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Dr. Jack Wheeler


Today, May 5th, is known as Cinco de Drunko among college kids these days.  They know it's nothing more than an excuse to get wasted on Jose Cuervo. Cinco de Mayo is a phony tradition, a joke on los gringos, then exploited as a marketing gimmick by Mexican restaurant chains.  So at TTP, our tradition on or about May 5th is to explain la verdad, the truth. Which is, to begin with: Nobody in Mexico cares about May 5th.  Only we, us gringos, pretend to.  For if you ask just about any reveler at the nearest Pancho Villa's Cantina or some such Mexican-themed bar anywhere in the US, just what is being celebrated on May 5th, you'll get either a blank stare or "It's their July 4th " ignorance. So first the real history of Mexico.  Then the reality - the horrific reality of how treasonous fascists like Nancy Pelosi are using Mexico to destroy their own country.  And who is the one man that will stop them.



It's great to be back at the HFR ramparts.  I can't thank Joe Katzman enough for the amazing job he did all of last month while I was gone in Yemen, Socotra, Libya, Tunisia, and Portugal.  Thanks, Joe!  And to Miko, who held down the entire TTP fort. Here's a quote to start things off: "Russians are immune to both reason and the bludgeon.  The only thing you can do with a Russian is give him what he wants or kill him.  Unfortunately, even if you give him what he wants, sooner or later, you're probably going to have to kill him anyway." This observation made by Rail Black, the fictional hero of Wildcase, a marvelous thriller novel written by my friend of many years, Neil Russell, seems acutely apt this week... Other than Putin's invasion of Sudetenland Ukraine possibly triggering war between the US and USSR Russia - financial, military, covert or otherwise - the other blockbuster news of the week was the discovery of the Smoking Benghazi Gun that will blow away Hillary's chances for 2016.  Here it is... All this talk of Benghazi reminds me of the mistake Clive Bundy made... And the HFR Hero of the week is obviously...



Sintra, Portugal.  We're finishing a repeat of the TTP Portugal Retreat today.  What a wonderful time Rebel and I have been having with our fellow TTPers.  We're completing it by having our own celebration of May Day. For millennia, especially here in Europe, the First of May was a happy, joyful celebration of life after winter, with dancing around a Maypole and crowning a pretty girl with flowers as Queen of May.  When we were kids, my sisters would always get up early to pick flowers, and leave them in a basket at the front door for Mom, our family's Queen of May. Today is a national holiday in Portugal, as it is in over 30 other countries in Europe and dozens of other countries around the world.  But not as May Day.  Instead, it's called International Workers Day.  Since it was the invention of Communists in 1889, it should be called Commie Day.  Only Communists could take an innocent celebration of springtime and turn it into celebration of murder, terrorism, hate, and envy. Here's the story.  It begins not in Europe but in America.



[Note by JW:  Ambrose has written something which should provide lively debate on the TTP Forum.  Feel free to counter him with opposing facts and data.] Americans are purging their excesses one by one. Spending by the US Federal government has seen the steepest drop as share of national income since demobilization after the Second World War. Claims that President Barack Obama is bankrupting America with a lurch towards hard-left statism are for tabloid consumption only. Outlays have fallen from 24.4% to 20.6% of GDP in five years. Spending is roughly in line with its 40-year average. This fiscal squeeze has been achieved without driving the economy into recession or a Lost Decade, a remarkable feat. The US Congressional Budget Office expects the budget deficit to drop to 2.8% of GDP this year, and 2.6% next year. This is about the same as the Eurozone but with a huge difference. The US economy is expanding fast enough to outgrow its debts. The US energy revolution is of course at least half the story. It has stoked booms across the Dakotas, Wyoming, Nebraska, Washington, Oregon, Utah and Texas. Francisco Blanch, from Bank of America, estimates that shale gas and oil have given the US economy an extra tailwind worth 1.9% of GDP - what he calls the "energy carry" - with effects rippling through the chemical and plastics industries. New investments in ammonia plants are rising at an exponential rate, thanks to natural gas prices that are $4.40 (per BTU) in the US and $15 on Asia's spot market. While Obama can in no way claim credit for this, the other half of the story is monetary stimulus a l'outrance (to the bitter end) - quantitative easing - to offset fiscal tightening and prevent a "pro-cyclical" downward spiral, which is what occurred when the European Central Bank jumped the gun and raised rates twice in 2011 before recovery was entrenched, setting off the cataclysmic crisis that nearly destroyed EMU in mid-2012.



