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Ambrose Evans-Pritchard


Emerging markets are now big enough to drag down the global economy. As Indonesia, India, Ukraine, Brazil, Turkey, Venezuela, South Africa, Russia, Thailand and Kazakhstan try to shore up their currencies, the effect is ricocheting back into the advanced world in higher borrowing costs. Even China felt compelled to sell $20 billion of US Treasuries in July. "They are running down reserves by selling US and European bonds, leading to a self-reinforcing feedback loop," said Simon Derrick from BNY Mellon. We are told that emerging markets are more resilient than in past crises because they have $9 trillion of reserves. But any use of that treasure to defend the exchange rate entails monetary tightening, and therefore inflicts a contractionary shock on countries already in trouble. We are also told that they borrow in their own currencies these days, immune to the sort of dollar squeeze that caused such havoc in the early 1980s and the mid-1990s. This is true, but double-edged. India, Brazil and others will surely be tempted to stop fighting markets, let their currencies slide and inflict the pain on foreigners - that is to say, on your pension fund.



As we start Labor Day Weekend, we've had the weirdest week of a weird summer.  What's good about it is that it is shining a klieg light on Zero's Anti-Midas Touch - that everything he touches turns to merde. The trigger for this is Zero's playing Hamlet over Syria.  There is a cacophony of voices on the Left and the Right screaming at him.  Both ultra-leftie Dennis Kucinich and conservative fire-breather Ralph Peters are going apoplectic that he might attack.  The New York Times is advising him, on the other hand, to "Bomb Syria, even if it is illegal." The most thoughtful and balanced voice is Newsweek's Ken Pollack, who advises: Go Big or Stay Home.  He dispassionately gives the case for, and for not, intervening.  His conclusion is Napoleon's: "If you start to take Vienna, take Vienna" - but the odds are high that Zero will do something half-fast, an inconsequential purely face-saving attack that will make the entire situation worse than ever. The Anti-Midas Touch in action. My own view is that Assad and his brother Maher - who ordered the poison gas attack - should be specifically targeted by cruise missiles and killed.  I agree with the Wall Street Journal's Bret Stephens that Zero should target the Assad brothers personally as he did Bin Laden. Yet we can trust Zero not to do the right thing.  The good news will be that whatever screw up he does, everyone will be mad at him for it.



I must admit that I was prepared to be skeptical when I started reading Mark Levin's The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic.  Our country's problem is not the Constitution, it's a government that disobeys it, that uses every method of fascist trickery to distort and get around it. The solution, I thought, is to somehow force the federalies to stop being outlaws - for that's what we have now, an illegitimate outlaw government - and start obeying the Constitution we already have, instead of changing it.  America was blessed at its inception with a founding legal structure that has never been surpassed in history up to the present day for enabling the flourishing of its citizenry while preventing tyranny.  Its distortion and corruption by all four branches of the federal government - executive, legislative, judicial, and bureaucratic - is what needs to be fixed, not the structure itself. Now, after I read the book, I must admit that Levin is a persuasive guy.  Not convincing, but certainly persuasive.  Let's talk about where he hits the target, where he misses, and to what extent - if any - does he explain how we fix America.



You might as well try to teach a snake to juggle as hope the Obama administration will think strategically. The "peace president" is about to embark on his third military adventure, this time in Syria, without having learned the lessons of his botched efforts in Afghanistan and Libya. He hasn't even learned from the Bush administration's mistakes - which he mocked with such delight. Before launching a single cruise missile toward Syria, Team Obama needs to be sure it has a good answer to the question, "What comes next?" If Obama does a Clinton and churns up some sand with do-nothing cruise-missile strikes, it will only encourage the Assad regime. But if our president hits Assad hard and precipitates regime change, then what?



Saudi Arabia has secretly offered Russia a sweeping deal to control the global oil market and safeguard Russia's gas contracts, if the Kremlin backs away from the Assad regime in Syria. The revelations come amid high tension in the Middle East, with US, British, and French warship poised for missile strikes in Syria. Iran has threatened to retaliate. The strategic jitters pushed Brent crude prices to a five-month high of $112 a barrel. "We are only one incident away from a serious oil spike. The market is a lot tighter than people think," said Chris Skrebowski, editor of Petroleum Review. Leaked transcripts of a closed-door meeting between Russia's Vladimir Putin and Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan shed an extraordinary light on the hard-nosed Realpolitik of the two sides.  Prince Bandar, head of Saudi intelligence, allegedly confronted the Kremlin with a mix of inducements and threats in a bid to break the deadlock over Syria.   Here they are.



