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Antonin Scalia


[Note: Yesterday, June 26, the Supreme Court issued its decision in United States v. Windsor, ruling 5-4 that DOMA, The Defense of Marriage Act, is unconstitutional.  Justice Kennedy provided the decisive vote, siding with the Court's four dependably liberal justices, Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan.  Justices Roberts, Alito, Thomas, and Scalia dissented.  The link above is to the Pdf file of the entire decision, which is where the Scalia dissent is to be found.  TTP here presents, as a public service, the extraordinary dissent of Justice Scalia in its entirety, of over 8,000 words, in easily readable form.  It is quite possibly the most blistering, scathing moral denunciation of a majority opinion by a dissenting justice in Supreme Court history. He condemns the Court majority for "formally declaring anyone opposed to same-sex marriage an enemy of human decency," for accusing "the Congress that enacted this (Defense of Marriage) law and the President who signed it of... act(ing) with malice - with the ‘purpose to disparage and injure' same-sex couples." Scalia is stunned by the majority's vitriol at "simply for supporting an Act that did no more than codify an aspect of marriage that had been unquestioned in our society for most of its existence-indeed, had been unquestioned in virtually all societies for virtually all of human history. It is one thing for a society to elect change; it is another for a court of law to impose change by adjudging those who oppose it hostes humani generis, enemies of the human race." This is a brilliant exercise in judicial, constitutional, and moral reasoning.  It is worth reading entire. -JW]   This case is about power in several respects. It is about the power of our people to govern themselves, and the power of this Court to pronounce the law. Today's opinion aggrandizes the latter, with the predictable consequence of diminishing the former. We have no power to decide this case. And even if we did, we have no power under the Constitution to invalidate this democratically adopted legislation. The Court's errors on both points spring forth from the same diseased root: an exalted conception of the role of this institution in America.



If you want to know what's wrong with the Republican Party wrapped up in one pretty package, all you have to do is look at the latest amnesty disaster that was created by a gang of Republican idiots in the Senate. Marco Rubio, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Bob Corker, John Hoeven, Kelly Ayotte, Dean Heller and the rest of the braindead Senate Republican buffoons who have supported this bill are the living personification of the words, "Stuck on Stupid." They picked the wrong issue, at the wrong time, did it the wrong way, and set it up so that no matter what happens, the Republican Party is doomed to get kicked in the teeth. Why does the Republican Party lose elections? Because they do things like this:



Coal, oil and natural gas are "fossil" fuels, right? They are derived from ancient life-forms and are nonrenewable, stored energy, extracted from prehistoric sunlight. In the case of coal and most oil, this is obviously true: You can find fossil tree trunks and leaves in coal seams and chemicals in oil that come from plankton. But there's increasing doubt about whether all natural gas (which is 90% methane) comes from fermented fossil microbes. Some of it may be made by chemical processes deep within the earth. If so, the implications could be profound for the climate and energy debates. It may be that we will never run out of natural gas.  There may be a literally inexhaustible supply of it.  Who needs "renewable" energy any more?



Just like they did with Obamacare, some in Congress intend to "Pelosi" the amnesty bill. They'll pass it in order to find out what's in it. And just like the unpopular, unaffordable Obamacare disaster, this pandering, rewarding-the-rule-breakers, still-no-border-security, special-interests-ridden, 24-lb disaster of a bill is not supported by informed Americans. I am an ardent supporter of legal immigration. I'm proud that our country is so desirable that it has been a melting pot making a diverse people united as the most exceptional nation on earth for over two centuries. But I join every American with an ounce of common sense insisting that any discussion about immigration must center on a secure border. The amnesty bill before the Senate is completely toothless on border security. If this bill was genuinely concerned with border security, it might include practical solutions for those states that live with the problem every single day. Pass-through grants could be given to border states to actually build a fence.  Free up more federal lands along the border to be privatized. There are plenty of other commonsense solutions, but this bill isn't about fixing problems; it's about amnesty at all costs.  What's more, passing this bill with an unsecured border and within a growing welfare state under Barack Obama is economic insanity.



