an hour west of New Orleans by car. "The political climate here is conducive to growth," Hart explains as he steers his truck up to the edge of a steep levee. "We are here because so much is going on in this state and this region. With the growth of the petrochemical and industrial sectors, this is the place to be." Nucor isn't alone in coming to Louisiana, or to the vast, emerging region along the Gulf Coast. The American economy, long dominated by the East and West Coasts, is undergoing a dramatic geographic shift toward this area. The country's next great megacity, Houston, is here; so is a resurgent New Orleans, as well as other growing port cities that serve as gateways to Latin America and beyond. While the other two coasts struggle with economic stagnation and dysfunctional politics, the Third Coast - the urbanized, broadly coastal region spanning the Gulf from Brownsville, Texas, to greater Tampa - is emerging as a center of industry, innovation, and economic growth.



I've been getting lots of questions on the Dubai ITU conference, which begins next Monday (12/03-14). There are a lot of misleading stories floating around. Each group in this fight has journalists that they control, and these "noble servants of the fourth estate" are dutifully raising concerns from several different angles at the same time. Now, before I explain what's happening, let me warn you that it's an ugly mess, and that none of the players are clearly "the good guys."  So here's a breakdown on the Players, the Fights, and What Will Happen.



We begin with 61 traitors in the Senate.  On Tuesday (11/27), they voted to bring a bill to the floor that exemplifies the pervasive trashing of the Constitution by our outlaw federal government.  Every single Democrat (except one who was not there but would have if he had been) voted Yes - but trashing the Constitution is what Dems do for a living, it's what their constituents pay them to do, thus that's normal. So calling Dems traitors is just being redundant.  It's the 9 Pub senators who deserve our focused opprobrium: Kelly Ayotte (NH), John Barrasso (WY), Scott Brown (MA), Susan Collins (ME), Orrin Hatch (UT), Richard Lugar (IA), John McCain (AZ), Lisa Murkowski (AK), and Olympia Snowe (ME) all voted Yes.  There were 36 No votes - all Pubs.  Here's the roll call. The vote was for a motion to proceed towards ratification of a UN Treaty called the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities or CRPD.  It uses crippled children as the excuse to advance UN Fascism and destroy US sovereignty.  The Dems want this.  Do those 9 Pubs?  Doubtful.  More likely they acted out of sheer cowardice, which is par for their RINO course. Every one of the Brave 36 are being subjected to massive intimidation by the CorruptMedia.  Utah's Mike Lee is one.  Here's an article in yesterday's (11/29) Salt Lake Fascist Tribune, headlined Mike Lee Vs. The Disabled.



With the nations of Europe and the rest of the world lining up to support the PLO bid to receive non-member state status at the UN General Assembly, it is worth noting two anniversaries of related but forgotten events. Of course, everyone in Israel knows the obvious anniversary today -- Nov. 29, 1947 was the day the UN General Assembly passed the plan to recommend the partition of the British Mandate of Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Jews accepted the plan. The Arabs -- both local and regional - rejected it. On November 28, 1941 the religious and political leader of the Palestinian Arabs and one of the most influential leaders of the Arab world, the "Grand Mufti," Haji Amin al Husseini met with Adolf Hitler in Berlin. Husseini had courted the Nazis since just after the Nazis rose to power in 1933. He was forced to flee the British Mandate in 1937 when he expanded his fourth terror war against the Jews, that he began in 1936 to include the British as well. In 1920 Husseini personally invented what later became known as the Palestinian national movement. He shaped its identity around the sole cause of destroying the Jewish presence in the land of Israel.  (Note: The story of how Husseini came to be Grand Mufti is told by Jack Wheeler in The English Godfather of Palestinian Terrorism, December 2003.) During World War II, Husseini used his radio broadcasts to shape the political and religious  consciousness of the Moslem world by fusing Islamic Jew hatred with annihilationist Nazi anti-Semitism. Whereas much of the Nazi anti-Semitic ideology was discredited in postwar Europe, it has remained the single most resonant theme of Arab politics  for 66 years.