Is everybody blind?" "What in the world has happened to us?" Two bulls-eye questions asked by ordinary Americans that we all should be asking each other.  The first was asked by Marine Colonel Peter Martino last week (8/12) in a Concord NH city council hearing regarding its police department's proposed acquisition (with Homeland Security money) of a "counter attack vehicle" to protect Concord from "domestic terrorist threats" such as the liberty advocates of the Free State Project.   Thanks to Col. Martino, and the video of his testimony's going viral, people may start catching on that their local police department is being converted into Obama's Storm Troopers, militarily armed to crush any attempt to rebel against his 1984 fascism. The highest priority of conservatives on a local basis should be to demand the defunding of their community's police militarization. Almost every city above 25,000 population in America has its own militarized SWAT Team.  Does yours? Regarding the second question, since you're not a hermit in a Himalayan cave, you watch Duck Dynasty that keeps setting records for the most-watched show on cable-tv.  The show has become a cultural phenomenon as the Robertson family is hilariously but clean-decent funny, pro-family, pro-life, unapologetically Christian, self-made wealthy and unapologetically capitalist, and loves guns and hunting.  The show is incredibly popular and is the antithesis of all liberal values.  This was made sparkling clear with a video of a speech given by Phil Robertson, the family patriarch, that has gone wildly viral this week.  This quote is why:



It began in Trinidad.  Walter Mischel, a Jewish kid from Vienna whose family escaped from the Nazis to Brooklyn, was doing field work on the Caribbean island for his Ph.D. in psychology.  It was 1955, and he noticed the population was split between people whose families came from India and those from Africa. The Indians thought the Africans were "impulsive hedonists" who lived for the moment and never cared for the future, while the Africans thought the Indians only cared about "stuffing money into their mattresses" and didn't know how to have fun.  He wondered what lay behind such assessments. At age 28, Walter became an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Harvard.  That was in 1958, but a year later, Timothy Leary joined the faculty, and Walter couldn't handle all of his students freaked out on the psychedelics Leary was preaching the use of.  So he went to Stanford. In 1966, when the Stanford Psych Department launched its Bing Nursery School to research child development, Walter thought back to his days in Trinidad and came up with an experiment that was to become famous as the Stanford Marshmallow Test.  The implications for America today are astounding.



Skype began as a very cool service. I used it and recommended it - a lot. Skype (originally Sky peer-to-peer) was a peer to peer voice system, which means that there was no central computer controlling everything. It was also encrypted, though the internal details were never revealed. But, as will a lot of good tech ideas, the developers were persuaded to sell it. In this case, to eBay in 2005. (For $2.5 billion, which is a lot of persuasion!) Then, after doing very little with the tech for several years, eBay sold it to Microsoft for $8.5 billion in 2011. That's when the serious trouble began. Here are the highlights:



You thought Atlas Shrugged was fiction? Look at this description of Detroit from the London Guardian:

What isn't dumped is stolen. Factories and homes have largely been stripped of anything of value, so thieves now target cars' catalytic converters. Illiteracy runs at around 47%; half the adults in some areas are unemployed. In many neighborhoods, the only sign of activity is a slow trudge to the liquor store.
(Of course, as the Guardian is hopelessly Left, it makes hallucinogenic claims that the city will "rise again" to be a "creative alternative to LA or NY.) Now have a look at the uncannily prophetic description of Starnesville, a Mid-Western town in Ayn Rand's dystopian novel, Atlas Shrugged.  Starnesville had been home to the great Twentieth Century Motor Company, but declined as a result of socialism:



For my summer holidays I have been mostly reading Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand has her faults but, boy, was she prescient.  She wrote it back in the 1950s. One of the things she foresaw was the current nonsensical, dishonest, canting campaign against shale gas. In Atlas, it takes the form of Rearden Metal, the miracle technology which is going to transform the US economy if only the progressives will let it. But of course, Rand's fictional progressives don't want Reardon Metal to succeed any more than their modern, real-life equivalents want shale gas to succeed. Why not? For the same rag-bag of made-up, disingenuous scare-mongering reasons which progressives have used to justify their war on progress since time immemorial: it's unfair, it uses up scarce resources, it might be dangerous. As they are attempting to do now in Britain's West Sussex, and have succeeded in doing in New York. Here's a relevant excerpt from Rand.