Tweet, tweet!  As of yesterday (6/20), thanks to Miko, TTP is on Twitter: @2thepointnews.  Or click on the Twitter icon in the right side bar.  Now you can tweet your favorite quotes from or link to any TTP article to any of your followers.  Tweet and Retweet away! There is so much to Tweet about this week.  Marco Rubio morphing into Charlie Crist.  Zero stepping deep in two cowpies. Sarah Palin is back!  Dems defeating their precious trillion dollar Food Stamp bill.  Dems crying over their prospects all the way to 2022.  Technology protecting us from the Surveillance State.  The EPA failing to fault fracking.  And there's more. We'll end with a story appropriate to today:  June 21st, the Summer Solstice (in the northern hemisphere).  No, it's not about flower-bewreathed New Agers communing with the Druids at Stonehenge.  It's about one of the most extraordinary geniuses in history you may have never heard of.



"Peace with justice means refusing to condemn our children to a harsher, less hospitable planet.  The effort to slow climate change requires bold action... With a global middle class consuming more energy every day, this must now be an effort of all nations, not just some.  For the grim alternative affects all nations -- more severe storms, more famine and floods, new waves of refugees, coastlines that vanish, oceans that rise.  This is the future we must avert.  This is the global threat of our time.  And for the sake of future generations, our generation must move toward a global compact to confront a changing climate before it is too late.  That is our job.  That is our task.  We have to get to work."  --President Zero, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, June 19, 2013
There is a great deal of sniggering about Zero's pathetic Brandenburg Gate speech yesterday (6/19).  The headline in the British London Telegraph summed it up: "Barack Obama Bombs in Berlin - A Weak, Underwhelming Address from a Floundering President." Or, as the New York Post more pithily and succinctly described it:  "Mush from the Wimp." Chrissie Tingle-leg Matthews blamed it on the sun shining on the TOTUS. The above quote from the speech does, however, serve a vital purpose:  it focuses our attention on "the global threat of our time."  Which is...



Beijing.  China's shadow banking system is out of control and under mounting stress as borrowers struggle to roll over short-term debts, Fitch Ratings has warned. The agency said the scale of credit was so extreme that the country would find it very hard to grow its way out of the excesses as in past episodes, implying tougher times ahead. In an interview with Charlene Chu, Fitch's senior director in Beijing, she explained to me: "The credit-driven growth model is clearly falling apart. This could feed into a massive over-capacity problem, and potentially into a Japanese-style deflation. There is no transparency in the shadow banking system, and systemic risk is rising. We have no idea who the borrowers are, who the lenders are, and what the quality of assets is, and this undermines signaling."  "There is no way they can grow out of their asset problems as they did in the past," she continued. "We think this will be very different from the banking crisis in the late 1990s. With credit at 200% of GDP, the numerator is growing twice as fast as the denominator. You can't grow out of that."  We may be seeing the arrival of a "Minsky Moment" for China, when the debt pyramid collapses under its own weight.



Note:  Elbert Guillory is a State Senator in the legislature of Louisiana.  A graduate of Rutgers Law School, he has been a practicing attorney in Opelousas for many years, and turned to politics in his 60s - elected as a State Representative in 2007, then State Senator in 2009 as a Democrat.  Opelousas is heavily black and Democrat. On May 31, he formally switched his party affiliation to the Republican Party, becoming the first black Republican in the Louisiana Senate since Reconstruction in the 1870s.  He is widely considered now to be a formidable candidate for Lt. Governor in 2015. Guillory calls himself a "Frederick Douglass Republican."  Here is his explanation.  It brought tears to my eyes, and it may well to yours.  - Jack Wheeler {youtube}n_YQ8560E1w{/youtube}



marilyn_monroe.png Fifty-one years after her death, Marilyn Monroe still remains the most iconic movie star of all time.  Last Sunday (6/09), the London Daily Mail ran a story with the headline, "I Listened to Marilyn Die."   The daughter of a famous Hollywood private detective, Fred Otash (1922-1992), recently found eleven boxes of her father's files and notes in a storage unit.  The files reveal that Otash had been hired by Howard Hughes to bug the home of Marilyn Monroe. Otash's notes say that on August 5, 1962, she had a violent argument with Bobby Kennedy and Peter Lawford (Bobby's brother-in-law), yelling that she had been "passed around like a piece of meat" by the Kennedy brothers (Bobby, Teddy, and JFK).  The notes continued: "She was really screaming and they were trying to quiet her down. She's in the bedroom and Bobby gets the pillow and he muffles her on the bed to keep the neighbors from hearing. She finally quieted down and then he was looking to get out of there." That is followed by the note:  "I listened to Marilyn Monroe die." The tape has never been found.  Marilyn Monroe died on August 5, 1962.  Otash never talked or wrote anything published about this.  His private notes seem to confirm what many have suspected over the years:  That Bobby Kennedy killed Marilyn Monroe.



