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Victor Davis Hanson


Adding straws of scandal — Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the Associated Press monitoring, the IRS fiasco, and the NSA spying — on any presidential back except Barack Obama’s would have broken it long before his serial lying on Obamacare. Further, well apart from scandal, the perception of presidential lying usually ends presidential agendas. Richard Nixon resigned after never telling the truth about the Watergate cover-up. “Read my lips: no new taxes” cost George H.W. Bush his reelection. Yet Obama has lied repeatedly throughout his presidency, not just about Obamacare. In addition to his multiple scandals and serial lying, the public is also indifferent to his incompetence. We have a president more dishonest than Richard Nixon, more corrupt than Bill Clinton, and more incompetent than Jimmy Carter, yet he continues to be worshipped like JFK. Why?



Well, so much for Papal Infallibility. Jorge Bergoglio spent his 77 years devoted to his religion, which is a fine thing, but in so doing he learned nothing about how business and capitalism actually works - living his life until recently in autocratic anti-capitalist Peronist Argentina.  Last March, he was elevated to the papacy.  This week (11/26), as Pope Francis I, he chose to issue an Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, that very unfortunately contained a collection of thoughtless socialist bromides condemning capitalist "greed" and "inequality."  The Global Enemedia had a field day.  "Pope Francis' Stinging Critique of Capitalism" was the WaPo's celebratory headline. As the IBD explains, it is incredibly ignorant to argue that the free market is a "new tyranny... that rules instead of serves." Rush thinks "it's sad because this pope makes it very clear he doesn't know what he's talking about." Instead of reciting memorized Marxist slogans of his teachers in Buenos Aires, he could have thought for himself and identified just what is the most powerful institution of greed in the world, composed of the greediest and most selfishly profligate people on the planet who demand to live like royalty and treat those who support them like slaves.... ....A Marxist Pope makes the world a more dangerous place.  And there was a lot more bad news creating a lot more danger this week as well. ....But is there any good news around here?  Yes!  Here's the question.  What do Dennis Rodman, Lady Gaga, Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, and Anthony Weiner have in common with Zero?



On October 28, 2001, as America was trying to cope with the shock of September 11, Game 2 of the World Series  began with Ray Charles singing America the Beautiful for 50,000 attending the game and millions via television.  To this day, it's hard to watch without tears pouring down your face:  {youtube}1OTRRzSuWro{/youtube} America is the most beautiful dream there has ever been.  On this Thanksgiving Day, let's reflect on why, and what has happened to it.



"Ukraine in Turmoil," was the headline yesterday (11/26) in the New York Times.  And no wonder. Twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine is slipping back under Kremlin control, and Ukrainians are deeply angry. Their governments's shock decision to opt for Vladimir Putin's Russia and pull out of EU talks on the eve of a historic deal is a dramatic upset to their freedom - and to the European balance of power. It is the first major defeat for the EU in its eastward march since the fall of Communism. While the region's geopolitics remain fluid, the upset may prove as fateful as the signing of the Treaty of Pereyaslav in 1654 by the Cossack chief Bohdan Khmelnytsky, who turned his back on the West and agreed to let independent Ukraine be absorbed into the Russian Empire. "Ukraine's government suddenly bowed deeply to the Kremlin. The politics of brutal pressure evidently work," said Sweden's foreign minister Karl Bildt.  Here's how they work.



Obama never explained how allowing Iran to continue to enrich uranium decreases the likelihood of war. It isn't surprising that the US and the other five powers signed a deal with Iran last Saturday (11/23). Over the past few weeks, US President Barack Hussein Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry made it clear that they were committed to signing a deal with Iran as quickly as possible. And it isn't surprising that the deal these overeager leaders signed with the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism makes the world a much more dangerous place than it was before the agreement was concluded. While the deal isn't surprising in and of itself, Obama's decision to conclude it now makes clear the true goal of his foreign policy. To understand that goal, it is first necessary to consider an aspect of the deal that, on the surface, makes little sense.



Most any American 60 years or older remembers where they were fifty years ago today.  I sure do. For those who lived through it, Kennedy's assassination was traumatic in the extreme.  For many of us, what added to the trauma was that he was killed by a Communist, but that somehow it was "right-wing hate" that killed him.  The New York Times continues to hawk this libtard logic to this day. What's instructive at this point a half-century later is take the mythologizing of JFK as a warning that should elicit a prayer. ** Freedom took a real hit yesterday (11/21) however, when Harry Reid and 51 other Senate Dems voted to end filibusters.  Within hours, Zero celebrated with a Nomination Party, which now means automatic rubber-stamped appointments for the all the Marxist, anti-capitalist, anti-Constitution judges he wants. But Mitch McConnell is a very shrewd guy, and knows the Senate rules like Bobby Sheets Byrd did ** There's bright news, welcoming news, and gratifying news this week.  And wait 'till you see -- as in see -- who the Hero of the Week is.