It was US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan who once said: "You are entitled to your opinions, but not to your own facts." In the debate over shale gas - I refuse to call it the fracking debate since fracking has been happening in Britain for 50 years - the opponents do seem to be astonishingly cavalier with the facts. Here are five things they keep saying which are just not true: First, that shale gas production has polluted aquifers in the United States. Second, that it releases more methane than other forms of gas production. Third, that it uses a worryingly large amount of water. Fourth, that it uses hundreds of toxic chemicals. Fifth, that it causes damaging earthquakes. Here are the facts for each:



Zurich, Switzerland.  I'm here speaking at a conference and having a great time.  I'm sure you've heard of the Oprah-in-Zurich media frenzy with headlines all over the world, almost all of which assumed Oprah was the victim of racist bigotry.  As did the Swiss Tourism Office, cravenly apologizing without even bothering to determine the truth or defend the salesgirl.  Oprah Gets Apology for Racist Diss in Handbag Shop is how ABC News so objectively put it.  So it was up to the salesgirl to defend herself - and she did, saying Oprah lied straight out.  As one headline put it: Oprah ‘Cannibalized' Me: Shop Clerk in Zurich Handbag Scandal Says TV Host Is Lying About Alleged Racist Incident.  Good for her - and good for her boss, Tres Pommes owner Trudi Goetz, who supported her employee's side of the story and called Oprah's accusation "absurd." Speaking of unspeakably tiresome phony libtard frenzies about racism, we were subjected to a second one this week. This time over a rodeo in Missouri. We need to notice what these two "Libtards Crying Racism" spasms have in common besides hysterically using the only card they have left in their deck now.  It's what they both have in common with the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman debacle.



What do we want the future Egypt to look like? A flawed, hybrid democracy, or a Sunni Muslim version of Iran? Based on his bluster yesterday (8/14) about events on the Nile, Secretary of State John Kerry prefers the latter. And Kerry's remarks must have had White House approval. In full outrage mode, America's most famous windsurfer castigated the Egyptian authorities, insisting that the Muslim Brotherhood had a right to "peaceful protests." Apparently, "peaceful" means armed with Kalashnikovs, killing policemen, kidnapping and torturing opponents, turning mosques into prisons, attacking Christians and burning Coptic churches. The Brotherhood protesters rejected all offers of compromise and all demands to disperse. The interim government's response was heavy-handed, but the Muslim Brothers chose violent resistance - using women and children as shields (a tactic typical of Islamist terrorists). Do we really need to have sympathy for the devil?



It was over harlequin ducks that we bonded. Ten years ago, at a meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the structure of DNA in Monterey, California, I bumped into the German biologist Ingo Potrykus watching harlequin ducks in the harbor before breakfast. Shared enthusiasm for bird watching broke the ice. I knew of him, of course. He had been on the cover of Time magazine for potentially solving one of the world's great humanitarian challenges. Four years before, with his colleague Peter Beyer, he had added three genes to the 30,000 in rice to help to prevent Vitamin A Deficiency or VAD, one of the most preventable causes of morbidity and mortality in poor countries with rice-dominated diets. Had Ingo or I known that ten years later this rice would still not be available to the poor, that a systematic campaign of denigration against it by the behemoths of the environmental movement, especially Greenpeace, would be consuming lawyers' fees while perhaps 20 million children had died in the meantime through vitamin A deficiency, he and I would have felt sick with horror that morning. Here's the awful story, and why the leaders of Greenpeace should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity like war criminals.



There's really no more doubt about it, the US government is a Surveillance State, far beyond any East German autocrat's wildest dreams. And it is far, far more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda. We all come from a background that taught us that the Soviet Union and its totalitarian empire was horrifying (which it was), and that the USA was good, noble and pristine. That makes it hard for us to accept that the US has now become what East Germany once was. We keep looking for reasons to not to believe it. So what now?  Your first move is to protect yourself. There's no use in saying much against a surveillance state while they're listening to your every word.  There are two ways to protect yourself:



New evidence coming to light in the British National Archives and the Bodleian Library at Oxford University may soon change our entire view of the Anglo-American slave trade, and the roots of institutional plantation slavery in the Americas. With luck it will help to vindicate the fathers of "classical liberal" government and the free market in the 17th and 18th centuries, falsely accused until now of abetting - or promoting - the great crime of race-based African slavery. For academic orthodoxy holds that John Locke (1632-1704) and the great Whig thinkers of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 helped to design and foster the economic system of hereditary slavery that shaped Atlantic capitalism for a century and a half. From that it is but a step to dismiss the moral claims of classical liberalism as so much humbug, to write off all the talk of justice, natural rights, inviolable contracts and government by consent as the self-interested catechism of oppressors. As Samuel Johnson said acidly: "How is it we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?" Except that this established version of events is not true. It is a near complete inversion of what happened, and this matters in all kinds of ways since the debate over slavery refuses to subside.