Hi, fellow TTPers.  You first heard from me last October when I told you about The Coming Capitalist Salvation of India. It was a heads-up regarding the almost impossible-to-believe level of government venality and corruption in India today - and its impending cure: the election of India's Ronald Reagan, Narendra Modi.  So I'd like to suggest you re-read it to get you back to speed before we discuss what's happening right now. Ready?  OK, here we go. Since India's last general election in 2009, 100 million more voters have been added to the rolls, bringing India's electorate to 815 million.  You can't have them vote all at once, so the 2014 election is taking place in 9 regional phases from April 7 to May 12.  All 543 seats of India's Parliament, the Lok Sabha, will be chosen from a multitude of parties.  The results will be announced on May 16. The country has not witnessed this kind of excitement about an election since independence in 1947. There have been record voter turnouts across the country. I cannot emphasize the prominence of this election to India and the world. The result of this election will not just change but transform the country, either for good or worse.



Carthage, Tunisia. carthage.png The ruins here have a personal significance for me, as this is where Hannibal (247-181 BC) was born and raised.  He grew up to be one of the greatest military geniuses in history.  Everyone knows of his leading his army over the Alps with war elephants to attack Rome.  That was in 218 BC.  It would be 2,197 years until elephants crossed the Alps again over the actual pass used by Hannibal - the Col du Clapier - when I led the expedition that did it in 1979. The view from Byrsa Hill, upon which the main citadel of Carthage was built, is spectacular.  The Mediterranean shimmers in cobalt blue, while the capital city of Tunisia, Tunis, rises in the distance.  The extraordinary events that took place there three years ago launched what became known as the Arab Spring. It was 190 miles to the south, however, in the obscure rural town of Sidi Bouzaid, where the initial spark occurred.  As I gazed out into the distance, I thought of the connection between an impoverished street vendor in Sidi Bouzaid named Mohamed Bouazizi and a cattle rancher in Bunkerville, Nevada named Cliven Bundy.



The most terrifying aspect of the collapse of US power worldwide is the US's indifferent response to it. In Europe, in Asia, in the Middle East and beyond, America's most dangerous foes are engaging in aggression and brinkmanship unseen in decades. The US has responded to Chinese aggression with ever-escalating attempts to placate Beijing - while China has responded to these US overtures by demonstrating contempt for US power. As for Europe, the Obama administration's responses to Russia's annexation of Crimea and to its acts of aggression against Ukraine bespeak a lack of seriousness and dangerous indifference to the fate of the US alliance structure in Eastern Europe. In the Middle East, it is not only the US's obsessive approach to the Palestinian conflict with Israel that lies in shambles. The entire US alliance system and the Obama administration's other signature initiatives have also collapsed.  The key examples are Iran and Syria. Yet the problem is not limited to Obama and his advisers or even to the political Left. Their delusional view that the US will suffer no consequences for its consistent record of failure and defeat is shared by a growing chorus of conservatives.



A tragedy occurred for all the greenies celebrating Earth Day yesterday (April 22). The Associated Press released an AP-GfK poll revealing that more Americans believe in God than in man-made global warming. Can't you just hear the wailing and gnashing of greenie teeth?  They will seize on this as proof that Americans are credulous and anti-scientific, but I'd draw the opposite conclusion. The survey instead shows how remarkably resilient Americans are in the face of relentless environmental brainwashing. The schools, the universities, the government, the green NGOs, Hollywood and the Enemedia have invested billions of man hours and dollars trying to persuade Americans that climate change is the greatest threat of our age. But according to this survey, only 33 per cent are buying it - while another 37 per cent remain thoroughly unconvinced. In the survey, respondents were asked how confident they were in a range of scientific statements. The ones in which they had fullest confidence were:



The United States has constructed a financial neutron bomb. For the past 12 years an elite cell at the US Treasury has been sharpening the tools of economic warfare, designing ways to bring almost any country to its knees without firing a shot. The strategy relies on hegemonic control over the global banking system, buttressed by a network of allies and the reluctant acquiescence of neutral states. Let us call this the Manhattan Project of the early 21st century. "It is a new kind of war, like a creeping financial insurgency, intended to constrict our enemies' financial lifeblood, unprecedented in its reach and effectiveness," says Juan Zarate, the Treasury and White House official who helped spearhead policy after 9/11. "The new geo-economic game may be more efficient and subtle than past geopolitical competitions, but it is no less ruthless and destructive," he writes in his book Treasury's War: the Unleashing of a New Era of Financial Warfare. Bear this in mind as Washington tightens the noose on Vladimir Putin's Russia, slowly shutting off market access for Russian banks, companies and state bodies with $714bn of dollar debt (Sberbank data).  And be aware of the clear risk of an "asymmetric" riposte by the Kremlin.



