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Paul Rosenberg


However it happened, it is now clear that the US spy agencies, and the NSA in particular, have gone off the reservation. The military-industrial complex that Dwight Eisenhower warned us about has turned inward, and the perps are now us. That may be a bitter pill for many of us to swallow, but it's true just the same. So, here we are. For most of our lives, we thought it was only criminals who needed to hide from government. Now we find that it's time for the citizens to hide. Sad as that may be, it's something we need to face. Before I explain how to hide, let me repeat something that a lot of us have said before: We do not hide because our works are criminal, but because we need to protect ourselves from criminal punishments, seizures and prosecutions. How do we hide and protect ourselves?  Here's how...



The Democrats are right, there are two Americas. The America that works, and the America that doesn't. The America that contributes, and the America that doesn't. It's not the haves and the have nots, it's the dos and the don'ts. Some people do their duty as Americans, to obey the law and support themselves and contribute to society, and others don't. That's the divide in America. It's not about income inequality, it's about civic irresponsibility. It's about a political party that preaches hatred, greed and victimization in order to win elective office. It's about a political party that loves power more than it loves its country. The politics of envy was on proud display when the president said he would pledge the rest of his term to fighting "income inequality." He notes that some people make more than other people, that some people have higher incomes than others, and he says that's not just. It is the rationale of thievery. The other guy has it, you want it, Obama will take it for you. Vote Democrat.



Whoa... the response to The TTP Portugal Retreat has been so strong that Rebel and I were compelled to schedule a second one!  And now that's just about filled as well.  There might be a space or two left on the first one - March 20-25 with a 3-day extension - and a few on the second - April 24-29 with a 3-day extension.  Carpe diem to not miss out coming to sunny, beautiful, historical Portugal with Rebel and me.  In between these now-two Portugal Retreats, there's The Land of the Dragon's Blood Tree.  This was announced last Monday the 27th - and by today, only five days later, that's almost filled too!  I am truly excited about this.  There is absolutely no place on earth like Socotra.  It is "completely unique on a global scale," as the National Geographic says. Look at the pictures and see for yourself.  Please don't miss the opportunity to experience one of the most extraordinary places on our planet.... ...I considered for an entire femtosecond watching Zero's SOTU Tuesday night (1/28), but decided there were far more productive things to do, such as reorganizing my sock drawer. There was, however, one hilarious moment during this soporific soliloquy.



Half the world economy is one accident away from a deflation trap. The emerging market bloc makes up half the world economy, far higher than in any previous crisis. Roughly $4 trillion of foreign funds swept into emerging markets after the Lehman crisis, much of it by then "momentum money" late to the party. One country after another is now having to tighten into weakness. Neil Shearing from Capital Economics says Brazil, India and Russia are all suffering from the 1970s curse of "stagflation," unable to stimulate their economies to revive growth. Mr. Shearing said the BRICS bloc (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are in worse shape than many of the other emerging market states, but the strains are spreading. While every story is different, the common theme for the BRICS is that they have exhausted their catch-up growth models, let credit booms get out of hand and failed to push through reforms while the going was good. Productivity rates have plummeted almost everywhere.  That most certainly includes China.



The tragic death of an Indian minister's wife and the overdose of a French president's "wife" give a startling insight into the misery that infidelity causes in a monogamous society. In cultures like India and France, it is just not possible now for men to reap the sexual rewards that usually attend arrival at the top of society. President Zuma of South Africa has four wives and 20 children, while one Nigerian preacher is said to have 86 wives. Chinese emperors used to complain of their relentless sexual duties. Why the difference? Human monogamy is an enduring puzzle. Among mammals we are the exception: just 3 per cent of mammals form pair bonds. Our closest relatives, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans and gorillas, are promiscuous, very promiscuous, territorial-polygamous and harem-polygamous respectively. Yet we are clearly monogamous by instinct as well as by tradition. Even in societies that allow polygamy, most people are in one-partner couples. Free-love communes always, without exception, collapse because people will insist on falling in love with particular individuals. This pairing tendency would baffle a bonobo, where sexual jealousy is apparently unknown. So at some point in the distant past, we developed the habit of monogamous pair bonding. In human beings, monogamy probably goes back hundreds of thousands if not millions of years.  (See Jack Wheeler's Marriage and the Missing Link, September 2009.)