OK - it's the middle of August, and it's time for a Fun HFR.  Are you old enough to remember The Coasters? coasters.png Growing up in the Fifties, we knew all their songs by heart, like Searchin', Poison Ivy, and Yakety-Yak.  And who could forget Charlie Brown?  Every high school had a class clown, and the Coasters' classic was about him.   This week, their Golden Oldie became President Zero's theme song.  Watch and listen to The Coasters' performing it on Dick Clark's American Bandstand in March of 1959, to understand why...  ...All of a sudden, everybody's picking on our dunce of a president. On Monday (8/05), a George Mason University study showed that Zero is now the most popular butt of late-night show jokes, including Letterman, Leno, Fallon, and Kimmel.   On Tuesday (8/06), he gave a gaffe-tastic interview with Jay Leno, saying, e.g., Charleston SC and Jacksonville FL were ports on the Gulf of Mexico.  Cartoonists are having a field day making fun of Zero's wimping out regarding the "threat" of Al Qaeda's "chatter."   And then there's Sama.   Sama Elmasry is a voluptuous and extremely popular Egyptian entertainer - and much more so this week with her latest video that's gone over-the-top viral in Egypt and across the Arab world.  You gotta prepare yourself for this as it'll blow you away.  This is the most extraordinary political video of modern times.



I trust you are as sick, tired, and cynical as I am about the Obama shepherd boy crying "Wolf!", claiming there are terrorist monsters under his White House bed at night, and trying to scare all the little boys and girls on Capitol Hill with horror stories about the Al Qaeda Boogeyman. The Obama Boy is now so happy he got the Kiddies on the Hill shivering with fright:  Congressional Leaders Agree on Drastic Response to Al Qaeda Threat.  No way in the world now will they even whisper a hint at cutting the funding for the great patriotic heroes of the NSA who exposed the threat.  Their relentless creation of an Orwellian Surveillance State can safely continue. And just what might that threat be?  "Chatter."  The NSA patriots listened to the boogeymen talking to each other about doing bad things.  The brave patriots all deserve the Congressional Medal of Honor for this, as it so obviously justified a global security freak-out and protected all living Americans from... from... boogeyman jabber. Besides, as revealed by ace national security reporter Bill Gertz, all this AQ chatter is months old, it's old news.  So why now?  That's a rhetorical question.  Every federalie agency in Washington knows the time-honored response to any threat to their funding is to create a crisis that justifies its existence.  Rarely, however, is the existence of a such an agency a grave threat itself to the country's national security.  Yet that is what we have today - the world of Orwell's 1984 made real, where "perpetual war must be waged to achieve perpetual peace." 



China's new leaders are close to abandoning the country's one-child policy, belatedly moving to avert an ageing crunch as the work force goes into sharp decline. Jun Ma from Deutsche Bank said the new policies should shore up the pension system and inject stimulus as China's growth sputters. "As tens of millions of sibling-less people in China are now entering their child-bearing age, we expect this policy shift would induce a baby boom," he said. The one-child policy dates back to 1971 in its original form and has led to 336 million abortions and 222 million sterilizations, often badly executed in poor regions. Recent abuses have caused uproar, with photos circulating on the Chinese internet of a young mother lying beside a fully formed baby after she had been seized by police for failing to pay the "social compensation fee" for an illegal child. She was forced to undergo an abortion just before her natural birth. Premier Li Keqiang clearly views the policy an anachronism at a time when China is running out of workers, and faces a demographic time-bomb. There are currently five workers for every pensioner. This ratio will fall to two by 2035.  So any baby boom over the next few years may come too late.



Ljubljana, Slovenia.  Very few Americans have ever heard of Slovenia, even fewer of its capital cursed with a name no one can spell or remember (loo-bul-yan-ah).  Which is a shame, for this is arguably the most charming, attractive, cheerful, and certainly the cleanest and safest, capital city in Europe. Slovenia is an ancient land - the world's oldest wheel was found here - and a brand new country.  The Slovenes gained their independence via the quickest victory of freedom over evil in modern times.   There are lessons the heroic people of Slovenia can teach us.  And without doubt, the single most important lesson Americans need to learn right now is that freedom is more important than security. All of us could provide examples of how our freedom has been diminishing steadily for a long time.  Recently, however, it's been rapidly getting worse, with everyone in power, from local SWAT police to federal bureaucrats getting meaner and nastier.  Today, we're at the tipping point.  That tipping point is the choice between Freedom and the Surveillance State.  One of them has to be destroyed.  We can't have both.  (Update:  Skye posted a response on the Forum that is vital for all TTPers to see -- it is appended below.)