In response to the catastrophic failure of Obamacare - which has only begun and is going to get vastly worse - panicking Democrats are now yelling to Republicans, "Well, what's your plan?  At least we're trying the solve America's health care crisis, and all you offer is the repeal of our efforts with nothing as an alternative." At the briefest glance and before actually thinking about the Dem criticism, this seems a valid point.  Just where is the Pub alternative to Obamacare? However, there are two completely false assumptions the Dems are making.  First is that America has a "health care crisis" in the first place, and second, that it requires a massive government solution - that only massive government intervention in health care can solve the crisis, as the free market has failed to do so. That is the crux of the Democrats' and Obama's argument.  If they and he can't make these two assumptions, they and he have nothing left to say.  So, let's start by taking both away from them.  Then we'll provide the alternative.  Ten of them, in fact.



The Chinese Communist Party is trying to continue pulling off the trick that has served it ever since Deng Xiaoping defeated the Gang of Four: more economic freedom combined with less political freedom. The people can choose any good or service they want - except their government. In many ways it has worked extremely well. In 1978 Maoism had left the country horribly poor: more than half the people of China tried to live on less than a dollar a day. Over the next nine years per capita income doubled, then doubled again over the nine years after that. Many a left-leaning Western politician has been heard to muse about how much better we would grow if only we directed the market economy with the single-mindedness of the Chinese Communist Party. See, they mutter, a paternalistic government is best at generating economic prosperity. Yet this is precisely the wrong lesson to draw from China. It's not because it's unfree at the top that China is growing fast, but because, at least in some respects, it is very free at the bottom. The extraordinary fact is that - economically - the average Chinese person is more free from government interference than the average Westerner.



What wonderful teachable moments there were this week.  Two in particular were supreme examples of the power of affirmations.  There are two kinds: positive affirmations, like "Remember to go to the store"; and negative affirmations, like "Don't forget to go to the store."  Any shrink will tell you the latter are dangerous, because it's the key word that sticks in your brain:  "Don't FORGET to go to the store" is really telling someone to forget, not remember. Yesterday (11/14), the man whom every libtard in America believes is the smartest man ever to work in the Oval Office announced on national television, "I don't think I'M STUPID enough" to mislead people on Zerocare.  Great messaging, genius.  You just told the entire country you are. That's just the start of the fun this week -- big fun, and you won't believe who the HFR Hero of the Week is. In fact, it's so much fun that I'm making, for the first time ever, this HFR a Free Access.  Enjoy!



Brit Hume is no spring chicken.  He's been a journalist reporting on American politics for 45 years.  On Tuesday (11/12), he told Megyn Kelly on Fox News that the Zerocare meltdown is "as bad a political disaster as I have ever seen."  That means as bad as Vietnam was for Lyndon Johnson, as Watergate was for Richard Nixon, and badder than Iran-Contra was for Ronald Reagan and Monica Lewinsky was for Bill Clinton.  Hume is saying that the political fate of Barack Hussein Zero is now in dire jeopardy. I prefer a different descriptive adjective, however, to characterize this current "political disaster."  For me, more appropriate than "bad" would be "wonderful" or "thrilling."  So much so that I may be the most enthusiastic admirer and supporter of Zero's signature program on the planet, far more than any felonious "navigator."  I think "Obamacare" - a moniker that all conservatives should change to "Zerocare" - is the greatest thing since sliced bread. There is a lunacy making the email rounds claiming that what Hume is calling a "disaster" is really a success, that it was planned this way to achieve the ultimate liberal-fascist goal of total government control over the US health care system.  It would make more sense to argue that the Zerocare meltdown is proof that Barack Hussein is a conservative mole, that he planned this in order to achieve his goal of the ruination of liberalism and the destruction of the Democrat Party. Both of these claims regarding what Zero is planning are delusional.  The ancient Greeks would recognize what is going on in an instant.