Tripoli, Libya.  I - and events - are moving fast here, so I'm writing this on the fly.  I got here over the weekend after an incredible time in Socotra - which is more amazing than any pictures could show but no internet. The night I arrived, Saturday 4/12, there was an attack on the family of Libya's latest Prime Minister, Abdullah al-Thinni.  The next morning, Sunday 4/13, he resigned.  Day before yesterday, Tuesday 4/15, Jordan's ambassador to Libya, Fawaz al-Aytan, was kidnapped by masked gunmen in broad daylight right here in downtown Tripoli. I only learned of these events on CNN's website.  There was no evidence of anything unusual driving around the city, no one I talked to thought they were worth mentioning.  By all outward appearances, everything seems normal.  Lots of traffic, everyone going about their business, traffic cops behaving normally, no military police with checkpoints all over, no heightened security that I could see. The same outside the city.  There are two astounding World Heritage Sites - Sabratha 40 miles west of Tripoli, and Leptis Magna, 80 miles to the east.  I've been to both since I got here, and not a single checkpoint on the way to either, government soldiers nor any militia.  Everything and everyone seemed normal, no problem.  There are some weird things, of course.  Libya is one of the world's major oil producers, yet there are long - really long - lines of cars at every gas station.  An appreciable number of drivers, over 10% at least, are majnoon, reckless madman crazy.  Huge auto junk yards filled with horrifically wrecked cars attest to their winning Darwin Awards. The positive surprises, however, outnumber the negative.  You could say it's springtime in Libya.



Passover, which began on Monday night (4/14), is the festival of freedom. We repeat the story of enslavement, flight, redemption and freedom each year at Passover, because our sages wanted to ensure that we never forget the value of freedom, and remain vigilant in our fight for it. In Israel, where our freedom is physically threatened, most Jews understand and live by the lessons of Passover.  But something is happening to the Jews in America. More and more, every day we see American Jews embracing intellectual bondage. We see American Jewish leaders embracing the intolerant, who seek to constrain freedom, and shunning those who fight for freedom and the rights of Jews and other threatened peoples and groups. To a large degree, this rejection of the lessons of the Exodus among the American Jewish community reflects the growing intolerance and tyranny of the political Left, to which most American Jews pledge their allegiance.  Here are the latest odious examples.



Russia is at increasing risk of a full-blown financial crisis as the West tightens sanctions and Russian meddling in Ukraine pushes the region towards conflagration. The country's private companies have been shut out of global capital markets almost entirely since the crisis erupted, causing a serious credit crunch and raising concerns that firms may not be able to refinance debt without Russian state support. "No Eurobonds have been rolled over for six weeks. This cannot continue for long and is becoming a massive issue," said an official from a major Russian bank. "Companies have to roll over $10bn a month and nothing is moving. The markets have been remarkably relaxed about this, given how dangerous it is. Russia's greatest vulnerability is the bond market," he said. The warnings came as EU foreign ministers agreed to draft plans for "Stage III" sanctions - this time hitting economic and financial targets - if Russian president Vladimir Putin sends troops into East Ukraine or tries to seize territory. Washington is forcing the pace in any case as is tightens the noose by other means, using regulatory "stealth" power to force banks across the world to pull back from Russia.



On Tuesday (4/08), we learned that "crews searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 have failed to relocate the sounds previously heard deep in the Indian Ocean, raising fears that the batteries in the plane's black box may have died." The tragic disappearance of all 239 people on board flight MH370 in the Indian Ocean has one really peculiar feature to it: none of the possible explanations is remotely plausible, yet one of them must be true. The usual rule on these occasions - choose the simplest explanation or, as William of Ockham taught, make the fewest assumptions - simply does not work. There is no simple explanation. Whether the cause was an accidental decompression, a terrorist act or a suicide, all three require us to assume that an outlandish and bizarre sequence of events happened. I don't know about you, but I have had conversations about MH370 with many people recently, some of whom were fairly confident that they knew what had happened. Yet every story they told was baroque in its contrivance to the point of implausibility, requiring a chain of events that stretched my credulity. Yet, as I say, one such story will turn out to be right. Consider the sequence of events.



The eurozone debt crisis is deepening and threatens to re-erupt on a larger scale when the liquidity cycle turns, a leading panel of economists warned in a clash of views with German officials in Berlin. "Debts above 130% of GDP for Italy and 170% for Greece are a recipe for disaster once we go into the next downturn," said Professor Charles Wyplosz, from Geneva University. "Today's politicians believe the crisis is over and don't want to hear any more about it, but they have not tackled the core issues of fiscal union and public debt," he said, speaking at Euromoney's annual Germany conference. Ludger Schuknecht, director-general of the German finance ministry, insisted that the debt-stricken states of the eurozone are well on the way to recovery, ending their EU-IMF rescue programs successfully one by one. There is no need for any major shift in policy. "The strategy has been right. We need to bring down debt and this is now consensus," he said. This optimism is sharply at odds with the view of almost every foreign-based economist attending the event. Charles Dallara, former head of the International Institute for Finance and chief negotiator for global banks in Greece's debt-restructuring, said little has been done to put the eurozone on a viable footing, even if sovereign bond yields in southern Europe have fallen to record lows.