This is the Dragon's Blood Tree, Dracaena cinnabari.  It can be found in only one place on earth, a remote island called a Lost World for its uniqueness, the "most alien-looking place on our planet."  Yet the Dragon's Blood Tree (named for its bright red sap that has medicinal properties) is only one of over 300 plant species that can be found here and nowhere else - like the Bottle Tree, Dorstenia gigas: soc_desert_rose2.png Although it's known as the most alien, strangest, weirdest and bizarre place you can go to in the entire world, it's also completely safe and incredibly beautiful. Anybody who comes here returns saying, "You have to see it to believe it."  That's just what we're going to do.  What is this place? It's the World Heritage Site of the island of Socotra, the "Galapagos of the Indian Ocean," 240 miles off the coast of Yemen to which it belongs.  It's hidden, remote, and far away - yet we're going to get there (and someplace else that's amazing) from your home and back in one incredibly memorable week.  Ready?  Here we go - and yes, the pictures are real.



Well, Portugal, here we come!  On Monday (1/20), we announced The TTP Portugal Retreat, and as of today (1/24), it's almost booked out.  Those TTPers who took my advice to move quickly were smart to do so.  We only have a couple of spaces left.  So there's no time to waste.  Don't miss out on coming to sunny, beautiful, historical Portugal with Rebel and me.  We're going to have a fabulous time.  (And yes, Rebel has agreed to have a 3-day post-retreat excursion visiting five World Heritage Sites and staying in a King's Palace.) *** We have a lot of ground to cover, so let's start right off the bat with the HFR Hero of the Week.  He's a professional boxer - the Heavyweight Champion of the World.  He retired undefeated last month, so he could run to be elected president of his country.  But to do that, he has to lead a revolution against a brutally corrupt dictatorship - literally, with barricades in the streets, burning tires, and Molotov cocktails.  This is for real.  This is a scene on the streets of Kiev, Ukraine from yesterday (1/23). Let's also hope and fervently pray that such scenes will not become necessary in America to retrieve our freedom. 



former_fetuses.png This has got to be the best picture from yesterday's March for Life.  It was truly an extraordinary event - hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers marching from the White House to the Supreme Court in bitterly below-freezing cold, and doing so in good cheer. Actually, the event in Washington DC was only one of many Marches for Life that took place in cities all over the country on the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court's most hideous - and ludicrously unconstitutional - decisions, Roe v. Wade, on January 22, 1973. It's pretty easy to understand - inhuman not to, in fact - why people would be passionately anti-abortion, and be morally revolted by a mother killing her own child.  The obverse is more difficult.  While it may be understandable that under certain circumstances of a woman's life, she could feel that terminating her pregnancy was her only solution, what is unfathomable is the hysterical, fanatical frenzy of passion that consumes pro-abortionists.  It's clinically pathological.   It's one of the clearest markers that folks on the Left aren't just mistaken, they're deranged.  What were the villains of the Harry Potter novels called?  Death-eaters.  That's them.  The good news is that an increasing majority of Americans looks upon them as such.  Even better news is that the reason this number is increasing is because it's composed of Millennials - young folks 30 and under.



So, in Part I on January 8,  I left on the note about how many of you had thought the RSA had been bribed to handover backdoor information of their supposed unbreakable code. Not as cute the government finally thinking "Hey, we forked over all this money for this equipment.  We actually own it or parts of it and now we demand access to our stuff." Then they thought:   "Our partners under the 1994 CALEA law - the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act - requires communications companies to help us and provide a means and method to surveil so as not impede our investigations!  Let's have a talk with them.  Only this time we bring some of our other partners like DEA and DOJ into the conversation and let's get serious on this." So the list of agencies who can surveil you just got bigger.  But how did they start surveiling?  Let's discuss begin with just one program called Carnivore.



My entire professional life has been devoted to saving and enhancing lives. Thus, the thought of abortion for the sake of convenience does not appeal to me. I have personally met several people who have told me that their mothers had considered abortion, but happily decided against it. Most of us instinctively want to protect helpless creatures and sometimes go to great lengths to do so. The television commercials about abused animals are very poignant and as a society, we sometimes delay or cancel large construction projects to protect an "endangered" insect, amphibian or fish. Yet many of us turn a blind eye to the wanton slaughter of millions of helpless human babies who are much more sophisticated than some of the other creatures, when nothing is at stake other than the convenience of one or both parents. I am not saying that we should abandon our efforts to save baby seals and a host of other animals. Rather I am saying shouldn't we consider adding human fetuses and babies to the list?