Are conservatives on the side of freedom or of fascism? You'd think that would be a no-brainer, that of course they're on the side of freedom.  Yet in the last few days, a number of prominent conservative thinkers and leaders have had such a strong emotional reaction over Edward Snowden that they've allowed their amygdala to seize control of their prefrontal cortex.  It's a temporary condition, and they'll soon be thinking rationally again.  Yet as TTP is "The Oasis for Rational Conservatives," let's assist them in doing so. First, some examples of conservatives rushing to defend Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrat Party from Snowden's whistleblowing.  Then we'll ask, What conservatives haven't drunk this Kool-aid? (Hint:  Rushbo is one.)  Then we'll get to the bottom line: Rather than condemning Snowden, we should be celebrating him.  He has not done the slightest bit of damage to our real actual national security.  In fact, he has enormously enhanced it, and in two enormously important ways.



What Edward Snowden has done is an amazingly brave and courageous act of civil disobedience. As a Whistleblower like me, he became discomforted by what he was exposed to and what he saw: the industrial-scale systematic surveillance that is scooping up vast amounts of information not only around the world but in the United States, in direct violation of the fourth amendment of the US constitution. I feel a kinship with Snowden: he is essentially the equivalent of me. He saw the surveillance state from within and saw how far it's gone. The government has a pathological incentive to collect more and more and more; they just can't help themselves - they have an insatiable hoarding complex. Since the government unchained itself from the constitution after 9/11, it has been eating our democracy alive from the inside out. There's no room in a democracy for this kind of secrecy: it's anathema to our form of a constitutional republic, which was born out of the struggle to free ourselves from the abuse of such powers, which led to the American Revolution. That is what's at stake here: to an NSA with these unwarranted powers, we're all potentially guilty; we're all potential suspects until we prove otherwise. That is what happens when the government has all the data. 



Sorry folks, but tonight's entertainment feature on the Second American Revolution, replacing the Obama Regime with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, has been retracted.  You will now enjoy a rerun of the French Revolution instead. What?  How can this be?  Here's the sad story that will explain why you need to learn French and to buy our New high tech neck armor -- specially priced at only $500 to save your neck from the French guillotine.  Also excellent protection against vampires.  But most of all, this is a surprise revisit from the past to warn us why we must prepare ourselves for the coming French Revolution in America. You will recognize many of the Ministries issuing endless rules and regulations that you have nothing to say about but sadly there will be more, though there will be no Ministry of Silly Walks, because there is nothing funny about it.  Sit back, raise your glass of French wine, pick up your guitar and play, just like yesterday, you'll get on your knees and pray,  We Won't Get Fooled Again!! (Yes, the classic by The Who is rated by National Review as the #1 Conservative Rock Song of all time.  The lyrics are here, you can listen/watch here.) Written in 1971, it looks eerily prescient, because Obama's America today looks more like it's on the way to another French Revolution than another American one.  To learn why, we turn to a Frenchman who explained it over 150 years ago.



How can you drink water from a gushing firehose?  Trying to assimilate and get a fix on what's going on this week will be like that. Let's get out of the weeds, step back and do some dot-connecting.  With scandals being piled on scandals - two massive ones breaking in just the last 24 hours - do they have anything in common? The overall theme characterizing all of this is:  fascist arrogance.  Zero's boss, the Wicked Witch of the West Wing, Valerie Jarrett, epitomized this yesterday (6/06) when she announced on HuffPo TV that there was no way Eric Holder was going to resign.  He will, she promised, "be in his position for quite a while." Benghazi exemplifies the brazenness of Zero's lying.  Sibelius exemplifies Zero's gangsterism.  Let's focus more specifically on the remaining four:  IRS, DOJ, Verizon and PRISM.  They go beyond arrogance.  They are unmistakable evidence of the conversion of America into a fascist police state. We also need to connect the dots between the creation of Police State America and a decision of the Supreme Court this week.  That would be...