It sure is good to be back home and writing the HFR.  Thanks to the Date Line, flying east you can leave Australia at night and arrive in  the US that morning of the same day.  Today (11/08) I say goodbye to my 60s.  Tomorrow, in addition to being World Freedom Day - the 24th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 - is the Big Seven-O for me.  Yes, it's good to be home, and with my life-partner of 30 years. I couldn't be more grateful to Jack Kelly, who so sturdily manned the HFR ramparts in my absence, and to Mae, who graciously filled in for him.  Thanks so much to you both! Let's get started.  I'm not sure who's the week's Hero (who do you suggest?), but it's clear who's the Jerk of the Week, a jerk named Robert Sarvis, the Democrats' stalking horse in Virginia who conned the Libertarian Party into nominating him and cost Ken Cuccinelli the governorship. In other election news, Governor Fatso was reelected in New Jersey, and promptly dubbed The Elephant Man by TIME Magazine.  I just got off the phone with my buddy Jack Abramoff, who explained why Christie the Rinocrat scares him: 



Brisbane, Australia.  I'm making a pit stop here on my way from Nauru back to the US.  Oz - Aussies pronounce their country's name Oz-trial-yah, as they don't speak English but a funny language called Strine that occasionally sounds like English - is the place to follow up on the insanity of The Island of Fubar. Besides, I can't resist having written a TTP column for you in all seven continents this year. Africa and South America in March, Antarctica in April, Europe in August, Asia in September, all those in the US (North America), and this one in Australia now. So let's talk about Oz, and how the Aussies are facing their version of a lethal threat that can destroy America.  Like the US, it is a wealthy First World country with a long difficult-to-defend (albeit maritime) border with a large, poor, and corrupt Third World country. How they ruinously handled this, and how they are solving the problem now, is a crucially important lesson for us.



"Climate change" has become a "substitute religion" for people with a "nakedly political" agenda which has less to do with saving the planet than it does with reining in economic growth and wealth redistribution. Well, we know this. But how nice it is to hear it from the mouth of a statesman as distinguished as former Australian Prime Minister John Howard, in a blistering speech last night (11/05) at the Global Warming Policy Foundation here in London. Howard's own record during the great climate change scare is not entirely unblemished. Thus, Howard goes some way towards answering a question which is going to be asked an awful lot by future historians, students of economic disaster and psychologists of mass hysteria: why didn't more people speak out sooner against this costly, environmentally damaging, and utterly specious "climate change" craze?



Be careful what you wish for. The euro's founding fathers dreamt of a superpower currency to match the dollar, freeing Europe from US monetary hegemony. Charles de Gaulle grumbled that America enjoyed an "exorbitant privilege" as holder of the world's reserve currency, able to get away with murder. Now they have one themselves, only to discover that it is a curse. China's central bank has been buying fistfuls of euros as it accumulates a world record $3.7 trillion in foreign reserves, and its motives are not entirely friendly. So have the central banks of Russia, Brazil and the Middle Eastern oil sheikhdoms, all aiming to cut reliance on the US dollar, part of a $9 trillion surge in reserves leaking, with tidal force, into the euro. In China's case, it is deliberately driving down the yuan to capture export share. You could say China is exporting excess manufacturing capacity to Europe, or, in plain talk, exporting unemployment. The euro exchange rate is far too high for two-thirds of the euro states, a key reason why unemployment hit an all-time peak of 12.2 per cent in September. It is pushing Europe's crisis states into Thirties-style deflation, making it almost impossible for Italy, Spain and Portugal to dig their way out of debt.



Chinese leader Xi Jinping is to unveil sweeping economic reforms at the Party's Third Plenum next month, with an assault on the state behemoths and the Party patronage machine (really?). Yet he also wants to tighten the grip of the one-party, one-ideology, authoritarian state. Here's a good account from Wiang Xiangwei at the South China Morning Post. The Development Research Center (DRC) in Beijing has published its road map of reform measures. It is being taken very seriously since it is written by none other than reformer Liu Wei and by President Xi's right-hand man on economic affairs, Liu He. The problem is that these proposals skirt over/contradict the core finding of a joint DRC-World Bank report last year. It said China would not succeed in jumping to the next stage of economic development and would languish in the the "middle income trap" unless it embraces the whole package of modern free thinking. It did not quite say democracy, but that is what it meant.