[Note:  I am off to Socotra and beyond.  Jack Kelly is also away on a well-deserved vacation.  In our absence, Joe Katzman will man the HFR ramparts.  He is asking TTPers to send him their suggestions for what recent events of note deserve inclusion in the HFR. "Send your suggestions etc. to our new [Half-Full Report email address ] at gmail dot com, the "person" is TTPHFR" - Thanks, and thanks, Joe!] Here's an interesting question:  Do Russians and Chinese exist?  Obviously yes in an ordinary sense.  But do they possess any individual identity beyond being simply members of their tribal collective? Human beings seem genetically hard-wired to be tribal.  Just about all of us derive at least part of our self-identity via membership in one or more tribes.  But most in the West do not submerge their identity into the tribe.  An exception might be a substantial fraction of American Blacks, for whom being "black" overrides everything else.  This, of course, is racism, but all forms of racism are merely a variety of tribalism. For most of us, however - and this includes a great many American Blacks - what we see in the mirror is an individual human being distinct and separate from others.  Our participation in the welter of groups and tribes to which we belong is something more of choice than necessity, something that we could withdraw from without feeling at a loss to know who we were. This is not the case with the great majority of Russians and Chinese.  Having little sense of individual empowerment, the average Russian gets a frisson whenever his government pushes other governments and countries around.  They want Russia to be a bully.  They want other people to be afraid of them because they are Russian.



I just saw Noah. The film is a remarkable display of special effects. It is also one of the funniest comedies I have seen in a very long time. Aronofsky deserves a great deal of praise for turning a serious subject into a non-stop laugh fest of techno-electro music, orchestral scores, blasting special effects, and even rock monsters. The ad campaign tried to ease Christians' nerves that all would be well, artistic license was taken, but the movie would be faithful to the story. If they hadn't tried to con Christians into the movie, I wouldn't have a problem. It was a pretty awesome sci-fi spectacle complete with Ent-like rock monsters, a super-powered Methuselah, Adam and Eve as glow in the dark space aliens, and Hermione Granger. I am not kidding.



Is this the most fabulous 30-second political ad you've ever seen in your life? {youtube}p9Y24MFOfFU{/youtube}  Joni Ernst is a 43 year-old state senator, a Lt. Colonel in the Iowa National Guard who served in Iraq, and a rock-solid conservative - see her issue positions - who is a Republican candidate for the US Senate. On Monday (3/24), she released the ad above that's been hailed by NRO as having "The Greatest Opening Line in the History of Campaign Commercials."  To wit: "I'm Joni Ernst... I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm, so when I get to Washington, I'll know how to cut pork." On Wednesday (3/26), the front page headline in Iowa newspapers was "Sarah Palin Endorses Joni Ernst."  That evening, Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show showed the ad in his opening monologue, then commented:  "I don't know what she's running for but just give her the job."  On Comedy Central, Stephen Colbert endorsed her, explaining: "Joni, you had me at 'castration.' Folks, it does not matter what else she stands for. I'm pulling for her whole-hog, or whatever is left of the hog when she's done with it."



Capital flight from Russia has spiked dramatically since President Vladimir Putin first sent troops into Crimea and may reach $70 billion over the first quarter of the year, prompting fears that the country may soon have to impose capital controls to stem the loss. "It is shocking," says Bartosz Pawlowski from BNP Paribas. "Markets have been extremely complacent, fooling themselves that Russia is invulnerable because it has almost half a trillion in foreign reserves. But reserves can become almost irrelevant in this sort of crisis." Lars Christensen from Danske Bank says the authorities may resort to some form of financial coercion to lock down funds in Russia. "Capital controls are a serious risk, and should not be discounted. Whatever now happens, there has been permanent damage to the Russian economy because investors are not going to forget this lightly." The US and the EU are ratcheting up the pressure each day following a spate of sanctions last week on Mr. Putin's inner circle. The latest example came Monday (3/24), when....



Who's the Prankster now? Zero issued his first set of "punitive sanctions" against the Kremlin on Monday (3/17).  They were so wimpy the liberal New York Daily News called him "Putin's Patsy" - denouncing him as "hapless, helpless and hopeless in facing down Russian strongman Vladimir Putin's annexation of Crimea." The banner headline on Drudge was Russia Laughs at Obama ‘Sanctions' - Calls Him ‘Prankster'.  Yesterday (3/20), Zero issued his second set of sanctions.  Nobody is laughing in the Kremlin today.  That's because they are for real, targeting Putin's Inner Circle - the guys who hold Putin's "personal purse strings."  Right in tandem yesterday, Merkel and the EU announced they were placing asset freezes on these same guys.  As the HFR has been predicting for the last two weeks, the strategy is to bankrupt Putin personally, seize his stash of billions.  That is now underway. And the Russkie response?  I can't resist adjusting Fox's headline:



Are you ready?  Are you ready?  History is about to change direction.  That a self-declared "rebel on the right" street artist named Sabo created this poster, then plastered it on streets in Beverly Hills over last weekend, is one indication.  Pictures of it went instantly viral on the Web, then went viral on stilts when Cruz tweeted his response:
Even the HuffPo was in awe of Cruz's perfect sense of humor, calling it "incredible."  Cruz then sent a signed poster back to Sabo, inscribing, "The fight for liberty never ends."  Say goodbye to a Republican Party being run by Rino squishes.  Here's the Pub Party of the future.  Cruz is cool.   Welcome to 1974 in obverse.