For close to a half-century now, ever since his first book in 1965, The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine Flake Streamline Baby, the best writer in America has been Tom Wolfe. He told the story of the Hippie Sixties in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1968) and contrasted it with the Heroes of the Sixties, the original Seven Astronauts, in The Right Stuff (1979).  No one can skewer lefties with a literary rapier better than Wolfe - as he proved in his portrayal of "limousine liberals" (he coined the term) in Radical Chic (1970).  His exposure of the lefty fraud of Modern Art and its nostalgie de la boue (nostalgia for the mud) in The Painted Word (1975), is breathtakingly hilarious. He has written four novels, the first in 1987, The Bonfire of the Vanities, which was made into a movie starring Tom Hanks, Melanie Griffith, and Bruce Willis.  The last is brand new, coming out less than a month ago, Back to Blood. The "blood" isn't about gore but ethnicity, specifically the ethnic divisions between Cubans, Whites, Blacks and others in today's Miami.  But it's neither the plot nor the characters that we're focusing on here, but Wolfe's tale of The Micturating Monkey - for it is of enormous relevance to conservatives.  It reveals the strategy by which the Left can be defeated.



It's Un-American not be woozy today, recovering from too much turkey, the fixins, and adult beverages at yesterday's Thanksgiving dinner.  So let's relax and enjoy the troubles the leaders of other countries are having this week.  Hopefully, they may portend those of ours. Who does this describe?  "A false, cold-hearted, calculating spirit who commits evil without passion and slowly orchestrates despotism with all the intelligence of a Machiavelli." It fits Zero like a glove because it's the quintessential description of a Banana Republic Caudillo - the charismatic corrupt dictator or "strongman" whom "the masses" love for his professed love of them while he strangles their freedom and any chance for prosperity. Yet Argentina is today falling rapidly out of love with its Caudillo -- actually Caudilla -- as Egypt is with its new Pharaoh.  Our Caudillo, our Pharaoh, may not be far behind.



I might as well confess this right at the start:  this is the saddest Thanksgiving of my life.  I am still having a very difficult time coping with Nov. 6.  Yes, the number of Moron Uneducated Mooching Taxtaking Americans has increased under Zero enough to get close enough to the margin of fraud, enabling the Dems to steal it via voter suppression and theft.  But what really made it within the margin of fraud is what hurts the most:  That millions of non-Democrats - Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians - chose to not vote for Romney, thus choosing of their own free will to destroy their country in an act of malicious sado-masochism. My term for them is Platonic Conservatives, Platonic Libertarians.  The basic philosophical battle of Western Civilization has for 23 centuries been between Plato and Aristotle - between Platonists who believe the perfect must be the enemy of the good, and Aristotelians who believe it must not. Romney is a good man, an infinitely better man than Zero - yet the Platonists demanded perfection.  The difference between a Romney Presidency and that of Zero's is not between Heaven and Hell, for neither of them exist here on earth, any more than does Plato's World of Forms.  The difference is an America that would have started digging itself out of a fascist pit, and one that will now dig itself ever more deeply into it.  On Nov. 6, the Platonists chose the latter. Freedom is fragile.  Once freedom is gone -- especially if it is thrown away not taken away -- it is very difficult to get it back.  As the great polymath Jacob Bronowski observes in his masterpiece, The Ascent of Man: "We are being weighed in the balance at this moment. If we give up, the next step will be taken, but not by us. We have not been given any guarantee that Assyria and Egypt and Rome were not given. The ascent of man will go on, but don't assume that it will go on carried by Western civilization as we know it."



I must admit that I remain in a state of total shock over November 6th.  There is still a part of me that finds the results incomprehensible.  The actual results were within the margin of fraud, so the Dems stole it.  At the Rendezvous, we had a world-expert on cyber-intelligence explain how "trivially easy" it is to hack into and rig voting machines.  Plus all the other voter-suppression tricks the Dems use in states with no Voter ID. What Dems do is whatever it takes to win without any semblance of morals.  What Pubs do is blame each other, whine, and wimp out.  A perfect example is Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal on Monday (11/12) being a smart-ass ignorant jerk demanding IQ tests of Pub candidates. He typifies the growing RINO chorus chanting the GOP must now capitulate on 1) abortion, 2) homosexual marriage, and 3) amnesty for illegals.  Why?  To get elected.  Power as an end in itself, not to politically accomplish something moral.  It is Stephens and his ilk who need to take an IQ test - as demonstrated by the evisceration of his argument for amnesty by Victor Davis Hansen on Tuesday (11/13). Hansen's The Latino Vote Obsession is a masterpiece, simply a "must-read" this week.  Another masterpiece must-read is this interview with my dear friend Robert Agostinelli.  No one can tell it like it is like Robert.