Hi, everyone.  I'm Karma Singh, a longtime TTPer in Bangalore, India's Silicon Valley.  I was with Jack Wheeler on his incredible Hidden China adventure last month, and we talked about what's going on in India, the world's second most populous country and China's rival for superpower status in Asia. Our conversations got pretty interesting, so Jack suggested I write an India Report for TTP.  Here's my first effort.  Let's jump right in. India's major drawback is the people administering the country. Plagued with monumental amounts of corruption, there are no words to describe these monstrous looters.   According to an article published back in 2010, unofficial estimates of black money obtained through government corruption is pegged around 1.4 Trillion US Dollars.  The hope for India lies in the elections next spring.  For there is a man being hailed by the Indian press as India's "capitalist hero."  He is the amazingly successful governor of one of India's largest states, and he stands an excellent chance of being our next Prime Minister.  His name is Narendra Modi.



nauru_map.png Nauru.  Welcome to the world's smallest country - a tiny isolated rock in a remote part of the Pacific, right on the Equator, 8.1 square miles with 9,300 people living around its 10-mile circumference.  No one lives in the interior and we'll soon find out why.  Of all 193 Member States of the United Nations, Nauru is the smallest in population.  Only Monaco (less than 1 square mile on the French Riviera) is smaller in area. I wanted to reach the three most unknown and hidden nations in the South Pacific on this excursion.  I found Tuvalu entrancing, and Tarawa in Kiribati repelling - but now I have made it all the way to the bottom of the Pacific's barrel. I have been to almost all of those 193 UN countries (189 in fact), and I can confirm that Nauru is more FUBAR than any other.  Actually, that's an understatement.  You all know what the acronym means, and Nauru takes it to a whole new dimension, a higher standard of fubaredness than the rest of the world which is unlikely to be surpassed in our lifetimes if ever. Better get comfortable in your favorite chair with at least three fingers of your favorite adult beverage at the ready to get through this.  You'll find it hard to believe but this is a true story.  Kafka himself couldn't have made it up, although he would have relished the irony in how it applies to us.  The photos are all mine. We'll start with what Nauru unbelievably looks like.  Note the green strip around the perimeter and the vast gray uninhabited interior.



Anyone here old enough to remember the 1929 crash on Wall Street and the 1933 US exit from the Gold Standard under Franklin Roosevelt?  If so, you'll recall the pervading sense that America had already peaked, its capitalist model overtaken by history.  The Soviets were ascendant and soon would overtake us. After defeat in Vietnam and the Carter Malaise, it was the Japanese who would triumph.  This time it is supposed to be China and the emerging powers - armed with $9 trillion of combined reserves - who will humble America, pulling the plug on the dollar and the US Treasury market, and ending the era of "exorbitant privilege." As for China and the chorus of voices from BRICS-land venting indignation at the US over the debt, it is largely humbug.  Taken in the stride of 20th century history, the latest bleatings about America's demise seem more than a little overdone.  Obama will be judged a hiccup of American history, for here is the great salient economic fact of our times.



Betio Island, Tarawa Atoll, Kiribati.  I might as well warn you right up front.  You are really, really not going to like this.  You are going to get seriously steamed.  Tarawa is sacred history in the annals of the United States Marines.  The Battle of Tarawa was one of the most brutal and lethal in the Corps' history. After losing Guadalcanal to the Marines in 1942, the Japanese were determined not to lose Tarawa, with its vitally strategic position in the Central Pacific.  They spent a year building up an incredibly well-fortified array of defenses on Betio to control the entrance to the lagoon and thus the entire atoll. The Japanese commander, Rear Admiral Keiji Shibazaki, was so confidant of his preparations and men his message to Tokyo was, "It would take one million men one hundred years" to conquer Tarawa. It took the US Marines 76 hours.  But at a horrible cost.  On Tarawa, the Marines demonstrated epic bravery and heroism - guts and glory beyond normal imagination. 1,113 Marines died, 2,290 wounded.  It is no mystery whatever that Tarawa is a sacred memory for all Marines - and to trash and besmirch it would be sacrilegious.  Yet that is exactly and precisely what has happened, and in the most disgusting manner thinkable.



Here's some good news from America. A Big Oil company - Chevron - is taking legal action against a group of environmentalists for fraud and extortion: aka greenmail. The sums involved are eyewatering: $19 billion (billion with a B).  Phelim McAleer has the details. It's fitting that Phelim McAleer should be reporting this story because, of course, he visited similar territory in his documentary FrackNation. Like Crude, Josh Fox's anti-fracking movie Gasland was feted at Sundance and lauded by the usual Hollywood suspects. The polite explanation for what's going on here is "noble cause corruption." You'll lie, you'll fiddle with the data, you'll bully, you'll smear, you'll abandon the scientific method -- not because you're a bad person (or so you persuade yourself) but because you're a person so good that you're even prepared to sacrifice even your personal integrity for the higher cause of saving the world from The Greatest Threat It Has Ever Known. Finally -- finally! -- business has begun fighting back.  And Chevron's case is really good.