China faces the biggest property default on record as credit curbs threaten to break the housing boom, leaving a string of "ghost towns" across the country. The Chinese newspaper Economic Daily News said Xingrun Properties, in the coastal city of Ningbo, is on the brink of collapse with debts of $570m, mostly owed to banks. The local government has set up a working group to contain the crisis. "As far as we know, this is the largest property developer in recent years at risk of bankruptcy," says Zhiwei Zhang, from Nomura Securities.  "We believe that a sharp property market correction could lead to a systemic crisis in China, and is the biggest risk China faces in 2014. The risk is particularly high in third and fourth-tier cities, which accounted for 67% of housing under construction in 2013." Yu Xuejun, the banking regulator for Jiangsu province, says developers are running out of cash. This risks undermining land sales needed to fund local government entities. "Credit defaults will definitely happen. It's just a matter of timing, scale and how big the impact is," he said.  The charts below tell the story.



The "news" is resolutely out of context.  A subject about which virtually nothing is known - the mystery of the missing airplane - gets saturation "coverage," while events of potentially earth-shaking importance are largely unreported. Any self-respecting "news network" would relentlessly run stories about the ongoing demonstrations from Caracas to Maracaibo - demonstrations surely the equal of those from Maidan Square in Kiev - but no. The Venezuelan uprising may turn out to be the biggest story of all, because it is part of a world-wide battle that pits anti-Western tyrannies against their own people, and against their neighbors.  It is of a piece with Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran and Russia itself, where, just a few days ago, fifty thousand Muscovites demonstrated against Putin's imperialist moves in Ukraine. I've been saying for years that we're the target of a global war, that the Pyongyang-Beijing-Moscow-Tehran-Damascus-Havana-Caracas  Axis of Evil is hell-bent to dominate and destroy us.  Now the evidence is so clear that only a willfully blind man could fail to see it. 



Important Announcement:  the last section of this HFR is devoted to addressing concerns regarding the New TTP Forum. The theme for the week is Birds of a Hubristic Feather.  The shades of Sophocles and Aeschylus are looking up at us from the depths of Hades in sad wonder that humans in power never learn the lesson the Greeks knew so well two and a half millennia ago. Thus we get such marvelously good news this week as Pelosi Galore announcing that Dems Won't Run from Obamacare in Midterms. You're just not going to get a better example of masochistic hubris than that.  It's of course the path to electoral disaster in November.  Zero could take a different path, but can be supremely confident this will never happen - because Zero is a solipsistic narcissist who lives in Hubris City.  In addition, he's ignorant, uneducated, and actually pretty stupid - all his affirmative action Ivy League degrees notwithstanding.  He's glib and shrewd and smooth - but not smart.  Now,is there anyone on the planet more hubristic than Zero?  Why, yes - that would be Vladimir Vladimirovich Pooty-Poot Putin.  Oh, look!  He's riding a horse without a shirt! Oh! He's so big and tough and strong!  Oh, what a pile of horse manure. 



Russia risks a wave of capital flight and a shattering economic crisis as the West prepares a package of sanctions over the seizure of Crimea. Chancellor Angela Merkel spelled out the danger for Russia in a speech to the German Parliament yesterday (3/13) that silenced pro-Kremlin voices in her own coalition and left no doubt that Europe is now fully behind the US on punitive measures. "If Russia continues on its course of the past weeks, that will not only be a great catastrophe for Ukraine. It will cause massive damage to Russia, both economically and politically," she said. "None of us wants it to come to this, but we are determined to act. Let me be absolutely clear; the territorial integrity of Ukraine is not up for discussion." The West has threatened visa bans and an asset freeze on individuals as early as next Monday (3/17) unless Russia steps back from the brink on the annexation of Crimea. And that is only the begining. Russia has threatened to retaliate with "symmetrical sanctions" but Tim Ash, from Standard Bank, said it is a one-sided contest that Moscow cannot win.  Here's why.