THE TTP PORTUGAL RETREAT Thursday, March 20 - Tuesday, March 25
Last week (01/10), we learned about the history of Portugal in California in Europe.  We also learned that's where the first TTP International Retreat will be.

Again, this is different than a Rendezvous, where a lot of us gather to enjoy each other's company and to hear our speakers.  This is an intimate get together of no more than a dozen TTPers to discuss the world in depth.  And I might as well give you a warning up front.

In addition to learning more about the world than you thought possible over a long weekend, you run the risk of falling head over heels in love with Portugal.  I describe it as utterly captivating, and once you are there you'll easily understand why. Actually, you'll understand just with the pictures below. Here's our schedule.



Where's the pony? Ronald Reagan was fond of describing an optimist as a kid on a farm happily digging through a huge pile of horse manure, yelling, "There's got to be a pony in here somewhere!"  What would he say about a week, or a time like this?  Knowing him, I think he'd say, "Well, sometimes there just isn't any pony." Yes, there will be days like this.  But three more years of days like this??  One thousand ninety-eight more days?  (See the Countdown Clock to the end of the Zero Presidency.) And realize there is a high probability that those 1098 days are going to be progressively worse.  With each passing day and week and month, we're going to have more fascism, more unemployment, more dependency, more cultural depravity, more corruption, more crony capitalism, more liberal hate, more Enemedia lying and cover-ups of Zero scandals, more persecution of Tea Partyers, and more surrender to America's enemies like Iran and the Chicoms. So - how can we possibly stand it?    What in the Diety's name are we going to do?  First, we'll review how grim it's been this week.  Then we'll discuss six alternatives to dealing with it.  (No fair skipping ahead, but one of them is following the advice of Josey Wales.)



We'll have to deal with the deluge of dictatorship Zero and his minions are inflicting upon us in the HFR tomorrow.  Today, we have to take a break and get outta this place.  How about to one of the world's most pleasant places, Europe's California? Especially since we're going to have a TTP Retreat there in March.  More about that later. Both my wife, Rebel, and I grew up in California, so we know it when we see it - and we recognized it right away in Portugal.  The weather, the plants, the ocean, the sunsets in the ocean, the coast - which is more beautiful than Italy's (okay, except for Amalfi), way more friendly than France's (surprise), and far less known and populated than Spain's. Then of course, there's the great wine and great food. Also of course, there are differences.  California, as anyone who grew up there knows, no longer exists - it is Mexifornia, as Victor Davis Hansen terms it, with a Hispanic vise-grip on the government in Sacramento welcoming an illegal alien flood.  The European corollary is Eurabia - the flood of Moslems demographically destroying so many countries like France, where half the schoolchildren in many major cities today are Moslem. But not in Portugal.  The Moslem population is miniscule.  Make that invisible.  You never see a mosque, you never see a woman in a burka.  The Portuguese are Christian Europeans.  They kicked Moslem invaders from Africa out of their country 764 years ago (in 1249) and are happy to keep it that way. California's history is as recent as Portugal's is ancient.  People have been living there before they were people.



During his long career, Ariel Sharon built a lot of roads. As housing minister in the early 1990s and as national infrastructures minister in the late 1990s, Sharon played a key role in building everything from the Trans-Israel Highway to access roads to isolated communities. Since he passed away on Saturday (1/11), his role in building Israel's national infrastructures has been widely noted. But no mention has been made of the final and most important road that he paved. That is the road to Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.  Here's how it got built.



Every day I am amazed at the insanity I witness in our America and here is another example. According to a report in The Hill, Attorney General Eric Holder is at it again with his racial preference policies:

Attorney General Eric Holder called upon the nation's school districts Wednesday to rethink "zero tolerance" disciplinary policies that he said disproportionately punish minorities and push too many students into the justice system. Alarming numbers of young people are suspended, expelled or even arrested for relatively minor transgressions like school uniform violations, schoolyard fights or showing ‘disrespect' by laughing in class," Holder said during a speech in Baltimore.
So now the US Department of Justice under Eric Holder will use its power to enforce "civil rights protections" in school disciplinary actions. In fact, the DoJ and DoEd are putting schools on notice that they are prepared to use their authority to investigate the claims of racial disparity in the punishment of students. Thus my message to white Americans:



I despise Gov. Fatso so I'm enjoying this. christie_fat_chance.png The instantly-dubbed "Bridgegate" scandal erupted Wednesday (1/08).  Christie held a long press conference yesterday (1/09) which resulted in more ridicule and condemnation.  We all used to like this guy.  That was back in 2010, his first year as governor of Joisey, when he seemed a breath of conservative fresh air and eviscerated Democrats and Enemedia hecklers with aplomb.  Jack Kelly and I began calling him the Fat Reagan. But by January 2011, the HFR reported that Christie had nominated a Moslem attorney connected to the terrorists of  Hamas and the Moslem Brotherhood to a New Jersey Superior Court judgeship.  "Looks like Christie has fallen under the influence of the Islamist Svengali of the Right, Grover Norquist.  What a terrible disappointment," I commented. There have many more disappointments since.  But what I most despise about Christie, however, was his last-minute help to get Zero reelected in 2012.



These are the two most common accusations the Left hurls at the Right.  It's what psychologists call "projection" - accusing others what you are guilty of.  Let's take them one at a time, then see how they are connected. To understand how the Left is racist, we'll do a thought experiment by asking: What if Obama were white? Let's suppose that his bio is exactly the same, except that his Kenyan father was white.  Kenya, of course, was created by white British colonialists at the end of the 19th century as the British East Africa Protectorate, and renamed the Crown Colony of Kenya in 1920.  So - flaming Marxist anti-Western Civilization self-hating white guy, community organizer who never had a real job, professional Alinskyite agitator turned professional politician with absolutely no business or executive experience whatever, freshman Senator with no legislative accomplishments whatever, no real intelligence, just a pathological narcissist with a shrewd manipulative cunning behind a glib voice and flashy smile.  Would anyone in the Democrat Party, the Enemedia, the Moonbat blogosphere, Academia, or the public at large have paid any attention to this white guy's running for president - much less clamored for him to do so or swooned when he did? Of course not.  The only, single, solitary reason anyone paid any attention to Obama is that he's black.  His candidacy, his election, his presidency is entirely racist.  America has a Racist Presidency because he wouldn't be president if he were another white guy, albeit with exactly the same bio.



Howdy, folks. I put this history lesson on telecom and how we got to this No Such Agency spying-on-everyone mess on the Forum, and both Jack and Skye bugged me to put it into a TTP article series because they said it was so good. So here we go with Part One. It's long so grab a drink. Edward "Snowjob" Snowden didn't really do anything other than give NSA's program a name: "PRISM". There are many such programs throughout the government. There are various telecom laws that have been enacted since the 1934 Communications Act that enabled the government to do just what they have been revealed to be doing. So we'll start at the beginning in order for you to understand the fullness of how government bureaucrats justify infringing on your 4th amendment and 1st.



Soon children will have forgotten what snow looks like... See that white stuff floating down past the orange trees and landing on your alligators and manatees, Florida? That's global warming, that is. See that frozen white thing by the harbor that used to look like a green woman with a spiky headdress, New York? That's global warming, that is. How do we know this? Because Bryan Walsh of Time magazine says so.  And, of course, so does the Guardian say so.... Everything's global warming, America. Didn't you get the message yet from your President Zero (or is that President Zero Degrees now, TTPers?) and John Kerry and Al Gore and James Hansen, the whole GloWarm Gang? Everything! That's why, if ever any of you want to see a day of sunshine again in your miserable, too-selfish-to-change-your-lifestyle carbon-addicted lives, here are a few things you absolutely are going to have to do:



OK - welcome to 2014!  What's in store for the world this year?  Beats me.  How should I know?  The future hasn't happened yet.  We can be supremely confident that the sun will without exception continue to rise in the east (although I did see the sun set in the east and rise in the west one day - it's a story), that there will be a full moon this coming January 16, and that ostriches will not spontaneously turn into elephants on the Serengeti Plains. The laws of physics and nature will continue to hold.  Beyond that, regarding human activity predictions have to be heavily larded with caveats, because there's no way of telling when black swans will appear out of the ether to bite us in the glutes, or what random grain of sand will collapse a country's sand pile. So let's talk of possibilities and opportunities.  For the fact is that there's no such thing as the future.  Instead, there is a very large number of possible futures - with some being much more likely than others.  What might they be? Let's hop around the world a bit first before focusing on the US.