Recently, there have been many attempts to get a handle on why there is so much public discontent. I think all the reasoning can be boiled down to one idea: Americans feel powerless. Millions of us look at Washington, D.C. and see one thing and one thing only, namely a ruling class that is completely out of touch with ordinary Americans and their concerns. Fortunately that same ruling class, in their unbridled hubris, has made a critical error. They've presented the public with an extraordinary opportunity to give the federal government one of the grander smack downs that any public could give any out-of-control government. And all the American public has to do to give Washington that smack down is.....nothing. Right now, the Obama administration is in the process of rolling out the so-called Affordable Healthcare Act that requires millions of Americans to buy health insurance, or pay a fine. I think it's time the American public gave Congress and the Obama administration a taste of their own medicine, so to speak. Thus I am presenting a simple slogan, that embodies the very same kind of large-scale civil disobedience that progressives cherished during the Vietnam War. To wit: Don't sign, don't pay the fine.



Global warming has done more good than harm so far and is likely to continue doing so for most of this century. This is not some barmy, right-wing fantasy; it is the consensus of expert opinion. Yet almost nobody seems to know this. Whenever I make the point in public, I am told by those who are paid to insult anybody who departs from climate alarm that I have got it embarrassingly wrong, don't know what I am talking about, and so forth. At first, I thought this was just their usual bluster. But then I realized that they are genuinely unaware. Good news is no news, which is why the mainstream media largely ignores all studies showing net benefits of global warming. And academics have not exactly been keen to push such analysis forward. So here follows an entire article on the net benefits of global warming.



tuvalu_map.png Funafuti, Tuvalu.  I'm not sure if what I've discovered here in one of the world's smallest and unknown independent countries is a case of serendipity: finding something where you least expect it - or barendipity: not finding something where you most expect it.  Whichever, it's fascinating, revelatory, and absolutely hilarious.    I came here to understand why and how this place exists.  You'll be amazed to find out.  Get ready to have a really fun learning experience. And enjoy the photos...



solomons_kennedy.png Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.  Idyllic, isn't it?  Everybody's dream of a South Seas island paradise.  But it wasn't in 1943.  On a moonless night back then, an American PT boat was tracking a Japanese convoy.  All ships were "running dark" with no lights.  Suddenly, a Japanese destroyer was on top of the PT boat, ramming it before the crew could get their boat out of the way. Their boat sunk, the crew swam to this island, and were subsequently rescued.  An insignificant tale, save for the fact that the PT boat was numbered 109 and captained by Navy Lieutenant John F. Kennedy, who 17 years later would become President of the United States.  That's why the name of the island is Kennedy Island.  (The original native name is Kisolo.) One can only imagine the rage, disgust, and contempt he would feel over his successor's treatment of his fellow World War II veterans by physically preventing them from visiting the memorials that honor them in Washington.  You have to think he'd say it's time for a Battle of Guadacanal to liberate America.



The International Monetary Fund has thrown in the towel on emerging markets. After years of talking up the BRICS club of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, it now admits that these countries have either exhausted their catch-up growth models, or run into the time-honored problems of supply bottlenecks and bad government. Yes, China too. The Fund has cut its forecast for the developing economies by 0.5% to 4.5% this year in its latest World Economic Outlook, and by 0.4% to 5.1% next year. The 2013 estimates have been slashed by 1.8% for India, for Mexico by 1.7%, and 1% in Russia, compared to forecasts made in April. Similar damage is expected for Turkey, Indonesia, Ukraine, and others with big trade deficits as details are fleshed out. In what amounts to a mea culpa, the IMF hinted that it had for long been blind to festering problems in the BRICS and mini-BRICs. It said the economies of Brazil, China, and India will be 8% to 14% smaller in 2016 than had been assumed just two years ago, a revision that calls into question some of the giddiest claims that the newcomers will soon surge past the decaying West. But the West, especially Europe's eurozone, is rapidly decaying just the same.



With the release of its Fifth Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has proved beyond reasonable doubt that it cannot be taken seriously.  A sample of reasons why: IPCC lead author Dr Richard Lindzen has accused it of having "sunk to a level of hilarious incoherence."   *Paul Matthews has found a very silly graph; Steve McIntyre has exposed how the IPCC appears deliberately to have tried to obfuscate the unhelpful discrepancy between its models and the real world data; and this latest from Christopher Booker. Now, of course, I fully appreciate how the climate alarmists are going to respond to these criticisms: same way they always do - with a barrage of lies, ad homs, cover-ups, rank-closings, blustering threats, straw men, and delusion-bubble conferences like the one they've just staged at the Royal Society in which one warmist pseudo-scientist after another mounts the podium to reassure his amen corner that everything's going just fine and that those evil denialists couldn't be more wrong. There is more than enough solid evidence now to demonstrate to any neutral party that the doomsday prognostications the warmist establishment has been trying to frighten us with these last two decades are nonsense. The man-made global warming scare story has not a shred of scientific credibility. It's over. And while I don't expect the alarmists to admit this any time soon, I do think the rest of us should stop indulging them in their poisonous fantasy.  It's time to crush them instead.