Ever hear of a guy named Walt Kelly?  He was born in Philly in 1913, moved to California in the 30s to draw Donald Duck cartoons for Walt Disney, and started his own newspaper comic strip in 1949.  It featured anthropomorphic animals in Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp, with the main character named Ponce de Leon Montgomery County Alabama Georgia Beauregard Possum - a dig at the South's pretentious aristocracy. Kelly titled his comic strip after Ponce's nickname - Pogo.  If you grew up in the 50s or 60s, you grew up with Pogo, along with an innumerable cast of lovable animal characters (there were almost 1,000 over the years), all poking gentle fun at the human condition.  In 1971, two years before his death from diabetes, he published the cartoon for which he is best known. pogo.png This is more frighteningly relevant today than 42 years ago - and the "us" is all of us.  There are varying degrees of complicity.  At the top, of course, is an Anti-American President who hates his own country.  Zero is an affirmative action baby, handed everything on a platter without earning it because of his race and made-up bio.  He's our #1 security threat because he doesn't want to defend us, and worse, doesn't know how if he did want to.  Bad combo. Which bring us to the real security threat beyond our shores.  It isn't Russia, with its one-trick pony economy that can't even get itself above water with oil at $100 a barrel.  Putin is all bare-chested bluster, all hat and no cattle.  No, the real foreign threat we face is China. I've been going to China since 1979, and as you know, just got back from there again last week.  Here are three pictures of the spectacular places we visited that I took with my Panasonic DMC-TZ5 compact camera.  There is a particular reason for me to show them to you.



Bloomberg columnist Jeffrey Goldberg minced few words in discussing the interview that US President Barack Hussein Obama gave him on the eve of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's latest visit to Washington. Speaking with journalist Charlie Rose, Goldberg equated Obama's threat to stop supporting Israel in international forums to the talk of a mafia don. Obama told Goldberg that if Israel doesn't cut a deal with the Palestinians soon, "our ability to manage the international fallout is going to be limited." He added, "And that has consequences." Obama's statement, Goldberg noted, was a "veiled threat" and "almost up there with, ‘Nice little Jewish state you've got there. Hate to see something happen to it.'" Goldberg saw the interview as Obama's way of showing that he is beginning to abandon the pretense of supporting Israel, now that he no longer faces reelection. In Goldberg's words, "It's not that the gloves are coming off. It's more that the mask of diplomatic language is coming off." Now that he no longer has to concern himself with the wishes of the American public and its representatives in Congress, Obama has dropped the mask of opposition to Iran and forged ahead with a diplomatic process that all but ensures Iran will acquire nuclear weapons. So what can Israel do?  Well, here is Priority #1: Israel needs to directly attack Iran's nuclear installations - by covert action as well as through overt military strikes, as required.  And Obama be damned.



It is always an intensely interesting and educational experience on any visit to China.  Now that I'm out, I can talk about it, as everything you do online is monitored - just like in the US (except that you can use an anonymizer like Cryptohippie which is blocked in China). On Saturday, March 01, there was an astonishing terrorist attack at the railway station of Kunming, capital of Yunnan province.  Six men and two women, wearing masks and all black uniforms of some kind, bearing long knives - no other weapons, just knives - stabbed 29 people to death and wounded well over one hundred. I was not far away at the time, and flew through the Kunming airport the next day. *** What's so totally ridiculous about this two-bit KGB thug Putin seizing Crimea and playing the Russian bear is how our very own President Pussy hasn't the cojones to kick him in his vulnerabilities. *** My friend John Bolton nailed it yesterday (3/06) in his speech at CPAC:  "Our biggest national security crisis is Barack Obama." John could not possibly be more spot on.  Yet Zero is not only the Number One threat to America's national security.  He is the Number One threat to America's economy, to America's freedom, to America's culture, and to America's future. So let's see where Zero and his DemFascist minions may have screwed up this week.



You may have seen the headlines that yesterday (3/05) at the CPAC conference in Washington, I called for the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service.  It's true.  I said "The IRS should go the way of the dodo." The IRS is currently considering new rules to limit the free speech of the very same groups it illegally targeted. In short, the Obama Administration is trying to do through regulatory fiat what it was unable to legally do before: limit the First Amendment rights of Americans. Below  is the letter I sent to Attorney General Eric Holder calling for a special prosecutor to investigate IRS's illegal targeting of conservative groups. My speech at CPAC was entitled How We Win.  I explained that "If you want to lose elections, stand for nothing." By contrast, you win elections by standing for principles and believing that there is a better tomorrow. How do we inspire people? Number one we tell the truth.... The truth is Washington is corrupt. As more and more people make great wealth in Washington, young people, single moms, and small business owners suffer.  Real change is changing the corruption that is here in Washington, D.C.