These are times that try men's souls, wrote Thomas Paine in 1776, and so is the time that's upon us now. So, it is time to examine our core beliefs, very clearly and plainly. More than anything else, difficult times demand that we know what we believe - not with shallow slogans, but down to our depths. "Conservative values" are not a core belief - they are derivative, not primary. The term is, at best, a short-hand reference to a set of ideas. But unless you have a very clear grasp of what those values are, the slogan becomes a cheap imitation. We must know the real thing, not merely a group of words that stand in its place. Have you ever asked yourself what makes a government legitimate? Legitimacy in human government is far more important than force. Ruling humans by force alone is a losing proposition: The ruled will adapt; they'll hide their grain before it can be taken, or they'll just leave. In order to rule humans successfully, they have to be willing. This willingness can be attained either by manipulation or by convincing people that joining together provides better results. A government that convinces people to support it has a valid claim to legitimacy. A government that manipulates people into supporting it does not.



I may have awakened him.  The late James Jesus Angleton, once the chief of CIA counterintelligence, sounded kinda groggy to me after I got him-loud and clear!-on my famously untrustworthy ouija board.  Of course I have no idea whether he gets to sleep at all.  I don't quite know exactly "where" he is, after all, and he doesn't answer direct questions on the subject.  Anyway, there he was, and I started right in. ML:  So what am I supposed to think about Petraeus? JJA:  That you're living in a country where espionage is rampant. ML:  Huh? JJA:  Have you read those stories about the "software breakdowns" in the Romney get-out-the-vote program "Orca"? ML:  Sure, it didn't work, passwords didn't work, it was a gigantic snafu. JJA:  Uh huh.  And has anyone raised the possibility that the Romney organization was penetrated in order to introduce "fatal errors" in their computers?



When we began the Washington Rendezvous last Friday (11/09), all of us were still shell-shocked.  By the time it ended on Sunday, we were determined to not let the travesty of this absurd election stand.  We first agreed that the stupidest thing to do is form a circular firing squad, like so many pundits and others are doing, pointing the finger of blame at Mitt Romney, the RNC, or other Republican targets. The blame does not lie with Romney, who was the smartest, most decent, and most capable presidential candidate we could possibly have nominated.  The blame lies with the idiots who voted for Zero, the CorruptMedia, and the Dems who rigged the voting machines. I believe it was the latter who stole the election and that Romney was the legitimate winner.  Regardless, the bottom line is that at least half of America did not and does not want this Chicago fascist as its president.  So secondly, we agreed that scores of millions of Americans are mad as hell about this Fascist Fraud in the White House.  The question is: what do we do about it? The answer is we - this means you, Tea Partyers - organize and conduct a Revolution of Disobedience. 



[This letter is in lieu of the Half-Full Report this week, as the HFR glass today is totally empty. I'd like to encourage all TTPers to both email and fax a printed copy of this letter to the District Office of any nearby GOP Congressman or Congressman-elect, and ask any patriotic friend of theirs to do the same.] An Open Letter to the Incoming Republican House Members of the 113th Congress Dear GOP House Members and Members-Elect - Congratulations to you all for surviving the absurd calamity of November 6th.  You need to know what's in store for you. To put it bluntly, you have two years to live.  Politically live as the House Majority, that is.  You are going to be demonized and destroyed by the Chicago Gangsters who run the White House and the presstitutes of the CorruptMedia.  Your chances of retaining your majority in 2014 are 0%. The question is:  what are you going to do with these two years?  Realize that the political outcome will be the same no matter what you do.  While many of you may individually survive and be reelected in 2014, collectively your majority will be gone and you'll all be just minority schmucks. So if you plan to cringe, compromise, and cooperate with the gangsters just to be reelected as a minority schmuck, why not just quit now, resign and collect your pension - rather than continue a charade in order to keep your perks of power for a little while longer, and all that while you'll have to look into the mirror every morning and see a coward? Why not, then, see someone of courage in that mirror instead?  There is a power that only you - a majority of members of the House - have that neither the Senate, the President nor any of his agencies, nor even the Supreme Court has.  If you choose to exercise it, you will be feared and respected, instead of being Obama's poodles.  But far more importantly, you will have done your patriotic duty to protect your country from the lethal damage Obama is poised to inflict upon it. 