We enter the year of the all-conquering US dollar. As the global security system unravels - with echoes of 1914 - the premium on the world's safe-haven currency must rise. As the Fed turns off the spigot of dollar liquidity, it will starve the world's dysfunctional economy of $1 trillion a year of stimulus. This will occur through the quantity of money effect, hitting in a series of hammer blows, regardless of whether interest rates remain at zero. It is hard to imagine a strategic and economic setting more conducive to a blistering dollar rally, a process that will pick up speed as yields on 10-year US Treasuries break through 3% (as of today, 01/02, it is at 2.992). We’re going to enter a brave new world in 2014. The democracies are on the back foot. It is no longer Francis Fukuyama's "End of History," but history returning in tooth and claw. So with that caveat let me try to make sense of global economic forces. The annual rite of new year predictions is never easy. It is nigh impossible in the midst of a global regime change with so many political bombs primed to go off at any moment. But here we go.



For all of my life, America has stood for freedom in the world. Until now. Ever since Obama’s rise to power, America’s “Freedom Agenda” – the promotion of and support for expanding freedom and democracy – has been squelched. Supporting, for example, the Green Revolution in Iran in 2009, and the protesters in Ukraine today would have been no-brainers if the Obama administration had the slightest inclination to cultivate US allies and the cause of freedom more generally. Both the Iranian democracy activists then and the Ukrainian protesters today demonstrated through their actions that they do not seek the mere overthrow of unrepresentative, repressive governments. They seek freedom, and are willing to work for it. The situation in Iraq, and in Ukraine – as well as in Iran, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and beyond – makes clear that Obama has killed America’s freedom agenda. And that isn’t all. Obama doesn’t simply neglect democratic forces in favor of authoritarian regimes. In country after country, under his leadership the US sides with anti-American forces of authoritarianism against pro-American forces. Why?



resolution-revolution.png This could be what I call a "FS Year" - like Sinatra sings in It Was A Very Good Year, 2014 could "pour sweet and clear" for freedom in America, if only we take advantage of the opportunity history is handing us. Pick your metaphor or adage.  The setup for a political "perfect storm," an epic "correlation of forces," an ideal example of "the greater the danger, the greater the opportunity" is here before us.  We have a chance at victory on not just one, but on both of our country's most important battlefields.  The stakes couldn't be higher.  Which means if we blow it this year, surmounting 2016 will be as hard as climbing Everest without oxygen.



News item:  New York Post, December 27, 2013:  Women Comprise Biggest Opposition to Obamacare OBAMA: That's impossible. I'm polling below zero? WHITE HOUSE POLLSTER: I've never seen anything like it, sir. The "negative numbers" poll hypothesis was discarded a generation ago. The only explanation is that even the imaginary voters we regularly survey to boost your ratings are down on you. OBAMA: Intolerable. I want my blocs back. Women--my women!-- have slip-slided away. HHS? KATHLEEN SEBELIUS: We're paying for abortions now, Mr. President. Regain women's loyalty by paying them to have abortions, say $500 per protoplasmic blob.  And think of the benefits to humanity of all the fetal stem cells we'd harvest. OBAMA: Make it so. George? SOROS: Giff generous bonus for twins und triplets, zir. OBAMA: Excellent! New fertility and abortion clinics will spring up all over the country to cash in, meaning an uptick in the next year's jobs reports. JOE BIDEN:



Well, here we are - the last HFR of 2013.  We start looking forward to what's in store for 2014 next week.  For now, let's reflect on what's been going on in the world. The best political cartoonist in the country is the IBD's Mike Ramirez.  On Christmas Eve (12/24), he epitomized the year-long train wreck of the Republican Establishment: ramirez_-_a_spine.png And sure enough, right on cue, yesterday (12/26) Reince Preibus issued a RNC statement wishing everyone a "Happy Kwanzaa!" - proving Ramirez right about the GOP being the Stupid Spineless Party.



I want to wish you the Merriest of Christmases today, Wednesday December 25, but according to the song, the First Day of Christmas is the day after Christmas, December 26. Ancient Christians celebrated "The Holidays," as our militant secularists insist on referring to them now, starting with the day after the birth of Jesus and ending on January 6th with the visit of the Magi in Matthew 2:11 known as the Epiphany. Start with 12/26 and end with 1/6 and you get: the Twelve Days of Christmas. You may be really tired of hearing Christmas songs by now, including this one, yet you may still be wondering what the heck partridges in a pear tree and eight maids a-milking have to do with the birth of the founder of Christianity. So I thought we might take a break from Serious Thoughts About World Events, and take a look at the song's origin, meaning, and myth.