In its annual survey of American Jewry published last October, the American Jewish Committee found that 75 percent of American Jews agree with the statement, "The goal of the Arabs is not a peaceful two-state agreement with Israel, but rather the destruction of Israel." And yet, American Jews supported the establishment of a Palestinian state 50% to 47%. Next week over 10,000 predominantly Jewish American supporters of Israel will gather in Washington at AIPAC's annual policy conference. Given their high commitment to Israel, probably most of those gathered belong to the 47% of American Jews who opposed Palestinian statehood. These committed supporters of the Jewish state have been sternly lectured that Israel is doomed if it doesn't give the Palestinians an outlet for their political impulses outside of Israel, because within a year or two there will be more Palestinians than Israelis west of the Jordan. The same day AIPAC's delegates meet with members of both houses of Congress, my new book, The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East will be released by Crown Forum, a division of Random House.   In my book, I show that the demographic time bomb is a dud, and a malicious one at that.



It's all about winning and losing, but the best man doesn't always win, and outcomes frequently have more to do with luck than with merit.  Brilliant strategies fail, and fools stumble into glorious victories.  Napoleon preferred a lucky general to a brilliant one. Which brings us to today.  The headlines are grim, the pictures from Syria, Venezuela and Ukraine are blood-chilling, executions and demonstrations are mounting in Iran, and Obama doesn't know what to do about anything.  So he doesn't do anything; he and his strategists just dither.  And yet... And yet, our enemies may be on the verge of losing.  Big time. The global anti-freedom alliance consists primarily of jihadis and radical leftists, the two principal forces committed to the destruction of what is sometimes known as the Western world. That alliance is cracking, because many millions of people are fighting the anti-Western tyrants.  Here's the scorecard.



Lijiang, Yunnan, China.  I'm in the midst of conducting my Hidden China II adventure when an extraordinary opportunity has suddenly materialized. What you  see above is an actual unretouched photograph, not a painting.  It was taken by National Geographic photographer Franz Lanting at sunrise at the base of the world's biggest sand dune in the world's oldest desert in Africa's most spectacularly unknown country: Namibia. Namibia is as big as Texas and Oklahoma together, yet only has 2 million people.  The former German colony of Southwest Africa, it gained independence in 1990.  While it is one of Africa's cleanest, safest, and best-run countries, it only now is beginning to be discovered by savvy international travelers as the place to have an African Safari like nowhere else. Even if you have been to the Serengeti of Tanzania, the Masai Mara of Kenya, or the Okavango of Botswana, Namibia's unique beauty, wildlife, and tribes will astound you.  The opportunity is this: I have been able to arrange a safari to Namibia's most spectacular places and tribes - The Namib Desert, the Skeleton Coast, the Painted Himba Nomads, the Etosha Pan with such a profusion of wildlife it's known as Africa's Last Eden - at a stunningly low cost for a luxury private air safari.  What's more, the Hidden Africa Safari is at the best time of year for game viewing, after the rainy season with the grass drying up and the wildlife congregating at the waterholes.  And we can do it all in little more than one week, departing the US on Friday May 23 and arriving back in the US on Sunday June 01. The catch is that I only have until March 15, then the opportunity goes away.  And I can only take 8 TTPers.  I can't post more than a few photos with the connection I have here in China.  Here's a brief summary.



This Saturday, February 22, is the 282nd anniversary of the birth of America's founder, the equal in nobility, heroism, and virtue of any human being who ever lived -- George Washington. What it is not, nor is any day such as last Monday (2/17), is the phony holiday called "Presidents Day."  Let's be quite clear on this.  There is no such holiday.  It exists only in the minds of furniture dealers, car salesmen, and Hate-America leftists. It wasn't until 1870 that there were any national holidays at all, recognized by the federal government and granting federal workers a day off, although four were recognized by most states:  the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.  In 1870, Congress declared them national. In 1879, Congress added Washington's birthday to the national list, which had been unofficially celebrated by most Americans for many decades.  Memorial Day (originally called Decoration Day after the custom of decorating Civil War soldiers' graves with flowers), was traditionally celebrated on May 30, but had no formal designation until 1968 with a law called the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.  It was the Democrat Congress and President who damaged the memory of George Washington with this act of anti-patriotism.  Here it is:



I'm Ron Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect. This week, we celebrated something called "Presidents Day."  I thought you might enjoy the most revealing comments the many Secret Service agents I interviewed made regarding the Presidents and First Ladies they protected.  They are all quotes from my book. We start with John and Jacqueline Kennedy and end with Barack and Michelle Obama.  Here is what Secret Service agents actually think of them.



I don't think it's hard to understand Obama's foreign policy.  Although there's a lot we don't know about him, his basic impulses are clear enough.  He's told us what they are (although, to be sure, he often misleads and obfuscates), and his actions are in keeping with his announced impulses.  Furthermore, there's nothing unique or surprising about them - you can hear them in our classrooms and our college dorms, and read them in the establishment press every day.  He's an establishment member in high standing. Voilá: He believes that most of the serious problems in the world are the result of past American actions.  Call it imperialism.  Call it meddling.  Call it arrogance (as the Iranians do).  Whatever you call it, it means that pre-Obama policies were bad. Ergo, it's mostly Bush's fault. (Shorthand for "before me, they didn't understand.  Anything.")  It follows that the single most important action to ensure good policies is...