On June 6th, 1984, the greatest president of modern times, Ronald Reagan, delivered this magnificent speech at Pont-du-Hoc, on the 40th anniversary of the D-Day Normandy Landing.  Today is the 69th anniversary of that unparalleled example of American courage. {youtube}eEIqdcHbc8I{/youtube} 



There is so little doubt over who is the TTP Hero of the Week right now that I'm jumping the gun, rather than disclose it in the Half-Full Report tomorrow. She's a lady from the small town (pop. 6,600) of Wetumpka, Alabama on the Coosa River some 12 miles north of Montgomery.  Her name is Becky Gerritson.  Day before yesterday (6/04), in her capacity as founder and president of the Wetumpka Tea Party, she testified on Capitol Hill before the House Ways and Means Committee.  After putting up with her and her fellow witnesses being mocked by one of the biggest scumbags in Congress, Baghdad Jim McDermott - who told them they had "brought [IRS persecution] upon themselves" - she told the Congressistas: "I'm not here as a serf or a vassal. I'm not begging my lords for mercy. I'm a born-free American woman, wife, mother, and citizen. And I'm telling my government that you've forgotten your place."  "You've forgotten your place."  These are indeed the words of a proudly born-free American, and Becky Gerritson should be a hero to all of us for the courage to stand up to the Fascists of Washington and say them to their face.  Yet her heroic words are also tragic, for it is millions of her countrymen who have allowed the fascisti to forget their place.  How do we get them to become born-free Americans like Becky Gerritson?



Shortly before the second-term inauguration of Barack Obama this January, I wrote the following of my worries over the Obama way of doing business:

But the untruths and hypocrisy hover in the partisan atmosphere and incrementally and insidiously undermine each new assertion that we hear from the president - some of them perhaps necessary and logical. Indeed, the more emphatically he adds "make no mistake about it," "let me be perfectly clear," "I'm not kidding," or the ubiquitous "me," "my," and "I" to each new assertion, the more a growing number of people will come to know from the past that what follows simply is not true. Does this matter? Yes, because when the reckoning comes, it will be seen as logical rather than aberrant - and long overdue.
I ended my prognostications with the warning, "And so a reckoning is on the near horizon. Let us pray it does not take us all down with his administration." Four and half months later, it almost has.  George Orwell's 1984 is arriving in America.



I've often said that Iran=Italy squared, in terms of political complexity.  You can't identify the players even if you have the latest scorecard. Still, there's no excuse for so many articles and official pronouncements exploring who's going to "win" the Iranian "elections" on June 14.  Nor is there any excuse for failing to understand the Obama administration's latest pretense at getting tough on the regime.  And there is certainly no excuse for writing about a presumed sexual revolution that is threatening the regime, of all things.  Let's get it all straight.  In order:



Don't you think it's high time to point out the undiluted racism of the Zero Presidency and its supporters? Racism is, of course, what got Zero nominated and elected to begin with, back in 2008.  No one, certainly no Democrat or Libtard journalist, would have paid any attention whatever to a freshman Senator with exactly his résumé if he were just another white guy.  But let's now ask, do you think that, on Monday (5/27) the leader of the Democrat Party in Louisiana, Karen Carter Peterson, would have denounced opponents of Obamacare as racists - "it's about race; it's about the race of this African-American president" - if she weren't black herself? Do you think that, yesterday (5/30) on MSNBC, sociology professor Michael Eric Dyson would have defended Eric Holder as "the Moses of our time," if he weren't black himself?  (Funny, though, I never knew that Moses was black or that Holder was Jewish.) While Peterson and Dyson were heavily criticized for their statements, no one had the nerve to criticize them for being racially motivated.  It's about time they were... don't you think? Meanwhile, as last week's HFR noted, Eric Holder is toast.  This week he's melba toast.



It is too much to expect that a man with three Moslem names wouldn't oppose Islamism.  But that doesn't mean that Western Civilization can't.  Nonetheless, our civilization - which used to be called Christendom - cannot summon the will to do so. Lately, we have been subjected to such a plethora of posterior osculation by libtard politicians and pundits of Moslem crazies that this is utterly undeniable.  And it shows no sign of stopping unless we stop putting up with it. There is a way to stop it, but first, let's do a review of recent events that exemplify what has to be stopped.  It will be a little rough at first, but this is going to end up being fun.  Here we go.