During the Bastille Day celebrations this month, French President François Hollande declared - to the incredulity of pretty much everyone in France - that "the recovery is here". There are no particular economic indicators that would suggest this. Consumer spending and manufacturing remain at historic lows; growth in the third quarter is expected to be zero; the OECD has predicted that unemployment will actually be worse next year; and only this week a senior member of the FPD, Germany's junior coalition partner, pronounced that he was "very worried" about France, arguing that Hollande's decision to raise taxes was "fundamentally wrong." As an Austrian-American born and raised in Paris, and still living there, I have always been intrigued by the French faith in the French way. No other country - save for the United States - is as persuaded that it embodies a universal model for human societies. But a system whose economic performance is mediocre in times of prosperity and plain lousy in times of crisis can hardly purport to be a "model." And sadly, the same advantages that make the French believe in their system are also what make the country so unprepared for reform. The French, in short, are living in la-la land and their current system is doomed.



Yesterday (7/30), military judge Col. Denise Lind found Wiki-leaker Pfc. Bradley Manning guilty on five counts of espionage, as well as multiple counts of theft, computer fraud and military infractions. Giving Manning every benefit of the doubt, the judge found him not guilty of the charge of intentionally aiding the enemy - but still convicted him on 19 of 21 counts. Now begins the separate sentencing phase of Manning's military trial. But the long "guilty" list ensures he'll spend decades in a military prison. Yet two "unindicted co-conspirators" were missing in the dock throughout the trial. Not Julian Assange and his Wiki-gnomes, but the US Army and our Blame-America culture.  They are Manning's enablers.



Shkodra, Albania.  When you fly over the main square here, you instantly notice a Moslem mosque and Christian church adjacent to each other.  They are both brand new, built in the last few years.  I'm writing this in a modern hotel room with wi-fi and a beautiful pool below.  It's brand new too.  In fact, virtually everything in this entire country is brand new or refurbished.  Including the people in a certain way.  Everyone looks normal, acts normal, dresses normal, and drives normal - but it's all amazing, especially the driving.  Up until not much more than 20 years ago, there wasn't a single private car in Albania, and only those allowed to drive government vehicles knew how.  Albania's roads and city streets today are filled with cars, and everyone behind their wheels just learned how to drive.  Somehow, they not only learned how to drive well, but courteously.  For anyone familiar with how crazy Italians drive - and Italy is right across the Adriatic from Albania - this is a shock.  Yet it is only the mildest of shocks when you learn what Albanians have been through to be where they are. What's this all got to do with Blacks?  Not Blacks in Africa or Albania, but Blacks in America?  There are no blacks in Albania at all - but American Blacks should come here to learn something.



Babies got cheaper this month. Twice. First, Belgian scientists announced that their new method has the potential to cut the costs of some in-vitro fertilization treatments from $7,500 to below $300. Their cut-price recipe requires little more than baking soda and lemon juice in place of purified carbon dioxide gas to maintain acidity when growing an embryo in a lab before implanting it. Second, a baby called Connor was born after 13 of his parents' embryos had their genomes analyzed using next-generation DNA-sequencing techniques in an Oxford laboratory. Only three of the embryos were found to have the right chromosome number, and one of these "normal" embryos was then implanted in his mother. This new approach, made possible by the rapidly falling cost of DNA sequencing, promises to cut the number of failures during IVF, reducing both cost and heartache. The two announcements are a reminder that cost reduction and productivity boosts are the purpose of most innovation. Medicine is no exception. Innovation is driving down the costs of medical interventions all the time, and the falls may be about to accelerate, thanks to biotechnology and information technology. Whence, then, the relentless rise in the costs of healthcare? Part of the answer is known as the Jevons paradox after the Victorian economist Stanley Jevons.



China is sliding towards a deflation trap and may be in outright recession already if data are measured accurately, with serious knock-on risks for the global economy. "It is too late to avoid a hard-landing," said Patrick Chovanec from Silvercrest Asset Management and a former professor at Beijing's Tsinghua University. "To keep growth going they have to push extremely high levels of investment to even more extreme levels, and that is becoming very hard to do and very hard to finance." "The economic return on credit is rapidly declining. They increased loans by $1 trillion in the first quarter, but growth slid anyway and is now below levels seen in early 2009 after the Lehman crisis. It is no longer out of the question that GDP will actually fall," he said. Diana Choyleva, from Lombard Street, said the official Chinese figures show that the economy contracted by 0.2% in the second quarter, rather than growing 1.7% (7.5% year-on-year) as claimed by the government.