Merry Christmas. If that offends you, why should I care? It's your problem, not mine. Let me explain your problem a little more fully. You folks don't want to be called "liberals" any more because most everyone else has figured out you don't believe in liberty but its opposite - the repression of individual liberty by a fascist nanny state.  So now you demand to be called "progressives" - but we will not comply. For you believe in a regression away from freedom.  You are part of the past, not of the future.  You deserve to be called "regressives."  Another thing you are a regression from is reality.  Christmastime is an opportune moment to focus on one fundamental aspect of reality about America:  America is a Christian country. It's your job to deal with that, because you're not going to change this fact. America has always been a Christian country, and - open wide now, because you're going to have to swallow this - it will continue to be. You have been waging a war against Christmas and Christianity, but you are going to fail.  Here's why.



Jack Kelly sure is right - Christmas has indeed come one week early.  Not only has there been the series of judicial decisions he itemizes - but day before yesterday, the clueless losers trying to con twenty-somethings into buying Zerocare completely and totally jumped the shark. Just in case you got lost in the Asteroid Belt and didn't see it, Zero's two-digit IQ lobbyists of OFA (Organizing for America) actually tweeted this pitch: o_pajama_boy.png The nerdy metrosexual twit in his onesies is an OFA employee named Ethan Krupp.  Dubbed "Pajama Boy," the tweet has gone instantly mega-viral with a tsunami of ridicule and mockery flooding the internet.  Two samples plucked from the flood:



Last January, we started the year with What to Read (1/03).  It was a list of books I'd read during 2012.  So many of you found it useful that I thought I'd provide such a list for 2013. I thought I'd do this now, a week before Christmas, to give you a chance to provide a Christmas present from the list.  The links are to the Kindle edition on Amazon, each with multiple comments and quotes.  You can inexpensively gift someone instantly with the Kindle edition - I read all of these on my iPad - while there's still time for Amazon to deliver a hard copy, or there's your local bookstore. I kept the list not to all the books I read this year, but to just those I thought would be of real interest to TTPers.  There are several I think it quite important for you to consider. I'm sure you'll find at least one or two fascinating either for yourself or someone you care for. Or a regressive libtard you want to educate and/or infuriate.   And, please let us know on the Forum what books rang your bell this year.  Here we go. Civilian Warriors: The Inside Story of Blackwater and the Unsung Heroes of the War on Terror Erik Prince I've known Erik since he was 15 years old, as his father Ed was my friend.  Ed Prince was one of the finest men I've ever known - and Erik is the same.  Erik is an extraordinary American patriot hero - and who was treacherously betrayed by his country's leaders.  His book just came out last month, and I cannot recommend it more highly.  If we ever get a rational pro-American government again, Erik should be our #1 choice for Secretary of Defense.



I was tempted to drop off the "-ets" but this is a family-friendly website.  Two friends of mine specialize in helping people do this, Joel Nagel, whose Caye Bank in Belize focuses on private offshore accounts, and Mike Cobb, whose ECI Development creates escape havens in Central America. Joel and Mike just told me they are holding a Seminar on Offshore Asset Protection Strategies in Gaithersburg, Maryland this Friday, December 20.  It's 12 Noon to 2.  It's only 20 bucks to attend. They'll be discussing the latest on FATCA Fascism, offshore banking, the key questions to ask regarding buying property overseas, their Top Ten asset protection strategies, and can answer whatever questions you may have. If you live anywhere near the DC area, I suggest you strongly consider being there.  To do so, give Valerie Espinoza a call at 786-738-6038 or 800-959-6422 - email her at [email protected].  Again, it's 20 bucks and that includes lunch. Gaithersburg, Maryland, this Friday the 20th.  Could be the most valuable lunch you've had in a very long time.



Recently, the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, outraged the Left by claiming people of low IQ need people of high IQ to carry them on in life.  Mr. Johnson has thus sparked a recent burst of interest in IQ, that despite the Left's apoplexy has been encouraging in one sense. As Robert Plomin, probably the world's leading expert on the genetics of intelligence, put it to me, there used to be a kneejerk reaction along the lines of "you can't measure intelligence," or "it couldn't possibly be genetic." This time the tone is more like: "Of course, there is some genetic influence on intelligence but . . ." The evidence from twin studies, adoption studies and even from DNA evidence is relentlessly consistent: in children, in Western society, the heritability of IQ scores is about 50 per cent. The other half comes equally from family (shared environment) and from unshared individual experiences: luck, teachers, friends. This numerical precision easily misleads us into thinking genes and environment struggle against each other. In fact, they are like two pillars supporting an arch: nature makes you seek out nurture, which brings out your nature. But here is where things get interesting. The acceptance of genetic influence on intelligence leads to some surprising, even paradoxical implications, some of which turn the assumptions of both the Right and the Left upside down.  Particularly to those of Mr. Obama, who is totally clueless in this regard.