 [Note by JW:  We are being asked to believe that Romney got close to three million fewer votes in 2012 than John McCain got in 2008. That's not possible.  This election is a fraud.  I don't know exactly how - rigging voting machines, hacking tabulation software, not counting military absentee ballots, whatever.  What I do know is that it is totally beyond believability and into the realm of ridiculously absurd that Romney actually got any fewer votes than McCain in 2008, much less millions fewer.  Thus the answer to Dave's question must be Yes.] I hate going down a birther road, but yes I believe the election was stolen, and the implications of that are very bad. First of all, Obama received 10 million less votes than he did in 2008.  The part that is unbelievable is that Romney received 3 million less votes than McCain.  At the end of the day, Obama won in the 4 critical swing states by 500,000 votes. But it is worse than that.  We can look at who voted.  By examining the number of Independents and their preference shift among actual voters, we know that 5 million Independents changed their votes from Obama to Romney.  So Romney started the day 2.5 million votes ahead of where McCain was in 2008. This means that 5.5 million Republican voters are not accounted for. They didn't show up at the polls, or their votes were not counted.  We know now that no subgroup of the coalition decided to sit out.  So the current attempts to blame the Social Conservatives are stupid.  All of our groups showed up to vote at the rates they did in 2008.  For this to be true, over 10% of Republicans needed to decide not to vote this year, who did vote in 2008. Does that make any sense?



I'm in an airport in Europe waiting to fly back to a country that is no longer mine.  It's 9am here, 3am in the East Coast, and Romney has conceded.  I'll be all day getting back, so I thought I'd put down a few words before boarding time. The science-fiction writer Robert Heinlein once wrote a book entitled Stranger In A Strange Land.  I'm that stranger now, America is that strange land.  A majority of my fellow Americans performed seppuku yesterday, plunging the tonto ceremonial short blade into their country's abdomen and disemboweled it.  America died yesterday, right before our eyes.  Right now I am incapable of understanding or explaining how this could possibly happen. I went to bed last night sure I would be flying off to a joyous celebration at our Rendezvous, where we would plan together the rebirth of American freedom.  I woke up to my horror realizing that I'm headed to a funeral instead. Yet that funeral for our country, as heartbreaking as that is, must not be our funeral.  The most important thing we must do at this moment is commit to survive - for ourselves, our families, for our loved ones.  We are facing a national and historic tragedy of monstrous proportions.  But we must not let it be our personal tragedy. So rather than our Rendezvous in Washington this weekend be, as we hoped, Preparing for the Nobama Future, it will now be Surviving the Obama Future. We have to face the reality of what has happened, and figure out how to personally triumph over it.  This must be our first priority.  Only then can we even begin to figure out how to rescue our country.  It's like the airline flight attendant telling you, in an emergency, to place the oxygen mask over yourself first, and then over your child. It's at a time like this that I most clearly remember sitting on my grandfather's knee as a young boy and him telling me the Wheeler Family Motto.  I suggest that it be the TTP Motto today: There is a solution to every problem The sun will shine after every storm The soul's highest purpose is to be of good cheer. I'm on my way to the Rendezvous - and I hope you will be too.



The media focus has been on the presidential campaign, but the makeup of the U.S. Congress is likely to have an equal or perhaps even greater impact on your future economic well-being. The president often is blamed for the deficit by folks on both the right and the left, but under the Constitution, it is those in Congress who must approve all taxing and spending, and thus they are directly responsible. In the 32 years since President Reagan was first elected, the Democrats have controlled both houses of Congress for 12 years, the Republicans controlled both for 10 years, and for 10 years, one party controlled the House and the other party controlled the Senate. The chart below shows the average deficit, government spending and real economic growth (as a percentage of gross domestic product) under Democratic, Republican and split control. Deficits, on average, were 3 times larger when the Democrats were in control of one or both houses of Congress than when the Republicans had control of both houses. Also, government spending was higher and real economic growth was lower under the Democrats and under split control.



All devotees of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged know how the book ends: the apocalypse of socialism, symbolized by the electricity failing in Manhattan and the great city plunged into darkness, permits John Galt to begin the resurrection of freedom and capitalism. Thus it was a very eerie experience to see the lead headline on Drudge one week before America's most fateful election (10/30) NYC GOES DARK, with a picture of the post-Sandy New York skyline black. Mitt Romney is no John Galt (who is?), but he'll do for now.  And who could have guessed that the October Surprise we all were scared of turned out to be an Act of God on Romney's side?  Of course, our hearts and prayers go out to all those suffering from the destruction of Sandy.  Yet the Zero/Democrat Ineptocracy has made that suffering worse - people eating of dumpsters, looting, gun and fist fights - then added insult to injury by racing off to campaign in Wisconsin after a phony photo-op with the fatso governor of New Jersey. Zero's uncaring incompetence is on glaring display for every voter in America, and is a final nail in his electoral coffin next Tuesday.  Make no mistake:  Hurricane Sandy is a disaster for Zero.