Bad news, everyone: the panda cam at Washington zoo has fallen victim to the US government shutdown. Where before, US taxpayers (everyone else too: thanks US taxpayers!) were free any time of day or night to watch the pandas do exciting things like pacing around, sleeping and chewing bamboo on special government-funded spy cameras, now all they see is a black screen and an error message. Sad, isn't it? But I don't mean sad as in "Oh no you can't see the pandas." I mean sad that Western civilization has reached such a pitch of decadence that we consider it normal, acceptable even, for the government to confiscate our earnings through the tax system and squander it on fripperies like panda-viewing web cams. Thus one of the most delicious ironies of this latest shutdown is that it's a curious inversion of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.



The Republican Party of John McCain and Mitt Romney lost two presidential elections, the second to a weak candidate in a weak economy. Left to its own devices, it will lose the next presidential election and all the following ones. By picking a fight on Obama's least popular position, namely health care, the conservative wing of the party led by Ted Cruz galvanized the party base and forced the House leadership into a fight. In a recent poll, the Gallup organization found that just 22% of Americans expected Obamacare to improve their family's health situation, while 47% expected it to make it worse. As my old partner Jude Wanniski used to say, the electorate is like a diamond, waiting to be cut at exactly the right spot. Ted Cruz pointed the chisel correctly. It well may be true that shutting down the government hurts the Republicans in the short run. That is immaterial; there is no way to get from here to there except by making a stand against Obamacare. There is no downside, for the Republican Party as presently configured already is a guaranteed loser. A reinvigorated conservative leadership has a chance of leading the party to victory.



Dili, Timor-Leste.  East of Bali, west of New Guinea, and north of Australia is an island called Timor.  The western half belongs to Indonesia.  The eastern half did too, but no longer.  There are only two Christian countries in all of Asia.  One is the Philippines.  The other is here, the new nation, independent since 2002 after a horrific struggle, of Timor-Leste or East Timor. You might wonder how this place became Christian surrounded by the world's largest Moslem country - Indonesia.  There are over 200 million Moslems in Indonesia which is almost three times the size of Texas, and only 1 million East Timorese on half an island the size of Connecticut.  But it turns out that Christianity came to this part of the world before Islam. The Timorese had to suffer unimaginable horrors to achieve their sovereign Christian freedom.  It's a heroic saga and ought to be inspirational for us.  Here is their story.



Shanghai. The loudest people on the planet are Chinese.  The most obnoxious sound you've ever heard is that of a Chinese man spitting - which they do often and everywhere.  The most evil mass murderer in human history is worshipped as a demi-god by countless Chinese.  His picture is on every denomination of Chinese currency. The list of Chinese negatives is very long.  And they are all irrelevant.  They are all overridden by one single fact:  that China is a serious country and the Chinese are a serious people - while America and Americans are not. There is almost no way to describe the massiveness and ubiquity of the construction going on in hundreds of cities.  Gigantic apartment complexes are springing up everywhere.  Bullet trains going 200mph with amazingly smooth rides over railroads that go everywhere.  Superhighways are the same.  There must be at least two or three dozen airlines that fly to hundreds of cities.  Three of them just placed an order for 68 A320s worth $6.75 billion - European Airbuses instead of Boeings as a slap in Zero's face. This same massive, purposeful, determined energy is being channeled into China's military.  The Chinese will have a full-on blue water navy within a few years.  They are focused on aircraft carrier-sinking cruise missiles, communication satellite-destroying ballistic missiles, undersea cable-slicing deep water robots, and of course, incapacitating our entire computer-based economy and military via hacking. The Chinese are different from us in many ways.  They operate under a different set of moral rules and proscriptions.  But one thing the Chinese are not is stupid.    Another thing they are not is apologetic and unconfident. China today is a competitor of America's unlike any we have ever faced.  It is deadly - literally deadly - serious, and deadly smart.  Really smart.  China is becoming more serious, more confident, and more educated-smart by the day - while we are becoming the opposite of all three, by the day.