"What the liberal-left really wants is not for justice to be done and seen to be done, but rather for a sacrificial victim to be immolated on the pyre of racial grievance, resentment, and entitlement. Very few of those out on the streets protesting are worried in the slightest about whether or not Zimmerman is genuinely guilty of a crime. The symbolism is all that matters: Zimmerman was white; Trayvon was black." -James Delingpole, London Telegraph This is because the Left practices the politics of human sacrifice.  The term "human sacrifice" brings up images of primitive tribes, like that so graphically and accurately depicted in the movie Apocalypto. The culture of the Left is also based on primitive sacrifice.  The sacrifice the Left is demanding for Zimmerman - that he be "immolated on the pyre of racial grievance" - is not metaphorical.  The Left wants him physically killed - either by vigilante lynching or in a prison's electric chair.  We think our culture has "evolved" far beyond the primitive practices of human sacrifice, cannibalism, and however recently, slavery.  But it has not - not as far as the Left is concerned. We make fun or sadly shake our heads in pity of illiterates like Rachel "I've got a 3.0" Jeantel, or rioting "I am Trayvon" inner city morons - but the truth is that the real jungle bunnies with bones through their noses are the white "intellectuals" of the Left. who teach in Ivy League Universities and write editorials in the New York Times.  Although they consider themselves to be in the progressive vanguard of sophisticated contemporary thought, their belief system is atavistic, a regression to a primitive tribal belief in Black Magic.



Get out of here.  Please.  Yesterday will do fine.  Your command at Justice became intolerable in your first big public statement four and a half years ago (February 2009), the one in which you laid out your hateful view of American society:

" things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards. Though race related issues continue to occupy a significant portion of our political discussion, and though there remain many unresolved racial issues in this nation, we, average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race."
You were telling us that you intended to inflame political racial conflict in the United States.  And so you have.  But here's the truth: Surveys invariably show that we are the least racist society in the world.  The society you're talking about is not American, it's Asian, or North African, or Arab.  We're the best in the world.  You should know that and say it proudly. But that's not what you're about.  No one could possibly characterize your race-driven proclivities better than you did, when you said, "I am the black U.S. attorney... there's a common cause that bonds the black U.S. attorney with the black criminal..."



When the history of the global warming scare comes to be written, a chapter should be devoted to the way the message had to be altered to keep the show on the road. Global warming became climate change so as to be able to take the blame for cold spells and wet seasons as well as hot days. Then, to keep its options open, the movement began to talk about "extreme weather." Those who made their living from alarm  switched tactics  to jump on any unusual weather event -- whether it was a storm, a drought, a blizzard or a flood -- and blame it on man-made carbon dioxide emissions. This proved a rewarding tactic, because people -- egged on by journalists -- have an inexhaustible appetite for believing in the vindictiveness of the weather gods. The fossil fuel industry was inserted in the place of Zeus as the scapegoat of choice, with scientists as the weather gods' priests. The fact that people have short memories about weather events is what enables this game to be played. Even here in mild England, people are always saying, "I have never known it so cold/hot/mild/windy/wet/dry/changeable as it is this year." One Christmas I noticed the seasons had been pretty average all year, neither too dry nor too wet nor too cold nor too warm. "I have never known it so average," I said to somebody. I got a baffled look. Nobody ever calls the weather normal.



While waiting for my flight in the airport lounge in Sofia, Bulgaria yesterday (7/11), it was hard to ignore the big TV monitor tuned to ABC News.  There was Diane Sawyer announcing the "latest development" of the Zimmerman trial, and up flashed the ABC intro graphic to start the story. On one side of the screen was a picture of Zimmerman in the gray suit and tie he wears to the trial.  On the other side was a picture of Trayvon Martin - not as a six-foot tall 17 year old but as an angelic smiling 12 year-old.  It's the same picture ABC uses to identify him on its website: Somebody switched the channel to CNN - funny how many American news channels there are in Bulgaria - which was devoted to some lawyers discussing mindless minutiae of the trial.  Not a word about the real "latest development" - the disclosure on Wednesday (7/10) that Eric Holder's Justice Department organized with taxpayer money racial protests and racial unrest against George Zimmerman.   The best op-ed of the week on this racist farce is in Tuesday's (7/09) IBD.  It's IBD's conclusion that everyone needs to understand  -- that any blood from planned race rioting will be on Obama's hands. Let's get out of the stuffy air in here and into the world a bit.  There's no resisting, for example this headline of the week:



Europe's debt-crisis strategy is near collapse. The long-awaited recovery has failed to take wing. Debt ratios across southern Europe are rising at an accelerating pace. Political consent for extreme austerity is breaking down in almost every EMU crisis state. And now the US Federal Reserve has inflicted a full-blown credit shock for good measure. A leaked report from the European Commission confirms that Greece will miss its austerity targets yet again by a wide margin.  The Greek think-tank IOBE expects GDP to fall 5% this year. It has told journalists privately that the final figure may be -7%. The Greek stabilization is a mirage. Italy's slow crisis is again flaring up. Its debt trajectory has punched through the danger line over the past two years. The country's €2.1 trillion ($2.7 trillion) debt - 129% of GDP - may already be beyond the point of no return for a country without its own currency. Standard & Poor's did not say this outright when it downgraded the country to near-junk BBB on Tuesday (7/09). But if you read between the lines, it is close to saying the game is up for Italy.  The game is up for all of Southern Europe.



Sofia, Bulgaria.  Today (7/10) is the 27th straight day of anti-government protests here in Bulgaria's capital.  If you look at the picture in the Euronews story about yesterday's protest, you'll notice that the folks marching down Vitosha Street aren't a bunch of Occupy moocher-hippies.  These are regular middle-class folks of all ages, Bulgarian Tea Partyers, totally fed up with endemic government corruption that seems impossible to get rid of. One of Bulgaria's neighbors is Turkey, where similar anti-government protests have been going on since early June as well.  On Monday (7/08), police fired teargas and water cannons at protestors in Istanbul. There have been massive anti-government protests for over a month in up to 100 cities in Brazil.  We all know what's going in Egypt, where tens of millions demanded the removal of an Islamist sharia tyranny, and got it.  But now what? And now what for the US?  Zero's Police State America expands exponentially by the day, we have the most corrupt and oppressive government in our nation's history by far - and where are the folks in the streets like here in Bulgaria, or Turkey or Brazil?  I hear crickets instead.  Yet there's no doubt the seething and frustration is reaching a boiling point. Is there something in common, some universal irritation, that causing all of this? Perhaps.  First, however, we need to get rid of a metaphor.



In the US shale gas is old hat; it's the shale oil revolution that's proving a world changer, promising not just lower oil prices worldwide, but geopolitical ripples as America weans itself off oil imports and perhaps loses interest in the Middle East. One of the pioneers of the shale gas revolution, Chris Wright, of Liberty Resources, was in Britain last month. It was he and his colleagues at Pinnacle Technologies who reinvented hydraulic fracturing in the late 1990s in a way that unlocked the vast petroleum resources in shale. Within seven years the Barnett shale, in and around Forth Worth, Texas, was producing half as much gas as the whole of Britain consumes. And the Barnett proved to be a baby compared with other shales. Like many shale entrepreneurs, Mr. Wright is now spending a lot of time in North Dakota drilling for oil. The success of America's shale gas revolution drove the gas price so low that in 2010 most drilling rigs switched to looking for oil. With spectacular results. A new report (The Shale Oil Boom: a US Phenomenon) by Leonardo Maugeri of Harvard University, sets out just how astonishing this second shale revolution already is.



egypt_celebrates.png As Egyptians celebrate their liberation from the fascism of the Moslem Brotherhood, let us hope Americans will soon be celebrating their liberation from the fascism of Zero. To The Point wishes you all a gloriously happy Fourth of July.  Have fun, celebrate America, and take the time to read the entire Declaration of Independence.  While you read it, note: what counts is not that the Founding Patriots of America wrote these words - it's what they did.  What counts is they put these immortal words into action.  They pledged their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor, and fought for America's freedom - knowing that if they failed, they would have been hung by their necks until dead on a gallows, and history would despise them as traitors. Unless people are willing to fight and risk their lives for freedom, they don't deserve it.  Freedom must be earned, or else it will be lost.  We are losing it in America today.  Let us earn our freedom again. july4th.png



IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.



What is going on in Egypt is simply astounding.  The pictures -such as those of this UPI story, are jaw-dropping.  Especially when you consider what millions upon millions of Egyptians are demonstrating against:  radical Islamism and Sharia law which they equate with fascist tyranny. Who or what is behind these gigantic protests?  An amorphous movement called Tamarod, meaning "Rebel" or "Rebellion" in Arabic.  Its goal is the resignation of President Morsi and the removal of the Moslem Brotherhood from power, followed by new elections. Now, here's what almost no one gets so far:  The Tamarod movement is Egypt's Tea Party.  Both are anti-fascist freedom movements.  Of course, the US Tea Parties have a far deeper and more solid foundation - the US Constitution and the demand for the federal government to limit itself to the Constitution's enumerated powers. Nonetheless, what is happening in Egypt should inspire all Tea Partyers in America.  If tens of millions of Egyptians can demand the resignation of their corrupt fascist leader, why can't tens of millions of Americans do the same? Well, then, why aren't they?  Americans have the greatest tradition of freedom in human history.  Egyptians don't have any at all.  So why aren't vast numbers of Americans in the streets demanding their freedom from the federalie fascisti, led by an irretrievably corrupt president who hates their country?  What does it take? Maybe it takes George Zimmerman getting acquitted.