The strategic challenge that Russia poses to the United States today is quite serious. Russia is increasingly anti-democratic and hostile to the United States.  Xenophobia is widespread in Russia.  The Kremlin is currently encouraging nationalism and militarizing the country.  It constantly attacks the West.  And a sizable number of the Russian population sees neighboring countries as part of the Russian zone of influence. Now this is not me speaking, this is taken from a recent statement by Alexei Kudrin, who until September of 2011 was the finance minister of Russia, and who has just been publicly offered a cabinet position by Vladimir Putin.  The most serious aspect of the Russian threat to the United States is their nuclear use doctrine.  They have the lowest nuclear use threshold in the world.  Russia reserves the right to introduce nuclear weapons into conventional warfare, and they characterize this, amazingly, as "de-escalation" of the conflict. You won't believe the statements of Russia's nuclear commanders.  Here's one:



It isn't often that an entire field of medical science gets turned on its head. But it is becoming clear that immunology is undergoing a big rethink thanks to the discovery that antibodies, which combat viruses, work not just outside cells but inside them as well. The star of this new view is a protein molecule called TRIM21. Until recently, the conventional wisdom was that the body fights off infection in two separate ways. First is the adaptive immune system, which works outside the cell. It generates antibodies to intercept specific invaders, locking onto them like a tracking missile and preventing them from entering the cell. A second line of defense, the innate immune system, operates within the cell; it is like an expansive air-defense network, blasting away at all invaders. Three years ago work by Leo James, William McEwan and their colleagues at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge revealed that this understanding was incomplete. They found that the neutralization of adenoviruses (common viruses causing colds and other infections) by antibodies was happening mainly inside the cell, not outside, and by an unexpected mechanism. This mechanism opens a whole new path to curing viral infections, and autoimmune diseases like lupus.



The Drudge Report has been running hilarious headlines this week on Anthony "Little" Weiner's run for Mayor of New York.  It was one year ago (last week of May, 2011) that Weinergate broke, resulting in the punniest week ever for the HFR. How could Drudge resist red-siren headlining the news of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's putdown of Weiner's candidacy as PREMATURE ELECTION, and subtitling the headline with an altered quote of Cuomo:  "Shame on us if we erect him." Nothing is deadlier to a politician than to be a joke in the eyes of the public.  Jay Leno did it to Zero on The Tonight Show Monday night (5/20).  Here's the transcript but be sure and watch the embedded video of Kids Ask Obama the Darndest Questions. You know the HMS (His Majesty's Ship) Zero is in danger of sinking when the rats of the Libtard Media have started abandoning it. On Wednesday (5/22), the editorial staff of the New York Times ran an official op-ed condemning "the Obama administration" for "threatening fundamental freedoms of the press." And yesterday evening (5/23), the entire home page of HuffPo, the Libtard media's main website, was devoted to a demand that Eric Holder resign:  "TIME TO GO"  blared HuffPo. The only news this week that could possibly be better than Holder soon to be an ex-AG is this. Mrs. Zero  will be taking an "extended vacation" for the next few months, running away and hiding from the world and shutting up so we won't have to suffer her insufferable busybody hectoring.



WASHINGTON -President Obama used his weekly radio address on Saturday to reassure the American people that he has "played no role whatsoever" in the U.S. government over the past four years. "Right now, many of you are angry at the government, and no one is angrier than I am," he said. "Quite frankly, I am glad that I have had no involvement in such an organization." The President's outrage only increased, he said, when he "recently became aware of a part of that government called the Department of Justice." "The more I learn about the activities of these individuals, the more certain I am that I would not want to be associated with them," he said. "They sound like bad news."



Last week's Humor File was Nixon Was A Piker compared to Barrack Milhous Zero.  Like all good humor, it's funny because it's true:  Nixon was no piker in the scandal and mendacity department, but Zero is far worse. Yet, at this particular conflation of events, as we simultaneously rage at Zero's awfulness and revel in its ongoing exposure, it's useful to step back and regard what's going on in America today in the context of history and economic reality. We'll start with the case for Nixon being more destructive of our economy and freedoms than Zero, then on to the worse case regarding FDR.  For the lesson is:  it's hard to keep America down.  We go through crises and dangers, and then bounce back.  No matter how much FDR's Reds tried to support the Soviet Union, we thrived in the 1950s - and eventually got rid of the Soviet Union itself. We can see this happening right before our eyes as we suffer the Curse of Zero.  It's not just that we all have tingles of joy running up our legs over Zero being up to his jug ears in one scandal after another.  It's that, no matter how hard Zero has tried to hamstring and suffocate the American economy, he has failed.  And we can take such advantage of his failure.