China's Xi Jinping has cast the die. After weighing up the unappetizing choice before him for a year, he has picked the lesser of two poisons. The balance of evidence is that most powerful Chinese leader since Mao Tse-tung aims to prick China's $24 trillion credit bubble early in his 10-year term, rather than putting off the day of reckoning for yet another cycle. This may be well-advised for China, but the rest of the world seems remarkably nonchalant over the implications. Brazil, Russia, South Africa, and the commodity bloc are already in the cross-hairs. "China is getting serious about deleveraging," says Patrick Legland and Wei Yao from Societe Generale. "It is difficult to gently deflate a bubble. There is a very real possibility that this slow deflation may get out of control and lead to a hard landing." Societe Generale has defined its hard landing as a fall in Chinese growth to a trough of 2%, with two quarters of contraction. This would cause a 30% slide in Chinese equities, a 50% crash in copper prices, and a drop in Brent crude to $75.



I have to keep this short as I'm soon boarding a very long flight to China.  Jack Kelly will be manning the HFR ramparts while I'm gone, but I have to tell you this now. The story starts with an obscure state politician representing District 67 of the Utah House of Representatives named Marc Roberts.  If you look at that official state government website, you won't see anything unusual. Like most pols, he also has his own site:  How many elected politicians start their site off with a quote from Bastiat's The Law?  Followed by a statement of commitment to State Sovereignty and the Tenth Amendment? Yet it's not Roberts' words that are most interesting, however, it's what he is doing.  He may have found the Achilles' Heel of the NSA. You may have heard of the gigantic $1.5 billion, one million square-foot date collection center the NSA is building in Bluffdale, Utah called Bumblehive.  It will require 1.7 million gallons of water a day to cool the massive NSA computers spying on all of us.  Roberts knows how to cut off the water supply.



In last week's Half-Full Report (see the section on Debbie Does USAF), Jack asked me to comment about America's F-22A Raptor and F-35A/B/C Lightning II fighters.  Namely: if the F-22 Raptor was the better fighter, why was it canceled in favor of the F-35? Both fighters sit at the nexus of some pretty big assumptions and questions about US air power in the next few decades, so it's hard to give a brief answer, but I'm going to try. In brief: Yes, the F-22 is a much better fighter than the F-35. Indeed, it remains the best fighter in the world by a wide margin. The flip side is that it can't perform some roles, costs a lot to maintain, and will cost quite a lot ($7 billion or more) to upgrade to modern standards. But the bottom line is thatI don't think the core problem is F-22 vs. F-35. The core problem is...



With no prospects for a successful legislative agenda in Congress and even his talk of governing by executive order not impressing either friends or foes, President Barack Hussein Obama seems to be drifting inexorably toward lame-duck status. But there is no better indication of just how politically toxic Obama has become than the rumblings that came out of last week's meeting between the president and Senate Democrats. As Politico reports, the White House has agreed to stay out of most of the key races that will decide whether Democrats retain control of the Senate this year.   In 2008, Obama was a Messiah.  In 2014, Obama is now a Leper.  To an increasing number of Democrats.  Here's why.



Was there some kind of football game last Sunday?  I remember Broadway Joe's totally bitchin' fur coat that got all the PETA pussies in a tizzy.  broadway_joe.png And of course,  Tim Tebow's fabulous commercial:  {youtube}xTaH-OtUv94{/youtube} But other than a safety being scored in the first 12 seconds, not much else. Oh, yes, there was President Smidgen, demonstrating for the billionth time that he hasn't a smidgen of honesty in his devious heart of darkness.



103 years ago on this day, February 6, 2014, Ronald Reagan was born. I wish I had the capacity to describe adequately what it was like being in Ronald Reagan's presence. I have met many extraordinary people in my life, from Hollywood's most famous stars to presidents of countries.  But Ronald Reagan had a magic that was unique to him alone. There was a depth of character to his charisma that seemed bottomless. There was a solidity of integrity and humanity behind the dazzling charm that was matchless. You loved Ronald Reagan for his ideals and his complete fearlessness in advocating them - and you loved Ronald Reagan for the man, the human being, he was. On March 30, 1961, as a spokesman for General Electric and well before he entered politics, he gave a speech to the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, which he entitled "Encroaching Control."  In it, he delivered one of his most famous quotes: Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it and then hand it to them with the well thought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free. It is one thing to read these words.  It is another to listen to him actually say them: {youtube}SDouNtnR_IA{/youtube} The power of his voice makes you cry, doesn't it?  Because his words have so devastatingly come true.