Might as well have some fun first before we get to the grim stuff. Yesterday (12/12), Zero was awarded the Lie of the Year Award.  Of course, virtually everything he utters is a lie, but "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," takes the prize. So much so that there's a new term in golf.  Golfers now call a bad lie "an Obama." Then there's Selfiegate.  Google the term and you'll get 350,000 hits even though it was just invented.  On Tuesday (12/10) while attending the Mandela funeral service in Joburg, Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, sitting between Brit PM David Cameron and Zero, snapped a "selfie" - a self-taken smartphone pic - of the three of them. A press pool photographer snapped a shot of them doing so - with Mrs. Zero looking witchily annoyed at her husband enjoying the hot blonde's company and not hers.  It went totally viral.  Selfies at Funeral! was the headline outrage all over the world.  Like giggling teenagers! huffed the London Daily Mail.  It prompted a plethora of spoofs, such as:



It's a brilliant metaphor, isn't it?  It's all encompassing, describing Democrats led by their Prison-Guard-in-Chief, Establishment RINOs from Boehner on down, public unions, teachers unions, the welfare-state/social-worker bureaucracy, EPA fascisti, climate alarmists, eco-luddites, the Enemedia, the majority of professors and administrators in academia, all supported by a libtard judiciary. All of them, epitomized by our Zero of a President, are prison guards of the past, desperately demanding they keep their corrupt perks and power by keeping us locked up in a prison of the status quo and government failure by force of arms - government guns and thieving taxes.   I'd love to claim the metaphor as mine, but it's not.  It's Newt Gingrich's in his new book Breakout.  It's even in the subtitle: Breakout: Pioneers of the Future, Prison Guards of the Past, and the Epic Battle That Will Decide America's Fate. We've had an entrepreneurial information revolution - but we have seen no remotely revolutionary advances whatever in education, healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, much less government.  How come?  Because the old order has a veto.  Because the prison guards of the past are the enemies of the future.



Last week (12/04), Mr. Obama confirmed the suspicion of many that he is indeed a Marxist by giving a speech claiming that "income inequality" is, according to him, "the defining challenge of our time." Yesterday (12/10), the Drudge Report headlined a speech given by David Simon, producer of the HBO show, The Wire, entitled "My Country Is A Horror Show."   Marx was right about capitalism, according to Simon, which is why capitalist America is heartless and cruel and doesn't care about the poor. Thus I was involved in a revealing exchange yesterday. Something I had tweeted about this prompted a series of responses along the lines of "Typical: like all capitalists, you don't like poor people." I couldn't help tweeting back: "I love all these ‘capitalists don't like poor people' tweets. It's true: we want to turn them into rich people. It's socialists who need their client groups." What's fascinating here is not just that the Leftie tweeters are wrong; it's that, like Mr. Obama and Mr. Simon, their premises are lifted directly from Karl Marx.



BlackRock, the world's biggest investor, has warned that central banks are poised to tighten monetary policy in the Anglo-Saxon countries and China, advising clients to be ready to pull out of global stock markets at any sign of serious trouble. "2014 is the year to squeeze more juice out of risk assets. But investors should be ready to discard the fruit when it starts running dry," says Ewen Cameron Watt, chief strategist for the BlackRock Investment Institute. The group says in its 2014 Investment Outlook that investors have "jumped on the momentum train, effectively betting yesterday's strategy will win again tomorrow," but vanishing liquidity could leave them trapped if the mood changes. "Beware of traffic jams: easy to get into, hard to get out of," it says. BlackRock, which manages funds worth $4.1 trillion, says the global system is still in the doldrums and far from achieving sustainable recovery.  There are real warning signs for Oabama's economy.