The curse of hedging that blighted gold in the 1990s is making a comeback, and threatens to loom over the market like Banquo's ghost. London-listed gold producer Petropavlovsk has said it will pre-sell 55pc of its future output planned for the second quarter of 2014, at an average price of $1,408 an ounce. This is the first time that a big producer has hedged more than half its future sales. "We have a huge investment program and thought a little price protection in the short-term will let us sleep better at night," said chairman Peter Hambro. Tyler Broda from Nomura said this may signal the return of "structural hedging" across the industry, with other companies scrambling to lock in forward contracts. "This could increase the pressure on the spot gold price over the coming years," he said. The risk is a vicious circle as hedging leads to lower prices, leading to more hedging.



The Arab Spring has unleashed the Arab Collapse. Everybody still standing in the region is picking the flesh of the helpless. The Islamist cancer proved more virulent than Arabs themselves expected, while dying regimes behave with unrestrained ruthlessness. And our diplomats still think everyone can be cajoled into harmony. We're witnessing a titanic event, the crack-up of a long-tottering civilization. Arab societies grew so corrupt and stagnant that violent upheaval became inevitable. That's what we're seeing in Syria and Iraq - two names, one struggle - and will find elsewhere tomorrow. We can't stop it, we can't fix it, and we don't understand it. But we can stay out of it.  Here's how we can and why we should.



Agent Sadusky (Harvey Keitel): "And what about you?" Ben Gates (Nicolas Cage):  "I'd really love not to go to prison. I can't even describe how much I would love not to go to prison." Agent Sadusky:  "Someone's got to go to prison, son." ---National Treasure (2004) "My question isn't about who's going to resign -- my question is who is going to jail over this scandal?" ---House Speaker John Boehner, May 15, 2013 "A few more days like this, and Obama's going to claim he was born in Kenya." --- comedian Dennis Miller Now, I know you all think that this week, the HFR glass is as overflowing as much as the glass in Ronald Reagan's favorite Irish joke.  However, after we've yelled Bunga! Bunga! a few dozen times watching the news and mooned Zero every time we see his disgusting face on the screen, let's see if we can't discuss what's happening with a smidgeon of sobriety.  I admit it won't be easy.



Here we go again. A new bird-flu virus in China, the H7N9 strain, is spreading alarm. It has infected about 130 people and killed more than 30. Every time this happens, some journalists compete to foment fear, ably assisted by cautious but worried scientists, and then tell the world to keep calm. We need a new way to talk about the risk of a flu pandemic, because the overwhelming probability is that this virus will kill people, yes, but not in vast numbers. In recent years flu has always proved vastly less perilous than feared. In 1976 more people may have died from bad reactions to swine-flu vaccine than from swine flu. Since 2005, H5N1 bird flu has killed 374 people, not the two million to 7.4 million deemed possible by the World Health Organization. In 2009, H1N1 Mexican swine flu proved to be a normal flu episode despite apocalyptic forecasts. No doubt some TTPers will remind me that, in the story of the boy who cried "Wolf!", there eventually was a wolf. And that in 1918 maybe 50 million people died of influenza world-wide. So we should always worry a bit. But perhaps it's not just luck that has made every flu pandemic since then mild.  It may be evolutionary logic.



To borrow the climactic line from Easy Rider, "We blew it." Or, to be fully accurate, President Obama blew an unprecedented chance to aid Syria's then-moderate opposition back in 2011. We could have helped end the monstrous Assad regime, gaining good will and practical advantage in a hopeful new state. Now it's too late. And Obama may be ready to act at last. The result could be disastrous. Strategy isn't only about doing the right thing, but about doing the right thing at the right time. Doing what appears to be the "right thing" too late often makes things worse. How did the window for aiding the Syrian rebels close?



The secretary of state was back in Washington a few days ago (5/09), begging the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to take it easy on the poor Iranians.  Enough with the sanctions, he said.  Secretary Kerry has joined decades of his predecessors, buying  into the latest version of the 30-year old illusion that we can make a deal with the Tehran regime if only we deal properly and humbly with them.  He said there was a "window of opportunity" for a couple of months.  It doesn't much matter if he really believes this legend, or is following instructions from President Obama, who is still pursuing this unholy grail despite five years of swift kicks in his behind.  The one he so loves to lead with.  Either way, it's an embarrassment. But then, our new secretary of state has great flair for embarrassing us.  In Obama's community of narcissists, Kerry is a bit different.  He excels at self-humiliation, as he showed in his recent sortie to Moscow, where Czar Putin kept him waiting for many hours before sparing some time to "discuss" Syria and related topics, no doubt including Iran. 