Looks like no one will be able to recognize Zero's political hit man, David Axelrod, after next week, as he'll be shaving off his mustache.  The Nightmare of Zero will soon be over.  It's time to start thinking about and preparing for the coming Nobama Future. You can start preparing for the Nobama Future right this very moment by reading Joel Wade's Rat Brain.  Joel describes it: "The feeling sense - the sensation in your body of stress and anxiety when you feel the urge to check the polls, or linger too long surfing the web for hopeful news stories; coupled with the anticipation of relief or reward when you find some good news, and a great compulsion to go toward that reward - is your rat brain at work." Is this you?  I confess - it sure is me.  With four days to go until America's fate is decided, my rat brain is in hyper-drive.  Joel's advice on how to handle this comes just in time, and I'm taking it to heart.  I'm ordering my dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to tell my rat brain to shut up - as it understands that Romney is going to win going away. So - the next thing to do in preparing for the Nobama Future is making sure you'll be at the TTP Victory Rendezvous next weekend (Nov. 09-11).  We have added a number of extraordinary speakers (see below). One thing we'll be focusing on at RXIII is the dreaded Transition - the 76 days between Election and Inauguration Days, an enormously long time during which Zero could engage in a gargantuan amount of mischief and revenge.  What damage could he do?



The wonders of US shale gas continue to amaze. We receive fresh evidence by the day that swathes of American industry have acquired a massive and lasting advantage in energy costs over global rivals, demolishing assumptions about US economic decline. Some fifty new projects have been unveiled in the US petrochemical industry. A $30bn investment blitz in underway in ethelyne and fetilizer plants alone. This is happening just as other clusters of manufacturing - machinery, electrical products, transport equipment, furniture, etc - are "re-shoring" back from China to the US. A 16% annual rise in Chinese wages over the last decade has changed the game. PricewaterhouseCoopers calls it the "Homecoming: Why a resurgence in US manufacturing may be the next big bet." The revival of the chemical industry is a spin-off from the greater drama of America's energy rebound, though a very big one. The US Energy Department announced last week that the country will produce 11.4m barrels a day (b/d) of oil, biofuels, and liquid hydrocarbons next year, almost as much as Saudi Arabia. This is largely due to hydraulic fracturing - blasting rock with water jets - to extract shale gas and oil. Europe is going in the opposite direction, drifting towards energy suicide. So is Japan.



Red Rocks Amphitheatre, October 23, 2012.  Remember the place and date, for history may record them as where and when America's spiritual rebirth began.  What happened here is simply astounding. There is an eyewitness account of it that made me cry.  I'd like to ask you to take a moment to read Mitt Romney's Quiet Prayer Amidst the Sound of Thunder... ...From the sublime to the absurdly disgusting.  Zero's latest official campaign ad, released yesterday (10/25), is a TV Bimbo comparing a girl's losing her virginity to voting for Zero.  Brietbart's Ben Shapiro has the video + transcript and appropriate comment.  Zero is sinking into the depths of desperation.  You wonder how much further he'll sink over the next 11 days.... ...So as he sinks and it looks better for Romney-Ryan by the day, let's move to where a number of TTPers want to go:  the Senate. 



October 25, 2012 The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, D.C. 20520 Dear Madam Secretary: Yesterday you received a letter from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) asking that the U.S. Department of State take steps to ensure the OSCE's election observers are not "restrained in their activities" while in the State of Texas. It appears that OSCE is under the misimpression that the State Department can somehow help its representatives circumvent the Texas Election Code. Texas law prohibits unauthorized persons from entering a polling place-or loitering within 100 feet of a polling place's entrance-on Election Day. OSCE monitors are expected to follow that law like everyone else.



Conservatives quite rightly denounce our culture's continual descent into degradation.  Nowhere is this more evident than in the crudity of public discourse.  The omnipresence of four-letter words in music, movies, books, magazines, websites, cable television, and every other form of public and private discourse is inescapable.  Today, we learned that our current President of the United States has sunk to such a level of complete lack of class that he not only described his opponent, Mitt Romney, with gutter language, he put it in the mouth of a six-year old girl. We'll have a president with class soon, for whom gutter language is anathema.   Note that the New York Times pokes fun at this, and dreams of dragging Mr. Romney "linguistically into the 21st century."  No, sorry, libs, Romney is going to drag America's culture back into decency. However, there is a four-letter word that Mitt refused to utter in his debates with Zero, and it is a real shame he didn't, especially in the third debate last Monday (10/22) when it would have been particularly apt.   It is the F-word as it applies to Zero's presidency in general and his foreign policy specifically.  That word is...