It's been a very adventurous year.  TTPers joined me venturing to Tahiti in January, Somaliland and Somalia in February, Bolivia in March, Antarctica and remote islands in the South Atlantic in April, the Hidden Alps of Albania in July, Hidden China in September, after which I wandered off myself to Oz and lost islands in the South Pacific. So, what's on tap for Adventure 2014?  First up is Hidden China II in February.  The picture you see above is real.  It's the Hani Rice Terraces in Yunnan, China close to the border with Vietnam.  This is an experience beyond exotic to unknown magical places.  I hope you can be with me.  Click on the link above or on Hidden China II now up in the left side bar for the details - and many more cool pictures. I'm in the final planning stages for what follows.  In March, there's Hidden India: The Seven Sisters.  There's a part of India truly hidden away, separate from the rest of the country to which until very recently no foreigners were allowed.  You still have to get special permits - which we have.



HIDDEN CHINA II A Jack Wheeler Adventure Saturday February 15 - Saturday March 01, 2014 $7750
  [Hani4 OMG] Last September, we had our first adventure to Hidden China.  It was absolutely extraordinary.  Breathtakingly memorable.  Yet China is a gigantic country - far bigger than the US minus Alaska - with a multitude of hidden wonders, way too many to see in just one excursion. Further, you have to pick the right season.  In winter, it's freezing cold in most of China - but down south, in the province of Yunnan bordering Vietnam, Laos, Burma, and Tibet the weather is delightful. So it is here we are having our next adventure into the China that is unbelievable and unknown: Hidden China II. In many ways, Yunnan is China's most stunning and fascinating region.  It has a multitude of incredibly colorful ethnic cultures that are not Han Chinese and have preserved their traditions.  And it has places that will completely blow you away - like Tiger Leaping Gorge, the Dongchuan Redlands, or the thousand year-old Hani Rice Terraces pictured above, clearly one of the great wonders of the world. We go in February, the best time to see them - and a lot more. Note, however, this is an adventure.  We stay in the best hotels and dine in the best restaurants when we can - but that's not always.  We're going to places where tourists aren't.  And our schedule is demanding so we can see them all in two weeks.  Let's get started.  And yes, the pictures are real.



Christmas is less than three weeks away, and the HFR is here with the solution for what presents to get for your friends and loved ones. What could be better than 50% off on a Gift Yearly Subscription to To The Point?  Yes, from now until New Year's (01/01) you can give anyone you know the enlightenment of To The Point for an entire year at half-off.  How can you beat that?  You'll be thanked for it every week from now to next December. And, if you want something gift-wrapped under the Christmas Tree, give them a copy of The Jade Steps:  The Story of the Liberation of Mexico by One of History's Most Heroic Women - by, ahem, yours truly.    America gave itself a huge Christmas present this week: the Gallup poll released yesterday (12/05) on Zero's job approval.  Study it carefully, it will blow you away. Gallup headlines the 23% drop in Hispanic support, from 75 to 52%, which is an eye-opener especially given his desperate pandering to Hispanic illegals.   But he's down by double digits across the board - nonwhites, unmarrieds, all age and income groups, churched or unchurched, men or women.  So it's not just the young ‘uns who've soured on Zero, it's most everyone.  An there's good news elsewhere, including an astounding discovery regarding the world's most vital resource -- water.



Enough is enough.  I want this lying corrupt fascist out of the White House, and I don't want to give him 38 months to leave - 38 months in which he will relentlessly continue to destroy our economy and put our national security in gravest danger. Fortunately, I am far from alone in this desire.  Scores of millions of Americans feel the same way.  And now, more have arrived on the battlefield.  The Millennials are joining us. This week, Millennials have taken over the headlines with news of their rejection of Zero's Sleaze Presidency.  Millennials Abandon Obama is a headline denoting a generational tsunami.  It takes a while for kids to grow up, as we know from personal experience.  Now they've started to, and their teen-age crush on The Won is over. This is a signal moment.  When Harvard University reports that 47% of young Americans between 18 and 29, and 52% between 18 and 25 want to "recall" Zero - as in resign, quit, step down, get out of here and go away - you have a real turning point. The question now is, how do we max this turning point out?  How do we take the best advantage of this moment?



I am one who steers very clear of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories. I often believe liberals/progressives plant stories in order to distract and disrupt, enabling them to pursue their true goals and objectives. That's why I stress the importance of staying focused on the modern liberal socialist policies of the Obama administration, not the sideshow antics. However, as a former combat commander, I have been trained to look for trends. And I believe we've found a very disturbing one. it seems that back door gun control is in full effect in the United States. Why? Thanks to Obama's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), we can no longer smelt lead from ore in the United States. What this all means is that after December 2013, any ammunition that will be available to US citizens will have to be imported, which will surely increase the price and possibly come under government control.  Welcome to Obama's backdoor gun control.