Good grief - let's see if I still remember how to do this.  I can't believe the last HFR I wrote was  February 22.  I've been gone that long.  Then again, there's an Agence France Presse story this week (5/09) about scientists revealing that "Adventure Shapes the Individual." The more exploratory you are, the more new neurons grow in your brain - even in adulthood, a process called adult neurogenesis - particularly in a structure of the brain called the hippocampus, responsible for learning and memory.  AFP made a news story out of the research report appearing in today's (5/10) issue of Science, the world's premier journal of peer-reviewed science. Nonetheless, I learned about the connection between adventure and hippocampal neurogenesis a long time ago from Skye.  So let's hope all the exploration I've been doing in the South Atlantic worked, as I have to get up to speed fast.  First, though, I want to thank Jack Kelly so very much for his marvelous HFRs while I've been gone.  I'm going to have a tough time now doing as well. Let's cut to the chase and explain the week's main event...



Some three years ago, as a retired Texas State Trooper, I taught a high school Criminal Justice class entitled "Crime in America."  This course covered the types and trends of crime in our nation, and illustrated what someone working in our criminal justice system would most likely encounter in a future career. In this course I also identified future trends in crime, including terrorism and mass killings.  Examples of the Chechen experience were utilized to explain how monstrous this could be, and was chosen due to the high likelihood of it coming to our nation.  On April 15th, 2013, that calculation was proven true in Boston.  Authorities have learned those involved in this hideous act originated from Chechnya, in the Northern Caucasus region of Russia, which serves as a fertile breeding ground for violent Islamic extremist groups.  What follows is a brief history that may illuminate the horrifically bloody nature of Moslem Chechen violence -- which has now been perpetrated on us.



Seems like everyone these days is talking about Bitcoins and their implications for private money. Bitcoins - a form of digital private money - shot up in value from $90 to $260 each after Cypriot bank accounts were raided by the State, then plunged last month before recovering some of their value. These gyrations are symptoms of a bubble. Just as with tulip bulbs or dotcom shares, there will probably be a bursting. All markets in assets that can be hoarded and resold - as opposed to those in goods for consumption - suffer from bubbles. Money is no different; and a new currency is rather like a new tulip breed. Yet it would be a mistake to write off Bitcoins as just another bubble. People are clearly keen on new forms of money safe from the confiscation and inflation that looks increasingly inevitable as governments try to escape their debts. Bitcoins pose a fundamental question: will some form of private money replace the kind minted and printed by governments? It has happened before.



Anti-reform hardliners in China's Communist Party have become seriously alarmed by the sharp slow-down in economic growth, creating a "task-force" to crank up production. China's Caixin Magazine reports that there is a growing "sense of crisis" not felt since the depths of the global banking crash in 2008-2009. The State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) has assembled a team to "protect economic growth" and pressure state companies to boost jobs at all costs. SASAC is the bastion of vested interests and controller of 115 state behemoths with assets above $6 trillion and a lock on much of the economy. The move comes amid further signs that growth is faltering across all fronts. HSBC's gauge of Chinese services fell three points to 51.1 in April, the lowest in almost two years.



As information about the apparent Israeli strikes on targets inside Syria continues to pour in, it's easy to lose sight of the central fact: the two reported Israeli attacks are part of an ongoing war, the big war against the West. While the attacks were in Syria, the mission was primarily a major strike against Iran and Russia, two key components of the global alliance arrayed against us. Both are desperately trying to shore up the Assad regime in Damascus. The fall of Assad would be a devastating blow to Supreme Leader Ali Khamanei's tyranny in Tehran, would gravely weaken Russia's strategic position in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, and would threaten the strength (and even the survival) of Hezbollah, the world's most dangerous terrorist organization and the creation of Iran's founding tyrant, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The attacks apparently did great damage to Iranian missiles, and the vaunted Russian antiaircraft system provided to both Syria and Iran was unable to do anything to prevent them. Both have been humiliated.



By now, I hope you are recovered enough from too many cheap tequila margaritas celebrating "Cinco de Mayo" last night to handle a dose of la realidad - reality. Cinco de Mayo is a phony tradition, a joke on los gringos, then exploited as a marketing gimmick by Mexican restaurant chains.  So at TTP, our tradition on or about May 5th is to explain la verdad, the truth. Which is, to begin with: Nobody in Mexico cares about May 5th.  Only we, us gringos, pretend to.  For if you ask just about any reveler at the nearest Pancho Villa's Cantina or some such Mexican-themed bar anywhere in the US, just what is being celebrated on May 5th, you'll get either a blank stare or "It's their July 4th " ignorance. So first the real history.  Then the reality - the horrific reality of how the fascists of the American Left are using Mexico to destroy their own country.  Their treasonous "Immigration Reform Bill" currently proposed by a Senate "Gang of Eight" is the latest example.