President Obama has adopted the unsustainable position that he will not negotiate with Congress over spending and the debt ceiling. He is betting he can get Republicans to fold without having to give up anything he wants. That's why we're hearing ridiculous claims from him like the one he made speaking to the Business Roundtable this week: "You have never seen in the history of the United States the debt ceiling or the threat of not raising the debt being used to extort a president or a governing party and trying to force issues that have nothing to do with the budget and nothing to do with the debt." This is nonsense, of course. Moreover, the implication that Obamacare has "nothing to do with the budget and nothing to do with the debt" is simply dishonest. The law accounts for a large part of the budget and we now know that it will cost twice as much in the next ten years as President Obama promised before it was passed. The truth is the President may soon be forced to negotiate.  Here's why.



Hasan Rouhani, Iran's new president, arrived in New York yesterday (9/23), and the dips and pundits are very excited.  They think there's a chance for a breakthrough, maybe even two or three breakthroughs: Even a "chance encounter" between Rouhani and Obama will be treated as a major event, and you can expect to read language like "for the first time in decades, American and Iranian leaders met face to face." That language is false.  There have been myriad face-to-face encounters, and other claims about Rouhani are also false.  Typical is this fawning puff piece in the New York Times, portraying Rouhani as the Middle East's new Golden Boy:



There was a shooting two days ago (9/16) in DC. The details are still sketchy as I write this, but it appears that a deranged man decided to kill other people for some reason. In response, the usual talking heads will be debating whether this is actual Terror or merely something like it. But the T-word will be spoken in the same grave way we speak of cancer - a thing to be dreaded above all else. Certainly this shooting was a horrible, tragic thing - especially for the families involved. But that said, any talk about an "age of terror" is utter drivel. Terror is NOT worse now than it was before 9/11 - it's just that we've been bombarded with fear for more than a decade, creating a culture-wide residue that poisons every mind it touches. In actual fact, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a SWAT Team cop than a terrorist. Does that mean that we should all have a collective panic attack and beg for anti-SWAT SWAT Teams? Now here's the truth they don't want you to know: You are taught to fear because fear makes you easy to manipulate. If someone is making you afraid, they're also making you into an easy mark - a sucker.  Our government wants us to live in fear. Think of how many things people have accepted from governments just because they were afraid. Things like complete online surveillance, crotch searches at airports, random searches on the highways, and so on. Do you think those would have been accepted in 1920? Of course they wouldn't, because people hadn't been sufficiently frightened at that time.



Most everyone has seen the nature documentaries of Sir David Attenborough and is familiar with his name. Publicizing his imminent new series about the evolution of animals, Sir David said in an interview last week that he thought a reduction in human population during this century is impossible and "we're lucky to be living when we are, because things are going to get worse." People will look back in another 100 years "at a world that was less crowded, full of natural wonders, and healthier." His is a common view. He longs for people to enjoy the open spaces and abundant herds of game that he has been fortunate enough to see. To that end he thinks it vital that there should be fewer of us. I would now passionately disagree with the two premises of his argument. It's actually quite likely, rather than impossible, that population will be falling by the end of this century and it is also quite likely that the people alive then will have lots more wilderness to explore and wildlife to admire than today. The facts that show this and disprove Sir David are fascinating.



[Note:  Paul Rosenberg, has spent many years trying to protect Internet users from unjustified surveillance by groups like the NSA. Many TTPers subscribe to his Virtual Private Network (VPN) called - for reasons known only to him - Cryptohippie, to avoid tracking by the snoops. I never go online without it.  Here Paul discusses the latest revelation of unconstitutional NSA Orwellian fascism. -JW] On September 5th, Glenn Greenwald, Ed Snowden and others revealed that the NSA was able to break the vast majority of encryption used on the Internet. You can find the story here or here, and commentary by cryptographer Bruce Schneier here. In the NSA documents, ordinary Internet customers are referred to as "adversaries."  We're all perps now. If all Internet users are "adversaries," do you really think anyone is safe? Forget about the US Constitution; it's a non-factor now. This is just the latest example of people who are drunk on power and don't care about the principles on which this country was founded. The NSA and the entire US/UK "security" apparatus is a gigantic drunken beast. The operators are arrogant and untouchable.  The reality is, the system is beyond broken, no matter what kind of happy talk you hear on TV. Here's what this means to you.