riot1.png   Korean shopkeepers during the 1992 Rodney King race riots in Los Angeles

As much as no sane person would want urban and suburban rioting, there are thugs making noise in social media that they would use the acquittal of Florida neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman as an excuse to riot and loot on a grand scale, not just in Sanford, FL where events took place, or in Florida, but nationwide. These criminals—there’s no other way to describe them—are asserting that they will use an acquittal as a excuse nationwide to go on a rampage in many areas.

The last time we saw rioting on a very large scale, it was very, very bad.

The very first thing you need to do is figure out a neighborhood protection plan (NPP). If you haven’t figure done out with your neighbors, I’d suggest you get a copy of (shameless commercial plug coming) A Failure of Civility and start working with them on that, posthaste.

I’d suggest that caliber is less important than magazine capacity and accuracy in such a situation, and that firearms with excellent penetration qualities and long range aren’t optimal. It’s tough to argue a case for lethal force at 400 yards even against a mob, and if your bullet is recovered from the body of a neighbor hiding in a closet, the court will still hold you responsible.



[Today, 7/01, President Zero continues his $100 million African vacation with a visit to Tanzania.  He is not going to, nor has he ever been to as president, the country of his alleged father - Kenya.  In response, this essay was published today in Kenya's most widely read newspaper, the Daily Nation, by Kenya's most prominent attorney and legal scholar.-JW] President Barack Obama's visit to three countries in Africa has failed to excite, annoy or even disappoint. In fact, it is slowly passing out as a non-event. President Obama is not Candidate Obama of five years ago. He is a pale shadow of the man who mesmerized the world with his oratorical skills, inspirational speeches and wide smiles. He is a limping version of the giant of a man who swept the world with his moving speeches, deep thinking and a great promise of a better tomorrow. President Obama is not the man the American people gambled their fate with. Five years after his first election, Obama has shrunk so much in stature that he is barely recognizable in the global stage were it not for his black skin. So how does one explain the dramatic metamorphosis of the giant into a dwarf in such a short time?



Aren't you dizzy?  This week's events are like a ride on Full Throttle, the world's fastest-tallest roller coaster that just opened (6/22) at Six Flags Magic Mountain north of LA. Might as well start with the Treason Vote in the Senate yesterday (6/27).  The 2,000 page Amnesty Bill - S744 - passed 68-32.  Here's the roll call.  All 54 Dems-Yes, 32 Pubs-No.  The 14 Pubs voting Yes: Alexander-TN, Ayotte-NH, Cheisa-NJ, Collins-ME, Corker-TN, Flake-AZ, Graham-SC, Hatch-UT, Heller-NV, Hoeven-ND, Kirk-IL, McCain-AZ, Murkowski-AK, Rubio-FL. 14 reasons why the Republican Party as ruled by its Establishment Elite has to be demolished, as in going the way of the Whigs. Supposedly, the bill is DOA in the House.  The fate of our country seems now dependent on the word of John Boehner. So -- ready to get on Full Throttle and ride through the week?



Last month, the student newspaper of Australia's National University, Woroni, was banned from publishing a satire of Islam.  It was clear why school authorities did so:  to avoid, as reported by the Canberra Times, "the potential for violent backlash." We could go on forever citing examples of people capitulating to Moslem threats of violence.  You'll get death threats for saying Islam is a religion of violence.  It is sickeningly, disgustingly immoral - and true.  Islam really in fact and undeniably is a religion of threats, violence, and murder.  It is an established tradition in Islam that an apostate (a Moslem who renounces Islam and converts to another religion) should and must be put to death in the name of Allah. Here's what's also true.  The threats work, the violence works.  People are intimidated, from university administrators to politicians to intellectuals to newspaper and magazine editors.  Instead of rising up and beating Moslems issuing threats over their head with a baseball bat, or telling them to STFU and stick their fascist Koran up their nose, they cringe and capitulate.  Violence works.  Threats work.  Intimidation works. It works so well that it could get conservatives to wondering if it would work for them.