Two Boats Village, Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean.  "This is one of the strangest places on the face of the earth," observed William Burnett, Commandant of the HMS Ascension  in 1858.  It remains so today. You might ask how an island can be formally designated a ship of the British Royal Navy, which Ascension was from 1816 to 1922.  Children born on the island were designated to have been born at sea, with their birth registered at the parish of Wapping, the sailors' district along the Thames' dockyards in London. No one has ever been allowed to legally live here; there has never been an Ascension Islander.  People have been residing here for close to 200 years; some 900 people reside on the island today, with many born here as were their parents and grandparents, going to school and growing up here.  Yet all were or are here at the whim of the British Government.  The people here have fewer rights than any other British citizens in the world.  One of the rights they don't have is private property.  The British Crown owns the entire island, and no private entity may own a square foot of it.  Tourists would flock here to see hundreds of green turtles laying eggs on the beaches and vast numbers of seabirds, for world-class big game fishing and scuba diving - but the government makes it ludicrously hard to get here.   A friend of mine once gave me a t-shirt that says, "I love to sail forbidden seas and land on barbarous coasts."  I'm wearing it now.   For Ascension is a barbarous coast in a forbidden sea - thanks to its government making it that way.  It should be an object lesson to us, for Zero is intent on making America a barbarous government-run land, and one day it may be too late to prevent him.



Jamestown, St. Helena, South Atlantic Ocean. If you have ever heard of this little 47 square mile island lost in a vast sea, 1,200 miles west of Africa and 1,800 miles east of Brazil, it’s because here is where the British exiled Napoleon after Waterloo, and here is where he died. The 5½ years of Napoleon’s exile – October 15, 1815 to his death on May 5, 1821 – dominate the island’s 500-year history. For the last 354 years, since 1659, it has been a British possession. Yet such is the grip of Napoleon that the Brits ceded the home and property of where he lived in exile on St. Helena – called Longwood House – to the government of France. It is French territory, as is his original burial place nearby. Moreover, there is a Consul appointed by the French government, who lives in a diplomat’s mansion on the island. Personally, I have no regard for a megalomaniac responsible for the deaths of millions of people. The Brits should have treated him as a war criminal, executed him by firing squad aboard a ship far out to sea, and dumped his body in the ocean. But no. Instead...



Edinburgh-of-the-Seven-Seas, Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic Ocean.  Welcome to the most isolated community on the planet, on the world's remotest inhabited island. Named after the Portuguese captain who discovered it in 1506, Tristão da Cunha, it is 1,736 miles from Africa, and 2,466 miles from South America.  The nearest inhabited land is the island of St. Helena 1,343 miles to the north, itself so remote that the Brits exiled Napoleon there. It's not simply that Tristan is far away from anywhere else, it's amazingly difficult to get here.  We are the first passenger ship to land here since March of 2012. Why bother?  Why brave often incredibly rough and dangerous seas for days or even weeks to come here on the off-chance that you can go ashore?  Just to be able to tell your friends back home you set foot on the world's remotest inhabited island? Maybe for some.  For me, it was the opportunity to meet perhaps the most extraordinarily unique people on earth.  I came hoping to find a freedom paradise (more accurately, a conservative-libertarian paradise) - and I found it.  But before you start packing your bags, be advised:  there is, of course, a catch.



Grytviken, South Georgia Island, Antarctic Ocean.  It's a shame I can't transmit pictures where I am, but at least I can send this text for Miko to post on TTP.  Then again, there are no pictures that could do this place justice, for you can't put awe into a photo.  That's something you can only experience first-hand. There is no place on earth I know of with more spectacular geology, geography, and jaw-dropping scenery, combined with such a hyper-abundance of wildlife it puts Africa's Serengeti to shame, than South Georgia.  Add to this one of history's most heroic sagas, the perseverance of one man to overcome odds that are beyond belief, which can serve to inspire us to surmount the travails our country faces today. It is considered the most impressive accomplishment in the history of exploration.  Let me tell you the story - and the lesson we can learn from it.