FROM 9/11 TO 3.0

On this 12th anniversary of the Moslem Atrocity of 9/11, our problems seem worse than ever.  The federal government has metastasized into a cancer that many consider terminal for our country's existence.  Tens of millions of us have given up hope of ever finding a job again - while millions more just starting out in their twenties have never had a job at all.  The problems seem so numerous and insuperable that many of us have given up on America's future.  Most horrifying is that this is what Zero wants, the destruction of America's future is his goal.  The more we suffer, the more he gloats, laughing in our faces as he plays another round of golf and Mrs. Zero is treated as royalty, going off on another multi-million dollar vacation. And all the while, his corrupt corporatist cronies, like those at Solyandra, make hundreds of millions. So it is only appropriate that we commemorate this day by committing ourselves to creating a new America that will conquer the Curse of Zero, and reclaim our future of optimism. The good news is that this creation is already well underway.  There's a blueprint for it and the foundation is being laid.  Here it is.



Might as well start with the belly-laugh of the week.  Who is this? hollande_gormless.png It's the President of France, Francois Hollande.  The pic was taken Tuesday (9/03) during his visit to a school in Denain, a city in northern France, and put online by AFP (Agence-France Presse, the government owned & operated news agency).  It instantly went viral and has all France in hysterics. AFP pulled it within hours, issuing a "mandatory kill" order to its outlets not to publish it, as it damaged the "dignity" of the president.  Too late.  President Imbécile is now Hollande's nickname for millions of Frenchfolk. Don't you wish all of America could laugh at Zero that way?  This week we may be on the verge of your wish being granted.  And not just America, but most all of the entire world.



My wife and I spent much of the summer in our favorite museum.  It's called Europe.  Not a museum in Europe, but Europe itself. Since America is an island, Americans tend to be insular and consider their problems to be the world's best.  But it is not so.  For Americans, the rest of the world is thousands of miles away across the Pacific or Atlantic, while Canada is that cold place far to the north where they say "eh" all the time, while Mexico is that sweltering place all the illegals come from - hence Americans see their country as a giant isolated island.  A separate universe. When things are going good, we think there's no place better - a perspective for which there is justification.  When things are going bad, we think no place on earth is going to hell in a handbasket faster.  We consider Zero to be such a horrendous disaster because we've never been deranged enough to engage in electoral masochism before. This is a first for us - but for much of the rest of the world, it's the norm.  Masochism, in the form of people accepting subjugation from thugs who declared themselves chiefs, kings, and emperors, has been the political way of life for most of human history.  We view America as "the exceptional nation" because it is the exception to this history. Our cultural progenitor enabling this exception was Europe.  Now that Europe is regressing, our fear is that we are too.  But fear is a waste of time.  Unless we use fear to assess the extent of actual danger, we'll just wallow in it and not rationally act to get rid of what we're scared of.  So a glance at Europe could be helpful to see where it's fallen into the masochistic mire so we can avoid doing so. 



If any business were to submit a prospectus as patently false and deliberately dishonest as the ones used to advance the cause of the global warming industry, its directors would all be in prison by now. One candidate for prison would be whoever tweets under the name @BarackObama. When he Tweeted: "Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made and dangerous" he was promulgating a demonstrable untruth. No one has ever doubted that climate changes. Pretty much everyone - probably more than 97 per cent, even - agrees that there is a degree of anthropogenic input, even it's just the barely measurable contribution of beef cattle farts or the heat produced by cities. But the dangerous bit? No one has come even close to demonstrating it, there is no reliable evidence for it, and very few scientists - certainly far, far fewer than 97 per cent of them - would ever stake their reputations on such a tendentious claim. So how do the eco-swine go on getting away with it? Jamie Whyte provides a fascinating, erudite and original answer in his new paper for the Institute of Economic Affairs: Quack Policy - Abusing Science in the Name of Paternalism. 



Contrary to what you may have heard, there is no "bee-pocalypse." There is lots of alarmist talk about "colony collapse disorder," people are blaming pesticides and talking about hundreds of billions of dollars at risk. But a closer look tells a very different story. Yes, honeybees are dying in above-average numbers, but the most likely cause is the varroa destructor mite and associated viruses. Moreover, if you look at the actual numbers, they undermine much of the catastrophic rhetoric. In the United States, where we have good data, beekeepers have adapted to CCD. Colony numbers were higher in 2010 than any year since 1999. The beekeepers are not passive victims. Yet, scare stories abound. We are being warned that "bee deaths may have reached a crisis point for crops," and some commentators go as far as invoking an impending "bee-pocalypse" or a "bee-mageddon." They fondly  employ a quotation attributed to Albert Einstein: "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the Earth, man would have no more than four years to live." The implication seems to be that if the smartest guy on the planet was alarmed, we should be too. However, the quote seems to have been made up, first appearing in 1994 in a pamphlet distributed by French beekeepers, protesting the high cost of sugar for feeding bees and opposing a proposed reduction of tariffs on imported honey.